Club Penguin will add more new items to the Treasure Book this Friday! WOOT!
Click here to read more about the treasure book.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, treasure book
Club Penguin will add more new items to the Treasure Book this Friday! WOOT!
Click here to read more about the treasure book.
sweet mimo! 8 bella girl8
hey mimo i love club penguin gang thats great!. but the problem is that i dont have a code well see ya there! i will get a code
ok, this thing is jam-packed with rasins!ahhhhewww. eew. ok just spit out 5or6 from 8bella girl8 cpg mod
Yay!That's awesome.
My Planet Cazmo Person is Candle Flap!
come evrybody is waiting now to pc evrybody is waiting please come i am silverkid18
yes!im getting some code stuff for christmas sooo now ill have a better selection i am a member and now i have a dojo igloo sweet
That's Awesome!
hey mimo,
I was wondering if you could help me on Club Penguin Elite Force? I can't find the construction worker's wrench. Can you help me?
im confused!! can everybody get it?!
awesome!!! when??? and where?? Liznewyok
OMG ok so my sister's penguin, Candybeard (u probably don't remember) played u in card-jitsu like 5 or 6 times and she beat u every time! i think it was because ur computer wasn't working though. good try she is really good at that game. i watched her the entire time! LOL!
P.S my name is KeenyPeach
true its is getting full
Hey Mimo, there's this cool glitch I found by accident - you can switch from several places automatically! To do it, first, in Club penguin, go to another room from the one you're in. The screen must be blue(showing the spinning arrows), and it should be loading for some time for this glitch to work. Then, click on the place where the map should be. You won't see it, but your mouse will turn into a hand. After clicking it, move the arrow around the screen until it turns into a hand(I suggest memorizing where the rooms are on the map). Click as quickly as possible on all the places the arrow turns into a hand. Then wait until the screen loads. After a few seconds, you will start moving through different rooms automatically!! I hope you will understand this explanation - this glitch is really something!
dear maryvuhanh
Evey one can toys to get codes they are at toys r us, disney stores,and club penguin shop online but not all toys have codes and members and non members can use codes
The wrench is under the seat in the coffee shop!
hi mimo can i give u my email so we can talk and stuff
dear anonymous im sorry i have no idea what level you are on if i knew i could help you sorry
hi, i gotta glitch in Fairy Fables- if u hold candyfloss or lollipop or anything, and start dancing the lollipop or coandyfloss goes in the water in the river (if ur dancing in the river!)
my name will be Bans121
thats so cool!
hey u ever go on CP just for, without parties?? besides u taking pictures there, do u ever just like play a game, or visit a friends igloo??
planet cazmo name--Cumquat...c u at 3!
kept saying woton socks. hmmmmmmm
Maryvuhanh Said...
"im confused!! can everybody get it?!"
If you mean stuff from the treasure book than yes, everyone can get it, but only if they have codes. To get codes you must buy a Club Penguin Soft Toy, Action Figure, Book, Game, Playset ect. You can buy these online or at local Disney and Toys r Us stores. Also Christmas is almost here so maybe there an idea for a gift off Santa.
Amanda Dlny (CPM-In Training)
hey, this is Tntneopets. i just found this cool glitch. if you go join a sled race (works best on Ridge Run) without anyone else there and move to the side onto the other little pole thingies, you will leave your tube and walk over behind the joining place.
Mimo,Zoe Zoe, U Fride, Me Santa, Ea!
If you see "stickers303" whick is me, please add me if you can =)
You guys are my CPG and PCG Buddies 4 life!
Yo mimo my whole computer is freezing up becose Cazmo is so full r u gonna be able to get in?
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
"im confused!! can everybody get it?!"
You need a special code to get the items. The special codes come from Club Penguin toys.
~Slimz1~ (training/hopefully to be a CPG mod)
Also I don't think it's "this Friday". I think you mean't next Friday. This friday has already gone past. ;)
~Slimz1~ (training/hopefully to be a CPG mod)
Dear KeenyPeach , I pretty sure the wrench is undert the bench in the coffee shop
That party was crazy! lol
Slimz1 you should really become a Club Penguin Gang moderator. Keep it up!!
Hey Mimo
I just wanted you to know that The compition thing for the card game at the Dojo is not working
i thought you should know that!
Post how he party went Mimo! I wanna see the pics.
hello slimz1.
Your doing good. Just one little tip. When you answer a person comment. rember to put there name. (ex.) In response to Anonymous....
Hope this helps
-RacerXBoi(CPG Mod)
hey is there a lake on Planet Cozmo? If so plz tell how to get there
maryvuhanh: can everybody get it?
chky: you can buy club penguin toys and get the code ;-)
cpg mod ;P
Dear Mimo,
I'm sure you know, I'm 553Girl. I saw you at Frozen, Iceburg. Sorry for not believing you on the chat. I truly am. Now you got delted from my buddy list some how on Hoopster. I guess I'll never see you again. :( Sorry for not beliving you. :(
Leggofmyeggo, be my buddy!
i hope i win the nintendo wii becausei can't afford it
katrinabugme ( cpg moderator)
I found a really cool cheat! Ok go to the plaza. Now walk towards the stage but right before you get to the door click the igloo icon. It should say loading stage then loading igloo. the stage music should be in you igloo!
-Mr Pebblez
(cp name)
Thats pretty kewl. I cant get merch tho so sad ;( BUUT for my bday next yr im asking for membership woot!
PS. I now go on Fjord.
Pengwun Powa
Woo Hoo! I am going to go to the party! I can't wait! I'll keep an eye out for the quick server change!
awwww man i missed the party PC wouldnt let me into the volleyball court thing and i was trying to get in an hour before it even started!
Crazy it must of been a cool party
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
anonymous said
i was wondering if you could help me on Club Penguin Elite Force?i can't find the construction workers wrench Can you help me?
you go into the coffee shop and tell the waitress and she says the construction was in the coffee shop earler and then you go click on all of the coffee shop couches and when you click on one couch (i forget which couch it was) your player card says hmmm there seems to be something stuck under the couch and you can figure out the rest (it turns out to be the wrench)
Everytime you load a place on cp, when it gets blue (like when it loads) click on a random place on the blue page and when the page loads you appear on tat spot you clicked
Thanks, Mimo,zoezoe and me santa for adding me! I did see U Fride and China9 but they didnt add me =(
Good night guys...Well good morning to you actually lol!
Talk soon!
In the response to RacerXBoi,
"hello slimz1.
Your doing good. Just one little tip. When you answer a person comment. rember to put there name. (ex.) In response to Anonymous....
Hope this helps
-RacerXBoi(CPG Mod)"
Ok I understand what you are saying.
~Slimz1~ (training/hopefully to be a CPG mod)
W00T IM A NINJA NOW!! from now on by my name im gonna put cooley010203 ninja
Awesome! great blog!
-Li Gi 99
Are you having another coin code contest? I need it, grrrrrrrrr
MIMO Post the wii winner it is tomorrow LIKE YOU SAID. well i did not go you know why? Well the answer
is I already have a wii.So im going on club penguin for exatly from now to breakfast then start playing again
until lunch then I play until dinner and mimo don`t make any party`s after my dinner around 6 `o `clock please so I could come?
Dear CPG Viewers,
Alot of you have been wondering were to find toys. You can buy toys at Toys R US, CP online store, or other online stores. The new treasure book will be out on Dec. 5. Thank You for visting CPG.
Wetty5(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
hey is there a lake on Planet Cozmo? If so plz tell how to get there
Yes there is a lake. There are many. Theres one aat the beach. I forget which place it is though.
im not allowed to buy anything with the code and i really want stuf out the treasure book but i dont know the code can somone give me it
plz i am absoloutly begging you plw tell me
~Jello Jelly
Right when i use my token, should of saved it.... oh well. my birhtday is in 1 week and im gona get that ds game its gona be awesome!
Sand Flipper
thats cool i don't got the book and i am not a member but is cool
wow mimo you rock!! i wish i could meet u but i bet u have to many friends to add my name is snowden55 BYE!!!!
im serios
Dear anonymous,
Yes, Mimo is a boy.
-Jiggly22(cpg mod)
Hey Mimo, sorry I haven't been moderating. I was at my aunt and uncle's all weekend.
anonymous Mimo is a boy.
hey in the pool there playing christmas music
sky 14
Yay! I'm getting a Club Penguin toy for Christmas 100% sure! I wonder what the new items will be...?
Anonymous said,
Hey mimo can i give you my email so we can talk and stuff?
Dear Anonymous,
Why don't you send a comment to MiMo giving him you're email, but tell him not to post it, just to email you. I'm sure he'll keep it a secret!
Anonymous said,
come on evrybody is waiting now to pc evrybody is waiting i am silverkid18
Everybody is early, MiMo isn't coming for another couple of hours. And when he does come, good luck finding him. He'll be surrounded by a mob of fans!
I have a question about your PC parties. Why don't you show the list of moderators usernames?
you should have a party in the epf hq, tom44
In the response to Anonymous.
"wow mimo you rock!! i wish i could meet u but i bet u have to many friends to add my name is snowden55 BYE!!!!"
You could meet Mimo at he's Club Penguin party. And the Planet Cozmo party. I am sure he will make a new one.
~Slimz1~ (training/hopefully to be a CPG mod)
Deer anonymous
Yes mimo is a boy and if you want to find out more obout him click the buttons on the side that say who is mimo1,2, and 3 i hope this helps
dear anonymous
i think i know what level you are on now so the wrench is under the cofee shop seat
dear anonymous
yes there is a lake on planet cazmo to get the do this:log on then click down town then click on lake cazmo on thefight it has an allagator in it
ps:sorry if i spelled some stuff wrong
mmmm i did not know that planet cazmo actually gives clothes im now a princess im saving buy a scooter then........wahhhh i really i could go to your party!!!!!! wahhhhhhh
Dear lily800
yes some times mimo goes on for fun but not all the time beacuase he has a lot of work to do
i hoped this helped
if i win lets say 2 games of card jitsu, then i sign out, do i lose those wins? or do they count? or do i have to play uuntil i get another belt, without signing out?
hey mimo when r u gonna have the 6 month membership givaway?
Slimz1 said...
In the response to Anonymous.
"wow mimo you rock!! i wish i could meet u but i bet u have to many friends to add my name is snowden55 BYE!!!!"
Not on PC. You can have unlimited buddies on their. Now CP. More than 100 come to his party, so he cant add all of them. I think he deletes them all b4 his next party.
Server: Christmas
Place: Dance Club
Time: 1:00 pm
Penguin Name: Boiler Up 33
hey guys clubpenguingang should have a christmas party.heh heh?wat do ya think?this is my new sign: ( \_/ ) (='_'=) (") (") its a bunny!i didnt make it up someone showed it to me.pssssst.psssst.guess wat?my penguin is 388 days old? BACON ROCKS.totally
cooley010203 ninja said...
W00T IM A NINJA NOW!! from now on by my name im gonna put cooley010203 ninja
Well I congratulate you on being a ninja cooley010203 ninja~!
Rock On Mimo And Gang!
Anonymous said...
im serios
Yes, Mimo is a boy. You can see in some of his videos that he sounds exactly like a boy.
Hope this helps~
Mzyprincess(CPG mod in training)
ROck On Mimo And Gang!
where do v get a code or a book from, Mimo ?
i m lost
do help me n all d lost penguins
4dpeople said...
where do v get a code or a book from, Mimo ?
i m lost
do help me n all d lost penguins
You can get the codes from a Toys R us store. Buy a penguin or card deck and a code will come with it.
RacerXBoi(CPG Mod) said...
Anonymous said...
if i win lets say 2 games of card jitsu, then i sign out, do i lose those wins? or do they count? or do i have to play uuntil i get another belt, without signing out?
They do count towards your next belt. If you play higher bels then yourself you will go get there faster. (ex. white belt vs green belt. White wins)
hi mimo i loved you party
HI,Mimo. Its great that they are gonna add new stuff to the treasure book. But , I dont even have a code So, everyone who has a code , could anyone give me one? email it to Thanks.
anonymous said:
if i win lets say 2 games of card jitsu, then i sign out, do i lose those wins? or do they count? or do i have to play uuntil i get another belt, without signing out?
wel im not sur but im prety positiv that those belts that uv workd 4 stil count but u shuld send cp a message askn that and theyl tel u
anonymous mimo is a boy!
Flippar11(cpg moderator)
Dear Anonymous,
If you need help with finding the wrench its in a shop in the town, just hover over everything! I'm not gonna tell you which shop though, that would ruin the surprise!
- Natho Dude (CP Name) (CPG Mod)
Hey cool guy!
Hi mimo what do you think will be in the catalog
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