Club Penguin is still having trouble keeping up with all the penguins trying to play Card Jitsu. Keep checking back for updates.
Club Penguin probably got that hamster caught in their web thingy. It happens a lot!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

1 – 200 of 241 Newer› Newest»thanx for keeping me updated
Yes. That is so annoying. >_> It won't even let me log on due to the fact there's a new game.
Hello Mimo, I have the same problem, whenever i get to play it will say room full
why not work
yah really its not working
yea i tryed playing earlier it said the room was full but it wasnt! strange...
cambo1st penguin name
Omg! I Feel Privledgeed Mimo! I Met You! Thanks CPG!
Well i was lucky enough to become ninja yesterday, when the servers were only "very busy" not colapsed like now.
I did have a problem with missing belts, not in my inventory when i checked, and also had to re-buy my ninja outfit, for the same reason.
(great site btw, Mimo)
yeah its annoying isent it :-( i wanted the black belt on cp but now it isent working :(
Hey Mimo!!! One server was completly empty.. then I clicked it and it said full... then I clicked on a full and it let me in.. then when I was in the Dojo, the game worked. My little brother has been playing it for like half and hour.. :D
You Rock!
~orange land
go onto portugise servers they work :D
blue speed 7
Yes, I couldn' login 5 hours.Problem is that most people are beginners and they make dojo and server full.You cant join server with 1 or 2 level of capacity,only with 3 or more.
so thats why i couldnt play! thanks for the info!
please post ive never been posted
I hope it works again I want to be a ninja soooooooooo bad im on the purple belt.
every time i try to get on its stuck loading for like, 10 minutes and it still never comes on cause it usually loads right away on my computer, so i just X out
hmm i hope it gets fixed
Does That Mean We Can't Log In ?
its really annoying not beeing able to play card jitsu its so cool by the way ur site rocks my socks! XD KEEP ALL THE KOOL STUFF CUMMIN
Thanks mimo. I thought it was just me.IT KEEPS SAYING THE ROOM IS FULL!
weird. it works 4 me and ny brother
Thanks 4 telling us this important information. But how come some penguins have them belts I WANT ONE . I hope they sort it out soon!
mimo what belt do u have
You Know On CPTV on the 22 they tried to fill all the servers that's why
ya man!!im sooo sad. it was such an awesome game. but wait what if clubpenguin iz making or updating card-jitsu???!
Me too
argh i hate we it happen like this. is difficult for me to log in
ohh no!! i had a black belt and now i cant challenge sensei because of the stupid full servers!! gerrrrr...i hope they sort it out soon!
You Rock!! (:
-blue firefly
In the blog on the homepage (of CP) You know where you get the sneek peeks. It has a new post about the sever issues. LOOK AT IT! No seriously it says that.
I can NEVER get in there!! And I beat peaple yet NO BELTS!!!!!!!!
just to yet ya'll know... THE PORTAGESE SERVERS DON'T WORK EITHER!!!!
Awww man this stinks! I wanted to become a ninja!
It stinks. I was only 3 belts from Ninja.
mimo i've been an avid fan of your site and i even joined some of your contests, unfortunately, i did'nt win...i can't find u in CP...can i be a member here in your site?yhanks for all you sad i can't log in in CP maybe bcause of the glitch.
it works for me!
but it wont let me go into the less populated servers :(
Wow!!! You have had 17671 votes on your poll so far!! That's a lot of people! Also if you want to play the new game, just wake up super early(the servers are half full then).
I think it is really annoying when people only go on club penguin when there is something new!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Mimo,
I hope that the game will start working again.
Please keep us updated if anymore problems?
I sent them an email about that. I tried to get them to make more servers. Even member ones.
Shannon said...
Does That Mean We Can't Log In ?
We can still log in. It might be hard though.
it is sooo anoying!! i cant log on and i really want to. I have tried everyday since the new game cam out and i cant!! i am really disappointesd!!
Saspphire :(
i am a brown belt and i want to get a black belt and challenge sensei so its really annoying. Mimo when you play your going to get to take the "fast path"because you have the cp training cards.
its woking know i just got on
Hey Mimo, I can't even log on!! What's goin on? Cp should just create 20 more servers to make it work!
-Leiuten N
i contacted club penguin about the bug maybe thell fix it
i cant wait till it works
mimo has a black belt :-)
ya its so annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i want to play really bad cuz i only have my white belt =[
when will you have a party?
ok. that stinks though.
im so sorry mimo! that stinks.
you're friend goofy73
i'm a ninja!
you're friend goofy73
i cant even log either gets stuck on loading penguin or w/e, or logging on to server. even if i try one thats virtually empty! grrrr
Sensei can move!
My friend took a picture of him jumping around the dojo every half hour!
How many cards do you need for each belt?
And most times I can't get on.
Hey Mimo! If You Want To Know More About Me, Visit My Profile ^
im lucky then lol i became a ninja late last night and when you go on the game does "Room Full" come up? or is it just me?
Mimo, you haven't have had a party since summer (except for quickee parties).
Yeah... its really bad now :9
Agent Lc (CPG Mod)
Thanks know wonder it been saying "It is full"
Its so annoying! I really want to play! Whats so hard about fixing it? When you start to play the game sops and it says sorry this room is currently full.
P.S. im a blue belt!
Mimo is not a black belt. He is a green belt.
-Jiggly22(cpg mod)
Yea it says its full for me also!!
on snow day the sever is not dead and you have to keep tring to get in the dojo
mimo this is really annoying! I just got my black belt last night and sensei gave me the ninja mask to get into the ninja room. but then 5 minutes later when i logged on I didn't have the ninja mask or the costume i bought. so now i can't get into the ninja room. i emailed CP and i hope the fix it today. and now it won't even let anyone play
no!! i am brown belt!!!
hi mimo whenever i play it says its full so it wont let me play even when i ask the sensei
Mimo,i played and played and when i was about to win,it said "Sorry,the room is full"
Ugh,so irritating
Cp Umeeki(cpg mod)
Yeah. Everytime i try to play it says sorry the room is full. Also when i try to log on,it takes FOREVER
I have a hint for you all play in the morning when there are not alot of penguins playing.
(P.S)you R o c k Mimo
Hey Mimo i got a little tip for you that same thing that the game isn't working. Go to the portuguese language servers then they work. Go on a low server on it,It works Great!
I have a hint for you all play in the morning when there are not alot of penguins playing.
(P.S)you R o c k!
(P.S) im a brown belt.
Guess what your in luck guys. Ill tell you how to get on!! First wait on the first page for 5 seconds without moving your mouse. now cluck play now. then wat until the code circle to the top left is done shining. then click start. now wait 5 seconds without moving your mouse again, and thenhold down the sign in button for atleast two seconds. now it should take about 5 secons to log in. then you have most luck with 3 or more bars of penguin servers!!
ty mimo
hi mimo you rock! Club Penguin has totally shut off!!!!!!!! :( hope it comes back soon!
Hey, Mimo. Club Penguin won't even load for me! Thanks for the update. You Rock!
PS I'm an orange belt.
PPS It takes me like, half an hour to get a belt.
ok im annioyed! I JUST WANNA PLAY THE STUPID GAME! im a blue belt so i wanna get to black in a few days so I hope they fix it soon. thanks for keeping me updated.
big fan, irishdog1
ps Its my birthday!!!!
it works!
ya i cant get on! its annoying
Mimo the ninja suit has special powers.It makes you invisible.
- Greenncool
Anonymous said...
"Hello Mimo, i have the same problem, whenever i get to play it says room full"
Hello, anonymous.
It happens to everyone who tries to play in the dojo. Why? Because the CP Team is trying to make the game's servers better. Right now, you can only play by going to the ninja hideout - which is for ninjas only.
SSD~ (CPG Mod In Training)
says room full
did you know that there are new postcards? like cool outfit! and actors needed!
the new postcards tip was by Lillian
i forgot to say
I don't get it? I can log in and play the game. What are you talking about?
u can play now
oh yeah? when i win it said its full i hate it
Its working now.
well at least it wont matter to much for today. I'm doing a tournament for Rushmore Jukite jujitsu today and cant play CP. well got to eat a big lunch! bye!!
i was just on and it is fixed you can play card jitsue agine
it's up again!
hey dude go to the portugesse servers...but cp crashed. when you go in the games it says "This room is full" for some weird reason
I got to be a ninja on the portugese servers really they work!
same problem for me!!!!! heres a tip. go to a very busy server and it will work better than the non busy servers. also try to change the language to portugeese on the top right. it should be better
Hey Mimo,I want to know if the ninja outfit is for non-members.Thanks!
- Grande Pie
Mimo, they are up now!
its fixed
hi mimo its saavy
awwww im soo closee
all i have to do is challange the sensie and then im a ninja
by the way mimo u no in the secret room are non members able to buy anything from the catalogue?
i already knew...but im glad you will tell us when its fixed!
Dear Mimo777,
I'm Harry Hepwor.
I'm happy to tell you a cheat i found!
First go to the HQ and click on the F.I.S.H book and go to the page with the spy phone on it.
Click on the the spy phone and a message will apear.
i am trying to find out what the message is.
i'll keep in contact.
From Harry Hepwor (pgm)
Dear anonymous,
The ninja outfit is only for members. Sorry.
There Is Some New Postcards, A ACTORS NEEDED One And A DJ3K One.
Mimo I got in
Hey Mimo Its me Hidude! Theres a problem with the dojo igloos you get stuck when u go in it :\
weird glitch huh?
I haven't been able to get into CP since Thursday!! Ugh1
mimo the clubpenguin sensei give me cards by reading the intruction agin and agin (ninja card and the dragon).
i can't get past an orange belt! I count how many times i win, and i've got almost one hundred wins now!!!!!!!!! I should be a green belt!!!!!
me cambo1st again i might try to become cpg mod anyway those of you who said cp should get more servers well cp has to buy servers so they mighnt buy any
ps. theres some new postcards!
hey mimo the card game STILL WONT LOAD so its is really bad for me and the other ppl who have this problem but i bet when they fix it all the cards will show up hopefully
any one got tips 4 beating sensei? im a black belt
too bad i have to go to the Portuguese servers. good thing i know how to say "I'm English" in portuguese. just say "Estou Inglês"
and portuguese people won't add you.
I can't even get Club Pengui working!...shame...
Heres the amount of wins to get each belt:
White belt - 5 total wins needed.
Yellow belt - 13 total wins needed.
Orange belt - 21 total wins needed.
Green belt - 30 total wins needed.
Blue belt - 40 total wins needed.
Red belt - 52 total wins needed.
Purple belt - 64 total wins needed.
Brown belt - 76 total wins needed.
Black belt - 88 total wins needed.
Hey mimo theres a code in the HQ in the fish book it says The red light spells you are cool in morse thats what it spells out in the secret agent code anyways
mimo or a moderator can you please help me
i dont know where to find the extra or special cards. i was wondering if they are sold at target and you have to put a code in to get them in the will someone please help me?
my penguin is choxzero
Dear anonymous,
You can buy extra cards at Toys r us, disney parks, disney stores and online. Not in Target.
-Jiggly22(cpg mod)
I agree with steven...
When i lose a game the dojo isnt full, but when I win it is full!
still not working for me :(
yeah ive experienced the hamster thingy, annoyiing isnt it?
TIP: go on portchagees you can easily go on there
Cool, you're a green belt!
thank you moderator...and is it a code i get then input it and like choose the cards i want, or something different??
one again it is choxzero
Wow Mimo! I see your updating ya Secret Site!
the cards is not appering it appered before but now its not appering
Is it possible to beat the sensie it is like he is always better than you no matter what he even has cards level 11.
lolz, did u make that hamster thing up? I could swear that happens to me sooo much. Thanks for keeping us updated, it gets so annoying. and u no wat else is annoying? ok so i am trying to decorate my frends igglo (rsle67) as a joke, but the bad thing is that, i cant play cart surfer because my computer is loading really slowly today, so i have to play the really long boring games unless i go to my parents computer which i dont want to do right now.... wish me luck on the decorating........yeah ok ill be going now, sorry about my riducolsly long comment, i am sometimes really weird like u mimo, no offense or anything.....yeah ok ill be goin now
rsle67 and (mostly) sktls12
Can we PLEASE call this one Arnold?
Hooray! I'm a ninja! Go on server that have five bars on them. You can get in easier!
It used to work for me till i got a purple belt mimo now it wont enan let me pick a server.
I got my white belt then i went to try and get my yellow belt and it wouldn't work!
Oh Well!
Penguin name Starice5665
club penguin should have like 20 dojos per server! this still would probably not work. lol. thanks for keeping me updated mimo!
yeah it wont even let me on the site
if the other person quits in card-jitsu does it count as a win?
Zorros101 i dont think thats true beacuse i lost to some one and i got a new belt
I want to get the new stuff but I can't get past the "Logging in Star zone" screan.
Hey Mimo! cooll site u got and yea it stinks bc u cannot get on less populated servers. and once i got in one server that had only a few ppl in the dojo, but then i played one game of of card-jitsu and i couldnt get back into the dojo. it said "Sorry This Room Is Full"
its good ive been playing but im the guu who lost the mask well today i got it back weird
None of the games in club penguin work for me at all. The only games I can play are sled racing, find four and mancala. It sucks! D:
Anonymous said...
Is it possible to beat the sensie it is like he is always better than you no matter what he even has cards level 11.
Hello! It is possible to beat sensei! But you nedd to be black belt! Verse sensei 10 times then he will get weaker!
+stickers303 - CPG Mod!
I try to log in but it wont let me =( And I need pics for my blog!
hey mimo i cant even log in. maybe this card jitsu game is going a little too far
mimo there is one more myth in club penguin the tipping of the iceberg
this because when i was playing sensei he played a card and it was about the iceberg and the action he did was that he got and iceberg with me and him on it and he was tipping the iceberg!!!! i think the next project cp will be having is tipping the iceberg
Hey Mimo, I was just playing card-Jitsu and I was up against the sensei, me being white belt, I was just testing the sensei to see how good he was... and I noticed that I don't think you can beat him until you have the black belt, the Sensei ALWAYS picks his cards AFTER you, as if he's waiting, and he knows, so he picks a card that will beat you. Just thought this was interesting.
Talk soon CPG!
Have a great weekend! Im getting ready for rock climbing now!
it is only posible to beat sensie if you have a black belt. club penguin programmed it that way, probably so you cant get the full ninja suit with the white belt(ninja suit has black belt built in) lolz. what hampster? is that a saying or expression or isthat a zebras smell funny thing? i somtimes shout food names in the middle of the day, randomly, its fun. 1337?
OMG i cant get my belt
it works now
it works now
I can't even log in! And in the rare case where I manage to log in, the only servers that work are my suggested servers. And those don't even always work...
But when I manage to get in to the Dojo, I love the game! I'm a Blue Belt already!
Grr I hate it cause it wont even log me on. I dont even know cause sometimes i win but it says rooms too full so i click the button that closes the game... i dont even know if the game has been saved so i can my red belt. Its so annoying!!!
I can NEVER get in! ive given up.
Hey Mimo, on my computer, card jitzu works easy!
i no that it isn working becos it says the room is full
wanna know something wierd ok...
im a white belt on club penguin
but im a second degree black belt
in real life wierd huh
im playing the game on the porteguese server and its working pretty well!
When I try to play it wont show my cards up so I have to quit the game all the time =[ Its so anoying!!!!
ya one time i woke up and a hamster was stuck in my hair, so thats probably what happened to club penguin
I've been truing to log on since the gane came out but my computer always gets stuck loading the server list. I got onto one of the Portugese servers at about 4.30PM PST on the 22nd if Nov. And, when I do get onto a server, the game doesnt load properly and my card don't appear... I hope they fix it soon....
One time, it showed me what card my opponent had just received!
anonymous said...
if the other person quits in card-jitsu does it count as a win?
Hello anonymous!!!
No,it doesn't.
It counts as a tie.
mine in weird i can pick a world but it never loads and i will pick a world that dosen't have a lot of people in it really weird?
To answer your question anonymous, if you are at least half way done with the card game and the other penguin quits, then yes it will count as a win. If it isn't half way done, then it doesn't count as a win. The reason for this is that club penguin may think that one peguin will quit, to let there friend that they are playing against win, and advance in belt ranks.
Leggofmyeggo (cpg mod)
Do we need to have the cards in order to play that game?
How do you get a White Belt
are you a member mimo
Hey Mimo,
Did you know, the pot next to the temple? Well the stuff that comes out of it changes colour. If you wait there for about 10 seconds, it will start to change colour. So far I've seen it as white, blue and red.
To whom it may concern;
When a server gets full now, it seems to go to one block, because CP thought there were too many full servers. So go on the servers with four or five blocks, and notice it is not as occupied. -Laura272, hope-to-be Club Penguin Gang member
Yo servers r still going crazy i cant get in!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Yo mimo wats this "Big thing" u have to show us???
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
mimo how come every time i log in it can't go in to dojo
Im a ninja!
there's new postcrds
hey Mimo.How do you get different "Power Cards" like the ones the Sensei has.
Heyy Mimo,
Can you give us a hint one this "Big thing" you want to show us? Is it another Pointless Video? Did you get Trading Cards? What is it?
+Curious Stickers303+
Is it a new song? E-book? Im running in circles! Please what is it?
hi mimo
i want to let you know im a ninga my penguins name is tacoman 470
and im a non member
when you go to the secret room non members cant buy anything!!!!!!!
please can you do something
i had the same problem for the card jitsu for 4 days
Disney screwed up clubpenguin if you email them they do not respond the I cant log into small servers it loads forever and im having a party on a samall server monday this is a big problem
mimo every three looses is equal to 1 win and the is a number of total wins for every belt but you cant defeat sensei with that also use the general support to get your cards working back
-ayush agrawal
Dear Sal,
You don't need the cards to play the game. You can get a starter deck by talking to Sensei, but you can win faster if you have cards from the real world.
Dear anonymous,
You get a white belt by winning a few matches(somewhere between 5 and 10, I'm not sure).
Dear anonymous,
Mimo is not a member.
-Jiggly22(cpg mod)
omg!! sensei only speaks in haikus!!! i just realized this =] =] if you talk to him, you can count the 5,7,5 syllables. sweeeeet.
which belt do u have mimo??
i have a question about the card jitsu game well here it is :if you beat sensi do you get a black belt?
Hey mimo,
In Aqua Grabber they show where the air bubbles
Sorry I couldnt do the party guys... I was at my nans and she doesnt have internet ;( But Ill try again tomorrow.
Place: Iceberg
Server: Down Under
Time: 6:00PM PST
See you all there! Remember, tomorrow, the 24th ;)
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
Does That Mean We Can't Log In ?
You can log in, just not on the empty servers ;)
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
hey Mimo.How do you get different "Power Cards" like the ones the Sensei has
You have to buy them.
Penguwn Powa-CPG Mod
mimo how come every time i log in it can't go in to dojo
Because it is full(there are over 100 penguins in there). Keep trying and you will get in ;)
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
Did you know, the pot next to the temple? Well the stuff that comes out of it changes colour. If you wait there for about 10 seconds, it will start to change colour. So far I've seen it as white, blue and red.
These are the only colours it changes to, as it symblolises the fire, water and ice.
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
are you a member mimo
Mimo is non-member.
How do you get a White Belt
Play five matches and win.
Do we need to have the cards in order to play that game?
Talk to Sensei on the green pillow and he will give you a starter deck, and then you can buy the cards if you want but you dont have to.
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
it is only posible to beat sensie if you have a black belt. club penguin programmed it that way, probably so you cant get the full ninja suit with the white belt(ninja suit has black belt built in) lolz. what hampster? is that a saying or expression or isthat a zebras smell funny thing? i somtimes shout food names in the middle of the day, randomly, its fun. 1337?
You can beat him at white belt, you just wont become a ninja. And I have no idea either XD
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
Mimo,you are right!I can't log because the servers are full(in special the dojo).Please,can you send a message to Club Penguin?We will be grateful!
Hello Penguin wing you said...
Anonymous said...
Is it possible to beat the sensie it is like he is always better than you no matter what he even has cards level 11.
Hello It's penguin wing! It is possible to beat sensei! But you nedd to be black belt! Verse sensei 10 times then he will get weaker.
it's not true my friend at school beat him at white belt!
I never tried to beat him until I was a black belt.
On my third try I defeted him.
There is a secret way. Here it is.
First click sensei mode.
After wait until there's 1 sec left & click on a powerful water card but not a 10 power card.
After use a medium or high snow/ice power card at the last sec.
Finialy beat him with a medium fire card.
Then you've beaten him.
He will also give you a few wise words witch you forget instantly.
From Harry Hepwor (cpg mod)
guys card jitsu is working i just checked!!!!!!
it works perfectly well for me
i just got my black belt this morning,so i know u need to beat SENSEI to be a ninja, but every time i play him he automatically knows what my card is and beats me.
Yes I know SENSEI said he is really good, but he doesn't even give me a chance!
Now, there are YouTube videos showing how to beat SENSEI they don't have my problem!!
Please help me! P.S. love ur site Mimo
There's several penguins saying that they can't get a belt, and I can't get one either. Half the time my cards don't show up when I go to play against someone. It's very annoying, please tell me what I'm doing wrong!
i cant even log in and when i do
it says sorry room full. wha is up wi tha
ahhhhhhhh! i nervous
when i win against sensei i dont get it! help!
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