There have been a bunch of questions about Elite Penguin Force. I'll try to answer them. If you have more questions, ask away!

Q. Hey Mimo, what is Elite Penguin Force like?
A. EPF is basically playing EPF Missions and Mini Games on your Nintendo DS. New missions can be downloaded. So you can check every week for a new mission. So that's cool. You should be able to play EPF for a long time and have fun with it. YOU CAN'T PLAY THE REGULAR CLUB PENGUIN AND CHAT AND MOVE AROUND TO ROOMS AND STUFF.
Q. Hey Mimo, are the Missions fun, hard?
A. Yes, the missions are pretty hard and long. They are really fun! They are NOT the same missions as the Club Penguin missions. The EPF Missions are all new! I think there are 20 Missions!
Q. Hey Mimo, how do the accounts work on EPF?
A. You can create 3 accounts on EPF to play missions and play Mini Games.
Q. Hey Mimo, can you transfer clothes and items to and from CP? What if you are not a member?
A. No, you can only upload COINS from the DS to your online account. You can do this even if you are not a member. You can't download coins FROM your online account to your DS.
Q.Hey Mimo, what's the best way to earn coins with EFP?
A. I just earned a TON of coins playing Dance Challenge!
Q. Hey Mimo, can you go to your igloo? Is there an igloo catalog?
A. You can't go to your igloo. There are no igloos. Remember is it NOT the regular CP game. So there is not a igloo catalog.
Q. Hey Mimo, how much is the game?
A. $27.99 american dollars. Click here to buy it.
Q. Hey Mimo, can you DS download?
A. Yes, you can connect 2 DS's together to play EPF with only ONE EPF game. That's pretty sweet. You can also connect up to 4 DS's together but everyone has to have the EPF game.
Q. What can you do with other connected players?
A. You can play Mini Games against each other. It's pretty fun!
Q. Hey Mimo, is the game worth buying?
A. I like EPF a lot. I think the missions are really cool. Missions are probably the best thing you can do on regular Club Penguin. So being able to do a bunch of new missions is really fun. Also the Mini Games are fun. So if you like to play Missions and Mini Games, you will like EPF. And the cool thing is when you are done plaing Mini Games, you can upload your coins to your online account!
Go buy it! Or I hope you get it for Christmas! Hey, maybe I should GIVE one away for Christmas! Whatdoyouthinkabouthat?
Mimo Party on November 29! Super Sweet Secret Surprise!
Free 6 Month Membership Give Away!
Possible EPF Amazon Gift Card Give Away?!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Sweet, I might have to get that game! I have a question. How many coins on average would you say you earn playing EPF? Do you earn less, about the same, or more than on CP?
Cool i might get one today anyways my b-day is soon!
i'm saving up to buy a nintendo ds because it sounds so cool and after that i either might get EPF or Mario Kart, i don't know which one is worth buying. If you can give me any idea of which game to buy please send me an e-mail at
How can i get to the Elite Penguin Force?
$$$ mimo you are the best $$$
Whoa.... 2:17 a.m? you people get up early!
dear mimmo777 can i join ur gang please ur so cool if i can join email me at please let me join
Excellent! It will be a dream come true if I win the EPF gift card!
Hope I win it!
From your friend,
I have a question can you transfer the pin you get
Dear Mimo,
What server is your party on and what time? I am new to your site so idk stuff like this about your partys.
s8tr1 (the penguin) said...
i'm saving up to buy a nintendo DS because it sounds so cool and after that i either might get EPF or Mario Kart, i don't know which one is worth buying. If you can give me any idea of which game to buy please send me and email at
Why don't you ask ur parents 2 get a DS 4 u 4 christmas? then, u would be saving ur own money because 2 DS games are cheaper than 1 DS. I hope this helps!
How do you upload your coins? is it a wire? USB?
I want it, but I haven't got nintendo DS!!How much is It!
I dont have Question sign
I'm new in this website, can you please explain to me what's "Mimo Party" and how do I know where and when is it??
thanks, Pop Pingoo.
P.S: What can I do with the Nintendo DS except EPF? I really want to buy one but I don't really know what is it...
How can I download missions to EPF?
I'd really like to know...
marakpa said...
I want it, but I haven't got nintendo DS!!How much is It!
The EPF game is $27.99 American Dollars. You need a Nintendo DS to play the game for it hasn't come out on any other gaming systems yet.
Hope that helps.
-Leo the Larg (CPG Mod)
"Making the world a better place comment by comment"
s8tr1 (the penguin) said...
i'm saving up to buy a nintendo ds because it sounds so cool and after that i either might get EPF or Mario Kart, i don't know which one is worth buying. If you can give me any idea of which game to buy
No one can really decide for you (it is your money)but if you really enjoy the Club Penguin missions in the HQ and the little games like Jet Pack Adventure then EPF is for you. If you are after a big multiplayer experience then go with Mario Kart. EPF does have multiplayer features but they aren't as elaborate as the Mario Kart ones. Hope this helps you with your decision.
-Leo the Larg (CPG Mod)
"Making the world a better place comment by comment"
Mimo i have a Question:
Do you earn a lot of coins playing cart surfer?
hey mimo......tell me the date and time and server when your party is...or else!.......i will request again to tell !!!! (hahahaha)
cp name- rock rahul1
hi pop pingoo a mimo party is a party that mimo comes to and he gives clues for the time date day and server. a ds is a games console that you can play there are lots of games for it but i dont have one so thats all i know
cambo1st (opeful cpg mod)
hope this was clear to you
I wish I had the game BUT IM CHEAP :D
Yayyyy! Give one away Mimo, give one away!! Pweez :D
i have a question mimo. my ds has super sticky stuff below the r button that wont come out. since theres sticky stuff it wont let me press the r button. do you have to press r to do somestuff in some missions/games? please tell me
I have a question. I live in Canada and can you buiy it in canada?
s8tr1, Mariokart is good and EPF is good too so save up money to buy both
You can do a lot on a ds like ds download,pito chat,and play a lot of good games and a ds is like a game boy but a lot better than a game boy.
P.S. 1 ds can cost $120 but i think super target is cheaper by $5 or some thing
hi s8tr1 said: im saving up to buy a nintendo ds because it sounds so cool and after that i either might get EPF or Mario Kart.
mario kart rocks! I have it and its so fun but i dont have EPF but il tell you its so fun!
Does the code it comes with unlock items like clothing and stuff or does it unlock the EPF Headquarters?
Hi their,
here's a question for the EPF game u got!!
Q. Would you think it will be realesed in UK if not could u find out pleasee!! xD
That looks so cool. When does it come out in the UK?
"How can i get to the Elite Penguin Force?
$$$ mimo you are the best $$$"
To get the Elite Penguin Force you need to purchase/buy it. But Mimo has purchased the game one week before the game's release.
~CPG mod~
GRRRRRR i live in the UK and it dont come out till Feb!!! AHHHH
hey mimo777 where is party going to be?
Hi Mimo! I'm new here, my name is Neon Bananas. I'm looking forward to meeting you!
Does the code it comes with unlock items like clothing and stuff or does it unlock the EPF Headquarters?
The code only unlocks the secret HQ.
-Leo the Larg (CPG Mod)
is this game out in uk
penguin name liam1500
question i know you can buy it online but will we be able to buy it at the stores?
please answer my question
So gonna get it. I want it. Spent all my money the other day LOL. mimo777 Rocks
My penguin is 428 days old. How old is yours?
hhmm i live in Europe and cp said it will be in europe in 2009 omg i hope i get it soon i cant wait :)
Hey mimo the game sounds really cool! I am so getting it when it comes out in the uk!
BTW How do you upload the coins from your ds to the internet? Can you let me know in your next blog?
Also how many coins do you earn on average? More or less than on Club Penguin???
"Mimo i have a Question:
Do you earn a lot of coins playing cart surfer?"
It depends how well you do in the game.
~CPG mod~
Mimo, can you buy clothes on EPF if you're not a member? I hope so!!!!!!
hi mimo,
Elite Penguin Force is a bit lame cause you can play it on the internet for free.You have to pay for the ds game. i am not going to get it.
it's just an internet game and their's a ds game for it?
that's pretty lame
hey mimo im from England and i was wondering, you said that you typed your EPF code, can you give it us or is it a secret?
that's awesome! But i'm Jewish
omg! Mimo, your the only person in the WORLD who can get into the EPF secret room.
hey mimo, did you no that every ds game you purchase comes with a free membership (look on the recipt)
hey Mimo777 I will buy it well actualy my mum will LOL
penguin name: muppit boy
I wanna see you on cp
Yes you can buy clothes eaven if you aren't a member and you earn much more than in club penguin becosu you can make another trics in the games..
himi4(CPG Mod)
Awesome! Hey Mimo, I have a question: whats your favorite part of EPF?
remember it was ment to come out on november 4 and it didn't! November 4 is my birthday!!!!!
Hey Mimo,
If you give a game away for
X-Mas how is the person going to recieve it? How are you going to decide who gets it?
Do you seriously go on the computer and post on CPG at 5:17am your time (i think, i'm not good at math but I know that your time is an hour earlier than mine)??!! You really go on that early?!
I really don't want to read about the game because I want to be suprised if I get it, and I didn't read your post because it will ruin it for me.
Not to be mean or anything, you are kind of bragging about that you got the game... and that makes people jelous (idk how to spell it) ....but not me because I think Club Penguin is getting Stupid so I really don't care..
i think im getting it for my birthday :) dec 5th H B-DAY TO ME!
Hey, I was wondering; where are the 7 hidden puffles in the game?
"I have a question can you transfer the pin you get"
Club Penguin On DS. You can not transfer the pin you get.
Loki Terry - (CPG Mod)
Mimo, can you buy clothes on EPF if you're not a member? I hope so!!!!!!
Like he said it isn't like the real Club Penguin. There aren't members or non members. You can buy your penguin clothes despite having membership in the online game. The only connection between the two Club Penguin games is that you can upload coins to the online game from the DS game.
-Leo the Larg (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Mimo, can you buy clothes on EPF if you're not a member? I hope so!!!!!!
No u can't. Its not the same as Cp remember.
question i know you can buy it online but will we be able to buy it at the stores?
please answer my question
Yes you can buy it in stores but only in North America. Some stores that carry it are Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, and Best Buy. (You can only buy the game in stores in North America)
-Leo the Larg (CPG Mod)
I am a HUGE fan and I would like to meet you sometime. If you can, comment on my site telling me where and when we can meet!!
~ Michigandude
but can you up lode items from DS to online if your a non member?????
hey mimo, ur the best. i am going to start a protest so that non-members will get the same rights as members(even though i am a member)U RULE!
Dear Mimo,
How do you get those cool clubpenguin stickers to put on your nintendo?
sticker peep
Cool! But I have a question...
If you get coins on the DS can you tranfer them to your online account?
Hi! Is hubert and klutzy on the game??? Also, is there a ton of games and missions to do???
I WANT IT! I'm gonna get a DS and EPF for christmas! sweet!!
Hi Mimo, Um... can u tell me what can u do on D.S download?Is it a demo or play together thanx!;)
Monter86a said...
How do you upload your coins? is it a wire? USB?
Hi! I'm Buddytoe! The Nintendo DS includes Wi-Fi. That's how you can do that. Hope this helps!
Anonymous said...
Hi their,
here's a question for the EPF game u got!!
Q. Would you think it will be realesed in UK if not could u find out pleasee!! xD
Hi! I'm Buddytoe! BillyBob said it would be realeased in European territories sometime on 2009. When Billybob has specific dates, he'll let us know. Hope this helped!
cool and there should be a thanksgiving party in cp
I got the game
Off Topic:In the ninja room you can hit the gongs on the wall and it makes noise!!!!!
Cool! I have a question, will you post guides for the missions in the game? I just want to know what to do and if there are any secrets. Thanks in advance!
ummm i am new here. what the heck is Club penguin???? and why r u talking aobut video games???
Saq10 foodog said...
hey mimo, ur the best. i am going to start a protest so that non-members will get the same rights as members(even though i am a member)U RULE!
yaa, but then members wouldnt feel SPECIAL..u should know! dont u feel cool that you get stuff other penguins cant? i kno its kinda mean, but CP needs to make money too, u know?
I got it! It's great! Hey Mimo, what does it unlock? I entered the code and forgot to look at the last thing it gave me. I got a letter, a spy phone, and ? Please help! My email is
Mimo777 what day is the party what server is it on? what time will it start what time will it end?
Mimo, I have a question. If a CP game was release out in the Wii, would you want a Wii?
Whoa! Cool! I want the game but I don't have a DS
hey mimo,
can you buy stuff from the catalog even if your not a member?
also,can you chat in the ds like in clubpenguin?one more thing,can you see other penguins like you do online?Mimo777 is awesome and he should be on the penguin times!!
(please post,never been posted in any blog before)(oh and PLEASE post on the website cuz I dont read comments!)
Anonymous monmon98 said...
I have a question. I live in Canada and can you buiy it in canada?
November 25, 2008 7:47 AM
Yes. It's out in Canada and USA. It is not out anywhere else yet. Club Penguin plans to release it in Europe in 2009.
I have the game, and its really fun. But im stuck on the mine part! I'm in the mine and ive talked to G (who is under the cart). But I can't find out what to do! I have all of the balloons and the rope is on the cart. What do i do?! I have a feeling it has something to do with flare's heat source...
- 6 Strings
We'll be waiting to hear more about that party of yours! ;)
sweetly awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :]
I am so excited.
Does EPF have a code to unlock items online?
i'm saving up to buy a nintendo ds because it sounds so cool and after that i either might get EPF or Mario Kart, i don't know which one is worth buying. If you can give me any idea of which game to buy please send me an e-mail at
Well Ive never played EPF but I have played Mario Kart and it is AWESOME. Its best played with other people, and you can download play, meaning only one person needs the game.
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
Does EPF have a code to unlock items online?
Yeps. All merch does.
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
Mimo777 what day is the party what server is it on? what time will it start what time will it end?
Its not that easy. Mimo leaves really hard clues for us to solve.
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
ummm i am new here. what the heck is Club penguin???? and why r u talking aobut video games???
Club Penguin is an online game where you walk around in the form of a penguin and talk and play games. The owners, Disney, just released a long anticipated video game so the owner of this site, Mimo, bought it and is telling us about it.
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
cool and there should be a thanksgiving party in cp
Since Thanksgiving is only celebrated in America, Club Penguin decided not to make it a party.
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
How do you get in the closet thingy do you need wi-fi?
hey mimo!, i am a extreme visitor of your site and i am at it almost 5-8 times a day! and i am a ninja and a complete cp fan! so i ordered EPF on and i will get in 2 business days!!!!!!! gasp! what if they lose it in da mail! mimo pray for meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
Anonymous said...
How do you get in the closet thingy do you need wi-fi?
Hey mate u need a secret code from the EPF game which u enter into CP to unlock it.
Hope this helps
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
awwww i hope they didnt forget about little old New Zealand
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
that game is awesome i just got it now but how do 9i get new missions i passed the first one =_= :)
hi mimo77 Q I live in NZ when does it come out in NZ.
i have a DS
hi kiwi boy (cpg mode) iam from NZ can u ask mimo 777 when comes out in NZ
Anonymous said...
I'm new in this website, can you please explain to me what's "Mimo Party" and how do I know where and when is it??
thanks, Pop Pingoo.
A mimo party is like any ordinary party except its on club penguin.Mimo usually post clues and yu have to answer them to find out the place, date and time of the party.
Hope this helps!
Mzyprincess(CPG MOD)
yo mimo i no how 2 get the viking helmet on epf
Evan said...
dear mimmo777 can i join ur gang please ur so cool if i can join email me at please let me join
You got to answer peoples questions and help them.
Spongie555(CPG Mod in training)
Sensei/bluebellgb said...
hi mimo77 Q I live in NZ when does it come out in NZ.
i have a DS
Tell me about it i have no idea even if it is coming out NZ. ill email CP on behalf of all NZers but if it doesnt come out here we will have to pay extra for shipping i guess.
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
If you get coins on the DS can you tranfer them to your online account?
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
how do you open the cabinet in the agent HQ?
is this game out in uk
Pengwun Powa-CPG mod
Hey mimo,
I really am looking foward to Christmas, and I am sooooo going to get a DS and Elite Penguin Force!
Your Friend, axowaxo (Penguin name)
Hey, how much did you pay for it with tax and shipping? Thhe game looks awesome!
Sensei/bluebellgb said...
hi mimo77 Q I live in NZ when does it come out in NZ.
i have a DS
hey, i dont live in NZ but my friend does.i dont know.but maybe sometime soon
hope this helps
Crunchy457 (CPG MOD) (in training)
P.S. im too lazy to log in hehe
Hey mimo, do u no if its gonna come out in Australia?
I have a question (I'm new btw),Can this game be sold in Australia?Or will it ever be sold there?
As a reminder to all mods and anyone else who wants to come, I am having a little get together. This is the details:
Time: 3:30Pm my time(Australia) 8:30 PST.
Place: Soccor Pitch.
Server: Fjord.
Have fun!
PS. If I dont show up, please dont be upset, but I am sick and I probably wont be well tomorrow but if I am I have to go somewhere.
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
Ohh!I've got a question!Is there the card-jitsu game in the "Elite Penguin Force"game?But what if you are not connecting with any other players,how do you play it?
Mimo! Computer fixed...Almost! I can go on now =)
I got a question:
Is Herbert.P Bear or Klutzy in any of the missions? -Stickers303!
Please answer =)
Can you buy, member clothes on the game?
Hey Mimo,
Your party on November 29 is on my birthday!!!! YAY!!
Also, EPF rocks. if you like CP, buy it.
Heyyyy mimo what belt r u
*bella girl8 here!(again)i have EPF so i will help you guys anyway i can.mimo, remember in my last comment, have a party plz!(as before, i tryed to get my computer to see ur quicky posts.P.S. im on my moms now cause mine is...........BROKEN!!!also, how old is the dude behind the penguin mimo777. i have a question not about epf. Do any of u ppl watch totaldramaisland? if u do, Gwens gonna win!(im a big spoiler
8bella girl8, cpg mod in training
can u buy the game in ireland and how much is in euros please email me mimo
You can make 3? I only have one! How much % are you? im 11.
Hey everyone I am Cazmo Mayor from planet cazmo. I hear some of you like the game and play it sometimes. Well just letting you know that membership came out yesterday so you should check it out if you are interested. Hope to cya around cazmo!
Hey mimo777 can you e-mail me the server your party is going to be at? Please?
Q: hey mimo, are the chlothes and missions cool?
I picked up a copy yesterday! I'm already on Mission 5. It's so sweet that you can get G's Glasses as an item for your penguin on there! P.S. I've gone online and they don't have any new missions yet.
Hey Mimo, I live in Bulgaria and There Are No Shops Where I Can Buy EPF.
Is There An Air Mail To Bulgaria???
hello! epf is alot of differnt prices. the lowest is on amazon for $8.99. you can earn more less OR the same coins you do on computer CP. this game is different. you do missions that u havent done before and a new ones there each can't go waddle around talking to ppl. you can play games.but you have to use your pen most of the time. no letter and number and arrow keys.
*8bella girl8*cpg mod, no longer in training!!yay!
hi mimo!,*bella girl8 said that Gwen would win ummmm does she know that for sure because i thought Owen would win and spend it all on marshmallows
hope i helped. ill answer more if u want. just comment.....8bella girl8 plz help me. from.....
8bella girl8, cpg mod finnally!
Dear OMYGEE123, Club Penguin is a vertcherl place where you can be a penguin,talk,have friends,shop,have pets too!!And the video game Mimo777 was talking about was the Elite Penguin Force game for the DS!Hope this helps!:)! -Otusk(Club Penguin name)
Daer Animal Luver, You can transfer your coins from Elite Penguin Force(DS game) to ClubPenguin! -Otusk (CP name) :)!
Dear brownie, You cannot transfer Clothes and other stuff in Elite Penguin Force (DS game) to Club Penguin the only thing you can transfer is your coins from Elite Penguin Force to ClubPenguin! -Otusk (CP name):)!
Dear brownie, Whopps I forgot 1 thing! You can upload coins to CP even though your not a member in CP! Otusk(CP name)PS somethings wrong with my computer!:)
Dear Mimo777 Can u plaese make me a CPG mod!If u can just post a comment IN YOUR SITE!Because I always check out your site!-Otusk(CP name!):)!PS: I always try to answer the qestons on your site!
mimo i just got the game and unlocked the hidden room! its so cool!
How do you get into the EPF in real Club Penguin?
Dear Anybody,
Hey everyone i got c.p. EPF yesterday and already beat it! That was a easy game! If anyone needs help post back and i'll leave a message!
From: Shadow0super
how do you beat mission 4?
Yes I have beatin every level if anyone is wondering
From: Shadow0super
"How do you get into the EPF in real Club Penguin?"
You can't. It's a Nintendo DS game. Which is not for a PC.
~Slimz1~ (CPG mod)
i got epf today. i live in australia
and my cp name is budge123
i got the game but im stuck in th command room PLEASE help
I have the game and I was able to successfully upload my coins to my account once. But, everytime since then when I try to upload coins it says the coin upload failed. I've clicked the up button so I'm not trying to trasnsfer nothing so that can't be it. I'm in a place where my DS gets wireless connection so I don't know why it happens. Has this happened to you, and if it has how did you fix it.
dear Triangle Jeff you can not transfer the pin you can get.Ps I tride
dear magneto you can get it at wall mart,game stop and target
Dear Anonymous,
sorry this took so long a nintendo DS is a popular gaming system designed and manufactured by nintendo INC. It has a touch screen wireless capabilities (8.11 G I think.) a directional pad and buttons labeled: A, B, X, Y, L and R the current model can support both GBA and DS game cartridges.
The games retail for about $29.99 it has a built in settings panel, a picture chat room takes advantage of the stylus and touch screen AKA picto-chat and you can go to stores such as target and download temporary game demos that when you shut it down are deleted. (you can also do this using the nintendo channel on the WII.)
Hope this helped,
CP funkeys (CPG mod in training)
Oh sorry that I left this out the nintendo DS lite costs around: $129.99.
CP funkeys (CGP mod in training.)
monster86a said:How do you upload your coins? is it a wire? USB?
You simply set up your wireless settings. Then in the menu click transfer coins do what it tells you to then your done.
Hope this helped.
Cp funkeys (CPG mod in training)
P.S. My Planet Cazmo Name is Cazmo46.
Will it come to Singapore?
dear Mimo
Wats ur name on epf?
plz tell mine is Katana.
i want to play command coach with u plz tell?
Katana49(cp name)
Yes You Shold Give One Out
Ps Can I Join Your Site And Help You With It PlZZZZZZZ!
party at beach now 1/12/08
meet evie777
on elite penguin force when you down load coins for me it didnt work on one account did this happen to anyone else?
how did u get the clubpenguin d.s. stickers? i want them!!!!
Sweet i have that game and its wicked awesome.....ooh yeah and the room is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!
hi mimo ,i am having trouble with uploading my
coins into my account
Please Help Me
by the way Clubpeguin Elite Peguin Force ROCKS
I got it!
shame i have BOTH games elite penguin and herberts revenge but i only got herberts revenge on the 2nd of July 2011 and i got elite penguin force game 2 bdays ago!
im stuck on mission 4. please me!!!!
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