Check it out! If you click on the "N" in Nightclub, a ninja will jump out. I guess it is a ninja, it looks a little bit more like a blob of black jello ;-)

(Thanks, Xxcolexx)
Here they are at the HQ! Funny sign. lol.

Here is the Ninja in the Plaza!

Here is the Ninja at the Light House

Here is the Ninja at the Ski Hill

Check it out! Oh, and as I already posted in other posts, there are ninjas in the Dojo, Gift Shop and the Ski Lodge.
Very cool! Let me know if you find anymore!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Mimo! theres a ninja at the plaza too! Ive got some pictures! im not sure how to give them too you though...
He comes every 3 minutes. He swings over the puffle sign! its sooo cool
This is freaky me out! Wonde rwhat dremas I am gonna have tonight O_O
Agent Lc
Omg thats awesome!!! How do you see the ones in the other places??
i wish they would of held the suspense for a while and just make them appear for a while and then bring them out more its all coming too fast
cool i tryed that of the HQ and it's real! but mimo777 how do you sneek? i'm a member but curious
COOL!!! Did'nt notice that
That look like the peice of really grody gum i stuck on my bus! its still there!
Awesome that was cool.
i waited and eventually saw them. where's your coin code contest?
there is one hidden in two trees at the beach, there is a dark shadow like at the gift shop!
omg i saw two one in forest and one in ski hill so creepy O_O
the same thing happens at the lighthouse if u wait 4 a couple of seconds wait where the lolipop pin used to be then wait for a little while then u will see a ninja shadow pop out of that pile! :0
Polkagirl919 ;)
Juan bautista said....
cool i tryed that of the HQ and it's real! but mimo777 how do you sneek? i'm a member but curious
Me12101 said....
Hi juan bautista!
well... cause you asked so nicely
He doesnt sneack he just goes on his friends 9china9's account then he photoshops her out and puts him in
cool huh?
If you wait in the dojo, a ninja rolls by on the far right wall :)
-MrPibb 1224
lol black jello yummy. lol
Hey mimo, check the CP whats new blog! Coins for change is coming back!
there is a ninja in the light house by the net you can see a little shadow.
i wish i could get a background from a ninja):
hey ever noticed how on the map of clubpenguin there is 2 ice burgs, but when u go there there is only one...
woah!!!! thats sooo cool! but the ninjas are scary kinda! lol
Hey Mimo! I found something weird! follow these steps!
1. open the newspaper
2. go to the Aunt Arctic section
3. take your mouse and role over her glasses. they will turn black. Do you think that Aunt Arctic is a secret agent or a ninja? I went and looked through all of the old issues and it happens in all of them! what do you think it means?
hey there is that trading cards going to be released and the ninjs training thing. COOL :l
hi mimo thanks for posting my comment oh and can we be friends tomorrow CPTZ:5:00 PM DATE: TOMORROW
Dear xxcolexx,
Mimo can't be everyone's friend that asks him. Sorry.
Mimo! i see a ninja in the Pet Shop, the ninja leap to the roof!!!!!!!
Well ... a question...what is ur mail??
mimo as for the water fire and snow triangle of power thingy i think it has something to do with places on cp that have those and you have to complete a mission or something to that affect to be come a ninja! thats wat i think!
Wow!That is so cool!
How long do you have to wait for the ninja in the HQ to come?
MIMO!!!! it me mrblingmeme again
if you go to the dojo there is a sighn in the bottem right hand corner saing "training comeing november 17"!
i already knew all this before he posted! its cool isnt it!
Since the ninja training starts on November 17th, the new game will also come out on November 17th which is on next monday. Hope you give us a good guide Mimo777.
~Robot Kid13
Da PeNgUiN!!11!!11!! said...
How long do you have to wait for the ninja in the HQ to come?
Probably 3-5 minutes
hello mimo i have discoverd a glitch its when you go to play sled racing and if you are sitting in the tube walk over to another sled game it will ask you would you like to play sled racing do not click on anything then keep it for the whole game then play it again in a row - CANDLE234
dojo too!
Dear bruno,
The club penguin gang mail, I belive, is
Hope this helps!
~Jello Jelly almost ninja
how long do i have to wait for a ninja to appear in the camera in the hq? and how long for that funny sign?
Just got even more pictures of ninjas.If you want you can use them, they are good ones some big some are small but all have a big dark shadowy blob in it.
How do you get to be a mod?
Hey Mimo, from what I investigated, I think NINJAS will appear in this places that you didn't listed in- Dojo, Forest and The Cove because at the HQ, you saw a NINJA coming from that place! So I think NINJAS will appear at that place!
Hey mimo im crusle and im new to this sight (I think its awsome by the way) im ecxited about the ninjas because im a martial artists myself.
if u look to the left at the top of dojo where the waterfall is u see a mountin with a trail maybe the ?????? has been digging for a long time? what do u think
Hmmm...Weird..Hey, usually we can see the ninjas footprint on top of the Pet Shop because there's a ninja standing on them! Now you can't see it because there will be a NINJA jumping on the Pet Shop that will leave a foot print! So the rumor about the ninjas footprint is actually true!!
Awesome! These ninjas are rocking! We want November 17th Now!
Its cool that we can MAKE ninjas appear nowadays.
did anyone else see a penguin with and mp3 player, i saw one and there were notes coming out of the penguins mouth like he was singing. does anyone no where i can get one?
Dear maxwolf,
To be a mod, you have to look through the comments and find questions(like yours). Then, comment to answer them. If you are one of the best, you will get your name listed on the sidebar.
cool mimo plus the coins for change starts december 12.
- Zorros101
Have a quick party today (Monday) in Big Foot Please
the dojo is updated with a sign and outside there is a temple! check it out.
There are ninjas in the skilodge and if u click in a certain place in the dojo there r ninja shadows everywhere! no kidding
Polkagirl919 ;)
Hey Mimo, I don't know how long this was changed for, but why is Purplyn not a member of cpg anymore?
i wish i could get a background from a ninja):
Yeah wouldnt that be cool! Maybe you will be able too
Sand Flipper
Maxwolf said....
How do you get to be a mod?
Me12101 (cpg moderater in training) said...
If you mean CPG mod:
To be a CPG mod just put (cpg mod in training) by your name then answer all the questions asked... when you see your name on the left sidebar under CPG moderaters you are offically a moderater!
Hope that helps!
Hey! I just realized! Five minutes, fight light bulbs in Dojo, five letters in 'NINJA'...
hey mimo i found a new glitch go to the ski hill then go to sled racing and wen ur on the sled dance and it will! and it does all the specials like drilling and shoviling! its awesome!!!!!! -jj12101
At the HQ, if they held up those signs, that must mean that the ninjas are only there!!! The only ninja i can't find is at the cove!
Dear jeremjay24,
Mimo already posted this. It is a post or two down.
Dear penguin_player,
You can get the mp3 player by buying a REAL club penguin toy in toys r us, disney parks, disney stores, or online. It comes with a code you can use to get free items online, such as the mp3. I think if you hold the mp3 and dance, then you can see those music notes.
Near the bottom of the waterfall it looks like a trail up the mountain. what is it?
Hey CPG!
Thanks' for these ninja notices!
You can't find these on any other site!!!!!
Thanks' Dude's and Dudett's!!!
penguin_player said...
did anyone else see a penguin with and mp3 player, i saw one and there were notes coming out of the penguins mouth like he was singing. does anyone no where i can get one?
the mp3 player is from the treasure book. u have to buy clubpenguin stuff to get access to it
Lu2196( cpgmod in training)
hey thats kool!!! Whens the next contest for a code?
Please post
mimo your site just keeps getting better and better nice tag links!
Mimo, I know you may not believe me but once when I was at an iceberg tipping party a group of black penguins came out and they had the masks and looked just like the ninjas on the old CP homepage. I was too freaked out to look at their playercards which is kind of upsetting now. They were saying things like, join us and stuff like that. I hope this helps and I swear it is the truth.
hey mimo! the coins for change is returning on december 12th! check it out at the cp blog =]
(CPG Mod in training)
Dear Krazehkutie,
Im Very Sorry But Mimo Already Has The Plaza Ninja sorry.
Keep Looking For Ninjas
Shiver Jak
MIMO GO TO THE DOJO! in the corner of the building is a "training" thing and it has mats and stuff! I think we are going to be ninjas!
hey mimo you may already now this but by the sing in the dojo a ninja appears its really Cool...
mimo on frozen around four at the dock there are item bots! its so cool but some ppl fake it. its awsome if you say like rockhopper or something it will say he's on rockhopper island. its awsome!
It looks like a puffle that turns into a ninja
Hey Mimo, when I throw snowballs at the shadows they turn darker. Do you think they are watching us?
Hi Mikey!
Your question was:Omg thats awesome!!! How do you see the ones in the other places??
Mimo posted it now! You usually have to wait a couple of minutes to make it appear and reappear.
Hope I helped.
Aiondalia(cpg moderator)
Hi juan bautista!
cool i tryed that of the HQ and it's real! but mimo777 how do you sneek? i'm a member but curious
Lol! Mimo actually doesnt sneak! Ok, this is how: First 9china9 or somebody whos a member goes in the"non-member allowed room". Then he edits it and replaces the member that went into the room to his penguin. Hehehe!
Aiondalia(cpg moderator)
Hi prplbunny113!
Your question was:i waited and eventually saw them. where's your coin code contest?
Well, I think mimo is getting ready to start the new contest today or tomorrow.(you can check his twitter to keep up with the updates) Anyways, good luck with it!
Hope I helped
Aiondaia(cpg moderator)
Hi Bruno!
Mimo! i see a ninja in the Pet Shop, the ninja leap to the roof!!!!!!!
Well ... a question...what is ur mail??
Ummm If you mean his email, its " " He might not answer you email since he has a biziliion fans, but theres still a chance!
hope I Helped
Aiondalia(cpg moderator)
Hi Da PeNgUiN!!11!!11!!
How long do you have to wait for the ninja in the HQ to come?
The ninjas at the HQ comes every 5minutes. The sidn also comes up " We dont even exist" Pretty weird!
Hope I Helped.
Aiondalia (cpg moderator)
hi Lacario!
how long do i have to wait for a ninja to appear in the camera in the hq? and how long for that funny sign?
It usually takes 5 minutes to make it appear. Youll have to wait there. The sign is pretty weird, o_O
Hope i helped
Aiondalia(cpg moderator)
Hi Maxwolf!
How do you get to be a mod?
Well, if you mean cp mod, its almost impossible. I would bother trying. If you mean cpg mod, youll have to answer tons of questions on comments.
Hope I helped.
Aiondalia(cpg moderator)
Hi penguin_player!
did anyone else see a penguin with and mp3 player, i saw one and there were notes coming out of the penguins mouth like he was singing. does anyone no where i can get one?
When you buy a toy, theres a coin code right? (mimo gives out them) If you type that into the "Unlock items online!" Youll get a catalog with all these cool stuff! The mp3 is one them.
Hope I helped.
AIondalia(cpg moderator)
Hi Jiggly22(cpg mod)!
Hey Mimo, I don't know how long this was changed for, but why is Purplyn not a member of cpg anymore?
Im not sooo sure either, but i think purplyn wasnt with cpg in all the partys and activities, so i think mimo removed her.
Hope I helped
Aiondalia(cpg moderator)
Hi Anonymous !
hey thats kool!!! Whens the next contest for a code?
Please post
Mimo will probaly post the coin code contest in 1 or two days! (you can see his twitter)
Hope I heped!
Aiondalia(cpg moderater)
mimo777 why cant we say numbers on the chat bar?
In response to Meeny, who said:
mimo777 why cant we say numbers on the chat bar?
Hey Meeny! Club Penguin's chat filter blocks numbers from being used to ensure safety, so that penguins could not reveal their personal information like handphone numbers,home contact numbers, and addresses and everything. Hope this helped!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
In the dojo theres a new ninja! Every five minutes like the other ones a ninja appears in the lower right hand corner!
were is the ninja in the light house?
on frozen....
Yikes, I'm litterally scared! :-\
were do u get the mp3
hey mimo! im just wondering, but does going up to the dojo and shoveling really help? i mean, cp will uncover the dojo by itself, right?
Why are the ninjas invading us!!!!
Anonymous said...
hey mimo! im just wondering, but does going up to the dojo and shoveling really help? i mean, cp will uncover the dojo by itself, right?
Dear Anonymous
CP will un cover it themselves, it's just a gimmick to keep younger penguins who don't understand interested! And it also makes them feel like they're helping.
Hope this helps
~Pieater2 CPG mod in training
Hey mimo777 I know this has nothing to do with ninjas but have you noticed that if you log off with a puffle and log back in you won't have the puffle anymore do you know why?!
In response to Anonymous, who said:
were is the ninja in the light house?
Hey Anonymous! In the lighthouse,focus on the black net on the right front corner. Wait for approximately 5 minutes, and you would be able to see the ninja move! If you need more help, be sure to refer to Mimo's previous posts about these ninja sightings!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
In response to Anonymous, who said:
were do u get the mp3
Hey Anonymous! You can get the MP3000 Player when you buy Club Penguin toys and other merchandise which carry codes to unlock these items. Hope this helped!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
cool but kinda creepy
To answer you question anonymous, no shoveling doesn't help un-barry the dojo. Club Penguin just wants us to have fun:)
Leggofmyeggo (cpg mod)
mimo! you know the Sensei dude? at the dojo there is a dragon picture. the picture and Sensei look like the same person! same color! same beard! same oldness! same eyebrows! u have to check it out!
I bet the waterfall in the Dojo will be the water element.
/ \
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From Beau Rocks16(Club Penguin)
Dear Anonymous,
In the HQ, there is no more ninja! I have a theory that he's gone because everyone knows they exist, and the signs say: "we don't even exist!" I hope that helped
-flipper(CPG Mod)
Dear Meeny,
Your question was: why cant we use numbers on club penguin?
The reason for this is that you can't reveal any personal information. Such as your age, address, and much more. But if you go to the messages icon, hover your mouse over events, times, then clock, you can use any of the times there.
P.S. sadly, they don't have a lot of times.
-flipper(CPG Mod)
Dear Racerxboi,
I don't think there is a ninja in the HQ anymore! I sat for an hour in the HQ, watching for the ninja. My theory why is because everyone knows ninjas are real now, the signs used to say "We don't even exist" so maybe thats why. Hope that helped!
-flipper(CPG Mod)
Dear Anonymous,
Your question was: where do I get the MP3?
You have to buy a toy from toys r us. Inside the box, there's a code on a coin. What you do is log in your penguin, click on the golden coin in the top right hand corner when you're choosing your server. Choose "i have a code" put in the code EXACTLY as it appears. You will be able to look through the catalog, and unlock two things. and a bag of coins. remember that you can only use a coin code ONCE!
-flipper(CPG Mod)
In reference to maxwolf who said
How do you get to be a mod??
Dear maxwolf, to be a mod in cpg you just have to answer other people's questions and put your name and cpg mod if you're good he will add you to the list and you're a mod!
dogone345 (cpg mod)
What about the coin code contest? we cant really do it anymore! I have nine things, I was about to finish when the dojo changed. can I still send it in, or does it not count? :(
Thats so cool. Mimo, there is a ninja shadow at the lght house. It is behind the nets. Thank you thank you THANK YOU for finding ninja evidence!!!
Hey! i know about the ninjas and everything i will keep my eyes open!i am waiting till november 17TH!
mikey said omg thats awsome how do you the ones in other places. ANSWER... at the plaza every three minutes. at the ski mountain every 30 minutes ninja comes town click n of night club or click the n of dance the dojo click then click the white part of the dojo a ninja will come at the HQ every five minutes ninjas hold we dont even exist
Those ninjas look like me when i'm hyper because they move so fast.
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