The Dojo is finished and the Card Jitsu game is here!

You have to click on the pillow in the right corner and the Sensei will appear. He will give you the rules and a starter deck of cards. If you already have purchased cards at Toys R Us, you can enter the codes by clicking the "Unlock Items Online" button on the home page to get your cards.

The game works as I explained in an earlier post. Water beats fire, snow beats water, and fire beats snow. There are 3 playing modes:
Friend Mode: You can have friendly competition with other penguins by clicking on the blue mats inside The Dojo. You'll gain some experience points through this mode.
Competition Mode: The Sensei will match you with another player of similar skill level. You'll gain the most experience points in this mode of play.
Sensei Mode: You can challenge the Sensei at any belt level, but when you beat him at the black belt level (level 9), you'll be rewarded with special online items.
To get a belt, you have to win competitive matches. The more matches you win, the more belts you will earn. You get to keep all belts you earn. Once you earn your black belt and win against the Sensei, you become a NINJA! Woot!

Here are the belts you can earn. You start at the bottom and work your way up.

Here is my theory. The more cards you have, the better change you have of beating Sensei. So you might probably have to have ALL the cards to beat the Sensei. :-( I hope not, but let me know what you think.
This is awesome! I like the game, how bout you? Let me know if you earn your belts.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

1 – 200 of 354 Newer› Newest»Noproblem glad to help ; )
Agent Lc
Sweet as bro
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Hi Mimmo,
I have got the cards too.
i am really trying to figure out what to do now.
the game is SO hard, i dont get it!
i hope cp fix it soon
cool mimo777 thxz
u r so cool
keep up the good work mimo.
oh mimo i found ur secret site
i saw you then the server crashed
yh its not working! i tried and i cant find the pack of cards might be a good game cant wait to be a ninja can you?
mimo please publish
ssoooo cool!! i want to be a ninja!
Mimo where do you get cards I got the starter deck but when i play it says I dont have any cards Do you know what to do?
how do i use my cards,when i start battle the dont apear and i allways lose
All I can say is AWESOME AWESOME!!!!
its working now
do you know how to make your cards appear in the game? I can't figure it out, it's very frusturating! Thanks
COOL! =)
WOW! But I tried and it DOESNT WORK!!!!!! SO MEAN!! Probaly a glitch
it doesnt let me play! boo-hoo!
I got a white belt now!
how do you beat the sensei
hey,i like your site its awsome but i got cards from sensei and i was too early there were loads of glitches and it messed up so my cards dont work and ive been playing cp for voer 600 days
yay white belt
how do u get the belts? ive played the game and won but i dont no how to get the belts. plz answer.
yelloe belt!!
i cant get my belt cause i won my first match and didnt get a belt?
it is so cool, i have seen a black belt penguin and his lots of crazy animation
Ive seen people with yellow belts and I keep on winning matches but I don't get the belts!!! Plz tell me why!!!
I love this game but the dojo is awfully full!
OMG IT's impossible to beat sensei!!!!!
i am a white belt i am rubbish but it is cool you rock
I won three matched and I STILL didn't get my white belt! =[
It wont give me a yellow belt!!!!!!!!!
Hey Mimo...
I've got a member and a non-member penguin
For some reason, the non-member can play easily (he has a yellow belt) but the member can't! Whenever the member gets on the game, his cards don't show up!?!
mimo when u are a nija wt happens?
yeh im a white belt
it is almost impossible to beat the sensei i cant even score points against him can u??????????????????
can you tell us when your a ninja?! To get your black belt, do you have to buy the cards... and what happens when you become a ninja?
I earned these belts:almost all just need 1 more which is black
YAY! I got an orange belt!
I have my first two belts! I just want to know how many games you have to win to get a new belt!
Mimo I don't know how to win belts because I have cards and I've win lots of times but I don't get one?
could somone help me please?my cards will not show up on the game and i have a deck :( please could somone help me?Thank You!!!!
Yay! I have got the green belt now! ^^
i already have the blue belt! i havent stopped playing! its awesome
I have now won an Orange Belt!
I won all the games, but i still don't have a belt. Please explain Mimo.
Motina123 said...
I won three matched and I STILL didn't get my white belt! =[
To earn a white Belt you have to win 4/5 mathes.
i got the starter pack but when i play,the cards dont show up! HELP!
-blue firefly
Im on green belt
~Hammerz boy~
please tell me if you know when it gives you the white belt, how many games you must win??
Didnt anyone notice how late the game was? lol i went on after lunch and it still wasnt there! car1128[CPG Mod}
I can't get any further than the yellow belt!!! This game is so frustrating!
My cards just plain won't work at all. :(
I just got my White Belt!
white belt here
i just got my orange belt
wat belt do u have
i have played and one 10 tomes still no yellow belt
hi mimo,
i have a white belt on my nonmember penguin, but on my member penguin the card don't appear! :( at least i can use my nonmember!!! please post!
how many do u need to win
to get the belt you need to figt and won manythimes
sensei is on the pillow the you need the train and get yout belas (CPG)
i got a white belt! i saw a black belt person but he said the sensei is to hard. i wanna be a NINJA!
I dont like it...
I would like more action,The Dojo its fool.I hate the game I am white belt and I cant get to yellow belt
MIMO do you think you could do a sort of chart to explain when you get a new belt
from merti10
mimo, you might want to announce that you should go on a lower population server because if the dojo if full when your game ends, it doesn't count.
i love it im a white belt but nokw i cant find it
I am very sad and angry, since I found a glitch. I got the cards on my penguin and then went to play on game, but not immediatly in competition. If you don't go to play in competition immediatly after you get the cards, your cards won't appear. I hope Club Penguin fix that fast. I know that because I went to play the competition immediatly on other penguin. Also, if you log off, then you have to start from the beginning (from the belt you last got). I am glad to help.
Andreasmich (I hope I become a CPG Mod)
Its fun. I am very bad. Although, I have a Yellow Belt! I wish I had more cards like you, I want to become Ninja! The game is like Rock/Paper/Scissors. Its fun!
my penguin wont load so I cant go on!!!!!
i've earned white and yellow so far
I Can Only Get The White Belt
i did im green belt!!
ughh i cant get to any server!!!
they take forever to load i cant play the game!!!!! :(
the game is too cool...i got yellow belt..i see someone got green and blue...i also see some penguin has special cards and plays crazy animations....i guess need to win lots games to become ninja...
I ♥ the game and this website!
But im wondering how to redeem your belts!
Please respond, thanks,
Can you tell me how many times you have to win to get each belt? Thanks you are awesome!
Im so happy!! I've always wanted to be a ninja!! This is like a dream come true lol
cool mimo but its really confusing?!?
-danny320(cpg mod in training)
I've won like 10 matches... still no belt. Do I have to like do something to get it?
hi mimo! i tried defeating sensi and lost but i no how to play its easy its just like rock paper siccors
i got my green belt! it took me ages =D
How do u get white belt
mimo you are so cool, do you know about how many times you have to play against someone to get a white belt, yellow, orange etc, because im really stuck. so plz help me, you rock.
Hi Mimo777. The game is awesome!!! It's so fun. But I have one question, How do you earn belts?
Someone knows how to get a belt?
And you have to wait for the cards to load
hey mimo i got the game and it works and sorry for those of you what can't play and i got my first belt!!! yeah it only took me 5 wins 10 more and i get the next belt!! yessssss!!!!
Im really sad now because i got my cards when it was glitchy and now my cards dont show up mimo plz tell me what to do! HELP!
Hey Its Wyattkins
So what belt do you have?
Sorry to boast but I HAVE A YELLOW BELT You have to win ALOT of maches I don't know if you have to win over and over and over and over etc. or if you do Alot of wins seperate!
did you stay home from school or something today because you posted this at a late time
I am sooooo bad at wat ever its called the card game. I saw a dude who had a blue belt. And i'm only on the yellow belt. I tried playing against sensi and he is a cheater. he is able to look at your cards and wat we r doing. I HATE THE GLICTH!!!!!! please post
Hey mimo I have my cards but they wont show up on the game. Can you help me please?
hello now what you do with your cards is enter the secret code on the packege to -Mintlatte CPG moderater
i like it but no one can get on
hey mimo, u rock eternity!
i have a glitch for you
go to the login screen
and click on the lowest server you can find. then rapidly click on your penguin name. stop diong it for about a minute. and then start clicking again,BUT click SLOWLY.
your penguin's name should be someone different that you saved.
thank you and good.....afternoon??
Anonymous said...
Hey mimo I have my cards but they wont show up on the game. Can you help me please?
Go into your invortory. Click on them, then start a game.
Hey Mimo why dont the cp cards work its really bad for the ppl who cant play when they have cards its probaly a bug thought i hope club penguin fix da bug
So cool!
cool...but the other person wont go! argh its very frustrating!
where is the white belt? I really need it
i keep getting stuck in the game because the dojo is full! i dont know what to do! so i end up quitting so i can get out...and i dont get the next belt! darn!
~bubbagum4444(ninja in training)~
Im kmcastia
I got up to green belt, and im gonna carry on tomorrow.
Hopefully with a friend.
Mimo your site is so cool.
Yes the dojo is awfully packed lol!
??? My computer won't let it work!!! it's like cp is down for a while...
Thanks mintlatte, but I meant the cards you get from sensei because they wont show up on my computer. please help.
It's kind of boring after a while. I got a blue belt though.
i got my orange belt
How do I get the White Belt?
Please respong CPG Moderater!
i got my orange belt
It was so packed thatI went on server that only had one bar, then in less tahn 10 seconds it was full!!!!
Signed S.S.
i have a yellow belt.
I earned my white belt but it wont load.
Maybe Sensei becomes easier once your a black belt but i think he can look at your cards even i actuall got a card of the element as his and they gave the victory to him!HE"S INVINCIBLE!
Yo Mimo i got my White Belt Whay
How many games do I have to win to get the yellow belt?!
Keep it up guys and I will answer any questions!
I love the games im at my white
clubpenguin is so full that my penguin wont load!!!!!!!!!
i cant get into cp noooooooooooooooooo
club penguin was very full today! it took me a very long time to get on, and when i did, i had a lot of fun. so far i've earned up to an orange belt :-) thanks for the great site!
my penguin wont load because its so full, but this is an awesome game, i love it. i just wish i could get on and get a belt
Weird. either time warner is down or cp is down but i think its cp... =/ o well i cant wait when it works!
I love the game it is so cool! I only played once and I won the game but then it crashed and I haven't been able to log on club penguin since because it is taking soooooo long!
p.s. love this site and also dont forget about the footprints of ninjas on top of the pet shop!
I got the red belt :D!!!!!!
the game is AWSOME!!! i am trying to get the green belt now, its sooo hard, i already got the first 3 can keep the belts!
The problem with this is that you're wasting huge amounts of REAL money to just get fake ninja belts. CP is all about the money now(Kind of was for money all the time)while it should still be about making people have a good time. Can't they just take a break and make stuff in-game free and new?
Sincerely, Paddle Paws
I have a yellow belt
I'm On my Orange! Here's A Tip Mimo777:
For the first two belts which is white and yellow you have to get three wins in the Game. You would not win if you play on the mats. Another tip they start randomizing the wins after the yellow belt. It took me a bunch of wins to get to the orange belt. Please Post Mimo. Thanks
~Ray Toolbear
It keeps saying the room is full so I have to quit to leave the game, even when I win. Does anyone know if those wins count?
I don't like it because the sense beats me every time
i don't like i can never beat the sense
It won't let me on club penguin. I'm guessing it's too full!!!!
i had the orange belt but when i logged out and logged back in i didnt even have my cards :( but when i played against someone i was wearing the belt but when i finished the game i still didnt have them :(
Luv, SassyMacky
can you help me? i cant figure out how to get a white belt!
I dont know how to get a belt!!! HOw many times do you need to win??? Ive won five times and i still dont have a belt! i might just be being stupid but mimo can you please post how to get a belt?
im yellow now
MIMO!!! can u plz give away a code for the trading cards!
yay got my blue belt!
mimo777 im a purple belt so close to brown and black :)
i just earned my first belt today!!!
why is cp so slow to load??????
mimo you are great keep up the good work.sopielala
Its is actually impossible to beat the sensie until you achive black belt mimo
mimo i cant beat sentei its very hard your good at beating your better thank me upcors your the awesome what could be better than you.sopielala
Can anyone even get on right now???
Ive earned a green belt! like some other ppl have said...when I logged out my belts disapeared but were there for the card-jitsu games! wats up with that? can u email the cp ppl? thnx!
P.S.- keep R O C K I N G !
I am an yellow belt and I skipped white.
You need to win three times to earn a white belt.
i beat sensi!!!!! im a ninja its awsom but i got crowds of noobs folowing me every where but htx mimo
no!!! i cant log it! it wont load! i want to go on cp.
Wow, the dojo is soo crowded! I don't even think I'll have a chance of playing it until early in the morning; when all the kids are at school... I hope I can be a black belt!
Are you going to post the secret room?
this is just alame way for more people to buy stuff form CP, so they make money. its a waste, dont but cards, its cooler to have money, then have lame cards tht get u a useless belt.
~~~just sayin~~~~
My penguin just won't log in! That is so frusterating! I love the game but I still did not get any belts.
The thing that is not letting most of you guys and girls log in or keep some of ur belts is that so many fellow penguineers are logging in and the dojo is getting too full and all the serves are crashing. probly if you wait till 2marrow u will be able to get ur belts and be able to log on.This always happens when a new party arrives or in this case a new game.hope this helps
~sony24dah (soon 2 be cpg mod)
Hey Mimo! There's something wrong with Club Penguin, I could only get in like two times so I only have a white belt right now. :(
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
I have a Green belt.
ugh this game is sooo hard i'm only white belt and when u thy to beat sensi, he chooses the opposite of the card you have like if u pick water, he picks snow. If you pick fire, he picks water... But its challenging
Oh and when the game is done, the room says sorry it full right now or something like that. To much ppl so i keep on pressing the exit button just to get out...
Nice! The game is hard and if i have to buy the cards to beat sensei then of course ill probably never beat him.
clubpenguin isnt working right now :(
hi i wish i could see it my computer wont load
Anonymous said...
can you help me? i cant figure out how to get a white belt!
To get the whitew belt you must won 2 competition matches
Hope this helps (Kiogre 2 CPG mod)
I really want to become a ninja but I think it will take too long. I would love to hear some tips on playing Card-Jitsu.
(PS... I am a CP moderator)
i have been refreashing cp for ages but it still wont let me on
I know how to beat the sensei!!!! I did it! Without buying any cards! You wait till the timer is on 1 and then put your card out! Please give credit to me for finding this out! I have beat the sensei twice! Although I was not a black bely because I was still an orange belt when I beet him. Give credit to bublucious I. Thanks.
is any body else having problems just logging on to club penguin?
no...simply play in competition mode will get you to a fast track on wining a belt...friend mode which is play game on the mat is just for fun and its way slow in that case to get new belt
This is to hard!
I keep losing every well not every match but I have NO belts!
This is to hard!
I keep losing every well not every match but I have NO belts!
For those who are wondering how to earn belts, I earned mine by winning quite a number of games when Sensei partnered me up with someone. To do that, click on 'Competetive Mode' when you talk to Sensei. Once you've played enough games to earn a belt, after you're done that game Sensei will appear and award you your belt.
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
do you have a black belt
currently im at green!
you're friend goofy73
Ahhh! Club Penguin is SOOOO slow.
i am already on yellow belt i got it a few hrs ago but cp wont let me log on!! it takes forever to load! but then games r awesome!
i love the site and i am a green belt!!! i am awsem at the game and i want to be ninja!!! AND MORE CARDS I WANT TO BEAT SENSI!!!!!
in reality i have a brown belt but on cp i have a white
DANG! I am pretty good at the game but once i won and was ready to go back to the dojo, the room was full!!! :O my dream has vanished of ever being a ninja. :(
:( I just got back from my real
JU jitsu class (which im an orange belt in) ANC I CANT LOG IN TO CLUBPENGUIN!!!!! this is the end of the world!!! x.x
I enjoyed the joke the sensei said about standing still for 30 min. in the dojo 2 become a ninja. if ur new to club penguin, there was a rumor that to become a ninja u had to stand still in the dojo for 30 min.
Pikachu904(CPG Mod)
OK that sensei can see ur cards!! HE IS INVINCABLE! i used ice four times in a row and he beat me with da same card. FOUR TIMES IN A ROW!
i have now the yellow belt
Mimo777 fan
you just have to get black belt to beat sensei
Im orange MIMO!
Wooo. I got gree. What are u up 2 Mimo?
Ohhhh YEAH! I got the green belt now Im going to score the red one yeah! P.S. thanx for posting these stuff Mimo becauyse I never knew what it looks like.
sneasel ate some pie, it tasted good!
Yo lol im rubbish at it i always lose lol
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
yo i got the green belt if we get th legend can we be enterd for a pack of cards if u do have to have all cards to beat sensei that is alot of monney 4 cp
i think this was an epic phail.. too many people just sit there and do nothign and then the room gets full when u play a game and u have to qquit the game and u dont get a belt.. if they r going to make this work cp better add two rooms..they phailed im pretty disapointed and aggrevated becuz of that
hey mimo love the site and i have the orange belt all u have to do is just keep playin challages then winnin its hard and easy at the same time but really fun again awsome site love it go on it everyday it roolz keep up the awsome work =) and i have a question? wat belt do u have write now and can u show us a pic plz
-hope one time i see u on cp
it's not true.i haven't even got my white belt and the sensei challenged me with a penguin with a RED belt!
so unfair
how many matches must i won to get the white belt at least???
Can't wait, it will be SMOOVE. I hope you don't have to have all the cards, cos I live in Aussie ;(
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
how to earn belts?
Yeah, in the beginning, the servers were too full and it would be hard to get in, or talk to the sensei. Here are some tips on getting on and into the game:
dont click on busy servers.
try refreshing the page and closing the browser.
if the dojo is really full, leave for a few minutes, then go back again.
be patient, you will get it sometime.
kamicko CPG MOD
how to use your cards:
like mimo said, click the unlock items button on the homepage. type the code in and you will get the cards. log in and go to the dojo, talk to the sensei, then play. it should be there.
hope i can help
kamicko CPG MOD
To get belts, you must talk to the sensei and compete with others. the more you pratice, the better you get, the more you win, the higher belts you get!
kamicko CPG MOD
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