Club Penguin Cheats

Monday, March 31, 2008

Buddy List Party Clue #3

These are funny looking guys.
But look, they have no eyes.

I bet they're really, really tall.
But they don't even move at all.

I wonder what and who they are,
and if they've ever ridden in a car.

I guess it's a mystery like a snail holding a ladder.
It's when they were discovered is really all that matters.

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


Anonymous said...

I don't know what could it be? i think it's must be the time

Anonymous said...

nice one Mimo! i think that is a pretty good hint! I'm guessing it's what time those things came around. Too bad i don't know what they are...

luqman said...

cool i wonder what it is

Anonymous said...

hmmmm....i wonder wat it is?

Anonymous said...

I don't know it now, but I'm pretty sure I know what to do to get it. I know i've seen those before on the internet or something!! I'm gonna keep trying till i get this clue.
Pinkiwinki9 (penguin name)

Anonymous said...

hey i noe it for surew niz mimo

Anonymous said...

mimo!!!! is it the year or the date or the time.... umm????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

its too hard!!!!!

Anonymous said...

WHAT!? lol thats hard hmmmm a i figure it out!! could this be the time we have to meet u hmm idk!? thx mimo! -Ye11

Anonymous said...

tikis? what does that have to do with time or date? seriosly mimo where do u come up with this stuff.

Anonymous said...

hmmmm.i found them i think.they are from easter island.they are called eater island statue heads!

they are stone figures carved out of volcanic ash by the Rapa Nui culture many, many centuries ago.from easter island.hmm i still dont see hwo this is a clue.
WHEN were they discovered, or WHEN they were made.
centuries ago....thats all i know for now.


Anonymous said...

Tikis?!?!? SERIOUSLY? It could be the timing... Is it.... IDK! seven o clock? i just counted the tikis so i have no idea what im saying!

rainey rain

Anonymous said...

i think its the day

Anonymous said...

there nt tikis there easter island head on night @ the museum

Anonymous said...

Hmm.. I know where that is, and it's Easter Island. But what does that have to do with the date or time??

Musicboy8 said...

same here. i counted them. theres seven...

SEVEN o clock?
april SEVENth?



Anonymous said...

The Moai were excavated for the first time by Thor Heyerdahl in the 1950's

i think its.
i converted military time to stANdard.but going to keep thinking.
mimo, can you post the names of people who get this right, or are on the right track please?


Anonymous said...

i just got a thought. it says they were built in the year 1722. So if it were time it would be 17:22 which would be converted to 5:22, but still no clue whether it's am or pm. but if its something else, all my figurings will go to the garbage. You know what? I don't really like these poems of yours, Mimo - there so weird! And they always hae me stumped.:(

Anonymous said...

I got it! The statues looked familier, and I just looked up one more thing, and got it!

P.S. If i got it right, its the Date. ;)

Anonymous said...

I found out what they are and what year and day it was discovered but i cant figure out how that has to do with any of this!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

well akk i know is that its easter island and they were found in 1722 but i still cant get it Ive gotten everything so far except this.

Anonymous said...

whoever knows it give a hint plz?!

Anonymous said...

i looked at it again, and it said that the first settlers were Polynesians who found it around 400 ad.(Yeah I don't know what that means either) So just going the easy way, I'm guessing it could also be 4:00 pm - pm because Polynesians starts with p... You know I'm just expressing my thoughts here. But i have no clue if i'm right.

txmb95ads said...

i think i know it!

im guessing sunday its the first image on google u just got to know where. lol!

Anonymous said...


txmb95ads said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
txmb95ads said...

i know
its easy google it

Anonymous said...

i got it see you there mimo and for all of you that dont have it i just looked on google keep trying

dragored penguin name

Eduardo Ortuño said...

easter has already pass. -buddytoe

Anonymous said...

Easter island is in Chile though!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey all!

Kimberrlley1 here! I found the picture on google...but i dont understand what im looking for. thie time or date? i dont know which dates to look for either, becasue theres so many they mention!

Any help here?

Thanks all &+ thanks mimo,


Anonymous said...


Kimberrlley1 here! I think i got it. For someone who knows it...does it have to do wit the TWO dates in BOLD?

Thanks! Please respond YES or NO.

Thanks for your help, =)


Anonymous said...

alright. dont know the answer for this one

Anonymous said...

hi this is soooo hard!!!!! i would not get it even in a million years. i havent even got any of the clues.

Anonymous said...

arnt they from easter island??? idk just guessing. lol! xoxo

Anonymous said...

is this for day or time?

Musicboy8 said...

i found it on google but it doesnt say alot...can some1 say if it the time or date plz?


Anonymous said...

i know what to do, but i dont how to do it...

Anonymous said...

What are those called?
I keep forgetting.

Anonymous said...

They look like Easter Island Heads! Hey! There was an Easter Island head in Might of the Musuem! "Dum dum, you give me gum gum."

Anonymous said...

is it at(cant tell!):22 sunday?

Anonymous said...

i give up!this is way to hard!im soo sad.i really want to go.ive never been to one party!plz mimo for me?;]

Anonymous said...

'Sup people?
I am so confused right now! There are seven of those, so it might be 7:00. OR, it could be 17:22 or 5:22PM. It's obviously PST, but I really can't figure it out!
I hope I make it, but if I don't, that's okay.
Great clue, Mimo!
In a while crocodile,

Anonymous said...

Well it took me a while but i think i figured it out.MIMORULZ!!!

Anonymous said...

hey mimo, nobody know when these statues were built! duh... but european explorers founded the island in 1722, these statues are called moai. BY THE WAY IF YOU COULD GIVE US A HINT I WOULD BE GREATFUL! PLZ PLZ PLZ!!! p.s is this the time or date!

Anonymous said...

THAT IS SOO EASY THANKS A TON MIMO:) i dont know the other ones though

Mr Money96

Anonymous said...

Is this the date too?

Anonymous said...

Hey Everyone!
I just wanted to let everyone know that I am leaving for Florida tomorrow. So, I will not be able to answer questions during that time. I will be gone from Tuesday, April 1st- Tuesday April 8th. Sorry!


Anonymous said...

yes! i know it i know it! uh huh uh huh! it's the date on my friends birthday! -cheese242

Anonymous said...

well i know thing like that were found on easter island but i have no idea...:(

Anonymous said...

I actually got it!
I'm so happy!

Sk8rboidud3 said...

i got it so easy make them harder plz

Anonymous said...

Very Very Clever MIMO...I think i actually got it!!!!!!!!

Meier Stamp Company said...

those statues are from Easter Island

Anny Ning said...

byee jessicamary, have fun on ur trip =] haven't been to florida for a while now, you should tell us how it is when u get back =D

Anny Ning said...

sweeet i found the exact picture, now i just gotta figure out the clue... guys search certain key words that you think it might be on google images and you should see the EXACT picture, in fact i think its the first picture too!

Anonymous said...

Mimo this is just a tip, post this on the website please. If you go inside the lighthouse and throw a snow ball it will make a coloured paint blob! Please give me credit for this.

Waddly Penny

Anonymous said...

i think i know it maybe

Anonymous said...

Woohooo! I know it almost for sure!

Anonymous said...

what does IDK mean?please tell me!!

Anonymous said...

It was sooooo easy but I'm not telling thanks mimmo.

Anonymous said...

i get it its kool

Wayne said...

i think it is the time

Rawr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hubcub said...

i like u mimo becoz youre smart and cool and.... and.... POPULAR! see you at your party mimo! (omg im so excited!)


Anonymous said...

you are great mimo also how do you add stuff on your blog?

Stickers303 said...

hmmph i no u are making this realy hard mimo

i bet no one can be your buddy becuase it is so hard:(i wish i was your buddy

anyway i think this clue is the time


Anonymous said...

Hey Guys!
MishMash215 here!
Amazing mimo just amazing! I thought the other ones were easy but jeez! this is hard!
I just had a brainwave and i THINK i might have it!!! wow!!!
Signing Off,

Anonymous said...

I know that they are the statues from easter island but I don't know what else.

Anonymous said...

i know what it is! it's so easy

Anonymous said...

dude i knew it but when ??

Anonymous said...

I totally got it and i hope i can figure out the next clue!

Anonymous said...

very hard

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I KNOW WHATA IT IS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't get it at all

Anonymous said...

Something to do with easter island
but i dont get clue


Anonymous said...

idk! some1 hlp!

Anonymous said...

yes i have all three clues bring on the last one

Anonymous said...

It was a little tricky but I found out Ihad to do a bunch of reashearch. p.s mimo is very cool

Anonymous said...

Hi!Whoever said it was Squidward's house,that just made me laugh so hard.

Anyways,it's pretty hard,but I'll figure it out soon.;)

Anonymous said...

way too hard. way way way. confusing, too.


Anonymous said...

I think I know it.:)

I did some research and I think I'm pretty sure.See you there hopefully Mimo.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jessicamary!

Kimberrlley1 here! Have an Amazing time in Florida for a week! Ill miss you so much. Have fun! =)

Thanks jessicamary &+ other mods &+ mimo!


Anonymous said...

Hey Floobersnoot!

Kimberrlley1 here. I think i have the clue! But i dont know =(. This is a touchie. I got the first two clues which were pretty hard too. Any help here?

Thanks floob &+ thanks mimo,


Anonymous said...

I think the statues were found in 400 BC or 400 AD. I forget. If you don't trust me google Easter Island in the images.;-) Now,about the fact of is it the date or the time. Seriouslly I dont think Mimo would would put a time down with out putting am or pm. So I think the meet is going to be on the fourth of april. Last day of the April Fools Day party. ;-)

Tom Morvolo

Anonymous said...

i think i know but im noy sure so....... bye

club penguin name:mr squidy5

Anonymous said...

is it sunday 7:00pm if wrong post

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAH! After hours of searching on google.... night at the museam!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo777! I know I will figure out this clue! I just need some time, though. My girlfriend is writing notes to me at school, so I gotta keep it cool. That was random, wasn't it? jru ,o,p! that is not typed wrong, I am using a code Mimo777 should use for party clue. Figure it out and give credit to me please??!! c u at ur party -Tamiflu

Anonymous said...

actually, for whoever posted the "colored blobs", u r rong. Those R Paintballs!!! I Love That Sport!!!! -Tamiflu

Anonymous said...

Bring on clue four!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
what does IDK mean?please tell me!!

March 31, 2008 9:56 PM

IDK = I Don't Know
Lol = Laugh Out Loud
ROFL = Roling on Floor Laughing
BRB = Be Right Back
G2G = Go To Go
TTYL = Talk TO You Later
CYA = See Ya

Hope this hels, Did I miss anything

-Brushflight (CPG Mod.)

Anonymous said...

I know it yay

Anonymous said...

this is easter island

Anonymous said...

peoples take a good look and do some research
that is how i found out

ToMbOiGuRl said...

thnx mimo!

Anonymous said...

i am guessing 5:22? thats my guess...

loopy welsh

Anonymous said...

thank you i found it!!!!!! peace out

Anonymous said...

ya im guessing 7:00 i bet u a millian $ its rong tho

Zoezoe11 said...

You guys will get it, don't give up!


Anonymous said...

U know u r a natrual born party maker mimo. u r a genuis of creating these hard clues to make a wonderful party.I wish I could figure it out and attend ur

Anonymous said...

I...I dont get it. but i think I know the server.

Anonymous said...

they were discovered in 1722 but what does that mean?

Anonymous said...

Hey ZoeZoe!

Kimberrlley1 here =). I got the first 2 clues...and i think i have this one..i found the pic on google but theres so many dates! Cant you help me please? ;-)

Thanks zoezoe &+ thanks mimo!


P.S. Maybe we can meet somewhere for you to help me? That would be awesome! Thanks so much zoezoe!

Anonymous said...

the easter island heads are so cool

Anny Ning said...

idk means "i don't know"

lol =]

Anonymous said...

OMG! I just googled it and found the same exact pic
that you had!!!

I hope it is the time... i counted them and thought that maybe it is 7:00??? or if it's the date, April 7th???

I hope i can figure this one out! I have'nt been to ur parties yet!!!

MIMO FAN----olivia

Anonymous said...

i found theexact same pic


Anny Ning said...

hey zoezoe, im guessing u know it =] can u please tell us if its the time or the date?? please? =D

Thanks, and good luck to everyone else!!

Anonymous said...

is it easter island??

Anonymous said...

i saw it before but i don't know da name

Anonymous said...

ok i'm 97% sure i got it!
heres how i found out (i may not be right but i think i am) i googled "easter island heads" then i found the same picture and i clicked on the link. and the site said "Easter Island got its name from its discovery on Easter Sunday, 1722" so i think it will be on sunday at 17:22 pm, wich would be converted into 5:22 so, i think its next sunday at 5:22 pm!

Anny Ning said...

so, mimo, tell me... i have two possible answers to this hint. can you (or someone else who knows FOR SURE that they have the right answer) tell me if it is in this month or in may??

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo I so know this andI just figured it out!

Anonymous said...

its the date but i dont know what it is

Anonymous said...

Pretty hard mimo

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo! i have been doing NON STOP SEACHING and boy is this hard.

Anonymous said...

Hey Floobersnhoot!

Kimberrlley1 here =). Im in like the same position as you are! I think i know..but i dont know for sure. lol!.. but if anyone knows for sure what it is...can you help me please?

I have gotten all of the other clues.

Thanks guys &+ thanks so much mimo! Im having a blast =)


P.S: Still no ?'s! lol

goofy73 said...

hey everyone! here is what i wrote in school today. its a poem. k here it is.

clubpenguin is a cheat site,
for the great clubpenguin.
thougH thEY aren't the same site, i'm goofy73 again.
i love going on the blogs,
and being a moderator.
you post your comments down,
and then you see them later.
but before that happens,
it has to get approved.
you say "hey, o.K, thats alrIght,"
but wait, approved by who.
Mimo777 he's the one who does,
he rocks he rolls he pays the tolls,
he's awesome.
i love posting my comments,
But thEy don't always show up.
but hey, i got some posted,
and foR that i'm as happy as a pup.
mimo posts the cheats,
mimo wRites the cLues.
mimo has the parties,
and he writes the news.
I truLEY love these websITeS,
and fOllow mimo oN twitter.
and to be a CPG mod,
for that i am not bitter.
i love this great webSite,
and all the stUff too.
clubpeNguingang's great,
hope you understand this clue.

hey gooD luck to All the guYs and gals out there.

i hope 10 lucky People enjoy being mimo's buddy. greAt incRendible luck To You people who don't know yet. i Hope you fINd ouT. good

wait i must be pressing caps lock! sorry!

you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)

Anonymous said...


-------------------------------- THAT IS SO FUNNY!

ok i got the numbers and we studied that in school but i still dont get it is it milatary time???

-Sparkforever (hmmm wat should my signiture be oh yeah)*(star)
if it does not look like a star

Anonymous said...

its SO hard !!!next time do it easier cuz i never been to one of your parties and i really want to !!

Anonymous said...

Hey Goofy!

Kimberrlley1 here, to say i LOVE your poem! Your so creative, and your such a great writer! =). Good job =).

Good job &+ thanks &+ thanks mimo!


P.S: do you have this clue yet!? I think i do, but If you do, Any help here? Thanks Goof! Keep up the great work!

goofy73 said...

i know what it is kimberrley!

you're friend goofy73

violet5599 said...

Hey Mimo! Mimo this clue is hard! But Goofy's poem helped a little! Now I got all the clues! Hope I don't go to Atlanta that day! Well See Ya! violet5599

Anonymous said...

Hey Goofy!

Kimberrlley1 here! Can you help me with this clue. Its the only one i kind of dont have yet. I mean i think i know it but not sure yet. Can you help?

Thanks! your such an awesome mod &+ thanks mimo!


p.S: Goofy, if you DO help me, aybe we can meet somewhere where you can help me? Keep up the great work!

your friend, Kimberrlley1

Anonymous said...

Hey Goofy!

Kimberrlley1 here, writing a poem right off the spot!

cHubpEnguingang, is a waY of lIfe..
you play, you laugh, you have fun!
and everyday i go on, and See If
anyone has won
a free clubpenguin membership
from mimo's dearly, greaT leadership
tOday i weNt on to Answer questions
for Penguins who need
the answeRs
and sometimes even I ask the questions
that people answer for me!
i hope you aLl
try your beSt,
vEry Very bEst!
to make it to that party
have fuN,
and good luck,
and answer those clues =)

Thanks goof, Theres your poem, since i liked your so mucH!


Ps: ugh! i hate my dumb capslock button!It keeps pressing down everytime i turn caps off! lol..well its okay. Caps lock can be rly annoying lol

goofy73 said...

hey kimberrlley i just wanted to know. do u know what prils is?

you're friend goofy73

goofy73 said...

oh and very nice poem kimberrlley. it rocks. and u did that right of the spot. good job!

you're friend goofy73

Anonymous said...

i know those are the statues of easter island, but what dos that have to do with anything? easter maybe?

Anonymous said...

heyy mimo this is sort of off topic but i have exciting news!! i waz at my friends house and she tipped the iceburg it waz awsome!! here's how u do it u need atleast 50 penguins on one side of the iceburge and 25 or so slege hammers ahhhh and every one there got 500 coins!!! =)
-momo (penguin name)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They are the easter island statues

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