A trainer is an "exe" file that you download to your computer so you can get free coins and stuff from Club Penguin.
These files can also carry viruses that can hurt your computer. Stay away from hacking. Stay away from Trainers.
I bring this up now because a few sad penguins are hacking the new test servers to get hats.
Also you might see some other sites saying what new free items there will be soon. This was done by HACKING. It is also called DECOMPILING. Decompiling is also against Club Penguin's Terms of Use:
"3. License and Restrictions
c) You may not attempt to decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce The Software to a human-readable form..."
So, first it might not be true. Also, it's against Club penguin rules. So that's why I didn't list those items.
Hacking is just a dumb thing to do. Mimo and Club Penguin Gang is against hacking. Hacking bad. Bad hacking bad.
Just a friendly warning. ;-)
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Hacks, Trainers and Decompiling :-(
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats
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Right! There are way to many penguins hacking over some HAT! Its crasy. Its just like smoking you can die from it. Hacking can get you banned!
hello mimo
mmmm yes dats cool
ps i have a glith ting for u
if u go to the ski villige ang go into the ski lodgewell if u rub your mouse over the candel it goes out
its not the best glitch ever but its somting
oh and u de best
my penguins name is coleyb and i normally go on mittens
my friend did that. I hope she doesn't get banned.
i tottaly agree with you mimo! whats the point of hacking anyway because it will just get you banned! i have NEVER ever used a cp trainer or cheat engine 5.3 or other hack programmes beacuse there're mostly viruses!
Cya later!
this is so true!!!! i see penguins every where with that beta tester hat??? why get it. Oh and this wil be good i said to one penguin with the hat "You know you are going to get banned forever." and he said "NO YOU CANT GET BANNED ON THE TESTER SERVERS" "No this penguin wont get banned but your reuglar penguin will." and to just prove it my friend who has penguin tester and a real penguin got the sight and downloaded the beta hat!!!! So yesterday when i was at her house she said "hey you will never believe what. i got banned FOREVER!!??!?!?"
mimo i dont hack...ok?...i hate hackers! whyy??.... two time someone hack me and i have 2 account banned forever... buaa!!
hey mimo did you know once you finish aqua grabber and collect all the parts wait until the end and it gives you a free pin its a golden shipwheel
plze give credit to:jjag12
i agree i'm totaly against haking and i will never try to hak some one and mimo thanks for the warning
totally true i agree with and i cant fugure out he party hint 3 :(
plz help anyway bibi
sorry comment above(pinu007)i just figured out the party hint!!!!!woohoo i hope i can figure out the next hint(make it easy!!;)thnx
I am sooo against hacking. Mimo, you are good to not list hacked items on this website. Hacking is in a way ILLEGAL! So you are good not to do it.
A Beta Tester hat for us sounds cool, though.
MIMO! MIMO! i found another glitch on the club penguin improvement project! go on it click any1 with a blue or red soccar jersey on and it wont be where it should be on the penguin! the top of its toching the eyes! i dont know wht its doing this but i reported it!
- emmapeanut
Wow when i was on the test server i saw a couple ofcguys wearing beta hats.
cp name:luigidude676
hey mimo i found something cool out you know the country flags you have to be a member to buy well if you were a member and bought them it still lets you wear them regardless of what cp says!
plz give credit to jjag12
it was so annoying where is the hat! ohh.. ummm... search monster sprtsdude what ever! i dont hack and i have 314,473 coins!
ummm. cold blast u have at least thought about hacking because you know what cheat engine 5.3 is. the only safe thing to do is wpe pro. my friend has used it but do not use it
i hear you mimo, im not even allowed to get in to most stuff on the web. because my dad set the security to like the cia.
hi mimo. I am totaly against hackers but I was wondering when you get banned is it just the penguin you are using that gets baned or all of them from the email adress.
I also wanted to say I made over 100000 coins the other day is that a lot.
there is a new comic on the fun stuff page on club penguin! i think it suggests developments in the future.... i hate hacking wierdos who cant wait for the item to come back or just wanna be someone famous
Mimo this is my first time
and i just wanna know iure a member
mimo i have a cheat
go to the clubpenguin homepage and click on the blue penguin IT CHANGES!!
Plz give credit to ......
Hey Gorgeos
Thank you Mimo I have been trying to tell ppl that for weeks!
P.S. Thanks again!
Hi Mimo
im against hacking too i wonder why ppl do it???
i know a penguin who hacks he told me, his penguin name is lil darlek and he got lots of items that ain't even out yet!
hacking is dumb and you get stuff but then u get banned i mean what is the point of it.
your bff Arushi red+bluemouse12
how do you get the hat by not hacking
I think about this stuff all the time: WHY ON EARTH DID THEY EVEN INVENT IT?! People, it's a hat and lei, stop crying over it. I agree with you Mimo. Hacking systems are really dumb. Check the first comment - YEAH! it's true. Also one other thing. THIS "Test" thing is much meaner than regular CP. People say more foul language, and know why? Because that penguin is a clone. It's gonna be deleted anyway! I asked CP if your regular penguin gets banned: NO. It's totally dumb.
Mimo, I'm scared, I'm never going to that site again! Oh no! There were so mane ninjas!
lol heard about some hats or something
nice: hacking bad. lol
the new boook is AWESOME
dressed up as alien robots doing the chicken dance at the ice rink which is lit up by mini spaceships from inside the cooler given to us by the alien penguin, who was at the ski lodge in the attic earliers
Well said mimo! Ive never hacked and will never liste nto those stupid youtube vids
Thanks for the tip! I will never hack again!
I hacked using CP Trainer 2 once, and I got banned for 3 days.
Hacking is pointless. People hack to become members, but membership is what keeps CP going! If you want items really badly, become a member or just stay a non member. You can still get items! I've survived for more than a year without membership and I have plenty of items! By the time you have an item for about a year, it's considered "rare"!
i've tried using cp trainer 2 before and it didn't work and the trainer 3 upgrade didn't load and was a waste of time. now i'm completely against the cp trainers because they don't work! BOOOO HACKERS! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK MIMO!
p.s. my club penguin name is chives guy and i hang out in yeti
yea, but wat is the hat 4 any way?
Oh Mimo thats why you deleted my last couple comments. I did not kno that those sites were hacking to get the what the free items will be and the hats even though they may be wrong.
Sorry for getting mad at you in your last few posts. I hope that you can forgive me.
Your friend,
Kaos 11
Mimo how can you be so updated? And when are they going to anounce CPIP to the Clubpenguin website??
Hey mimo i hate people that hack it is really stupid and has no point
Nice job Mimo
hey mimo you are awesome and hacking is for wierdos
yeah i know. i saw a lot of people with beta hats. its BAD!
Thanks Mimo
i LOVE that you are on the right side on this NO HACKERS ALOWED
I don't like being banned because my penguin was from January 2007. I'm scared of being banned! :(
anonymous is right.
ok i well take that into consideration
its stupid
Mimo thats right say what u think
ur right people shouldn't hack
I totally Agree
Its stpid they are risking their penguins just for stupid things
Its like free falling of a plane
99% chance you will DIE!
well I hope everybody hacking gets banned because thats just not cool!
can you make your party NOT on Tuesday or Thursday? I never went to any of your parties and i really want to go! I got all the hints so far...
I dont do my Blogger anymore. thats why my name doesnt have a link... :-(
I KNEW IT! Thnx for lookin in to this. :)
Hey Mimo, I completely agree... About a year ago someone hacked my penguin, but I reported it to Club Penguin. I'm glad that you said that, cause lots of ppl have been hacking and training, and its not the right thing to do.
You rock Mimo!!
Totally agree with you!
I have heard of it, but NEVER used it
Oh yea also trainer is illegal
I only used a trainer once. Cuz i once so mad that people were teasing me. Im not banned and My computer is brand new so its very defensive gest viruses
Mimo,I wanna you say me something, on what server did you go every time?
Thanks for telling me mimo. I didn't know the hats were a hack
Ok seriously i would never hack i saw this guy with a thing you put around your neck that is like hacking and people use that to be rockhopper
so they are using a CP trainer to got those hats! cheaters! there is no place for cheaters on CP
i wish people didnt use hacking to get the beta hats. i really wanted one! :(
Again yuor #1 fan Redboiipod
that is awful i once heard of cp trainer 2 you could get rockhoppers hat but i didn't know it was hacking! i dont want it anymore!
Are we going to get "Testers" hats, like the orginal beta testers did?
Hacking is illegal first of all and second of all it's so stupid! Thanks Mimo for giving us a warning!
:) YOU ROCK!!!!
Is it illegal to use the clubpenguin logo for a site?
Hey mimo on the test servers I saw U fride and Me santa now thier both my buddies im so happy.
Thanks For letting me know!!
i was very worried that i wouldn't be able to find this hat!
Your Great!!
The beta looks like the party hat with different colors. Im against hacking.
"Everyone has one thing, Justice"
But some dont use it.
Chaos link
I totally agree. Hacking over some hat? Come on its just a hat. They are acting like if they don't get that hat they'll die or something. I am totally against hacking.
No one should do it!
violet5599 and i usually go on avalanche and big foot.
Don't kill your penguin. Don't hack :]
Thanks mimo! that is so true! Club penguin is just a comp game! Why hack it! I agree its like smoking...pointless
hey mimo i just wanted to say: 1-i think that you are SO right not to promote hacking! and 2- hacking is pointless. cp is just a GAME, not real life. it doesnt make you cool or rich, it just takes away others hard work and makes you a thief! well, great job on da site! ~kiaarmon
I admit it!
I downloaded cp trainer 2 and was really excited about getting stuff that members had, but there were a few things that stopped me:
1. I found out that other penguins couldn't see the items that you were wearing that had come from cp trainer 2!
2. I found out u can get BANNED FOREVER!!!
3. It didn't work anyway!
It has big screen so I sometimes use it for that. I'm with you Mimo, I think hacks and trainers are bad!
omg thnx 4 telling us this cause i had not clue wat a trainer is and so i wanted a beta hat so i almost hacked:C
THANK U SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! Is that really true?! IT can hurt our computers?! I think I shall quit hacking!!!!
i was walkig around cpip when i saw some one walking around with the name mimo 10 and he said he was you was it rely you?
dear mimo,
Hacking is so BAD!And its almost pathetic that anyone has to CHEAT,
just to get some silly hat that hasn`t come out.It is just a game.
[But it is the best game ever]
u r true
Everyone go to my blogger it is cgiallongo97@comcast.net or you can click on my blue name right above this lol!!
Sure now you thell me
Hey sometime can you go on ice box and meet me my name is wwebff butt my other acount was banned form the hacking thing :-('"''
I agree Mimo! Let's make a anti hacking team! Hacking must stop forever!
i was hacked before so thats why i had to change my password
you make a good point. i spread the word onto my blog, to help you!
i agree! how long have you been on clubpenguin for anyway?
true DAT MIMO!!!!
your totally right. hacking is just showing that u dont want to be on club penguin anymore. If u want to get stuff and coins wait for partys or be a member. if u r a member than get coins yourself. ps if u go to the last page of the book (in the library)called rockhopper and the stowaway or something click on the bracelet and u get it
Hey mimo i always checck your website
SO decmomating means looking to the future........? I DONT KNOW!
mimo that is right that would suck if it happened mean time on the test penguins u start of ritch man
I think hacking is very BAD!
But i do admit that i downloaded CP Trainer. But its very bad!
1. It did not even work
2. It was just a virus
Now i know! I agree with you and all you other people that hacking is bad!
P.S I agree with you, Mimo777. I also agree with Fantastic Four(Blogger Name)
Bye Mimo777
mimo can u tell me what server u go on most
big foot or fjord
thats very informative Mimo! thanks! actually i dont hack, train and decompile because i dont know how.
i read in another blog that cp is coming out with green bunny heads for st pat day and swirly eyes for april fools day. SO THATS A HACK?!!!! OMG!
i expected cp to give out PROPELLER HATS for april fools so i wrote CP about the swirly eyes because i am so desperate for a PROPELLER HAT! i was begging them to release the propeller hat!
i hope they will. even if someone hacked cp and knew that swirly eyes will be released. i am sooooo sad, very very sad :-(
Mimo please please help me ask cp to release propeller hat. i am soooo desperate for it.
thanks! you are way cool Mimo!
Many sites give out trainers and even if you go on youtube they will give=
I bet those penguins must have got banned. I went to one site and downloaded a trainer (BUT DIDNT INSTALL IT) and scanned for viruses using the latest version of Norten 360, and found 40 trojans in it!!!!!
So it is always a NO NO for me!
Later on I paid and got a six months membership.
USING CP TRAINER IS A CRIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes,hacking is so bad.
Lolz thats a great way to put it mimo.....who would hack just to get a hat that u can get l8r?? thats just stupid!!
I went to your older posts and I think Rockhoppers banned because someone hacked into him and said S**** W***s.Never hack into other penguins account.:-{ It was this guy called anonymous
I agree with Lady Maryann! I desperatley want a propeller cap too! :(
GOOD WARNING MIMO! I ALMOST DID HACK!LOL JK!I WILL NEVER HACK IN MY WHOLE LIFE!!!!! :) your biggest fan:Ye11 p.s. plzzzzzzz post!
Youir totally right, Mimo! People shouldn't cheat or hack for fun or get banned! I've seen these Wordpress club penguin gang's and it says new items coming out!
I forgot to post this comment but here's a cheat for the burnt out bulbs game: when you get to the lighthouse choose piano when it says piano/drums then when he stops playing lift up the piano cover and u will get a bonus coin!
pls give me (pirateypengu) credit!
Thats just BAD..
Yeah I agree. Hackin' only for a HAT! That is nonesense
what is the hat do or look like and wats so important? also i just became a member and i spent $30000 in 15 mins
yes!its so stupid.
i agree with you mimo its not right to hack
I aggree Mimo hacking is wrong and can get you banned
Hello Mimo!
I just want to say hacking is stupid and the hat dosen't look good any way! It looks like u came back from a little kid party. By the way my penguin name is Dbdpenguinz and I go on test server 1 and blizzard :)
i am so mad some tried to hack my acount
and they made it i was dressed like a ugly girl no hacking
hi its Jatar i need to leave an important message. club penguin needs to do a stress test to their new srevers so i suggest you should be there mimo and the gang to get more penguins in! how bout it?
Hey mimo, i found a glitch! Here it is:
1. Open your player card.
2. Take all clothes off.
3. Exit your player card.
4. Open your player card.
5. Put on mining helmet, fire hose, blue apron, or anything besides the tour hat.
6. Keep your player card open, and click the dance button to make your penguin dance.
7. Make sure you can see your penguin!
Then boom! Cool glitch? I hope it's not lame!
P.S. Hacking is bad!!
i seen someone hack the tour guide hat!
On the the Burnt out bulbs book at the book room, when you are at the lighthouse, choose piano, then, before moving on to the next page, try to open the piano, and you get a free coin! Same at the lodge. Before moving on to the next page, click one of the strings on the cookoo clock and try to get the coin on its beak.
mimo on cp blog it looks like somthing western but what is it
I got a way to play the test full screen, but in can't connect to the server for me, can it work for you?
tru dat mimo!;-D
Ya, l totally agree! I've NEVER hacked and NEVER will! Yay i'm so glad ur giving this advice. U ROCK MIMO!
someone hacked my acount at the time cp wanted penguins to donate coins well I had 30'000 coins and now its ALL GONE!! I so sad I only have about 5'000 I get on cp each day and play a game...
good to know.
hacking bad
rules good
Hi mimo
i agree,hacking is relly bad, and to hack club penguin is relly relly bad.
i hate hacker they hacked my two penguin noww they are baneed forever im also in ultimate safemode always i always follw rules and now im banned foreva :(
You do it!
I see you finding pins and stuff before they even get out. So you can't say much at all!
Thank you mimo!
Trainer- bad
decompiling- bad
hacking- bad
hacking and eating a sandwich- more bad!
Mimo, i saw one of those guys and once, my friend got banned! and she didn;t even do it! somebody blamed her for it!
it all worked out though.
what does hacking mean.
mimo can u plz leev easier clues to parties cuz yur clues have nuthin to do with them no offence i reely wanna go to yur next party BADLY. its monticella. PS i have a hot tub in my igloo! and so duz my buddy on cp, iwantdolphin. plz answer my long letter!
hey goergoes its monticella(penguin name) EVERYONE knows the blue penguin changes when u click on it! i discovered it myself! and mimo whats the test thing this letter is 2 mimo and 2 hey goergoes.
Can someone help me.I wanted the blue apron but when i ask people,they just do STUPID.So help me out here or can u give me an account with a blue apron PLEASE!!!!!!!!
yeah thats it!i once found a trainer and it said you'll get banned.so i didn't download it
i tottaly agree. at one point i used cp trainer but only to be a full member.cause why should we have to pay to put FAKE cloths on a penguin but i stopped.cp trainer didnt work and it makes other people feel stupid when hackers are.My cp user name is (the best108) what sever are you on
why should u hack all your gonna do is bann yourself.
i agree with mimo777 and clubpenguin gang
I agree I saw some vidoes about hacking on youtube its really bad
oh and anymous not all pnguins will be banned just one...
hacking is no good it is bad for your health have fun playing the games and earnin
g money
Unfortunatly, alot of people get away with hacking for a year or more. They, eventually, get banned FOREVER though.
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