Here's a funny little glitch. Take a look at the riddles in the new newspaper. They put 3 twice. But the really weird thing is they did the same thing in the answers! What were they thinking? Do you think they did that on purpose? Do you think they'll change it now that I posted this?
Thanks to Captain AR1 for the tip.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
haha thats weird.
cool, but i think it was on purpose
Sweet thx afain Mimo ur always the first 2 find everything
-Vanessa12343(peng. name)
will you post the ninja shadows
Wonder what the reason is...
i think it was on purpose
Cool. There was a battle today at Brumby.
I think it was on purpose. But if it was what would it mean?
post a new party clue
... cool!
How to you take pictures while you are on club penguin? please answer your biggest fan taxi09
weird werid wait i said weird 2 times aaa now im going funny
woa I didn't notice that, good job captain ar1
i think the person did that on purpose
(laugh out loud, rolling on floor laughing)
I think they did that like a hint from this months and last months clothing catalog. Just a thought.
Trackn Field
ya know what i think i think it is the poler bear and crabs fault they must have went and fiddled with the numbers i hate thouse two i will throw them off the berg i will
I'd never thought something like that would happen
PLZ post a party hint mimo...wait, is this one?
heres a coll glith i found
1. get all colors
2.open player card
3.go to colors/pins/backgrounds tab
4.click on all colers relly fast
now look at your penguin its fliping colors(note:to see glitch must be in a seeable spot from player card)
if you want to see me and be my buddy im usely on the amrican server husky if you want to be my buddy shout "THE SECRET SHOW IS AWSOME" and id be happy to meet you
cool glitch mimo
Yes,I do think that it is weird.
Thanking you,
Hi Mimo and all your fans,
That "glitch?" was absolutely cool. I think partially that they did it on purpose. But anyway, I don't think it affect us. It doesn't have a link to anything happening weird in Club Penguin. So we don't need to be concerned about it so much.
Waddle On,
Clarrise Daisy
Mimo, you said you were making a new party clue at 1:36.
mimo you know that in the newspapper i while ago they talked about finding the bouys? well i found the number 2!
I noticed that.
hehe i would have never evr known that!!
hmp maybe aunt artic made little mistake but any cool move
Mimo you're awesome! I like your site, and i have a glitch for you.
1.Go to pizza parlour
2.Notice the map book in the down left corner.
3.Step behind the bag with the red circle just right of the map. Your penguin must be completely hidden.
4.Shout:''Mimo777 is funny!''
5.Then see what bnch wht foollow you.
6.Its somethig good to make buddies.
HEHE! My name is on your post! WOW! Thank you for posting my name. :-)
Mimo...You have been chosen to join my Travian Allience. Be ready...
-Anonymous warrior
Hey Mimo,
Also...if you say your name on Club Penguin it wont show up to others...im pretty sure wbout this...
-Captain AR1
Mimo i found a glitch.
when you are walking and you click on the newspaper, after you reach your destination, it wont be showing that you are reading the newspapers even if you are!
i can dance with the newspaper! heres how: 1. go to the mountain 2.while ur walking to bunny hill click on the map fast. 3.then when the game starts you click on some- where on the map. 4. open the newspaper. 5. push on the d on your keybord. 6. now you are dancing with the newspaper! ps. if you want to see what ur doing when you dance with the newspaper you must have space to see when you open the newspaper. love,maykate.
LOL! mimo if you play aqua grabber go to the very bottom and go straight up, if you pick up enough speed you will go and fly out of the water and if you do bubbles come out in the air! its really funny!
(CP NAME : MATTYKED) Sorry if rong server iv bin ea for bout an hour!
Cool find! I didn't notice tht yet! Its a typo. I found a typo on my CP membership card. It says the steps 1, 2, 3 , and 5 instead of 4.
hey mimo i have the club penguin times email should i tell them about that? and its me Pinkbely
i have a small glitch for u
mimo did u kno that if u is on clubpenguin.com/load.swf and u click on somebodys player card and move it u can move it off of the orignal space (if u didnt press f11 in the white space on the side)
Thats kewl! When do you have quickee mimo parties?
why would it be on purpose?
Mimo, how do you become a moderator?? It sounds ike fun! Please answer!!
From: sugarpopgirl
they sure make BAD typos....xD
If you feed your puffles on edit, when you don't have any money, you get negative coins. (I think it only works when you give your puffles cookies or bubble gum). You should look into it!
cant wait till new game!
This is what Club Penguin sent me when i asked about the Rainbow
You are a very observant penguin to notice the rainbow has been
removed. The
reason it was taken out is we thought it would be best to have more
green and
less color in the background. The greens are really what is important
in the
background when it is for St. Patrick's Day. Thanks for letting us
know though.
Unfortunately we are unable to give out any information on whats to
come aside
from what is stated in the Whats New section of our site and the Club
Times. I would like to assure you we do not provide this information
for any
other sites. It is hard to say what will happen in the future of Club
so be sure to stay up to date.
If you ever have any other questions or concerns feel free to email us
Have a great day.
Club Penguin Support
Hey, Mimo777[or your gang]do you have any idea when the golden viking helmet will be back?
I really want it because i'm making a collection of them.
Also I wondered if you could find out if aqua grabber prize will change?
Sorry if this will take up too much time if you even have it.
From a very big club penguin and a fan of yours fan Harry Hepwor.
cool. do you think it was an accident or does it mean something?
dear mimo,
i absolutley love ur website!its soo cool!but i have one question, why dont u have penguin polls anymore?
sincerley emzels
I no this is random but some penguin who always hid himself kept saying this story of the orange puffle: a long time ago orange puffles roamed cp. they loved to read and write and eat puffle os. but one day in a game of puffle round up a penguin named Happyfeet let all the orange puffles leave. he hated orange. but as soon as new books come, orange puffles will return! Lic/Ran
That last comment was from Kaos 11
thats so weird haha :)
cool thats awsome! i always follow your cheats...BYE!
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