Ok, here's my idea. I feel bad because I get a lot of questions in the comments that I can't answer. I wish I could but I just don't have time. So, tell me what you think about this.
What if when someone posts a question about Mimo or about a cheat or something YOU answer it for me?! So what you do is send a comment with the answer and then sign your name with (CPG Moderator) after it. So it would look like this after your answer.
Then I can see who has the best or sometimes the first answer to a question and post your answer. But remember, you must put "
YOUR PENGUIN NAME (CPG MODERATOR)" after it and nothing else or else I won't post it.
This doesn't mean you are a permanent CPG moderator. Just a moderator for that comment. And who knows maybe if you answer enough questions I might promote you! ;-)
What do you think?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Club Penguin Gang Moderators Needed!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats
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1 – 200 of 378 Newer› Newest»sweet I'll help!!!!!
Uhhh,Mimo,I dont get it.
I want to be a CPG Moderator though.
I think it's great we just answer peoples questions about the sight, c.p., or cheats!
Great idea!
Sweet that is so cool i would love to help thanks
cheese242 cp moderator?
hey mimo i set my alarm on my cell fone and when i rang quickly ran up stairs to check your twitter! funny huh!
Let me see, Puff1002, CPG Moderator.Sounds good.
thats sooooo cool!
I wanna help.
way2cool000(CPG moderator) lol!
Yep I like that idea ^^
Lill Nomi
what if you dont have a blog and have to sign your name like this
Sure I'll help. I love CP
i like it blizzard98 cpg moderator
let my see... um
16pinky123 (cpg moderator)
sounds AWESOME!
thats going to be really fun!
-Shrimpgrl999 (CPG Modrator) :)
yes that will be a great idea mimo
koolsdpngin(CPG Moderator)
Greenfire009 CPG moderator
I would love to help with the comments!
hey it's me, who said i set my alarm on my fone. but did you post that comment on twitter for me? if so that would be so cool! ttyl! -you know who
Oh cool! I will help any penguin in need of an answer!
How's this?
Monkey Clyd (cpg Moderator)
when do we start mimo?
way2cool000(CPG moderator)
Nice thing and idea but how about if people post the answer for the same comment?
Oh I wanna try :)
Panpap(CPG moderator)
The person who asks picks the best answer!
That is fun!
Maybe you should hire an assistant! Or a secretary!
lol i had to run up stairs again but i never care, i play webkinz, runescape, clubpenguin (duh), and other run stuff did you leave that comment on twitter because of me? well that would be really kewl!!! plz reply (maybe)
is this right mimo hubert22 CPG moderator
Cool! oh and the party with u fride, zoezoe11,and ea12345 was sweet...
I think this is a great idea Mimo, I would love to help and be a CPG Moderator too, I have always wanted to help out your site!
Smashead (CPG Moderator)
Chasey100 CPG Moderator. Oh yeah I'm girl did I mention that! Just kidding Mimo777. I won't do that. I don't break the rules. In fact I don't even think I listen to them! Just kidding again! Ok. I think evreybody is tired of me saying Just kidding. Ok I'm gonna stop talking.
Im In !!!
Nice N Happy (CPG Modrator)
That is a good idea!
Angel9101 (CPG Moderator)
Hows This? Red Man Lord(CPGModorator)
Jatar(CPG Moderator) i like it! but i think you just should have sent this to certian ppl
Ok! I can help!
aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! by the way my cp name cheese242 i went to your last party it was fun! by the way ran up stairs for it again!!! your site is REALLY cool i check it at least twenty million times a day i'll see if i can meet you if you do a quickee party!
- cheese242 (make sure you get my name!)
lol im an old penguin in canada
Shadow 1397
All you do is put whatever you want or put your nickname in and then put (CPG Moderator next to it!
p.s it's me again and i just wanted to say do you remember the one comment that said, "hey mimo i just want to thank all your brothers and sisters including your parents!" well that was me!!!
- cheese242
I want to be a moderater! :)
Dbdpenguinz (CPG).
duh i will help!!!!!! all i do is this Dbdpenguinz (CPG moderator) right??!! :).
Thats super awesome cool
cool! I could help if you want?! But, if you already have loads of penguins in line to answer questions.....uh? forget it! i ain't waiting. If no one asks, Sign me up!!!!
-Moogasa(CPG Moderator)
p.s. teehee!
LOL of corse i'll help!
Dbdpenguinz (Cpg moderator) :)
cool ill help its gonna be so awsome!!!
wow mimo that is a sweeeet idea! :)
I don't get it. So like we post a question with the answer?!?!?!?!?. But how do we KNOW the answer??
IT is CONFUSING!Oh wait someone postes a question and WE answer for them??? Weird!
Dear Anonymous
Q/Uhhh,Mimo,I dont get it.
I want to be a CPG Moderator though.
A/Um, so what mimo is saying is that you can't be a permanent CPG Moderator, but you can still be one for a comment of several. However, Mimo might promote you and let you be an official CPG Modertor. (OCPGM)
If you have anymore questions, send an e-mail to:
I am always there to help!
-Ricky Piggy(CPG Moderator)
zbuddyz (cpg moderator) haha lol
Sharpie Mark (CP Moderator)
hey just thought of talking to u that waz really kewl by the way make sure you have a quickee party soon! i could ask if i could ask you! or are you going to do a surprise it on every 1? well i'll make sure i'll be there! you know i will! - you know who (cheese242)
hey mimo i found a glitch
for some reason when you throw a snowball at the surf hut it wont show
from mantaz with the help of icetray90909(cp names)
i will be one username:Rockhopper password:migrator
ok here is how you put your name as the title EVEN IF YOU DONT HAVE A BLOG
1.make the comment
2.then go to NAME/URL and click the circle by it
3.just write your penguin name
i already have a question so here it is
hey does anyone know where the hidden coin is in the attic scene where the floor moves in burnt out bulbs with the paint by letters thing that would really help
Ooooo so cool!!
-Minsurlia (CP Moderator)
sounds cool. i'll be sure to help!
Macry(CPG moderator)
cool i'll help!
Mimo, I think you should have a place on cpg where people can write what they want to know, and anyone who knows the answer can write it the way you said to, with cpg moderator at the end. And can people join Club Penguin Gang? I would love to be a member of it! : )
Waddly Penny, CPG Moderator
Sure I'll Help!
Aram Nh (CPG Moderator)
someone on the previous post leaving a comment saying y cant we take the pins and i think this is because then the pins wouldnt be secret or sacred
~*~Ccnenee~*~ (CPG Moderator)
Aeriell87 [Cpg moderator] nice but it would be really cool if i could get prometed!!
Aeriell87[CPG moderator
A Club Penguin Gang Moderator (cpgm).
Is a person that answers questions some of you penguins may have! So, the place where you put you name put in ( Club Penguin Gang moderator) Since mimo777 doesn't have enough time, because he is trying to make this site even better.
I would love to do this.... Please pick me! Peoples, ask questions too?
You do not have to put your name like this. EXAMPLE
Hi mimo777 you rock
popiy87894 (club Penguin moderator)
You press Name/URL ans type in on the name part your penguins name and Club Penguin Gang moderator.
Name : popiy87894(club penguin gang moderator)
Okay, If you dont understand what is Mimo saying, I can help you.
Mimo says that he wont be able to answer most of your questions. So instead Mimo will be having CPG Moderator. All you have to do is answer he questions. After you have answered you have to type in your penguins name then CPG Moderator. For example, pretend my penguin name is "Penguin", Ill answer the question then I will put "Penguin CPG Moderator" And if you are really good. Mimo might even Promote you! So I hope my answer to your question if helpful and makes you understand. :)
Best Regards,
Winter Tears CPG Moderator
P.S. I Think helping Mimo is a great idea do you?
i wanna help!!
ive been wondering if we could somehow join the "main group"!
That is a good idea! I want to be a CPG moderator.
Mckmitch(CPG moderator)
PS:When is your next party?
You guys could start now! Don't wait mimo777 said you could start doing it but that DOES NOT mean you are a permenent moderator. It is just for mimo to see how good of a moderator you might be.
If some people post answers to the same comment it will be alright! Hey,the person will get lots of answers to their question!
It is my dream to work at CPG.
That is such a cool idea!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderater)
Thank you mimo777. I have always wanted to help CPG in any possible way. So, if i always read the comments i thought i might as well help with CPG at the same time!
WOW popiy87894 is really good at answering questions! It is just Cause i Know her on CP she's really nice she always gives me tours! She even told me about this AWESOME site!
i would love to help plz
ur friend
= )
Awsome! I will definetly help. Though I havent posted many comments, I have been checking out your website from a long time and would be glad to help.
cool!! i want to try it!!
megrina10 (CPG moderator)
great idea i love it i hope you come up with a way to become a cpg mamber soon i say you make us find a hidden link to take a test that gives you an awners to a pass covered page that has clues of when where and all that to meet you then those that show p can join... To hard to easy ?
IDK but hope you work it out
a wanabe-CPG Moderater-Yuhh
That is such a great idea.I would love to help and Sherb122 (CPG Moderator) sounds good to me!!
amazing idea
il help
egauri cpg moderaror
Yo I am amanmiley and having a party on
Date:March 22
If not Saturday then Sunday And mimo please come
that sounds great Mimo I'd love to.
Jkeds (CPG moderator)
rubbishman (cpg moderator)
This is going to be fun!
hey mimo i think this is a great idea!!!!
glacy1234 cpg
ill help too though but how ?
i had many cheats but i dont know how to send them.
Nice! This is gonna be awsome!
CP Name: Bozobam
im zev9 and-
what is new in the space play catalog?
the space backround
Awesome! ill help! -Ye11 (CPG Moderator) HOPE YA PICK ME ;)
I have a question will i be a part of your gang if i am a cpg moderator? well just asking!i want to be one T___T -Ye11 pick me!!!!
I want to be a CPG MODERATOR mimo can i
there are new severs for the improvement project
I want to be a CPG Moderator!!
Sweet idea! But what if moderators do not know the answers? (Example this question)
anyone any questions great! adn cool cheese you must be a great fan!
The question he or she asked can be only answered by you("you"refers to Mimo) right?
(the 20th question)
Raaya (CPG Moderator)
Monkey Clyd And Red Man Lord
So i guess u two are a little confused about how it works..
here is..Lots of people asks question about the site or club penguin and post them as comments(as everyone knows) So if u want to be a CPG moderator all u have to do is answer for the question. After the answer u type , type ur name and put CPG Moderator in a bracket.I hope u got it.
Raaya (CPG Moderator)
hey mimo!
do you ever get tired of wearing the same stuff over and over again?
(i know you do it so ppl can recognize ya but does it get boring once in a while?)
Dear mimo777
Are my answers right? Or are they in a way other hate it or me?
Should i type in an other way?
PLS.i really want an answer from u this time..i want to know how u feel about about answers(i typed 3 or 4 answers)
Raaya(CPG Moderator)
I think it sound greaaaaat! I love it. What a nice idea Mimo! You rock!
Can I be a clubpenguingang moderator mimmo because I want to do something for this website.
From your friend Cluedo100
Just to tell u , I don't think mimo likes to many "!!!!" hehe..u got more than 10 of them..well , try to reduce them next time..
please don't think im bossy..i just want to be a CPG MODERATOR.
By the way ur comment is the 33rd comment.
Raaya(CPG Moderator)
Thats heaps kool how dose this sound
Jay5555 (CPG moderator) that sounds kool
Pengiione (CPG moderator)
kewl i'd love help!!
i think that's an excellent and fair idea Mimo!!
Even if i don't get to be a moderator, i'd still help around CPG.
Hermy47(CPG moderator)
Yeah mimo i'll help!
Qwewwerttdg(cp name)
Yes, I think it is a very good idea! But actaully more people wold post stupid cheats
Mimo, On the YearBook Post it isn't Penguin Tales now there is a 2005-2006 yearbook! It might help!
Then I have a question that I want someone to answer! Here it goes... Can somebody explain to me about the grey fish and how do you get it?
Thank you!
lets see...
penyobenny (CPG MODERTOR)
easter hunt!
ill be answering questions ALOT!
jacobsguitar (CPG MODERATOR)
hi mimo, i would love to help whats it like to own a big website?
thats stupid. no offense
please post this. dont make it look like your being selective about all the comments and only accepting the supportive ones. everyone has a right of speech.
Mimo i dont get what your asking but i want to becom a mod
hey that works! can we start now? =]
really good idea!!!
wongie95 (CPG moderator....maybe!)
one of the anonymous ppl asked "what if you dont have a blog and have to sign your name as anonymous?" and the answer is down below the "leave your comment" box, it says "choose an identity", and you select name/URL then type in ur name, you can leave the URL part blank =]
Man that is to hard....(not!!!) Please make me in it I would do anything!!!!!
oh i have an idea... a few minutes ago i was looking in ur old comments for questions to answer, and it would be a lot easier and faster for everyone if u had a Q&A box or chat page or something... questions get typed on one side and any answers get typed on the other? idk it makes it easier but its ur choice =]
to the anonymous penguin who said "Uhhh,Mimo,I dont get it.I want to be a CPG Moderator though," if you see a question from someone in the comments and u know the answer, then leave a comment with the answer and type [your penguin username] (CPG Moderator)
for example, my name is floobersnoot so i'm Floobersnoot (CPG Moderator)
Ill give the new mods a test.
Why doesnt CP fix up the glitches?
(note: I do like glitches)
hi mimo im new to clup penguin and found out that ur doing this site could you tell me a few tips for being new???
thanks CheeseyMesy8
cool sign me up!!:)
hey i think u should hav a party where u post like an hour or day b4 and tell exactly where and wen and just hav a few mins there it wood b soo cool for younger penguins weho cant figure out ur hard clues:)
sounds good, especially my name!!
Oceanarlisa - CPG moderator
=) Nice ...
u rock mimo!
That sounds great..I would love to help any penguin in need.Karte721 CPG Moderator...(Is it okay if u don't live in america.)
please!Iam your fan and i want be a moderator.My penguin's name is corokuri.
Ting Tong09 (CPG Moderator)
I will help!
cool its gonna be awesome
Okay I will help : D
hey Mimo,
it sounds so cool I would love to be a club penguin gang moderator!
When do I start?
Hey mimo,
it sounds so cool!
Id love to help!
Zuldemar (future CPG moderator)
On Astro Barrirrer [forget how to spell]
Where it says start click 1, 2, or 3 to got to level 10, 20,or 30
[CPG Moderator] Dave1881
so u do it like this Mageeco cpg Moderator
I'll help!
ok i am on the job now mimo
Hmmmm.........Isnt Zoe Zoe11 your moderater
Anyway! This is a good idea!
Some cheats and gliches you guys post, Mimo might have already found, just look at the old comments and stuff he posted. And club penguin gang has been going on for a long time so, Mimo probably posted most of the cheats and gliches already.
Blossum Blue (CPG Moderator)
is it just me or have people gone crazy about the cpg moderator thing! everyone is puttin there name cpg moderator without even answering a question! LOL! well just to fit in I'll do it.
Oj pengy (CPG Moderator)
count jedi 106 in!!!
jedi 106 (CPG moderator)
Cool! I'll totally help! I've always wanted to help on your sight! Pianopriss (CPG Moderator) LOL!
i would really love to mimo! =)
glad1996 (CPG moderator)
Hey mimo,
i think its very cool but i dont understand.but i want to be a cpg moderator though.
hey my name in clubpenguin is marvinellana(cpg moderator) sup yo
looks awesome!
Hi Mimo
Sasybob CPG Moderator
Bye Bye Mimo
ill help
Great idea
somebody said they were confused
what you will do is mimo has asked for us to help him answer ?'s so that is what we will do
vitodude (CPG MODERATOR)
I want to be a CPG moderator. Do I have to be a certain age though?
i'll help
is this it?
Racker14(CPG Moderator)
I think that is AWESOME!
-Cytgirl (CPG Moderator)
I love the Idea!
Mimo that is a great idea, and i would love to be a moderator,I'll try to do me best to get promoted.
Gallardo41(CPG moderator)
What? I don't get it!!!
Ok Mimo i will surely help
Crislin672{CPG moderator}
that would be awesome! this is probably one of the best ideas you have ever had. thanks so much mimo! you rock!
Great when do I start Yoshi 4567(CPG Moderator
When u r a moderator do you get to go to mimo parties without having to figure out the clue?
i would love to help
Futurekid (CPG Moderator)
Can I be a member on Club Penguin Gang?I know a lot of cheats so can I be a member?Please I realy love your website please!
i want to be a cpg moderator my name on cp is bimbo775 i am a member a secret agent and a tour guide and im here to answer all your questions :D
millgate1(cpg modarator)
I LOVE that idea Mimo! That sounds so cool! ~Kiaarmon, CPG Moderator
How did you think if the name Mimo777? P.S. your site rocks!
Awesome, Mimo! I want to be a CPG Moderator!
yay but how to sign up??
mimo can I help?
dcty2 (CPG Moderator)
Hi anonymous, question number 2. I'll explain. So Mimo777 wants moderators, so if anyone posts a question in the comments (like you), anyone can post and answer it and then you just put CPG Moderator after your name. I hope this will help,
Mavrick 3, CPG Moderator
Hey there all,
Kimberrlley1 here! You guys are all doing a GREAT job, but theres only one problem. All of you are forgetting the " after your name and before. See this is what mimo needs to see, or he wont post it!
"Kimbrrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
great! i'll join here's my name
Pirateypegu (CPG moderator)
Ill help out. We just need some ?s
Mimo i found out that more of the migrator was rebuilt the coke is no longer on the beach its on his ship again!
i will help your site is awsome by the way :)
i think thats great bit can you please leave some instruccions because i dont know how to do it!!!
hey mimo!
i love to help you
i really really love to help people
btw, becoming a CPG Moderator rocks! :D
CP NAME: Chubby Lala
Dear Cheese242
A CPJ Moderator means that you can reply to any penguins comment.
Vijay1234 (CPG Moderator)
Answer to shadow1397s question:It doesnt matter u can still do it.just put it your name at the bottom.
Hey mimo why did you remove nickname?
Jenniffereat(CPG Moderator)
Wow! Mimo that is an awesome idea! I will help if you want me to! I LoVE THE IDEA!
P.S. Just practice! LOL!
i found a way to be a gentlemen
heres how open plaer card put on large st. pats day hat close plaer card open it again put on miming helmet without closing it move plaer card to top of screen and dance
Hey mimo!!!
i think that its a brilliant idea!!! the penguins who r not able to be a permanent moderate of clubpenguingang, also get a chance!!! i love cpgang after all!
but, u should also show the name of the penguin who has told the answer.
this is 'layla 1405' (my cp name)
Sure! Ill love too!
Natho Dude (CPG Moderator)
Komander K
I Want to be a cpg Moderator
my penguin KOMANDER K
thats sooooooo cool awesome
doal5 cpg moderator
awsome thatnks this so cool ill be glad to help you out mimo777 and family..
That sounds like a GREAT idea Mimo!
Sportyace (CPG Moderator)
This message is for UFRIDE!!!!
What's up dude? I found a lot of extra coins on the book game. There really ARE a lot! If you need any help finding them let me know because i think i found them all. GO YANKEES!!!
Your pal,
Flag Expert CPG Moderator
I like it!
Crongleworth (CPG moderator)
i think its a great idea!
zacke123 [cpgmoderator]
ok ill help!!!
zacke123 [cpgmoderator]
i would like to be a moderator =)
Guys I think he meant sign your name like mine.
to Anonymous 2nd comment
you just answer question that are asked or tell someone about something they don't get
cool how do u sign up?
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