Wow! It looks like Club Penguin put out an old pin. But it's gone now. Here is the old Starfish pin and what it looked like earlier today.

Here is where the new (old) Club Penguin Secret Starfish Pin was earlier today.
Step 1. Go to The Mine.
Step 3. Look on the back wall.
Step 3. Now pick up the pin.
Did anyone else see it?!
Thanks to a WHOLE bunch of you who saw it too!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
cool i likejust missed it and you must be on like 24-7
Mimo you know what i just thought about? Well at the Christimas Party they released the scarfs earlier, and i got one! Maybe they were woking on a new thing like the Easter Egg Hunt, and they accidently released that again! Cool Huh!
I never find anything like that. Boo hoo. Oh well. Next maybe! And sorry I cant go to the party mimo! I'll count on next time
i saw it i got it now
mimo there is a new wall paper at the cpip blog
Hey mimo,
Kimberrlley1 here! Thats so awesome how they put a new pin back! i remember when i first got that pin =). Brings back all the memories ;-).
Everybody is doing a GREAT job with helping out being a moderator! So many great answers to questions, dont you think so?
Thanks so much mimo777,
from 007blackall
I missed it I think I was in school don't you go to school or you do it before school.It will be so cool
I heard about it. I was on but nobody believed the penguin who said it was there. I kind of did. I learned to listen to people sometimes. It wasn't there when i looked. :(
-Rainey Rain
Nice work u rule oh and srry i havent been on cpg in a while (busy busy busy) but now im back and im sure u remember me
Until Then,
Waddle On
Yes I think it was earlier on today.
cool i already had it
Wow that is sooo cool!
oh also mimo i kno somethin ok my fav is this one go to the ice burg and go to the aqua grabber game and say no when it askes you if u wanna play now u can sit in the little seat but eventualy it will close again but now ur on top of it cool huh you can also do it with the cart surfer ang then move your mouse over it and u get run over its funny.
Until Then,
Waddle On
thats so cool thats like a glitch
dat pin is so OLD {LOL}
Even if you didn't have it, it would say "Sorry this item does not exist"
That is so coool! Love it! I remember it so I don't need it!
If you didn't have it they would say that this item does not exist.. So you could not get it.
By the way my penguin is Chuchskate
i missed it to i get it some other time then...
Sorry mimo its me again meet jacobsguitar at
WHERE: mine
FOR: pin hunt
SEVER: Big Foot
Please come and help search
where is it?????
Yeah my brother tried to pick it up but it said "this item does not exist"
EXLX(CPG Moderator)
i dont see it
I didnt! : (
Dude that is so coool! Just like that scarf at the Christmas party!!!!
is that REALLY true?? that kinda suprises me wat clubpenguin will do. hey wat server was that on and wat time?
thx mimo but where is the new pin?????
I can't find it :c
man u figre stuff out so fast gurmie
cool yeah im gonna check it out
yeah i got that pin a while ago that's cool i wonder why they do that
Hey why is there a clup penguin improvement project what is that is there gonna be a club penguin 2or a different clup penguin website with different stuff i dont get it
I didnt see the starfish pin
mimo that is so awesome i hope next time i can get to it
you're friend Goofy73(CPG moderator)
NO!!!!!!!! I MISSED IT!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!! :(
i saw it! arceus121 showed me it.
u have it already?!?!?!?! sweet
~Tony Sk8~
mimo, do u rememebr wut time it was when u saw it??
Here was your question:
I missed it I think I was in school don't you go to school or you do it before school.It will be so cool
Actually, Mimo is home schooled. You can learn more about Mimo by clicking on "About Mimo" on the left side of the home page.
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
i may be a girl but i ..........
LOVE b-ball (im a tom boy)
mimmo plz go on twitter
aw man i missed it
mimo i found it first! and for me it said this item doesnt exsist! even though i had it already! could you say who said it first plz
mimo i have a cheat for u
1. turn light blue and put some glasses on
2. go 2 the iceburg
3. go to the edge of it by aquagrabber andit looks like ur glasses r floating
hey mimo,
I think you should make a quiz with about 10 to 20 questions and make an email, then put the quiz on your blog along with the email, then see who gets all or most of the questions right, then narrow it down with those people, until you have about 3 people. see? thats a good way because it will show who is the most skilled.
(note: the quiz q's should be about CP :) )
Mimo it was a axident im a monader and were taking the old pin away from new people who got the pin.
Omg! I just missed it!
Ninjabeak99(cpg moderator) lol
i still think i said it first! i said it right after i got kicked off because of cp updating things
my puffles just ran away hahaha i got new ones plus i have alot of coins
From Mimos Twitter: Kimberrlly1, Floobersnoot and Jessicamary are a few of the best CPG moderators so far. There are a few others doing a great job too!
Yoitspablo: Good job guys! You're doing great! :-)
Anonymous said...
where is it?????
Yoitspablo: It's gone now. Sorry. Don't worry I didn't see it either.
pinky2927 said...
thx mimo but where is the new pin?????
Yoitspablo: The newest pin there is, (The Book Pin) is in the boiler room. The pin showed there was an old pin. A glitch showed it there.
Hey mimo,
where do u hand out in cp?
I know what serevers, but what do u do?
Like where can I find U?
mimo please have a quikee party tonight before evry1 goes out of town for the holiday!!!!! PLEASE :-)
man so many great awnswers my head is going to be filled with all these great posts im even goin to dream about them
it is kinda annoying me that a lot of ppl are putting (cpg moderator) when they do not answer question, i mean i admit that it is kinda cool but if you accualy read what mimo sais then youll accualy be able to use
The new pin is in the Boiler Room
-Cytgirl (CPG Moderator)
Remember my party at
Date:MArch 22
Please be there it is gonna be a huge party my friend name:Pinkchiit000
My name:amanmiley
Anonymous said...
man so many great awnswers my head is going to be filled with all these great posts im even goin to dream about them
Yoitspablo: Yeah, Its like google, except with everything you need to know with Club Penguin and Mimo.
Hey mimo there is new wallpaper in cpip and it is so cool it is like penguins under construction
Remember my party at
Date:MArch 22
Please be there it is gonna be a huge party my friend name:Pinkchiit000
My name:amanmiley
Yoitspablo: Here is a quote from Mimo's left sidebar:I also like getting invitaions to your parties, but I can't attend them. Sorry!
P.S. Man I'm really Flabbing my gums tonight!
Cool, I missed it :(
oh well I can't wait for the easter party w00t w00t Lakelolah(CPG mod)lol
Here was your question:
thx mimo but where is the new pin?????
The new pin is located in the Boiler Room. (If you don't know how to get there, all you have to do is go to the Night Club, then look for the speaker that opens.) The new pin looks like a book. Good luck and I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
mimo i just saw you at the ice rink
Hey Mimo,
I saw you at the Quickee party! You didnt talk to me but its okay. Your really great.
Thanks so much mimo for having a quickee party. I finally got to see you, and it was my first party,
Kimberrlley ;-)
If you go to any screen in clubpenguin you can throw a snowball at the sky and it will stay there!!!! p.s my penguins name is 'mysteryblast'
Rasengan 9 still here plz meet me at the lighthouse tomorrow morning at mammoth at 8:00.
oh well i got that pin a year or less ago
Hey Mimo!
That was an awesome quikee Mimo party! You actually said hi to me! It was super fun!
Get well soon Kimberrlley1!
hey mimo fun qukee mimo party! it's cheese242! (you know who) but how come you never even reply to fan male? oh well did you see when i said, randimonium?! that was funny! i was happy when you said my name! oh that was KEWL! see ya -cheese242
Dear Amanmiley your question was:
Question: Don't you go to school?
Awnser: Yes mimo777 goes to school but not public or privite hes home schooled.
-16pinky123 CPG moderator
I know i saw it yesturday i wrote it down. And weird thing i clicked on it and it said,"Sorry, this item does not exist." WEIRD A MUNDO! so that was cool i thought someone hacked the pin :) (my bad...) lol c ya Mimo! -Ye11
Dear Pinky2927
Question: Where is the new pin?
Awnser: Boiler room
-16pinky123 CPG moderator
Dear Amanmiley,
Sorry to say but mimo can not attend your party because on hte sidebar is clearly says:
I'm sorry but I CAN NOT attend your partys...
-16pinky123 CPG moderator
darn it i didnt see it and im like on cp like 14/7!
Theyre havin club penguin improvement projects so they can make a new server that will go faster than the old one.
(CPG Moderator) Wwjd197
too bad i didnt see it.but i did see ur quickie was awesome. i was there.ur so cool. keep up the good work.ur also funny cuz u kept singing off and on again
the newest pin is in the boiler room
its a book
i have a question for you do you actually read every one of our comments? if you do you are amazing! plz write back!!!
there isnt any pin!
Hey Mimo777 on the catchin waves clintch with the binoculars u can do the same thing with jet pack adventure and the telescope
i misses it. :( i hope i can see you on cp some time besides partys. i cant wait until the egg hunt!! can you go to my club penguin cheat site and leave a comment. it would mean a whole lot to me! here it is
wow ur so lucky i saw the stupid pin but couldnt get it they say its no longer available
Hey ALL,
Kimberrlley1 here!
TEN MINUTES until the Hunt! GET READY!
I know i am. After im done i will post where the eggs are ;-) for those of you who asked. Good luck!
heyy, mimo i jst wanted 2 say srry i never came 2 ur party yesterday i dnt actually knw how u look lyk bt anyways...PLZ post the nxt party hints soon i dnt want to miss it again!!!!
Hey mimo!
Kimberrlley1 here~
Youll never believe what i dumb move i pulled tonight! I thought the easter egg hunt was tonight starting at midnight, because the newspaper said march 21st. I stayed up until midnight because i thought it was tonight, and just now another penguin tells me its based on CPS time. I cant believe it. LOL. i wouldn't blame you for putting this on Twitter lol.
Rasengan 9,
Here was your question:
Rasengan 9 still here plz meet me at the lighthouse tomorrow morning at mammoth at 8:00.
Mimo can't meet anyone on Club Penguin. (Except for his parties, of course.) It wouldn't be fair to meet just one special person. Tons of other penguins would love to meet him, too. But, he does go on the servers Big Foot and Fjord if you would like to look for him. I hope you understand!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
it's totally o.k kimberrlley but i think it starts at midnight club penguin time zone! it's a common mistake! don't worry!
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
Here was your question:
i have a question for you do you actually read every one of our comments? if you do you are amazing! plz write back!!!
Yes, Mimo does have to read every single one of these comments make sure they aren't inapropriate or mean. Mimo definately works very hard!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
i so can't wait till tomorrow i am getting super smash bros brawl and its the easter egg hunt! awesome!
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
Hey Mimo.You know the start of club penguin.I mean the banner.Well,guess what?Click the N on the Night Club.Click the penguin.Cool aye.Thanks for the pin cheats.I agree with filppers7.
i will help you post where the eggs are kimberrley! i am so excited for the easter egg hunt! good luck to everyone in this clubpenguin tradition i hope everyone has fun!
goofy73(CPG moderator)
where are the eggs fot the easter hunt i have found three eggs
ITS GONE!!!!!!
hey theres a free space background
in cp in the stage catalog
its the day before the egg hunt it on and ppl all ready have the prize for the egg hunt and soo do i sooo hrry get the ears a day before
there's a new egg hunt!!
Hey Mimo! I saw you at the party! This is the first mimo party I went to. I wished that I got the starfish pin but after the party it was gone. I can't wait till the easter egg hunt!
hurry get the bunny ears now its a day before its supposd to happen werid
where are the ester eggs mimo can u tell us please
hey ton of people started to come to my igloo and im not a member wats up with that!
At the easter egg hunt the egg you get in the dojo is black with a black belt, like a ninja. COuld ninjas really exist? Please use this mistery in your next post (probably about the easter egg hunt)
new questions... alright lets get crackin' =]
1) the strange pin was in the mine... look for the mine shack on the map, then enter the building. its not there anymore tho
2) the actual pin isnt out yet
3) no you cant get it, its a glitch
4) mimo has to approve all of the comments, so im sure he does read them (or at least, skims through them =] )
so thats all for now folks =]
mimo is the blue puffle on the puffle shop suposed to have a yellow outline?
i dont believe the blue puffle has a yellow outline, perhaps it was glitch on ur computer, tafantic
answer time! yay!
1) CP sometimes comes out with updates and prties a bit early because its very close to the next day, and most pengs will log on the day it is supposed to start. this way the party will definitely be started when ppl start comin in
2) ninjas dont exist yet, but they might later
3) mimo has posted the locations of the eggs now, so have fun finding them! the ears are so cute
4) if ur not a member and pengs come into ur igloo, im guessing that its either:
*ur friends who have access to ur igloo
*a glitch, that happened to me once where the sledding hill was inside my igloo and all the pengs were lining up for sledding but i culdnt see the mountain so i thot ppl were comin in my house =]
5) sorry guys, but mimo cant go to ur parties cuz thers so many of u that are inviting him, theres no way he can go to all of them. he'd hafta live on the computer the rest of his CP life! lol
oh and same with fan mail... he probably gets A LOT so he cant answer all of it
6) mimo is homeschooled
7) the pin was in the cave but now its gone =[
8) the latest pin is a book in the boiler room, but no new pin is out yet
ok i need some sleep =D so goodnight everyone!
Hey mimo,
Crislin672 here! Thats great how they put a new pin back
Everybody is doing a superB GREAT job with helping out being a moderator!
Thanks so much mimo777,
shucks. No easter egg hunt in the test servers though,
I did not see it...
Hi! =] you know mimos partys are they on club penguin time or normal time cuz im am in England
mimo when I tried to pick it up it said that this item does not exist oh and bye the way I'm using my ipod touch I hot for Christmas cool trevs pengy (cp name)
Mimo i know what servers u go on but what time in club penguin time zone do u go on? and when is ur next partay?
Hey Mimo I have another cool cheat/trick...go on the home page of club penguin and click on the "N" in Nightclub and the penguin turns to a ninja! How cool is that?!?! and also if you just click on the penguin he changes clothes! Dont know if anyone knew that!
Oh, I didnt see it. :(
I saw it! I was shocked and amazed until I realized I already had it! LOL
Hi, Mavrick 3 here, and I'll answer some of your questions.
1."Hey why is there a Club Penguin Improvment Project what is that is there going to be a Club Penguin 2, or a differnt Club Penguin website with differnt stuff I don't get it." -Anonymous
The Club Penguin Improvment Project (CPIP for short) is kinda like a test. They're trying to make Club Penguin better, so they made CPIP. CPIP is going to be an improvment project (duh), and you can help Billybob and Rsnail and all those guys there by creating a clone of your penguin. To do that, go to SERVER TEST after clicking the green goggles to get you in. Then you just walk around a do what you normally do. If you find a bug in CPIP, please report it because you make Club Penguin better when you do. As I said before, all of this will stop on April 4, so come and help Club Penguin!
2."Hey, Mimo, where's the starfish pin?" (lot of ?'s like this were asked)-Anonymous
The starfish pin that Mimo showed us in the picture was only there for a bit, and then it was gone. I don't think Club Penguin ment to do that, so right now the pin is nowhere. I didn't get it either, so don't feel bad.
3."Mimo is the blue puffle in the puffle shop supposed to have a yellow outline?"-Tafantic
Ummm...I didn't see a yellow outline on it, but if it does it's probably not supposed to be there. You could report that to Club Penguin Support if you wanted, though.
4."At the Easter egg hunt the egg in the dojo is black with a black belt, like a ninja. Could ninjas really exist? Please use this mistery (mystery) in your next post (probaby about the Easter egg hunt)"-Meyerdude
No, sadly, ninjas don't exsist. Club Penguin used to have ninjas, but then removed them for some reason. I hope their bringing the ninja back, because I think it'd be cool to become a ninja.
Thanks for all the great questions guys, and I hope these answers help. (P.S. Mimo rocks)
-Mavrick 3 (CPG Moderator)
ya i saw it.but i alredy hav it.that stinks.
Hey Mayerdude,
Kimberrlley1 here!, lets start answering a lot of questions today!
You asked if Ninja's could really exist?
My answer is: No, Ninjas on clubpenguin are not real. Tat is just a big myth that has spread around clubpenguin for years! ;-). Maybe someday, they will make them real on clubpenguin.Wouldn't that be so cool?! =)
Thanks for the question &+ thanks so much mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey all!,
Kimberrlley1 here ready to answer another question today! =)
This question was asked by a user named tatantic. He/she asked us if on the pet shop, if the blue puffle was supposed to have a yellow outline?
My answer is: Yes, it has always had a yellow outline =). I wasn't sure at first when i looked at it either, but in the end, i remembered it always having one ;-).
Thanks for the question&+thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey everybodY!,
This is Kimberrlley1 here!
This question is from an anonymous user. They asked us why they wouldn't get the starfish pin when it came out yesterday?
My answer is: I dont think really anybody could get the pin, because i think it was an accidental mistake that they put it out. Maybe they were hiding the eggs and making clues for the hunt, and they accidentaly put it out again...hmmm..this will i believe be an unsolved mystery. LOL ;-)
Thanks for the question&+thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey everyone,
Kimberrlley1 here again to answer another anonymous question!
They asked if mimo could please tell us where the easter eggs are?
My answer is: He sure can ;-)! They are posted right now, so next time you see this, Start HUNTING =). It is a lot of fun, i just finished!
Thanks for the wonderful question&+thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Darn! Looks like I missed it by about an hour and half! Grrr.....I didn't have that pin! That's pretty cool that they accidentally released it!
"pinky2927 said...
thx mimo but where is the new pin?????"
The next pin won't be realeased untill March 28. The current pin, the book pin, can be found in the boiler room!
" Jatar said...
is that REALLY true?? that kinda suprises me wat clubpenguin will do. hey wat server was that on and wat time?"
Yeah it surprises me too! The pin was accidentally released on all servers. Mimo posted about it at 8:09 AM, but I'm not sure how long it stayed there?
close freind said...
it is kinda annoying me that a lot of ppl are putting (cpg moderator) when they do not answer question, i mean i admit that it is kinda cool but if you accualy read what mimo sais then youll accualy be able to use
That's what I was just thinking. I'm not sure why Mimo is still posting their comments, because he said he wouldn't. But I still think we should respect the rules.
Remember, to only put "CPG Moderator" after your name when you've answered a question. NOT when you've made a comment about Mimo's post or replying to someone else's comment. (like I'm doing now)
The people who know who are the good moderators is only Mimo 777. He doesn't tell it in private neither twitter or CPG yet.
to pinky2927:
The new pin{Book Pin} is in the boiler room.^-^Hope i helped!^-^
"Anonymous said...
i have a question for you do you actually read every one of our comments? if you do you are amazing! plz write back!!!"
Mimo has to approve every single comment that comes in. I think he does read every comment, he just doesn't have the time to answer them all! That's what us CPG Mods are doing!
Hey all,
Kimberrlley1 here answeing an anonymous question!
This anonymous user asked if mimo really reads ALL of the comments, and she says if he doesn, then he's amazing.
My answer is: Yes. Mimo does actually have to read EVERY comment, because he needs to be sure that there is nothing innapropriate in them or bad. He might have a few other people that help him during the day too. Keep up the great work mimo. =)
Thanks for your queston &+ thanks mimo! ;-)
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey everybdoy, =)
Kimberrlley 1 here. Rasengen 9 asked if Mimo could meet him tomorrow morning at 8:00 in serv
er mammoth at the lighthouse.
My answer is: No, i am very sorry. Mimo can't meet anybody because he doesn't have time, and it wouldn't be fair to other penguins that want to meet him too, just as badly as you do. Mimo does wish he could spend time with each and every one of us, but he just can't find time to. =(
Thanks for the question &+ thank you mimo,
;-) "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Annamiley!
Kimberrlley1 here. =). You asked if everyone could go to your party.
My answer is: No, im sorry to say that on the sidebar of mimo's website, it says he can not attend anyones party's. He just doesn't have the time. =(
Thanks for the question &+ thanks mimo =)
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Jessicamary,
Thanks for the get well soon again! But i do have some bad news. Its actually REALLY bad news.
I have to go to the hospital again today because my temp is rising over 105.5 now. I hope i get better soon but i dont think ANYTHING in the world can cheer me up. I am still answering questions though, because i like helping people, even when i feel down. But i still dont think ANYTHING in the WORLD can cheer me up =/. Right now im playing clubpenguin in server Fjord =). Im having lots of fun.
Thanks Jessicamary and Mimo, ;-)
Mimo I didn;t see the pin its friday its not there Mimo My user Name is Linnyguin im always on
The starfish was the very first i got at club penguin!! :)
I posted that that comment like a million times on the migrator blog but u never posted it!!!!! oh well i guess u wanted to use it as a blog topic
u didnt say my name. boo hoo!
i dont see it what am i suppose to do to get
Why dosent it exist?
And how did You get it?
~Minun 25~
does anyone know if theres another pin or if theres a pin u can get??
Here was your question:
Why dosent it exist?
And how did You get it?
It actually does exist, but Club Penguin took it out because it was already a pin a while ago. It was available for a little while, but you can't get it anymore. Pretty weird, huh? I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
I missed it! Oh well maybe some other time!
Hey RawrrSophh!
Kimberrlley1 here, ready to answer the question you asked: Is there a pin you can get?
My answer is: Yes there sure is! The book pin is found in the boiler room, which is located in the night club. The far righthand speaker opens up ,and thats how you get to it. You can pick up the book pin if you havent already done so =).
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
its not there
Here was your question:
does anyone know if theres another pin or if theres a pin u can get??
Yes, there is. It is located in the Boiler Room. (The Boiler Room is hidden. To get to it, you have to go through the left speaker at the Night Club.) The pin looks like a book. Good luck and I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
Hey Kimberrlley,
I am very sorry that you feel that way. :( Try to go on Club Penguin sometime tonight if you can. I wish i could come visit you in the hosptital but i know i can't. :(
Feel better soon!
so a few more answers before i do my homework...
1) the pin was a glitch, and the new one doesnt come out till the 28th. the current one is a book, its in the boiler room.
2) mimo's parties are ALWAYS in club penguin standard time... thats why CP put a clock there so u can coordinate your party times even if ur in different time zones. =]
3) CP fixed the glitch so you cant see or get it anymore =[ oh well.
good questions guys, thanks!
see ya
also its right where it was last year!
NOOOOO i always miss stuff like this!!!
jatar: is this glitch really true??
yep! it is true! they were probably updating the site and accidently released one of their old items by mistake.
Hey Jessicamary,
Kimberrlley1 here!
Guess what!? I have really good news!=) Scroll down if you wanna know what it is! ;-)
Keep going
Dont stop ;-)
Im feeling better! =). No more hospital, and the good thing is i can answer more questions! Thanks so much for everyones help. I think you all made me feel better with all of those comments =). Thanks guys/girls.
Thank you everyone&+mimo777,
Hi! =] you know mimos partys are they on club penguin time or normal time cuz im am in England
Mimo always has his parties in Club Penguin Time. That way, it makes it easier for everyone to understand what time it will be at. I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
i didnt get it waawaa mimo have you got a stick with a marshmellow on it?
i missed it :(
Hey all,
Kimberrlley1 here!
Jatar asked us if this glitch was really true?
My answer is: Yes, this is really true!=). They put out the old pin!...they probably put it out by accident, and most penguins couldn't pick it up, becasue when they tried to it said the pin didnt exist. Weird huh?
Thanks &+ thanks mimo =),
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Here was your question:
mimo how do you got a stick with a marshmellow on it?
The stick with the marshmellow on it was a free item last summer. It was a part of the camp out party. To keep up to date on other parties and events, remember to keep checking the newspaper. It has an up coming events page on it. Have fun and I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
I am SO happy that you are feeling better! I was just waiting and waiting for an update. I was answering questions while I was waiting. It makes me very happy to be helping people. Glad your feeling better!
the marshmallow on a stick was a free item from the camping party last year, so now its not available =[
What are Mimo's parties like?
I am new on Club Penguuin. How can I figure out how to do everything??
I tried to pick it up and it said it didnt exsist?!?!?!
i've been around club penguin 4 VERY long time so i already have the pin!
Mimo usually goes on Big Foot and Fjord! If you see him, make sure to wave him a hello :)!
Kimberrlley1, spamming is wrong. if you want to be a mod i suggest that you dont spam!
Here was your question:
What are Mimo's parties like?
Mimo's parties are lots of fun! They are usually very crowded and sometimes a bit crazy. If you can't get in to his party room at first, keep trying and trying. It will be worth it. Once you get in, there is usually a big bunch of penguins around Mimo. Lots of them are dressed exactly like him. Sometimes Mimo even organizes games to play. Have fun at the next party!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
Here was your question:
I am new on Club Penguuin. How can I figure out how to do everything??
As much as I would love to tell you ALL about Club Penguin, I can't because it would take all day! ;) I do have some tips for you, though.
Look for a penguin that is holding a sign that says "Tours Here!" That is a tour guide. Just ask them for a tour, and they will show you all around Club Penguin.
Another tip I have for you is Explore! There are many secret rooms and exciting things around Club Penguin!
One more tip I have for you is to keep up to date with the newspaper. They tell you about all of the exciting things around the island. It even has an In Focus section. It tells you about a new room each week.
Good luck and have fun!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
"Anonymous said...
I tried to pick it up and it said it didnt exsist?!?!?!"
That's because it doesn't. It was released awhile ago, and now it's impossible to get. So it basically doesn't exsist. You were just seeing a picture of it.
"Anonymous said...
i didnt get it waawaa mimo have you got a stick with a marshmellow on it?"
The marshmellow stick was realeased that summer during the Camp Out Party. It was in the cove and you could pick it up as a free item.
"Qwerty123 said...
I am new on Club Penguuin. How can I figure out how to do everything??"
Welcome to Club Penguin! There are a lot of Tour Guides in CP that would be glad to show you around. (inculding myself) Read the Newspaper, it has A LOT of helpful information. Check back to Club Penguin Gang daily, it can help you find the pins and party information. Post any of your questions in the comment area on any of Mimo's posts, and the CPG Mods will be glad to answer them.
You'll catch on soon!
i saw this pin but when i picked it up it said that it did not exist?? weird eh
Hey Qwerty123,
Kimberrlley1 here ready to help! You told us you were new to clubpenguin, and were wondering how youd figure everything out?
Well, i'd be GLAD to help you out =). I usually go on blizzard, fjord, bigfoot, or iceberg. The news paper also has much useful information, and mimo's website does too. Check back here often, we'd all be glad to help you out.
Thanks &+ thanks mimo,
=) "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Libby4dakota!
Thanks for your question =). Kimberrlley1 here!
You asked what mimo's parties were like?
Mimo's parties are awesome! Ive only been to quikee party, but ill be trying to go to that super hard mimo party! ill try to figure out those tough clues. But in all his parties rock and are tons of fun. ;-)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo a lot,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey everyone!
Kimberrlley1 here!
Tafantic, I would NEVER copy ANYONES answers, or spam. I know that spamming is very wrong, and that you can get in A LOT of trouble for it. Its like making an oreo and putting your name on it!
;-). I am sorry if i made you think i spammed, but i would never EVER. Can you tell me where you think i spammed?
Thank you so much tafantic =)..i hope were cool, because i would never want you to be mad at me. I am so sorry for whatever made you think i spammed, but i reread al the comments and i didn't. Thanks again! =)
hey declan, your right when you picked it up, it probably did say it didn't exist cuz it was just a glitch
that is so cool!! that was actually my first pin I ever got on Club Penguin!!! that was when i first joined CP!!
I posted that to you i think
your awesome mimo777
awwww man i missed the pin!!!
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