What do you think of "Brio2?"

Rate this penguin now by doing the following:
Step 1. Go to www.ratemypenguin.com.
Step 2. Click on the "Penguin" category.
Step 3. Find "Brio." It is on the 2nd page.
Step 4. Click on the picture.
Step 5. Now, right above the picture, click on the word, "Rate."
Step 6. Next to the sentence, "Rate this image," select one of the following"
Step 7. Finally, click "Submit Rating."
Would you like your penguin to be featured on ClubPenguinGang.com? Then do the following:
Step 1. Screen capture the Player Card of your penguin on Club Penguin.
Step 2. Go to www.ratemypenguin.com.
Step 3. On the right side of the page, click "Submit CP Image."
Step 4. Enter the name of your penguin where it says, "Title."
Step 5. If you would like to enter a description of your penguin, do that were it says, "Description."
Step 6. Now you need to upload your Player Card by clicking, "Browse."
Step 7. Now locate your screen capture and click, "Open."
Step 8. Click, "Attach."
Step 9. You can submit your email adress if you would like updates sent to you.
Step 10. Click "Submit Link."
Step 11. Leave a comment here that you would like to be a Featured Penguin.
Upload your Club Penguin parties, igloos, Penguins and funny pictures now!
Don't forget to send all your penguin buddies to rate your penguin!
Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
ya hes coool
10/10 and can I PLEASE be the next one?
Ive never been mentioned in CP sites :(
yo mimo how do u screen capture? love dudey boy13.
hi mimo777!
THIS ISN'T ABOUT THIS SUBJECT that i'm on it's about how to be on your ultimate buddy list.First,what u say is a little non understanding because, i'm only 9 yrs. old and i just plain don't get how to be on your ultimate buddy list. Please post back on how to be on your ultimate buddy list. Thanks!
-minikyu cp name #1 fan
p.s. first comment.
Hey Mimo I have Currently Added An Image Of My Player Card. My penguin Name Is Bbuzzel Please search: bbuzzel on rate my penguin.com
I think he is ok
but it looks kind of messy i give that a 4
he looks like no other!
I am not a member so can i still post my picture mimo
if yes reply me
if no dont reply
10/10 awesome
You don't have to be a member to post your penguin on ratemypenguin.com
how do i screen capture my penguin
Nice Mimo777!
Mimo, i even had > mIMo pleas e make my penguin the featured penguin i was sitting on water had it in a chat bubble and you still didnt! @O
mimo i just sent in a picture of me. i want to be a featured penguin on your website.
mimo, if possible i would like to be a featured penguin. i dont care when, just as im one. thanks! im also on ratemypenguin.com.
Can you put me on your website? my penguin's name is redboiipod. im your biggest fan remember? well bye
Redboiipod, your #1 fan
Yo Mimo!
I have a cool outfit for you ( not saying that yours isn't cool )
1. red bandana
2. blue hawaiin necklace
3. pirate boots
4. black
hey im cg7mv7 and i would like to be on your website!!!!
purple 5547
hes pretty cool. i like it.
ok lots of ppl are asking how to screen capture, so mimo u should tell them.
you guys theres a button on ur keyboard called Print Screen... thats screen capture. then if you, say, go to word, you can paste it with ctrl-v and there's your screen pic! if u really dont get it then google "screen capturing"
ok im adding more images of my player card... i think i might have 4 or 5 outfits there =]
hahaha mimo i sent in 7 outfits cuz i was bored =] plz consider them! i would like to be the featured penguin sometime...
i would say im ur biggest fan but lots of ppl say that so i guess i'll say that im a HUGEEE fan of yours! =D
Can you feature me too? I have 2 player cards in ratemypenguin.com ;-)
Penguins Rock!
have you tried out the outfit yet mimo? believe me, it rocks.
I want my penguin to be featured!!!
My username is Jonathan Rox. I wear a huge hat with a carnival background.
Mimo, Can we meet up and then plz plz plz put me on ratemypenguin.com
Biggest fan!!!!
21 comment
(CP name ) Boggo45.
Minikyu i'm even younger than you! I'm only 8!
thanks floobersnoot
Hey mimo! I want to be one of the featured penguins. It has the underwater theme...I guess. Well, mine is jiggyjelly
@dudey boy13
On the top-right corner of your keyboard, there is a button called "Print Screen". Click it then go to a editing program such as Microsoft Paint and press CTRL + V
Hope this helps!
I FEEL happy when mimo replys to comments..any of the comments .. no matter hus\
i would like to be featured my penguin name is karlito362.
Reply to dudeyboy13: Its simple to screen capture! First, look for the key (on the keyboard) and try and find Prt Scn Syn SysRq
dear panpap,
maybe. Thats up to mimo to decide. don't be discouraged if you don't make it! many people ask mimo to be the next featured penguin! any how,first post your penguin at rate my penguin.com. then all you can do is wait for mimo to make his choice.
hope that helped!
dear minikyu,
how to go on mimo's ultimate buddy list:
. You need to have your Club Penguin Player Card on RateMyPenguin.com so mimo can see what you look like.
then ask him in a comment section!
but right now,he is not taking anymore Ultimate Buddies.
blue tomboy7 CPG Moderater.
to take a screen capture press print screen when everything is perfectly where it should be print screen is near the top right of your key board
Brio2 is one cool penguin! If you haven't had you penguin on Club Penguin Gang, don't be discouraged! Keep trying, I'm sure Mimo has lots of entries to surf through. =)
On some computers you can press the "prt sc" button, at the top of you keyboard, around the area where you see 'F1, F2, F3' and so on. Press the "prt sc" Button two times (to make sure you got the picture. Note: The prt sc button stands for Print Screen, it will "take a picture of" what ever is on your screen at the moment.) after you've pressed the prt sc button open up Microsoft Paint and press "Ctrl and V" at the same time, to paste your screen picture into paint. (If this method does not work for you, you can right click and press "Paste") Save your image, and your done! If you have a MAC or PC, I'd be happy to answer questions about taking screen pictures. =]
~Cloudful (CPG Moderator)
You screen capture by pressing on a windows the print screen button.
Sciencerobo (CPG Moderator)
to screen capture, look for the "print screen" button on ur keyboard. just press the key when u wanna take the pic, the paste onto any program that lets u edit (like paint, word, etc.)
oh and if u dont know how to paste it's ctrl-v
Heatwave5566 (CPG mod)
Anoyone can put their Penguin on RMP! nonmembers are still cool!
Hi Mimo777
I love you
10/10 I love this penguin!!!!!!!!
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