Here is a step by step way to become a test penguin and try out Club Penguin's new servers.

Step 1. Go To http://www.clubpenguin.com/cpip
Step 2. Click on "MORE INFO" under Test Servers.
Step 3. Put in your normal penguin name and password. Don't forget to click in the little box. YOU DO NOT MAKE A NEW PENGUIN HERE. USE YOUR NORMAL ONE.
Step 4. Click the "I AGREE" box.
Step 5. You have to enter in your penguin name and password again.
Step 6. Pick a server.
Step 7. That's it! Try it out and have fun!
I guess it is a little glitchy and buggy. If you find some cool glitches or bugs report them here.
They even have a blog set up. Back on the first screen you can click on the "READ" under the CPIP Blog. Not much there yet.
Oh, I almost forgot, you get 20,000 coins to start! Not sure how cool that is when you can't really spend them on anything or keep the coins. Oh, well. It's something new.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
how aBout the party clues
how about the party clues misterman from twitter first thing i did was folowed u after signing up
if you wear the soccer uniform thingy then it rises up to your beak.
Plz post my name!!!
Yay 3rd comment, i think...
cool but i lost all my clothes
I found out if you have clothes on and click on your player card they appear in the wrong place. lol
MIMO! MIMO! I FOUND A GLITCH! the new books arnt on the improvement project!
mimorulz of coarse!
hey its really cooooool mimo!!!
i really do not like the testing servers! u know why? well i was bad and the test guides are horrible! i made a penguin named "test guide85" i got reported and i also made a penguin named "ninja test58" that got reported too so i made a penguin named "mimo777 test" havent tryed that one yet its lol! take my advice do not make a test guide of anything moderators are mean! PS: Im Jigily Puff CP name
I think the improvement project is cool! I'm logged on now
mimo when i try to log onto the test servers, i click sign up and then it takes me to this blank screen, which is where u go to the blue club penguiin screen. i know u dont usually answer comments but please answer me this one cos im having major trouble because it doesnt load and i wanna log on!!! if mimo cant answer, can someone else please??? i wanna test the server!
- carysimoimo
wait idont understand. Do we type our penguin name. Or our test penguin name?
It's cool!! My user is 404 notfound and voykroy12.
I just got on clubpenguin again (I got hacked but not much people know about it.)and on the test servers they don't have the new game
Mimo u should set up a date to go on one of the test servers so we can at least meet ur test penguin =]
I have a couple of gliches
1st - it you go into a busy room you can see other penguins but insted of walking like normal they jump it looks quite cool though.
2nd - if you click on the chat button thingy you cant move onto other options and then i couldnt get it of my screen untill you go into another room :|
3rd - you cant become a tour guide or a secret agent
4th - if you by something like colours or backrounds you dont have them on next time you sign in and you still have 20000 but if you click on the catolog you have the money you spent :S
will ur penguin be deleted for ever if u do the test?
Hey, Kimberlley1 here!
Just want to let ALL of the clubpenguingang user's know that i WILL be hostong a COLLEGE PARTY at Kimberrlley1 on your map!
Place- Kimberrlley1 on map
Server- Blizzard
Time- 4:30 Eastern Time Zone
Note- Be sure to wear any college or school gear you can! If you do not have any go to the stage and buy atleast one thing!
P.S.- If you are a nonmember, you are still welcome! Hope to see youi there EVERYONE AND MIMO! Please come, and the best dressed person will win the PRIDE!
the improvement project is like the regular club penguin game, just it has less penguins and i nees the instrructions about this.
If you put on the soccer uniform, it's up by your beak!
its misterman i was wondering mimmo i figured out all party clues but is the next one going to be as easy as the other ones
Mimo the improvement project has a lot of famous penguins like you.
i dont really like the test servers either it kinda feels like your haking club penguin to me.
i signed up with one of my penguins this morning and can buy anything eventhough im not a member but signed up with a second one an hour ago and carnt buy hardly anything
Heres a glitch when you buy stuff for your igloo they never show up on the ground or in the view items box.
Winter Snowz
(plz post me)!!!!
Wow... i like the CPIP. It really fast and much better. :)
I got a cool hack,
You can use your normal penguin and your test penguin at the same time!
u can! i bot a all the stuff i wish i had but couldnt afford! it rox!! Lic/Ran
where do u go to become a test penguin because im lost i go to club penguin.com but then where
where do u go mimo im stuck on the website please help me
Please post my party comment! From Kimberrlley =[
Im sad bc you didnt post it and now my parties ruined. If you could could you please change the time to 5:30 when you post?
Still love the site =]
Im on Fjord Now, become friend with me
I have found a really cool glitch. Please give me credit if you post about it.
Here it is...
1. Go to http://test.clubpenguin.com/load.swf
2. Now click on any penguin that shows up.
3. It will try to connect to server
4a. If you click on a registered penguin, the server screen will come up it will say something like:
Was not able to connect to server.
4b. If you use a non registered penguin it will say:
This account is not activated and if you click the "Learn More" button it sends you to http://www.clubpenguin.com/activate.php
How cool is that!
~Thanks if you use it
Im on test server one in the night club!
its okayyy
i cant change color background pins or clothes if i log on
(Romans 5:8)
the football kit is way too high on the ppl who wear it. Oh and so many ppl lie about seeing billybob. I saw a beta
hey mimo on the test thing if you click on a penguin with any thing like cloths on it will be on thier face!
Hey how do you become a member on the project, Mimo. Penguins have been saying they got free membership.
I found a cool glitch!! When U buy something and U ran out of Coins and U buy something trying to get it but it will say: You already have that Item" Try it it will work!!
I have the most aweesomest trick!!!
Go do the paint by color My puffle book and when it says the color puffle it has the same color your walking and the same color your penguin is wearing!
From popiy87894!!!!
Mimo i saw Fever and disney Staff. But where is Billybob. Oh and people were saying " Follow me for Billybob."
They're lying, right?
Penguins say you can find bugs at games, is that true?
When i seen Fever he didn't want to be my friend. :[
mimo, i am probably gonna sign up for the test, but i have one little question: When you sign up, i know u have ur test penguin, but can u still go on ur regular penguin or do u have to go on ur test penguin?
Mimo, are we the only ones who get to try it out? As in, only those of us who read your website? Sweetnesssss
The test thing is kool but there are hats and i cant find them!
i'vegot a cheat and it is in the news paper in aunt artic.its on her glasses if u touch them they turn into sunglasses! someone always at ur service, samsgrlfrind
there was this one penguin that on his player card, there was his cloths all over his player card! i reported it as a bug
u know u can buy a puffle or at the mprove project thing annndd u can get a FRIEND SHIP BRACELET. u can also change the penguins color and u can buy backgrounds. thats all. cn u give me credit?
if you use your regular account, wouldn't your penguin be deleted on april 4 ?
is there really a beta hat? lots of ppl have some, but they couldnt be from before bcuz all of our inventories were wiped out for the testing. do you think there really is one?
im a member but when i log on with the beta test, all of my items and clothing are gone. my igloo is back to the original one, and i have no furniture..
there are some penguins there that have rare items, and a party hat.
(maybe theyre hackers?)
they will say they are going to show you where the hat is, you just need to follow them, the only problem is, they take big groups of penguins to somewhere else on the island, and never say how they got the hat
i see alot of beta mimo. they said theres a trainer. get me more info on this!
Hey Mimo! I got something for you to look into on the testing servers. There's a rumor going around about a Beta Hat tons of people have it but they wont tell. So can you find out more stuff about it?
hey mimo, do you know how to get a beta hat on the test servers?
8:00 still can't find beta hats.
Please help me.
If you wear the soocer uniform it comes up to your face. It's really weird. It only happens on the test servers.
yo mimo
people are talkin bout a beta hat.
i cnt find it!
they say it was there yesterday but now its gone.. T-T
do u hav it??
hi my name is dudey boy13,
mimo this mesage is for you
and i hope u answeer me back.
this is my question where are those cool beta hats that ive seen on penguins?
Mimo, on the test servers, a Club Penguin robot named Mew850 said that ninjas will be avaliable in late July!
Mimo will you PLEASE post where the beta hats are on the test clubpenguin?
mimo, plz make a hit count counter!
I tried to log in but they said the account has not been activated!
hey mimo
i got a cool thing for you
if you open up the newspapper and go to ask aunt artic page up the top theres a picture of her click your mouse on her glasses and it will turn black cool huh
plz give me credit
the test servers are really boring...its just like regular club penguin except you have lost all of your items and pins. and if your not a member to begin with you cant by anything you want. you still have to be a member to by anything good. Sorry...
ps. my penguin: Avjfsyseorhl (i know its kinda weird but i means sometin)
hey on the test servers at the stage you can walk on top of the vending machenes and lockers IT IS SO COOL PLZ PUT THIS ON YOUR WEBSITE
You can spendthe 20,000 points. if your a memebr.
you know that in the new game, there are secerts in the drawings, and behind it are coins. those coins would hen be added to your score for finishing the book.
just some thub's up
hey, wats the deal with this beta hat? can you tell us about it?
Mimo! There is a free hat on thee new servers. because everyone, members, or non-members is walking aroung with these yellow and pink hats.
mimo,i have 5 new cheats youll so want to do!
1,digging with your hands up:put the diggers helmet then turn the players card off,turn it on again and put the tour guide hat on.then wave.magic.
2,invisible drill:take everything off then turn your players cards off.put your player cards back on and put the diggers helmet on then dance.
3,invisible maracers:take everything off then turn your players card off.turn it back on and put the maracers on.then dance.
4,dance with the paper(finally shared):read the paper to the last page.then do the button to add jokes,riddles and questions but before the screen comes on go out.youll still be reading it.then dance
and finally,how to walk up walls:turn the internet screen to 700(in small gloos,1,000)and find your penguin.put it into the grey line.then find a building and put your cursur near the top at the edge of the grey line.your penguin will actually climb it.climb the pp and stand in under pizza.you have a dinner for 3 days.
hope you enjoy these
I know this has got nothing to do with it, but is it really possible to tip the iceberg?
I know you won't answer Mimo because you never have answered anybody's questions. ^^
Club Penguin name: Lill Nomi
I usually go on Brumby and I'm there nearly all the time.
THE WAY PEOPLE ARE GETTING THE BETA HATS ON THE TEST SERVERS...are by using club penguin trainers...
those are hacking programs that allow you to make any item appear in your inventory, gives you unlimited coins, and other things....BUT THIS IS A HACK, AND IS AGAINST THE RULES IN CLUBPENGUIN...the reason:
its a program that changes codes, etc. and pretty much steals from clubpenguin
dont follow anybody with the rare items in the test servers, they are hackers, and are going to lead you to the other side of club penguin and then disappear so they dont have to explain
(hope that helped)
Hey Mimo!
I've heard from lots of penguins
that they use Trainer to get
old items.. cool!
but i'm so scared to download it.
it maybe virus -_-"
I've searched from youtube
i type> Where to find beta hats in club penguin beta
And it come out those things that
I've just said ^^
I've also seen lots of penguin
Wear the beta hat.
And this is so awesome,
you no need to earn money.
It more than 100 coins!
If there is cp that anybody can be
member for free is fun,
don't you think mimo?
CP NAME: Chubby Lala
Well, i'm not a member
(Can't afford it!)
PS: Don't Trust Some Penguins That Says:
"Follow Me For The Beta Hats!"
Hurray! The new boks are posted in the Clubpenguin Improvement project!!!
You can buy the backgrounds and buy puffle!
I saw this penguin on the new server and his clothes were all wonky and they were nearly on his face. I think it is Glitch.
Hmmm the thing is kinda stupid you can barely do anything! I saw Test Penguin 2!!! Mimo when do you go on? There are no new books in the book room!
it takes all your items away..i dont like it....
If u get banned in the test server account then will u get banned in your original account?
Thanking you,
Mimo i cant get on the new server it just comes up with a big blank white screen please help i know you dont usually answer comments but please answer this one its a serios problem! PLEASE
your fav penguin
Hi Mimo
You can't tip the Iceberg yet. If you email Club Penguin. They'll tell you to have a party and try it. But you can't do it yet. Believe me, when it's possible, they'll let everyone know.
mimo =] i found somthing..when your in your igloo and you press on the tape mesure..your namne dissapears and you can move.. but you can on normal club pengwin...
<3 =]
I was just wondering i signed up for this improvment thing but does it delete your actual account at clubpenguin.com plz post this and give me an ansewr
the new books are still here. wonder what the st patriks day party is gonna b like. well all find out 2morrow!
sweet tina
do you go to take the beta test
Thanks for answering my question about the Iceberg tipping!!
You're the best Mimo ^^
Lill Nomi
hi mimo
the newspaper hasn't changed yet cool huh
:lol: :mrgreeny: :lol:
Mimo, when I tried to log in onto the tests servers, its said "was not able to connect server". Then, when I tried to login again, my penguin was wearing no clothes and it was BLACK!
im back and the penguin "mimo777 test" didnt get banned! yay! i ask ppl if they need to know about mimo777 and they have no clue who you are! crazy ppl! your awesome everyone should know who you are! -jigily puff (cp name) add me tell me mimo sent you!
thank u very much
the test servers r boring
wat will happen if U get reported on the improvmet progect
Not here.
OMG! This is so cool!
this is so awesome mimo!!!!
The severs were 6 now YAY! My friend said he met Billybob on the test servers!
thers now 6 servers altogether mimo
I know there is test servers, But look how many there are now, There are 6!
P.s. If you put this comment on the website use my CP name: Boggo45
any way whats the point of testing new severs if every server is the same except for the name???
i have just worked it out.
the tester place need to se abut problems in rooms and stuff. and the clone you have is "new" it is not a secret agent and not a tourist person soooo........ how do they now that the HQ wount have a bug if no one is that age yet? p.s carysiomimos its not worth worrying about really its just the same.
Hi Mimo This is my favourite and only cp cheats website i go on. I went on cpip and it is boring nothing is different all your origanal account items are gone and my sweet little blue puffles!!
cpip is LAME it is BORING it is STUPID it is OLD. I hate it I hate it I hate it. I thought everyone would be able to buy stuff like a member. And what is Billybob and a beta? The Migrator is not the same as it is on the origanal cp.
I love the webstie and how you keep up with all this.
When is the next Secret Agent Mission coming out?
What and where is the next free gift?
What are party clues?
Why cant you find Rockhopper when you know where he is?
Why cant you become a member for free?
From Trita (Tristan 9)
i think that there is no diffrence at all what so ever!it is just the same except the 20000 coins.
Where is the high-tech door?
hey my first comment, Im really confused about CPIP and when I went to the main Page The server Test isn't available What Shall I do i really want to get into it!!!! send me a emailcessystar@hotmail.com hopefully you give me email!
i didnt do it can i pleaz have a red hat
BOO HOO Wah wah i am really upset all of thease clup penguiners get to have the red hat i am so sad tat i didnt get it. mimo i am going to ask you two quetsions
1/ Could i have the hat
2/will there be an oppertunity to find some bugs and get the red hat thanck you if you respond
P.S:I am one of the best on mine surf and hydro hopper as i get 400 coins for mine surf and i get 2000 coins for hydro hopper.
When i click on the eye scan 3000 saids: Server test is now over
thank u mimo u rock.
p.s. this is my first time doing something like this. =)
Theres a party coming up soon.....
mimo sorry but i am new so where is that room with the eye scaner??
for me it said its closed for now
it wasnt working for me! it sed access denied and didnt let me in1
Nice but the server at noon time is close. Why?
no one has written on this for over a year
It is still working! non-members can buy member stuff!
it keeps saying that its closed!!! How do i get it tobe open??
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