Here's one of those walking/clicking glitches you can do. This time with the game Catching Waves.
Step 1. Go to the Cove.
Step 2. Click on Surf hut which is the game Catching Waves.
Step 3. Then as fast as you can click on the binoculars.
Step 4. Wait about 5 seconds and the box will ask you if you want to play Catching Waves while looking through the binoculars!
Pretty funny. Thanks to a mystery penguin for this one.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
rotfl not really that funny but thats coolio ill go try it out right after i stop typing this message
thanks mimo777
ps: u ever think that ppl would copy ur name into mimo because thats how ppl call most of the time and try to be u even though they never could oh well thanks again
Hey mimo,On rate my penguin,i made a picture like that!
you can do the same thing with the telescope and jet pack
wow! how do you find those things out? that'a amazing! i wouldnt find out about it otherwise ;-)
rock on! ^_^
you can do the same thing with the telescope and jet pack
hey mimo thats pretty cool!!!!! xoxo
ot also happens if u dont push the catching wave thing look 4 urself
chef georgia penguin name
i just found out this really coolish cheat
if u read the newspaper and then type a letter to ant arctic when u type u do that while ur ready like if u type n ur penguin will say no and if u type in t ur penguin will have the snowball throwing target thing and if u want to see urself do this stuff just move ur penguin in the corner by the map and then u can see urself do it but u have to make sure that the chatbar thing isnt on or else it doesnt work
this is
Cool glitch Mimo!
When are you going to announce the penguins that are getting promoted for moderators???
I really want to be one of them! I have been working realy hard.
thats easy..we all know that before
awesome my name is JUjacob
I hope they dont fix this glitch its pretty cool!:)
i know a really kewl glitch! go to your igloo then click somewhere like the dock at mammoth. and if its full click ok then go to town then go to ur igloo and ppl will start pouring in. P.S. doesnt work all of the time.
ahh! mimo!! i just found out something else! theres gonna be a ninja secret during easter! rsnail said "there is a ninja secret at easter" on one of the test servers... and ziek93 asked screenhog about it on one of the miniclip forums and he said:
"While I’m not usually one to ruin surprises, due to the extremely long and turbulent history of ninjas in relation to Penguin Chat 3 (and, by extension, Club Penguin), here’s some quick answers:
You will not be able to become a ninja on Club Penguin for Easter.
You will not see other people walking around as ninjas on Club Penguin for Easter.
Yes, there is going to be something relating to ninjas during the Easter Egg hunt. (What is it, you may ask? Well, I’m not giving away that secret… it’s kinda cool, but not worth getting hyped up over)."
well i dont know if its true. it should be.
lotsa credit to ziek93 and his blog
Anonymous is right. You can do it in the beacon.
you can do the same thing with the telescope and jet pack but have to start walking and be really close to the jet pack game then click the telescope for it to work.
Mimo isn't really going to announce moderators. You can just help out if you want to.
mimo you spelled leprechaun wrong on the poll.
I know a glitch for your igloo.
Here it is:
1. Go to your Igloo
2. While its loading, click the bottom right hand corner of the Cp screen
3. You can walk while you edit your igloo!
I have been working hard too trying to solve a question that has not been answered
Thats cool. I didnt know that.
-Rainey Rain
Awesome... whens ur next party hint? i was waiting well... plz post :)
cool binocular glitch i think ill try it.... I CANT WAIT FOR THE EASTER HUNT (screams)lol bye
lol mimo that was me! and you can do the same thing with the telescope and the jet pack lol. also i am not copying the first comment
it's coolio!
i tried it and it worked!
also how do u get twitter on ur blog?
this happened to me also when i was doin a mission....i think i started walking around my mission in the telescope mode lol
I didnt know that.Thanks Mimo777.
will rockhopper have a good treasure cpg mod's?
Hey Mimo!
Two things in the newspaper:
1.If you click on JOKES on the jokes/riddles page you get an extra joke!
2.This is pretty cool, if you put your mouse over Aunt Artics glasses thay turn into sunglasses!
You Rock!!!
From Mags12345!!!
mimo,can you make the next party easier so i can come and do a magic show(make it as easy as the first party of 08)
Dear First Comment,
You can do that with the telescope and the jetpack. But make sure when you are walking to the jet pack platform that you have a clear path. If you stop becuase of somethiong it wont work.
Sherb122 (CGP Moderator)
Did you know that if you have Windows XP and you go on play.clubpenguin.com/load.swf then press F11 it will let you turn off the music?
Sadly I knew it before..lol
LY mimo!
Forgot to put this at the end ofmy comment, Mimo777 Rulz!!!!
MIMO777 RULEZ!!!!!
mimo you sre the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(p.s)post more often plzzzzzzzzz!!!!!
(p.s.s)what u fride runescape name!!!
Cool my account is Mimo133
hi mimo777,
i m goldenpinkz and i wanna tell u a secret in the newspaper of this week.. and its that the page where there are jokes..click on the title 'JOKES' and it a box pops out telling ' ANOTHER JOKE' its meant to be hidden.. so even i have been working hard for the moderrators please choose me as one of them.. thnx and cool glitch.. bye for now.
ur biggest fan
i ll keep rocking and u keep rocking too.. :)
that was not so cool.
Hi anonymous,being a mod is just answering other peoples comments, like i m answering yours. Mimo will not promote anyone for moderators, if you want to be a moderator, just help mimo answer Questions. :) >_<
Girlz1996 (CPG mod)
cool glitch
mimo on the poll it says lucky charms leprechaun you spelled it wrong
Heres a new glitch mimo777
Remove everything.
Wear the maracas .
close ur player card.
Open it.
remove maracas and wear mining hat.
Do not close ur player card.
Now wave.
The maracas will do a weird dance and fall down whereas your penguin will be driling without a driller.
Looks like the penguin is jumping madly.
Please don't forget to give credit to tecna violet.
oh sweet i didn't know that! wicked!
rsnail made a comment at the tester party that ninjas will be coming on easter. Cool!!
Comw 2 my party!!
When: 3:00 PST at the Christmas server Cove
Why: My last day of membership
Wear BLUE!!!
Awesome cheat, Mimo! I'm gonna go try it right now!
Mavrick 3
cool cheat thnks I never new ill try it out.
Hey all,
Kimberrlley1 here ready to answer an Anonymous question.
This anonymous user asked us when mimo will be posting the best mods?
My answer is: I believe he will be posting them tonight =)! This is goig to be a lot of fun. Everyone is doing a WONDERFUL jub and being EXTRA helpful to all of the penguins that dont understand something ;-). Great job guys/girls.
Thanks for the question &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
i know another funny glitch. throw a snowball and before you throw it walk away. Then it will come out of the ground!!!!
I'm new! are the binoculars the things on the life gauard chair, because I clickedd the life guard chair and it won't work!
this isnt a coment about this glitch but will you try to tell us when the migrstors going to be finished?
sweet that is an awesome glitch,if u go to the night club u can play basketball with the puffle.
hey mimo pretty cool glitch..wat about at the light house beacon..i think u can do the same thing...and did u c the migrator? its close to being done! i cant wait to c wat happens
Thanks, Mimo, this glitch is funny. (whoo, one of the first comments! xD)
awesome! nice one, mystry dude
hey mimo! i'm on twitter! how was the weird day of yours....? lol
Whats your fav band/singer Mimo
to youngey:
We still don't know that but let's hope that the migrator will finish soon.
Crislin672{CPG moderator}
to the "anonymous who's asking for mimo's party clues:
Mimo777 might be working hard for the clues. I know that you are all excited but please be patient!
Crislin672{CPG moderator}
to the anonymous who asked when mimo is gonna announce to the good mods.:
Mimo777 is still working on it. But if you do a good job you might get promoted he said.
Crislin672{CPG moderator}
Hey first comment,
Kimberrlley1 here answering an Anonymous question.
This user asked us if people would copy mimo's name?
My answer is: No. You really cant copy mimo,s name, because even if you used a hack to make your penguin mimo, you would get banned forever. The real moderators would probably catch you anyways. So dont EVER try it. Hacking is not cool. Just a nice warning ;-)
Thanks for the question &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hi it's also Ma Ra7 Ellak: go to the book room, then clic on a mancala game then clic on the tales and stories book. they will ask you if you want to play mancala while reading a book.
Hi it's Ma Ra7 Ellak. you can also do the same cheats while reading the newspaper or looking at the map.
why don't you do it with the jetpack adventure and the telescope
Here was your question:
will rockhopper have a good treasure cpg mod's?
Nobody knows for sure if Rockhopper will come back with some cool new things for us. We will just have to wait and see. I hope he does, don't you?
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
Hey another cool glitch is the one where you can walk on water. Go to the iceburg, the walk over to the right of the aqua grabber, and your standing on water. So cool!
heyy mimo if you hit no and wait a little bit a fish will jump out of the water
**1st comment please post me**
to mets1126:
Mimo might have seen it cuz he is ALWAYS updated in cheats and stuff.
Im here to answer ur questions guys!
Crislin672{CPG moderator}
to anonymous who asked when is the migrator gonna finished:
Well... no one knows... We all hope it's gonna be finished soon!
Crislin672{CPG moderator}
To the anonymous that asks mimo to post easy party clue:
Mimo always wanted everyone to come. Cause if there's no people there's no fun!. Mimo777 is really doing a great job.
Crislin672{CPG moderator}
Please can we meet so you can put my penguin on ratemypenguin.com? And then can we be buddies with each other so then you can put my igloo on ratemypenguin.com too?
Well thanks again
mimo i new that
hmm nice it's kind of cool but a little worthless of knowing...but thanks!!!
"Lady Maryann said...
wow! how do you find those things out? that'a amazing! i wouldnt find out about it otherwise ;-)
rock on! ^_^"
Ufride, a member of Club Penguin Gang finds a lot of glitches and cheats. This particular glitch was found by "a mystery penguin". Mimo will always give credit to the glitch/cheat finder! ;)
"youngey said...
will rockhopper have a good treasure cpg mod's?"
We will never know for sure what Rockhopper has in store for us! Being a CPG Mod doesn't mean we know all the behind-the-scene stuff going on with Club Penguin, we just know what is already known to the general public and what Mimo has already stated.
"Anonymous said...
this isnt a coment about this glitch but will you try to tell us when the migrstors going to be finished?"
I'm pretty sure Mimo777 will post when the Migrator's finished and all the steps in between! You can always follow what's going on by visiting the Beach and Gary the Gaget Guy has posted how we are doing in the newspaper.
hey cool i found that out too except i didnt tell you too bad i guess well thanx mystery penguin
It wont work are you sure that it works Mimo?
Here was your question:
I'm new! are the binoculars the things on the life gauard chair, because I clickedd the life guard chair and it won't work!
Yes, the binoculars are on the lifeguard chair. Make sure when you click on them, you click directly on the binoculars. Also, there should be a white outline around the binoculars. If there isn't, that means that you need to move the mouse closer to them. Good luck and Have fun on Club Penguin!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
u can do that with jet pack and the telescope
wow there are many good moderators and i hope i am one of them i hope that mimo picks me i will answer anyones questions if you need me.
you're friend Goofy73(CPG moderator)
Here was your question:
It wont work are you sure that it works Mimo?
You may not get it the first time. Keep trying! It is kinda tricky at first, but I am sure that you will get it. Good luck!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
What is going on with rockhoppers ship and when will he be back?
cool i justed tried it.it really works.=)
ps.Will you ever go on?My brother is sick!He needs some cheering up!Heres the secret party for him(he doesnt know):
Where:Club Penguin server mammoth in the snow forts
Why:My brother is sick
His name:Oli 580
Here was your question:
What is going on with rockhoppers ship and when will he be back?
A few weeks ago, Rockhopper's ship hit the iceberg and sank. We are doing all we can to help him fix it. There is even a new game at the iceberg about it. You can hear the whole story from the old newspapers located in the Boiler Room.
As for your other question, nobody is sure when Rockhopper will be back. We still have to let him know that we fixed his ship. Keep checking the newspaper for updates! I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
His ship is fixing little by little. No one knows when Rockhopper will be returning, we have to check back on the news for more details!
Cool! i haven't tried this glitch yet! im going to try it soon! sounds cool mimo!!
thanks mimo ure awesome i wish id see you on club penguin but i dont.
alright ima answer a few more questions then
1) mimo finds out about lotsa stuff, partly from suggestions from others, partly from CPs real blog, and also from the newspaper
2) when RH comes back he'll probably have a very special gift for us =] yipee!
3) mimo has posted some of the good mods on his twitter already, you can see it when u clik the link on the left side of his blog that says "follow me on twitter"
4) im positive mimo will tell us once the migrator is done, but we still have quite a long way to go so keep working and building!
5) its definitely not a good idea to copy mimo's name, im not sure why u would want to but you shouldnt. for sure.
6) (not really a question, but heres some advice anyway) if u want mimo to put ur penguin on ratemypenguin.com, the best way is to submit a pic of ur playercard, type ur name and a description of the outfit, and send it in. oh and also comment mimo and tell him that u sent one in
7) the glitch does work... if its not working for u then just keep trying! u can do it, dont give up
8) so heres what happened to RH: he was sailing back to CP when his hip hit a berg and it cracked and sank. he rowed over to CP in a little rowboat and stayed for a while but then he left, probably for RH island. so now we're trying to retrieve his ship parts from underwater and rebuild his ship. cool huh?
9) mimo cant go to everyone's party... theres too many ppl inviting him.
hope i helped u guys some!
see ya soon!
I don't get it!
Hi Mavrick 3 here, answering all your questions!
1."I'm new! Are the binocular things on the life guard chair, because I clicked on the lifeguard chair and it didn't work."-Anonymous
Yeah, the binocularss are the black spheres hanging off the chair. Pretty cool glitch, huh?
2. "When is Mimo gonna annonce the Mods?"-Anonymous
Well, if you check Mimo's Twitter from time to time, he said who some of the best Mods were right now. No one knows for sure when he's actually going to make people Mods, though.
3."Why don't you do it with the telescope and the jetpack?"-Anonymous
Well, if you read some of the other comments, you can do it with those, but Mimo just gives one version to save time, and others find similar cheats and sometimes post them on here. The point is, Mimo probably knew you could do that, but let others have fun by finding it by themselves.
4."What is going on with Rockhopper's ship and when will he be back?"-Libby4dakota
Well, eairler in the year, Rockhopper crashed onto CP and rowed to us in a lifeboat. When he left back to Rockhopper island, some pengins decided that we should try to slavage the Migrator. So right now, we're building the pieces together, and hopefully the Migrator will be whole again soon. Nobody knows whn Rockhopper will be here again, but check this week's Club Penguin Times for a checklist of what we've done and need to do with the Migrator and Rockhopper.
I hope these answers help you guys!!
-Mavrick 3 (CPG Moderator)
it realy works. you have to click no then you wait for 5 seconds.
it really works. but you need to go to catch'n waves then you click the biroucas and click no. wait for a several seconds.
urm... yeh its kinda kwl... ok its awesome but i have a question... HOW DID U FIND THESE THINGS OUT? rotfl! =]
Here was your comment:
thanks mimo ure awesome i wish id see you on club penguin but i dont.
If you want to find Mimo, the servers that he usually goes on are Big Foot and Fjord. Watch for him and maybe one day you will get to meet him. Good luck Mimo hunting! :-)
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
oh and yes, the binoculars are the black things with blue lenses and a red strap that's hanging on the life guard's chair =]
Libby4dakota said...
What is going on with rockhoppers ship and when will he be back?
Rochopper in the past has been back but the last time I saw him was for coins for change
(techdeckguy CPG mod)
Heres another glitch for you
Go to the beacon
Start tword Jetpack adventure
then really quickly click the telescope
The telescope should pop up and it should say
Would you like to go on a jetpack adventure?
(Mckinley28 cpg mod)
Hi Mim o Please add me if you see me
hey mimo i have a glitch..
wait for someone to play find four in the ski lodge then walk to the game but right before u get to the game click the house icon then u will be able to play find four in your igloo.
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