Club Penguin Cheats

Friday, March 21, 2008

Egg Timer, Wallpaper and more!

A few of you have seen this already but I didn't want to post it until I could tell you for sure. But, I've finally gotten to the bottom of the "Egg Timer." I have confirmed from Club Penguin that yes, they will have an egg timer which will allow parents to set a time for how long we are on Club Penguin. Boo Hoo. Here is what they said.

The "Egg Timer" is a new feature that is in the process of being created. This will allow parents to limit the amount of time their children spend online. Watch for this in the near future!

Also, on the CPIP blog there is a new wall paper. Click here to get it.

Hope your having fun at the Easter Egg Hunt!

Tomorrow I will probably list the best CPG Moderators so far!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


Anonymous said...

1st comment! You are awesome Mimo777!

txmb95ads said...

my parents wont care i wont even tell them lol!

Anonymous said...

where did you find the egg time

txmb95ads said...

mimo, how did you know this?! PLz respond! u rock!!!

Anonymous said...

How did you find this out?

Anonymous said...

mimo do you have a special relationship with club penguin board memberes or something because how do you figure this stuff out about the egg timer.


Anonymous said...

awwwww bummmer i hate the egg timer do u HAVE to use it or is it optional?

from ur no.1 fan petrazena (cp name)

Anonymous said...

i dont really care about the timer cuz i wont tell my parents lol well yea i just wanted to say i got a new blog (notice i didnt give out the address ;] ) well i am drinking vitam water g2g

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
awwwww bummmer i hate the egg timer do u HAVE to use it or is it optional?

Yoitspablo: I think it's optional. Even if they did want to kick me off, which sometimes they do, I wouldn't tell them how to use it. I don't think they know I play CP. They don't really care

Anonymous said...

yeah parents dont even care if im on club penguin

Anonymous said...

The egg timer is optional. It is up to your parents if you get it. But I dont think mimo has a special connection. But you can also email the CP board members and they will reply. Maybe Mimo emailed them and asked if they had the egg timer. Then they emailed back and siad yes.

- Sherb122 (CPG Moderator)

Tai said...

what server are you on mimo?

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo =),

Kimberrlley1 here! Boohoo is right! lol ;-)

Thanks for posting this,

Kimberrlley1 =)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yea my parents dont care

Anonymous said...

Wow. I like it

Ray Toolbear said...


It is not released yet. Mimo must have contacted Club Penguin. Or They Email Him.

Anonymous said...

Here was your question:
awwwww bummmer i hate the egg timer do u HAVE to use it or is it optional?

The Egg Timer is probably optional. It is up to your parents if they want to use it or not. The egg timer does not sound very fun
:( I hope this helps.

Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

dear eagleguy48,

mimo probably clicks on the page on the club penguin home page that says ''contact''.

Denominater(CPG Moderator)

16pinky123 said...


Anonymous said...

dear txmb95ads,

mimo probably checked on the test servers blog.

Denominater(CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

Is this for CPIP or CP?

Anonymous said...

I can't really see it because my computer broke and it wont let me go to club penguin

Anonymous said...

dear anonymus,

im not sure myself!but if when i get the answer i will tell you it!good luck!

Denominater(CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone!
Hey Mimo its this optional?

Anonymous said...

Mimo goes on the servers Big Foot and Fjord most of the time.

- Sherb122 (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

Here was your question:
what server are you on mimo?

Mimo usually goes on Big Foot or Fjord. You can learn more about Mimo by clicking on "About Mimo" on the left side of the home page. I hope this helps!

Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

Coment 6 the timer first appear at one of the test server

glad to help,
wighthapt (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

ugh cmon they have to make an eggtimer lol im not gonna tell my parents about it

Anonymous said...

mimo likes to go on Big Foot and Fijord a lot under the american servers, so u can usually look for him there

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i want to be a cpg moderator SO bad.....but I have just been real busy lately....i have been getting on and trying my hardest and i hope you will choose me....i will go on every day and do my job I PROMISE!


Anonymous said...

tafantic said....
what server are u on?

kittens77777(cpg moderator)
Mimo777 goes on servers, Fjord and Big Foot.

-kittens77777(cpg moderator)

Anonymous said...

Theres going to be a free item for CPIP testers!



Thank you for your email. There will be an item for the CPIP helpers however I cannot tell you what it is going to be. Right now it is a secret and you will have to wait till the testing is finished to see what it is going to be!

I really like your ideas and I will be sure to mention them at our next meeting. I can’t promise that one of these items will be the item but I will see what I can do!

I hope you are having a great time here on Club Penguin and if you have any other questions please feel free to ask.


Ryan K
Club Penguin Support


This is real!

So everyone asking if there will be one it is answered!

I don't know what but I think its the Black Toque!

- The Jay Dude (CPG MOD)

derk941 said...

my parents probably won't care about it. if they did they would have made me stop getting on so much a long time ago..

Anonymous said...

I think the egg timer is optional


Anonymous said...

TO: Musicboy8


Same I hope I will be on the list


Just keep answering!

- The Jay Dude (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Well at least its good for your health not to stay on the computer for too long, ;).

- Blossum Blue (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

TO: FlamingX


Yes it is!

Your parents (or you) can set the time for how long you can go on.

When the time runs out there will be a message saying "your time has run out click here to learn more".

If you want to see the picture look for one of my comments!

- The Jay Dude (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

TO: txmb95ads


Lot of people are asking!

1. He found out

2. Someone probably told him on comments

Number 1 I doubt it because you have to go on the swf or something!

I think its 2 because theres a lot of people that tell Mimo

Half the post wouldn't be hear without you guys!

- The Jay Dude (CPG MOD)

derk941 said...

hey the jay dude that's awesome! i wonder what the item will be? it would be cool if it was the black toque.

violet5599 said...

Hey Mimo!

My parents wouldn't care. I can get on for how long I want if I complete my homework.=)

violet5599 said...

Tafantic asked what server are you on? On his site he said that he goes on big foot and fjord.

violet5599(CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

tafantic said...
what server are you on mimo?

Mimo usually goes onto Big Foot or Fjord. Go check those server's because he said on Ask Mimo that he goes on at night.

Filppers7 (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

don't tell you parents anyway.
whats the point

Anonymous said...

Blaze Dawen said....
Is this for CPIP or CP?

I think this is for CP no one right now knows. You might just have to wait and see.

Jewel45615(CPG Moderator

Anonymous said...

You said...
How do you find this out?

I think Mimo contected Cp for info about this.

Jewel45615(CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

question: were did you find the egg time

mimo e-mailed club penguin asking about it

-theriot4 (cpg moderator)

Anonymous said...

question: do you have to use the egg timer or is it optional?

egg timer is optional and its up to your parents

-theriot4 (cpg moderator)

Anonymous said...

hi mimo! well i'm not going to tell my parents or else they would make it like 2 minutes! that would be evil. =D

Anonymous said...

ok that stinks. my mom will so set it to like two minutes. and then i will be on my other acounts and she wont care.

Rec10 said...

I think they just send that to all the websites that help people with Club Penguin or maybe mimo just knows where to look on the website.
CPG moderator,

Anonymous said...

question: is egg timer for cpip or cp?

egg timer will be for cp and cpip . it only allows you to play club penguin for a certain amount of time

-theriot4 (cpg moderator)

Anonymous said...

that wouldnt be fair if it wasn't optional because it shouldnt be up to club penguin how much time we spend on club penguin
- Pacopeng (cp name)

Anonymous said...

i like the anonymous post thar said: DOWN WITH EGG TIMER lol thats so funny


Anonymous said...

I guess if you think about it, it's a good thing they have that, so kids can go outside and play for excercise.

Anonymous said...

the egg timer will probably be optional:)
it is up to ur parents to see if they want to use it or not

egauri(cpg moderator)

Anonymous said...

mimo goes on the servers fjord and bigfoot most of the times


Anonymous said...

Where do you start the egg hunt?

Anonymous said...

Please help. Where do you find the egg timer?


Anonymous said...

i dont think Mimo has a special connection with the people from clubpenguin.
You can email clubpenugin if u are unsure of anything. :)
girlz1996 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

I think this is optional, I don't think they can make EVERY parent do this, but i want to try this out :)!

(cpg moderator)

Crislin672 said...

Hi Mimo,

That is a good idea because kids go to computer for a long time, and after that, their eyes got blurred and stuff. Im a girl that has glasses so im just protecting kids.

Crislin672{CPG moderator}

Crislin672 said...

Here was your question:"Is this optional?"

I think it's optional because parents can ask club penguin for that. Club Penguin can't force parents to have that egg timer.

Crislin672{CPG moderator}

Crislin672 said...

here was your question: is this for CPIP of CP?

I think it's for CP becasue CPIP is not permanent. Because CPIP is just for testing servers.

Crislin672{CPG moderator}

Sorry i haven't posting many answers cuz we didn't have internet. Im very sorry.

Anny Ning said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I won't tell my parents about it. btw how do you know about this? plz reply asap.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo

I ent tellin my parents mimo

Anonymous said...

My parents dont care how long im on it for.

Anonymous said...

hey ive got a question if they do give out a free item to the testers will go to your normal account??? Please try to help.


Anonymous said...

to mimo

i have lots of Questions or suggestions to ask u about but heres just 1

for ure next party u should have two teams 1 one colour and 1 the other playing ice hockey.

its great fun i tried it

from Dawiz3

Anonymous said...

I know my parents won't do it!!!!

wahoozit2 (CPG moderator)

Anonymous said...

MIMO! MIMO! check the cp improvement prodject! there is 4 new servers!
- emmapeanut

Anonymous said...

The CP egg timer is optional and if your parents don't want it they don't get it!You don't evan have to tell them if you don't want too.Mimo isn't a mod- or anything like that he just probably does allot of reaserch on CP and finds things out!(like me)

Anonymous said...

i wonder if they will build something on the iceberg like the wallpaper.

Anonymous said...

dear tafantic,

Mimo usually goes on the server Fjord or Bigfoot.

Anonymous said...

dear txmb95ads,

mimo probably noticed it somewhere on club penguin or the moderators told him

Denominater(CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

dear anonymus,

mimo probably emailed the club penguin moderators.

Denominater(CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

dear anonymus,

i think the egg timer is optional.

Denominater(CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

dear tafantic,

Mimo usually goes on the servers Fjord and Bigfoot.but when he is having a party he goes on different servers.

Denominater(CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

It is probably optional. If manditory, than just don't use it. Mimo found it out by e-mailing CP probably. You can find out a lot by doing that. You should e-mail them a question some time!

-Louistania (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Where do you start the egg hunt?


Well if you want to know where they are Mimo made the post to the locations!

TO: Crislin672


Your wrong for how long you go on the computer or watch T.V doesn't matter.

It can't affect your eyes!

Only if they can give you seizures!


- The Jay Dude (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

How do you get to the egg timer??

Anonymous said...

Blanditer posted The following: "Hey Mimo is this optional."
Its optional but depends what your parents say. Hope this helps.
Chaos Link(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

A person asked the following:
"What sever does mimo go on"
I know his daily servers are Big foot and Fjord. If you ask how i found this out, you go to CPG and on the left it says "Mimo goes on Big Foot and Fjord."I hope this helps.
Chaos Link (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

whick test server was the egg timer on cuz i wanna see wat its like...


Anonymous said...

That would sort of be good and bad at the same time, if u know what i mean. lol

Anonymous said...

A person just asked the following:"Which test server was the egg timer on?"
Im not really sure it was never released.Well hope this helps.
Chaos Link (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
awwwww bummmer i hate the egg timer do u HAVE to use it or is it optional?"

No, your parents have to activate it they want to use it. So, it's optional.


Anonymous said...

This is a bummer, but my parents won't use it because I won't tell them out to use it. :P Sorry, for the people who have parents who will active this! lol


Anonymous said...

Here was your question:
Where do you start the egg hunt?

There really isn't a set place to start it. All you have to do to get started is click on the egg in the top right corner of your screen. It will give you clues to where the eggs are. Try your best, but if you get stuck on one, Mimo has them posted here on Club Penguin Gang. Happy hunting!

Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)

goofy73 said...

anonymous asked "what server does mimo go on." the answer of that question is mimo goes on the servers on the left side!
mimo usually goes on Bigfoot or fjord , although, you shouldn't only look for mimo, he has another account!

goofy73(CPG moderator)

p.s i wish so much luck to get well soon kimberrlley(CPG moderator!)

p.s.s you rock!

Anonymous said...

"blanditer said...
Hello everyone!
Hey Mimo its this optional?"



Yes, the Egg Timer is optional. It's up to your parents if they choose to activate it.


Anonymous said...

"tafantic said...
what server are you on mimo?"



Mimo ussually goes on Big Foot or Fjord. Although, we never know exactly when he's online or on Club Penguin, you can always hang out in the those servers and hope he shoes up. ;) Good Luck!


goofy73 said...

blazedawn asked "is this for club penguin improvement project, or club penguin!"

well, the answer to that question is probably both but it is according to club penguin, because club penguin improvement project ends april 4th!

you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)

Anonymous said...

"blazedawn said...
Is this for CPIP or CP?"



This will be for Club Penguin. CPIP is a temporary tester "CP Mimic".


Anonymous said...

"kittens77777 said...



You really can't do anything. Basically, just don't tell your parents.


Anonymous said...

"The Jay Dude said...
Theres going to be a free item for CPIP testers!



Thank you for your email. There will be an item for the CPIP helpers however I cannot tell you what it is going to be. Right now it is a secret and you will have to wait till the testing is finished to see what it is going to be!

I really like your ideas and I will be sure to mention them at our next meeting. I can’t promise that one of these items will be the item but I will see what I can do!

I hope you are having a great time here on Club Penguin and if you have any other questions please feel free to ask.


Ryan K
Club Penguin Support


This is real!

So everyone asking if there will be one it is answered!

I don't know what but I think its the Black Toque!

- The Jay Dude (CPG MOD)"

It might be a beta testers hat? I wonder if it will be sent to our real penguins on CP?


Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
that wouldnt be fair if it wasn't optional because it shouldnt be up to club penguin how much time we spend on club penguin
- Pacopeng (cp name)"



Well, no. Some children will spend 7 hours on Club Penguin, and their parents should be in control of how much time is spent on the computer. Parents should be in full control.


Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Where do you start the egg hunt?"



There's not a real "starting point" for the egg hunt. You can start anywhere you'd like. But on the egg list, it says to start at the Mine.


Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Please help. Where do you find the egg timer?




The Egg Timer has not been released yet. When it's released, I'm sure Mimo will post about it.


Anonymous said...

It is optional because not all parents care how long their kids stay on the computer.
Hope I Helped!

Anonymous said...

"txmb95ads said...
mimo, how did you know this?! PLz respond! u rock!!!"

"Anonymous said...
I won't tell my parents about it. btw how do you know about this? plz reply asap."

"Anonymous said...
How did you find this out?"

"Anonymous said...
mimo do you have a special relationship with club penguin board memberes or something because how do you figure this stuff out about the egg timer.



Txmb95ads, Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous/Eagleguy48,

Gonna hit 2 birds with 1 stone here. Mimo probally just emailed CP about this to confirm, and they confirmed it for him.


Anonymous said...

Dear petrazena,
No, when this comes out, you will NOT have to use the egg timer. It will be optional.
Thank You,
Anonymous (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter, Club Penguin Gang and my fellow mods! Hope you get some yummy candy! I got a whole bunch of stuff:

\/Blue Eyeliner

\/Grey Eyeliner


\/Nail Stickers

\/Eyelash Curler

\/Brownish Glodlish Shimmer Nail Polish

\/Shimmering Bark Nail Polish

\/Underwear (yeah I needed some more)

\/Foam Sponge Wedges, for applying makeup

\/Two shirts

\/Plaid Bermuda Shorts (blue and black)

\/Heart Earings

\/Sodoku (I'm hooked)

\/Flika, the movie

\/A romance movie, which I forgot the name of.

\/Lots of yummy candy!

%%As an early easter present:%%

\/Pur Minerals Foundation

\/Makeup Brushes

\/Murad Extensive Facial Cleanish Routine


What did you guys get?
Hope everyone has a Blessed Easter!


(P.S. Mimo, you're probally like, "Blech. Makeup! Typical teenage girl.......)

Anonymous said...

dear petrazena,

it is optional for your parents i think. they do not have to do it

Anonymous said...




txmb95ads said...

i click on it an type but nothing happens!

Anonymous said...

maybe there will be a setting to use it or not and have the parents password like the chat settings! hopefully! thannkyou for keeping up on the cp news!

Anonymous said...

not telling my parents and you rock Mimo777

Anonymous said...

I got lots of chocolates ... ... ... and ... ... ... ... A BATH TUB KIT?!?!?!?!? NOW IM 11 SO I DONT NEED A STINKIN BATH TUB KIT!!!!!! But it smells good!!!

Ray Toolbear said...

People ask what can we do?

Well I say don't use the time. You have an option to use it I believe. If not set the time to the max. Don't tell your parents about it!

Tooly (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

bigg bummer! oh well, not ur fault!

-From your number 1 fan, Sprouse97(club penguin name)

Anonymous said...

If you are in the HQ, you are hiding. Or if it says your friend is hiding, they are in the HQ.

-Sprouse97 (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

why were people trying to tip the iceberg?

Anonymous said...

i am almost 99.99% sure that it will be optional! i mean, why would CP want people whose parents don't really care to have a limited amount of time on CP? c[=

Anonymous said...

Yo Mimo u Rock I LOVE U!!!!! Keep giving us heaps of cheats , well ive got a glitch rite here ok now
This is for members only
1.Go on to ur player card
2.take everything off and then but on the guitar
3.take ur player card off the screen then put it back on again
4.put on just the cheerleading outfit then take the guitar off
5.leave player card on then dance

You should try it its just so wack!!!

And that egg timer thing why did u want to put it on??? cause i dont like it.

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous,

Kimberrlley1 here!

You asked why people were trying to tip the iceberg>?

People try to tip the iceberg because it is a rumor on clubpenguin that it CAN tip. It really cant as of now on clubpeguin, but its still fun to try it =)

Thanks &+ thanks mimo, ;-)

"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

People are Constantly trying to tip over the Iceberg because there is a rumor that if you tip the iceberg, you get 500 coins.
I myself do not believe that you can tip it.
If you have any more questions, feel free to post and I will see what I can do.

Waddle on!
-Freddy96, Cpg Moderator

Anonymous said...

Txmb95ads: You asked how he knew this. My answer: He probably emailed Club Penguin.

Blazedawn: You asked if the Egg Timer is for CPIP or Club Penguin. My answer: It will probably be for Club Penguin, right now you can see it in CPIP.

Tafant ic: You asked what server Mimo goes. My answer: Mimo goes on FJord and Big Foot. Read the left side

Everyone: You guys all ask if this is optional. My answer: I bet it is.

Anonymous, you ask where is the starting point for the Easter Hunt. Answer: There is no real start, you can start anywhere but I usually start from the left side.

If I were you, I would go outside. I like outside. I like Club Penguin though.

Warriorpengi ( CPG Moderator) Happy Easter.

Anonymous said...

They better not!i dont want to login again and again i hate that

Anonymous said...

Ok just to clear some questions up about the egg timer:

The egg timer will be optional, its just so your parents can set a limit if they feel as if you stay on really long.
I hope everyone has a great Easter

-Dolphingal10 (cpg moderator)

Anonymous said...

where is the egg timer on the cpip servers???

Steffi said...

Hey, Nice, REALLY HOW DO U FIND IT?!?!?!?! lol

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,



Anonymous said...

Anonymous said..
awwwww bummmer i hate the egg timer do u HAVE to use it or is it optional?

yup It's optional
Aiondalia(CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

where did u get that? plz tell me
(plz post never been posted)

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous,

Kimberrlley1 here =). I am going to answer your question! You asked if the timer was optional?

Yup, it sure is optional! ;-). I wouldnt want to use it either, but i still told my mom and dad =)

Thanks &+ thanks mimo,

"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

Mimorulz said...

I won't tell my parents.
They don't care about club penguin anyways!!!!!! :-(

Anonymous said...

eww that aint cool


Anonymous said...

tafantic said...
what server are you on mimo?


Dear Tafantic,
Mimo goes on Big Foot and Fjord. You can find this on the left side column of the homepage. For more information, you can click on the right side columed where it says "Who is mimo" 1, 2, and 3. The search also works pretty well.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
awwwww bummmer i hate the egg timer do u HAVE to use it or is it optional?

Dear Anonymous,
The egg timer is most likely to be optional. Because you have to set the time itself and it is impossible for clubpenguin to tell how much time you want to go on. I had googled and it is going to have a choice whether you use it or not. A icon will appear telling you how long you've gone on so far.

Anonymous said...

is this for CPIP of CP?
It is most likely to be for CP. My guess is that they'll test it on CPIP first to make sure that it works, And then later added to CP. If it is only for CPIP, There are only two servers so CPIP will be full all the time.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
...if they do give out a free item to the testers will go to your normal account??? ...
I really don't think so. Because a lot of penguins hack on the test servers and it will be added to their official account. That is why your normal things does not appear on the test servers.

Anonymous said...

BearCp said...
Hey, Nice, REALLY HOW DO U FIND IT?!?!?!?! lol
Dear BearCp.
The Egg timer is not released yet or it should be on clubpenguin event in the newspaper like it does for when the clubpenguin clock is out. Keep checking the site to keep the facts updated.

Anonymous said...

1) if there is a special free item for the CPIP testers, then they'll probably give it to the user's real penguins... i mean, wouldn't it be pointless to give it to the test penguin? it'll just be deleted on april 4th

2) mimo emailed CP and they told him about it. CP might know mimo well because he said that he was one of the first ppl that CP told about the cpip

3) im positive that its gonna be optional

4) mimo likes to go on big foot or fjord, but sometimes he uses his other account so u may not see the mimo penguin

Anonymous said...

stephen said...
I won't tell my parents.
They don't care about club penguin anyways!!!!!! :-(

March 24, 2008 2:33 PM

Good idia, im not eather, they just care that I am not on ALL the time, but PLEASE dont get grounded, that just stinks, then you cant go on Club P at all. How funn would that be?!?!?!

-Brushflight (CPG MOD.)

Anonymous said...

hi mimo!

on the newspaper go to page a6 and only when you just flip to that page you will see a pink puffle peek out behind the snow fort!

Anonymous said...

Here was your question:
why were people trying to tip the iceberg?

Well, a long time ago, a rumor got started that said if you get 100 penguins and tip the iceberg, then you will get a bunch of coins. But, its not true. :-( But i did
e-mail Club Penguin, and they said that you may be able to in the near future. I hope this helps!

Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

there ws a rumor that started way back when, and it said that if you got as many penguins as you can until the room was full on the iceberg, and if you all wore the same thing then you would get a thousand coins and a golden puffle, but its not true (well, at least not for now =] )

Anonymous said...

wat do u mean

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
wat do u mean"



There will be an "Eggtimer" that your parents can set, which will limit your amount of time on Club Penguin. Say your parents set it to 20 min. After your 20 min are up it boots you off of Club Penguin. The Eggtimer is optional, but your parents have the final decision.


Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
why were people trying to tip the iceberg?"


There are SO many rumors about tipping the ice burg. Current;y, it's impossible to tip but people still have tipping parties and believe it's true. Some rumours:

1. If you get the room full and everyone's wearing the same thing, it'll tip.

2. If you all crowd around the edges of the burg, it'll tip.

3. If you crowd on the pointy part, it'll tip.

4. You can use the driller thing to crack it.

5. If you get 100 penguins on the iceburg, it'll tip.

etc etc etc.

Prizes Include:

Rainbow Viking Helmet
Golden Puffle
Aunt Artic appears
10000 coins

Just search "Tipping the Iceburg" on Youtube and look what you find!



Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
where did u get that? plz tell me
(plz post never been posted")



The Eggtimer has not been released yet. I'm sure Mimo wil post will it's realeased!


Anonymous said...

mimo i think the location is ski village the second clue is the map of club penguin i think the highlighted ones cud be the location yur REAL no. 1 fan -Monticella (Penguin Name) P.S. i hope its the snow angel server!

Anonymous said...

Hmm mimo is that timer from on a mario&luigi games cuz it look like it.and whats clubpenguins e-amil?-egge50

Anonymous said...


no one

Anonymous said...

Wow thats really lame, this is rediculous. i mean seroisly. well thx for the heads up. cp is getting stricked... before you know it they will not let you type what you say. well if they do i wont play cp anymore. but i have a back up website
it's name is on my blog if you want to check it out. the blog really cool.their are games, polls (one even has mimo777 in it) and funny posts.

Anonymous said...

hi mimo im misschips33 on c|ubpenguin bye

Anonymous said...

why do they call it egg timer?we're not eggs

WILL said...

he knows this becuse hes the ultimate cheat master

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