Club Penguin Cheats

Friday, March 28, 2008

Club Penguin April Fool's Party Cool Actions!

Here are the April Fools Day Party Actions to try:

Dock - You can go SUPER fast! We're talking like warp speed!

Dojo - You can walk on walls like you are on piece of paper. Same as last year.

Iceberg - You are walking on a big bucket of water filled with ice!

Forest - Its upside down!

Cove - The umbrella flies away! Click on the binoculars, then click on the sun. It turns to night time.

Beach - The Save the Migrator project has a sink instead of the blueprints. You can click the buoys in the water to pop them.

Lighthouse - The outside of it and the stage is drawn in pen, and the rest is sketched.

Lightouse Telescope - It's a Kalidescope!

Town - The red sign in the front changes if you scroll over it.

Coffee Shop - It looks like a little kid did a drawing of it with crayons.

Nightclub - It looks really high tech.

Boiler Room - A giant pot is boiling. Wait for the timer to go off for a little April Fools surprise!

Gift Shop - It looks like someone sketched it out.

Snow Forts - The clock looks a little crazy! Also, it looks like the Snow Forts got trampled over.

Ice Rink - It's called the Super Duper Rink instead of the Super Rink.

Pet Shop - It looks like somebody decorated it with felt.

Pizza Parlor - It's decorated with clay.

Ski Village - Click on the mountains in the background, and a banner will come up. The Ski Lift has pants on it instead of a chair.

Ski Lodge - It looks like someone did a computer drawing of it. Scroll over the moose head and the mullet head, they will look at you.

Sport Shop - It is covered with neon colors.

Mine - Connect the dots to turn the Mine back to normal!

Thanks, Jessicamary!

Did we miss any?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


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Anonymous said...

in the light house u can throw paint snow balls and wash the migrator w/ toothpaste/toothbrush

Anonymous said...

If you scroll over the gnarly sign all the trees would shake at the cove.

16pinky123 said...


Tai said...

what about the paintball in the lighthouse and the mexican wave at the cove!

Anonymous said...

Thats awsome mimmo thanks

Anonymous said...

if y thro a snow ball in light house it is paint and if u scroll over gnarly waves in cove the trees r waves also scrool over the big rock in cove goes up and down falls on a sign a breaks it also in the dock when u stop u look like u bounce and in the lodge when u scroll over the gone fishing door it only has 1 fish and no fishing pole


Anonymous said...

In the night club lounge the game is Thinicetrobarrier

Anonymous said...

in the second floor of the nghtclub theres an awesome mix of thin ice and astrobarrier

Anonymous said...

mimo i have a cheat that u can do where ever and when ever ok so when ur walkin if u click the place that ur walkin really fast over and over then it just looks like ur sliding


Anonymous said...

to add to what someone else said about the toothpaste and toothbrush, the pirate ship has a flag with a puffle on it. follow these directions to brush its teeth! 1) click on the toothbrush cup. the green toothbrush will go out and land on the table. 2) click on the tube of toothpaste on the right side of the table. it will squeeze out toothpaste onto the toothbrush. 3) click on the right knob on the sink to turn on the water. the toothbrush will then get wet and will brush the flag puffle's teeth!!!

Anonymous said...

Mimo i found a glitch on cpip.its called the broken surf board.when ur a puffle wear a surf board and walk to the right and its broken in the middle! lol! do it while u can!

Ur biggest fan,Shoobernoob

Anonymous said...

mim o u did in the dance logne insted of thin ice and astro barrir its mixed up it thinicetrobarrier u control a puffle insted of a space ship its funny.

Ray Toolbear said...

thanks everyone!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

also in the plaza u can pop the balloons and in the dance lounge there is a game called thinicetroberrier

Anonymous said...

Also, in the town, if you scroll over the arrows, they flip in different directions!


Anonymous said...

you can throw paintballs in the lighthouse and beacon and thin ice and astro barrier are knocked over

Anonymous said...

eventully well go mad madicly mad!
p.s im serouis well go mad

waldo said...

If you go to the top of the dance club and play the video game, you get to play thinicetrobarrier! (thin ice and astrobarrier in one!) lol!

Anonymous said...

Yeah if your throw snowballs, it isnt a snowball when it lands. it like splashes in different colors.

Anonymous said...

thin ice and astro barrier mixed to make thinicetrobarrior

Anonymous said...

if you click the binocular at the beacon something weird is on the sea...

Anonymous said...

Dear mimo you missed that upstairs of the nightclub the game Thin Ice when you go over it it says "????????" And the other games are knocked down. And at the cove the rock there's a sign and a rock keeps smashing it you can stand on it -Bratbut24711- or -Febuaryrose- lol go Mimo you rock!!!

Anonymous said...

When you click on the gnarly sign all the trees would shake and also the rock would go up!! Pretty cool, huh?

Anonymous said...

the night club is negative and when you sit you bounce

Anonymous said...

Mimo u forgot about the dance lounges arcade its funny lol

Anonymous said...

Did you know if you go to the beach and find those red floating thingy and put your mouse over will POP!

Meier Stamp Company said...

yes you missed in the dance lounge the game is mixed up

Anonymous said...

the ski lift is cloths not chairs

Meier Stamp Company said...

yes you missed in the dance lounge, if you click on the game it will be mixed up

Anonymous said...

the sports shop isnt in neon colors. it is in negative colors
(im smarticle)

Anonymous said...

IF you throw a snow ball on the roof of the lighthouse- it will turn to color

Anonymous said...

Yes actually u did miss one that i know of, when u r in the lighthouse, when you throw a snowball it is paint! This party is soooo much better than last years does everyone agree??!!?!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the puffle party was extended!

Anonymous said...

MIMO~ Winterfan here. Also- the night club upstairs has some effects too! Please post this!! Your site rocks!!!~ Winterfan

Anonymous said...

The snow forts are MELTED not trapmled

Anonymous said...

in the petshop u can usually see a green puffle pop out of the food carten but now u cant


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Hey MiMo!

Kimberrlley1 here! NC is going all the way in NCAA! I was watching too! Its AWESOME. I just bought a hat for north carolina, since their totally goig all the way this yr.(yes im a girl lol) ;-)

Thanks mimo,


Anonymous said...

when you throw snowballs on lighthouse inside, it splatters paint where you throw it, and the teliscope is a kalidoscope! iwona icee - penguin name

Mario800123 said...

u forgot the nightclub and coffee shop

Anonymous said...

oh also mimo if u go on the iceberg it is like you r walkking on the icerink, you know how u sort of slide on the icerink? well u do that on the iceberg too. Kewl.

Anonymous said...

when u scroll over the smoke on the chimney at the ski lodge the mountain cap comes off and says APRIL FOOLS!
+ this is Indiana 13 (my penguin name:)

Anonymous said...

At the beach click on the toothbrushes, then on the toothpaste, and then on the sink to bruch the jolly roger's teeth!


Anonymous said...

in the ski vill you can hover over the arrow sign and it will spin sp name is Krystal571

Anonymous said...

if you stay in ski village you see pants going up the mountain but if you stay in the mountain you see normal chairs...

Anonymous said...

In the place above the dance club there is a new game! It is so awesome! The Dance Club Lounge! Check it out Mimo!


Anonymous said...

Yeah u forgot that if u go to the lounge in the nightclub u can play thinicetrooper, which is where u fire shots (like astro barrier) from a puffle (like thin ice), at moving targets (like astro barrier)

Anonymous said...

oh and the dojo is black and white and there is a pencil in the cling

Rawr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

In the ski village instead of the normal chair lift its a pair of boxer shorts lol

Nowhere Man said...

mimo if u put ur cursor over an arrow sign the ones that point to a place to go theres one at the dock well the arrow will spin around

Anonymous said...

I'm not gonna lie, this party creeps me out lol. I feel like I'm not even on Club Penguin. Weird ;]


Anonymous said...

have you played Thiniceastrobarrier mimo?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

mimo if you go to the test server its so fun u will be a green puffle be sure 2 catch it

Tai said...

in the ski village if you scrooll over the trees they shake and stick out a sign that says happy trees

Anonymous said...

In the forest if you roll your mouse over the arrow signs they go crazy.

summer.livia said...

Hey there Mimo! When you mouse over the large, black rock at the cove, it will fly up and a sign will pop up and be smashed by the rock falling back down. Mouse over again to reveal the smashed up sign.

- TheBard

Anonymous said...

Thank you sooo much

I come here b4 i go to clubpenguin everytime

i looked in all your posts and it says nothing about the switch box in the stage. You can click on the buttons and change things in the stage


Anonymous said...

At the cove once in a while!!! The rock jumps up and smashes a sign!!!

Nowhere Man said...

mimo at ski village if u put ur cursor on the mountain above where the smoke is coming out of the chiminy the mountain opens and it says april fools

Anonymous said...

Yes, you missed some. Here they all are:

1. Cove - When you point at the sign "Gnarly Waves" the trees will do a wave. Point the rock and it'll float then fall.

2.Everywhere - If you point the blue sign board that has an arrow it'll flip.

3. Ski Village - When you point at the trees, they will dance. Then, a sign "Happy Trees" will pop out.

4. Lighthouse - When you throw a snowball, it becomes paint when it lands/splatters.

5. Night Club Lounge - There's the name "Thinicetrobarrier".

PS: In the newspaper, when it was Thursday, there was a column about "Penguin of the Month". Then the following day, it was gone! I
checked it again, it wasn't there anymore. I think they made a mistake.

That's all.

~Bluenzy~ =)

Nick said...

Snowballs splat in the lighthouse!

Anonymous said...

yeah in the lighthouse if u throw snowballs in the light house they are all colourful like paint

Anonymous said...

on the test servers...

throw a snow ball at the top right of your puffle to sleep

throw a snow ball at the top left to eat "puffle o's

throw a snow ball at the bottom right to have a bath

throw a snow ball at the bottom left to have a cookie!

wave to play (unicycle)

dance to fly (propelor cap)

sit to jump slightly (this is the puffle sit)!

hope this help's alot of people!

Anonymous said...

in snow forts the day is written in an oppist way

Anonymous said...

if u move ur mouse over to the trees on the left at the ski village, the trees will shake and a sign will pop out saying "happy trees"

Frostysk8ter (pengi name)

Blazedawn said...

To bounce press "s" (Club Puffle)

Anonymous said...

yu missed one at the plaza where there are balloons and yu put the mouse on the balloons and they pop

Anonymous said...

Mimo the sport shop is not neon but is negative like a camera film. if you know what i mean

Anonymous said...

hey mimo at the mine shack you can walk where the 9 is and the 12 and u walk behind the walls of the shack!

p.s. this is only because ppl kept on blocking the numbers.

cya round mimo!

Anonymous said...

You can brush the teeth of the puffle on the flag of the migrator!

Anonymous said...

People! if you go on the test servers and go into the dock, you run around different than the regular cp! This is a cheat for you mimio!!!

Anonymous said...

u missed the light house that u can throw a snow ball and it will turn a color. DODGERFAN142

Anonymous said...

In the Ski Lodge, you roll your mouse over the candle and it blows out, you can roll it again and it comes back on!

-Baybiie Jess
CP Name

Anonymous said...

mimo you forgot one thing...go to the lighthouse click on the green toothbrush and then click on the toothpaste and then the right tap and the puffle cleans his teeth!!
give me credit please

Anonymous said...

You forgot upstairs in the nightclub theres a new game called thinicetrobarrier.

Anonymous said...

Mimo, what about in the Plaza, where you can pop the balloons?

Spy Ya L8r (Penguin Name)

Anonymous said...

in thr snow forts the ice rink is called super duper rink

Anonymous said...

in the town if you cluck on the arrow on the left side it will spin.

Anonymous said...

oh and the paintballs in the lighthouse!


Anonymous said...

with the umbrella thing, if u wait bout five seconds, u can c the umbrella flying away in the background

Anonymous said...

Go to the beach and do the puffles teeth!

Click on the green toothbrush, then the toothpaste, then the tap and then the brush again.

Loving the party!


Anonymous said...

also mimo, in the dance lounge, they combined thin ice with astro barrier!

Anonymous said...

in the ski lodge the candle blows out the moose head turns when you scroll over them and the night club is negative colors not neon

Anonymous said...

if u move over the rock at the cove it will get lifted up and if u do that again then the sign under it will be crushed

Anonymous said...

The pizza parlor is really shiny. if u scroll over the gnarly sign in the cove, the trees shake. snowballs explode in the lighthouse. U missed those

Anonymous said...

oh awesome!thanks mimo!

Anonymous said...

if u go over the sign the trees wil shake from the cove

Anonymous said...

u can wash th migratpr with toothpaste at the lighthouse!!!

cp name!

Anonymous said...

this is the best party

Anonymous said...

in the cove clickon the rock andit will fly up

then you see a sign that says "happy april fools"

the rockwill then fall. clickonit againandthesign will be smashed


Anonymous said...

at the plaza if u scroll over the balloons they burst

Anonymous said...

At the Dock, you can roll your mouse over the arrow signs. They spin and point in another direction!

-Baybiie Jess
CP Name

Anonymous said...

mimo u missed one in the lighthhouse if u throw a snowball at the becon it turns into paint!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mimo.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mimo777

Anonymous said...

the surprise in the boiler room is just a jakc-in-a-box
its rly lame

Party is gr8 tho

Anonymous said...

i have a question....mayeb a cpg moderator will answer:]/when does this party end/?

Anonymous said...

Haha, in the mine, people were blocking the dots, but now club penguin changed it so you go underneath the mine instead of infront of it. lol.

Anonymous said...

In the Dance lounge you can play Thinictrobarrior! which is a combination of Thin Ice and Astrobarrior!

Anonymous said...

throw paintballs @ da lite howse

Anonymous said...

your rite ! u cn wash da pufflez teeth! thats kewl

Anonymous said...

you can throw paint balls at the lighthouse

Glynnannsbff said...

uuh its not the super duper rink its just the super rink

16pinky123 said...


Anonymous said...

In the nightclub lounge upstairs they put thin ice and astro barrier together!

Riuchan said...

at the ski village, if u scroll over the trees at corner they shake an say happy trees
also the paintballs at lighthouse

Anonymous said...

At the cove, if you scroll over the rock, u smush a sighn that says Happy April Fools. If you scroll over it agian, the pieces dissapear.

Zoezoe11 said...

Great job Jassicamary!!


Anonymous said...

The Sport shop isnt neon! It's inverted!

Anonymous said...

the party is extended!
thanks, i blink alot

Anonymous said...

in the cove if you click on the rock it lifts up and a sighn comes up.

Anonymous said...

if you click on any of the blue signs with arrows the arrows spin around

Anonymous said...

You forgot about on the improvment project! Your a green puffle!

megrina10 said...

Thanks mimo!!

Anonymous said...

i kno something u missed. its in the town, u kno the arrows on the signs that tell u here to go? ya put ur mouse over them and they will change direction. actually u can do this all over Club Penguin, i just discovered it in the town.

Anonymous said...

On the beach at the sink, click the toothbrush, then the toothpaste, then the right faucet handle and the toothbrush will brush the Puffle Flag's teeth!

Anonymous said...

This so cool:-
First go to the beach and click on the green toothBRUSH
Then click the toothPASTE opposite where the toothBRUSH lands
Next click the tap handle on the right and watch what happens!

Anonymous said...

If you inside the superduper rink...on the sign it goes back to super rink


Anonymous said...

Also in the plaza, you can pop the balloons, in the ice rink sometimes when you score, the puck doesn't get reset. In the paper, the jokes page can get burned if you press "do not press", and it is ask Gary not ask Aunt Arctic


Anonymous said...

Thanks Mimo777

Anonymous said...

on the test servers u can still be a puffle COOL


Anonymous said...

at the upstairs night club the game is "Thinicetrobarrier" it is Thin Ice and Astro Barrier mixed!

Anonymous said...

the sighns spin and in the plaza bloons pop

Anonymous said...

If you curse over the Gnarly Waves sign at the cove, the trees do the wave.

Anonymous said...

Here was your comment:
on the test servers u can still be a puffle COOL

If you click on Whats New on the home page, Billybob said that you can be a puffle all weekend! It was such a hit that they decided to extend it. Pretty cool, huh? Have fun and I hope this helps!


Anonymous said...

if you scrool over the big rock in the cove it jumps

Anonymous said...

yes u missed one
at the beach click on the green toothbrush then click on the toothpaste and then the turn the water on with the facet
thats a cheat

Anonymous said...

Actually the sport shop is Inverted colors i know that for a fact because i took a screen shot of it and went to pint, selected the wholepicture andclick invert colors and it was back to normal also the night club reminds me of a gameboy game

- Delta Tucker

Anonymous said...

hey mimo if you go to the town and if you move your pointer to the arrow beside the gift shop its like spin the bottle lol


Anonymous said...

snowballs at the light house are paint

Anonymous said...

hey mimo you forgot that when you scroll over the arrow signs in town or in the plaza, they spin around and land in different directions!

from, cream satin2

Anonymous said...

if you point your mouse over the arrow that points left or right it will twirl around

I think it might only be on cpip cause I tried it on cpip

blake said...

is the telescope at the lighthouse a kalidoscope or a soccer ball?


Anonymous said...

"blake said...
is the telescope at the lighthouse a kalidoscope or a soccer ball?




It's a kalidoscope. ;) You can see the water and the clouds and stuff.


Anonymous said...

Many people have asked how can you eat, sleep, bathe, dance, and ride the bike, and bounce up and down.(this is all as a puffle in the testing servers)

EAT= throw a snowball to your left or in front of you
SLEEP= throw a snowball behind you
BATHE= throw a snowball to your right
DANCE= dance

Dabearsr1 20 (cpg moderator)

Anonymous said...

hey mimo, i went to go check you twitter and you had posted, "who plays planet cazmo?" and i had check less than a minute after! lolz right! p.s the new server test thing has expanded the puffle party!

Anonymous said...

Here was your question:
is the telescope at the lighthouse a kalidoscope or a soccer ball?

It is a kalidescope. But it looks kinda like a soccer ball, doesn't it? lol. Have fun at the party and I hope this helps!

Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

anonymous said...

i have a question....mayeb a cpg moderator will answer:]/when does this party end/?

March 29, 2008 5:46 AM

to answer this will end april first...which is doesnt say when it ends is the newspaper, but im pretty sure it will end april 1st!!

hope that helped you...♥
CPG moderator, madswimmer4[cp name]

Anonymous said...

Kimberrlley1 said...
Hey MiMo!

Kimberrlley1 here! NC is going all the way in NCAA! I was watching too! Its AWESOME. I just bought a hat for north carolina, since their totally goig all the way this yr.(yes im a girl lol) ;-)

Thanks mimo,


March 28, 2008 7:17 PM

YAY!!!! I did not get to watch since I was not in town, or in US. BUT YAY!!!

Anonymous said...

at the ski village, if you scroll over the sign with the arrow it will spin

Anonymous said...

how do you make ur puffle blowdry itself?

Anonymous said...

the games in the night club are merged together, freaky don't you think?

Anonymous said...

if you scroll over the arrow in front of the sport shop it goes all crazy!


Anonymous said...

my bestest one was the dock!

Anonymous said...

Hey all,

Kimberrlley1 here! =)

For everyone whos asking about the puffle thing, they extended it since everyone loved it! You can look oh the Whats now on clubpenguin homepage.

Well im out for the night...sleepingover my friends house!

Thanks all &+ thanks mimo,

"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

Anonymous said...



'is the telescope at the lighthouse a kalidoscope or a soccer ball?'

Dear Blake,

The Telescope is a kaleidoscope, not a soccer ball!




'in the second floor of the nightclub theres an awesome mix of thin ice and astrobarrier'

Dear viewers,

YEAH! ITS BRILLO! But I do admit they could have added more of thin ice, but it's great anyway!



Bluenzy said:

'Yes, you missed some. Here they all are:

1. Cove - When you point at the sign "Gnarly Waves" the trees will do a wave. Point the rock and it'll float then fall.

2.Everywhere - If you point the blue sign board that has an arrow it'll flip.

3. Ski Village - When you point at the trees, they will dance. Then, a sign "Happy Trees" will pop out.

4. Lighthouse - When you throw a snowball, it becomes paint when it lands/splatters.

5. Night Club Lounge - There's the name "Thinicetrobarrier".

PS: In the newspaper, when it was Thursday, there was a column about "Penguin of the Month". Then the following day, it was gone! I
checked it again, it wasn't there anymore. I think they made a mistake.

That's all.'

Dear Bluenzy,

WELL DONE! You found alot of the cheats! I guess Mimo left these for us so we could run around all day finding them. LOL. =]



Unknown said...

on the clock in the snowforts it will say the day backwards.
yesterday it said yadirf today it says yadrutas

Unknown said...

and mimo in the binoculars, you don't have to click or roll over the sun to make it change. it automatically does it.

Anonymous said...

1) the party ends on April 2 which is a Wednesday

2) the telescope is a kaleidoscope, not a soccer ball =]

Anonymous said...

The pizza place looks like it is realistic.

Anonymous said...

Mimo, at the dance lounge the games are tipped on end and you c an play a mixture of the two

Anonymous said...

Hey! Here is one. If you go over the arrows pointing to places it starts spinning and points in different locations.

Anonymous said...

in the ski village, if you put your mouse over the trees, it shakes and a sign says happy trees.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo! I have a question. I'm not sure if you posted this but do you know that the puffle that holds the little warning sign is ice fishing is pink! I thought it used to be blue!! Am I being delarious or is this true???

Anonymous said...

in the plaza you can roll your mouse over the balloons and they pop

Anonymous said...

there is a new game up the upstairs of the night club!


Anonymous said...

Bye Kimberrlley1! Have a fun time at your friend's house!


Anonymous said...

u forgot the tooth brush near the sink dudeyboy13

Anonymous said...

Have you heard of thinicestrobarrier? it is at the dance lounge

Anonymous said...

Also In the ski village if you mouse over the trees in the corner they shake and a sign comes out!

Tai said...

what about you can pop the balloons in the plaza?

Anonymous said...

My fav place is the Dock, Whats yours by the way?


Anonymous said...

all thie arrow signs spin the arow when u scrol over it.


Anonymous said...

In the cove you know the part with the sign that says "BE SILLY" and in front of it is a big rock put your mouse on it and you'll see what it says!!!

Anonymous said...

for the thinicetrobarrier instead of the usual secret level blue spaceship it is a blue puffle with blue fire XD

Anonymous said...

hey shamerine you said that the ice fishing puffle that swims around at holds up the signs is now pink, and youre right. congratulations, you're not delirious =] im not sure why they changed the color, maybe they just wanted something new for a change

Anonymous said...

did you know that at the mine shack at the top there is a pipe with a drop of water that never moves? also

1. the puffle shop is made out of paper cutouts.

2. the pizza parlor is 3-d

3.the mine is a dot do dot puzzle. you finish it to get the pin.

4. the cove has a rock that goes up and down smashing signes. it has the swirly glasses.

5.the forest is upside down.

6. the ski village has the hats and theski lift lifts underpants. the mountains open and APRIL FOOLS! comes out on a red scroll.

7. the ski lodge has been drawn on the computer with paint.

8. the attic has been done with paint too and the rocking chair doesnt move fast.

9. the winter sports shops wall color and floor color were changed and everything looks jelly-like.

10. the night club was made fuzzy and upstair they knocked down astro barrier and thin ice and put thinicetrobarrier.

11. the coffe shop was drawn and colored with crayons.

12. the gift shop looks like a worn out sketch.

13. the beach is normal except the save the migarator stand has a sink in it.

14.the lighthouse was sketched and part of it was drawn on a piece of yellow paper. when you throw snowballs they are different color paintballs. in the beacon the telescope is a coliedescope of the clouds.

15. in the dock you have super speed.

16. in the snow forts the castles are melted and the flags are twisted. the clock has a different font and the day is backwards.

17. the dojo is not colored and you can walk on the walls.

18. the iceberg is ice cubes in a cup with a wooden spoon on the side of the picture and aqua grabber is on a red straw.

18. the boiler room has a big hot pan and a timer. when it goes off a toy clown comes out of a box next to the hot pan and is holding a red april fools sign.

19. in the plaza the balloons pop and there is a red listening cup on the light. everywhere on club penguin the signs that show the way to go twirl.

this is the best party ever! thanks mimo. i hope this gives a good description of it.

there mimo. that is wat i put. but it wouldnt let me enter it. sorry for accusing you.

Tutso CPG Moderator

Anonymous said...

Hey co0okiezz,

Clicking the buttons of the Switchbox 3000 at the stage creates special effects. But, this has always been there. Mimo mentioned it in an older post. It is not a part of the April Fool's Day party :] But good observation nonetheless!

Kewli88 (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

if you scroll over the rock at the cove a sign shows up saying Happy April Fools, then it gets destroyed... lol

Anonymous said...

Well actually, the dock is like you're a bouncy ball because you bounce off wherever you click. It's soo awesome!
And about the puffle in Ice Fishing, they actually DID change the color of the puffle! Good job for noticing!
Musikstar95 (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

shamerine said...
Hey Mimo! I have a question. I'm not sure if you posted this but do you know that the puffle that holds the little warning sign is ice fishing is pink! I thought it used to be blue!! Am I being delarious or is this true???

MishMash215 answers...
Yep it is shamerine, i investigated my self, maybe it has something to do with april fools...i dunno but good observation!!!
From MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo!
On your Twitter, you asked if anyone plays Planet Cazmo. Well, I do! It is super fun, isn't it?


Anonymous said...

at the beach, click on the green toothbrush at the sink, then the toothpaste, then the sink and brush the puffle

Pear24 said...

You forgot the awesome ice burg!

Anonymous said...

you missed the stage

Anonymous said...

shamerine said...
Hey Mimo! I have a question. I'm not sure if you posted this but do you know that the puffle that holds the little warning sign is ice fishing is pink! I thought it used to be blue!! Am I being delarious or is this true???

i looked back over old pictures.and guess what!?!?
u were right shamerine!
they DID change the oclor of the puffle!Nice catch!Probably has something to do with April fools.we can check back after the party to see if it switches back.

cpg moderator[madswimmer4]

Anonymous said...

yeah you missed te plaza. at the side u can pop the balloons

Anonymous said...

Mimo if you point your mouse into the signs of ways like this in the sides and the sign is blue -> in all places it will move.

goofy73 said...

if you go to the beach and click the toothbrush under the save the migrator plan and it lays out on the table! then you click the toothpaste and it spreads out on the toothbrush! then you click on the right knob and the tooth brush goes under the running water and goes up to the puffle on the black migrator flag! then it brushes the puffles teeth! the the puffle kinda moves it around in his mouth then spits!

you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)

p.s. thanks anonymous and many other people! and of course Mimo!

Anonymous said...

page B8 of the newspaper this week is upsidedown ~~??Yellgal??~~

Anonymous said...

Hey when you connect the dots at the mine, You get a pin if you press in the pipe! It is a croyn!

From Jessika

Anonymous said...

and on the newspaper on page C1 if you click on the button "do not push",the center of that page burns..and i also noticed that there are scribbles on the newspaper..and on page C4 i laughed when i saw the drawing of a penguin that says "hi mom!" lol! please post this mimo please..


Anonymous said...

yes in the lighthouse u can throw snowballs and they would turn into colors.

Anonymous said...

I have a cheat..... in the dojo go on the wall and when u are on it use the flying hat. It looks like ur flying really high.

-Anonymous 0_0 (CPG moderator)

Anonymous said...

The astroll barrier and Thin Ice fell down

Anonymous said...

on all the arrows in club penguin, scrow over them and they would change direction.

- Happy blue88

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo, Here's an AWSOME hint. At the beach, click on the tooth brush next to the sink, then click the tooth paste on the other side of the sink, then click the faucet, and you'll brush the pirate puffle flag's teeth! Kool!

Anonymous said...

hey co0okiezz, mimo posted about the switchbox every time he posts about the stage (which, by the way, anonymous, hasn't changed for the party). but the switchbox3000 is pretty cool isnt it?

Anonymous said...

heyy, Madswimmer4, you said that the pink puffle was a april fool's surprise? actually they changed the color of the puffle in icefishing quite some time ago, so it's not an april fool's trick. but good job catching that, shamerine!

Anonymous said...

In the ski lodge Mullet looks and smiles at you.

Anonymous said...

This party is great!
Mimo thank you for the cheats!

Anonymous said...

In the stage if you click the leaver a Yellow Puffle comes out with a funny hat!

Anonymous said...

party ends april 2nd[tuesday] not april first.

cp team said this...
As always, let us know what your favorite part of the party is and even what you'd like to see next time. The party will be around until April 2nd! Have fun!!

cpg moderator.madswimmer4

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone =)

Kimberrlley1 here to answer more questions today! Shamerine asked: I have a question. I'm not sure if you posted this but do you know that the puffle that holds the little warning sign is ice fishing is pink! I thought it used to be blue!! Am I being delarious or is this true???

Hey! Im very happy to be answering your question! I actually started looking at pictures on Google, and it actuslly was blue! You have an awesome eye shimerine ;-)

Thanks &+ thanks mimo

"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo!

Kimberrlley1 here! You asked on twitter if anyone plays the game Planet Cazmo! Well i do, and its so much fun! I was actually playing that when you posted that on twitter =). Its so much fun, isnt it?!



Anonymous said...

i would like to be a CPG mod but i dont know how could you please tell me.

Anonymous said...

Hey all!

Kimberrlley1 here! Shimerine asked if you heard of thinicestrobarrier? it is at the dance lounge =)

Yes, your right! For April Fools Day, they made a game mixed with two games. I know it sounds confusing, but its just a game with Thin ice AND Astro barrier =) Its a lot of fun! Try it out today ;-)

Thanks so much &+ thanks mimo,

"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

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