you might remember a while back when I wrote A poem that had a line that said, "zebras smell funny." now I can Prove it. take a look at the button below. this is not a noRmal web site graphic. it was developed by proctor and gamble. they are working on a new technology for theIr website that will allow people to smell products right on the web site! so, i was able to send in a sampLe smell for them to make this graphic.
here is how it works, you need to rub your Finger over the button. a few people have already tOld me that sometimes scratching doesn't work. so, just gentley rub your finger over it and wait 10 secOnds. then smell.

i think it smells more like a muLe with Suntan lotion on. what do you think?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
1 – 200 of 259 Newer› Newest»?? How does it work?
it didn't work
scratch and sniff ur computer???? yeah that don't work
I dont get it scratch on the computer?!
Mimo? How does it work???? I rubbed my computer and I smelled it. Guess what it smelled like? It smelled like an iMac because that's what I'm using. How does it work??
Club Penguin Name: Cloudkit7
PS. What is the test server?
i tryed it 4 times but it didn't work. it's not working
yea right......1st of April.... Nice joke though
april fools 2 u too mimo! (tho i didnt do anythin 2 u) lol !
- emmapeanut
hey your playing a joke on us because april first
hey your playing a joke on us because april first
i am dead hehehheehhehe april fool heheheh nice joke mimo how canyou smell a different smell apart of the computer system smell
nice april fool joke
nice april fools joke!
Well done Mimo, you fooled some peeps
Happy April Fools Day guys!
April Fools to you,too Mimo!!! lol!
april fool!hes just kidding.
hey your playing a joke on us because its april 1st and thats april fool's day...
April Fool's to you to Mimo
ha ha very funny april fools mimo
nice april fools!
:{) -Blue Dude776
i smelled nuthing, got nuthing, and felt nuthing. :/ i dont think it workin
if this really is an april fools joke, that was a good one mimo!
King Bubba 3
if its not, then i didnt smell a thing
i didn't fall for it. april fools
I think it just the sent of your finger( because thats what touched it and it didnt smell before).
nice joke mimo
april fools :D
april fools!!!!!!!! lol! good one i belived you for a second. and i cant scratch my computer because it is the new ones where i can ruin your monitor. good one mimo!
good joke mimo
i know...
u tryin to fool me on april fools?
well im unbeatable everybody tries to beat me but they dont.
hahaha, good one mimo (;
April Fools to you to Mimo!That was a great trick lol i tried it then remembered what day it was!
happy apirl fools too!
make the puffle on the pirate flag bush his teeth at the beech:
STEP 1. Go to the beech.
STEP 3. Click on the green tooth brush.
STEP 4. Click on the toothpaste.
STEP 5. Click on the tap.
STEP 6. Watch the puffle.
ha ha good joke it worked at first
ha hA very funny. mind you, PRetty cool though It was quite a Laugh when i FOund Out, Look in thiz comment for de anSwer. de method iS dE samE(?). hmmmmmmmmm?
Figure out the clue!!
wow thats wierd!!!!!!!! Hey did u know on the improvment club penguin ur a green puffle!!!!!!!
Oh I get it. lol...
its a party clue!!!!!!!!! i think
oh nice april fools joke mimo. very creative. now really, how does it work??!!
It is an April fool trick!!
mimo i think your going crazy telling us to scratch and sniff our computer
Ha Ha! Nice one Mimo! I found out the secret...
it doesnt work
How does it work????????????
Ha ha. April Fools oh I get it. Nice one Mimo!!!
clever, mimo... very clever...
Haha, Nice april fools. You got me!
MIMO777!!!!!Cool funny Joke. April Fools Mimo
Sorry mimo i forgot to so say somthig. It smells like a Window in summer. Oh wait thats my computer :-)
Guys its an April Fools Joke!
Good one mimo!
mimo thanks march cheats I wonderded what will do this moth
and the new clothing catlog is coming and the new stage so good luck fiding the hidden item thnaks
for cheats
please post
It worked! . . . but I think it smells more like a LIZARD with sun block on.
thanks for the messege APRIL FOOLS
Awesomeness! I smell it too!
tats odd.... didnt work...
cool it works
haha! i actuly tried it and smell the screen lol
the i was like oh yeah apirl 1st!! =D
nice one mimo
candieo876 cp name
I am unjokable because right away I knew you can't smell a computer and are teachers even tried to fool us but not me im unfoolable.
April Fools you got me
Hey guys!
Kimberrlley1 here!c April fools!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo,
April Fools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good try but it doesn't work.
Mimo rocks!!
From Penguin:Jbd 97
Ha ha thats funny. I can tell it is an April fools joke. I wonder if that is actually possible. ha ha nice joke mimo lol
your r trickin us ha ha i get it
i think it smells like wildberry toaster strudels, but my brothers could be having breakfast for dinner.
Kewl April Fool!
April fools mimo
Cp name Hamie99
How does this work!?!?!?!? :-(
april fools!
omg it really worked ;) :) :o :~) it smells bad.
haha nice joke
penguin name ccarockz
lol actually believed u!
lol i get it..thts awesome..happy april fools day mimo!
Good one mimo! You had me there for a sec. Happy April Fools!
haha, april fools.
April Fool's!!!
it smells like lotion to me
good one mimo
Happy April Fool's to you too Mimo! That was clever hehe at first I thought it might be some kind of party hint lol. You're funny :]
that is soooo weird! i smelled it!!!! it only works on the computers that have a soft screen by the way
Ha Ha!!! Nice April fools!!
That is a way better joke than my ones!
april fools to you too mimo that was a great fool, Even though ididn't got caught but it was good, keep u the great work
Hey ppls!
Kimberrlley1 here! No questions at the moment, ive check all the blogs =(. No im just kidding! Im having an amazing time on clubpenguingang. Great job mimo!
Thanks guys &+ thanks mimo, =)
Kimberrlley1(april fools! ;-))
April fools to you to Mimo!
Cool! I actually smelled it! :-()
its arpil fools so don't try to fool us!!
I saw right through it (not really)
is it a april fools???
April Fools To you too =)
wow mimo ur good u tricked my brother lol
oh hahaha
i get it
i almost forgot it was april fools day!
april fools to you to mimo!
i didnt smell anything!!
lol arpril fools
nice april fools joke mimo
u didnt get me
this thing works!! This is not joke guys! I can smell it!
Why is everybody thinks its a joke. It really works!
ya I smell it now
APRIL FOOLS!!! Got it thats really good mimo!
lol people are actually sniffing their screens.
Ha ha ha ha !!!! i get it!!!!!
Mimo Rox!!!!!!!!!
YA YA verr funny its april fools da
that was not very funny Mimo!!!!
cp name Willyboy111
Everyone i think this is an april fools joke. After all its April Fools Day. But, for a sec, i thought i smelled suntan lotion!
awesome trick Mimo,
i bet u fooled a few penguins!
-Elmos Buddy (C.P. name)
smels like tea
Hey Mimo!
Oh yea, nice try. It's April 1st. I'm not getting fooled. Actually, I haven't got fooled all day. Happy April Fools!! How many people did you prank?
Ha ha its a April fools day joke!
lol nice one mimo
club penguin name:mr squidy5
Nice joke Mimos! For a second I beleived it! until I smelt it and loved the smell of computer!
haha mimo, u got hundreds of kids out there in the world sniffin their computer screens right this very second. my sister fell for it. but not me NUH UHH lol nicee
that is an april fool's joke. haha
hey i could kinda smell it mimo! it does smell weird like my dog hershey. there's many species on this earth, there's people, animals, dogs, cats, and then there's a very rare species called a hershey. it's an endangered species. it only lives in my yard. only 1 in the world! lol. i tell that to all my friends!
oh wait, was that an april fools trick? i have my wayz of knowin'! LOLZ! actually i read the comments!
hey theres a hint in here!! April Fools to you too!:) is it a hint hmm post -Ye11
AHAHAH I waz sniffing my computer for like an hour then I figured out it Waz April fools day!
April Fools, right? heehee funny mimo! We are all REALLY ignorant to fall for it!! :P
no you lil peeps!it worked for me!
so it is not an april fools joke!
nice joke lol lol lol lol lol lol ya right if that whas true lol lol nice prank by the way.
Thats to bad i missed the party:( If im right it was april fools- aka april 1. unless this is just an april fools JOKE
Happy April Fools, Mimo.
good job mimo!
i got the joke!
Ha ha! That is really funny mimo! I LOVE it!
This is kinda wat i did for April Fools!
There is this boy, and he was acting strangely, and there was another boy who has a car that he can rev up! So my sister and i knew what was going to happen, but the other boy didn't. My sister and I plugd our ears, but the boy didn't! So when the other boy in the car reved it up, the other boy got REALLY startled!!!!
It was soooo funny!
theres a hidden message!
April Fools!!!!!!!!!!
Ha ha ha ha ha
you got me at first!
(PS:Is this a party hint? Please respond.
if this is an april fools joke... its scaring me i can smell it!!!
It doesnt work. Mimo was playing an April Fools trick on us!
Whitelilly13 (CPG moderator)
yea mimo!!!!! Nice one
April fools
lol april fools!
oh I get it now
April Fools!
I get it!
omg! it smells like mint! thats so cool..but i dont think zebras smell that good! lol
my penguin name is penguin2878793
This is an april fools joke.
am i the only person who saw it??? APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!
Nice trick Mimo. >.<
Happy April Fool's Day Everyone!!!
hahaha mimo lol happy APRILFOOLs to u 2
neat buddy list clue?
lol happy april fools to you too! hahahahaha =)
i rubbed it so fast that its starting to heat up and smell like burning metal, o well good times :0
Haha...I worked it out without doing it
yeah April fools mimo
april fool yeah we know it
lo great trick
i thought id gone mad when it sed scratch and sniff
April Fools!
lol of course it doesnt work!
i tried it it does not smell good it smells like earwax or something if not, i dunno
well if you get close to it and smell it really hard it will work
Hey mimo good one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cayan pepper(CP name)
nice april fools joke mimo
April Fools!
I tried it and it did not worked lol then I relized that it was april 1 and I got fool :-)
smell your computer??????????
from lilacpengu44 and chocolater99 and purplyn/red24 (club penguin names)
It Doesn't Work!!!
man the fools party is going waaaaaaaaaay overtime.
omg it actully worked for me! it smelled minty..
lol nice one u got me
Funny guy...Mimo...Funny guy...
smells like a zebra. Because i just went to the zoo.
Ha Ha Ha very funny Mimo!!!
I got my computer back and can now go on cp YAY
From Frocean!!!
Ha ha ha Good Aprils Fools !
LOL! Great, Mimo.
Luv your site!
Spy Ya L8r (Penguin Name)
april fools lol!!!!!!
its just a picture on a screen
you're friend goofy73
I didn't smell anythiny
Lol Mimo!
That was pretty funny! I've read the comments you seemed to have fooled loads of people!
haaahaaaa! nice one mimo!
took me a minute to get it.
i thought you were actually serious!
it smells like a BUNNY!
i dont smell anthing
hey everyone!
Kimberrlley1 here! I just got back from the Orthodontist =/. lol! Well, if theres any questions, ill be here to answer them =)
I cant wait &+ thanks mimo!
Hi mimo
It smells exactly like my dog!!!!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
haha! mimo, you rock :D
all i smell is cheetos because i just ate cheetos
april fools to you to
Whoa! It does smell like a Mule! I think it smells more like bug spray than suntan lotion though...
Smiles! :)
Nice one Mimo!
Smells like Plasma.... Weird...
lol april fools to you too mimo!
thats a funny april fools joke, mimo!!!!!!!!!
i fell for it
april first is my friends birthday and we always play jokes on him
it a april fools joke love it mono lol + rofl bye
haha! fantastic prank mimo!
doesnt fool me im an april fool prank master that kind of stuff doesnt fool me
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