WOOT! Club Penguin Music Jam 2011 is HERE!
If you are a member, the first thing you need to do is get an All Access Pass. You can buy this at the Iceberg, Snow Forts or the Ski Village.
You can now go to the Backstage and Member only rooms.
To get the 1st FREE item, do this:
1. Go to the Dock.
2. Go to the Backstage. (You must be a member AND have an All Access Pass)
To find an OLD free item:
1. Go to the Night Club.
2. Go to the Rooftop, (You must be a member AND have an All Access Pass)
You now have the Boom Box. That is if you didn't already have it. :-/
To find a NEW free item:
1. Go to the Cove!
2. Click on the box of Blue Headphones.
You now have the Music Jam Cap! You really need to try and dance with only this hat on! ;-)
Check out all the saweet, rockin' items:
Snow Forts:
Check out all the saweet, rockin' items:
Snow Forts:
Ski Village (Well, these are the same as the Snow Forts):
Ok, so there are TWO member only rooms. They are:
The Backstage:
Check out the Music Catalog that can be found at the Backstage.
Click the word "Music" to get the Drum Stick and Blue Snare Drum cheat!
Check out the new Night Club Roof:
But, the Casa Fiesta is for EVERYONE this year! Woot!
You can get to the Casa Fiesta through the Backstage or the Ski Village.
Don't forget to check the Iceberg for the Penguin Band! The stage floats around this year! So cool!
No Penguin Band:
Penguin Band:
No Penguin Band:
Penguin Band:
Lots of jammin' coolness! What is your fav so far?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel!
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The Casa Fiesta is for Members and Non Members!
there is new roftop and there is special dance with a hat and in the town is bug when you click on sign it s show a sidn from a medival party
Domi7-club penguin moderator
Mimo these photos are from last year, you need to update them couse NOBODY can get those items at the stand and it is so annoying! and now the casa fiesta place is for EVERYONE! lame!!! i liked it better whern it was for members
Haha! If you dance with just the new free hat item on you do some kind of weird rap dance xD
There is a new kind of door to get to the rooftop when the pass come out. Its not stairs its a elevator
the casa fiesta is for everyone. I just got in and I'm not a member.
Go to a French server and you're able to buy the backstage pass!
the free item from backstage is a green shirt, if you wear the hat from the cove and the green shirt there is a special dance. this year the all access pass is teal white and black. and all 6 items are in the music catalog backstage...
I really see no point of having fun in a party full of BUGS!
Hey Mimo777!
If you go into a French server, you can get the all-acess pass and all other items from the stalls in both the Iceberg and the Snow Forts :)
Mimo, to get to the items stand at the Snow Forts, Iceberg, and Ski Village, just clear your cache, close your browser, and log in again!
If you go on a Spanish Server you can get the items, keep them, and access the exclusive stuff.
You can get the neckalace at the spanish servers, and also whe you go in, its a medevil thing...
Thats kinda intresting.
Hey!! you can get the Music Jam items in the Spanish servers!!
Plz give credit!!
Ok mimo the wierdest glitch just happen i went to backstage and it took me the the quest from the last party
nothing is working!
Did you notice that it says new instruments will come in July, even though the party ends June 25th? Is the backstage staying, or is it just a glitch? My penguin name is will montina
the new screan with the bugs is back
If you go to the French servers, you can get the VIP pass. (:
mimo there is two new moves that weird breakdancing once and if you put the new hat on with the new green shirt from backstage you do the robot!
If the penguin band is floating around on an iceberg then will we get their background and their stamps?
Ya mimo this is kind of related to domi7's coment. whenever I try and go backstage, it takes me to the target room from the knights quest but with music jam music. then when a I walk through the gateway it takes me to the casa fiesta.
mimo you messed up you got the lighthouse catalog. theres the oil slick guitar now and the backstage is old
mimo if your wear the hat and yje green swrill t shirt you do the robot!
The Penguin Band comes every 30 minutes and stays for 2 minutes.
This year, you can't enter the Backstage through the Casa Fiesta :(
If you wear the Music Jam Cap and the Music Swirl Tee and nothing else, you can do an EPIC robot dance.
Hey Mimo, my brother and I found a glitch. Anytime you click on any merchandise stand, it won't accknowledge it. It'll just send your penguin into the crowd with open a catalog or even an orange error sign or a blue sign or whatever. We want our back-stage passes, us members have rights!
i say this member wearing a music jam hat and a green twirly shirt and he was robot dancing! He looked so rad! And then he took off the shirt and he was back to rapping. Nice!
mimo booth no work
mimo booth no work EDIT: use french servers to bye em! thelly go on to normal account!
JOEY546 said...
Mimo these photos are from last year, you need to update them couse NOBODY can get those items at the stand and it is so annoying! and now the casa fiesta place is for EVERYONE! lame!!! i liked it better whern it was for members
Hey Joey546!!!
I saw your comment, and I kinda agree with the last part, but CP probably changed it because alot of people (both members and nonmembers) go to the town, and protest nonmembers don't get enough... these protests happen everyday so clubpenguin must've felt that if they didn't do something soon, they would lose alot of money from membership so they did this to "show" they aren't Mr. Krabses, well atleast my opinion. :P
~Dora64185 CPG Mod (I hope XD)
If u wear the free hat and the green member's shirt and you dance, YOU'LL DO THE ROBOT!! ITS SOOO COOL!!!!
Hey mimo!
the Penguin Band appears every half hour! It's not random at all, but, they appear every half hour on your computer clock!
That means that you can set your clock to X:00 or X:30 and the Penguin Band will come!
That is so cool!
I was in the same room as the PB but I didn't get the stamp or anything!!! Why didn't I get stamps or a backround?!
Penguin Band come every half hour!
Hey, if you wear the free hat and the green shirt you do a robot dance! It`s really cool!
Mimo these photos are from last year, you need to update them couse NOBODY can get those items at the stand and it is so annoying! and now the casa fiesta place is for EVERYONE! lame!!! i liked it better whern it was for members
You Just Only Want To Members Acess Because Non-Members Arent Cool !
The guy above me is right. They come on the half hour, but not at your system time, but at clubpenguin standard time.
Mimo, you forgot to mention the Music Maker 3000 room. You can enter the room from the Snow Forts.
Montina -
No In the LightHouse theres a Instument Catulog there. they'll update that
I met PB on the ice berg and they come every 30 minutes so if you were on the iceberg at 8:26 it will come at 8:30 btw i met them 2 times and i didn't get the stamps and you can't click them to get their autograph
i just watched them but i didnt get a stamo!!
Cool party, Mimo. way better than last year.
It's not that penguin band appers. It's that every 30 minutes they play.
they passed by me and i didn't get the stamp! >:(
How to do get the background/stamps?
Hey Mimo... the PB will visit the island soon!!! this is true... the CP told me!!!
i met the band but didnt get ther stamps. why?
I dont get it. in your picture of the casa fiesta there is a backstage door. when I go there there is no door. Why is this?
Joey 546 said:
Mimo these photos are from last year, you need to update them couse NOBODY can get those items at the stand and it is so annoying! and now the casa fiesta place is for EVERYONE! lame!!! i liked it better whern it was for members
The Casa Fiesta part is great! Imagine if you were a non member stuck outside a door while all your other buddies go in and party. Happened to me about 5000 times.
Did you notice that it says new instruments will come in July, even though the party ends June 25th? Is the backstage staying, or is it just a glitch? My penguin name is will montina
The new instruments will be in the lighthouse I think as the instruments are there all year so as it says june 25th and it is after the party they will probably go there or it may be in a new gift shop catalog but Probaly not or it is just a glitch
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