Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday, June 2, 2011

New Club Penguin Log In Screen!

Club Penguin has updated the Start Up Screen. Or, I guess we should call it the Log In Screen now!

What do you think about this update? 

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President


Kattelyn said...

It hasn't changed yet for me. :) I like the old one better though from what I can see in your screen shot. There's nothing wrong with the old one, so why are they changing it?

Da Weird Awesome said...

that is so cool! do you think more stamps will come soon?

Soup said...

I think that the penguin by the login button is wearing the new Music Jam shirt! Maybe it will be the free item! :)

Linky said...

It is not like that for me.
Also, i have a question for you that CP isn't responding to my email.
My name is linky if you could answer my question.
Cp is always freezing when i get to the log in page. When i do get in, it freezes within 10 seconds.


Anonymous said...

That "New Stamps Are Everywhere" picture is a little weird. That penguin is losing a lot of stamps when he is skating down the mine track.

Does anybody else know this?

Tee :] said...

It hasnt worked for me yet......

ethan said...

mimo when i went to the forest the night club music was playing

Grande pie said...

Hey mimo! Did you notice CP also updated puffles when you walk with them? They were updated even in player cards!

Anonymous said...

it hasnt changed yet for me either. i wonder why

Anonymous said...

mine is the old one it dndt change why!?!?

Dot-Com said...

It hasn't changed yet either

Melodybird01 said...

:( i liked the old one...

beniu77777 said...

when will this show up on my computer

Anonymous said...

When you walk your puffle it has changed like when its in your iggy its animated face!

HANNER2 said...

Anonymous said...
That "New Stamps Are Everywhere" picture is a little weird. That penguin is losing a lot of stamps when he is skating down the mine track.

Does anybody else know this?
Has it ever occurred to you that the stamps could have been going inside? oh, and i also agree with linky and kattelyn, my start screen isn't different.. maybe its only for the u.s. or somthing?


Anonymous said...

It hasn't changed for me :(

Aqualavender said...

It hasent changed for me yet

King Alex747 said...

hey mimo777 i love the new log in bit & i love your work if only i could see you in club penguin but i never can because your partys are always full, and i can never get in the same room as you. ='(


Anonymous said...

I think it looks really cool. I havn't got the updade yet though, like most people :s


Anonymous said...

aww its not updated for me yet

Anonymous said...

about the puffles,
they're different rihgt, well have u seen them on the PLAYER CARD! ADORABLE!!


Anonymous said...

That log in screem has been there before like 3 months ago! And so was the system defender start screen one.
oh and there is massive glitch in forest! It has dance lounge music in forest if you put the volume on ur computer really loud

Anonymous said...

when im in the battle of doom with herbert i keep on being teleported back to the epf training room

Anonymous said...

They were testing the login screen just like the other one in 2009, they had it for about a week until they changed it to the current one.

Anonymous said...

I can't log into Club Penguin on the English servers. It's just a blue screen. I've cleared my cache and my cookies, but nothing! I have to log into a Spanish server just to get on.


Also Mimo for the other language servers the start screen remains the same. :)

Elliot Ambrosini said...

Hey Mimo, i couldnt find out how to contact you, so i thought id do it on here. Have you noticed the one man band glitch? it seems that when you dance it just dances normally, instead of playing the instruments, do you think its a bug?

Anonymous said...

CP wasn't working so I cleared my cahce and it started working again but I have the old Log In screen again when I actually had the new one before. Has it changed back to the old one for anyone else?

Anonymous said...

i like it but remember like 2 months ago they said there would be hats for puffles where are they?

Fisheater145 said...

HANNER2 said...

Anonymous said...
That "New Stamps Are Everywhere" picture is a little weird. That penguin is losing a lot of stamps when he is skating down the mine track.

Does anybody else know this?
Has it ever occurred to you that the stamps could have been going inside? oh, and i also agree with linky and kattelyn, my start screen isn't different.. maybe its only for the u.s. or somthing?


Well I live in the U.S and my log in screen isn't like Mimo777's. But still I think it's neater than the old one.

~Fisheater145~ (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo there is a bug at the forest where you can hear the boiler room music.


weird owe said...

its the same old one in the other languages :)

Sticker B. said...

Da Weird Awesome said...
that is so cool! do you think more stamps will come soon?
Hi, Da Weird Awesome!
I think more stamps will come soon, because from the looks of it, they still have one game console left over in the lounge! Plus, The Music Jam is coming up soon, so DJ Cadence and The Penguin Band should be walking around!
Waddle on!
-Sticker B.

Lilofan said...

Hey! Have you noticed that the puffles look different when you walk them? Take a look!


Elliot Ambrosini said...

I live in the UK and its changed for me? :)

cphockey said...

how when i use a apple computer it changed
but not on a Window computer

Tom said...

To Teegan x.X.x , I had the same problem with the start page. But dont worry! You will get it soon!

From Tomh2000


Imagine1451/Kuva 08 said...

About that blue screen:
I've email-ed the CP team on it because it happend to me (I'm Irish). They tell you to clear your cache or download a new web browser. E-mail them for more help ^.^

Anonymous said...

my club penguin log in screen has changed:D but when i click start its just blue:(

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