Club Penguin Cheats

Monday, June 27, 2011

Club Penguin Field Op Number 47 Cheats!

Club Penguin Field Op Number 47 cheats are here!

Step 1. Click your Spy Gadget.
Step 2. Click "Go there."
Step 3. Click Field Op board. (or click Field Ops on the Spy Gadget)
Step 4. Click "Accept Field-Op."

Step 5. Click your map. 
Step 6. Go to the Mine!
Step 7. Go into the Mine Cave and up to the machine. Your spy gadget light will turn green.
Step 8. Click your spy gadget and click "Engage."
Step 9. Now you can complete the puzzle!
Step 10. If you are a member you can click "Elite Gear" and get something cool! If you are not a member, you can get the EPF earpiece, and then enjoy collecting your badges... and stamps! ;-)

Destroy the circuits!

Receive this message from Jet Pack Guy after completing the puzzle:

And, if you have just now completed your 50th Field Ops, you will earn this stamp! Saweet!

Are you glad the Field Ops has returned?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President


P29 said...

Dear Mimo, the map has not been changed but the Field Op is there.

Tylermunjkt said...

New field op but no map?

Anonymous said...

NEW MAP IS OUT!! From sammycool

Dot-Com said...

The map is updated

קלאב פינגווין צ'יטים said...

Mimo, when i finished the Field-Op, Jet Pack Guy wasn't there, but, it sed "G" AND (the important part) I saw switching characters that included:
A mysterious, old crab,
and that pet trainer who was seen in the Puffle Party!!!!

Erika92 said...

WOAH! I just completed the feild op and it was switching betweencharecters like Cadence and Rockhopper then ended with jet pack guy. IT WAS COOOOOOOOOOOL!

daphnie58245 (CPG mod (i hope)) said...

קלאב פינגווין צ'יטים said...
Mimo, when i finished the Field-Op, Jet Pack Guy wasn't there, but, it sed "G" AND (the important part) I saw switching characters that included:
A mysterious, old crab,
and that pet trainer who was seen in the Puffle Party!!!!
u where 1 of the lucky 1s that got the wrong message

~daphnie58245 (CPG mod (i hope))

daphnie58245 (CPG mod (i hope)) said...

Erika92 said...
WOAH! I just completed the feild op and it was switching betweencharecters like Cadence and Rockhopper then ended with jet pack guy. IT WAS COOOOOOOOOOOL!
u where1 of the lucky 1s that got the wrong message

~daphnie58245 (CPG mod (i hope))

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