The hidden Club Penguin Cheats in the Penguin Style Clothing Catalog for June 2011 are here!
Do this to find the cheats.
Step 1. Click on the Map icon in the lower left.
Step 2. Click on "Town."
Step 3. Go to the "Gift Shop."
Step 4. Click on the Clothing Catalog in the lower right.
Here's how to find the first Club Penguin cheat.
You now have the Blue Viking Helmet cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 9. Go to the 3rd page in the catalog.
Step 10. Click on the speaker.
You now have the Black Electric Guitar cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 11. Go to the 4th page in the catalog.
Step 12. Click on the tile.
You now have the Shore Thing cheat! Ha! Phunnie!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 13. Go to the 5th page in the catalog.
Step 17. Go to the 7th page in the catalog.
Step 18. Click on scrolly design thingy.
You now have the Blue Dragon Feet cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 19. Go to page 10 in the catalog.
Step 20. Click mountain thingy.
You now have the White Cocoa Bunny Costume cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 21. Stay on page 10 in the catalog.
Step 22. Click wheel thingy.
You now have the White Cocoa Bunny Ears cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 23. Go to page 11 in the catalog.
Step 24. Click on the moon.
You now have the Country Gal cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 25. Go to page 12 in the catalog.
Step 26. Click on the bottle.
You now have the Cocoa Bunny Costume cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 27. Stay on page 12 in the catalog.
Step 28. Click on the top of the barrel.
You now have the Cocoa Bunny Ears cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 29. Go to page 13 in the catalog.
You now have the Overgrown and Jean Jacket cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 33. Go to page 14 in the catalog.
Step 34. Click on the pink penguin's beak.
You now have the Ocean Blue Hoodie cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 35. Stay on page 14 in the catalog.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo, the wig in the CP catolog, the Shore, reminds me of Snooki. if u know who that is. is CP getting some new inspiration?!
The one-man band costume dance does not work. Neither does the one for the stealth secret agent kit. And the double necked guitar makes no sound in the Lighthouse. What's going on?
ಠ_ಠ Umm, okay...
i think that the whole point of rare items coming back in this catalog stinks....i thought i was rare for awile, untill THIS update came out.
CP, you have once again put a crack in my heart.
They also updated the puffle screen and what the puffles look like in your igloo.
MIMO I can't open the clubpenguin . When I open it comes blue blank page............
I think to it is a bug
Anonymous said...
The one-man band costume dance does not work. Neither does the one for the stealth secret agent kit. And the double necked guitar makes no sound in the Lighthouse. What's going on?
Hi there!
As, listed in a new CP poston the CP blog, they have been experiencing several glitches, ever since The Hydra/Herbert thing came out. You should point this this out on the blog, since they have been asking about what glitches you have been experiencing.
Sticker B.
I can't believe the double guitar is back! I couldn't get it last year, and now I have it!
I guess Club Penguin is having technical difficulties. They might fix all the problems in about a week. from today. they better because my school is out next week, actually this friday. :D
Waddles on XD
Vanessa 1001
P.S. They came out with a new sports catalogue. :D Only one hidden item. The older version of the yellow soccer uniform.
the double headed guitar does not make any sound any were and i saw some kid have a lot of problems with the one man marching band also whenever i am on clubpenguin for more than 20 minuts my screen blacks out and when i did try to fight the hydra bot they dissapeared but it might still not work but hopefully club penguin gets the gliches fixed.
but until then waddle on!
What, no Elvis? OUTRAGE!
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