Club Penguin Cheats

Monday, June 13, 2011

Message From Gary: Repaired EPF!

Gary has sent us a new Club Penguin message about the repaired EPF!

I appreciate G telling us this, but we already knew, right?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President


Dropthebird said...

Well that's not necesaraly true when you said we knew that. If you weren't here to tel us, we probably wouldn't have known because we always just go into the Command Room, not into the Phoning Facility. soes people who don't listen to you didn't know until then probably.

Anonymous said...

Mimo777! Clubpenguin justmade a big update with there home screen!Once you click play now, under the add for membership or partys, theirs one penguin that says create a penguin, and one that says login.The pictures are new and theres no news button! just wanted to tell u!

Bluegum0315 said...

Anonymous said... Mimo777! Clubpenguin justmade a big update with there home screen!Once you click play now, under the add for membership or partys, Theirs one penguin that says create a penguin, and one that says login.The pictures are new and theres no news button! just wanted to tell u! -Litblurocker ___________________________________I'm just saying there in your sentence should be their.Also i noticed that too!! Good eyes! -Bluegum0315(cpg mod)not really:)

Kingwampy said...

At least it makes it official and not some random glitch!!!

Kingwampy said...

At least it makes it official and not some random glitch!!!

Frousteen said...

Mimo, the log in screen is back to the new one again!


Dropthebird said...

Anonymous said...
Mimo777! Clubpenguin justmade a big update with there home screen!Once you click play now, under the add for membership or partys, theirs one penguin that says create a penguin, and one that says login.The pictures are new and theres no news button! just wanted to tell u!

Yes, we know that. Mimo posted about that a few weeks ago. But good noticing! Waddle On!

Anonymous said...

It says the damage is REPAIRED!

Buddytoe said...

Anonymous said...
Mimo777! Clubpenguin justmade a big update with there home screen!Once you click play now, under the add for membership or partys, theirs one penguin that says create a penguin, and one that says login.The pictures are new and theres no news button! just wanted to tell u!
Nice! But Mimo already posted that some days ago.


Anonymous said...

Hey mimo77 club penguin still has the medieval shield still at the dojo and the weird thing is that it's only been a month and it came out again!


TTG Fever said...

Hey mimo the Medieval Party Pin is still at the dojo courtyard and people can still get it

Anonymous said...

hey mimo can i take credit for this

there is a new login screen it shows login as a penguin with clothes on and new penguin is the outline of a penguin it looks great!
Tayzar983(total mimo fan)

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