Club Penguin Cheats

Monday, June 6, 2011

Club Penguin Banning Bug Better!

Club Penguin has been having a bug tonight with new catalog items being in the wrong place in you inventory and if you tried to put it on, you would be banned for 72 hours.

But, luckily, Club Penguin has fixed this bug. Here is what Billybob said about it:

Some of you may have encountered a bug with some neck items today that resulted in your account being automatically banned for 72 hours. We apologize to those of you that were affected by this bug.

The bug is now fixed, and the team has removed the bans from the accounts affected.

We appreciate your patience with this.

Wow! Bugs banning us now? What next? I sure hope Club Penguin can get a handle on all these things soon, don't you?

Play Alien Bug Invader!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President


Anonymous said...

hey mimo tht banning bug happened to me but it wasnt with clothes it was for saying hello :p i was like OMG I CANT SURVIVE A DAY WITHOUT CP but a miracule happened cp gave me 2000 coins to say sorry :D

Hsm1235 said...

Yeh! There was another bug last night, you could still get the old pin even though the new one was out!

Chaos6267 said...

WHOAH! Ok, so when you go from the EPF room to the rooftop, it says "battle of doom" when it's loading. Ominous?


Hannah said...

Mimo i found another bug. it doesn't ban you but i can't buy the refery outfit or any furniture!Also when i walk into the pet shop the whole screen is blank!

Pinkuein said...

At then end of the video on the club penguin welcome page it says more videos coming soon???Pinkuein

Dot-Com said...

Mimo the music mix up bug is gone!

daphnie58245 (CPG mod (i hope)) said...

MIMO i know that snow/ice is snow sure go to the last page of the catalog in the ninja hideout (the page with the hand gong) and it says now learn from my tale of fire - water - snow build your own dojo so the snow/ice is called snow

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo i'm still banned idk why?I'm a nice person!I got banned for 4 days! I was like i can't survive without club penguin for 4 days!!!!


Anonymous said...

I haven't been banned, but my bottom toolbar is gone! I can't get to my igloo, my EPF phone, chat or anything! I can't even click and play any games! Ahh! Has this sort of thing ever happened to anyone else? I submitted the problem to CP but haven't heard back yet... grr.

Trainpower10 said...

Anonymous said...
I haven't been banned, but my bottom toolbar is gone! I can't get to my igloo, my EPF phone, chat or anything! I can't even click and play any games! Ahh! Has this sort of thing ever happened to anyone else? I submitted the problem to CP but haven't heard back yet... grr.
That happened to me, too.

Jbenge said...

If Club Penguin keeps having bugs, i would recomend you to another website, Action Allstars. I play it more than i do on Club Penguin.

Anonymous said...

hey Mimo I think there is a new bug! Remember the new log in?I don't have it.Even i have to type in my passwords and my penguins name and i click save and it won't save!!!

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