Saweet! The party should be here soon!
Don't you just love how Club Penguin updates this screen for every major event?
Don't you just love how Club Penguin updates this screen for every major event?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, start up screen
10 comments:'s supposed to be here today...the 16th.
Well, Music Jam hasn't started and it's past 12:00 PST. :(
hey mimo the club penguin times hasn't arrived yet and its Thursday by acter boy 1
then waddle on
CP are probably just lazy, and I hope I`m not waiting for this party at midnight because I`ve got school tomorrow. :('s supposed to be here today... and club penguin times hasn't arrived yet...
Waddle on CP
mimo the music jam has official started!!!
Music jam has started! Woo it's early for me because it's 9:45pm on 16th ;D
New Start up page not quite the screen but you know where it usually says start it says other stuff. Pretty cool, better check it out.
this new stupid site its goin to is so messed,i hate it i have a membership that expires 2morrow
mimo somebody from mushi monster's hacked it:9
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