As you know, today is June 1st and that means... it's Club Penguin PAYDAY! Woot! So, here's a little song for ya:
It's Pay Day, Pay Day!Gotta get down on Pay Day!Everyone's lookin' forward to the catalog, catalog!
Partyin', partyin', yeah!Partyin', partyin', yeah!Fun, fun, fun, fun,Everybody's lookin' forward to the catalog!
Now, what are you gonna buy with all those coins! ;-)
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Just wanna let you know Mimo I think that the it's Friday song is very annoying. lol nice one though
That isnt much money, so im just saving them..
Mimo, when I try to click on Herbert or to do something my connection is not working! I this a new bug? :)
the dance lounge music is at the forest :D
I found a super cool glitch!!!!
When you enter the cove you still can hear the Medieval Party music!!
possibly worst song ever heard
Why did you copy the friday song.. do you like it?
I know u guys wouldn't believe me but i have a million coins!! I'm not kidding with that payday money!! I'm going to buy everything in the catalog! Btw I'm SUPER rare!!:)
Lol!,mimo great version of Friday,its better when you do it.
"So what will you do with all those coins?"
"I'm going to Disney World!"
Im gonna buy more stuff from sports catalog!
NICE!!! You could be a wrapper!
Yo Mimo! When i got payed, my tour guide paycheck did not arrive! I have been robbed my money i did earn!
I agree with the first two comments... xD
im gonna buy some earplugs so i wont have to hear that song anymore!
hey the start page hasnt changed!
lol i luv the friday mix up thing itz funny but my membership just expired so ya it suggs
Right now, if you go into the Pet Shop, there is nothing there. It is just a white background with your penguin and the map. Try to see if it still works!
lol nice Friday parody. -Paws Kitty
Your friday song lyrics are better than the real lyrics lol.
It's also....
Wednesday, Wednesday, still gotta work on Wednesday.
That's right, two more days for the weekend, weekend.
It's Wednesday, Wednesday, I really got paid on Wednesday.
It's not much, I'm asking my boss for a big raise, big raise.
hey mimo i found an easter egg!
if you go to the forest you can hear the music from the dance lounge and boiler room!!!!!
try it out for yourself
Love the song! (Loved the original too)
LOL it's the Friday song!!
Anonymous said...
I know u guys wouldn't believe me but i have a million coins!! I'm not kidding with that payday money!! I'm going to buy everything in the catalog! Btw I'm SUPER rare!!:)
----------------Woot100------------And we care why? How do we know your rare or not? Your Anonymous! I think you just want attention. Try finding a glich or a cheat, Or just be Phunny! If it helps, I'm not very rare OR rich, So there! :)
um, did you think of that yourselves? Anyway, I love the Sunday version way better.
Anonymous said...
um, did you think of that yourselves? Anyway, I love the Sunday version way better.
Me too.
PARTYIN' PARTYIN' YEAH! I just love "Friday" spoofs... :3
You're so funny Mimo.
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