The Club Penguin St. Patrick's Day Party is March 13 - 17! I bet everything will be colored all Red and Blue! (JK) There will be free items. AND I HOPE THERE WILL BE NEW ITEMS THIS TIME! Don't You?! Sheesh, it's been foreva! And Hey! What about the Snow Party?! Here is a sneak peek of the St. Patrick's Day Party!

Also, also, the mysterious "link" and the big wiener of the Caption contest coming soon!
Also, Also, Also, for all you ppl that support all the Mimo & CPG crazeeness I have something sweet planned. It's called "Featured Friend!" More about that laterz.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

1 – 200 of 219 Newer› Newest»awesome I can't wait and seriously, they do need new items!!!
hey mimo
cant wait to find out what the "featured friend" is, and i dont know who the wiener is yet but congratulations to the wiener.
petermikhail(cpg mod)
Hey see you at the concert encore
Awesome! I cant wait!
This "Feautured Friend" sounds awsome!
hey mimo
i agree with u, cp do need to start putting new items out.
petermikhail(cpg mod)
This is the best post ever! It seriously is!
What server will Mimo be on for Planet Cazmo?
hey mimo
i have been playing clubpenguin for a year and 3/4 but i dont know if i should start playing planet cozmo coz it might make me forget about clubpenguin and i dont want that to happen, what do u think i should do. my email is
petermikhail(cpg mod)
i can't wait for the mysterious link thing and the st. patrick's day party! CPG ROCKS!
hey mimo
i agree with sickers303 that was the best post ever.
petermikhail(cpg mod)
OH My god i cant wait is it a comp i cant wait !!!!
congratz zxz first a mimo chat mod now a cpg mod good job.
petermikhail said...
hey mimo
i have been playing clubpenguin for a year and 3/4 but i dont know if i should start playing planet cozmo coz it might make me forget about clubpenguin and i dont want that to happen, what do u think i should do. my email is
petermikhail(cpg mod)
Club Penguin is awesome and noones likely to forget it but f you do join planet cazmo try keeping a balancing Act . I dont dop planet cazmo but i do other websites so try out planet cazmo if its better maybe play it more than cp but you wont forget cp
Lucylu212(Cpg Mod) (:
Hope this helps
also keep trying for a cpg mod !
I was just on YouTube looking at all the past parties and you just posted a new one!
yes i know they totally need new items !!!!!
and im reallyyyyyyy really !!!!!
looking forward to the par tay !!!!
I cant wait till you tell about the meserious link. Hmmmm a penguin mentioned in an earlier post that a chobot was wearing a white puffle T-Shirt so please post about it soon.
petermikhail said...
hey mimo
i have been playing clubpenguin for a year and 3/4 but i dont know if i should start playing planet cozmo coz it might make me forget about clubpenguin and i dont want that to happen, what do u think i should do. my email is
petermikhail(cpg mod)
Ok I'm gonna give this a shot. I think you should play planet cazmo, if you are going to forget about club penguin, just write it down somwhere. Hope that helps and usually Mimo777 doesn't email people because he is a very busy penguin, lol.
-Athletico96 (cpg moderator)
Last year was cool though.
omg i m so sick of the old items being repeated. i havent gotten a new item in suuuch a long time!!!
wuts the featered friend thing..i hope im one of them!!! (its a good thing rite?? lol)
will we get a free item 4 the snow party 2???? cuz both parties r in march..esta muy muy RARE!!
Mimo i was there but you didnt oh well maybe next time i was spikeie
The red puffle by the crows net on the Migrator is gone!
Nice work Sand and Kiwi! I knew you would make it to be a ledend like me! LOTS OF HARD WORK TO BE A MIMO MOD! Work really hard! Also congrats to Z! Good luck everyone!
OMG this party is soo awesome!
So I woke up at 3 now its 6:40! Gotta go to skool! Soulja boy is on! Not siging Crank That!
hmm ASWOME!! featured friend and free items and st patrics day n snow party and free items!!! boy! a lot of suff happening now finally! thanks mimo :)
Now hes singing Crank That!
Hey! there is a new white puffle sighting! it is in the captains quarters on the 'Notice Board' it is behind the tree
you're so cool and you care so much about as all!
Club Penguin user name:
Planet Cazmo user name:
Hope I see you soon!
Hey Mimo, thanks for making me a CPG Mod!!!
Coolbluerydr (cpg mod) said...
congratz zxz first a mimo chat mod now a cpg mod good job.
Zxz192 (me) said...
Hey thanks! Good luck with becoming a CPG Mod!
Club Penguin Wave said...
Nice work Sand and Kiwi! I knew you would make it to be a ledend like me! LOTS OF HARD WORK TO BE A MIMO MOD! Work really hard! Also congrats to Z! Good luck everyone!
Zxz192 (me) said...
Thanks Stickers!
Lol,i was moderating comments, but i didnt know i was on an older post lol.... oops
Sand Flipper
Anonymous said...
Hey! there is a new white puffle sighting! it is in the captains quarters on the 'Notice Board' it is behind the tree
Awesome! great thing you noticed that, Mimo posted it earlier though but thanks for reminding us!
Sand Flipper
Mahal KOs said...
What server will Mimo be on for Planet Cazmo?
Mimo doesnt say, but if you search hard enough im sure you can find him!
Sand Flipper
Congradulations to our newest CPG MOD Zxz192! And what is very surprising is that he was the first penguin to become a Mimo Chat MOD and a CPG MOD!! Lets give a big "WOOT WOOT" To Zxz192!!! The problem is I noticed a couple of Moderators had their stats lowered. But I'm so happy for you Zxz192! God bless you very much and he will bless with many many days!
Let It Rock!!!
hias Mimo! Grr I am so annoyed! How come they do St. Patricks Day Party at CP but they don't do any other saint! {like my countrys St. David for example!} lol ps plz post
car1128 {CPG MOD}
i hope they have new items 2, but mimo wasnt the tiny sombrero a new item?
I saw you at the concert at Cazmo-Rena, for literally 2 seconds...
Wish I could see you again...
lucylu212 said...
Club Penguin is awesome and noones likely to forget it but f you do join planet cazmo try keeping a balancing Act . I dont dop planet cazmo but i do other websites so try out planet cazmo if its better maybe play it more than cp but you wont forget cp.
I say...
U R sooooooooooo right!!! I have and tried Weebkinz... HATED IT!( not Webkinz ) Being without CP!!
-Krystal 2000(CPG mod in training )
Congradulations to the new upgrades!! Rock on guys. Now who will be the chosen one to become a MIMO MOD? Break a leg guys. Dont really break a leg. Thats a simile for saying good luck!!
Let It Rock!!!
hey mimo
i have been playing clubpenguin for a year and 3/4 but i dont know if i should start playing planet cozmo coz it might make me forget about clubpenguin and i dont want that to happen, what do u think i should do.
Mhmkai, Since Mimo MAY not reply, then I'll give you some help :D
I've been playing about the same amount of time, I learned that dont stay away from clubpenguin for too long if you find another game, you miss out on a lot. I suggest you maybe set a (some) time(s) for playing different games maybe. Its good to try new things :D
Lily800 said...
will we get a free item 4 the snow party 2???? cuz both parties r in march..esta muy muy RARE!!
HaHa :P Most Likely we will get a free item, I've been playing for like 3-3 1/2 years, All the parties except maybe 1 had a free item. Some were in the same month in the past. Most Likely they will :) Always be on the lookout for Free Items or anything 'cool' lol :D
congratulations on becoming a cpg mod zxz on becoming a cpg mod and i hope i can to soon
wii wii wii1(cpg mod in traing)
Awesome!I cant wait until the party.
Mimo, I saw you at the Planet Cazmo Concert Encore.
oh yeah i forgot about sand flipper and a kiwi boy congratulations on becoming a ledgendary mod i hope there will be some more soon so keep trying
wii wii wii1(cpg mod in traing)
~Dex Dude~
Wow, lot's of people are getting raises for their moderator jobs. Congrats Mrpengiewin on getting higher.
tjd500 said...
The red puffle by the crows net on the Migrator is gone!
its name is yarr and if you look on the noticeboard in the captains quarters you can see take yarr for walk so when you find rh you can see that hes with yarr.
wii wii wii1(cpg mod in traing)
i could not be botherd waking up so early one i have school boo and two i dont really care about planet cazmo.
wii wii wii1
WOW thx MIMO i am now a SUPER MOD! I will work even harder to become a LEGENDARY MOD and then a MIMO MOD. But baby steps...
Woot! Can't wait for the Fuetured friend thingy is!
cool i totally support mimo! Thumbs up dude!
sweeet! i think that u hav to folo the rainbow in the backround to get a free item!
Mimo ur so cool ( and weird) at the same time!
Mahal KOs said...
What server will Mimo be on for Planet Cazmo?
Mimo can't say, or the server would be packed, just going to have to check them all. Lol It will be awesome party!
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
petermikhail said...
hey mimo
cant wait to find out what the "featured friend" is, and i dont know who the wiener is yet but congratulations to the wiener.
petermikhail(cpg mod)
Hey, the winner is going to be the one and only Stickers303!
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
How come they celebrate St.Patricks day and not St.Davids day or St.Georges day???
Awsome Mimo777! I can't wait!
Anonymous said...
Hey! there is a new white puffle sighting! it is in the captains quarters on the 'Notice Board' it is behind the tree
ya, mimo allready posted about that, just scroll down and you'll find it:D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
What server will Mimo be on for Planet Cazmo?
We dont know, he isnt going to say. I guess you just have to get lucky:)
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Hey peoples! I have not blogged in such a long time! I've been soooo busy! Well. I'm hopefully back now. I'm really excited about the Saint Patrick's Day party! It's going to be fun!
-Pinkylaroooo (CPG Mod)
Peace Out!
Lily800 said...
omg i m so sick of the old items being repeated. i havent gotten a new item in suuuch a long time!!!
wuts the featered friend thing..i hope im one of them!!! (its a good thing rite?? lol)
will we get a free item 4 the snow party 2???? cuz both parties r in march..esta muy muy RARE!!
Well, none of us know what the featured friend thing is yet, but knowing mimo, it will be sweet! Also yes, there will be a free item for the snow party2.(every party has a free item.)
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Lily800 said...
omg i m so sick of the old items being repeated. i havent gotten a new item in suuuch a long time!!!
wuts the featered friend thing..i hope im one of them!!! (its a good thing rite?? lol)
will we get a free item 4 the snow party 2???? cuz both parties r in march..esta muy muy RARE!!
Yea, i think that we will get a free item! I really hope its new tho!
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Congrats to everyone with the new moderators and uprages in rankings! I can't wait to be a legendary mod too:D good job guys!
guess what, i found a cool way to write my name on the computer
-€ØⁿƒÜþëÑgùÊñ- pretty sweet
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Good job on all the promotions and such for the moderators!! Lol you guys are moving up fast, you have doubled me:(
people, they need to bring back old items becuz it takes awhile to make them. once they made it the item(s) need to be tested. it takes alot of time to make new items.
also, cant wait till the st. pats day party.
Hey mimo I found this awesome glitch! So wen u find Rh click on him, and if u r looking right at his player card you will see a red penguin then it will turn into rh. ur eyes have to be fast tho
Congrats Zxz and sand and Kiwi i hope i will be on that list with one day im working on it hopefully Mimo been noticing
Spike Heaton Waddle on!
mimo i have school today i can't come sorry
Mahal KOs said...
What server will Mimo be on for Planet Cazmo?
Good question i just joined Planet Cazmo but you will find Mimo in Beat Street that his favorite Server
Spike Heaton CPG MOD Waddle on!
What server will Mimo be on for Planet Cazmo?
Well we are not sure what server Mimo will be on. I think you're going to have guess. I hope you find the right server and...break a leg(which means ("good luck")
Let It Rock!!!
I wonder what it's like being a CPG MOD? That'll be so cool if I were one. But I'm still climbing the mountain Mimo. :)
Let It Rock!!!
The party is going to be awesome! I hope all of you are they're and have a wonderful time. Also Mimo and the gang will be there. It's going to be so awesome!! My Planet Cazmo name is Jolteon10.
Let It Rock!!!
Spike Heaton said...
Congrats Zxz and sand and Kiwi i hope i will be on that list with one day im working on it hopefully Mimo been noticing
Zxz192 (me) said...
Hey thanks!
I'd just like to say congrats to the mods who have been upgraded!
Congrats Zxz192 for becoming a CPG Mod. I hope you the best of luck! I want to be one myself so i am working on it hard. Keep up the good work!
Best Of Luck!
-Fluffygood (CPG MOD in Training)
Marquizi98 said...
I wonder what it's like being a CPG MOD? That'll be so cool if I were one. But I'm still climbing the mountain Mimo. :)
Let It Rock!!!
Becoming a CPG Mod is hard but makes you popular i bet. I am not one YET but i am guessing. And i am climbing the mountain to! Lol!
Best Of Luck!
-Fluffygood (CPG MOD in Training)
petermikhail said...
hey mimo
cant wait to find out what the "featured friend" is, and i dont know who the wiener is yet but congratulations to the wiener.
petermikhail(cpg mod)
Ok i am going to guess what a "feature friend" is. I think is if you do something he will add you on his buddie list. I am guessing so i could be wrong.
Coolbluerydr (cpg mod) said...
congratz zxz first a mimo chat mod now a cpg mod good job.
Really, WOW! Good job! i cant do Mimo chat :( My computer wont let me. It is a old computer.
dear petermikhail,
sure, you can try as many websites as you want, and not forget about clubpenguin! if clubpenguin is your favorite site, you wont forget about it anytime soon.
have a righteous day.
heyy mimo cool partys have you seen the ski lodge attic u prob have but if u havnt check it out i think it a hint to a party in march
-flythesea (penguin name)
Mahal KOs said...
What server will Mimo be on for Planet Cazmo?
Sorry i dont know.
Vote number 8! It was really funny
Congrats to sand flipper and Kiwi boy and Mrpengiewin and kensca and sophi jr. for getting promoted! WOW!!!!!!!! I am sooo happy for you.
Wow! you post stuff when i am asleep so i cant answer questions so fast.
aboomach said...
Uhm MIMO YOU ROCK TOO!!!! #1 Fan!!
Lol! Ha Ha! I agree that Mimo rocks.
You know i thought i saw a zebra puffle. LOL! It was a white puffle and a black puffle close together in puffle round-up! You should see.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
yes i know they totally need new items !!!!!
and im reallyyyyyyy really !!!!!
looking forward to the par tay !!!!
Me too.
Mimo! looks like stickers303 won the caption contest!
cool! Again
Marquizi98 said...
I wonder what it's like being a CPG MOD? That'll be so cool if I were one. But I'm still climbing the mountain Mimo. :)
Let It Rock!!!
It's awesome being a moderator!! that phrase is awesome, climbing the mountain=D you'll get there, just keep going
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Sweet! It looks awesome!
Nice job for all those promoted Mods! I hope I soon become a Mod! But, I am still running the mile! Just gotta stop taking breaks! Also, Stickers, u r so going to win! But, I dont understand how yours is funny. I mean I understand it, I just dont see how it is funny. Oh well. I know ur going to win anyway...
Later CPG!
im here to say congrats to...
Sand flipper for becoming a LEGENDARY Mod and ..
to Zxz192 for becoming an oggicial CPG Mod!
congrats to both of u! u have worked really hard for it :) congratsss :D
Snappy said...
i hope they have new items 2, but mimo wasnt the tiny sombrero a new item?
dear snappy
well. yea the mini sombrero was a new item but it was the only new and free item that was there and for st. patrics day we got the same items as last year lol. :D
saavy (CPG Mod)
o and sorry
congrats to mr pengiwen
sophie jr and..
for becoming a legendary mod! :)
congrats u lot :D
do u like pokemon
Congratz zxz192 for becoming a mod!
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
petermikhail said...
hey mimo
cant wait to find out what the "featured friend" is, and i dont know who the wiener is yet but congratulations to the wiener.
petermikhail(cpg mod)
I'm pretty sure the big wiener (xD) is stickers303 because he got the most votes on the poll.
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr
Club Penguin Wave said...
This is the best post ever! It seriously is!
I was thinking the same thing!!!
Sophi Jr
Congratz Sand Flipper and a kiwi boy for becoming a LEGENDARY mod!!
Sophi Jr
Hey guys your only supposed to put CPG mod after your name if you answer a question.
Hey Mimo and CPG there are new power cards that Sensei throws at you! Like a dragon one and an octopus one! Check it out!
I wish I was a CPG Mod. I don't think I have a chance :( But still congradulations on the new mods and promoted mods.
tjd500 said...
The red puffle by the crows net on the Migrator is gone!
Hey thankx for the tip but Mimo already posted about this.
Sophi Jr
P.s. RH has him
Lily800 said...
omg i m so sick of the old items being repeated. i havent gotten a new item in suuuch a long time!!!
wuts the featered friend thing..i hope im one of them!!! (its a good thing rite?? lol)
will we get a free item 4 the snow party 2???? cuz both parties r in march..esta muy muy RARE!!
I agree right with you and I think all cpg mods and the ones who try to be a cpg mod should be a featured friend too!!
Yay!!! Party!! I can't wait! MIMO ROCKS! :) I wonder what "featured friend" is ?
Anonymous said...
Hey! there is a new white puffle sighting! it is in the captains quarters on the 'Notice Board' it is behind the tree
Thanks for telling us, but Mimo already knows this. ;]
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr
Congratz for mrpengiwien,lensca, and saavy for becoming a super mod!!
Sophi Jr
Me said...
How come they celebrate St.Patricks day and not St.Davids day or St.Georges day???
Well, because st patrick's day is a major holiday.
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Hey! there is a new white puffle sighting! it is in the captains quarters on the 'Notice Board' it is behind the tree
Yep and if you saw a older post there was glitch on the migrator on the back it would flicker from MIGRATOR to MIGRATOR in french it was really cool!!
~Sandy 2618~ (cpg mod)
Pinkylaroooo said...
Hey peoples! I have not blogged in such a long time! I've been soooo busy! Well. I'm hopefully back now. I'm really excited about the Saint Patrick's Day party! It's going to be fun!
-Pinkylaroooo (CPG Mod)
Peace Out!
Hey! Glad you're back! Anyways, you SHOULDN'T put "(CPG MOD)" after your name when you are NOT answering questions.
Marquizi98 said...
I wonder what it's like being a CPG MOD? That'll be so cool if I were one. But I'm still climbing the mountain Mimo. :)
Let It Rock!!!
Well, it's basically just your regular self, but more people know who you are and more mods will add you on cp and stuff. :]
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr
P.S. Good Luck! You'll get there soon enough!
Anonymous said...
heyy mimo cool partys have you seen the ski lodge attic u prob have but if u havnt check it out i think it a hint to a party in march
-flythesea (penguin name)
Heyah! Thanks for the tip, but Mimo posted about this a while ago.
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr
petermikhail said...
hey mimo
i have been playing clubpenguin for a year and 3/4 but i dont know if i should start playing planet cozmo coz it might make me forget about clubpenguin and i dont want that to happen, what do u think i should do. my email is
petermikhail(cpg mod)
Comment- NEVER EVER EVER give ur e-mail or any personal info out on the web. if u wanna contact mimo e-mail him.
- Vanilla422 (cpg mod)
CONGRATZ to new mods and mods that have been upgraded... Good luck to all of the people who are trying to be a mod... You'll get there sooner or later if you try hard enough. And one last thing: Thanks Mimo for making me a super mod and thanks people who congratulated me :]
Sophi Jr
tjd500 said...
The red puffle by the crows net on the Migrator is gone!
Yah but the weird part is that i saw rockhopper with yarr.... freaky right?
Thats awsome! This Is my first st. Patricks day party on Club penguin.
I know The Items are gonna Be green.
Congratz Sand Flipper and a kiwi boy for becoming a LEGENDARY mods!!!
i cant wait till i am a regular mod!
I really want a waffle and vanilla cake right now. I'm not really sure why. Can anyone tell me why? PLEASE?!?!?! Pretty plz?! My name's Gwin2398. Please help me!!! (I know this is random, but I would like to know why?). (HI MIMO!).
petermikhail said...
hey mimo
cant wait to find out what the "featured friend" is, and i dont know who the wiener is yet but congratulations to the wiener
petermikhail(cpg mod)
Well in three days you'll find out. but I'll just have to say Stickers303 is most likely the winner.
Let It Rock!!!
congrats Zxz192! i gonna be a mod to someday!
looks cool i need to seee alll of itt im mmabbbyy ppost 2 letters bec im frezzing
tjd500 said...
The red puffle by the crows net on the Migrator is gone!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thanks for letting us know but Mimo already posted this. But still good job (winks)
Let It Rock!!!
mimo rockhopper has a new player card!!! yarr is with him. also many features like sending him messages are gone. i cant beileive it!!
Oh yeah, forgot. Congrants to the new CPG mods, Zxz192 and a little while ago, dex dude( your awesome! )
I wish I could be one too'! )-,: I'm tryin' hard!
-Krystal 2000( CPG mod in training )-,: )
Mimo, I think something fishy about the white puffle... maybe this is Herberts P Bear's plan!!
Congrats to the new mods and legendary mods! Thanks for all your help. :)
Snappy said...
i hope they have new items 2, but mimo wasnt the tiny sombrero a new item?
Ya, the mini sombrero was a new item, but other than that there hasn't been anything, just think about the stage plays too:(
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
tjd500 said...
The red puffle by the crows net on the Migrator is gone!
nice observation! if you have recently found rockhopper, you can see that yarr is now on the player card also, last time he wasn't, so that is most likely why he isn't on the ship.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
mimo i got good news i met rockhopper rockhopper is at ice cream go see hem by cool k
Ajk 89 said...
Congratz Sand Flipper and a kiwi boy for becoming a LEGENDARY mods!!!
i cant wait till i am a regular mod!
It's very nice to congratulate ppl and good luck on becoming a mod, but you ONLY have to put "(CPG MOD)" after your name when you are answering questions.
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr
Gwin2398 said...
I really want a waffle and vanilla cake right now. I'm not really sure why. Can anyone tell me why? PLEASE?!?!?! Pretty plz?! My name's Gwin2398. Please help me!!! (I know this is random, but I would like to know why?). (HI MIMO!).
I have a theory that you have a sudden craving of sweets. Sudden cravings may lead you to eating them. If this craving continues please contact me.
LOL! I guess it is a craving or you're very random! Who knows...xD
Sophi Jr
Gwin2398 said...
I really want a waffle and vanilla cake right now. I'm not really sure why. Can anyone tell me why? PLEASE?!?!?! Pretty plz?! My name's Gwin2398. Please help me!!! (I know this is random, but I would like to know why?). (HI MIMO!).
how could SOMEONE ELSE tell their friend why they want what THEY want? but maybe you want them because they taste good rofl
-Birdygurl (cpg mod)
PS hope this helps!
Confupenguen (CPG Mod) said...
Snappy said...
i hope they have new items 2, but mimo wasnt the tiny sombrero a new item?
Ya, the mini sombrero was a new item, but other than that there hasn't been anything, just think about the stage plays too:(
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
there has TOO been other free items! there's been the background and the puffle pirate hat and other things, too! think, pal, think.
-Birdygurl (cpg mod)
PS hope this helps!
mimo you know what gets me mad rockhopper is always on mammoth arhhhhh!!!!!
youre killing me mimo i want to know the mysterius link ive been checking all day
WOW AWESOME! this will actually be my FIRST St. Patrick's day party on CP cuz I cam to CP during the April Fool's day party last year! I thought that CP was always funny looking like that and that things worked all weird! LOL
okay, okay, okay! I don't get why the club penguin blog gives soooooooo many seek peaks! It spoils all the fun of the suprise!!!!! And yes I know I'm almost a CPG mod, but I still have a questoin... doesn't everyone?
-Krystal 2000 (CPG mod in training)
Paramore rocks!
sk8rboidud3 said...
mimo you know what gets me mad rockhopper is always on mammoth arhhhhh!!!!!
I KNOW RIGHT? and of course it is always IMPOSSIBLE to get on MAMMOTH because it like THE MOST POPULAR server and even I can't get on unless it is like 2:00 AM PST and that is WAAAAAAY early if you know what I mean... But he goes on Frozen too and it isn't always full.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Me said...
How come they celebrate St.Patricks day and not St.Davids day or St.Georges day???
Well, my opinion is this. St. Patrick's Day is a very well known holiday, and person.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Mandy (Snowangelgal) said...
Congrats to the new mods and legendary mods! Thanks for all your help. :)
Hey thanks! and you are welcome, after all, it is our JOB! LOL.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
do u like pokemon
I personally dont, and i doubt that mimo does. It is kinda oldish now.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Snappy said...
i hope they have new items 2, but mimo wasnt the tiny sombrero a new item?
Yep, the sumbraro was new. I really think cp is getting lazy now. Dont you?
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Krystal 2000 said...
okay, okay, okay! I don't get why the club penguin blog gives soooooooo many seek peaks! It spoils all the fun of the suprise!!!!! And yes I know I'm almost a CPG mod, but I still have a questoin... doesn't everyone?
-Krystal 2000 (CPG mod in training)
Paramore rocks!
I know sometimes I just like to get a surprise without knowing what it will be. Anyways... CP probably does it because they like to let us know stuff is coming so we don't get angry and go on STRIKE! ;)
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Krystal 2000 said...
okay, okay, okay! I don't get why the club penguin blog gives soooooooo many seek peaks! It spoils all the fun of the suprise!!!!! And yes I know I'm almost a CPG mod, but I still have a questoin... doesn't everyone?
-Krystal 2000 (CPG mod in training)
Paramore rocks!
LOLZZ! You'd hope everyone would want to be one. I really did before, then i actually became one!
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Oh sweet, thanx mimo for making me a legendary mod, cheers bro and congratz to Zxz192 for becoming a mod
If they bring back that Green Hat and that gold pot one more time.....
Anonymous said...
youre killing me mimo i want to know the mysterius link ive been checking all day
Well keep looking maybe it is out and maybe it is not. MIMO is very sneeky.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Me said...
How come they celebrate St.Patricks day and not St.Davids day or St.Georges day???
Well surprisingly, I think they celebrate St. Patricks day because it is a very special day of a person.
Let It Rock!!!
Me said...
How come they celebrate St.Patricks day and not St.Davids day or St.Georges day???
Well surprisingly, I think they celebrate St. Patricks day because it is a very special day of a person.
Let It Rock!!!
Krystal 2000 said...
okay, okay, okay! I don't get why the club penguin blog gives soooooooo many seek peaks! It spoils all the fun of the suprise!!!!! And yes I know I'm almost a CPG mod, but I still have a questoin... doesn't everyone?
The CP blog gives sneak peeks because it gets people excited about it. They also do it so that other Club Penguin blogs, like this one, will have something to post about. I kinda agree with you about it. It would be nice if they told you something coming up just the day before. Also, it's OK that you are asking a question even though ur a mod. Ur right, everyone asks questions!
Lisa (bluieblue323) said...
awesome I can't wait and seriously, they do need new items!!!
I totally agree with you on that! They have brought back a lot of stuff! Let's hope that they will have new stuff in the new catalog this month.
- Yay Guy (CPG Mod) (in training)
petermikhail said...
hey mimo
i have been playing clubpenguin for a year and 3/4 but i dont know if i should start playing planet cozmo coz it might make me forget about clubpenguin and i dont want that to happen, what do u think i should do.
Its ok if you make a Planet Cazmo account. Yo don't have to pay it that much, maybe you can just play it only when Mimo has a Planet cazmo party, like I do. Let me know if this works for you.
- Yay Guy (CPG Mod) (in training)
sk8erboidud3 said...
mimo you know what gets me mad rockhopper is always on mammoth arhhhhh!!!!!
Rockhopper does go on Mammoth all the time BUT not always. He gets on random servers too so be sure to keep searching for him and never give up! Break a leg finding him and God bless you!
Mimo, you spell "winner" weird. But other than that, awesome!
Gwin2398 said...
I really want a waffle and vanilla cake right now. I'm not really sure why. Can anyone tell me why? PLEASE?!?!?! Pretty plz?! My name's Gwin2398. Please help me!!! (I know this is random, but I would like to know why?). (HI MIMO!).
I think you really want a vanilla and waffle cake because I think it's just so tasty to you that you just like the taste of it in your mouth when your not even hungry! Lol. I rather you get a waffle and vanilla cake. lol.
Let It Rock!!!
Thanks Sophi Jr. and Burdygirl for answering my question! lol! You guys are really good mods! lol! maybe sometime we'll meet on cp. See ya!;)
P.S. (I case anyone was wondering, I had vanilla cake for lunch! lol.)
Zxz192 said...
Hey Mimo, thanks for making me a CPG Mod!!!
Hey Zxz,
Congrads on being a CPG Mod AND a MC mod! :)
Anonymous said...
Hey! there is a new white puffle sighting! it is in the captains quarters on the 'Notice Board' it is behind the tree
mimo already posted about that. and i will just congratulate all that have moved up a level or became a cpg mod.i forget lots of things
wii wii wii1(cpg mod in traing)
petermikhail said...
hey mimo
cant wait to find out what the "featured friend" is, and i dont know who the wiener is yet but congratulations to the wiener
petermikhail(cpg mod)
well at the moment STICKERS IS WINNING BY HEAPS.
wii wii wii1(cpg mod in traing)
id like to be the fetured friend.......
Bb Polo745
im probaby the newest panguin here but wii is only a hundred i joined in dec last year
wii wii wii
Anonymous said...
Hey! there is a new white puffle sighting! it is in the captains quarters on the 'Notice Board' it is behind the tree
Thanks for telling cpg this but mimo has already posted this but your great cheat finder
Lucylu212(Cpg Mod)
Keeping Rocking its cool you found it
Marquizi98 said...
Congradulations to our newest CPG MOD Zxz192! And what is very surprising is that he was the first penguin to become a Mimo Chat MOD and a CPG MOD!! Lets give a big "WOOT WOOT" To Zxz192!!! The problem is I noticed a couple of Moderators had their stats lowered. But I'm so happy for you Zxz192! God bless you very much and he will bless with many many days!
Let It Rock!!!
Woot Woot Congrats
Keep Rocking Lucylu212
chrismas joy said...
Awesome happy Bday for then (:(:(:(:(:(:(: ( those are meant to be smiley faces )
Yay For you
Forr all the Cpg mods how long does it take ive been anwsering quetions but how long really want to be one please please please anwser this !!
Lucylu212 full of questions
A Kiwiboy are you from Nz Cause I Am NZ ROCKS
Anonymous said...
Confupenguen (CPG Mod) said...
Snappy said...
i hope they have new items 2, but mimo wasnt the tiny sombrero a new item?
Ya, the mini sombrero was a new item, but other than that there hasn't been anything, just think about the stage plays too:(
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
there has TOO been other free items! there's been the background and the puffle pirate hat and other things, too! think, pal, think.
-Birdygurl (cpg mod)
PS hope this helps!
the puffle pirate hat isnt new thats old.
~leish7(cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
Confupenguen (CPG Mod) said...
Snappy said...
i hope they have new items 2, but mimo wasnt the tiny sombrero a new item?
Ya, the mini sombrero was a new item, but other than that there hasn't been anything, just think about the stage plays too:(
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
there has TOO been other free items! there's been the background and the puffle pirate hat and other things, too! think, pal, think.
-Birdygurl (cpg mod)
PS hope this helps!
They Are talking about new free item that have never been seen before the frre items may seem new for you but for the penguins who have beeen there right there from the begginning they are not
Lucylu212(Cpg Mod)
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD) said...
sk8rboidud3 said...
mimo you know what gets me mad rockhopper is always on mammoth arhhhhh!!!!!
I KNOW RIGHT? and of course it is always IMPOSSIBLE to get on MAMMOTH because it like THE MOST POPULAR server and even I can't get on unless it is like 2:00 AM PST and that is WAAAAAAY early if you know what I mean... But he goes on Frozen too and it isn't always full.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
I have seen him twice once on mammoth and once on ascent i have seen him six times and only once on mammoth !
Lucylu212 (Cpg Mod) hope this helps
Ps my names not lucy
congratulations to Zxz192 for becoming a cpg mod u rock and all the other cpg mods good luck to all of you
yoshhhi456 (CPG MOD)
i found rockhopper and yarr is with him
new items would be awesome, but it would be nice if they bring back some of the rare items!
Ok, I had a super weird dream. In my dream I woke up and saw my name as a CPG moderator. And then I woke up. It was so disappointing to wake up. It would've been nicer to live in that paradise world. O well, I'm going to keep trying! Even when you don't want moderators (well, I don't think I'll keep trying when I'm a grandpa, lol, I can't even imagine myself as an adult)
Your athletic buddy
I am relly sads :(, I didnt become a CPG MOD i have been trying relly hard but Zxz192 become a mod :(
but anyways colgations Zxz192 for become a cpg mod and mimo chat mod i thnk. :(
Hey, I just looked at the Mods, and you added 2 more legendary mods. WHO WILL BE THE FIRST MIMO MOD?!!?! Hey, I have an idea, you should post a message to everyone telling them to ask all they questions they can ask about Club Penguin. Then the mods will be racing up to the Mimo Mod spot!
Just an idea, Asdfghjkl888
Wonder what the featured friend will be...
Congrats Zxz and sand and Kiwi i hope i will be on that list with one day im working on it hopefully Mimo been noticing! you both deserve it!
Kickit14 CPG Mod In training
Me said...
How come they celebrate St.Patricks day and not St.Davids day or St.Georges day???
I think they dont celebrate St. Davids day and St.Georges day because St. Patrick's Day is a very well known holiday.
Marquizi98 said...
I wonder what it's like being a CPG MOD? That'll be so cool if I were one. But I'm still climbing the mountain Mimo. :)
I know im not a mod yet but i am still trying really hard! Keep climbing the mountain!
Kickit14 CPG Mod In training
Coolbluerydr (cpg mod) said...
congratz zxz first a mimo chat mod now a cpg mod good job.
Really, WOW! Good job! i cant do Mimo chat :( My computer wont let me. It is a old computer.
zxz was the 3rd mimo chat mod.
Pengineeta and toronto were the first mimo chat mods
Kickit14 CPG Mod in training
-Fluffygood (CPG MOD)
hiya Krystal 2000! you asked
okay, okay, okay! I don't get why the club penguin blog gives soooooooo many seek peaks! It spoils all the fun of the suprise!!!!! And yes I know I'm almost a CPG mod, but I still have a questoin... doesn't everyone?
-Krystal 2000 (CPG mod in training)
Paramore rocks!
its great to have questions and its great to have answers, so everyone can ask a question. well clubpenguin shows sneak peaks because usually people are so anxious to see what the party they show them how cool and awesome its going to be, and also to get you pumped up and ready to see more of the party.
you're friend goofy73
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Confupenguen (CPG Mod) said...
Snappy said...
i hope they have new items 2, but mimo wasnt the tiny sombrero a new item?
Ya, the mini sombrero was a new item, but other than that there hasn't been anything, just think about the stage plays too:(
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
there has TOO been other free items! there's been the background and the puffle pirate hat and other things, too! think, pal, think.
-Birdygurl (cpg mod)
PS hope this helps!
Zxz192 (me) said...
They mean new items that have never been out before ever. There has been a few free items out in parties but there was only one new free item. The stage plays are being repeated too
hiya Snappy/Lokul197! you said
i hope they have new items 2, but mimo wasnt the tiny sombrero a new item?
hiya Sanppy/Lokul197. well usually every party, free items are given out, and at the fiesta party the mini sombrero was given out, just like you said. but mimo means in the upcoming st patricks day party, there will be free items, just like the mini sombrero was.
you're friend goofy73
Anonymous said...
Oh yeah, forgot. Congrants to the new CPG mods, Zxz192 and a little while ago, dex dude( your awesome! )
I wish I could be one too'! )-,: I'm tryin' hard!
Krystal 2000( CPG mod in training
)-,: )
Zxz192 (me) said...
Hey thanks! Good luck on becoming a mod!
Ajk 89 said...
congrats Zxz192! i gonna be a mod to someday!
Zxz192 (me) said...
Thanks! I'm sure you'd be a great mod!
Marquizi98 said...
I wonder what it's like being a CPG MOD? That'll be so cool if I were one. But I'm still climbing the mountain Mimo. :)
Let It Rock!!!
Zxz192 (me) said...
Being a CPG Mod is pretty cool. It makes you a really tiny bit more famous and people think your cool and stuff. You will be a mod in the end! Ill see you around on CP ;)
Sophi Jr said...
Congratz zxz192 for becoming a mod!
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Zxz192 (me) said...
Thanks! Well done on being upgraded to Super Mod!
wii wii wii1 said...
congratulations on becoming a cpg mod zxz on becoming a cpg mod and i hope i can to soon
Zxz192 (me) said...
Thanks! You will be a mod someday!
Me said...
How come they celebrate St.Patricks day and not St.Davids day or St.Georges day???
I think St. Patrick is more famous so ppl make a huge deal bout it.
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