That was a pretty sweet Planet Cazmo Quickee Party!

I was hungry for some candy so someone game me some chocolate! YUM!

Did you check out my sweet new shoes?! Have you noticed when we have Planet Cazmo parties the servers never get full! Everyone can get in! That is SO very thweet!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Mimo you are so cool!
Hi, you forgot the n on downtown. Mimo ruleS! P.S. I love horses
Awesome Im going! Im Gamer136 on it!
Later CPG!
I saw Mimo!!!!
cool! I'm going!
sweet i met mimo zebras smell funny
I can'T gO on planet cazmo BecAuse it always blocks the site:( But it Doesnt matter, as long as everyone else had fun ;-)
Keep't going!
jes00 said...
I saw Mimo!!!!
Congratz on meeting him:-)
Too bad for me, lol.
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Hey Mimo your not there anymore.:(
wow you rule! that was my first mimo party!
I am there. talking with all the cpg members and trying to sneak into picture of the party haha.
well i dont have a planet cazmo, so all ya'll have fun at the quickee party! :)
it took me 30 minutes to get me 88% of it ready
you're friend goofy73
I don't have a PC!
mimo you let me down i got there and you were gone :( but its ok first quickee that iv been to
mimo remember when you say hola for me that was awesome.
I couldn't come:( OH well, u guys can have loads of fun :P
Anonymous said...
well i dont have a planet cazmo, so all ya'll have fun at the quickee party! :)
Planet cazmo accounts are really easy to make. i have an account mainly just for mimo parties and checking out decorations. You should make one for the same reason. Also it's free so why not?
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
i knew i should have checked your site but i didnt think u were gonna have a quickee :-(
jes00 said...
I saw Mimo!!!!
Your lucky, because i checked mimo's site, and i just saw that he was having one, so i loged on and right when i got on he said that he was going. :( ergggggg lol
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
i was there u saw me 9china9 is my buddy im not kidding
Happywagon said...
I am there. talking with all the cpg members and trying to sneak into picture of the party haha.
LOL funny!
mafi94 said...
mimo remember when you say hola for me that was awesome.
Ur one lucky fella for Mimo777 to talk to u:D Congratz dude ;-)
Keep't goin'!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
that was my first quickee party, and my second CPG party!
That was fun!
Anonymous said...
Mimo you are so cool!
Yup, the coolest ;-)
Don't Forget me,
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
goofy73 said...
it took me 30 minutes to get me 88% of it ready
you're friend goofy73
88% of what???
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
mimo, you spelt fun wrong. its not phun, its fun
Gamer12356 said...
that was my first quickee party, and my second CPG party!
That was fun!
COOL SOUNDS LIKE YOU HAD LOTS OF FUN!!! I hope it was awesome!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Mrpengiewin said...
goofy73 said...
it took me 30 minutes to get me 88% of it ready
you're friend goofy73
88% of what???
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
U know %, right? Well it need 100% to get to the Town square and goofy is saying it took 30 min and it just completed 88%.
Hope this helped :-)
Keep't going!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
OMG!!!i was on the picture with mimo,im mafi94!!!!!!!AWESOME!!!!!
lol i missed it cause i had tennis y do i have to miss everything!?!?!? lol
Anonymous said...
Hey Mimo your not there anymore.:(
hi, mimo comes and goes it's not as long as his big parties like the one he just had.
Anonymous said...
i was there u saw me 9china9 is my buddy im not kidding
pc's great cause not all cpg members r full. Acually all of them r not full... cept for mimo.
Anonymous said...
mimo, you spelt fun wrong. its not phun, its fun
mimo makes up how to spell things. Its not phun to say fun its fun to say phun though. So watch out for that stuff.
goofy73 said...
it took me 30 minutes to get me 88% of it ready
you're friend goofy73
88% of what???
lol think u need 100% i kno pc load so slow. For the big valentines day one i had to go on my dads computer... thats hard to do. lol
mafi94 said...
OMG!!!i was on the picture with mimo,im mafi94!!!!!!!AWESOME!!!!!
Awesome and Congratz :-)
Keep't goin'!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
goofy73 said...
it took me 30 minutes to get me 88% of it ready
you're friend goofy73
He meens 88% done loading the place lol. It happend to me once too. I sadely didnt make it.
Leggofyeggo (CPG MOD)
That was sooo much fun!
It was great talking to you ;)
ooooh you should get a webkinz and have parties at webkinz!!!!
mafi94 said...
mimo remember when you say hola for me that was awesome.
Ya, me and mimo usually do this one thing on his clubpenguin parties where i say "you my idol mimo" and he always says you my idol back and its so cool lol!
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Mrpengiewin said...
goofy73 said...
it took me 30 minutes to get me 88% of it ready
you're friend goofy73
88% of what???
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
You know when you have to log into club penguin, it say connecting and then a percentage after it like 95% or something like that, that whats hes talking about but for Planet Cazmo.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
earlier on i said i was going to try to sneak into as many pictures as possible, and i succeeded. i am in all four pictures(except the last one obviously)
Coolbluerydr (cpg mod) said...
Anonymous said...
mimo, you spelt fun wrong. its not phun, its fun
mimo makes up how to spell things. Its not phun to say fun its fun to say phun though. So watch out for that stuff.
LoL, wayyyyy to many funs/phuns. I'll just rephrase it: He means that Mimo usually likes to make things funner and not boring, so he misspells and invents some words, like phun.
Keep't going!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
mimo, you spelt fun wrong. its not phun, its fun
If you have been a follower of mimo for a while, you would know that he likes to be creative by making up spelling and new words! The last couple of posts he has been using phun instead of fun, so ya:D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
That party was awesome!
Can't wait for the next one :)
Anonymous said...
mimo, you spelt fun wrong. its not phun, its fun
Mimo did that on purpose it is his way of being phunnie! LOL
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
i was there u saw me 9china9 is my buddy im not kidding
Cool. They all seem to be more gracious at adding people on planet cazmo then club penguin. maybe it has to do with there being more room on the planet cazmo buddy list.
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
hey im in first picture i was sayin stuff about pickles and donuts and red bull and cerial
Anonymous said...
mimo, you spelt fun wrong. its not phun, its fun
Hi, I know this was answered but i just wanted to add that "Ph" together make the sound of an F.
Sand Flipper
Anonymous said...
mimo, you spelt fun wrong. its not phun, its fun
Lol! He meens to spell thing incorrectly dude:)
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
wicked party mimo!and i luved ur fiery we rocked funkitown gewd, and i got to eet u, me santa, nad 9china9! by the way, im the perosn saying "mimo you rock my socks", in the 2nd party pic
dreamgirl46 (planet cazmo username)
Aww.....I missed it! Just like the other CP Party.....oh well! Lol hope all who went had a TON of fun!
~Dex Dude~
Anonymous said...
i was there u saw me 9china9 is my buddy im not kidding
I believe you! I am also friend with china on cp!
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Cool! I was there! Im in the first picture! (Redjokeyj96)
WOOT! i made it!!! Guess what i had to do JUST to get to the party. I had to make a NEW ACCOUNT!! i'm in picture #1 my name is cool444 woot
and my clubpenguin name is Slyer521oh
oh yeah and i did have an account on Planet Cazmo, but i had to get the Email.....T_T
my Planet Cazmo user name WAS slyer522 i had a mummy costume. See ya! (plz post.)
ps. only 3 of my comments have been posted. =I
Confupenguen (CPG Mod) said...
Mrpengiewin said...
goofy73 said...
it took me 30 minutes to get me 88% of it ready
you're friend goofy73
88% of what???
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
You know when you have to log into club penguin, it say connecting and then a percentage after it like 95% or something like that, that whats hes talking about but for Planet Cazmo.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
OH ok see It doesn't say that on CP and I don't have a Planet Cazmo but I know what you mean now!!! OK and good to see you on CP today Confu!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Awesome I am in the 2nd one saying "Mimo!" That was fun! I will be coming to more of ur parties!
Later CPG!
hey U FRIDE I saw you remember me THE MYSTERIOUS
Mrpengiewin said...
goofy73 said...
it took me 30 minutes to get me 88% of it ready
you're friend goofy73
88% of what???
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Well it was supposed to load completely, as in 100%. But he got to 88% in 30 min. Which slowed him down. i got that one time. Except it took 45 min for it to load completely.
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
P.S.: I saw Mimo on Mimo chat. He didnt say much he just said sup...
ARGH another party missed! they r at like 1:30 in the afternoon for me and I got skool so I always miss them but np
Anonymous said...
mimo, you spelt fun wrong. its not phun, its fun
March 17, 2009 6:15 PM
Mimo likes to spell things differently. It's just a part of his coolness and weirdness.
-Cub107(CPG Mod)
mimo forgot how to spell lol
congratulations to Brodude13
for becoming a mimo chat mod good luck in future
i was at skool again
Mimo you are the best!!! I go our website more than 2 times a day!!!
And I saw you!!!
Mrpengiewin said...
goofy73 said...
it took me 30 minutes to get me 88% of it ready
you're friend goofy73
88% of what???
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
when its loading on planet cozmo the %thing that goes to 100%
last thing i needed was an earth quake and there was an earth quake my live has like just exploded
Uh Mimo, What happened to your home page?
wow sounds cool! I wish club penguin didn't have full servers and full rooms! who agrees?
Awsome mimo!!! I really love ur new header!!!]]~Tom44~
I gave you the chocolate and the floweres lol
Aw, man! I missed the Club Penguin Mimo party AND the Planet Cozmo Party! Is there going to be a Mimo party on Chobots? I hope so!
Anonymous said...
Aw, man! I missed the Club Penguin Mimo party AND the Planet Cozmo Party! Is there going to be a Mimo party on Chobots? I hope so!
Hi, mimo does quickies on all 3 of the main games he plays so watch out for the chobots one.
Mrpengiewin said...
goofy73 said...
it took me 30 minutes to get me 88% of it ready
you're friend goofy73
88% of what???
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
yo mr pengiewin! i think ppl have answered this but 88% outta 100% loading.
Anonymous said...
WOOT! i made it!!! Guess what i had to do JUST to get to the party. I had to make a NEW ACCOUNT!! i'm in picture #1 my name is cool444 woot
and my clubpenguin name is Slyer521oh
oh yeah and i did have an account on Planet Cazmo, but i had to get the Email.....T_T
my Planet Cazmo user name WAS slyer522 i had a mummy costume. See ya! (plz post.)
Hi slyer, mimo will post your comments if you don't use bad language, don't advertize, and your comment has something to do with the post. Keep that in mind
Coolbluerydr (cpg mod) said...
Anonymous said...
mimo, you spelt fun wrong. its not phun, its fun
mimo makes up how to spell things. Its not phun to say fun its fun to say phun though. So watch out for that stuff.
LoL, wayyyyy to many funs/phuns. I'll just rephrase it: He means that Mimo usually likes to make things funner and not boring, so he misspells and invents some words, like phun.
Keep't going!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
aww the way u explained it wasnt phun!... or was it fun idk lol.
Anonymous said...
well i dont have a planet cazmo, so all ya'll have fun at the quickee party! :)
i think that pc accounts r easier to do than cp if u can do cp u can do pc so u can be at mimo's pc parties.
Anonymous said...
Aw, man! I missed the Club Penguin Mimo party AND the Planet Cozmo Party! Is there going to be a Mimo party on Chobots? I hope so!
Hey dude, sorry about missing the parties. I missed them too :-|. He's had one Chobots party already, so he might in the future.
~Goey45 (Cpg Mod)
mimo i found a glitch! if you just press the send button when you talk, but when you press it and you didnt type, then your speech bubble has nothing in it!! lolz
that looks to good, you trow great parties, but i can never see you because people talk an it blocks you..... but still AWESOME PARTY! ( it was for me wasn't it!)
Anonymous said...
Aw, man! I missed the Club Penguin Mimo party AND the Planet Cozmo Party! Is there going to be a Mimo party on Chobots? I hope so!
mimo has had a chobots party not to long ago,so it mite be a few weeks.
Bb Polo745(cpg mod)
Gamer12356 said...
that was my first quickee party, and my second CPG party!
awesoem glad you made it.
Bb Polo745(cpg mod)
Tom44 said...
Awsome mimo!!! I really love ur new header!!!]]~Tom44~
Well i dont know what the header is but i think i would like it too! lol!
Waddle on!
goofy73 said...
it took me 30 minutes to get me 88% of it ready
you're friend goofy73
dear goofy73
well if u can delete ur catche it might speed things up a lil, well ur browsing history lol.
saavy (CPG mod)
i wasnt their :(
The Party looks like it was "phun"! Im not allowed to go on Planet cazmo :( P.S. how do you become a cpg mod? somone plz answer
- Tooth900
Tom44 said...
Awsome mimo!!! I really love ur new header!!!]]~Tom44~
Yep agreed IT IS PRETTY COOL! I wonder how long he spent working on it??? Other mods PLZ don't answer that question it is the kind that you just ask out loud but nobody answers ok?
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
The Party looks like it was "phun"! Im not allowed to go on Planet cazmo :( P.S. how do you become a cpg mod? somone plz answer
- Tooth900
Hey, the rules are pretty simple so i'll list them:) :
1. Choose a comment u like or ant to answer. copy and paste it on the "Leave A Comment". Then simply seperate the person's comment and urs (like wat i am doing)
2. Put ur penguin name at the end and put (CPG MOD) next to it. Also, DON'T put something else like "CPG MOD IN TRAINING"
3. Always be kind and if u are rude, u will be kicked off the MOD list.
4.If u try enough, u'll soon be on Mimo's CPG MOD list (which is at the right side of this site)
5. Have fun!! :-)
Keep't up!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
how do you become a cpg mod? somone plz answer
u have to answer questions to become cpg mod.
moscow14(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
The Party looks like it was "phun"! Im not allowed to go on Planet cazmo :( P.S. how do you become a cpg mod? somone plz answer
- Tooth900
U become a CPG Mod by answering questions correctly, being nice, and congratulating new mods and contest winners.
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
mimo, you spelt fun wrong. its not phun, its fun
well mimo likes to be wired so he likes to change his words a bit to make it look cool and funner
yoshhi456 (CPG MOD)
goofy73 said...
it took me 30 minutes to get me 88% of it ready
you're friend goofy73
Sometimes if there is lots of users in one room it can get a bit cramped. Also with all the decorations it gets even more cramped! As one of the cpg mods said clear your cache. Btw did you all like the irish decorations?
Planet cazmo Ambassador
goofy73 said...
it took me 30 minutes took me 88% of it ready
you're friend goofy73
88% of what???
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
goofy73 means it took 30 minutes for him to get to 88% to enter a Cazmo World
Let It Rock!!!
Anonymous said...
mimo, you spelt fun wrong. its not phun, its fun
Mimo knows how to spell. He is just being creative. Mimo likes to find the fun in all the stuff he does.
Let It Rock!!!
Anonymous said...
Aw, man! I missed the Club Penguin Mimo party AND the Planet Cozmo Party! Is there going to be a Mimo party on Chobots? I hope so!
Mimo had a Chobots Quickee party about a few weeks ago. He might another Chobots party sooner or later.
Let It Rock!!!
What's Planet Cazmo?
COOL I did not go but still Cool for everyone else who went there
mimo Rules2(CPGMod)
well i dont have a planet cazmo, so all ya'll have fun at the quickee party! :)
kokorules said-
well i dont have one either i am kinda disapointed too. but i'm sure we will be able to go to a different mimo party soon!
P.S. that party looked really fun! mimo y0u are so cool!
kokorules- (CPG Mod)
goofy73 said...
it took me 30 minutes to get me 88% of it ready
you're friend goofy73
dear goofy73
well if u can delete ur catche it might speed things up a lil, well ur browsing history lol.
saavy (CPG mod)
March 18, 2009 9:28 AM
lol! 88% of what? i'm confused! well i always am... *.*
hey mimo, you never respond to ANY of our questions anymore! anyway do you even read them :( please do because some are very important! so answer! Wel back to the point i LOVE your parties they are so exiting!!! that one looked fun!! eeek!! ( mimo I really like you new top part of ur page!) have fun and have more parties!
love ya! kokorules (CPG Mod)
Well I am back from my camp and I am pretty sad coz I missed out on a party! Well, thats ok. It feels good to be back to home and moderating!
Anonymous said...
What's Planet Cazmo?
Planet Cazmo is a place where you can hang out with friends have partys, watch virtual concerts do quest have fun
Spike Heaton CPG MOD
Anonymous said...
mimo, you spelt fun wrong. its not phun, its fun
Mimo was just being fun or creative he spell lots of words wrong on purpose
Spike Heaton CPG MOD
goofy73 said...
it took me 30 minutes to get me 88% of it ready
you're friend goofy73
88% of what???
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
He meant when you get in a room it loads like 99% loading
Spike Heaton CPG MOD
hey mimo, you never respond to ANY of our questions anymore! anyway do you even read them :( please do because some are very important! so answer! Wel back to the point i LOVE your parties they are so exiting!!! that one looked fun!! eeek!! ( mimo I really like you new top part of ur page!) have fun and have more parties!
love ya! kokorules (CPG Mod)
Sometimes on clubpenguin and other sites like that, during parties mimo can't answer questions because there are so many people asking him questions. Also, do not put CPG Mod there if you are not answering a question.
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
Anoymous said...
mimo, you spelt fun wrong. its not phun, its fun
Mimo did it on purpose. He likes doing things like that and... I don't know why.
Don't waddle on! ...CUZ U R NOT A PENGUIN..DUH!
-animestar(CPG mod)
Anonymous said...
What's Planet Cazmo?
Planet cazmo is an online virtual game! You can talk to people like cp can too. It also has a mini mod program which i am in too.You can do quests, play games and even watch concerts. The latest concert is on the 21st and is the band named " the script" Make sure you be there cos i will!
Planet cazmo ambassador
i found her aunt artic is in yukon
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