WHOA, SAWEET! Club Penguin announced that starting tomorrow, non members will be allowed to go to the Stage during the Penguin Play Awards! This is very smoove, but, the special guests will only appear in the member only Backstage. Sorry! :-(

As promised, Club Penguin has updated the chat bubble. It appears to be larger and easier to read.

Do you like the new bubble? Are you glad non members can walk the red carpet at the Awards? I think, the more the merrier! I hope all you non members have fun on the Stage!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Cool! And I like the chat bubbles. Im a non-member.:)
nice mimo thats awsome!
slinky59402(cpg agent)
Woot! Umm Mimo, do you think we can hang out on cp on the server frozen for a little...? Any ways I'm so excited about it and i visit your website every day!
NON MEMBERS RULE MIMO its soo cool!! :) :)
Hey Mimo! the chat bubble looks good. I STILL!!!!! Hav not found any famous penguins!
????? said...
nice mimo thats awsome!
slinky59402(cpg agent)
Ur meant to say cpg mod not agent and only say it wen answering questions
like im doin
Flab147(CPG mod)
AWesomeee.... I want 2 find G!♥
u no u sed that non members can go backstage, well i mean the carpet thing
it would be awsome if we saw a famous penguin walkin to the backstage XD
Jay Reddo said...
Hey Mimo! the chat bubble looks good. I STILL!!!!! Hav not found any famous penguins!
dear jay reddo
well dude dont give up n keep on using mimos tracker :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
mimo can you find sensei (not in dojo
like in stage)and get backround from him???
hi mimo ist saavy
just letting u no that theres a new home page on cp about april fools.
Wow! I like the new bubbles alot!
It is easier to read, and larger ;)
Thanks Saavy!
Anonymous said...
mimo can you find sensei (not in dojo
like in stage)and get backround from him???
dear anonymous
well they have been amny rumers that u might be able to meet the sensei next week, grr, lucky members!
saavy (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
mimo can you find sensei (not in dojo
like in stage)and get backround from him???
Zxz192 said...
At the moment you can't find Sensei at the Stage but we might be able to in future ;)
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
mimo can you find sensei (not in dojo
like in stage)and get backround from him???
Snowleo 20 said...
Not yet. I say not yet because he may appear. I am not entirely sure. Happy hunting though and don't forget to comment if you find a famous penguin.
I hope this helped.
Waddle on!
Ben826 said...
Woot! Umm Mimo, do you think we can hang out on cp on the server frozen for a little...? Any ways I'm so excited about it and i visit your website every day!
Snowleo 20 said...
Unfortunatly Mimo is a little busy at the moment but you may be able to meet him at one of his parties. I am sure Mimo is grateful that you visit his site everyday
I hope this helped.
Waddle on!
Ben826 said...
Woot! Umm Mimo, do you think we can hang out on cp on the server frozen for a little...? Any ways I'm so excited about it and i visit your website every day!
Snowleo 20 said...
I am afraid Mimo is a little busy at the moment but you might be able to meet him at his parties. I am sure Mimo is very grateful that you visit his site everyday.
I hope this helped.
Waddle on!
Ben826 said...
Woot! Umm Mimo, do you think we can hang out on cp on the server frozen for a little...? Any ways I'm so excited about it and i visit your website every day!
Snowleo 20 said...
I am afraid Mimo is a little busy at the moment but you might be able to meet him at his parties. I am sure Mimo is very grateful that you visit his site everyday.
I hope this helped.
Waddle on!
i don't see a difference with the two chat bubbles lol
Anonymous said...
mimo can you find sensei (not in dojo
like in stage)and get backround from him???
i dont think u can at the moment but i think u will be able to find him in about 2 weeks.hope this helped
Flab147(CPG mod)
umm saavy how do you make the writing darker
thats shweet! i have 2 penguins and one is a nonmember and now she can go into the stage! i love the new chat bubble- its much clearer than before!
Tycoon101 :)
Anonymous said...
umm saavy how do you make the writing darker
Saavy is using the bold html tag. You use these brackets:<> put a b in the middle, and at the end of your bold sentence, put < / > with a b inbetween the /and>.And you get bodl type!
~Goey45(Cpg Mod)
roger8500(CPG MOD) said...
i don't see a difference with the two chat bubbles lol
Hey roger8500. The font is the only thing that changed, not the bubbles. Also, if you want to be a Cpg Mod only put (Cpg Mod) on your name when you answer a question like me.
~Goey45 (Cpg Mod)
Anonymous said...
mimo can you find sensei (not in dojo
like in stage)and get backround from him???
To be honest, I would doubt it. Otherwise, how would penguins become ninjas and how would other penguins get the starter pack?
Bring on the trumpets!
Oi Mimo! Rember when you had that puffle caption? I thought of a way better one!
"Old Mc Mimo had a puffle farm! Ei Ei Ei O"!
go non - members :P
the new bubble is so cool !!! :D
Best day last year was 31st,July 2008 at the Ice Rink on Snow Globe!
Anonymous said...
umm saavy how do you make the writing darker
hi anonymous
well all u need to do is, at the beginnig u gotta do a (small b) and at the end by ur name u gotta do (small b) :) lol the b stands 4 bold :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Club Penguin Wave said...
Best day last year was 31st,July 2008 at the Ice Rink on Snow Globe!
i think the only reason u sed that was becuz that was wen u became buddys with mimo(i no cuz u told me)
Flab147(CPG mod)
GREAT! I am a non-member and I was hoping to see the stage! COOL! and also I like the new chat bubbles they are cool.
Ben826 said...
Woot! Umm Mimo, do you think we can hang out on cp on the server frozen for a little...? Any ways I'm so excited about it and i visit your website every day!
SORRY but Mimo is very busy with his blogs and stuff so he can't come on CP whenever someone asks him to.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
It's kinda weird about the new pin because they said there owuld be a new pin in the news.....
~Dex Dude~
That's so much greater for non members! I guess so many people have been complaining that they had to to SOMETHING.
Anonymous said...
mimo can you find sensei (not in dojo
like in stage)and get backround from him???
He isn't on CP yet, but probably will come sometime for the awards.
Sophi Jr (Clubpenguingang moderator)
Club Penguin Wave said...
Best day last year was 31st,July 2008 at the Ice Rink on Snow Globe!
GREAT! I am not buddies with Mimo, yet! I hope to be someday though.
Dex Dude (CPG MOD) said...
It's kinda weird about the new pin because they said there owuld be a new pin in the news.....
~Dex Dude~
well ya there should be tomorrow, not until Friday. They don't do them on Thursday silly!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
umm saavy how do you make the writing darker
First you:
type in < b > NO spaces!
then type in your words
then put in < / b > no spaces.
Submit, and it should be darker :]. Here is an example:
Bold bold bold! :]
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Club Penguin Wave said...
Oi Mimo! Rember when you had that puffle caption? I thought of a way better one!
"Old Mc Mimo had a puffle farm! Ei Ei Ei O"!
ROTFL. You crack me up xD
Sophi Jr
Anonymous said...
umm saavy how do you make the writing darker
It has to do with HTML codes. I tried it once and it didn't work!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Ben826 said...
Woot! Umm Mimo, do you think we can hang out on cp on the server frozen for a little...? Any ways I'm so excited about it and i visit your website every day!
I'm sorry but Mimo is very busy during the day and if he came then everbody would get mad and start complaining to Mimo why he didn't see them.
Let It Rock!!!
Marquizi98(CPG MOD)
Sophi Jr said...
That's so much greater for non members! I guess so many people have been complaining that they had to to SOMETHING.
Yep I bet. They are totally being all "Members are better" like.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
cool im a member, im a member 4 years ago and im a member now
I figured out how to type in bold! (a useful skill) Thanks Sophi JR!
i wish i can found cadence <3
im im a memebr also maybe we can meet up someday. :)
Ben823 said...
Woot! Umm Mimo, do you think we can hang out on cp on the server frozen a little...? Any ways I'm so excited about it and i visit your website every day!
Uhh... put it this way. Mimo probably can't come :( because he tends to attract large crowds and is maybe too busy. Hope this answers your question! P.S. Pickles smell funny!
-Vasa12345 (CPG Mod)
Hey Mimo, I wonder if the new chat bubble effects the way "MIM O" appears? I'll check it out! You should too! =]
Anonymous said...
mimo can you find sensei (not in dojo
like in stage)and get backround from him???
There are rumors about the sensei coming to the awards, but nobody knows for sure yet. Keep and eye out, and hope i helped!
I love the new font! it is so cool!!!
Anonymous said...
mimo can you find sensei (not in dojo
like in stage)and get backround from him???
Sensei is only
in the dojo right now but
he could come out soon
Bring on the trumpets!
WOOOOOOO!!! Those are BOTH VERY awesome!!!!
*Krystal 2000*
This one will say mimo and not mim o! I made sure to check for you!
Im sry I forgot to put (CPG MOD)
i like the new chat bubble, but I don't like non members going to the stage! (No offense) But Club Penguin needs to make something for us members! At least the can't go backstage.
-Lava22 P.S. How come yu don't buy anything with your membership Mimo?
yay! nonmembers are getting noticed!!!!!
Mystery100 said...
Hey Mimo, I wonder if the new chat bubble effects the way "MIM O" appears? I'll check it out! You should too! =]
Mrpengiewin says: IT DOESN'T!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Another new thing is when u click dont have an account make a free penguin the page is new ~Mark828sox
i meant to say new pages ~Mark828sox
Lava22 P.S. How come yu don't buy anything with your membership Mimo?
Because he wants to keep his signature look and style. So it will be easy for other penguins at parties to find him.
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
Hey mimo let EA12345 read this!
EA12345 its me Fluffygood your CP Friend! Uhm wanna play right now on club penguin together NOT mimo just EA12345. Remember when we played Find Four? I won! lol.
Ok lets play again at:
Day:Today,Time:4:30 P.M penguin time, Server:Fjord, Were: Ski Lodge
Remember EA like remember we played together and became best friends? So plz i want to play with you again EA! not Mimo just EA!
Anonymous said...
mimo can you find sensei (not in dojo
like in stage)and get backround from him???
Not now but next week maybe!
-Fluffygood (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
mimo can you find sensei (not in dojo
like in stage)and get backround from him???
Not now but next week maybe!
-Fluffygood (CPG MOD)
SA-WEET! I'm excited to go on the stage! I wonder who will win? Cool Mimo! Keep R O C K I N G !
Anonymous said...
mimo can you find sensei (not in dojo
like in stage)and get backround from him???
Well I do know that we wont see him, for now i guess, but we might in the future. But it is likely that he will have a background!
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
EA12345 can we play? Like we played earlyer? Remember me, Fluffygood your best friend on CP? U dont have to bring Mimo but i just want to play with EA again. I wont bring compony i promise.
Day:TODAY! Time:4:30 P.M penguin time Server:Fjord Were: Ski lodge
Anonymous dude said...
i like the new chat bubble, but I don't like non members going to the stage! (No offense) But Club Penguin needs to make something for us members! At least the can't go backstage.
-Lava22 P.S. How come yu don't buy anything with your membership Mimo?
But think about it Non members cant do anything not even go in cool places! They cant by cloths and Members get all the glory! Members never got to go in a member room before!
-Fluffygood(CPG MOD)
Hey. question. Are Cadence and Aunt Artic coming only this week???
Anonymous dude said...
i like the new chat bubble, but I don't like non members going to the stage! (No offense) But Club Penguin needs to make something for us members! At least the can't go backstage.
-Lava22 P.S. How come yu don't buy anything with your membership Mimo?
Well maybe he doesnt want to, cuz he will then get caught up in wanting membership, lovin it, renewing it, and we will lose the good old non member Mimo! But he has bought a white puffle, and he used the membership to good use! he now uses it to go in member only parties! But, the mimo we see now will be there till hes gone! So, yeah...
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
Ben826 said...
Woot! Umm Mimo, do you think we can hang out on cp on the server frozen for a little...? Any ways I'm so excited about it and i visit your website every day!
Well if you mean have a party like a quicky, i don't think the next one will be on frozen but i am pretty sure that we will be having a cp quicky for the next party.
if you meant just you and him, you can't, sorry because mimo is buisy and it would be unfair:D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Ben826 said...
Woot! Umm Mimo, do you think we can hang out on cp on the server frozen for a little...? Any ways I'm so excited about it and i visit your website every day!
Sorry, but Mimo can't hang out with only you. It would be unfair to other penguins! You can hang out with him at his different parties , though!
~Dex Dude~ (CPG MOD)
Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
u no u sed that non members can go backstage, well i mean the carpet thing
it would be awsome if we saw a famous penguin walkin to the backstage XD
sorry, but they aren't going to appear in the stage anymore, just in the back stage, just pointing it out so you don't feel disapointed sorry!
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
-Lava22 P.S. How come yu don't buy anything with your membership Mimo?
Because, Mimo became a member on accident and he just uses it to get into member places and stuff that only members can do. Besides if he buys stuff he will NEVER change his look... or will he?
Sand Flipper
Lumneion said...
Im sry I forgot to put (CPG MOD)
Hey it's alright, I'm a mod but i never put that. To end my message I usually put MIMO ROCKS cause its the truth! Most penguins do that like confupenguen, remember the name confupenguen :D nice!
Sand Flipper
im im a memebr also maybe we can meet up someday. :)
Yeah you could sure find Mimo at a party or specific event! By the way i would love to meet you!
Sand Flipper
I think the new chat bubbles are awesome! But I'm just not use to them... don't you feel that way too?!
Sand Flipper
Anonymous Anonymous said...
mimo can you find sensei (not in dojo
like in stage)and get backround from him???
That's hard to tell! But Probaly not, but If someone sees him you'll be able to see the backround!+ Mimo will find him first!!
Hope that helps!
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
i don't see a difference with the two chat bubbles lol
Well maybe you were on too early or if you look really closely you can see that you talk real curvy!
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Ben823 said...
Woot! Umm Mimo, do you think we can hang out on cp on the server frozen a little...? Any ways I'm so excited about it and i visit your website every day!
Well, Im sorry but mimo is very busy and can't go everywhere someone ask to. But you can see him at his partays since you are amazingly dedicated!!
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Anonymous Anonymous dude said...
i like the new chat bubble, but I don't like non members going to the stage! (No offense) But Club Penguin needs to make something for us members! At least the can't go backstage.
-Lava22 P.S. How come yu don't buy anything with your membership Mimo?
Well, Mimo probaly does buy more clothes with his membership. But that is his OFFICIAL clothes he wears. On special occaisions he changes some items.
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
I like the new chat bubbles but I don't think they should have let non-members come to the stage. That is just one of the good rewards you get from being a member.
I luv the new chat bubblez! theyre uh-mazing! but I aint too glad about non members hitch hiking the stage lol.<3 :D
Anonymous said...
mimo can you find sensei (not in dojo
like in stage)and get backround from him???
Hey, im not sure if the last one got posted because it said it was unable to post, so im just answering againg just in case.
Well, as i said, nobody knows for sure yet, but cadence and aunt arctic came at the same time so i think that G and Sensie might come together, so im not sure tho.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Lava22 P.S. How come yu don't buy anything with your membership Mimo?
To Lava22 Mimo probebly does buy stuff but likes to keep his outfit because its original and cool!
-Omar07 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Hey. question. Are Cadence and Aunt Artic coming only this week???
They probably are maybe not, club penguin never said. But if you think about it for awhile you might find a logical reason, since Gary is comming later maybe they are leaving. What do you think?
Sand Flipper
EA12345 can we play? Like we played earlyer? Remember me, Fluffygood your best friend on CP? U dont have to bring Mimo but i just want to play with EA again. I wont bring compony i promise.
Day:TODAY! Time:4:30 P.M penguin time Server:Fjord Were: Ski lodge
Hi fluffy! I know it isn't fair for Mimo to come but even someone in the gang couldnt do that. But maybe.....
Sand Flipper
Hey guys, some of you think it is unfair that non members get to come in. Not really because they can't go backstage, and members get enough stuff. Besides non members probably WISH they could be members, but they cant.
Sand Flipper
????? said...
nice mimo thats awsome!
slinky59402(cpg agent)
Hey! Please only put CPG Mod after your name, but only while answering a question! It woudl be cool if Mimo had agents though....
~Dex Dude~ (CPG MOD)
I think it's completely fair to allow non-members into the stage. Members get enough things; they can already buy clothes and stuff for their igloos, which is huge. I have to agree that most, like myself, aren't non-members by choice. Our parents just won't pay for membership. I told my mom I would wih my own money, but she still said no because it would have to be on her credit card.
OT: I have an issue I posted before that apparently didn't come up. I know this is a random place to put this, but I need help and know there will be more viewers here since this is the newest post. I had CP minimized and my older brother decided it would be "funny" to write the "f" word. Now I'm banned for another 21 hours. I have two questions: 1) If it happens again, am I banned forever? And 2)Have I lost all of my prviledges as a Secret Agent and/or Tour Guide now? Sorry, I know this was random. TIA!!!
roger8500(CPG MOD) said...
i don't see a difference with the two chat bubbles lol
Only put (CPG Mod) if you are answering someone elses question or helping someone else out.
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
Anonymous Anonymous dude said...
i like the new chat bubble, but I don't like non members going to the stage! (No offense) But Club Penguin needs to make something for us members! At least the can't go backstage.
-Lava22 P.S. How come yu don't buy anything with your membership Mimo?
Well, Mimo probably does buy stuff from it, but he likes to keep it classic! He said he was going to keep his look for now. He likes being a member, but he does stuff like a non member! Keep Waddlin!
~Dex Dude~ (CPG MOD)
hey yo yo yo!
this is Birdygurl. (you know, the person who will one of these days be on that cpg mod list? ya, THAT birdygurl :).) i am on Ascent right now, at the Backstage of the Stage (Duh). Now, please, Stickers, Sophi Jr, or any other mods, come join me PLEASE. Yes, i know, Mimo and UFride probably don't have time and WONT, but can some mods come and see me, and IF, but they probably won't, you can, Mimo and UFride, can you join me? i am wearing a penguin award, and the sheep suit with a black penguin skin color. My penguin name is Birdygurl. We can talk about the new chat bubbles! loL!
No way.Im non member.And i started to not like clubpenguin.What was i thinking?The reason i didn't like it was because they are making everything for members.What was i thinking?Club penguin is the best..I wonder if they will still have free items.I hope soo
Big shout out to my mates sweetnature,Lampost1000,white29,cowjack,and harryploker oh i cant forget lillais.
rock on mimo
I seen a orange zebra puffle today getting pizza.None of my buddys could see but i could.
I just told them it was invisable
Mimo is the best
Sweet it looks kinda Cazmo-ish dont ya think?
Littlelainey said...
I think it's completely fair to allow non-members into the stage. Members get enough things; they can already buy clothes and stuff for their igloos, which is huge. I have to agree that most, like myself, aren't non-members by choice. Our parents just won't pay for membership. I told my mom I would wih my own money, but she still said no because it would have to be on her credit card.
ok, here we go. Well, first of all, if you wanna try to get your mom to allow you to buy a membership, you should tell her that you don't have to buy it with her credit card -- you don;t have to buy it online. They are available at some stores -- like at Target-- you go to the gift card section, and pick through to the club penguin membership ones. OK, so here's the thing -- they might be OUT. When my brother, my mom and i went to buy one, there were only two left. Just enough to let my brother and i have one. So there's the deal. CP is extrememly popular (especially since the deleting of VMK, an old online Disney chat website with awesome games and cool places that i miss) so a lot of people also want memberships.
Plus, the reason for the awesome extra things for members is that they get a LOT more money when they do extra stuff. How do you feel right now when nonmembers don;t get much stuff, and members do? well, that's exactly what they WANT you to think. Hate to break it to ya, but that there's business. Just think, they wouldn't make half as much money if members only were able to buy extra stuff, and not do any more actions than nonmembers get to do.
-Birdygurl (CPG mod in training)
Hope this helps everypenguin here! :)
hi can u hve a mmo quickee party again on chobots pls.
roger8500(CPG MOD) said...
i don't see a difference with the two chat bubbles lol
The difference is that the font is different.
keirei CPG MOD ps: dont put cpg mod if u are askin a question. only put it when u are answerin one!
Littlelainey said...
I think it's completely fair to allow non-members into the stage. Members get enough things; they can already buy clothes and stuff for their igloos, which is huge. I have to agree that most, like myself, aren't non-members by choice. Our parents just won't pay for membership. I told my mom I would wih my own money, but she still said no because it would have to be on her credit card.
OT: I have an issue I posted before that apparently didn't come up. I know this is a random place to put this, but I need help and know there will be more viewers here since this is the newest post. I had CP minimized and my older brother decided it would be "funny" to write the "f" word. Now I'm banned for another 21 hours. I have two questions: 1) If it happens again, am I banned forever? And 2)Have I lost all of my prviledges as a Secret Agent and/or Tour Guide now? Sorry, I know this was random. TIA!!!
HEello!!! OMG why did you do that!?!? well, u have not lost your secret agent things and tour guide... BUT DONT DO IT AGAIN!!! U might get banned forever... OH NO!
keirei CPG MOD
HEY MIMO. I found a glitch!
Go to the Sled Race and then click mail.
Then you can walk around while your sled tube thing is still there
Wat? If G is coming to see the switch box than why is he only going to be in back stage???
the bubbles is weird! la la la yep it so is. so ya ummmmmm woo hoo my day was sadly not cool and life is not to fun right now sorry for telling u my troubles u dont have to post this. acctually it would just add to lifes sadness. =(
I got bold type!!!! ps the new bubbles are a little strange but pretty cool. and go non members!
thats awesome! Thank you mimo!
hey mimo,do you play neopet?
Rodger 8500 said....i don't see a difference with the two chat bubbles lol
It's not the chat bubbles it's the font,now do you understand?
sootput(CPG mod)
wow mimo i saw u on parka it was cool but then u left lol
i cant get in stage
:(but no matter(:
Cool Cool Cool
Zyton CPG Mod
roger8500(CPG MOD) said...
i don't see a difference with the two chat bubbles lol
Well, there is not much diffence, only that it's font is thicker (bold)
Meagan Cutie (CPG Mod)
Congrats to the non-members! But it is still a bummer that non-members cannot access the backstage area!
In response to Ben826, who said:
Woot! Umm Mimo, do you think we can hang out on cp on the server frozen for a little...? Any ways I'm so excited about it and i visit your website every day!
Yo! I am sorry to disappoint you, but Mimo would most probably not be able to meet up with you privately, unless it is part of a contest prize or something.
-Survivor91-(Legendary Mod)
In response to Anonymous, who said:
mimo can you find sensei (not in dojo
like in stage)and get backround from him???
Yo! This has proven to be just a rumor, and meeting Sensei is not possible for NOW. He might appear as a special guest later on!
-Survivor91-(Legendary Mod)
In response to Roger8500, who said:
i don't see a difference with the two chat bubbles lol
Yo! Hmm... That's strange... There should be a font difference in the chat bubble, as shown in Mimo's picture. You could always try clearing your cache or re-opening your internet browser.
-Survivor91- ( Legendary Mod)
In response to Stickers303, who said:
Best day last year was 31st,July 2008 at the Ice Rink on Snow Globe!
Hey Stickers! I know why, that was the day Mimo added you, Ray Toolbear, Tooly and Megadude. I just missed that golden opportunity by a few seconds. Rock on man!
-Survivor91-(Legendary Mod)
In response to Anonymous, who said:
Hey. question. Are Cadence and Aunt Artic coming only this week???
Yo! It has to be. If Aunt Arctic and Cadence keep on coming for the full 3 weeks, then practically everyone would have their autographed backgrounds. One thing is for sure though, Gary will be appearing next week, together with another special guest(s)
-Survivor91-(Legendary Mod)
In response to Anonymous, who said:
i cant get in stage
:(but no matter(:
Yo! This is probably because you are not a member. Don't worry though, you will still be able to attend the Penguin Play awards soon!
-Survivor91-(Legendary Mod)
Wow i love the new chat bubble mimo!!
Ps what servers do u usaly go on??
Anonymous said...
Wow i love the new chat bubble mimo!!
Ps what servers do u usaly go on??
dear anonymous
mimo usually goes on fjord and big foot. :)
saavy (CPG mod)
Anonymous said...
i cant get in stage
:(but no matter(:
Snowleo 20...
Try logging off then logging back on again. If it doesn't work within the next day or so I would contact Club Penguin about it.
I hope I helped.
Waddle on!
Anonymous said...
Wow i love the new chat bubble mimo!! Ps what servers do u usaly go on??
Mimo usually goes on servers Fjord and Bigfoot.
Let It Rock!!!
Marquizi98(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Hey. question. Are Cadence and Aunt Artic coming only this week???
I think not because Club Penguin didn't say anything about it. But I garaunteed that they will leave on April 9th the last day of PPA (Penguin Play Awards.
Let It Rock!!!
Marquizi98(CPG MOD)
alvyblue09's chobots blog said...
hi can u hve a mmo quickee party again on chobots pls.
dear alvyblue09...
Mimo has quickee parties quite often, so one should be coming soon!
Hey Mimo! I saw Aunt Artic and we asked her to tell a story. So she said, "Once Rockhopper took me up to the crow's nest to show me his snowball cannon. Then he let out a big toot. He even tried to blame it on Yarr!" I just thought was kind of bizzare.
I wonder if the white puffle is a yellow puffle covered in snow
you know the green screen backstage well if you click it, it will change to a different background.
I found a way to get into the stage without being a member. If you're secret agent, go to HQ and click on the stage. But unfortunately this doesn't work for backstage
hi mimo,
plese could you tell me where "backstage" is? I have been looking everywhere in the stage!!! BYE,
Lucy Said:hi mimo,
plese could you tell me where "backstage" is? I have been looking everywhere in the stage!!! BYE,
The backstage is in the stage where the exit sign is click behind it!!(CPG MOD)
hi mimo,
plese could you tell me where "backstage" is? I have been looking everywhere in the stage!!! BYE,
Lucy ------------------------------it is in the back to the right hope this helped!-fluffy54605 (CPG MOD)
*Lucy*- The backstage is where the exit sign is on the right corner of the stage if you want to go in it usually a full room or it is complicated to get in. It is usually the most crowded part on the stage.
-Nater496-CPG Mod
Anonymous viper4548 said...
Cool! And I like the chat bubbles. Im a non-member.:)
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