Well, it was close. Very, very, very close. Don't you think? And the big wiener is...

Red Puffle: "(Whistles) Here Mimo,Mimo,Mimo! Here boy!"
Were you surprised? Didn't think so. Stickers is a very good online pal of CPG. And it seems he is pretty popular with the CPG crowd too!
Stickers has invited me over to Australia to say with him! So I'm saving some money to go visit someday! Who wants to go with me!
If you missed the caption contest click here.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

You should hold a contest and whoever wins gets to go with you!lol!
lol now you can go to where decoding Mimo took place.
Congrats man!
Good job Stickers! Your Caption was Awesome!
did he really?? if he did i wouldnt because once you come back your sleeping schedule will change
Congrats Stickers!
Ill come, Mimo!
mimo please dont go! i'll miss u WAY to much! if u do go i hope u have a good time! do wat ever u want.
yeb! (P.S., read backwards on the 'yeb!')
Awesome!!! Lol your joke was so funny stickers!!! Stickers, you live in austarlia!! Very cool!! You must be very dedicated to cpg, since the time zone is about 12 hours difference!! and how do you get to the parties in bed then!!
i liked that caption! i thought it was funny! :D
Stickers u rule! do u really live in Austrailia? I've always wanted to go to Australia. Mimo u r so lucky! But in the water watch out!there r really deadly things! i go on ur website every day! there is no other cheat site i would rather go to but urs! i've been searching for pretty much a YEAR for the link to ur secret site!
i just got banned for the next 24 hours:(
Ill go any day man! just invite me and ill be there ASAP!
Good job Stickers! I loooove you! lolz! jk! I will definitely go with you because stickers and you both rock!!!
Grace said...
Stickers u rule! do u really live in Austrailia? I've always wanted to go to Australia. Mimo u r so lucky! But in the water watch out!there r really deadly things! i go on ur website every day! there is no other cheat site i would rather go to but urs! i've been searching for pretty much a YEAR for the link to ur secret site!
Hi Grace, Mimo777 does have a good blog. The link for his secret site is hidden somewhere on his blog; keep searching and you'll find it.
Congrats Stickers! I knew you could do it!
I knew Stickers was gonna win everythings a popularity contest (Know affence Stickers) just like American Idol and other contests
I will come! JK
Fluffygood (CPG MOD)
jimmysmyname123 said...
You should hold a contest and whoever wins gets to go with you!lol!
Maybe Mimo will!!! it would cost a lot of money though so it might just to be to get a pic of Mimo and Stickers in Aussie!!
Congratulations Stickers. You did good and it was a fair win.
~Goey45 (Cpg mod in training)
Daddey( said...
i just got banned for the next 24 hours:(
Thats very unfortunate but what did you do in the first place to get banned did you rob the pizza parlor lol. :O
Grace said...
Stickers u rule! do u really live in Austrailia? I've always wanted to go to Australia. Mimo u r so lucky! But in the water watch out!there r really deadly things! i go on ur website every day! there is no other cheat site i would rather go to but urs! i've been searching for pretty much a YEAR for the link to ur secret site!
Yes Stickers does live in Australia. He told me in person.
Fluffygood (CPG MOD)
Mimo, you should add stickers on your buddie list and make him a Mimo mod. He does deserve it.
Congrats Sticker 303 I know you could do it!!
I am trying to stop the habit of puting CPG MOD after my name when i am not answering a question.
Grace said...
mimo please dont go! i'll miss u WAY to much! if u do go i hope u have a good time! do wat ever u want.
yeb! (P.S., read backwards on the 'yeb!')
If he goes then he can still do his blog.
Fluffygood (CPG MOD)
where is the party
YAY! Good job Stickers! :)
CONGRADULATIONS STICKERS!great job thats a LOL caption!!!
Nice Stickers! I had the 2nd least amount of votes on the list...oh well! Oh, and by the way Mimo, I voted that I'm a goat doctor or whatever for your new poll!
~Dex Dude~
ill come, i'm going to London in the summer! XD
~Bike Mania 3
OMG!!! Congrats to Zxz on becoming a Mod! Lol were Mod buddies now!!!
~Dex Dude~
Oh, and congrats to Sophi Jr and Mrpengiewin and all those other Mod advancements!
~Dex Dude~
Grace said...
mimo please dont go! i'll miss u WAY to much! if u do go i hope u have a good time! do wat ever u want.
yeb! (P.S., read backwards on the 'yeb!')
even if he did they have internet to plus i dont tink he will go till he is 30!!!LOL JK HOPE THAT HELPS!
Mimo not tonight pls! I have tennis onteusdays. Tommarow pls. Don't post
but it depends where u live cuz if i live far from u i cant go
i voted for stickers!
me want to come
Oh, and again, congratz to A kiwi boy, Sand Flipper....ok I'm tired just congratz to all mod advancements! Lol!
~Dex Dude~
Sticks I'll go! And congrats I'll check rates to audtrallia.
take me plz I have family in new zealand and austraila
Mimo we need you to do a mition it is to let us go with you.
i wunt to go! but i wish i could :`(
i got the message on the bottom! :)
me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a friend there! I hope I can go.
Awseom! That is funny!
i wish i could go
I have been to Australia. Super fun you should go-
cant wait for tonight
You spelled winner wiener.
Does that thing at the bottom say Thanks for playing? I just decoded it, and I'm wondering if you said that.
P.S. I couldn't go to the Chobots or Club Penguin party. Because I was late for the Club Penguin one (homework) and Chobots, my computer kept stupid dang crashing.
ill go with you mimo
Bb Polo745
Congratulations to Stickers303 who is the wiener of the Puffle Caption Contest! I hope you and Mimo have fun in Australia and God bless you!
Let It Rock!!!
Daddey( said...
i just got banned for the next 24 hours:(
How did your penguin get banned? Because there has to be some reason you got banned for or somebody probably hacked your account. To get unbanned, go to Club Penguin and where you see the topics click "Contact us". Or you can call Club Penguin on there phone number(now that they have one). Here is their phone 1-250-868-8622. Explain to them what you did and they'll unban if it's official. BUT you'll have to wait one hour to get access to you're penguin. I'm glad I could help you and God bless you!
Let It Rock!!!
Hey Mimo I really wanted to go to Austrailia for...ages lol. But that's okay you just keep up the super work Mimo and have an awesome time with Stickers303. Oh plus I MIGHT see you there because My father is graduating to get his PHD in school. I'm just going to say though you guys have an awesome time! God bless you both!
Let It Rock!!!
yah stickers u rock lol!
I like how you say wiener instead of winner, it's so funny, plus you rock mimo
possible quickee party tonight hmm?
Congratulations Stickers!
Congrads stickers :) You did deserve it! :)
AND for those who say he won unfair, he problably worked really hard to get all the way to where he is.
BTW stickers still jealous of australia *seems like 1 of the best places =D*
:) :P :D
Congrats to Stickers!! Your caption was great!!!
I live in Australia too, COME VISIT! If you are lucky, we might even give you a pet Kangaroo!(JK =-P)
Great job on the contest stickers303.
I thought yours was the best. I started to laugh after reading it
...I'm already in Australia
Cool, Wait have you met any other CPG mods in real life?
jimmysmyname123 said
You should hold a contest and whoever wins gets to go with you!lol!
lol i dont think he would do that cause it would take forever to look through at all the entries for the contest
Grace said
mimo please dont go! i'll miss u WAY to much! if u do go i hope u have a good time! do wat ever u want.
yeb! (P.S., read backwards on the 'yeb!')
dont worry he ll get on still cause stickers has a computer if he didnt how would yhe play cp
u should go to australia its awsome i live in australia! lol! hurray too stickers!
Grace said
Stickers u rule! do u really live in Austrailia? I've always wanted to go to Australia. Mimo u r so lucky! But in the water watch out!there r really deadly things! i go on ur website every day! there is no other cheat site i would rather go to but urs! i've been searching for pretty much a YEAR for the link to ur secret site!
yep stickers lives in sydney australia i guess i better not tell u the town and i know theres crocs in the waters i once owned one true story i went to feed it at the park every now and then yea u would be allowed to own a croc and keep it at a croc national park
Tboyman said
Awesome!!! Lol your joke was so funny stickers!!! Stickers, you live in austarlia!! Very cool!! You must be very dedicated to cpg, since the time zone is about 12 hours difference!! and how do you get to the parties in bed then!!
of course he uses his alarm oclock i live in victoria and im always sleepy so i never make it
Kidomo said
possible quickee party tonight hmm?
pretty unlikely cause he just had two partys
atomic skull said
i wish i could go
yea me too but it would cost alotta money even though i live near stickers(melbourne)
come to Austrail its so cool i live they
- agent wodle
Anonymous said
take me plz I have family in new zealand and austraila
lol i live in melbourne and have family in sydney adelaide and brisbane
hey mimo i live in melbourne so when you come to australia u will go on cp the same time as me because the time in sydney and in melbourne is the same and dont worry i dont need to take me
wii wii wii1
Congratulations Stickers! I knew you would win ;)
And Mimo, if you do come to Australia visit me please, I live in Victoria. Hmm…maybe I could come and visit you when you come :P
Anyway CPG Rocks!
Bubbles 1705
hey mimo when you come to australia come see me in queensland ;)
AWESOME!! You should totally go!!! I live in Vic Australia and its great here! Summer rite now so it hot... Very hot! So remember! Bring bathers to go for a swim some time! xD
Also congrats Stickers! Your caption was funny!
P.S. If anyone says don't go to Australia just ignore them! lol! You know you want to go... xD
~Allie Rocks3
I'm already in Australia =) And congrats to stickers! *clap clap clap*
wow well done stickers... and well done everyone else who had a try!!!.
-Lukepowley (CPG Mod in training
i live in south Australia
yeh u 2 r good friends lets rock mimo and stickers for like the 100th millionth time lol i live in Australia yay but not in Sydney Melbourne
Grace said...
Stickers u rule! do u really live in Austrailia? I've always wanted to go to Australia. Mimo u r so lucky! But in the water watch out!there r really deadly things! i go on ur website every day! there is no other cheat site i would rather go to but urs! i've been searching for pretty much a YEAR for the link to ur secret site!
yes stickers does live in Australia cpw and cpg rock
yoshhi456 (CPG MOD)
OMG! Stickers303 lives in australia do do I! Hope to see you there Mimo and Stickers... If I find you
OMG MIMO it wud b superrr AWSUM if u visit Oz!!! =]
Now u can go where Decoding Mimo took place!!! :P
Also, Congrats Stickers!!!! Ur caption was rily gwd!!!
i want to go realy realy but ill ask my mom lol
AWSOME!! Im alredy in Austrlia. sorry to ppl in the U.S.A it will be great having u here in Aussie.
Congratulations Stickers303 you are the big winner!!!!
Ross 46 (CPG MOD)
I wanna go with u and Stickers Mimo!!!
I would lke to go with you to Australia some day!
~Jello Jelly
PS good job stickers
I wish i could be a moderator too...
Hey mimo, when are we gonna met. Do you have a free background. If not you should get one.
Congrats Stickers, and anytime you have any free tickets to Australia just let me know, lol.
Hey Mimo777 You are SO lucky. I have always wanted to go to Australia.
P.S. What is it like to have an EXTREMELY popular Club Penguin Blog?
congrats stickers :D u worked really hard for that :)
hi ppl its saavy
where: on club penguin
server: Sleet
time: 10 am CPTZ
Place: iceburg, ski hills, ski lodge, docks, forest and cove.
wear: anything :D
Date: Wednesday 4th march 2009
hope u can all make it :D
Tell me when where and how!
Im stickers303's buddy!
I know him pretty well!
He rox!
I want to know u more mimo,i know stick but not u...
Oh and i have enough money,ill give u some if u invite me!
Congratulations to Stickers for winning the caption contest!!
See you around on CP stickers!
wats up with the scrambled up letters at the bottom?
i live in Melbourne
i go on cpw and cpg everyday unless im really busy
Awsome! Good job Stickers!
Everyone has A great idea about who goes with you, but, I think I should go with you! ;)
I would like to go to Australia!lol!
i will go with you mimo.
Bb Polo745
i thought mine was waaaay better! but good job anyway!
i want to go lolz
lol congrats dude, australia is kool, but sydney is the coolest. that aint opinion, THATS A FACT!!!! but oz is the coolest country theres is, so thats gud 2
Hey mimmo iv thout of an awsume coment or you which the red puffle would say :oi mimo get out of my hiddi hole, I WANT TO BE FED!!!!!
me! u must simply go 2 perth it rocks and im there 2!!! if u meet me i want ur autograph
sticker303 is my friend on chobots 2
Lol. I already live in Australia, so I don't need to go with you. ;-) Just be sure to go to Perth if you want to go with me, or Sydney if you want to go with Stickers303.
hey mimo
congratulations stickers303 for being the wiener of the caption contest, well done.
petermikhail(cpg mod)
Congratulations Stickers,ur caption was best by nearly 1000votes
hey mimo I live in Australia as well!!!!!Well... hope to see you in aus!
I live in Canberra!(in aus!)
cool!congratulations Stickers303!
I live in Australia!in South Australia tho ;[
hey mimo i live in Austrailia have fun when you come
Congradulations Stickers. Even though i was in the finals, i still voted for you.
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
I want to go with you mimo! I want to see what you really look like!
Congrats Stickers303! Great job!
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