In case you haven't met them yet. Here is the band: Stompin Bob, Petey K, Franky, G Billy. They are hanging out backstage! I found them today!

(Oops! I must have gotten in too big a rush. His card didn't load completely before I took the pic.)

We found them at the SNOW FORT server.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

where did you find them tell me quick mimo plz!
pretty cool mimo i have got penguin band backgroung and candace and aunt artic
awesomee.. could on to find them.
Wow so cool i have not met them yes im very sad!
oops i did it again
where were they?
Your lucky Mimo,I didn't meet anyone.
Oh very cool Mimo!!!! I'm still looking for them =]
Omg dude I just did thanks mimo any ways in other news lol theres a new thing Trading Cards & DS Update!!!
just go see its a trading card one and ds update It comes to available (in English) in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland! they still working on a way to get it to Australia soon it will be in New Zealand woot! dude that is my country and im getting it yay on Aril the 9th ! and i can go online ! i got wireless and stuff
1i1 pingy
I found them on big snow
cool! im going to look for them now...
i already found them at the music jam but cool! thanks for the tip! :D :D :D
That's awesome! Do each band member go to a different server or do they stick together?
I found them at the Music Jam!!! When I was a member I wish i was one again. But for all those who want to see them keep looking you will find them!
ace234444 (cpg mod)
that is so cool, I met them too!
I saw them today too! Yes they ARE awesome! I asked Franky "Do you like cheese?" and he replied " Cheese is great!"
Sophi Jr
Later CPG!
doopliss 677 said...
where did you find them tell me quick mimo plz!
He found them backstage. :D
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Hmm. I wonder. Maybe he saw them on fjord, because I saw them at fjord today too.
Sophi Jr
fluffy54605 said...
where were they?
Somewhere backstage. [[;
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
I found them on Sub Zero
Craft123456 said...
That's awesome! Do each band member go to a different server or do they stick together?
Yup, they stick together and go to the same room.
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
I found them too but i found everybody else also -Unlimited307
Craft123456 said...
That's awesome! Do each band member go to a different server or do they stick together?
Like all bands, they stick together! i saw them 3 times! lol
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
Mimo I know you are not gonna post this comment but I will tell you because I hate when Famous People lie.
If you met the Penguin Band today, instead of a happy face there should be a member badge with a star on it (24 months+)
Think about it.
Why did you lied?
Dave1881 (CPG MOD) said...
awesomee.. could on to find them.
Heeey. You shouldn't put "(CPG MOD" right now because you aren't answering questions :] If you are, you may [[;
Sophi Jr
Mimo that is so cool that you found them!!! I really want to meet CP Band! I wish that I was there to enjoy the moment. Do they hang out backstage or in the stage?
fluffy54605 said...
where were they?
Mimo said he found them in the snow fort server.
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
I met the band on Big foot they are the best they even ventured outside
Anonymous said...
Mimo I know you are not gonna post this comment but I will tell you because I hate when Famous People lie.
If you met the Penguin Band today, instead of a happy face there should be a member badge with a star on it (24 months+)
Think about it.
Why did you lied?
What? That doesn't make sense, all he did was put the pics of the pb. I'm confused
Sophi Jr
I just found the PB like 5 minutes ago. It was a total accident. I was really funny/weird. They were backstage and then they went on the stage so even nonmembers could meet them. Pretty cool!
Oh, and they all stick together.
aclen08 said...
Mimo that is so cool that you found them!!! I really want to meet CP Band! I wish that I was there to enjoy the moment. Do they hang out backstage or in the stage?
At first (for a bit) they are at the stage and eventually go backstage. :]
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Craft123456 said....
That's awesome! Do each band member go to a different server or do they stick together?
acle08 replied...
I think CP Band stick together. Hope this answers your question.
ace234444 (cpg mod) said...
I found them at the Music Jam!!! When I was a member I wish i was one again. But for all those who want to see them keep looking you will find them!
ace234444 (cpg mod)
Cool on finding them, but you shouldn't put "(cpg mod") after your name right now because you aren't answering questions. If you are, you may :D
Sophi Jr
doopliss 677 said...
where did you find them tell me quick mimo plz!
He said that he found them on the server Snow Fort but they are gone now.
remember the name
Confupenguen(CPG Mod)
fluffy54605 said...
where were they?
they were on Snow Fort, but they are gone.
remember the name
Confupenguen(CPG Mod)
Craft123456 said...
That's awesome! Do each band member go to a different server or do they stick together?
good question, they stick together and sometimes play their insruments:D
remember the name
Confupenguen(CPG Mod)
doopliss 677 said...
where did you find them tell me quick mimo plz!
He found them backstage of the PPA (Penguin Play Awards) we are not sure what server.
Let It Rock!!!
Marquizi98(CPG MOD)
aclen08 said...
Mimo that is so cool that you found them!!! I really want to meet CP Band! I wish that I was there to enjoy the moment. Do they hang out backstage or in the stage?
Hey, they hang out BOTH places, when i met them, they were first in the backstage BUT THEN THEY WENT INTO THE NONMEMBER AREA OF THE STAGE! so nonmebers don't give up, you can still get their autographs!
remember the name
Confupenguen(CPG Mod)
I haven't meet anyone :(
craft123456 said...
That's awesome! Do each band member go to a different server or do they stick together?
they all stick togeter they were like in four dif places in the room though
wii wii wii1(cpg mod)
peace out dudes
I already found them... TWICE!! lol
Franky is my favorite!
Mimo u Rock :) I been on this site for like whem it first came up im sure.. I just went google search and I found this site it changed alot through the months thought :D but I nvr left my name down! im so annoyed now since i didnt i would hv been famous to this site lol I found this site coz I needed hints and cheats and I was wondering if they were really "cheats" not glitches or hints but this site still helps... Its helped me so much for pins, clothing etc U have done so well at all of this man I made a site not long ago lol but It failed to work :( Im not a pro at that web site stuff I couldnt even post a pic of my penguin with out it making small and I could figure out how to make a background it was going to say pingies Hints and cheats but I failed :P I dont think there much point making a site for CP when theres yours :)
1i1 pingy Um... Sorry about how long my message took um I like typing alot lol..
craft123456, the penguin band stays together, same room, same server, ^_^
hey mimo,
guess what...i found a cheat.
#1-they have new writting on clubpenguin!
#2-In the storys in the book room have coins hidden in them!
I just need gary till i got them all. When i found the band they were just leaving.I Found rockhopper at snow forts.I found aunt arctic at backstage and cadence at the dance party. Then again i found aunt arctic and cadence backstage together.
Tae Tae 1488 said...
hey mimo,
guess what...i found a cheat.
#1-they have new writting on clubpenguin!
#2-In the storys in the book room have coins hidden in them!
Thanks for the info, but Mimo already knows this and has posted about it. :]
Sophi Jr
Craft123456 said...
That's awesome! Do each band member go to a different server or do they stick together?
They go with each other! But, you CANNOT get a seperate background for each member.
Glad to help!
They are at Alaska right now
fluffy54605 said...
where were they?
Mimo Said He Found Them At The Snow Fort Server.
Both times when i found the band and Rockhopper it was luck i picked a random server
The band is the coolest
i asked g billy and franky if they liked pie and they said they like pizza pie!!!
i found them on bunnyhill about 5:33 pm penguin standard time on sat
aclen08 said...
Mimo that is so cool that you found them!!! I really want to meet CP Band! I wish that I was there to enjoy the moment. Do they hang out backstage or in the stage?
Good Question! They actually hang out in both rooms! Since the Stage is a non-member area now, non-members have a chance of finding them. I found Cadence AND Penguin Band at the Stage and they later moved to backstage! Good Luck!
Be Clever!
Tae Tae 1488 said...
hey mimo,
guess what...i found a cheat.
#1-they have new writting on clubpenguin!
#2-In the storys in the book room have coins hidden in them!
Thanks fot telling Mimo, but he already knows this. Sometimes if he doesn't, you'll get credit! So keep looking! Hope this Helped!
Be Clever!
Tae Tae 1488 said...
hey mimo,
guess what...i found a cheat.
#1-they have new writting on clubpenguin!
#2-In the storys in the book room have coins hidden in them!
Ok sorry to tell you this but the new font in the chat bubbles happened on Thursday and the hidden coins in the Paint By Letter books have always been there.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Dogluver5858 said...
I already found them... TWICE!! lol
Franky is my favorite!
WOW you are lucky! And keep looking everybody else!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
doopliss 677 said...
where did you find them tell me quick mimo plz!
he found them at server snow fort but now there gone.
Bb Polo745(cpg mod)
skyxxx7 said...
i found them on bunnyhill about 5:33 pm penguin standard time on sat
WOW cool! If you are trying to help others with the comment tracker tell them before the famous person/people leave!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
fluffy54605 said...
where were they?
they were in server snow fort but there gone now.
Bb Polo745 (cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
Both times when i found the band and Rockhopper it was luck i picked a random server
WOW I guess you are lucky but sometimes if you look for where your buddies are it will kind of show you where there is something big happening! That is just a tip to help you find them even more!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Craft123456 said...
That's awesome! Do each band member go to a different server or do they stick together?
sometimes there all there sometimes they spilt up.
Bb Polo745(cpg mod)
P.S. Remember to use the comment tracker.
Both times when i found the band and Rockhopper it was luck i picked a random server
Cool! I didn't even know rockhopper was there!
~viper4548% (cpg mod in training)
Roco said...
I haven't meet anyone :(
AWWW poor Rocco! Well I think that you will find somebody eventually! Just keep looking and check Mimo's comments when he has the comment tracker going!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Ummm why is petey k named with no background and special pose? just a green penguin
i found them on white house
lols people didnt read he met em at snow forts
Anonymous said...
Ummm why is petey k named with no background and special pose? just a green penguin
Sometimes when you click on the penguin band members quickly they will look like this on there player card. usually they will go to there normal picture after a second but sometimes they don't.
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
I haven't met any famous penguins... :( not even anyone on cpg!
-Birdygurl sadly concludes this comment
WHOA! you met them too! i met them at blizzard (the server they went on before snowfort) it was so cool! G billy sat down next to me and talked to me i felt so starstruck and happy! i just wished you would have come on blizzard :( btw why is frankys card blank???
I remember in the music jam that I looked for a hole day the band and the rest of the party, and I still can`t find them. I`m just so dissapointed with myself. Can`t find Aunt Artic or Candence. I think I will just give up. It takes time, and after a while u just get tierd. I need someones help, the comments in the mimo tracker are always two a lot of hours later when I read them, help plz:´(
mimo there is a free item backstage its the penguin play award trophy go to the table with the trophies.
i found them three times today im not kidding!
All I need is Aunt Artic I have not been serching that much but I know some random server at some random time I will find her
Also all the other one I found I mostly ended up on the last day of trying.
I just found them on Blizzard..... FRANKY signed my guitar!!!!! We all hung out backstage..then we went out to the stage and they performed! It was soo cool..
~Jelly G
WOAH!!! Whats with Petey K? Hes a normal penguin...sweird!!!
How come all of them are members??
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod) said...
Craft123456 said...
That's awesome! Do each band member go to a different server or do they stick together?
Like all bands, they stick together! i saw them 3 times! lol
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
Dear Gamer12356
Nop! They all stick together..
Anonymous said...
Mimo I know you are not gonna post this comment but I will tell you because I hate when Famous People lie.
If you met the Penguin Band today, instead of a happy face there should be a member badge with a star on it (24 months+)
Think about it.
Why did you lied?
Dear Anonymous,
First of all i want to strongly oppose your accusation on Mimo. He did not lie. If you didn't observe the pictures properly.. they do have member badges and not smiley faces.
Hey Mimo
Please please PLEASE tell me where backstage is? I really really REALLY want to know!
Hey your picture of Petey K was taken too soon, you need to wait for his player card to load properly because you cant see him properly.
But anyway, I just managed to meet Petey K becuse I came in ijust as he was saying goodbye!
Yours Waddling
Just met PB on Abominable server (11:50pm penguin-time)but they have left now
They were "real" and answered questions. I asked Petey K If he liked coffee.
He said the coffee shop is good.
Roco said...
I haven't meet anyone :(
Dont give up!Keep trying you might just see them :)
Anonymous said...
well...sometimes thatt happens,like when i met rockhopper he was just a red penguin;)
sootput(CPG mod)
doopliss 677 said...
where did you find them tell me quick mimo plz!
mimo is lucky guy :P
try again
Craft123456 said...
That's awesome! Do each band member go to a different server or do they stick together?
maybe they stick togheter !
fluffy54605 said...
where were they?
Zxz192 said...
They were in Snow Fort (the server). It says in the post.
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Craft123456 said...
That's awesome! Do each band member go to a different server or do they stick together?
Zxz192 said...
The Penguin Band stick in one big group. They all go to the same server.
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Zxz192 said...
Well done for noticing this! This is because they show up like a normal penguin (like rockhopper is just a red penguin) and then their player card loads properly. Mimo took that picture before the player card had loaded.
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
ive met aunt arctic but then shes the easy one. i cp mates with mimos other account tho!
Anonymous said...
Omg dude I just did thanks mimo any ways in other news lol theres a new thing Trading Cards & DS Update!!!
just go see its a trading card one and ds update It comes to available (in English) in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland! they still working on a way to get it to Australia soon it will be in New Zealand woot! dude that is my country and im getting it yay on Aril the 9th ! and i can go online ! i got wireless and stuff
1i1 pingy
Thanks lil pingy, looks like mimo's posted that now!
I no thiss isnt bout pb but i found sumut at the dock
in the right hand corner there is a red leaflet
click on tht and u get an dock catoulge!
Craft123456 said...
That's awesome! Do each band member go to a different server or do they stick together?
They always stick together. Never leave a band member behind :)
~Goey45 (Cpg Mod)
viper4548 (Cpg mod in training) said...
Both times when i found the band and Rockhopper it was luck i picked a random server
Cool! I didn't even know rockhopper was there!
~viper4548% (cpg mod in training)
He isn't, he's at rockhopper island eating onion ice cream flavored pizza :)
~Goey45(Cpg Mod)
hey mimo,
i heard that the penguin band will be appearing at the stage!!! that means nonmenbers will have somethin to smile about! its cool, but im a member. im alawc! or u can call me a.c too.
i found everyone mimo!!!i just need g...
i met them twice mimo!!! they are very cool!
Awsome mimo!
gess wat i met them aswell yesterday on fjord!
i saw them going to the backstage so all u non members there is a chance for u lot to meet the penguin band! :D
Mimo, there is a change in the Spy Phone. When there was the Soccer Pitch, the Spy Phone said Pitch. When the Ice Rink came back it said Rink But when I logged on it said Pitch, I teleported there and it went to the ice rink. Why?
*Wii624*- Franky's card is most likely blank becauuse he chooses it to be that way or the "maker" of Franky forgot to put it on.
-Nater496- (CPG Mod)
Wii624 said...
WHOA! you met them too! i met them at blizzard (the server they went on before snowfort) it was so cool! G billy sat down next to me and talked to me i felt so starstruck and happy! i just wished you would have come on blizzard :( btw why is frankys card blank???
i answered that same question three or two comments above yours. you might want to check it out so i don't have to type my answer all over again. Thanks.
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
I found them on Saturday in the Fjord server!! I was just hanging around in the Backstage area, I looked and saw a penguin playing the double bass. GOOD GOOGLY MOOGLY I yelled! I scrambled over and saw it was Stompin Bob! I quickly said hi and got the autograph. We had a nice long chat. Did you know he likes burgers and fish & chips? He also signed my virtual bass!! And Petey K also played an Irish jig and a Scottish jig! I did not chat with Franky or G Billy, for I didn't have time! *frowns*
WOW! I found them the same day as u! I found them on Blizzard. They signed our instruments and we made them pizza and cake! I have PROOF that they aren't robots. When we said here's your pizza they would say thanks its delicous. and when we played instruments they said:"You're very talented".
~Dj Red 4
I found the PB Twice and i found AA 6 times in one day!(No Joke!) And I found C 2 Times!
Mimo.. Why dose Petey K look like that?
Pearl's Blog said...
Wow so cool i have not met them yes im very sad!
Dear Pearl's Blog..
Don't worry and keep trying! They are usualy on popular servers like Blizzard,Mammoth,Frozen etc.
Good Luck!
~Dj Red 4(CPG Mod)
His card is blank becuz he was probably loading or soemthing.
Hoped i helped!zerosk8der(cpg mod)
i havent even met a single guy. i almost did but my MOM told me to get off
Frankie's my fave! I already met them they ARE cool
I met them too! Now I met all the famous penguins
hey, my friend, was one of the FIRST PPL TO EVER TALK TO G-billy!!
I saw you and Penguin Band backstage lol! I was going crazy because Mimo777 and Penguin Band was there
I only met Rockhopper because all the other penguins are in a certain room where members are only aloud :( if I
Was a member I couldnt have met G, auntArtic , penguinBand , cadence, and ummmm.....,,..,.... That's ALL I never met im no member ;(
Doopliss 677 said,
where did you find them tell me quick mimo plz
Ok, im not sure where but here some tips.
For sure,
They have to be in the back stage! Everyone knows that but that might not help for you...
So for tips,
Take out 3 internets and go to CPG coment tracker and Here's the Penguin Band! We found them!, or any other thing that tells stuff of the famous penguins...
Then sign in you clubpenguin account with you 3rd internet. Now don't pick a server. Go from the bottom of Comment Tracker to middle. See which one has the most servers used. Then check the time. If they come on certain times then go on that time with the popoular server. They might come there.
Do this til' the famous penguin are gone cause they dont have to be there at that time.
Also check Here's the Penguin Band! We found them!, from bottom to middle with popoular server and time.
And this can also help you by tips like im doing. So keep doing this and most likely, you'll find them.
And this also only talks of the Penguin Band but others talk about everyone... so if your only looking for the Penguin Band better to use this then just scroll from the others til' you find the Penguin Band...
Sometimes they perform cause once the played there band at the ice burg and i saw them but they wern't the real ones. They were like a model. So that might help.
Hope all of this info helps... Cause it took a long time for me to write with a fingre cuted. So it hurts and i hope you like it cause it took alot of woor and past time and conecting to do and way more!
Coolrockpop8 (CPG MOD)
i have everbody but g
pb on mammoth now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
G's coming April 2nd right? He's the only one I need.
same with me, everyone but G. anyone know when he comes?
I saw you there!
i found everyones backgrond pb aa gary the gadget guy and candence
lol this reminds me when i ACCIDENTLY met rockhopper outta no where lol i just picked a random server and was hangin with my bro on cp then i stayed at the town for a while then rockhopper appeared outta no where there then we all followed him to the coffee shop,then to his ship he started singing it was so cooooooool so as soon as i saw ihm i went to my brothers door and i said HEY GO TO THE TOWN ROCKHOPPERS THERE! and he went it was so coool
G comes next week as I was told
awesome mimo i met aunt arctic so far
I found Rockhopper by pure luck (like most of you). My friend always goes on Klondike because it's never full, and I just wanted to see what it's like with two bars of penguins. So I went to the plaza just to see what everybody was talking about, when suddenly a penguin comes and says, "ROCKHOPPERS IN THE PIZZA PARLOR!!" Nobody believed him, though, and I was getting tired of the arguing, so I just decided to check it out. And sure enough, Rockhopper was there. I literally screamed when I saw him, and I just flew back outside and I was like, "ROCKHOPPER REALLY IS AT THE PIZZA PARLOR!!" I dont know why but they still didnt believe us, so i was just like, your loss. lol
PS I am the same stephanie who has left several other comments.
cool i met them at winter land:)
OMG you won't believe wat happened to me. I was in Antarctic and i just entered the stage i checked the buddies in the room and there he was, Stompin Bob. I couldn't believe it, it was soo cool. So this proves that you dont have to be a member to meet the famous penguins, i was ust on the stage not the back stage.
It's offical you rock Mimo
P.S. I found Aunt Arctic in wool socks
Anonymous Anonymous said...
same with me, everyone but G. anyone know when he comes?
Well g is coming from April 2-9. He states it in the cpt.
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Craft123456 said...
That's awesome! Do each band member go to a different server or do they stick together?
They all stick together. So if you meet one you meet all!! Sweet, eh!
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Cool Mimo! Realy cool! I also met them and they were awesome!
I can't buy baseball background, why not?
P.S. Sorry Mimo for posting this in the wrong place, but it felt urgent!
I just met the band on Husky,they go on highly populated servers, but they go on highly populated servers that NO one would ever look on so they almost never go on mammoth,alpine,abominable,or any other servers like that, but they DO almost always go on servers like Husky,snow fort,and servers like that. (P.s. I've met them 3 times by going on servers that almost no one goes on) (P.s.s. sorry this comment is so long, but its true!)
Gorillaman said...
I can't buy baseball background, why not?
Maybe you already have it in your inventory and you just don't know it. Or it's a weird glitch.
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
lol its ok.
Craft123456 said...
That's awesome! Do each band member go to a different server or do they stick together?
stick together.
Fluffygood CPG MOD
Craft123456 said...
That's awesome! Do each band member go to a different server or do they stick together?
All Band Members Stick Together.
I just met the penguin band on husky, They go on highly populated servers, But they go on highly populated servers that NO one would look on, so they never go on servers like Mammoth,Abominable,or Alpine.
But they DO almost always go on servers like Husky,Snow fort, and servers like that. (P.s. I forgot to put my name at the bottom of my comment when i wrote this comment about an hour ago)
-cool guy7414
-cool guy 7414
lol thanks mimo for posting that long as message :) and lol yea u found tht message I sent to u about the background for the penguin band :)
1i1 pingy cpg mod (in training)
Saladcream (CPG MOD IN TRAINING) said...
Anonymous said...
Omg dude I just did thanks mimo any ways in other news lol theres a new thing Trading Cards & DS Update!!!
just go see its a trading card one and ds update It comes to available (in English) in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland! they still working on a way to get it to Australia soon it will be in New Zealand woot! dude that is my country and im getting it yay on Aril the 9th ! and i can go online ! i got wireless and stuff
1i1 pingy
Thanks lil pingy, looks like mimo's posted that now!
Thanks dude haha no one ever comments about me u are the first to do that :D
1i1 pingy
i have the penguin bands autograph!
i can't belive i got it.
Gorillaman said...
I cant buy the baseball background, why not?
You cant buy it because it is not avalable. I tried to but it said its not avalable.
I hope this helped
~Jgirlx4x (CPG Mod)
i found them and i didnt even try to find them i just went on and then my mum started talking to me so when i looked back there they were!
Maybe they go on safe chat because they don't want penguins chatting to them.
Zyton cpg mod in training
For S we might know when he is around just look at the dojo.
Zyton CPG mod
Anonymous said...
Mimo I know you are not gonna post this comment but I will tell you because I hate when Famous People lie.
If you met the Penguin Band today, instead of a happy face there should be a member badge with a star on it (24 months+)
Think about it.
Why did you lied?
Mimo didn't lie, there was a member badge with a star on it. You're wrong, actually, and please do not insult anyone, even if Mimo didn't meet the real Penguin band.
Waddle Backstage!!!
Alawc (CPG Mod)
HaHa they are all members!
Hey I was on the same server i saw them too, and I also saw you it was awsome two celebritys at one time theewt!-Loveanater
Aunt Artic is on Wool Sock backstage right now
this goes to the new penguin tracker=
can nonmembers get their background when there at THE STAGE? (srry for yelling but i had to get ppl to not get the backstage and the stage confused).
ROCK ON FRANKY!!!!!!!!!!!
where in snow fort were they? and were they together or seperate???
Hello Mimo, what i want to know is what are the exact penguins that will be out on the stage or backstage. I already have Cadence, Aunt Arctic, and PB. i go on everyday but dont know for who to look for.
Cadence is on Half Pipe
She's Dancing Backstage
Cadence is now on the Stage
Oh ok cool! I was wondering why Petey K (or whatever his name is) didn't load all the way. :) I am happy today because my sister gave me her old polly pocket stuff. Do you like polly pockets Mimo? I am also sad cause I cant find Famous penguins but I found AA and I am sick 'cuz i got a cold and so does my friend so I cant go to her house today. :( sorry my posts are so long! - Paws Kitty
Can you take another "proper" picture of Petey K for us please
Hey Mimo!
I met the PB when they were first came out, at the Music Jam! They were awesome! Franky was the best, I kept shouting "YOU ROCK!" and he said, "YOU ROCK TOO!". Lol! Franky rulez! :D
ive met aunt arctic and candence in the other party Stret rocks (cpgmod)
I met the penguin band just yesterday! And im a nonmember!!! OMG!!! theyy were at the stage(not backstage) i love g billy!!! It rocked!!
hey mimo
there is a portal box at the lighthouse and the ski loge!!
I saw Penguin Band at the stage at 3:35 April 1,2009
i think there should be more famous penguins that we would be able to meet like Jet pack guy or Rookie or Dancing penguin or maybe even Herbert P. bear! that would be cool
-cool guy7414
I've met Aunt Arctic 3 times, The Penguin Band twice, Cadence once, and i have yet to meet G. If i can find them, so can you. don't give up. Keep lookin' guys. Good Luck and Happy Hunting!!
Polkadotterz (CPG mod)
lets meet at club penguin!!!
sever:sub zero
place in cp: the pool!!
time: 10:30 !!my name on cp is kuzamax:):) see ya;*
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