I like Chickens
I like ducks
I like hippos that drive trucks
I wish for pickLes
I wish for pears
I wish my room was downstairs
I have 6 knUckles
I have 6 toEs
I have 6 french fries stuck up my nose
I took a long walk
I took a run
I took a nap but that's no fun
I picked a server
I picked a name
I mixed the letters to make it not lame
I have a Swan Knob
Did you get that?
Now where my giant Kenya cat?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

1 – 200 of 386 Newer› Newest»Nice new vid
nice poem!
cool but i dont get that 8/
Ok you freak me out!
~dEX dUDE~
Cool Poem , Is That A Clue For A Party Or Something? Cause It Seems Like It Wen U Mentioned Server?
Alisha435 (CPG Mod)
cool i like it
cool!dont get rid of it or i will be "clueless";)
ok thats a nice poem
cool poem i like it
Mimo, your kidding about the 6 french fries up your nose right? i don't get it. It has something to do with the name of servers
Oh mimo its a clue to a party!!!!!
HA HA HA HA HA HA great poem out there Made me laugh
i like that poem and what did you name your white puffle
i didnt get what was the clueee ekk im kinda going to mad if i cant go to the par tay :(
awsome!I wonder when the next party clue is?
Alisha435 said...
Cool Poem , Is That A Clue For A Party Or Something? Cause It Seems Like It Wen U Mentioned Server?
it probably is, but to figure it out you cant just read it, you must look within the poem! ;)
hope that helped
Narutofan564 (CPG Mod in Training)
HopE you Let this Lucky cOmment through. a greeting to you!
the hinter
(i declare myself mimo clue hinter)
Oh i get it mimo...
-Lukepowley (CPG Mod in training)
I GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm soooo smart! B-D
I keep my coins in a Swan Knob because im a penguin!
what is a "Swan Knob"?
I got the hint. I like it. I just need the time...
You are very creative Mimo. I can easily tell your favorite subject is litature because I was flabergasted. Keep up it Mimo! :)
Let It Rock!!!
cool poem, random but really cool. even though i dont understand it 1 BIT it's catchy, good job!
~~~ Lidzzie
P.S please add me.
yes! im getting it!
Umm..that was a bit creepy....and random....
where is the vid?
I wonder when Mimo is posting new CPG MODs.
Lidzzie said...
cool poem, random but really cool. even though i dont understand it 1 BIT it's catachy good job!
P.S please add me.
Well a way he can add by entering and winning contest or answering people's question to become a CPG MOD.
Let It Rock!!!
Lidzzie said...
cool poem, random but really cool. even though i dont understand it 1 BIT it's catchy, good job!
~~~ Lidzzie
P.S please add me.
I wish I could promise you that Mimo will add you. But I think he already has 90-100 buddies. If you work to becoming a mod then he will add you. If you have questions about mods just look on the right hand side of his website to learn more...
you want one,
Ok I got all the clues in the video! Te he he he he! And all the clues here! See ya soon!
OHH now i get it nice vid....lol
i got it! :D
I'm back.(Vittiled) I'm in the right server but i don't get the room.:(
Anonymous said...
where is the vid?
Mimo's new video is called "Mimo Does the Dishes". You can find his new awesome video on YouTube.
Let It Rock!!!
Hey Mimo! I got the location, but when will the party be? And for all who are still trying to figure out what in the world Mimo is talking about, think "server"
atomic skull said...
i like that poem and what did you name your white puffle
He named it Michael Scott. He said that in an earlier post. So um yeah...
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
wow What a poem you should ether put it on club penguin or publish it in a book!
lol! love the poem!
I got it! I totally got it! I know what it says! Awesome! I hope I can figure it all out this time.
i did get all that ;)
Look at the ski lodge upstairs.
It looks like they are stroing snow for March!(: And they have an AC in there.:D
-Purple3545 & P00kachu1
lol, Mimo ur so funny I wish I could have a cool blog like urs!
Marquizi98 said...
You are very creative Mimo. I can easily tell your favorite subject is litature because I was flabergasted. Keep up it Mimo! :)
Let It Rock!!!
He is and yes he like litature he said it in Mimo Q and A!
*Stickers303* - CPG Mod!
Whoa. That was the awesomest poem I've ever read. Wow.
-Krystal 2000 (CPG mod in training
nice poem mimo. keep it up
What was that about mimo. It was so random lol. :-D
I GOT IT!!!!!!! Thanks Mimo! So far, so good! Took me a while though...
Later CPG!
your party will be at snow bank
i totally got it! :)
HopE you Let this Lucky cOmment through. a greeting to you!
the hinter
(i declare myself mimo clue hinter)
HELLO to you to.....lol H E L L O!!!!
got it
Dear Atomic Skull,
Mimo named his puffle Michael Scott. He said so in his post "St. Patrick's Day Party Signs". I liked the poem too.
Marquizi98 said...
I wonder when Mimo is posting new CPG MODs.
Ummm... Whenever Mimo feels like new people deserve to be MODS.
Mrpengiewin(CPG MOD)
I got the server name! Now I need the time...
Anonymous said...
Look at the ski lodge upstairs.
It looks like they are stroing snow for March!(: And they have an AC in there.:D
-Purple3545 & P00kachu1
Yes Mimo posted about this in December when it went up I think!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Look at the ski lodge upstairs.
It looks like they are stroing snow for March!(: And they have an AC in there.:D
-Purple3545 & P00kachu1
Mimo already posted about that earlier.
Digital Bot (CPG mod)
nice mimo ur so good that way i should try that
i think i get it ur making a account and u went to a server.is that the answer?
atomic skull said...
i like that poem and what did you name your white puffle
Mimo named his awesome white puffle, Michael Scott, after the boss on the tv show the office.
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
Grocery List:
1 Chicken (alive)
6 Zebra larvae
1 Umbrella
5 Monkeys
Did you get that CLUE?It's really hard.Think "number of letters".
Maybe use this to showthe time of the party.Digital Boy (CPG mod) (if tat counts towards becoming a mod)
atomis skull said
what did u name your puffle
-----------------------------------he named his puffle micheal scott from the office the best show on earth
cpg guy(cpg mod in training)
ps awesome clue but can u give me a clue to the clue
Anonymous said...
Look at the ski lodge upstairs.
It looks like they are stroing snow for March!(: And they have an AC in there.:D
-Purple3545 & P00kachu1
yes thats been there for a while. Acually it said it was being stored for febuary.
lol that was funny
awesome poem. is it for the saint patricks day party.the french fry in the nose part is funny
i got it mimo!
Anonymous said...
where is the vid?
dear anonymous
if u go on mimos youtube channel it will be there :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Look at the ski lodge upstairs.
It looks like they are stroing snow for March!(: And they have an AC in there.:D
-Purple3545 & P00kachu1
lol abit late
Anonymous said...
Look at the ski lodge upstairs.
It looks like they are stroing snow for March!(: And they have an AC in there.:D
-Purple3545 & P00kachu1
dear anonymous
well... mimo alredy posted something about that sorry. but thanks for keeping a good eye out :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
cool powem!!!!
I know what it is!
CUTE!!!! lol! That is very amazing! I can't post as good at that! lol :D
that thing i put under c that was me.
its a clu if it is i think it will be in a french server
atomic skull said...
i like that poem and what did you name your white puffle
He said earlier he named it Michael Scott.
Fire8877 (CPG MOD)
thats funny, i found the secret, but is it a party? and when is it?
I now it! Its a server.
**o* *A**
lol thats funny i liked the last one about your cat! it made me lol
I figured the message out! Thanks Mimo!
Let It Rock!!!
Funny, very funny! I'm a little confused on the last part.
P.S. Is this supposed to be a clue to a hidden party?? It seems like that....
Anonymous said...
Funny, very funny! I'm a little confused on the last part.
P.S. Is this supposed to be a clue to a hidden party?? It seems like that....
MAYBE read the post and then check the clues and see whtyou get...
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
I rembembred...Feautured Friend. Wonder when it will be!
Digital Boy said...
I got the server name! Now I need the time...
WOW does that mean you got the room? cuz I didn't yet...
so 3 up one nostrel and 3 up the other? or two up one nostrel and 4 up the other? lol
Marquizi98 said...
I figured the message out! Thanks Mimo!
Let It Rock!!!
yeah he does rock Marquizi!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Nice poem Mimo!!
I found the word CLUE.
Is this clue to party?
If it is ,I can't wait to party!!!
You're the best mimo!!!
Club Penguin Wave said...
I rembembred...Feautured Friend. Wonder when it will be!
WHERE DID I SEE THAT BEFORE? On the secret site maybe or was it on clubpenguingang.com?
can anyone tell me the server plz i know the rest
superbryan101 said...
thats funny, i found the secret, but is it a party? and when is it?
well I can't just give you all of the info but check around the site for some info on this party!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
i got the server name! but not the room... :(
Anonymous said...
i think i get it ur making a account and u went to a server.is that the answer?
NO Mimo already has an account (or 2) and it might be about a serve reread it to be sure!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
nice mimo... i think i got it
sounds like a haiku almost
ok cool but weard
i no wat it is!i wont tell!
WhoooHoo I Got It (: Ur Awesome Mimo :D
Anonymous said...
can anyone tell me the server plz i know the rest
To know all the rest read all the best ;-) Good Luck!
Anonymous said...
Funny, very funny! I'm a little confused on the last part. -Sclampy P.S. Is this supposed to be a clue to a hidden party?? It seems like that....
Maybe. If you want to know look for some awesome hidden clues in the poem.
Let It Rock!!!
SOMONE HELP ME! i hav no clue wat this means!
Which server can penguins put there money in? ;)
Peace Out!
awsome!Are you going to make another?
Bad Chickens! said...
SOMONE HELP ME! i hav no clue wat this means!
Well all I can say is good luck then! I can ;t just give away clues!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
i got the server name! but not the room... :(
UHHH... can't help it against the rules!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
i want to make ones like thos awesome.
that was.....how do i put this....well that was weird I LOVED IT!!!
Bad Chickens! said...
SOMONE HELP ME! i hav no clue wat this means!
maost likely it is a way to intriduce a secret party ♣_♣ but you dident hear ot from me... or just a LOL poam from mimo.HOPE THAT HELPS!!!
I get it! We were all discussing it on Mimochat lol!
i just got it! and maybe i will be there!
Sweet poem
and funny LOL
Mimo rules 2 (CPGMod)
oh i get it.... jsut need to know the time.
LOL!That is freaky and funny!"I like hippos that drive trucks" "I have 6 french fries stuck up my nose"!LOL!!!!!
Mimo does the dishes, lolz really pointless.... weird
now i have the time. now i need the room.
cool!does it have the room?
Awesome poem! What exactly is it about though?
this a clue to one of he's party's!!!
sounds good
u know if u told me to make a poem i wouldn't be able to make one even with someone next to me!!
cool poem mimzy!
adelie 009
i dont get the part about the giant kenya cat. And did ur fingers and toes get cut off or something?
gloat awesome poem mimo im just looking for questions
-gloat a cpg mod
i got it
That's cool. I get it. lol.
Does the poem have some hints for the next mimo party? Just thinking, cause I know you like to be tricky!
Ive figured it out but when will it be on???
this is a really cool poem. i like it
Keirei (mimo mod in training)
im so happy i mite be able to go to my first mimo party!!
hey mimo do u have a ripstik?
Hey Mimo email me at clubpenguinpeak@yahoo.com to tell me if this is right. On the part that says swan knob if you turn it backwards it says bonk naws wich sounds kinda like bonza and that is a server on club penguin. Could this be a clue to a party thats happening on server bonza? Could this maybe be a hint to where you can find mimo? Or could this just be a funny poem that has no meaning. Anybody here can email me at clubpenguinpeak@yahoo.com to tell me what they think.
~Riotors~(CPG Mod)
Hey mimo the new video is pretty funny!! Its so random!
Mimo, that was weird.... I love it!!!! :)
-Ice Swan 12-
Blogger Mrpengiewin said...
Digital Boy said...
I got the server name! Now I need the time...
WOW does that mean you got the room? cuz I didn't yet...
Oh yah sorry about that pengiewin I didn't but that would help
Anonymous Wilfre said...
now i have the time. now i need the room.
WOW!I didn't get the time, is it really in there?
Took me forever!
Lokul97 said...
I KNOW THE ANSWER!!! im so happy i mite go to my first mimo party!! YAY! hey mimo do you have a ripstik?
I'm pretty sure he does because skateboarding is one of his personaliaties.
Let It Rock!!!
lol, cool poem mimo! It is great.
O, I found a "clue". I get it, well part of it.
What Clue?
Riotors (i think i understand the poem) said...
Hey Mimo email me at clubpenguinpeak@yahoo.com to tell me if this is right. On the part that says swan knob if you turn it backwards it says bonk naws wich sounds kinda like bonza and that is a server on club penguin. Could this be a clue to a party thats happening on server bonza? Could this maybe be a hint to where you can find mimo? Or could this just be a funny poem that has no meaning. Anybody here can email me at clubpenguinpeak@yahoo.com to tell me what they think.
~Riotors~(CPG Mod)
Hi Riotors. I'm sorry but Mimo can not email you, if he did he would have to email people all day long. Maybe you could meet him at his party.
~Goey45 (Cpg Mod)
Anonymous said...
Awesome poem! What exactly is it about though?
Hi, Mimo does write a good poem. The poem is a secret clue, I can't tell you anymore. Try to decipher it.
~Goey45 (Cpg Mod)
LOL that was SO FUNNY
atomic skull said...
i like that poem and what did you name your white puffle
he named it micheal scott
wii wii wii1(cpg mod in traing)
Anonymous said...
where is the vid?
its called mimo does the dishes im just about to see it
wii wii wii1(cpg mod in traing)
No clue...
Where is the video??? I can't find it any where!!!
Lol random. Smart though very smart. Enjoyed reading it.
umm yeahhhh, that wasnt weird or anything...lol a bit freekkyy.... lol luv ya mimo haha
today or tomoro?
what day is the "party"?
lol i get it!
anonymous said...
Look at the ski lodge upstairs.
It looks like they are stroing snow for March!(: And they have an AC in there.:D
-Purple3545 & P00kachu1
hey mimo already posted about this about two months ago
wii wii wii1(cpg mod in traing)
i like BLUES CLUES and im 12 YEARS OLD!
atomic skull said...
i like that poem and what did you name your white puffle
Hey, i went back and checked if mimo posted his white puffles's name yet, and he hasn't. So so far nobody know.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
I get it!! ;)
it is definitley a clue to a party!
Anonymous said...
awsome!I wonder when the next party clue is?
No body knows yet, but i'm thinking the room will be the next clue;D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Ray said...
What Clue?
Hi! It is a clue to a party Mimo will be having, but i cant say any more. (Its the server)
Sand Flipper
Anonymous said...
nice poem!
ya mimo is really good at making his own poems and he would really like wat u just said
flash2378 (cpg mod)
Fadoodle 1 said...
Ive figured it out but when will it be on???
Hi! Mimo usually has parties with clues, this is a clue to find the server. He will have more soon!
Sand Flipper
Nice Clue I get it You rock is it a party clue im on now lucylu212
Anonymous said...
O, I found a "clue". I get it, well part of it.
good for u and have fun with mimo777's web site
flash3278 (cpg mod)
Eeep! I got it! :P
i feel like the only one thats clueless. >:( it dosent feel good
Digital Boy said...
I got the server name! Now I need the time...
Same kinda hard though I have and idea
Atomic skull said...
i like that poem and what did you name your white puffle
Lol I like the poeam too =^] Mimo's white puffle is named Michael Scott. ;^]
~Dex Dude~ (CPG MOD)
Marquizi98 said...
I wonder when Mimo is posting new CPG MODs.
Mimo posts new mods every month or two. I'm not excactly sure though it may be more. ;^]
~Dex Dude~ (CPG MOD)
his white puffles name is michael scott thats for you confupenguin -diego292
I get it, CLUES right??? :D
i know what server it is but idk when the party is!
Ray said...
What Clue?
It is a clue to Mimo's next party! I can't say any more though...;^]
~Dex Dude~ (CPG MOD)
k i understand it says.....im never telling XD
when is it though
i liked it mimo777
P.S ur kool
Nice dude!
anonymous said...
Where is the video??? I can't find it any where!!!
when i did that other question i said what it was called not where it is so sorry about that but go on to youtube and search mimo does the dishes or go to mimos channel
wii wii wii1(cpg mod in traing)
Yo Im frozen said...
what is a "Swan Knob"?
I say...
I have no idea what so ever. sorry this hepled you nata... but really, I have no idea!
-Krystal 2000
got it
Nice Poem XD
Anyway, I understand what you mean :)
I've got the clue.
-Harry Hepwor
that was awsome
Fadoodle 1 said...
Ive figured it out but when will it be on???
Zxz192 (me) said...
The time and date will probably be another clue that will be coming soon
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Lokul97 said...
I KNOW THE ANSWER!!! im so happy i mite go to my first mimo party!! YAY! hey mimo do you have a ripstik?
Zxz192 (me) said...
He probably does because Mimo has said before that he likes skateboarding.
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
where is the vid?
Zxz192 (me) said...
The vid is on Mimo's Youtube channel. It is called "Mimo does the dishes". Its pretty funny :D
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
thats a cool poem mimo ill try and work it out ;)
Hey Mimo!
Cool poem!
penguin name
Anonymous said...
i like BLUES CLUES and im 12 YEARS OLD!
Dear Anonymous,
good to hear. I hope you like Club Penguin too.
Remember me,
Elyse (CPG Mod)
LOL that was hilarious! but i finally worked it out! ;D
*Pengo Bengo*
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