Tomorrow on Planet Cazmo!
See THE SCRIPT in Concert March 21, 2009 TOMORROW!
12:00 PM EST
11:00 AM CDT
9:00 AM PST
At the Cazmo Area!
And check out the new St. Patty's Day Theme in the Town Square! (We partied there, remember?)
I LOVE these concerts! They are so fun! And I LOVE The Script. I really think their sweetest song is "The Man Who Can't Be Moved!"
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Hey cool Mimo! sounds awesome!
hey cool mimo
YAY it does ROCK a lot!
And dont forget...The Script are Irish =P
Im There!:D
Awesome! I can see that you are also having a quickee party right now! Where though?
Can't wait for the quickee party!
I was there! Mrpengiewin told me to say hi and then you said hi. Ya, Mrpengieiwin was pretty happy....... nice meeting you on planet Cazmo! There's a lot less people there!
awesome i saw u and EA! For now at least...
Hello CPG!
P.S: Modness rockess!
Survivor91 said...
Awesome! I can see that you are also having a quickee party right now! Where though?
Well Survivor if u read the post u can see!
Hello CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
That was fun
Awsome! I will be there...Concert and QP =)
Thanks for the add Ea!
See ya guys tomorrow!
Survivor91 said...
Awesome! I can see that you are also having a quickee party right now! Where though?
blue arena on beatstreet but it ova now srry HOPE THAT HELPS!
Kewl! I'll do my best to make it
Are you gunna post pics?
Congratz to the new mods!
Anonymous said...
And dont forget...The Script are Irish =P
ttly awsome
Ajk 89
Gamer12356 said...
awesome i saw u and EA! For now at least...
Hello CPG!
P.S: Modness rockess
congradulations (again!) you are do lucky i cant wait untill i am reconized to be a mod i have been working for two months it is just a matter of time now!
Ajk 89
dang it ill be on vacation
I'm new to Planet Cazmo so I didn't know where the concert stage was at.
Dude I luv that song, and congratz to the new mods, sweet
Im tryin to find sum ppl backstage at the stage some penguins said that Gary was there, pretty sweet
congrats wii wii wii1, Gamer12356,Happywagon for becoming a MOD
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...
Im tryin to find sum ppl backstage at the stage some penguins said that Gary was there, pretty sweet
Yes, you can find Gary,Penguin Band,Candence,and Aunt Artic i have been trying but no luck
Spike Heaton (CPG MOD)
Ooh, this party was on Planet Cazmo! Its k, I guess I would catch up with you guys sometime later!
By the way, thanks for promoting me to a Legendary Moderator Mimo! I really appreciate that, and I will continue to moderate!
Marquizi98 said...
I'm new to Planet Cazmo so I didn't know where the concert stage was at.
It's Ok. Mimo has quickee parties all the time. Maybe you can go to his next one
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
I LOVE the SCRIPT!!!!!!!! They awesome! I got the free single of the week!! I cant wait, I will be there!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod) said...
Survivor91 said...
Awesome! I can see that you are also having a quickee party right now! Where though?
Well Survivor if u read the post u can see!
Hello CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
Hey gamer, well actually i think mimo deletes his quike party posts after they are over, so there is no post no:D lol
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Survivor91 said...
Awesome! I can see that you are also having a quickee party right now! Where though?
Some people said it was on blue arena on Bleatstreet ( the server)
well i missed it unfortunetly, but i hope you guys had fun!
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Club Penguin Wave said...
Are you gunna post pics?
Well, for most of the parties he does, but he might now this time because he wants people to see these new posts.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
its over i was doing hw oh welll mabye tomorrow i will see you
Ajk 89 said...
Gamer12356 said...
awesome i saw u and EA! For now at least...
Hello CPG!
P.S: Modness rockess
Congratz man, i'll keep trying to be a CPG MOD :)
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
I've been very busy so i'm gonna catch up on some comments :-)
Keep't up!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Hey, congrats to all of the new mods and upgrades! keep up the good work!
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod) said...
Survivor91 said...
Awesome! I can see that you are also having a quickee party right now! Where though?
Some people said it was on blue arena on Bleatstreet ( the server)
well i missed it unfortunetly, but i hope you guys had fun!
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
It was actually Funkatron Server.
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
Bb Polo745
im gonna be there!
Club Penguin Wave said...
Are you gunna post pics?
ya he probably will congrats on getting ea to add u.
Bb Polo745(cpg mod)
Congratulations to ALL of the new CPG MODs and those of you who got a higher MOD rank! You all rock and keep up the good work!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Club Penguin Wave said...
Are you gunna post pics?
Maybe. Sometimes Mimo does sometimes he doesn't. It all depends on if he has time and if he actually took pics!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Marquizi98 said...
I'm new to Planet Cazmo so I didn't know where the concert stage was at.
AWWW. that is ok I am sure you will see Mimo next time!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Uhhhhhhhhhh, never heard of "the sript" before... They any good?
Woo hoo! This sound pretty awesome, and I am looking forward to it! I better finish my work before Mum comes and catch me posting a comment. Gotta go.
Waddle with boredom,
i wish everyone be at the party.
until then waddle on
hazooma2 (cpg mod)
Did you notice that there's going to be a new Martial Artworks Catalogue on March 27th? That's so cool! I hope it's a sword or something of the sort!
is it the real script?
their my favourit band hope their real
Hey mimo! Dats cool! I'm irish and i love da script aswell! i totally agree with ur favourite song by da script! I'm listenin 2 it rite now! "so i'm not movin"
hiya survivor91! you said
Awesome! I can see that you are also having a quickee party right now! Where though?
mimo isn't having a quickee party right now, he had a quickee party there like last week.
you're friend goofy73
hiya stickers! you said
Are you gunna post pics?
yeah CPG always posts picks.
you're friend goofy73
hiya marquizi! you said
I'm new to Planet Cazmo so I didn't know where the concert stage was at.
well the stages are in the middle of the planet its called the cazmo arena, and there are more than one to choose from
you're friend goofy73
Stick to Club Penguin.
That's awesome! :)
Hope to see you there.
congratz to survivor91 for becoming a LEGENDARY mod!
Do you have an iPod Touch?
AA was on Beanie. P.S. Mimo777 you're awesome!
Anonymous said...
Do you have an iPod Touch?
I am sure Mimo has some kind of Ipod, but we don't know what kind of ipod it is.
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
Gamer12356 says-
awesome i saw you and EA!For now at least.....
Hello CPG!
PS. Modness Rockness!
Congratz dude for being a mod! I have been trying so hard to be!!!
Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Do you have an iPod Touch?
He says on who is mimo 4 that he worked for his dad over the summer and bought an i pod touch. But that was an answer to if he was grounded. He also said that he was grounded from it like a million times. lol funny
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Do you have an iPod Touch?
Mimo does have an ipod touch his fav game is penguin catapult (its my fav too)
Waddle on!
Club Penguin Wave said...
Are you gunna post pics?
Well it depends. It depends if he even took pics. Apparantly, since a day has passed, it looks like he might not. But hthere still is a chance he will!
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Do you have an iPod Touch?
Zxz192 said...
Yes, mimo does have an iPod touch. His favourite game on it is Penguin Catapult.
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Club Penguin Wave said...
Are you gunna post pics?
Zxz192 said...
He will probably post pics later. I hope he does, I want to see them.
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
does anyone know where cadence is?
Marquizi98 said...
I'm new to Planet Cazmo so I didn't know where the concert stage was at.
The concert is in the middle of cazmo. There are five to choose from. Normally the most populated one gets two mods in it! And undercover mods go in some of the other arenas.
Planet cazmo ambassador Mikeafc
Anonymous said...
is it the real script?
their my favourit band hope their real
It is the real script, I heard in a website that they record a special version of there songs for planet cazmo! How cool? Hope to see you there!
Planet cazmo Ambassador Mikeafc
Krystal 2000 said...
Uhhhhhhhhhh, never heard of "the sript" before... They any good?
I havent heard them either. I was at the concert it was awsome!
Concert is over? It went for 15 minutes!
That club cazmo concert was so sweet!!!
Anonymous said...
Do you have an iPod Touch?
I say...
I don't. But Mimo does! :-( ;-)
Omg, I'm Irish! They're my favourite band!
well the planet cazmo was good so keep on sending
sprocket07 said...
does anyone know where cadence is?
On club penguin LOL you gotta find her!!!
...Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Do you have an iPod Touch?
YEP but idk if the first version or the second...
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
keelers895 said...
Omg, I'm Irish! They're my favourite band!
COOL! I like U2 and they are Irish as well!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Mrpengiewin ...
Are you Irish???
Mimo when i took my puffle for a walk and played Aqua Grabber whenever my grabber hit my puffle it got hurt!
HELLO!!! Planet cazmo sounds pretty cool! I should join it, but i never get around it, cuz i am too lazy to ask my parentals.
Tycoon101 :)
i listened to some parts of some of their songs and they sound pretty good. they are from ireland.
Tycoon101 :)
Uh oh!Oh great!I forgot all about the concert!I was watching Twilight.
got. milk. said...
HELLO!!! Planet cazmo sounds pretty cool! I should join it, but i never get around it, cuz i am too lazy to ask my parentals.
Tycoon101 :)
You should sign up to planet cazmo. It is very fun. I have been on it for a year now and i am kind of a mini mod but without the power lol. So quickly ask your parents your missing out in all the fun! A skatepark, Underwater world and a race track is coming soon!
Ambassador Mikeafc
Anonymous said...
Do you have an iPod Touch?
Yes Mimo has an Ipod Touch. He has worked for his dad all summer long.
Let It Rock!!!
Marquizi98(CPG MOD)
aunt ssrtic on cp yukon rite now!!!!!!!!1
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