Club Penguin Cheats

Monday, March 9, 2009

Doggone Rockhopper's Gone!

That doggone Rockhopper is gone. Did you find him this time? I missed him again! Boo Hoo! Maybe next time!

More seulc coming...

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Listen to Mimo's music now at:
Mimo - Decoding Mimo


Anonymous said...

omg mimo good one i saw what your wrote "seulc" well i'll be waiting for that see ya! you rock mimo!!!!!!!!!

Stickie408(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Nice, It sounds like a catch phrase, Doggone Rockhopper's gone. Very clever!

Sand Flipper


Leclercian said...

Nope I didn't see him =(

Anonymous said...

Hey Stickie408, good luck on becomeing a cpg mod! I hope you do good and just have fun!

Sand Flipper


Dex Dude said...

Awww! Lol I met him 79 times anyways! (Counting!)

~Dex Dude~

Dex Dude said...

Oh and I get the end part. ;^]

~Dex Dude~

Dex Dude said...

Oh, and thanks for adding my blog to your ultimate links! My computer wouldn't let me do it.

~Dex Dude~

Anonymous said...

i met him. it was really cool.

Dex Dude said...

Lol, sorry for all the comments, but how do you get your website levels up on your ultimate links? Thanks!

~Dex Dude~

Anonymous said...

I found him!!!!!!!

-Krystal 200

Stickers303 said...

Omg... I saw him 3 times! He was mine mwhahahaha!


Stickers303 said...

OMG Sand Flipper has phemonia =(


Stickers303 said...

Dex Dude (CPG MOD) said...
Lol, sorry for all the comments, but how do you get your website levels up on your ultimate links? Thanks!

~Dex Dude~
I try to put my site there but it says "international sever 503" or something!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Aww poor mimo I hope u find him next time but I saw him last night! he was having a Pirate Perade! or so he called it on Abominable server it was funny he told three storys at the cove!!!

Anonymous said...

boohooo i did not meet Rockhopper
i will miss him

Millywily said...

Leclercian said...
Nope I didn't see him =(

You didn't see him, I didn't see him, Mimo didn't see him. Hmmmm, who else didn't see him?

~Millywily CPG Mod

Anonymous said...

Club Penguin Wave said...
OMG Sand Flipper has phemonia =(

Yea i heard that earlier on mimo chat. :( I hope he feels better soon.

Happywagon (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

he left on my birthday! No fair!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck Stickie408(CPG MOD)on becoming a CPG MOD!

Anonymous said...

i already met the doggone rocko

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I saw him! When I logged on, he was right there! Too bad you missed him.

Anonymous said...

Wat u didnt meet him!? o well maybe next time.

Anonymous said...

Dex Dude (CPG MOD) said...
Lol, sorry for all the comments, but how do you get your website levels up on your ultimate links? Thanks!

Sadely, i dont think you can.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

OMG Sand Flipper has phemonia =(

Im sorry to hear that. I hope you get better Sand Flipper! : (

Kidomo said...

hahahahah sand flipper i saw you on cp

Anonymous said...

;( same here no luck i have never met him i wish i had

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A lot of people say they have been to Rockhopper Island. I don't really believe them. But I think you can sell away with Rockhopper though. Hard decision. lol

Anonymous said...

Dex Dude (CPG MOD) said...
Lol, sorry for all the comments, but how do you get your website levels up on your ultimate links? Thanks!

~Dex Dude~

You get them up by having a lot of views/ popular site. So, just keep working at it and you might be upgraded.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)

Dex Dude said...

Cool! You have new adds!

~Dex Dude~

Anonymous said...

I've seen Rockhopper before. It was during the Christmas Party! He was soo cool. Keep trying everyone! ;)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i seen him Sunday! That was like my 3rd or 4th time!

Anonymous said...

Pengifender said...

;( same here no luck i have never met him i wish i had
its ok u will find him next time he is here lol well have fun.

flash2378 (cpg mod)

sebastib said...

hi mimo, i met Rockhopper 3 times


Anonymous said...

Sorry to all of you who didn't find him. Just keep trying and maybe you will get lucky, or you could have someone help you! Start a search party.

Sand Flipper


Millywily said...

wiltsmith100 said...
boohooo i did not meet Rockhopper
i will miss him

We will all! :(

~Millywily CPG Mod

Azukini said...

I did not see him Mimo......

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo!

When is your next party?

Anonymous said...

Stickie408(CPG MOD) said...
omg mimo good one i saw what your wrote "seulc" well i'll be waiting for that see ya! you rock mimo!!!!!!!!!

Stickie408(CPG MOD)
Hey good luck at becoming a CPG mod, but you don't have to put '(CPG MOD)' When you are NOT answering questions :]
Sophi Jr <--- See, I didn't put '(CPG MOD) Cuz I wasn't answering a question :DDDD

Anonymous said...

Hey Dex!!! If you are not answering a question, you shouldn't put '(CPG MOD)'. yes, I know you are on the mod list, but still. :]
Sophi Jr

goofy73 said...

i missed him too

you're friend goofy73

Anonymous said...

Hey I wanted to know ig you got the name Micheal Scott off a t.v show. The name is on One Tree Hill.
-Mae Mae18

Anonymous said...

Awww...That's okay.Rockhopper is online often.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Hey I wanted to know ig you got the name Micheal Scott off a t.v show. The name is on One Tree Hill.
-Mae Mae18

Yes. Mimo got his puffles name, Michael Scott, off of the TV show "The Office."

Happywagon (CPG Mod)

goofy73 said...

hiya Dex Dude! you said

Awww! Lol I met him 79 times anyways! (Counting!)

~Dex Dude~


that beats my score! 76

you're friend goofy73

goofy73 said...

hiya anonymous! you said

Awww...That's okay.Rockhopper is online often

yup but rockhopper left the island he wont be online for another month.

you're friend goofy73

goofy73 said...

hiya sebastib! you said

hi mimo, i met Rockhopper 3 times


me too!!!

you're friend goofy73

Stickers303 said...

Anonymous said...
Hey I wanted to know ig you got the name Micheal Scott off a t.v show. The name is on One Tree Hill.
-Mae Mae18
Mimo got Micheal Scott from The Office!

*Stickers303* - CPG Mod!

Stickers303 said...

Anonymous said...
Hey mimo!

When is your next party?
Soon! Keep an eye out =)

*Stickers303* - CPG Mod!

Stickers303 said...

Aaarreio said...
he left on my birthday! No fair!
Im sorry to hear that! Good luck next time XD Happy Birthday from Stickers303 and the other mods!

*Stickers303* - CPG Mod!

Stickers303 said...

Dex Dude (CPG MOD) said...
Cool! You have new adds!

~Dex Dude~
Lol! I just noticed that 1 hour ago!


goofy73 said...

hiya Mae Mae18! you said

Hey I wanted to know ig you got the name Micheal Scott off a t.v show. The name is on One Tree Hill.
-Mae Mae18

yup and mimo's black puffle's name is Simon Cowell! from Ameican Idol!


you're friend goofy73

Anonymous said...

Mimo, what do you mean by "More seulc coming..." what does that mean?

goofy73 said...

hiya Aaarreio! you said

Aaarreio said...
he left on my birthday! No fair!

im sorry. but happy birthday!

you're friend goofy73

goofy73 said...

hiya anonymous! you said

Hey mimo!

When is your next party?

keep a close eye, and figure out seulc. have fun and you will be heading to mimo's party that is coming soon

you're friend goofy73

Millywily said...

Anonymous said...
Hey I wanted to know ig you got the name Micheal Scott off a t.v show. The name is on One Tree Hill.
-Mae Mae18

Hmmmmm, I don't know how to reply.... :-/


Millywily said...

Anonymous said...
Hey mimo!

When is your next party?

Mimo is one of thos epeople who gives you hints... he like to be sneaky!

~Millywily, CPG Mod

Anonymous said...

Dogluver5858 said...
Mimo, what do you mean by "More seulc coming..." what does that mean?

Hi! Just so I dont give you what he really says I will tell you that the word is spelled backwards. You should figure it out.

Sand Flipper


Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo777!Go on Planet Cazmo!You can make your own party!Come to my party on Saturday,2:00,Rymami,Club!No theme right now!My user is hsmfan51!Invite people!

Anonymous said...

Lol phunnie story on your secret site Mimo. That mad me laugh really hard.

Anonymous said...

did anyone see rockhopper with yarr?

Dex Dude said...

Dex Dude (CPG MOD) said...
Stickers303 said...
Lol, sorry for all the comments, but how do you get your website levels up on your ultimate links? Thanks!

~Dex Dude~
I try to put my site there but it says "international sever 503" or something!

Well, what I did was left a comment asking Mimo to put mine on there. Just comment and ask.

~Dex Dude~ (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I found Rockhopper this time!! :D Actually my brother found him. He was at artic or something. And cool your gonna have more SEULC. Today is my B-DAY!!! I'm so happy. I got Mary Poppins on DVD. Plz post! - Paws Kitty (And Yarr was with Rockhopper)

Anonymous said...

OMG OMG OMG. you know ur funny 'lil poem thingy? well, i think i found the right cp server for the party if there;s one! i think it's---well---not gonna tell. but, Mimo, can you PLEASE, PLEASEEE tell us if it;s on cp and the time. that'd be RADICAL. i am on Snow Bank right now if anyone wants to join me.
PS my name in a computer game is Mimo777! ya, i'm a huge copier. lolz

Anonymous said...

Im so mad everything is for member now grr

Anonymous said...

i found him ages ago

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
did anyone see rockhopper with yarr?
Yes I saw Rockhopper with Yarr. Incase you're wondering why he was missing, if you looked on the notice board, Rockhopper was taking Yarr for a walk.

Let It Rock!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Hey Mimo777!Go on Planet Cazmo!You can your own party!Come to my party on Saturday,2:00,Rymami,Club!No theme right now! My user is hsmfan51!Invite people!
I'm sorry but Mimo cannot attend your parties because he is very busy during the day and if he attended your party everybody will start turning against Mimo and complain to him why he didn't come to their parties.

Let It Rock!!!

copppermp (CPG MOD) said...

Wilfre said...
i met him. it was really cool.
Great! most people never meet him. ive never met him :( but i will someday (i hope)
Waddle on!

Anonymous said...

oh boy i changed my clothes so that last comment;s now wrong.
Ps i now have a purple hoodie and fuzzy boots so ya byez.

copppermp (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
Hey Mimo777!Go on Planet Cazmo!You can make your own party!Come to my party on Saturday,2:00,Rymami,Club!No theme right now!My user is hsmfan51!Invite people!
srry but i dont think mimo will if he came to ur party hed have to go to everyone elses and he would be so busy he wouldnt be able to work on his secret site or this site!
Waddle on!

Anonymous said...

playin; dancein;
i;mm happyiez

Anonymous said...

i saw rockhopper twice on the server cold front

Anonymous said...

yay i found rockhopper i was so happy i met him at the cove and the night club! MIMO ROCKS!

Anonymous said...

ges what i saw him 2 times i wish you saw him to oh well [please publish never been published]

Anonymous said...

apparently, i haven't seen him. yet. oh well. anyway, i dont knkow if anybody else has seen this but in the HQ besid the tv monitor of the stage there's a blank tv screen. does this mean there will be a new room? i sure hope so.

Violet7kitty or Wickedliness

Anonymous said...

hi evryone! My pengy name is guijl! I didn't see rockhopper, but i've met him twice

Wii Wii Wii1 said...

Hey Stickie408, good luck on becomeing a cpg mod! I hope you do good and just have fun!

Sand Flipper

well u might not u dont put cpg mod after your name when you dont answer questions

wii wii wii1(cpg mod)

Wii Wii Wii1 said...

hiya sebastib! you said

hi mimo, i met Rockhopper 3 times


me too!!!

you're friend goofy73
me three to

wii wii wii1

Wii Wii Wii1 said...

Aaarreio said...
he left on my birthday! No fair!
happy b-day from wii

Wii Wii Wii1 said...

good luck to all the people who want to become a cpg mod

wii wii wii1

Wii Wii Wii1 said...

Hey Mimo777!Go on Planet Cazmo!You can make your own party!Come to my party on Saturday,2:00,Rymami,Club!No theme right now!My user is hsmfan51!Invite people!
mimo is to busy too come to all off your partys but yeah

wii wii wii1(cpg mod)

Wii Wii Wii1 said...

Anonymous said...
Hey mimo!

When is your next party?
there is gunna be a mimo party soon keep checking for clues

wii wii wii1(cpg mod)

Anonymous said...

yeah i saw him

Anonymous said...

i saw him this time!!!!!
i was just walking around minding my own business and rockhopper walked into the room :P

Penguin name:amcob100

Anonymous said...

Yes! I DID see Rockhopper. For the first time EVER! It's wierd - we were searching for AGES and didn't find him then when I gave up and went to play Treasure Hunt he was there! I couldn't believe it! We danced in the Migrator for a while then made a pirate parade - It was wicked!!! x


Anonymous said...

Club Penguin Wave said...

OMG Sand Flipper has phemonia =(

not good get better soon sand flipper


RadioGirl said...

Whats seulc?


Mimo's THE best!

Anonymous said...

Hey! MAN HES GONE! Oh well, I met him twice this time.(Matterhorn and Mukluk) Sorry you didn't find him Mimo.... plz give us more seulc!

Thanks for adding me:Stickers, Leggo, Confu, and all the people from Mimo Chat!

Remember Just Be Clever,

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Hey I wanted to know ig you got the name Micheal Scott off a t.v show. The name is on One Tree Hill.
-Mae Mae18

Yes he did!

Anonymous said...

I met him 3 times so sorry mimo

Anonymous said...

i saw him for the second time in my life!

Anonymous said...

I have never met him anyway...
I supposed to find a clue in this topic but...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Hey mimo!

When is your next party?

his next party is soon so keep your eyes and ears open.

Bb Polo745(cpg mod)in training

Moo said...

FYI, the snow in the attic is being saved until march 20 for the ice sculpture contest

Anonymous said...

Jgirlx4x said...
Whats seulc?


Mimo's THE best!

Try un scrambling it! you may be surprised at what you see...

Burpy678(CPG Mod in training)

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

Club Penguin Wave said...
OMG Sand Flipper has phemonia =(
OMG!!! hey sand i hope u get well soon and im so sorry to hear that :(:(


Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
Hey mimo!
When is your next party?
dear anonymous
u need to read every post propperly to find that out XD

saavy (CPG Mod)

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

Dogluver5858 said...
Mimo, what do you mean by "More seulc coming..." what does that mean?
dear dogluver5858
just read it properly *cough cough backwards* :D

saavy (CPG Mod)

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
did anyone see rockhopper with yarr?
dear anonymous
yep i saw rock hopper, he was with yarr giving him a walk lol :)

saavy (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

CleverAqua64 said...
Hey! MAN HES GONE! Oh well, I met him twice this time.(Matterhorn and Mukluk) Sorry you didn't find him Mimo.... plz give us more seulc!
Thanks for adding me:Stickers, Leggo, Confu, and all the people from Mimo Chat!

Zxz192 (me) said...
Awww Leggo and Confu didn't add me :( lol I don't mind really

Anonymous said...

Heh... I found him.But he didn't give me anything because it was the second time I met him. xD

Millywily said...

Aaarreio said...
he left on my birthday! No fair!

That gets annoying, once I had my birthday come along and I had been out of town all week! The party ended on the day I got back. Plus it was night!
I only have a little bit of time!!

~Millywily CPG Mod

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Club Penguin Wave said...
OMG Sand Flipper has phemonia =(

Zxz192 (me) said...
Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that! Get well soon Sand!!

Wii Wii Wii1 said...

Club Penguin Wave said...
OMG Sand Flipper has phemonia =(
get well soon sand

wii wii wii1

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
did anyone see rockhopper with yarr?
yes he was with yarr i found him

yoshhi456 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Marquizi98 said...
A lot of people say they have been to Rockhopper Island. I don't really believe them. But I think you can sell away with Rockhopper though. Hard decision. lol
No they cant go to Rockhopper Island.Mabe someday lol.


Anonymous said...

Violet7kitty said...

apparently, i haven't seen him. yet. oh well. anyway, i dont knkow if anybody else has seen this but in the HQ besid the tv monitor of the stage there's a blank tv screen. does this mean there will be a new room? i sure hope so.

Violet7kitty or Wickedliness

That moitor has been there for a long time since i started play club penguin (in 2000 B.C. lol) but i think club penguin benn working on a new room

Spike Heaton CPG MOD Waddle on!

Anonymous said...

Well Mimo i did meet Rockhopper and he told a crazy story... somthing about zebras and mimo! jk ,but he did tell a story. Also he had yarr with him ;-) Ol' crazy yarr. lol! I would have got the backround ,but i already met him before. Also he had a game call rockhopper says i fell for yarr says. :-( woops! All well hope you meet him next time ;-)
- Shadow0super

Anonymous said...

What about the ship link in the penguin times?


Anonymous said...

I had a chance to meet him TWICE, but the room was full where RH was. Anyway, I got to meet him once! That was AMAZING!

Anonymous said...

Didnt see gim:( but happy for the others who did!


waddle on:)

Anonymous said...

How do you become a cpg mod? Can i be one?

77row said...

HEY mino rememberr me from the acp caht box on XATS, if u dont have a chat box on xats i can make it for u so that people can talk about you (and other things) :)

Flipper1499 said...

plz tel me how to post a web site i made a cool website but i cant post it on the internet....Plz plz plz plz tell me how

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