Friday will start the Snow Sculpture Showcase. The Club Penguin artists have been going through all the pictures you penguins have submitted and have chosen the first 5 that will be showcased. They will be displayed in different places around the island.
Here is a sneak peek:

There will be 5 different snow sculptures each week for 3 weeks.
I didn't have time to make a sculpture, did you? I hope to see yours if you did!
Also, don't forget the Penguin Play Awards will be on Friday, too!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

thats awsome memo! thanks for the fast update! can i be a cpg mod? my user name is tooth900
awesome cant wait
mimo have u entered?
i like pie
i heard that there will be some new cpg mods coming soon
anonymous said
can i be a cpg mod? my user name is tooth900
dont asked to be a mod. but heres some tips to help u become one.
answer other peoples comments comments usulay, be ncei to others and congratulateothers being mods. hope this helps
27ht (cpg mod)
they should make a mimo sculpture
if they make a mimo sculpture then we will celebrate by eating lego
do u think i can be weird like u mimo
Awsome!Mimo ur always the first one to post stuff!Ur site is the best EVER!I visit every day!But i didnt get to make a sculpture :(
u update quick
27ht said...
mimo have u entered?
Zxz192 said...
No, Mimo has not entered. He says he didn't have time to make one.
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
cool ive been trying hard and i hope i make it!!
-lukepowley (club penguin gang mod in training)
anonymous said...
That's awsome memo! thanls for the fast update!
can i be a cpg mod?my user name is tooth900
stickie408 said...
you can be a cpg mod because you ahve to earn your place into being a mod, by anwsering questions like i am!
thats great!!
i hope to see my sculpture there
Anonymous said...
thats awsome memo!thanks for the first update!can i be a cpg mod?my user name is tooth900
To be a CPG Mod you need to answer questions/comments posted by other people.... Maybe after you have answered enough questions Mimo will let you be one! And just saying Memo incorrect spelling of MIMO's name.
Alaney3(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
mimo have u entered?
Mimo did not enter ,he said he didnt have enough time.
Alaney3(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
thats awsome memo! thanks for the fast update! can i be a cpg mod? my user name is tooth900
To be a CPG MOD you must work hard and answer questions that people ask. ALSO you can congratulate people who become CPG MODs or congratulate people who win Mimo's contests! JUST BE NICE AND HELPFUL and put (CPG MOD) next to your name at the end of your comments!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
27ht said...
i heard that there will be some new cpg mods coming soon
I heard that too. I hope they are nice people that like to chill on CP!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
27ht said...
mimo have u entered?
I don't think that Mimo extered becuase he has a lot of stuff to do with his blog and stuff and he would not have a lot of extra time but maybe he did you never know...
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Wish me luck guyz! i made a sculputer of a pile of puffles being held up by just one puffle. Hope i win!
-Rappid Fire
I entered! And also I like your new header. ☺
27ht said...
i heard that there will be some new cpg mods coming soon
awesome i hope it will be me ive been working very hard for this!:)
27ht said...
mimo have u entered?
No. Mimo did not enter.
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
thats awsome memo! thanks for the fast update! can i be a cpg mod? my user name is tooth900
Well Mimo wont let u be a cpg mod, but u have to earn the title by answering questions, being nice, and congratulating new mods and contest winners. Hope u do good!
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
27ht said...
i heard that there will be some new cpg mods coming soon
Yup. according to mimos secret site he said Gamer12356 and I (Happywagon) are on their way to becoming CPG Mods.
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
27ht said...
mimo have u entered?
In the post, Mimo said that he didnt have time to make one. He also sadi he hopes to see ur ideas if u entered.
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
P.S.: I didnt enter...
Omg that could be mine!
27ht said...
mimo have u entered?
He said he didn't have time to make any sculptures:( But if he entered i bet he would of won!;-)
Keep't goin!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
I couldn't make one, but congratz to whoever entered:D
Keep't up!
27ht said...
mimo have u entered?
most likely he has had a lot of post about it.
Sweet Mimo!
Anonymous said...
thats awsome memo! thanks for the fast update! can i be a cpg mod? my user name is tooth900
U dont have to ask him:) I'll list what u have to do to become a cpg mod:
1. Find a comment u liked or want to answer and then seperate it (like wat i did).
2. Put ur penguin name and (CPG MOD) next to it at the bottom of ur comment.Also, DON'T put anything else like "CPG MOD IN TRAINING" Even, don't put CPG MOD if ur just leaving a comment to Mimo777
3. Be polite and never give up! Soon, if u work hard, Mimo will put u on his site.:)
4.HAVE FUN! :-)
Keep't going!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous 27ht said...
i heard that there will be some new cpg mods coming soon
wow new modes cant wait thats awusome thanks for telling me and its cool that u found out anywya keep on RoCkInG soury6:) (cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
thats awsome memo! thanks for the fast update! can i be a cpg mod? my user name is tooth900
to be a cpg mod you have to do these things
1. When people ask questions in the comments, you answer them correctly.
2. Be nice to ppl. Keep your answers short.
3. When you answer a question, you put your penguin name with (CPG MOD) next to it.
4. You DON'T put (CPG MOD) after your name when you do NOT answer a question.
5. When you stop answering questions or be rude, you will be removed from the mod list.
6. The better, faster, and longer you are a mod, the faster you will move up to a SUPER MOD, LEDENDARY MOD or MIMO MOD.
mimo just can't just make you on you have to do those things
yoshhi456 (CPG MOD)
i didn't have time like you mimo
Awesome can't wait
Mimo when's the stage play party on.
Zyton {CPG Mod in training}
I entered look for the pizza guy on one leg serving pizza. lol
thats awsome memo! thanks for the fast update! can i be a cpg mod? my user name is tooth900
you need to work to become a cpg mod answer questions like this and put cpg mod after your name only when you answer questions
wii wii wii1(cpg mod)
i forgot to say anonumous sorry about that
I entered i hope i win!!!!
27ht said...
mimo have u entered?
he didnt have time to
wii wii wii1(cpg mod)
27ht said...
i heard that there will be some new cpg mods coming soon
Yes happywagon and Gamer1235 are going to be soon CPG MODS
Spike Heaton CPG MOD
I made one! I hope its in!
Zyton said...
Awesome can't wait
Mimo when's the stage play party on.
Zyton {CPG Mod in training}
Hiya! The stage party is the Penguin Play Awarads for members;-)
It's on Friday (March 20). Also, here's some advice: Don't put CPG MOD in training, it might take longer to become one.:)
Hope this helped :-)
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
27ht said...
do u think i can be weird like u mimo
Mimo is a funny - weird ;)
Also, Of course u can! If u try u can be just as funny as him:)
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
It almost looks kind of like mine!!
i sure hope mine gets displayed!!!!!!
Hiya:) Im a CPG MOD and I just want to ask a question for Gamer and Happywagon.
How long did it take u guys to become almost become a CPG MOD?
That's it, Thx!
wii wii wii1 said...
thats awsome memo! thanks for the fast update! can i be a cpg mod? my user name is tooth900
hey wii wii wii1 just wanted to say that it may take long to beacome a cpg mod but dont worry youll beacome in no time
anyway keep rocking on
soury6:) (cpg mod)
wii wii wii1 said...
thats awsome memo! thanks for the fast update! can i be a cpg mod? my user name is tooth900
hey wii wii wii1 just wanted to say that it may take long to beacome a cpg mod but dont worry youll beacome in no time
anyway keep rocking on
soury6:) (cpg mod)
wii wii wii1 said...
thats awsome memo! thanks for the fast update! can i be a cpg mod? my user name is tooth900
hey wii wii wii1 just wanted to say that it may take long to beacome a cpg mod but dont worry youll beacome in no time
anyway keep rocking on
soury6:) (cpg mod)
Cool! I cant wait until friday! YOU ROCK MIMO! Jess31299 (CPG MOD)
Hey, Mimo i also wanted to say that I really wanna be a CPG MOD Lol,so I'm just saying u'll see my name lots of times on this site and also, I'M NOT GIVING UP!! ;-)
Don't forget it,
27ht said...
mimo have u entered?
dear 27ht
mimo sed that he diddent enter becuz he diddent have any time lol. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Good Luck to all who entered!
Pochoma123 said...
I made one! I hope its in!
I hope so too! I made one, yet its not that good. Good luck!
Sand Flipper
27ht said...
mimo have u entered?
If you look on Mimo's post he said he didn't have time to make one.
Let It Rock!!!
Marquizi98(CPG MOD)
I wanted to make a sculpture too. But I didn't have enough time :(
OOOOH MIMO i made one! mine is a yellow puffle painting a bunch of other ouffles! please dont copy! anyway, mimo you should have made a mimo sculpture like you wanted ! that would be soooooo cool! well mimo, farewell now i have to go the a horrible
kokorules (CPG Mod)
Awesome can't wait
Mimo when's the stage play party on.
Zyton {CPG Mod in training}
March 18, 2009 1:33 PM
hey zyton, the party is on friday! also try not to put CPG mod in training, because it will take longer to become one. well have fun!
love ya! kokorules- ( CPG Mod)
wow... everyday i check & there is a new post! mimos fast ( and SHWEET!!)! <3 u mimo!
Tycoon101 :)
27ht said a LOT of tings.....
Guess what. I did one sculpture. It doesnt look good but Im sure my sculpture gonna win.
~viper4548% (cpg mod in training)
anonymous said.........
I entered i hope i win!!!
I entered too. And if youre not chosen the first week,theres a 75% chance you might get it on the second and third week.
~viper4548%(cpg mod in training)
Anonymous said...
thats awsome memo! thanks for the fast update! can i be a cpg mod? my user name is tooth900
Hey, this is one of the more common questions, and the answer is always the same. To become a mod, you have to asnwer questions, be nice, and to put cpg mod after your name when you answer a question.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
27ht said...
mimo have u entered?
Lol, you didn't read the whole post, no mimo didn't enter, he said he didn't have time to design a sculpture.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Yo Im Frozen said...
I entered! And also I like your new header. ☺
Ya, a little bit ago i posted about how awesome it was too. its always nice to mix it up a little, you know? lol
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Coolbluerydr said...
Omg that could be mine!
COOOL! that would be so cool if it was yours, make sure to post if you find out it was yours ok?
i hope you win
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Zyton said...
Awesome can't wait
Mimo when's the stage play party on.
Zyton {CPG Mod in training}
Nice question, people have seemed to forget about that, it starts March 20th and goes until April 9th. cant wait!
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
I really want to make a snow sculpture, but I'm not sure how to send it in. I do have some ideas that I thought would be really cool!
27ht said....
do u think i can be weird like u mimo
uh .. i dont think we can answer that but try your hardest! (jk)
keirei CPG MOD
Anonymous said..
thats awsome memo! thanks for the fast update! can i be a cpg mod? my user name is tooth900
You cannot ask to be a mod. You have to answer wuestions that ppl ask... keirei CPG MOD
27ht said...
i like pie/(he also said)mimo have u entered?
My answer: Me likes pie too. :p
Other answer: no he didn't. :(
sorry i didn't put (CPG MOD in training) near my name.
I didn't have time, either. :( Buy, I'm glad the party's over!!! =D
lolz mimo I got Crazy penguin catapult on my phone, its cool
Ooppsss!!! Sorry Mimo dont approve that last comment, I put my name as my website!
Anonymous said...
thats awsome memo! thanks for the fast update! can i be a cpg mod? my user name is tooth900
Yea, sure you can! Just work hard at it everyday!
Leggomyeggo (CPG MOD)
27ht said...
mimo have u entered?
Nope, he said he didnt have time.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Pochoma123 said...
I made one! I hope its in!
Well good luck hopefully it'll be on the showcase
27ht said...
i heard that there will be some new cpg mods coming soon
And you are right! Mimo said that on twitter.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Coolbluerydr said...
I entered look for the pizza guy on one leg serving pizza. lol
Lolz sounds cool, good luck
27ht said...
they should make a mimo sculpture
I think they should make it so you could create a sculpture on cp, and make it look like you!
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
27ht said...
if they make a mimo sculpture then we will celebrate by eating lego
Do you meen eat me?! That would hurt. lol jkjk
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Dose this mean the party is gonna be on for 3 weeks?!?!
Sclampy said...
I really want to make a snow sculpture, but I'm not sure how to send it in. I do have some ideas that I thought would be really cool!
Im sorry sclampy. You can no longer send in entrys.
*Stickers303* - CPG Mod!
Anonymous said...
wow... everyday i check & there is a new post! mimos fast ( and SHWEET!!)! <3 u mimo!
Tycoon101 :)
You should see him on Fridays...
Smoove. Next week there will be a new Martail Arts cataloug.
wii wii wii1 said...
thats awsome memo! thanks for the fast update! can i be a cpg mod? my user name is tooth900
hey wii wii wii1 just wanted to say that it may take long to beacome a cpg mod but dont worry youll beacome in no time
anyway keep rocking on
soury6:) (cpg mod)
k i didnt say that ok my username on cp is be wii wii wii1
wii wii wii1
hey u must of thought i said it but i forgot to say anonymous if u read the comment bellow sorry about the mix up
Anonymous said...
thats awsome memo! thanks for the fast update! can i be a cpg mod? my user name is tooth900
u can be nice to people and congratulate them being CPG mods.
penguin709(CPG Mod)
anonymous said...
thats awsome memo! thanks for the fast update! can i be a cpg mod? my user name is tooth900
you don't ask to become a mod but here are some tips to help u become one:
answer peoples questions
congragulate other people when they become mods
hope this helped!!
i didn't have the time to make a sculpture 'cuz my sis. won't let me use the computer... bummer, I had a great idea too.. -pikt
27ht said...
mimo have u entered?
if you read the whole post it said i didn't have enough time thats what mimo
yoshhi456 (CPG MOD)
Luke powley said...
cool ive been trying hard and i hope i make it!!
-lukepowley (club penguin gang mod in training)
first of all you don't put cpg mod in trainig when you don' answer a question second of all you put (cpg mod)in training
yoshhi456 (CPG MOD)
Awesome! That sneak peek has my sculpture in it! Awesome! Thanks Mimo! You Rock!
Anonymous said...
thats awsome memo! thanks for the fast update! can i be a cpg mod? my user name is tooth900
You can't just ask mimo to be a modbut you can answer questions that people put in comments.
Brodude13(cpg mod)
Zyton said...
Awesome can't wait.
Mimo when's the stage play party on.
Zyton {CPG Mod in training}
The PPA (Penguin Play Awards) will be through March 20th starting tomorrow-April 9th. There will also be sculptures coming tomorrow! Woot woot! Five sculptures will be showcased for each three weeks not all at once.
Let It Rock!!!
Marquizi98(CPG MOD)
Mimo in todays newspaper they announce the first five winners of the snow sculpture contest.
Thats mine! I won!!!!! YAY!!!!
This is pretty cool!
In response to Anonymous, who said:
thats awsome memo! thanks for the fast update! can iate well. be a cpg mod? my user name is tooth900
Hey there! In order to be a CPG Mod, answer people's questions in this comment box. You will be added as an official moderator if you moderate frequently and efficiently.
-Survivor91-(Super Mod)
hiya 27ht! you said
mimo have u entered?
nah mimo didnt have time to make a sculpture.
you're friend goofy73
hiya 27ht! you said
i heard that there will be some new cpg mods coming soon
yup on mimo's twitter he said that gamer1235 and happywagon are close to becoming CPG moderators. I hope i work hard enough to be in too.
you're friend goofy73
i have i hardly doubt i will win
how do you reply to questions?
In response to Zyton, who said:
Awesome can't wait
Mimo when's the stage play party on.
Hey there! This stage event begins on March 20th, ( tomorrow)! There will be certain special guests at this ceremony, so be sure to be there!
-Survivor91-(Super Mod)
In response to Marquizi98, who said:
I just found out Survivor caught that too! Awesome look out Survivor91. :-)
Yo! Yeah, I was just checking out the CP blog abit, and I came across this update. You have a good eye too!
-Survivor91-(Super Mod)
Wow!!! That's really cool! but i didnt get time to do mine (sad) it's to bad you didn't get to do one, i was hoping to see yours on your blog. Oh mimo! i found a really cool website that is kind of like clubpenguin! it's name is on my blog! check it out! (p.s there is a poll and you are mentioned in it) its a pretty coll site, there are games polls and funny posts! thanks!
I did have one but i dont have the right kind of email!! It was sensi on a snowpile holding a cane in one hand and the jitsu cards in another!!! I was so now im p.o.!!
i know u answer ppl question but how do i answer them?
fox cheese said...
i know u answer ppl question but how do i answer them?
Well to answer a question, copy their answer down then answer it with a CORRECT answer Mimo will not posted it if your mean or rude or if it wrong is you keep it up you will be a MOD
Spike Heaton CPG MOD
27ht said...
mimo have u entered?
Mimo didn't have time to enter i didn't have time too
Spike Heaton CPG MOD
Anonymous said...
wow... everyday i check & there is a new post! mimos fast ( and SHWEET!!)! <3 u mimo!
Tycoon101 :)
The reason why is that Mimo is home schooled and posted stuff everyonce in a while
Spike Heaton CPG MOD
Anonymous said...
how do you reply to questions?
To reply to question high-lite the words right click then press copy then paste the comment and answer
Spike Heaton CPG MOD
Zyton said...
Awesome can't wait
Mimo when's the stage play party on.
Zyton {CPG Mod in training}
The stage party is March 20, Friday i'll be there i'm not sure what server
Spike Heaton CPG MOD
Zyton said...
Awesome can't wait
Mimo when's the stage play party on.
Zyton {CPG Mod in training}
20th march
wii wii wii1(cpg mod)
Hiya:) Im a CPG MOD and I just want to ask a question for Gamer and Happywagon.
How long did it take u guys to become almost become a CPG MOD?
That's it, Thx!
i know it took 3 weeks for happywagon
wii wii wii1(cpg mod)
27ht said...
i heard that there will be some new cpg mods coming soon
well yes but probably not me it gonna be happywagon and gamer
wii wii wii1(cpg mod)
27ht said...
i heard that there will be some new cpg mods coming soon
Yes Gamer1235 and happywagon will soon be mods. I hope I become one too!
Remember to be Clever,
fox cheese said...
i know u answer ppl question but how do i answer them?
You just copy there questions and put them in the comment box, then make a line like i did, then answer it.
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
Matthew722 said...
Hiya:) Im a CPG MOD and I just want to ask a question for Gamer and Happywagon.
How long did it take u guys to become almost become a CPG MOD?
That's it, Thx!
It has taken me about one month. I have been working really hard at it though. it all dependends on how many questions you answer and how much work you put into it.
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
In response to Fox Cheese, who said:
i know u answer ppl question but how do i answer them?
Hey there! In this comment box, you state the person's question, and you reply to it. Do this frequently and efficiently, and you will become an official moderator in no time!
-Survivor91-(Super Mod)
In response to Anonymous, who said:
Thats mine! I won!!!!! YAY!!!!
Yo! Congrats man! Job well done, and keep up the awesome artistic skills!
-Survivor91-(Super Mod)
In response to Anonymous, who said:
Yo! Yes, my username is Survivor91, and about the famous thing, well that is not for me to judge. See ya around!
-Survivor91-(Legendary Mod)
i entered but i never saw mine in yet, hope i win!
When are there going to be more missions?
Mimo You ROCK! I want to meet you on cp. Are you having any cp parties soon! Plz tell me and if you are when and where!
hey mimo dude please put me on your blog on your friend list please mimo i would be SOOOO happy so please can u do it if u cant or can go to aurora at my igloo and say yes or no if u can it would make me VERY VERY VERY HAPPY
my user:reece464
how come there is no free items for the snow sculptures? i saw utube vids about the free items but there is none!
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