T-shirts! Books, and Bean Bags! Click the links below to check them out!
Wow! A Puffle Bean Bag Chair! Kinda pricey, yo!
Club Penguin Blue Puffle Bean Bag Chair
New Club Penguin Books!
Extreme Igloo Makeover
Igloo Makeover
Secret Agent Handbook
The Inventor's Apprentice
Club Penguin Mix N' Match 2" Toys Series 2!
Disney Club Penguin Secret Agent & Rookie Series 2
Club Penguin Mix N' Match Pharoh & Mummy Series 2
Club Penguin 2" Mix 'n Match Figure Pack - Band Member Party Pack Series 2
Club Penguin 2" Mix 'N Match Figure Pack - Series 2 - Snowboarder and Pajama Bunny Slippers
The Club Penguin Series 2 Toys will be sold WITH and WITHOUT a Coin Code! So don't buy the wrong ones!
Also, Toys R Us now have a sweet T-Shirt!
Check out the new T-Shirt!
AND CHECK THIS OUT! Create Your Own Duffle and Back Pack!
Club Penguin Duffle Bag
Club Penguin Back Pack
I think they should do a Mimo777 one!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Woot woot!
Oh wow, that beanbag IS pricey! It's so thweet though xD
Whoa! Your new top thingy is awesome dude!!
Awesome!! I'll make sure to get the right ones ;-)
Thx Mimo777
Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
AWSOME! You're my hero Mimo! I put a MIMO banner on my site. I'm your number 1 fan! Thx Mimo! -Brodie209
U ROCK 4 D info!
Sweet! I wonder if ill get one...
- Small yet Mighty,
Tiny Tim77
Cool Mimo! I already knew about the puffle bean chair and the new Series 2 Mix N' Match toys. I did not know about the others though. By the way, nice word you invented, 'Thweet!' LOL.
Awesome! Hopefully I'll buy some T-shirts and bean bag. I did the same thing as Mimo, got the toys earlier too but not after church. lol.
CONGRATS TO NEW MIMO CHAT MOD BRODUDE13!!!!!! Welcome to the club.
Happywagon (CPG Mod) and (Mimo Chat Mod)
P.S. only posting Mimo Chat Mod for this post.
Thanks for the information about the new books Mimo!
-Survivor91-(Super Mod)
Brodie209 said...
AWSOME! You're my hero Mimo! I put a MIMO banner on my site. I'm your number 1 fan! Thx Mimo! -Brodie209
Me Too! ;-) Glad u like Mimo just as much as we all do :)
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Congrats Brdude13! I have talked to u on Mimo Chat! I know u wanted me to be ur bud and all, but i didnt. Sorry! Anyways Congrats!
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
Congratulations to our latest Mimo Chat MOD Brodude13!!! Let's give a big "WOOT WOOT" to him! We appreciate your hard work and how much effort you put into it. Well done! Be sure to tell more and friends about Mimo Chat!
Let It Rock!!!
Congrats on being a new chat mod brodude13. u r vary lucky! i wish to be either one someday!HOPE THAT HELPS!
yo mimo please have a nother pary soon they always rock even more then the real clubpenguin parties! they never have new items anymore!
Congrats to the new Mimo Chat Mod: Brodude13! Congrats I am so happy for you. I am also happy for Happywagon and the other person who are almost CPG Mods! Congrats!
-Small Yet Mighty,
Tiny Tim77 (CPG mod in training)
I buy buy some stuff if it was Mimo777. LOL
Hey by the way Mimo, Billybob has released an update regarding the Penguin Play Awards.
Be sure to check it out!
I want the bean bag but at the price, I probably won't.
Gosh, I shouldn't have spent all my money on clothes >_< lol xD
Sigh, maybe I'm wasting my time trying to be a Cpg Mod. I've spent almost a month trying. I've seen people become Cpg Mod's in about two or three weeks. I will keep trying, sigh.
lol that would be awful if someone got the wrong ones and gave them as a gift
HI MIMO!!!! I love the new header it is awesome.....where did u learn to do that?
That is cool! I think they should make personilized bags and stuff with you club penguin username and your penguin! That would be sick!
Survivor91 said...
Cool Mimo! I already knew about the puffle bean chair and the new Series 2 Mix N' Match toys. I did not know about the others though. By the way, nice word you invented, 'Thweet!' LOL.
Yeah Mimo makes a lot of words like SMOOVE and SA-WEET. WHy? Cuz he is wierd!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Cool! Congratz to the new MSS Mod! Brodude13! You rock Brodude!
Great! I just bought my bookbag! Saweet lolz. Oh, they already had the T-shirts out. I saw them in the disney store when I was buying a new toy yesterday! It was the green puffle plush!
~Dex Dude~
Goey45 said...
Sigh, maybe I'm wasting my time trying to be a Cpg Mod. I've spent almost a month trying. I've seen people become Cpg Mod's in about two or three weeks. I will keep trying, sigh.
Keep on trying! Don't give up! Just keep on answering comments and I'm almost positive you'll become a mod like me and all of the other mods soon! =^]
~Dex Dude~ (CPG MOD)
Oh, by the way, I love the website top banner! Really sweet! =^]
~Dex Dude~
A few days ago i got all kinds of that stuff!Its awesome!
Survivor91 said...
Cool Mimo! I already knew about the puffle bean chair and the new Series 2 Mix N' Match toys. I did not know about the others though. By the way, nice word you invented, 'Thweet!' LOL.
I know, Mimo always invents funny words :P LOL
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Goey45 said...
Sigh, maybe I'm wasting my time trying to be a Cpg Mod. I've spent almost a month trying. I've seen people become Cpg Mod's in about two or three weeks. I will keep trying, sigh.
Dont give up man! I tried, and now, i am almost a CPG Mod! I am almost there. If I can be succesful, u can too! Just keep on walking the mile! One small step at a time!
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
Goey45 said...
Sigh, maybe I'm wasting my time trying to be a Cpg Mod. I've spent almost a month trying. I've seen people become Cpg Mod's in about two or three weeks. I will keep trying, sigh.
I know everyone else has allready said stuff like"keep trying, you'll get there" and i agree:d I know it takes a long time, but if it was too easy everybody could be one and then it wouldn't be special:D
remember teh name
Confupenguen (CPG mod)
Survivor91 said...
Hey by the way Mimo, Billybob has released an update regarding the Penguin Play Awards.
Be sure to check it out!
Nice job survivor! he'll prob give you credit if he posts that. I'm glad to see you commenting again:D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG mod)
Congratulations to our newest Mimo Chat MOD Brodude13! We appreciate your hard work and you how much effort you put into it! Be sure to tell more and more friends about Mimo Chat!
Let It Rock!!!
Mimo! your new banner is TOTALLY AWESOMELY INSANELY RADICALLY HISTORICALLY FANTASTICALLY INSANE! i put all that in caps just to show my enthuasism:D Keep on doing a great job with your site:d Also, i have been forgetting to congratulate all of the new mimo chat mods, so here it goes, CONGRATULATIONs guys!
remember the name
Congratulations to Happywagon and Gamer123456 who are almost CPG Mods. You guys have worked so hard and we really appreciate it! I even noticed that Happywagon is starting to get lots of fans! Keep up the great work!
Let It Rock!!!
Mimo plzzzzz post the battle information. Plz im begging you(kisses foot) we really need to win the battle and get fjord:D
remember teh name
Yiney said...
HI MIMO!!!! I love the new header it is awesome.....where did u learn to do that?
Hmm... Questions questions questions. But i bet he uses a picture editing thing.
Sand Flipper
Hey Mimo I found out that Billybob realeased the updates on the PPA (Penguin Play Awards). Woot woot!
Let It Rock!!!
I just found out Survivor caught that too! Awesome look out Survivor91. :-)
Yea I would buy a mimo one
Yiney said.....
HI MIMO!!!! I love the new header it is awesome.....where did u learn to do that?
Mimo finds them out with the help from his brothers and sisters help and all of our help so help mimo i think he will appecate .
hopes this helps.
sk8rboidud3 (CPG Mod)
Goey45 said...
Sigh, maybe I'm wasting my time trying to be a Cpg Mod. I've spent almost a month trying. I've seen people become Cpg Mod's in about two or three weeks. I will keep trying, sigh.
Dont give up dude! You will eventually be noticed, and be made a mod!
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
CONGRATZZZZ TO THE NEW CHAT MOD!!!! I love your new header mimo! YOU RULE!
Kewl, but I already have the mix and match toys for the series 2 treasure book.
Hi Mimo! THat is awsome stuff! I have a question, where can I e-mail you something that happened on club penguin. I found a map glitch and I got a picture and a video of it! The map was flashing the words Map and Mapa. (Mapa is pourtegese for Map!!!) Please reply!
I think the bean bag is cool cause its a blue puffle. Speaking of puffles did u know if u click on the puffle faces in the Stage a yellow puffle will come out at the two chairs at the high left!
Confupenguen said...
Mimo! your new banner is TOTALLY AWESOMELY INSANELY RADICALLY HISTORICALLY FANTASTICALLY INSANE! i put all that in caps just to show my enthuasism:D Keep on doing a great job with your site:d Also, i have been forgetting to congratulate all of the new mimo chat mods, so here it goes, CONGRATULATIONs guys!
remember the name
Thank You Very Much. Let's hope i will be a cpg mod soon too.
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
woah thats dog $118 for a bean bag wat r they made out of diamonds u should hope not. that would be stratchy like catfaces claw
Awesome! i want to get one of those! And mimo, do u have ALL the stuff?
In response to Confupenguen, who said:
Nice job survivor! he'll prob give you credit if he posts that. I'm glad to see you commenting again:D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG mod)
Hey there Confu! Long time no see! I was away for sometime because I was grounded from my computer and this site was not loading well for me. Now everything is back to normal, and I am happy to be back moderating with my fellow moderators and to be sharing things with everybody who visits this site!
-Survivor91-(Super Mod)
I have a camp to attend tomorrow, and I won't be on till this Thursday.But when i do come back, I am gonna catch up on all the posts and moderate all of them as much as possible. Till then, see ya Mimo and everybody!
ur banner is CooL! sUrE i had a wild imagination like you!
(p.s: the bean bag is a rip off!! should've been $50!)
Hi Mimo I got the nintendo ds Web browsers today :0 but i need to change the internet settings :( I'll soon get it fixed :D
Mimo, just givin ya' a hint....
You spelt Puffle like Duffle.... unless it's suppose to be like that.
-Harry Hepwor
the party was phun i have chobots!!!!
Hooray! My mum agreed to buy me ALL of those toys and books!!! I've signed up for the books, and is waiting for the rest of the stuff now. Bored, and is reading my LARGE collection of encyclopaedias...
i like the band member mix and match. its got a lava lamp. :)
Congrats to Brodude13!For becoming a Mimo Chat Mod.
And i have got a question how do you become a CPG moderator?
s t a r 1234
Party on Fjord! Just show up on Fjord at 4:00 club penguin time. Mrpengieiwin, Confupenguen and a lot of others will be there, make sure you wear red!
Here's the information:
Color: Red
Date: March 17, today
When: 4:00-4:30 club penguin time
Why: To throw snowballs at yellow penguins wearing big sombrero hats
Congratulations Brodude13 and all the other Mimo Chat Mods! I am also going to keep trying to be a Cpg mod thanks guys.
~Goey45 (Cpg Mod)
Those are awesome!
You know the toys will have no codes. Well if your also talking about the Push season 2, well they do come with codes! I got the "ShipMate" about a week ago and it had a code!
mimo they have had that shirt for a while i got it for Christmas~
If you go to the club penguin Disney store it says this
Penguin with puffles
Coming Soon...
Be sure to keep an eye out for a new series of toys like our 6.5'' Limited Edition Penguins & 2'' Mix N' Match Figures. Also, new puzzles, games & books will be available!
no happy st.patricks day =0 i feel insulted {spell check}
well happy st.patricks day
congrats new mimo chat mod brodude(ur my buddy lol).and by the way cool new toys!
Hfmspenguin said...
I buy buy some stuff if it was Mimo777. LOL
I wud too cuz it wud be ultra cool if they made a mimo777 one aswell
flab147(CPG mod)
Survivor91 said...
Hey by the way Mimo, Billybob has released an update regarding the Penguin Play Awards.
Be sure to check it out!
hey survivor thats way cool.i didnt see that.hope mimo777 puts it on his site and givs ya credit cuz u deserve
it.oh ya and its cool dat ur posting agen
Flab147(CPG mod)
Goey45 said...
Sigh, maybe I'm wasting my time trying to be a Cpg Mod. I've spent almost a month trying. I've seen people become Cpg Mod's in about two or three weeks. I will keep trying, sigh.
i only started a few days ago and i think its fun and remember only put CPG mod at the end if ur answering questions.hope dat helped.
Flab147(CPG mod)
hey Mimo there are new post cards
Hey Mimo there is a new wallpaper out!
Yiney said...
HI MIMO!!!! I love the new header it is awesome.....where did u learn to do that?
Mimo is smart and probably has a lot of experience with computers.
Yo brodude congratz on being a mimo chat mod. Keep up the good work.
Cool. And..... HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!!!!
Hey Mimo!
Thats todaly awesome!
Your #1 fan
Goey45 said...
Sigh, maybe I'm wasting my time trying to be a Cpg Mod. I've spent almost a month trying. I've seen people become Cpg Mod's in about two or three weeks. I will keep trying, sigh.
Don't give up goey45 just keep trying and you will become a CPG Mod soon. Good luck!
Brodude13(CPG mod in training)
I love club penguin! It is so cool! I have a collection of club penguin stuff sitting in my room! I want the beanbag but it's to much!
yay yay and woot woot
Goey45 said...
Sigh, maybe I'm wasting my time trying to be a Cpg Mod. I've spent almost a month trying. I've seen people become Cpg Mod's in about two or three weeks. I will keep trying, sigh.
Goey keep trying! It takes awhile to become a CPG Mod!
Snowangelgal (CPG MOD)
Cool, but the Mix And Match series 2 have been out in the UK for about a month...
Forgot to say CONGRATS to all the new CPG MOD!You rock!
Look on toysrus.com for the bean bag thier selling them for 50 bucks.
ps.this is true look yourself
Matthew722 said...
Awesome!! I'll make sure to get the right ones ;-)
Thx Mimo777
Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
dear matthew722
hello lol, im here to give u a lil tip for becoming a mod, dont put cpg mod at the end of ur name if ur not answering a quistion lol, if u do then it might take u longer 2 become a mod lol :)
congrats to all u mimos chatr mods out there!!! :) u definatly deserve it :D
Well done Brodude13 for becoming the latest Mimochat mod!
The yellow puffle is back at the stage! Click the puffle masks above the stage and it will appear in the balcony!
Congratulations to our latest Mimo Chat MOD Brodude13!!! Let's give a big "WOOT WOOT" to him! We appreciate your hard work and how much effort you put into it. Well done! Be sure to tell more and friends about Mimo Chat!
Let It Rock!!!
He always makes his site at the best.And im gonna go on mimo chat soon.
~viper4548%(cpg mod in training)
And also did you notice i changed my signaure from ~viper4548~ to ~viper4548% Just look out for that .
HI MIMO!!!! I love the new header it is awesome.....where did u learn to do that?
Mimo Is a blog expert. Maybe he uses maybe microsoft paint. He has a techquinique.
~viper4548% ( cpg mod in training)
Mimo! your new banner is TOTALLY AWESOMELY INSANELY RADICALLY HISTORICALLY FANTASTICALLY INSANE! i put all that in caps just to show my enthuasism:D Keep on doing a great job with your site:d Also, i have been forgetting to congratulate all of the new mimo chat mods, so here it goes, CONGRATULATIONs guys!
remember the name
So its just not me. I know its awsome.
~viper4548% ( cpg mod in training)
On the links... how do you turn it into writing?
Yay these look gr8. just this minute ordered ds game from amazon - i had to do it mega quick to get the express delivery - when i was signing up for a new account i had 6 mins but by the time that was dun only 3 mins left - i missed it :( oh well! Well done all new mods! hope to join you soon!
Happy St. Patric Day Mimo
and i might make a party for it later
sweet i have the snowboarder one! It's cool!
A few weeks ago, I got the customized duffel bag. It's purple with a purple puffle! It's awesome andHUGE!
s t a r 1234 said...
Congrats to Brodude13!For becoming a Mimo Chat Mod.
And i have got a question how do you become a CPG moderator?
s t a r 1234
dear s t a r 1234
well to becom a mod all u need 2 do is to answer other penguins questions like i am and then put (CPG Mod) at the bottom next 2 ur name, u will need 2 be patient if u wanna becoome a mod becuz it will take some time but never give up n follow ur dreames dude :D
saavy (CPG Mod)
Goey45 said...
Sigh, maybe I'm wasting my time trying to be a Cpg Mod. I've spent almost a month trying. I've seen people become Cpg Mod's in about two or three weeks. I will keep trying, sigh.
dear goey45
OMG! goey dont worry man, just keep on trying cuz thats wat i dont n all of a sudden i became 1, trust me all ur had work will pay off n never give up, follow ur dreams :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Happy St Patricks Day CPG! Yesterday I found a 4 leaf clover at school XD
Cant wait till easter...That's when Autum starts in Auzzie my favorate season.
It's been cold down here here. Bbbbbbrrrrrr
Survivor91 said...
I have a camp to attend tomorrow, and I won't be on till this Thursday.
Have fun,Skeeo Tight,Dont let the Dingo's bite. Are you camping on the Gold Coast? Awsome place to camp.
When's this Featured Friend coming? I am really curious. Seems awsome.
Check out Planet Caz. You can now get a car and a band is playing at the rena on the 21st!
Goey45 said...
Sigh, maybe I'm wasting my time
trying to be a Cpg Mod. I've spent almost a month trying. I've seen people become Cpg Mod's in about two or three weeks. I will keep trying, sigh.
Keep trying and I bet you'll be on the mod list in no time!
s t a r 1234
awesome they need mimo and zc2017 one lol XD btw how do u take a screen shot on CP pls answer Mimo or mod
s t a r 1234 said...
Congrats to Brodude13!For becoming a Mimo Chat Mod.
And i have got a question how do you become a CPG moderator?
Hey! The rules are pretty simple to become a CPG Moderators. I'll list some of them them:
1.When u want to comment on someones post, simple copy and paste their comment like what I'm doing now, use something to seperate ur message and the person's.
2. Always put (CPG MOD) at the end of ur penguin name and NOT anything else like CPG MOD IN TRAINING (ex. -Max999 (CPG MOD)
3. Have fun!
Also, if u need more information, Mimo has a post of rules on the side :) Hope this helped:D
s t a r 1234 said...
Congrats to Brodude13!For becoming a Mimo Chat Mod.
And i have got a question how do you become a CPG moderator?
The rules are very simple. I will list them:
1. Simple copy and paste a post u wud like to comment on. Then, like i did, seperate his/her question with urs. :)
2. Always put (CPG MOD) at the end of ur penguin name. (Ex. -Max999 (CPG MOD)...)
3. Have fun!
Hope this helped :D
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
i agree there shpould be a mimo one i would pay a million bucks for that
...and i wanted a bean bag :)! (looks at price) umm... I think ill have a basic pink bean bag
Mumblerox48 said...
Hi Mimo! THat is awsome stuff! I have a question, where can I e-mail you something that happened on club penguin. I found a map glitch and I got a picture and a video of it! The map was flashing the words Map and Mapa. (Mapa is pourtegese for Map!!!) Please reply!
I'm sorry but i don't know Mimo777's e-mail and i don't think he will put it because it's dangerous... Also, that happened to me. The map flashed Mapa and u can't move at all. It's an odd glitch, I can tell u that!!
Hope this helped ;-)
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
CONGRATS TO NEW MIMO CHAT MOD BRODUDE13!!!!!! all of your hard work payed off!
Happy St Patricks Day CPG! Yesterday I found a 4 leaf clover at school XD
Cant wait till easter...That's when Autum starts in Auzzie my favorate season.
fall is my favorit season bit it is spring where i am. here my birhtday is no the EXACT day fall starts! (sep 22) WADDLES ON!
Ajk 89
Anonymous said...
A few weeks ago, I got the customized duffel bag. It's purple with a purple puffle! It's awesome andHUGE!
Congragulations! Hope u like that awesome item :P
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Brodie209 said...
AWSOME! You're my hero Mimo! I put a MIMO banner on my site. I'm your number 1 fan! Thx Mimo! -Brodie209
wow you have a mimo banner thats awusome well i hope you meet mimo and stickers together. soury6
(cpg mode)
Club Penguin Wave said...
Happy St Patricks Day CPG! Yesterday I found a 4 leaf clover at school XD
Cant wait till easter...That's when Autum starts in Auzzie my favorate season.
It's been cold down here here. Bbbbbbrrrrrr
Hey, stickers303, u must be one lucky dude ;) Hope ur having lots of fun!!
Rock on!! :P
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
koolio jkj23
Goey45 said...
Sigh, maybe I'm wasting my time trying to be a Cpg Mod. I've spent almost a month trying. I've seen people become Cpg Mod's in about two or three weeks. I will keep trying, sigh.
Never give up! If u keep following ur dreams, u'll soon become an awesome CPG MOD:)
Hope this helped:D
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
s t a r 1234 said...
Congrats to Brodude13!For becoming a Mimo Chat Mod.
And i have got a question how do you become a CPG moderator?
s t a r 1234
1. Answer people's questions on the comments page (this is the comment page). Just copy and paste it and answer in the "Leave your comment" box.
2. Another way to bring your moderators status is by congratulating new moderators or contest winners.
3. Be nice and keep your answers short.
4. In time if you are good, you'll be listed with the other awesome CPG mods!
5. If you're being mean or using nasty language, you'll be removed from the MOD list.
6. Remember to put CPG MOD ONLY after your name when you're ONLY answering people's questions, congratulating new Mods, or contest winners.
If you want more information look on Mimo's "Be a Club Penguin Gang MOD!" page.
Let It Rock!!!
Sigh, maybe I'm wasting my time trying to be a Cpg Mod. I've spent almost a month trying. I've seen people become Cpg Mod's in about two or three weeks. I will keep trying, sigh.
me to same with me but ill keep trying
wii wii wii1
Mumblerox48 said...
Hi Mimo! THat is awsome stuff! I have a question, where can I e-mail you something that happened on club penguin. I found a map glitch and I got a picture and a video of it! The map was flashing the words Map and Mapa. (Mapa is pourtegese for Map!!!) Please reply!
You can contact him at clubpenguingang@yahoo.com
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
mileyfan3333 said...
sweet i have the snowboarder one! It's cool!
I have 2 Clubpenguin items. The Rockhopper one and the Snowboarder one! Just like u:P It's Awesome and I'm glad u got it:-)
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Hey guys I’m just gonna answer the basic questions :]
~How old is Mimo?
A: He is 13
~ What servers does Mimo regularly go on?
A: Big Foot and Fjord
~ Why do people say 'mim o' on cp not 'mimo'?
A: For some reason 'mimo' on cp doesn't show to other penguins, but 'mimo' shows to other penguins so people say that.
~ Can you add me on cp???
A: Unfortunately, Mimo can't add everyone who wants to add him and it wouldn’t be fair to others if he added just you
~ how do you become a mod??
A: Basically, you answer questions! If you are good enough && work hard enough, you will be put on the mod list (found on the right side of this site). For more information check out the right side of this site
~ When is your next party, Mimo?
A: You never know when..... Check this site regularly for party updates!
That's it!
Sophi Jr
Goey45 said...
Sigh, maybe I'm wasting my time trying to be a Cpg Mod. I've spent almost a month trying. I've seen people become Cpg Mod's in about two or three weeks. I will keep trying, sigh
hey goey45 dont ever give up it maybe will take u a bit long to beacome a cpg mod but never give up time will fly and u will be a cpg mode and most of all good luck. soury6 (cpg mod)
Congrats Brodude13 for becoming a chat mod and good luck to Happywagon and Gamer1235
Goey45 said...
Sigh, maybe I'm wasting my time trying to be a Cpg Mod. I've spent almost a month trying. I've seen people become Cpg Mod's in about two or three weeks. I will keep trying, sigh.
Don't worry you will be a MOD someday i been trying for a little while now too. Good Luck
Spike Heaton CPG MOD
cp never do anything for aussies
Mimo if you press J on your keyboard on club penguin you will tell a joke but a St. Patrick Day Joke
Your one and only Spike Heaton
P.S the reson why i put the one and only thing was because........ i had nothing to do :)
Alawc that is SUPER BORED said...
Hooray! My mum agreed to buy me ALL of those toys and books!!! I've signed up for the books, and is waiting for the rest of the stuff now. Bored, and is reading my LARGE collection of encyclopaedias...
Glad u like ClubPenguin as much as we all do. Kewlz ;-)
Keep't up!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
that so kool like ice toyz rock happy st. pattys day woooh
Brodude13 said...
Goey45 said...
Sigh, maybe I'm wasting my time trying to be a Cpg Mod. I've spent almost a month trying. I've seen people become Cpg Mod's in about two or three weeks. I will keep trying, sigh.
Don't give up goey45 just keep trying and you will become a CPG Mod soon. Good luck!
Brodude13(CPG mod in training)
March 17, 2009 7:57 AM
brodude dont put (CPG MOD IN TRAINING) you have to (CPG MOD)
3jel97(CPG MOD)
yoshhi456 said...
cp never do anything for aussies
I'm very sorry for aussies, but if u ask cp I'm sure they'll be glad to get u guys awesome cp stuff :)
Keep't up!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Zc2017 said...
awesome they need mimo and zc2017 one lol XD btw how do u take a screen shot on CP pls answer Mimo or mod
Here's what ya do:
1. Go to the spot you want on cp
2. Press the button Prt Scr (Print Screen)
3. Open paint. If you can't find it it should be under 'all programs' and under 'accesories'.
4. Paste the screen shot into paint (ctrl+v)
5. Edit the pic if you wish
That's it!
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Sophi Jr said...
Hey guys I’m just gonna answer the basic questions :]
~How old is Mimo?
A: He is 13
~ What servers does Mimo regularly go on?
A: Big Foot and Fjord
~ Why do people say 'mim o' on cp not 'mimo'?
A: For some reason 'mimo' on cp doesn't show to other penguins, but 'mimo' shows to other penguins so people say that.
~ Can you add me on cp???
A: Unfortunately, Mimo can't add everyone who wants to add him and it wouldn’t be fair to others if he added just you
~ how do you become a mod??
A: Basically, you answer questions! If you are good enough && work hard enough, you will be put on the mod list (found on the right side of this site). For more information check out the right side of this site
~ When is your next party, Mimo?
A: You never know when..... Check this site regularly for party updates!
That's it!
Sophi Jr
Wooh!! U rlly helped lots of penguins out there:) U rlly know Mimo and i think ur a rlly gd CPG MOD!! :-)
Keep't Up!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Thweet!!!! The bean bag is EXPENSIVE!!!! wow.... there is also a cool tee @ my toys r us that is red w/ rockhopper! i want to buy it.... lol!!!
Tycoon101 :)
Survivor91 said...
I have a camp to attend tomorrow, and I won't be on till this Thursday.
hey survivor91 just wanted to say that i hope you meet mimo in penguin and dont feel sad that just because u have camp that u have to go on thursday anyway hope u meet mimo and most of all good l*u*c*k soury6 (cpg mod)
Crystal xD said...
I want the bean bag but at the price, I probably won't.
Gosh, I shouldn't have spent all my money on clothes >_< lol xD
Don't regret it! clothes are pretty amazing!
Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)
yoshhi456 said...
cp never do anything for aussies
yoshhi456 dont feel bad that cp never does anything for aussies i hope they put new toys and cards and other cool stuff and most of all i wish you good L*u*C*k* soury6
(cpg mod)
Mimo if you press J on your keyboard on club penguin you will tell a joke but a St. Patrick Day Joke
Your one and only Spike Heaton
wow you tell a joke thats awusome thanks for telling me all go try it anyway keep up the jokes on cp soury6 (cpg mod)
Hey all! I just wanna say that if you go to the huge tree stump in the forest, you can trun on & off the lights! You can also check your mail. Good Day!
Hmmm you know whats werid? It's March and in the top floor of the lodge attic it still says snow being stored for March fun. Werid.
~~Cop Storm23~~
Lemme check my wallet.Woot!Woot!121 dollars!I have enough money to buy the beanbag!
Mimo i was just checking to see if you knew that we could walk on the stage walls by the ladder thats against it outside the stage. We can walk on the ladder!
PS please say my name on your site for telling you this please?!?!
Thweet! Thanks 4 da update on CP stuff =D!
Blogger Dex Dude (CPG MOD) said...
Great! I just bought my bookbag! Saweet lolz. Oh, they already had the T-shirts out. I saw them in the disney store when I was buying a new toy yesterday! It was the green puffle plush!
hey your really luckey that u have a diseny store anyway keep rockking soury6:) (cpg mod)
Matthew722 said...
Alawc that is SUPER BORED said...
Hooray! My mum agreed to buy me ALL of those toys and books!!! I've signed up for the books, and is waiting for the rest of the stuff now. Bored, and is reading my LARGE collection of encyclopaedias...
hey its great that ur mum agreed to buy all the stuff for cp hope u have fun anyway rock on
soury6:)* (cpg mod)
s t a r 1234 said...
Congrats to Brodude13!For becoming a Mimo Chat Mod.
And i have got a question how do you become a CPG moderator?
s t a r 1234
Well u first have to be nice. U have to answer ppl's comments. Also, u have to NOT stop answering comments, or Mimo will take ur name of the list. If u do godd, ur name will go on the holy golden magnificent and awesomely respected list of CPG Mods.
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
hiya goey45! you said
Sigh, maybe I'm wasting my time trying to be a Cpg Mod. I've spent almost a month trying. I've seen people become Cpg Mod's in about two or three weeks. I will keep trying, sigh.
i know me too. but dont worry im sure if we keep trying hard we will become mods, so you're right keep trying.
you're friend goofy73
hiya 3jel brodude and goey! you guys said
Sigh, maybe I'm wasting my time trying to be a Cpg Mod. I've spent almost a month trying. I've seen people become Cpg Mod's in about two or three weeks. I will keep trying, sigh.
Don't give up goey45 just keep trying and you will become a CPG Mod soon. Good luck!
Brodude13(CPG mod in training)
March 17, 2009 7:57 AM
brodude dont put (CPG MOD IN TRAINING) you have to (CPG MOD)
3jel97(CPG MOD)
well its ok 3jel i think brodude is just showing that he helps with abeing a CPG mod and that he's trying to become one
way to show positive enthusiasm
i know ive been trying hard too but dont worry. you will get on if you keep trying hard. have fun ;)
you're friend goofy73
Zc2017 said...
awesome they need mimo and zc2017 one lol XD btw how do u take a screen shot on CP pls answer Mimo or mod
Well u can press the Print Scrn/Sys Rq button that isnext to the F12 button on ur keyboard. U then have taken a screen shot!
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
Hiya yoshii456! You said
cp never do anything for aussies
im sorry yoshii maybe clubpenguin made a mistake because they are giving it to Australians in the future and the lost track of time? Maybe? Well don’t worry im pretty sure clubpenguin will start sending to Australia
you’re friend goofy73
Hiya mumblerocks48! You said
Hi Mimo! THat is awsome stuff! I have a question, where can I e-mail you something that happened on club penguin. I found a map glitch and I got a picture and a video of it! The map was flashing the words Map and Mapa. (Mapa is pourtegese for Map!!!) Please reply!
Hiya mumblerocks. If you want to e-mail mimo and the gang, e-mail them at
you’re friend goofy73
Spike Heaton said...
Mimo if you press J on your keyboard on club penguin you will tell a joke but a St. Patrick Day Joke
Your one and only Spike Heaton
P.S the reson why i put the one and only thing was because........ i had nothing to do :)
Mimo has already become aware of it but i suppose doesnt think we all need to know it. (especially since the saint patricks day party ends soon)
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
i really got to look at my comments before i press enter, on my previous comment, i put Gamer23, AGAIN. My bad. I mess up sometimes too.
My bad!
Cool! In the UK where I live the series 2 toys have been realsead with code on the Disney Store (Only the Mummy and Snowboarder ones have been realsed but series 1 havent been realsead yet either) I knew about all those items and the puffle beanbag is SO CUTE! But waaaaay too expensive. (Sorry this is so long)
Anonymous Gamer12356 said...
i really got to look at my comments before i press enter, on my previous comment, i put Gamer23, AGAIN. My bad. I mess up sometimes too.
My bad!
hey gamer123456 just wanted to say that its ok we all make mistakes so dont feel bad anyway keep on
R*o*C*k*I*n*G soury6:) (cpg mod)
Anonymous Crongleworth said...
The yellow puffle is back at the stage! Click the puffle masks above the stage and it will appear in the balcony!
hey crongleworth wow thats ausome that u found out anyway all go check to anyway keep on RoCkInG
soury6:) (cpg mod)
Anonymous Cop Storm23 said...
Hey all! I just wanna say that if you go to the huge tree stump in the forest, you can trun on & off the lights! You can also check your mail. Good Day!
hey cop storm23 just wanted to say that wow they turn the lights on and of thats awsome anywya thatkns for tellin me keep rocking
soury6:) (cpg mod)
So Cool
Annoying I'm an Australian
Zyton CPG Mod
I love the beanbag!! But it is expensive...
But I looked on ToysRUs, they're charging $49.99 for an identical beanbag, which is a LOT cheaper...
In response to Mublerox48, who said:
Hi Mimo! THat is awsome stuff! I have a question, where can I e-mail you something that happened on club penguin. I found a map glitch and I got a picture and a video of it! The map was flashing the words Map and Mapa. (Mapa is pourtegese for Map!!!) Please reply!
Hey there! You could always e-mail this to: clubpenguingang@yahoo.com
There is not a guarantee that you will get a reply, as Mimo's inbox is usually flooded with messages.
-Survivor91-(Super Mod)
In response to Harry Hepwor, who said:
Mimo, just givin ya' a hint....
You spelt Puffle like Duffle.... unless it's suppose to be like that.
-Harry Hepwor
Yo! A Duffle bag is a type of bag. It is supposed to be like that.
-Survivor91-(Super Mod)
In response to Star1234, who said:
Congrats to Brodude13!For becoming a Mimo Chat Mod.
And i have got a question how do you become a CPG moderator?
Hey! You have to answer other people's questions in this comment box, efficiently and frequently. You will be chosen as an official moderator if you do this.
-Survivor91-(Super Mod)
In response to Spiralman, who said:
On the links... how do you turn it into writing?
Hey there! This is basically the editing of the links. After you have linked the address, click on any part of the link and you can edit the words to the words which you want!
-Survivor91-(Super Mod)
In response to Stickers 303 (a.k.a. Club Penguin Wave) who said:
Have fun,Skeeo Tight,Dont let the Dingo's bite. Are you camping on the Gold Coast? Awsome place to camp.
Yo stickers! Lol, thanks for the coolio tips! I just got back from my camp, and unfortunately, my camp was not held at the Gold Coast. It was held in my pathetic school, where I got barely 4 hours of sleep in a freezing cold room. Anyways, I will take a good rest later on. See ya around man!
-Survivor91-(Super Mod)
In response to Yosshi456, who said:
cp never do anything for aussies
Don't worry man! I know how you feel, I live in Australia too. I think we just have to be slightly patient, and before we know it, Club Penguin merchandise should be available here as there is already a Club Penguin HQ based here in Sydney!
-Survivor91-(Super Mod)
In response to Anonymous, who said:
Lemme check my wallet.Woot!Woot!121 dollars!I have enough money to buy the beanbag!
Yo! I see that you are interested in buying the bean bag, not trying to stop your decision but don't you think that bag is slightly over priced? You could buy much cooler branded bags with that much money. Again, I am not stopping your decision but atleast think about it.
-Survivor91-(Super Mod)
In response to Soury6, who said:
hey survivor91 just wanted to say that i hope you meet mimo in penguin and dont feel sad that just because u have camp that u have to go on thursday anyway hope u meet mimo and most of all good l*u*c*k soury6 (cpg mod)
Yo! Thanks for that, and I am back from camp and it was plain torture. There was alot of physical training and stuff, where we had to even run over 6km at one point. By the way, I have met Mimo on Club Penguin several times, both in parties and normally. Hope you get to see him!
-Survivor91-(Super Mod)
In response to Anonymous, who said:
does anyone know what eluc means? plz answer
Hey there! Read it backwards and it reads 'clue'. That's what it is.
-Survivor91-(Super Mod)
... AWESOME!!!! I think I'm gonna get all of 'em. ;-)
*Krystal 2000*
s t a r 1234 said...
Congrats to Brodude13!For becoming a Mimo Chat Mod.
And i have got a question how do you become a CPG moderator?
Hey! The rules are pretty simple to become a CPG Moderators. I'll list some of them them:
1.When u want to comment on someones post, simple copy and paste their comment like what I'm doing now, use something to seperate ur message and the person's.
2. Always put (CPG MOD) at the end of ur penguin name and NOT anything else like CPG MOD IN TRAINING (ex. -Max999 (CPG MOD)
3. Have fun!
Also, if u need more information, Mimo has a post of rules on the side :) Hope this helped:D
Thanks a lot!
Wow! Hey, do they sell those at Toy's R Us' in the US yet? Because I totally wanna ask my mom for some money to buy more! I have akk of the first books, all of the figures exceot Rockhopper and over 100 trading cards. I also have the igloo set, charmable necklace set, Iceberg puzzle, and the water dome watch. I really am a CP fan lol
cool I might get one with my money from reading
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