April 1st there will be a silly party at Club Penguin! Check it out!

It looks like they are bringing back the cardboard boxes, saweet! Do you think they will hide a free item in one again? (Thanks goofy73)
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

1 – 200 of 290 Newer› Newest»Cool. More parties. So far 2009 has had some good ones.
I hope so!
I really do!
Oh cool I can't wait, I hope new free item this time!
ha ha ha april fool's day
I hope they do have free items in the boxes!
Oh and Mimo ur the gr8est!
Yes hopefully there will a free item out there for all the non members. This party will be fun!
~Ace234444 cpg mod~
Awsome! Remember meet me,Jacquelyn120 Aboninable at snow forts by 3:00 P.M bye!
i wonder what the swirly thing is in the box
It looks so cool!!! i hope this party they will give out a differnt free item lol. oh and mimo can you be my friend?
Interesting. I can't wait!
ooh maybe that swirley purple stuff in the box leads somewhere or something like that d-_-b
I hope so
Anonymous said...
It looks so cool!!! i hope this party they will give out a differnt free item lol. oh and mimo can you be my friend?
You can be Mimo's buddy by becoming a CPG MOD. If you information look on Mimo's "Be a Club Penguin Gang MOD!" page. I think he is possibly considered full right now.
Let It Rock!!!
Marquizi98(CPG MOD)
I noticed Club Penguin is starting to throw more parties! After the April Fools day party I think the next updated will be the summer party.
the box i think is a portal that leads to another box somewhere else in club penguin i think it was in last years party or im phycic :D
Anonymous said...
It looks so cool!!! i hope this party they will give out a differnt free item lol. oh and mimo can you be my friend?
Sorry, but mimo is full, he allready has 100 buddies. the only way to become his buddy is to become a mimo mod.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
i cant wait for it im super excited!!!! from paintballah
I hope they have NEW free items...cp has been kinda slacking.
anonymous said:
Well thats exciing! Happy Birthday!
oh i sure hope so. i want a new free item.
coby15 (cpg mod in training)
2009 is the new version of 07 this was my first party and its same design from two years ago
the thingy is ur pizza from our party im glad to say its a time portal so yay...!
Mimo there is a new Resturant themed Igloo plz post about it!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said...
It looks so cool!!! i hope this party they will give out a differnt free item lol. oh and mimo can you be my friend?
im sorry but mimo is full. he has 100 buddies. become a cpg mod and he'll add you! hope this helps!
coby15 (cpg mod in training)
Anonymous said...
It looks so cool!!! i hope this party they will give out a differnt free item lol. oh and mimo can you be my friend?
If you mean buddy on Club Penguin, Mimo cannot. His buddy list is really full. You can still meet him at a Quickee Party!
Remember to be Clever,
i can not wait 4 those party
i loved that party last year.
Bb Polo745
Anonymous said...
It looks so cool!!! i hope this party they will give out a differnt free item lol. oh and mimo can you be my friend?
sorry he cant because his buddy list is full.
Bb Polo745(cpg mod)
Do u think its gonna be like last year's? where all of the buildings were made weird? my fav was the sport shop and the pet shop and then the mine place thing.
coby15 said...
Anonymous said...
It looks so cool!!! i hope this party they will give out a differnt free item lol. oh and mimo can you be my friend?
im sorry but mimo is full. he has 100 buddies. become a cpg mod and he'll add you! hope this helps!
coby15 (cpg mod in training)
actually you have to become a mimo mod for him to add you.
Bb Polo745(cpg mod)
hey mimo, theres sculpturs that ppl did in cp in the dock,lighthouse and ski village so kwl
cool i hope there is a NEW FREE ITEM!not an old one
awsomee !! :)
Anonymous said...
Do u think its gonna be like last year's? where all of the buildings were made weird? my fav was the sport shop and the pet shop and then the mine place thing.
dear anonymous
i think they were all awsomeee lol, they were funkyyy XD
saavy (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
It looks so cool!!! i hope this party they will give out a differnt free item lol. oh and mimo can you be my friend?
Hey Anonymous! First of all, how could Mimo be your friend if you didn't leave your penguin name? Second of all, Mimo is so so busy and has a huge full buddy list so he can't :C sorry!
Hope this helps!
~Seichi(CPG mod)
pinklovey12 said...
cool i hope there is a NEW FREE ITEM!not an old one
dear pinklovey12
ye i hope there is a free item to or else i would be sooo upsett! cp wouldnet be fair if they wernt a new item.
saavy (CPG Mod)
I hope they bing back the boxes to!
it looks like club penguin might be sending us to another dimmention through that box! my family waz watching Madagascar 2 and it showed a bunch of zebras and then my sister said it smelled funny in the room and i said lolz thats because zebras smell funny! and she waz all like wat? and i told her mimo said it! and shes like y r u obsessed with mimo And im all like cause he rockz my sockz! sorry for the long comment. bye! -8bella girl8
Jack said...
Mimo there is a new Resturant themed Igloo plz post about it!!!!!!!!
Mimo already knows about this and posted it, but thanks anyways.
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
Ok. I think there will be again old items(propeler hats, colorful glasses). Nothing interesened.
I remember when the first box themed April Fools day party happened two years ago and it was a blast! I hope Club Penguin can make this party even better.
WoW 2008-2009 is returning 2006-2007!!
Is this the partay for aprils fools day party??????
I think the free item wil be green propellor hat. they have already had blue and red
I think its gonna be the really goofy glasses with the moustache.
OOHHH! Looks like Rockhopper's comin for the April Fool's Party!
~Dex Dude~
Anonymous said...
Is this the partay for aprils fools day party??????
Zxz192 said...
Yes the picture is for the April fools day party. I hope theres a new free item :(
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Is this the partay for aprils fools day party??????
Yes, it is.
Sand Flipper
Anonymous said...
It looks so cool!!! i hope this party they will give out a differnt free item lol. oh and mimo can you be my friend?
Zxz192 said...
Mimo can't be your friend because unfortunately his buddy list is full
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
hiya viper! you said
I think its gonna be the really goofy glasses with the moustache.
wow i wear those! im a goofy goofy!
you're friend goofy73
Hey Mimo I know this is off topic but this glitch that happened to my was super cool! I was on the server sherbet at 10:00 PST and I went to the mountain to play a game of sled racing. So I walked over there and some penguin was dancing and it was like i got JAMMED behind him and I was like waddling nowhere. Also when I tried to click the map it went NON STOP to random leters like from MAP to AGHTE! Then the NEWS went from NEWS to CRSGH! So random right?
I know this is real diffrant BUT I love crazy penguin catapult for I
touch its real good. But im not alowed to get full so I've compleated it.
ROCK ON MIMO777!!!!!!!
hiya anonymous! you said
Is this the partay for aprils fools day party??????
yup this awesomeness silly crazy party will be for april fools day
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
hiya legobrandon! you said
Hey Mimo I know this is off topic but this glitch that happened to my was super cool! I was on the server sherbet at 10:00 PST and I went to the mountain to play a game of sled racing. So I walked over there and some penguin was dancing and it was like i got JAMMED behind him and I was like waddling nowhere. Also when I tried to click the map it went NON STOP to random leters like from MAP to AGHTE! Then the NEWS went from NEWS to CRSGH! So random right?
that has been happening to some people the map falshes from english to different languages.
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
hiya doate123! you said
I know this is real diffrant BUT I love crazy penguin catapult for I
touch its real good. But im not alowed to get full so I've compleated it.
ROCK ON MIMO777!!!!!!!
awesome! im so excited i might get an iPhone
you're friend goofy73
hiya audra! you said
Cool. More parties. So far 2009 has had some good ones.
the parties are great right.
you're friend goofy73
AWESOME! It is right next to my Birthday (April 2nd.)
Cool! april fools!
yeah mimo i hope they do the item in the box trick again!
Dex Dude (CPG MOD) said...
OOHHH! Looks like Rockhopper's comin for the April Fool's Party!
~Dex Dude~
Just curious, but why would you say this? It would be insanely awesome if rockhopper came but he was just here so i don't know.
are we using this post for the comment tracker?
I can't wait for it! I hope there are new items; cp is bringing to much old items back. -_-
Aww. Too bad I am leaving on a plane that day. :[ Maybe the plane will have internet? I don't think I will be able to get on the computer where I am going. :[
Anonymous said...
Do u think its gonna be like last year's? where all of the buildings were made weird? my fav was the sport shop and the pet shop and then the mine place thing.
It's probably going to be somewhat like last year's because cp has been bring back a lot of old stuff. i really think that they need to do some new stuff, you know?
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Legobrandon said...
Hey Mimo I know this is off topic but this glitch that happened to my was super cool! I was on the server sherbet at 10:00 PST and I went to the mountain to play a game of sled racing. So I walked over there and some penguin was dancing and it was like i got JAMMED behind him and I was like waddling nowhere. Also when I tried to click the map it went NON STOP to random leters like from MAP to AGHTE! Then the NEWS went from NEWS to CRSGH! So random right?
I know, this happened to me too. its really weird, but you know that glitch that was on the migrator when the word migrator was like moving and going into a different language and stuff, this is like that because its going to a different language instead of map.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
I'm guessing :P
I think the box is a secret portal to another place, only for members (again):D Sry for non-members, but i could be wrong!!
Keep't up!
Happywagon said...
Dex Dude (CPG MOD) said...
OOHHH! Looks like Rockhopper's comin for the April Fool's Party!
~Dex Dude~
Just curious, but why would you say this? It would be insanely awesome if rockhopper came but he was just here so i don't know.
Nope:( I heard somewhere rockhopper comes every 2 months (i think) But u cud be right, theres a chance he might be here next week in the backstage :)
Keep't up!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
rockhoper849 said...
are we using this post for the comment tracker?
U cud, it wud be helpful:) It's up to u ;-)
Keep't up!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Is this the partay for aprils fools day party??????
Yup, it sure is and i hope it's a blast :P
Keep't up!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
=) Maybe you can have an Apirl fools party!!!
*Krystal 2000*
it looks like a portal
The purple stuff is actually a portal! it will take you to whatever the picture is! it's from the April Fool's day 2006!!!! (CPG MOD IN TRAINING Slyer521)
Mimo can not be everybody's friend he can only have about 100 friends and most of them r people he knows or our family but I am very sorry Mimo would he u as a friend if he could but he cant.
Pengifender(CPG Mod)
Sweet, I loved the April FOols One from last year
rockhoper849 said...
are we using this post for the comment tracker?
No, the tracker is on the post below this. Hope that helped!
Slinkey1998 (CPG Mod)
I love u mimo777
i want the free item
i bet the town will be made out of tacos
and mimo will go crazy mimo is best
i wonder if they will have a jester hat
i hope the free item will be a mimo toy
I think that the picture next to the box is where you will go to if you step over the box. :] I think that because of the swirls in the box. Hope you post this comment! :]
:( My membership is done =C Can you have another contest :(
-Ray Toolbear
New Igloos!
Lemon 9 :) AGAIN!
I have 2 penguins (bookworm1001 and Tycoon101)and bookworm is a nonmember, so i really hope it doesnt have to do with member stuff cuz i think Tycoon's membership will end soon :( it would be cool if it was a teleport or something!
Tycoon101 (or bookworm)
Aunt artic on abominable
hiya rokhopper849! you said
are we using this post for the comment tracker?
sure! if you find a famous penguin help other people find them too
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
hiya pinklovey! you said
cool i hope there is a NEW FREE ITEM!not an old one
me too! lets get something cool and new, plus by giving out old items they are making rare penguin less and less rare
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
awsum idk if youve seen this but there is an extra screen in the cphq i hope that means theres gonna b an extra room
they should put a zebra who eats lemons at the dock
you're friend goofy73
no thats to scary
you're friend goofy73
ooooh cluboenguin shouldtrick us and make everything dull and it all pops out in color and it says april fools!
you're friend goofy73
hiya flythesea! you said
awsum idk if youve seen this but there is an extra screen in the cphq i hope that means theres gonna b an extra room
well maybe the swirly box will take us to a crazy dimension where chocolate bunnies take over the world!
you're friend goofy73
April Fools parties are always classic! I hope it will be just as fun this year ;)
anonymous said...
Awsome! Remember meet me,Jacquelyn120 Aboninable at snow forts by 3:00 P.M bye!
mimo is to busy to meet erveyone and yeah and sorry i havent been doing this for a couple of days i was at my grandmas place and really slow computer
the new item should be a hand buzzer and every one who touches you gets fried
you're friend goofy73
hiya ray! you said
:( My membership is done =C Can you have another contest :(
-Ray Toolbear
im sorry you dont have a membership any more, and mimo's conts rock!
you're friend goofy73
Mimo there is a new Resturant themed Igloo plz post about it!!!!!!!!
mimo already posted about this
wii wii wii1(cpg mod)peace out wiis rock hippies rule
Cool! I want those free items: I barely have any free items. Also, I'm having a Planet Cazmo Party at 6:00 PST, 21:00 EST, and 20:00 CST, Server MegaMix, at Club Cazmo. It would be great if you can come, Mimo!
miss razz said...
I think that the picture next to the box is where you will go to if you step over the box. :] I think that because of the swirls in the box. Hope you post this comment! :]
Zxz192 said...]
Lol thats what I thought! Although it is April Fools so it will probably take you somewhere else instead ;)
Where are the quickee party pics? Or did you not snap any?
ooooh cluboenguin shouldtrick us and make everything dull and it all pops out in color and it says april fools!
you're friend goofy73
cool goofy youve got some great ideas i wish i though like you!!
Hey mimo! I loved the April fool's party last year!! LOL THE ICEBURGE WAS A BUCKET OD ICE!! (You knew that already) Well...i know that U Fried dose Runescape. But do YOU do runescape? And what is U fried's User name for Runescape? Please answer!
Mushroom turtle pickle pie lover: Slyer521
the snow balls should be pies!
you're friend goofy73 and if someone hits you it should hit your screen!
you're friend goofy73
can non-members actually go to this one?? gasp!
Anonymous said...
Is this the partay for aprils fools day party??????
-Fluffygood CPG MOD
goofy73 said...
ooooh cluboenguin shouldtrick us and make everything dull and it all pops out in color and it says april fools!
you're friend goofy73
Good idea! U should email that to club penguin support at
-fluffygood CPG MOD
Anonymous said...
It looks so cool!!! i hope this party they will give out a differnt free item lol. oh and mimo can you be my friend?
There could be a different free item.Mimo cant add you sorry hes too busy.
I know what the sneak peek is! Its a portal to leads to the beach!
i made a comment just after goofy
rockhoper849 said...
are we using this post for the comment tracker?
umm, no that was what the last post was for, but you can still comment on this one telling everyone where they are, it would still help.:D
remember th name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Is this the partay for aprils fools day party??????
The sneak peak is, should be fun. =D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
idowantpie said...
can non-members actually go to this one?? gasp!
Yes, everyone including non-members can go to this party. There might be a members only area, but i doubt they will have one because during this party the penguin awards for members will still be going on.
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
goofy73 said...
they should put a zebra who eats lemons at the dock
you're friend goofy73
I like it!
Sounds fun! I hope the forest or some room is upside down!
Anonymous said...
It looks so cool!!! i hope this party they will give out a differnt free item lol. oh and mimo can you be my friend?
Mimo wont be ur friend cuz his list is full. But if u become a Mimo mod, he will add u!
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Is this the partay for aprils fools day party??????
It is for the party. If u see the post name, it tells u.
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
rockhoper849 said...
are we using this post for the comment tracker?
No, we r using the one that says the title is "Famous Comment Tracker."
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
april fools day is my b-day so its my b-day party on cp!!!!!
Anonymous said...
Is this the partay for aprils fools day party??????
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Do u think its gonna be like last year's? where all of the buildings were made weird? my fav was the sport shop and the pet shop and then the mine place thing.
Well it will be most likely like last years, since CP is focusing on going back to the past.
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
nVIDIA101 said...
AWESOME! It is right next to my Birthday (April 2nd.)
April 2nd is my birthday too! :DDD
Where are the quickee party pics? Or did you not snap any?
Mimo777 showed them in a different post. Go look for it!
Slinkey1998 (CPG Mod)
They are probably gonna bring back at least one of these items:
Silly glasses with the big nose
Red Propeller Hat (Actually was very old until they brought it back last year)
Blue Propeller Hat (Everyone thinks that was so old, but it really isn't)
Jester Hat (I love this hat!)
Anonymous said...
It looks so cool!!! i hope this party they will give out a differnt free item lol. oh and mimo can you be my friend?
The only way he will ad you is if your a mimo mod, or if hes related to you. Or if your a really awesome friend.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Is this the partay for aprils fools day party??????
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
rockhoper849 said...
are we using this post for the comment tracker?
No, we should use the post that says "Famous penguin tracker:
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Hey Mimo and CP Gang!
I know this has nothing to do with this post but I just wanted to say that I think you and ur "Gang" are awesome!
It must be so awesome to have a Whole family who all plays CP!
You are one very lucky penguin!
did you forget to put the new igloo catalog??? theres a new one!
Cool I think 2009 has had one of the best parties so far.I hope they dont copy any from the years before.I cant wait, i hope there are new free items.I wonder what the swirly thing in the box is Hmmmm....maybe a porthole to a secret room? You rock Mimo!
please tell me where aunt artic is!anyone!
Anonymous said...
Cool I think 2009 has had one of the best parties so far.I hope they dont copy any from the years before.I cant wait, i hope there are new free items.I wonder what the swirly thing in the box is Hmmmm....maybe a porthole to a secret room? You rock Mimo!
Let's Not forget the Mexican Themed party. That was probably the worst party all year. but other then that 09 PARTIES HAVE ROCKED!
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
sprocket07 said...
Good find, but next time post it on the aunt arctic tracker post.
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
cuddles19006 said...
did you forget to put the new igloo catalog??? theres a new one!
Mimo has already posted about that. Sry, but thx anyway:-)
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
cuddles19006 said...
did you forget to put the new igloo catalog??? theres a new one!
Mimo Didn't Forget. He Posted It.
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
wow the april fool's day party!! yay!! i cant wait for it... :D!!! yah i hope there is another free item in a box!! mimo rox!!! plz post!! :P!!!
idowantpie said...
can non-members actually go to this one?? gasp!
the april fools party has always been open to all the public.so now nonmembers will finnaly have a party.
Bb Polo745(cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
It looks so cool!!! i hope this party they will give out a differnt free item lol. oh and mimo can you be my friend?
I say..
Mimo can't be your buddy because he has 100 already. The only way you can is me the mimo mod!!
*Krystal 2000* CPG mod in training
LOL MIMO on the post below this one right now there are 777 comments!!! LEAVE IT LIKE THAT!
April Fool's party of '08 was my VERY first CP party! I actually came on CP during it and thought it always looked so weird!
Flobay said...
Hey Mimo and CP Gang!
I know this has nothing to do with this post but I just wanted to say that I think you and ur "Gang" are awesome!
It must be so awesome to have a Whole family who all plays CP!
You are one very lucky penguin!
Mimo is VERY lucky and because he is homeschooled he gets to spend even more time on his site and on CP!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Sophi Jr said...
Sounds fun! I hope the forest or some room is upside down!
Wasn't it the forest last time??? they wouldn't do the same thing twice!!!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
idowantpie said...
can non-members actually go to this one?? gasp!
Yes most parties are for members and nonmembers BOTH and I think you were being sarcastic too.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Heyy it looks like a black hole or something in that box
Hopefully they give out some NEW items this time
wooooooow. 2009 has been great so far!!!!! its going to be my first april fools party! im so excited!
sorry Mimo cuuz this question is out of the subject but have you thought of having a contest for a new penguin to be on CLub Penguin Gang? Because I really want to join you guys but only if you have more available space.! THX MIMO YOU ROCK!
Cool, I hope they at least have 2 OR 3 free items for EVERYONE and not just members, coz its kinda sad that just because members paid, doesn't mean that they get EVERYTHING.
~Indiana 13~
Hey on the outside of the Stage it says new guests arriving every week, the awards go on for 3 weeks so if Aunt Arctic, Gary, Cadence and the Penguin Band were this weeks special guests whose gonna be next weeks or the week after? Billybob maybe? just sayin, lolz
yey i love april fools partys
they better bring a free item
Everyone dont be tricked like the last time!
BTW mimo cool banner!
Cool Fangs said...
Oh cool I can't wait, I hope new free item this time!
it will probably be old but lets hope it will be new
yoshhi456 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
I hope they do have free items in the boxes!
Oh and Mimo ur the gr8est!
every party on cp will have at least one free item
yoshhi456 (CPG MOD)
ace234444 cpg mod said...
Yes hopefully there will a free item out there for all the non members. This party will be fun!
~Ace234444 cpg mod~
you don't put cpg mod when you don't answer a question
Thanks mimo :) your a good help for everyone :D plus I cant WAIT!! W00T
1i1 Pingy
Raindowrebel said.....
hey mimo, there's sculptures that ppl did in cp in the dock,lighthouse and ski village so kwl
Sorry, but Mimo posted in 2-3 post before, he said where the sculptures where.
Mewbra123 (CPG MOD)
Aww... i'm going holiday one day before april fool's day :(
hey mimo can I become a member of CPG.
In response to Jack, who said:
Mimo there is a new Resturant themed Igloo plz post about it!!!!!!!!
Hey there! If you refer to the previous furniture catalog cheats post, Mimo has posted about this. See ya around!
-Survivor91-(Legendary Mod)
P.S CPG Mod's How frequently do you have to post to become a mod.
In response to Anonymous, who said:
Is this the partay for aprils fools day party??????
Hey there! Yes, this is the sneak peek for the April Fool's party which takes place April 1st, Wednesday.
-Survivor91-(Legendary Mod)
In response to Rockhoper849, who said:
are we using this post for the comment tracker?
Hey there! Nope, we are not. Use the post directly below this as the tracker!
-Survivor91-(Legendary Mod)
In response to Bublini28, who said:
I know what the sneak peek is! Its a portal to leads to the beach!
Hey there! Cool idea and good thinking! You could be right! We just have to wait and see!
-Survivor91-(Legendary Mod)
In response to Cuddles190006, who said:
did you forget to put the new igloo catalog??? theres a new one!
Yo! Yes, there is a new igloo catalog. Mimo did post about this. Read that post carefully. See ya around!
-Survivor91-(Legendary Mod)
In response to Anonymous, who said:
please tell me where aunt artic is!anyone!
Yo! You could always refer to the tracker post below, where comments are always approved quickly, and that allows people to find Cadence and Aunt Arctic! Good luck!
-Survivor91-(Legendary Mod)
Awesome! i dove April fools. Hope there r member stuff. that would be more aweosme!
Anonymous said...
i wonder what the swirly thing is in the box
Dear Anonmymous,
I think the swirly thing in the box is like a vortex.
hiya cuddles19006! you said
did you forget to put the new igloo catalog??? theres a new one!
noh mimo didnt forget he just didnt post any pictures, look in the new igllo items post at the end he mentions it
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
Cool, i dreamed the April Fools party and it was awesome!!!! You know, Mimo, you could have a membership contest soon, it would be really cool.... Oh, and I don't think that they will have a new free item, because they are giving all the benefites to members.... Je*ks....
Anna (CPG mod)
Where is the box?
mimo you should haave music in the backgroundf you could
Cool, I hope that there are no member only items, because that would be sad.
cool!! i love parties so far 2009 parties r awesome
-sally hanik
My first April fools day party woohoo!I dont care if its cardboard boxes cuz I dont kknow what they are!:)
i hope it is a new item. will the party only be on for one day?
ヾ that looks pretty kwl
Hey Mimo have you checked out the HQ yet it has a new screen maybe even a new room soon ???
Well cool - April fools party is good on ds!
Anonymous said...
Is this the partay for aprils fools day party??????
yep this party is for april fools party.
Bb Polo745(cpg mod)
Legobrandon said...
Hey Mimo I know this is off topic but this glitch that happened to my was super cool! I was on the server sherbet at 10:00 PST and I went to the mountain to play a game of sled racing. So I walked over there and some penguin was dancing and it was like i got JAMMED behind him and I was like waddling nowhere. Also when I tried to click the map it went NON STOP to random leters like from MAP to AGHTE! Then the NEWS went from NEWS to CRSGH! So random right?
yes thats random.
Bb Polo745(cpg mod)
penguinbabai said...
i hope it is a new item. will the party only be on for one day?
No, it will be on for longer than just one day. Club penguin will tell us soon.
Sand Flipper
kronos6000 said...
hey mimo can I become a member of CPG.
Sorry, only Mimo's family members can be a party of CPG.
Sand Flipper
Anonymous said...
Aww... i'm going holiday one day before april fool's day :(
Hey don't worry. If your not gone to long the party could still be up.
Sand Flipper
Wat r the cardboard boxes????
kronos6000 said...
hey mimo can I become a member of CPG?
Zxz192 said...
Sorry, only members of mimos family can be part of the CPG.
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
penguinbabai said...
i hope it is a new item. will the party only be on for one day?
Zxz192 said...
The party will be more than one day. We will soon be told how long the party will be.
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
It looks so cool!!! i hope this party they will give out a differnt free item lol. oh and mimo can you be my friend
mimo cant be ur friend becuz he only becomes friends with contest winners and mimo mods (soz)hope this helped
Flab147(CPG mod)
Anonymous said...
Is this the partay for aprils fools day party??????
Yes the party is april fools (this is my first) hope you enjoy it
nVIDIA101 said...
AWESOME! It is right next to my Birthday (April 2nd.)
Lol ur lucky my birthday is on a boring day.thats cool though becuz my cousins birthdays are on april 2nd
flab147(CPG mod)
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