Ok, pretty freeky! Check out the Migrator in this weeks Club Penguin Newspaper. There are 11 links on Rockhopper's ship! But they don't seem to go anywhere! We've tried clicking them in different order to see if it reveals something but it doesn't work.
I have the links dotted in red in the picture below. There are four links at the bottom, one on each cannon. There are 5 links at the top on the railing. And there is one link on the front and one on the back of the Migrator. Maybe if you click them in order it will take you to an underground cave where Rockhopper's wife is eating frog flavored ice cream!

So the question is, do the links go somewhere if you click them in a certain order? Did they forget to put the links in? Is it an accident? Interesting. Sweet. Strange. Creepy. Freeky. Kinda. But try it and let me know if you figure it out!, k!?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Weird. I'm about to try it right now! Byte for now Mimo, and wish me luck on banning my sister's penguin! Yes, I really am gonna do that cause my sister hates Club Penguin.
wow i will tell you if i get it
well happy rockhopping mimo777
Huh. Nothing.
woahh. pretty weirddd. lol
hey mimo! thats really weird! i will tell you if it does something. please add me!
your number 1 fan: ninja5029
i just zoomed in on it to see if i could find anything out on it but i saw nothing
Anonymous said...
Weird. I'm about to try it right now! Byte for now Mimo, and wish me luck on banning my sister's penguin! Yes, I really am gonna do that cause my sister hates Club Penguin.
AWWW that sounds mean! well...
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Thats odd maybey its a clue of some sort well hope you find rockhopper. :)
That is cool!
i got it!!! a white puffle comes up and says congratulations and 5 of those puffles go follow the white one and then you go to a diffrent page and then i cant figure it out.
-officialfred (btw awsome site)
You know i think its a mistake.
whoaa weird..
Well i tried it and nothing happened.
Just to let you all know that you should wright to club penguin to make white puffles for Non Members! NON MEMBERS RULE!
P.S you rule Mimo.
Hmm.... Tricky one. I wonder if I could figure it out. I'll let you know if I do.
Maybe if you click it he will come!
MAybe you get to go to Rockhopper island!
Maybe it was just a glitch... idk. They could possibly lead to somewhere, but they aren't working currently...
oh and is this the mysterious link you were talking about?
Thats so weird and ur right. U guys r awsome. O and thnx ;)
What happened to the wiener of the Caption contest
Anonymous said...
hey mimo! thats really weird! i will tell you if it does something. please add me!
your number 1 fan: ninja5029
Hello ninja5029, Mimo can't add anyne right now unless it's something special because it wouldn't be fair to other penguins. If we had bigger buddy lists it would be a different story.
~Goey45 (Cpg mod in training)
ok i am just gussing but try clicking them in order from right to left then lest to right then click the flag
I tryed to rest of the newspaper for any other clickable things, but nothing... It's probably just a glitch.
hola cool maybe itll be a new room! like a submerene or a fish bowl room! like my iggy!
thats not like cp to post blank links hmm.....
Great going mimo777. i was sending an hour trying to work it out!
Mod: Nunnsy
I think its a mistake.
Because when you click it, there should something come out.
I think you dont have to press it in order.
heh heh, wierd!
woah that would be awsome meeting rockhoppers wife eating frog flavored icecream that would be so awsome but gross
What ever i click on the ship nothing happen. I try to do it in many order but still nothing, its really a mistake.
Hey mimo, if there was suppose something to come out when you click it, you should know about it. Because every time there always
hidden in cp, you know about it. Thats why i always check this site.#1 site.
I wonder if the club penguin moderators mentioned a code a couple of years back?...
Hey mimo great observation could you comment on our website plz that would be awesome
ahhh mimo if you look at the comments from announcing white puffle you can the comment
catkier007 said
will all penguins be able to get white puffles
March 2, 2009 7:21 PM
Billybob said
Members will be able to adopt white puffles. Waddle on!
this is the exact comment wahhhhhhhhhhh :(
wow... pretty random.... LOL woudnt it be sweet if ya could like click them and find rockhopper that wood be so wicked!
Woah thats soooo freaky!!! I think they did that by accident
I think its a mistake.
Because when you click it, there should something come out.
I think you dont have to press it in order.
OKai, first off, lots of strange things are happenin in Club penguin, First da white puffle, then I saw another link, then lots of people have been saying Club penguin is bringing back Beta Hats, I actually think so because in a newspaper it showed someone wearing it with new items ;). Hope they do. I dont Know whats goin on LOL. It could be a mistake or whatevs, But most likely, its something BIGGER. why dontcha try e-mailing CP bout it? ;) They reply to it ;)
Good Luck!!!
i tried it about 2 minutes ago, and i almost got SUPER annoyed cuz it wouldn't do anything. I personally think that the people don't know it has happened, so they are completely clueless!
Tycoon101 :)
Anonymous said...
hey mimo! thats really weird! i will tell you if it does something. please add me!
your number 1 fan: ninja5029
Hey Ninja5029,
I think...THINK...mimo is full. BUT you can enter contest and sometimes mimo adds you if you win teh contest OR you can try to be a mod and then get to Mimo Mod to be his buddy.
Hope this helps :)
-Sparkforever(CPG Mod)
maybe its just something the computer messes up on
slinky59402(cpg mod)
one word: WEIRD
oh my god you rock mimo ohhhhh creepy but cool
Weird! Btw who won the caption contest?
Odd ball
Please post! Never been posted!
Anonymous said...
Weird! Btw who won the caption contest?
Odd ball
Please post! Never been posted!
Stickers will win for sure, so yes, stickers will be the winner
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
huh its so strange
It might have something to do with the white puffles!
~Dex Dude~
hey mimo! thats really weird! i will tell you if it does something. please add me!
your number 1 fan: ninja5029
Well is very rare which means he can be on any server. If you want to add him though, you can become a CPG MOD and Mimo will secretly meet you and add you! (Club Penguin Gang MOD) by answering people's questions and congratulating new Moderators. If you want more information look on Mimo's "Become a Club Penguin Gang MOD!" page. I'm glad I could help you and God bless you!
Let It Rock!!!
Weird! Btw who won the caption contest?
Odd ball
Please post! Never been posted!
Hey There!,
I think Stickers303 won, he had many votes (#20) on poll. His was really funny ;) If you entered then Good Luck, and If you didn't, Mimo always, always has something up his beak rofl (sleeve...) so keep trying and maybe you'll win! Hope I helped and GoodLuck,
-Unibunny7 [CPG M0D]
Anonymous said...
Weird! Btw who won the caption contest? Odd ball Please post! Never been posted!
Well we have to wait until two more days to find out who the winner. Well I'll just have to say... Stickers303 is MAINLY the winner!
Let It Rock!!!
i think its just a mistake. try emailing cp about it. but other than that, i really dont know. haha
-55sasuke55 or Pearlseal05 (depending on the day ;-) )
Anonymous said...
hey mimo! thats really weird! i will tell you if it does something. please add me!
your number 1 fan: ninja5029
Hey ninja! Lol I remember you and now I'm answering you on one of your questions! I am sorry but Mimo can't add you his buddy list is full.
~Dex Dude~ (CPG MOD)
Bboberto10215 said...
There are probably no links but it is very strange how you can click on Rockhoppers ship. It might be a specific code. Oh, and it is not very nice to call Mimo crazy. He is the #1 Clubpenguin Cheats website!
~Dex Dude~ (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Weird! Btw who won the caption contest?
Odd ball
Please post! Never been posted!
Stickers303 is probably going to win the caption contest. I'm in the caption contest and she has like 500 billion more votes than me! I hope Mimo has a secret party for everyone that was in the caption contest!
~Dex Dude~ (CPG MOD)
CPG Where do you find this stuff out i mean how could any other site have noticed that you got good eyes mimo.
Love your site,
Blogger maxblade said...
Hey mimo, if there was suppose something to come out when you click it, you should know about it. Because every time there always
hey maxblade flash2378 ok mimo might now about this stuff other of his ppl do other stuff just like that soo dont blame mimo blame other ppl im just kidding dont do that well
thats all
hmmmmmmm.... i never figure things outlike this! someone figure it out then mimo..... post it! im not a smart person/penguin.
plz post
Anonymous said...
Weird! Btw who won the caption contest? Odd ball Please post! Never been posted!
he will not announce it for two more days he just wants all of us to get a chance to vote!!! hope that helps!
Anonymous said...
What happened to the wiener of the Caption contest
the contest isnt over yet...
Bb Polo745
I think it's a glitch.
- Craft123456
Anonymous said...
What happened to the wiener of the Caption contest
Mimo said that he will post the winner soon! Lolz
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
The same ting happened at the christmas party in the puffle book with the o' beries!
That's really weird. O.o
Anonymous said...
What happened to the wiener of the Caption contest
Anonymous, Mimo hasn't posted the winner of the caption contest yet, but he has been busy with all this new stuff! I'm sure it'll be here soon!
-SilverAtom (CPG Mod in training)
Anonymous Anonymous said...
What happened to the wiener of the Caption contest
Ha Ha! Nice memory on remembering the last membership joke!But idk about your question.
Anonymous said...
Weird! Btw who won the caption contest?
Odd ball
Please post! Never been posted!
No one yet, mimo said he will tell us soon.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Yiney said...
IDK, club penguin usually doesn't have links that dont do anything...hmmmm.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous Marquizi98 said...
hey mimo! thats really weird! i will tell you if it does something. please add me!
your number 1 fan: ninja5029
Well is very rare which means he can be on any server. If you want to add him though, you can become a CPG MOD and Mimo will secretly meet you and add you! (Club Penguin Gang MOD) by answering people's questions and congratulating new Moderators. If you want more information look on Mimo's "Become a Club Penguin Gang MOD!" page. I'm glad I could help you and God bless you!
Let It Rock!!!
Well Actualy you have to become the highest ranked mod (Mimo mod)
Digital Boy (cpg mod)
Bboberto10215 said...
Yes... they are quite hard to click on but keep trying maybe you WILL see his wife eating frog flavored icecream! ;)
you want one...
-Redferrari99 (CPG MOD)
Bboberto10215 said...
Mimo not crazy man are you... NO Mimo is right there are links but... there is no place that the links go to.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
did u click them the way mimo has it pikachu788(cpgmod)
how do you find these things out mimo???lol
well im trying rite now n no luck yet
but i wont stop trying
I got news for ya.... I AM ROCKHOPPERS WIFE!! lolz jk
What's rockhopper giving out?
Anonymous said:
Weird. I'm about to try it right now! Byte for now Mimo, and wish me luck on banning my sister's penguin! Yes, I really am gonna do that cause my sister hates Club Penguin.
I say:
Are you sure your sister wants you to band her penguin?! You REALLY should ask her if you can... Sounds fun, though!
k i just clicked on all of th hidden links and then nuthin happened :S
srry if u cant understand wat i just said cuz of th spelling and stuff.
just a glitch again :(
Very weird glitch but amazing at the same time. I see something almost the same thing Mimo saw! lol
Let It Rock!!!
Anonymous said...
What happened to the wiener of the Caption contest
Mimo has not posted who the winner is yet. Tomorrow he'll post the winner of the caption contest which is mainly Stickers303!
Let It Rock!!!
Anonymous said...
What's rockhopper giving out?
a free background, ya i know lamo lol
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
ciciaz623 said...
how do you find these things out mimo???lol well im trying to rite now n no luck yet but i wont stop trying.
I think Mimo is the insider of Club Penguin. An insider is a person who finds out new parties and excitment before the other person. Or I think he might've spoke to Club Penguin. I'm glad I could help you and God bless you!
Let It Rock!!!
I wanted to tell you all that there is 11 "things" and when you put WHITE PUFFLE together you get 11 letters! Does this have to do with the mysterious white puffles? Well, honestly, I don't know. But I have another idea: Last week's newspaper told us that our fortune said that we had to keep an eye out for pirates. Does that have to do with the "things" Maybe, Maybe not. Oh well, I tryed every combination and it didn't work. Lets just hope for a cool thing!
~Matjear~(wanna be MOD)
it may be involed with Yarr?
Anonymous said...
What's rockhopper giving out?
You will recieve an awesome background by clicking on the map in the bottom right corner of your screen. Members also can by a treasure chest (furniture item) That costs 800 coins. Or a Swash buckler that costs I think 550 coins. And you can buy an awesome Wall Map (furniture item) for 250 coins and I'm sure there is a hidden item too if you look on Mimo's other blogs.
Let It Rock!!!
well mimo i tried it but nothing happened but i promise ill tell u if anything weird happens cuz u like being a weird dude and yeah.
happy rockhopping! oh and have u found rockhopper yet? i know i never do well only one time when no one knew he was there! hope ya find him!
keep the name in ur brain juh76t
umm.... yeah...
Anonymous said...
hey mimo! thats really weird! i will tell you if it does something. please add me!
your number 1 fan: ninja5029
well he cant just add you only if we had bigger buddy lists
wii wii wii1(cpg mod in traing)
anonymous said...
Weird! Btw who won the caption contest?
Odd ball
Please post! Never been posted!
one stickers won well hes like 4000 in front of evrybody and two mimo will always poat a comment only if its rude or pointless
wii wii wii19cpg mod in traing)
ciciaz623 said
how do you find these things out mimo???lol well im trying to rite now n no luck yet but i wont stop trying.
mimo looks real carefully and takes time into what hes doing
Anonymous said...
hey mimo! thats really weird! i will tell you if it does something. please add me!
your number 1 fan: ninja5029
Hey Ninja5029,
I think...THINK...mimo is full. BUT you can enter contest and sometimes mimo adds you if you win teh contest OR you can try to be a mod and then get to Mimo Mod to be his buddy.
Hope this helps :)
-Sparkforever(CPG Mod)
stickers isn't a mimo mod and mimo is his buddy
wii wii wii1(cpg mod in traing)
Anonymous said...
hey mimo! thats really weird! i will tell you if it does something. please add me!
your number 1 fan: ninja5029
srry mate but his buddy list is full and it would take forever for him to go around meeting and adding ppl
Anonymous said
i got it!!! a white puffle comes up and says congratulations and 5 of those puffles go follow the white one and then you go to a diffrent page and then i cant figure it out.
-officialfred (btw awsome site)
nup how do u do that its only a glitch
Anonymous said...
Weird! Btw who won the caption contest? Odd ball Please post! Never been posted!
like i said stickers is winning by 4000 votes and well done stickers for wining the contest
wii wii wii1(cpg mod in traing)
Anonymous said
Weird. I'm about to try it right now! Byte for now Mimo, and wish me luck on banning my sister's penguin! Yes, I really am gonna do that cause my sister hates Club Penguin.
why does she hate club penguin for guess shes different to everyone in the world
Anonymous said
Weird! Btw who won the caption contest?
Odd ball
Please post! Never been posted!
ohh it hasnt ended yet keep coming to the site everyday and check if its finished or u can look near the bottom of the poll it will say how many days till vote end
i really wanna be cpg mod
Your Right mimo, It is creepy!
Seagem2 said...
it may be involed with Yarr?
Possibly, well Yarr isnt at his usual spot so maybe.... Good thinking
Anonymous said...
just a glitch again :(
Yeah I guess so, theres been alot of glitches lately
Sophi Jr said...
Maybe it was just a glitch... idk. They could possibly lead to somewhere, but they aren't working currently...
oh and is this the mysterious link you were talking about?
Hey, that was the mysterious links mimo was talking about yesterday
Anonymous said...
hey mimo! thats really weird! i will tell you if it does something. please add me!
your number 1 fan: ninja5029
Hey I know it is really weird, also mimo cant add u unless u become a mimo mod
anyomuns said:
hey mimo!thats weird!i will tell you if it does something.please add me!
your number one fan:ninja5029
sorry ninja5029 but mimo cant add you because theirs probaly millions of people that want mimo to add them but freind lists aint long enough but if thy were unlimented well thats another story!
sootput(cpg mod in traning)
Fluffygood ( CPG MOD) said:
Just to let you all know that you should write to club penguin to make white puffles for Non Members! NON MEMBERS RULE!
P.S you rule Mimo.
That isn't really nice for members. I am dying for white puffles and I been waiting forever. And it usually, all other puffles except blue and red are for members. You can give a try, but I really doubt they will do that.
-Slider 466 (CPG MOD)
Yeah, it's weird and freaky. Please tell us when was that issue because I forgot when was that issue released.
Anonymous said...
CPG Where do you find this stuff out i mean how could any other site have noticed that you got good eyes mimo.
Love your site,
Ok, that's a good question. All you do is feel around with the mouse or hit one of your keys. You can always find something out that's glitchy. In fact, I'll be posting a new glitch on my website later today.
woha! i found that, if in a corect order it will change the puffle that is on the front of the migorator!
and check that! after i got into my igloo, i had puffle furniture!
p.s. i'm not a member!
Hey Mimo! What's hanging? Do you think white puffles will be available to everyone? I wish! I also wish that Club penguin would give us non-members SOME furniture and things for our puffles! I mean seriously!
P.S. Koopa Bros. are the cooliest! Everyone else is a total wimpola compared to them, except for Mr. L he's cool too.
that is weird, cant seem to get y they did it
ok weird........... maybe if you click them in the order the way they are shown, it will take you to the ship while it is still at sea and you can meet rockhoppers family!
Bboberto10215 said...
Mimo always finds a way for something special on CP. This one might be a link other than the white puffle, not the sculpting contest, but something more special.
-Glc2 [CPG mod in training]
hiya anonymous! you asked
What happened to the wiener of the Caption contest
the caption contest isnt over yet, people still have to vote on the ones they like best, but its not only up to us, CPG picks their favorite out of thee 20 and the person with the most votes wins
you're friend goofy73
mimo u r wrong i did it and met rockhoppers wife eating FISH flavoored ice cream lol jk love ur site
Hmm! That's curious! I'm going to check that out!
hey mimo i keep trying to figure it out i just wannted to invite you to my party heres the in fromation
time 7 30 am
room ice berg
sever mammoth
i hope every one can make it
Seagem2 said...
it may be involed with Yarr?
You never know, I wish I knew. But if somebody did know they would tell you. Keep your eyes and ears open for now.
Your athletic buddy
-Athletico96 (cpg mod in training)
i think its a mistake
coby15 (cpg mod)
Ok, i don't really want to flip through a lot of comments, so mimo can you post what happens when you figure it out?
Anonymous said...
What's rockhopper giving out?
Zxz192 (me) said...
Rockhopper is giving out a signed background with his photon and signature on.
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
What happened to the wiener of the Caption contest?
Zxz192 (me) said...
Mimo will post the big wiener of the Caption contest but I'm pretty sure it will be stickers.
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
where: on club penguin
server: Sleet
time: 10 am CPTZ
Place: iceburg, ski hills, ski lodge, docks, forest and cove.
wear: anything :D
Date: Wednesday 4th march 2009
hope u can all make it :D
Anonymous said...
hey mimo! thats really weird! i will tell you if it does something. please add me!
your number 1 fan: ninja5029
dear anonymous
im sorry but mimo cant add u cuz it wont be fair on other penguins. :D
saavy (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
What happened to the wiener of the Caption contest
dear anonymous
well it will all be announced soon 2 day or later.
saavy (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
What's rockhopper giving out?
dear anonymous
rock hoppers giving out an autographed background :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
hi ppl its saavy again just posting the party details again. :)
where: on club penguin
server: Sleet
time: 10 am CPTZ
Place: iceburg, ski hills, ski lodge, docks, forest and cove.
wear: anything :D
Date: Wednesday 4th march 2009
hope u can all make it :D
hi ppl
i got a question
wen the white puffles out
can u get a coin code and unlock it insted? lol
Anonymous said...
Ok, i don't really want to flip through a lot of comments, so mimo can you post what happens when you figure it out?
Zxz192 (me) said...
Mimo will probably post if the links do anything.
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
What's rockhopper giving out?
he is giveing out a free map back ground and if you meet him a background whith a picture of him with his signature HOPE THAT HELPS!!
hey mimo
thats sick, i'm tryin to figure it out but i cant but i'll keep tryin and tell u if i get it.
petermikhail(cpg mod)
hi ppl
i got a question
wen the white puffles out
can u get a coin code and unlock it insted? lol
Probaly you can get the other puffles right??? Guess we will just have to wait and see though
-Lukepowley (CPG Mod in training)
where: on club penguin
server: Sleet
time: 10 am CPTZ
Place: iceburg, ski hills, ski lodge, docks, forest and cove.
wear: anything :D
Date: Wednesday 4th march 2009
hope u can all make it :D
Cool happy birthday savvy hope you have a wonderfull day i might even come to ur party!!! HAPPYBIRTHDAY!!!
-Lukepowley (CPG Mod in training)
MIMO maybe, since they are smaller than other puffles, they will be able to shrink!!!
i think its a mistake
coby15 (cpg mod)
I think that to but you never know do you...
-Lukepowley (CPG Mod in training)
hey mimo i keep trying to figure it out i just wannted to invite you to my party heres the in fromation
time 7 30 am
room ice berg
sever mammoth
i hope every one can make it
Although mimo would love to come to your partys he is a very busy penguin... if you really want to meet him you should try one of his partys...
lukepowley (CPG Mod in training)
Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
hi ppl
i got a question
wen the white puffles out
can u get a coin code and unlock it insted? lol
Zxz192 (me) said...
You will be able to unlock it with a coin code lol. Ill see you around on CP!
Oh yeah, and I will see you at your party tomorrow!
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
hi ppl
i got a question
wen the white puffles out
can u get a coin code and unlock it insted? lol
Yes. I think so, I hope so
~Stickers303~ - CPG Mod!
Mmmmmmmm... frog flavoured ice cream....drools...
I'm pretty sure that I noticed that before. That kinda stuff always happens to me.
-Sclampy (penguin name)
hiya saavy! you said
hi ppl
i got a question
wen the white puffles out
can u get a coin code and unlock it insted? lol
of course, puffles are one of many things available in the treasure book. so of course you can get a white puffle from the treasure book, and remember the treasure book items are available to members and non-members, so if they're not for non-members in clubpenguin, you can get them in the treasure book
you're friend goofy73
Mimo777 your site is the best!!!!
Are you saw Rockhopper?
I did. (3.March Vannila Cove 11:21 PST)
Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
hi ppl its saavy again just posting the party details again. :)
where: on club penguin
server: Sleet
time: 10 am CPTZ
Place: iceburg, ski hills, ski lodge, docks, forest and cove.
wear: anything :D
Date: Wednesday 4th march 2009
hope u can all make it :D
saavy thats dring my shcoohl time :( WAAAA!
hey mimo i keep trying to figure it out i just wannted to invite you to my party heres the in fromation
time 7 30 am
room ice berg
sever mammoth
i hope every one can make it
mimo is a very busy kid he cant just come to everybodys partys
wii wii wii1(cpg mod in traing)
that is queer!
I am trying it now!
Anonymous said...
What's rockhopper giving out?
he used to be giving out an eyepatch but now he gives out a signed background
wii wii wii1(cpg mod in traing)
happy b-day saavy
wii wii wii1
I think it's a glitch...maybe they will fix it soon. I tried a bunch of different orders and nothing came up!
Wait, Rockhopper has a wife?!?!
I also hope some furniture for puffles is avalible for non members, along with the amazing white puffle!
go non-membs!!!
mimo777 rulz!
Idk its kinda wierd but the ice cream part was cool
(p.s mimo go on chobots sometime they r having a party)
player on cp and chobots,
maybe it is a white puffle
Anonymous said...
Ok, i don't really want to flip through a lot of comments, so mimo can you post what happens when you figure it out?
He will probably post later if he sees something in the links.
Let It Rock!!!
Thats really weired
Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
hi ppl
i got a question
wen the white puffles out
can u get a coin code and unlock it insted? lol
no they probably wont because they have never posted puffles in the tresure items before and probly wont start now im not try to be mean i just like tacos
Shawnmcik98 (CPG mod in training)
Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
hi ppl
i got a question
wen the white puffles out
can u get a coin code and unlock it insted? lol
You MIGHT be able to. Clubpenguin really has been having really awesome stuff come out and if Clubpenguin does... Mimo will be the first to know...
you want one...
-Redferrari99 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
hey mimo! thats really weird! i will tell you if it does something. please add me!
your number 1 fan: ninja5029
Mimo cant add u cuz his buddy list is full. So, u wont be able to be his buddy unless u become a Mimo Mod! Just saying...
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
Sophi Jr said...
Maybe it was just a glitch... idk. They could possibly lead to somewhere, but they aren't working currently...
oh and is this the mysterious link you were talking about?
This is the group of mysterious links Mimo has been talking about. If u think about it, it is weird! So, if u could find something u should tell Mimo! Just saying...
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
What happened to the wiener of the Caption contest
Mimo will post the wiener later. But it is obvious that stickers will win. But hey, everyone else has a chance! Just saying...
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
WOW!!! Now THAT'S freaky... and mysterious. I went and tried it out myself. I sure hope something happens if you click them right!
By the way Mimo, YOU ROCK!!!
Wow pretty freaky mimo.. good find.
- Vanilla422
Fluffygood (CPG MOD) said...
Just to let you all know that you should wright to club penguin to make white puffles for Non Members! NON MEMBERS RULE!
P.S you rule Mimo.
:( Members are nice too! Yes, some of them are REALLY mean. Ignore them. And take note that some of u guys are pretty bad too.
wow! thats weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeird...kinda like zeebras that are stinky!
hey mimo,
they still haven't fixed the Migrator-Migratuer glitch. wow...they should probally get on that.
keep R O C K I N G !
maybe its to lead you to the treasure chest on the deck cause the treasure chest is right were the furthest one is placed!
P.S.- im just guessing random things! it's fun...does something smell like a stinky zebra???
i am sad :( I just dont know what it take to become a mod :( JUst tell me how many questins i have to anwser right or VERY picafic details on how to become a mod :( PLEASE tell me MIMO not CPG MODs MIMO
form a mod thatn is tierd of trying to become one Daddey.
mimo! i just found something cool and funny. on the postcard that says "welcome to club penguin" the sign in the picture is blank! isn't that weird? you should take a look!
Anonymous said...
i got it!!! a white puffle comes up and says congratulations and 5 of those puffles go follow the white one and then you go to a diffrent page and then i cant figure it out.
-officialfred (btw awsome site
HOW??????????????? PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!
ooooh i can't wait til mimo posts the winner of the caption contest!
Wow that is real cool, I would have never seen that!
P.S.S - My penguins name is Im Not Named awesome right?
Daddey the person how will never be a mod. said...
i am sad :( I just dont know what it take to become a mod :( JUst tell me how many questins i have to anwser right or VERY picafic details on how to become a mod :( PLEASE tell me MIMO not CPG MODs MIMO
form a mod thatn is tierd of trying to become one Daddey.
i am sorry but mimo ca not anser every question you ask but there will always be a mod with the anser you do not anser any question you just do what i am doing ansering questins! rember mimo will always care even if he dosent anser.HOPE THAT HELPS!!!
Anonymous said...
hey mimo,
they still haven't fixed the Migrator-Migratuer glitch. wow...they should probally get on that.
keep R O C K I N G !
yes they have go check it out they fixed ot yesterday.HOPE THAT HELPS!!!
Slider 466 said...
Fluffygood ( CPG MOD) said:
Just to let you all know that you should write to club penguin to make white puffles for Non Members! NON MEMBERS RULE!
P.S you rule Mimo.
That isn't really nice for members. I am dying for white puffles and I been waiting forever. And it usually, all other puffles except blue and red are for members. You can give a try, but I really doubt they will do that.
-Slider 466 (CPG MOD)
hey! it's perfectly fine for members. it's that he is a nonmember, and he wants to encourage nonmembers. PLus, i mean, last time rockhop brought red puffles and THEY were available to nonmembers. Then, why shouldn't white e available to them? but then again, it WOULD bring more people to become members, and they would get MUCH, MUCH more money than normal. hmmmmmmmmmm...................
Birdygurl (cpg mod)
PS hope this helps!
Mimo, this is weird and your blog has realy helped me on clubpenguin. I have told all my friedns about you. Also you should post a picture of YORSELF!!!
how do u do it. wut order.
dear Fluffygood (CPG MOD)
i all ready did and they said that they dont know what to have it as!!!
I would just like to point out that non-members can't get many things because members are the ones that really pay for clubpenguin. Without members, clubpenguin couldn't run 'cause they wouldn't have the money. Plus, Disney has to spend their money on other more important things.
Anonymous said...
hey mimo! thats really weird! i will tell you if it does something. please add me
Dear Anonymous,
you will probably get added by mimo if you win a contest or something, but if he doesn't, don't get down in the dumps. Maybe if you become the ranking "Legendary Mod" or "Mimo Mod" he might! Like they say, keep on truckin!
Narutofan564 (CPG Mod in Training)
this is pretty weird i am about to try it right now,have you met rockhopper already i have he gave his player card
P.S. plzzzzz post
Yarr has been missing since Rockhopper came! Why didn't Mimo post that?
Daddey the person how will never become a MOD said...
i am said :( I juts dont know what it take to become a mod :( JUst tell me how many questins i have to answer right or VERY picafic details on how to become a mod :( PLEASE tell me MIMO not CPG MODs MIMO
form a mod thatn is teird of trying to become one Daddey.
Well Mimo would really like to answer your questions but I'm sorry he is very busy right now. There is no certain amount of questions you have to answer you just have to work really really hard and answer as many questions as possible. Never give up. Dont be afraid to go above a beyond! You have what it takes to become a MOD and I know you do. Because I'm going to pray for you. :)
Let It Rock!!!
Snowball5004 said...
Yarr has been missing since Rockhopper came! Why didn't Mimo post that?
Hi snowbakk5004
Mimo did post that a lil while ago but good job for finding it!
Waddle on! doate123 (cpg MOD)
Anonymous said...
What happened to the wiener of the Caption contest?
The winner of the caption contest has already been posted
but thnx for ur questions!
If you have any question just comment and me and the rest of the guys will try our best to answer them!
waddle on!
Doate123(cpg MOD)
It probably has to be related to the empty screen in the hq
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Slider 466 said...
Fluffygood ( CPG MOD) said:
Just to let you all know that you should write to club penguin to make white puffles for Non Members! NON MEMBERS RULE!
P.S you rule Mimo.
That isn't really nice for members. I am dying for white puffles and I been waiting forever. And it usually, all other puffles except blue and red are for members. You can give a try, but I really doubt they will do that.
-Slider 466 (CPG MOD)
I doubt they will allow that either but fluffygood didn't say anything mean about members so why did you say that's not nice for members?
creepy. O_O those links are really bugging me! i need to know what htey are for
Hi. I just found another link. It's on the yellow puffle in the pet shop. Hope this helps.
o and captain rock hoopers puffle is not on the ship
Hey I tried it and nothen happened so I tried it every way I could think of but still nothen. And why can't we see Rockhopper Island? I want to know where it i, How to get there, and if you can get there.
Hi mimo I figured it out. If you zoom in close enough, you can see they are different sizes. Select the smallest ones from left to right and a white puffle comes on the screen with a bunch of puffles behind it and it takes you to the what's new blog. Hope it helps!!!
hey mimo i keep trying to figure it out i just wannted to invite you to my party heres the in fromation
time 7 30 am
room ice berg
sever mammoth
i hope every one can make it
mimo might not be able to make it, and i cant make it cuz right now its march 5 but maybe try to figure out when his next party is or make another one and hope he will come! :)
Narutofan564 (CPG Mod in training)
I WANNA KNOW! -Blueebeel
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