The Club Penguin St. Patrick's Day Party will start this Friday. There will be lots of surprises including finding the end of the rainbow! Check it out:

Members will even be able to party in a Leprechaun House! Pretty sweet for members, pretty lame for non-members! :-( There better be a new free item this time, just sayin'!
Are you ready to get your green on?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

i will like the party and my member ship ends on the 2nd day of the party :(
i wish i was a member!
there wont be a new item though! i know it!
i renewed y membership so im good. im so glad!
WOO! I just put on a membership card and am happy to be going the party as a member! Also this member party ( the penguin play awards ) will be my first EVER member party! U ROCK MIMO!!!
my member ship ends on the same day as sammyp but i least i can enjoy the fun :):(
I can not wait i love being a member. I am so glad without partys club penguin would be borin do you think there will be any free items.
I can wait im a member and its just geing better and better for us members im gget all my green out
thx mimo
OMG I can't wait!
I haven't left any comments lately, that's cause I got the flu. :( But I think I'm gonna go to school on Wednesday.
cool! i bet if you find the end of the rainbow and your a member you might get something like 1000 bonus coins or something. ☺
Im ready XD
Anonymous said...
I can not wait i love being a member. I am so glad without partys club penguin would be borin do you think there will be any free items.
Hey Anonymous,
I hope there will be new items, but my guess is cp is bringing back old stuff because of all the new players to cp.
-Spark(CPG Mod)
Charlie bit me.
Mimo rules 2(CPGMod)
yey i am a member
Member special rooms in parites make me mad! I hope they will get back shamrock hat!
I wish that I had a membership :-(
Awesome im glad im a member . whats the leprecaun house ? yay i cant wait for it or your party !
Sammyp said:
i will like the party and my member ship ends on the 2nd day of the party : (
Im sorry to hear that but I hope you have fun at the party. Ask your mom or dad to renew it and maybe you can pay them back. ; )
kristen788 said:
my member ship ends the same day as sammyp but at least i can join the fun : ) :(
Hurry and join the fun when the party starts and I hope you get it renewed!
Im a member to but I feel bad for the non members!
I will have a blast at the party! YOU ROCK MIMO!
dude can't wait
my member ship ends on the same day as sammyp but i least i can enjoy the fun :):(
Cool , At Least You Will Experience It (: , You To Sammyp.
Alisha435 (CPG Mod) (:
woot! i cant wait for the member party and i hope theres a new item!
Yea I'm gonna get my green to the max!
Everything from nail polish to good luck charms - It will be ALLLLL green!
Keep it cool!
- Kitty Cat04 -
I think we might get a umbrella that looks like a clover because the penguins holding one in the picture. :/
Congratulations to our newest Mimo Chat MODS leish7 and 3jel97! Lets give a big "WOOT WOOT" TO them! You can you worked so hard and we appreciate your work. Keep it up! ;)
Let It Rock!!!
For all those who have memberships have fun in the Lepurchan House. And for those who do not I'm sure that mimo will show us what is inside the Lepurchan House!
~ace234444 (cpg mod)
i'm a member,YAY! but...i feel bad for u,Mimo
Too bad for non-members like me.
grr more member stuff! cp is being a lil unfair now dont ya think? so many member stuff and nothing for the non-members! grrr.
sweet. i have a membership so its gonna be awesomeee
I can't wait the good part is i might become a member this week so im gonna be able to go to the party im so glad Club Penguin exsist!
Stickie408(CPG MOD)
COOL! I hope it their is a new free item to.
this is so sweet! i cant wait:)
Mimo you rock!
This is going to be one of the best parties ever! Can't wait till the party!
Pepman4 CP MOD want to be!
Waddle on dudes!
i really want to know whats the end of the rainbow when the party comes i think its a big surprise!
Saweet!Im a member so i can't wait to see the leprechaun house!! Still , sry for the non-members , but urll get cool items too:D
Mimo u rock!
that so cool can not wait
guess?! i FINNALY FOUND UR SECRET SITE!!! lol my name on there is Tink 913, and i was OliviaLovesMimo at that planet cozmo party from a LONG time ago! oh and Alexis Grace from amercan idol is my best friends cuz!!! lol im so excited right now!
That is awesome! I loooove my membership!
Sparkforever said...
I haven't left any comments lately, that's cause I got the flu. :( But I think I'm gonna go to school on Wednesday.
Hey Sparkforever,
I hope you feel better. On the bright side no school for a while! Feel better and good luck with make up work!
~ Miaponygirl9 ~
pretty cool mimo. I dont like all the member stuff theyve been doing lately. It's like all they care about is making money!
Lucylu212 said...
Awesome im glad im a member . whats the leprecaun house ? yay i cant wait for it or your party !
Check out the forest! Theres a little house but it will turn into a big house =)
*Stickers303* - CPG Mod!
Anonymous said...
i'm a member,YAY! but...i feel bad for u,Mimo
Mimo does have a membership if you are wondering! He accidently got one!
*Stickers303* - CPG Mod!
Looks awesome!
Lucylu212 said...
Awesome im glad im a member . whats the leprecaun house ? yay i cant wait for it or your party !
The Leprechaun House is the big tree stump in the middle of the forest. It'll be set of Friday.
Let It Rock!!!
Anonymous said...
i'm a member,YAY! but...i feel bad for u,Mimo
What do you mean Mimo is a member
Mimo rules 2(CPGMod)
To all non members out there: I fell so bad for you guys that stinks how you guys don't get to go in the secret room :-( , but i say you should work hard for 7$ like me so i could get my member ship. Don;t be sad if you can't get it or become a member be happy and celebrate in the pary! ( Hope you have fun!) - Shadow0super
P.S sorry if i made you non members jelous.
Dear Lucylu212 ,
Your quetion about the leprakan house made me ask it to. I think it is a tree stump house or a leprakan house decorated in green with maybe some items.
Locall (CPG MOD)
Ps- Mimo Can I Be a Mod plz!
P.S sorry if i made all you non members jelous non members are nice!
This party will be awesome with the whole party thing. I wish I had a membership. BooHoo me maybe next month. Well bye!
Waddle on dudes!
Anonymous said...
P.S sorry if i made you non members jelous.
I hope you have fun in the Leprachaun House!It should be really awesome and I am sure that mimo will show us what is inside!
Have Fun!
~ace234444 (cpg mod)~
This will be my first ever St. Patrick's party!!! I bet I'm going to get a new item! It'll probably be old for the people who have been part of CP for longer than me though.
Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
grr more member stuff! cp is being a lil unfair now dont ya think? so many member stuff and nothing for the non-members! grrr.
Club penguins not being unfair. Member PAY for club penguin. Club penguins just trying to be fair to the people who are PAYING for them. What did non-members give club penguin? Nothing. Exactly.
I wonder if it's cheese!(JK)
im ready! 8)
lucylu212 said:
Awesome im glad im a member . whats the leprecaun house ? yay i cant wait for it or your party !
Georgia45 (CPG mod) said:
Cool, it's great your a member as well! Anyway, the Leprechaun House is some kind of secret members room in CP. Well, there you go lucylu212!
maybe at the end of the rainbow is a NEW free item! now that would be good. lol! although like Yo Im Frozen said coins would be good!
Lucylu212 said...
Awesome im glad im a member . whats the leprecaun house ? yay i cant wait for it or your party !
Zxz192 (me) said...
The leprechaun house is going to be the members room. Its in the forest so if you are a non member go and check it out before the party starts otherwise you won't be able to see it!
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Well done leish7 and 3jel97 for becoming the new Mimochat Mods!!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
I'm ready for the St. Patty's Party! (I'm not a member, though.)
I'm dressed up in the big green glasses from Fall Fair, the white sailors cap from Rockhopper, my Green Belt from the dojo, a lollypop from the Fall Fair and the boots from Rockhopper!
I think it's fun to make outfits out of the free stuff on CP. You can make yourself look really funny!
~*{ Dsnygurl
I know this is off topic, but i just noticed that not just the white, but ALL of my puffles look smaller
p.s. my zebra puffle looks like it has more stripes(jk) d-_-b
Lucylu212 said...
Awesome im glad im a member . whats the leprecaun house ? yay i cant wait for it or your party !
The leprechaun house will probably be in the forest. For the St. Patrick's Day party, they will make one so members can go in it! Keep Waddlin!
~Dex Dude~ (CPG MOD)
have fun nonmembers we r gonna have our own nonmember party someday. nonmebers unite!
cpg guy(nonmember)
Anonymous said...
i'm a member,YAY! but...i feel bad for u,Mimo
Actually, Mimo does have a membership! He was giving out a membership for a contest and he accidently gave it to himself! Pretty sweet, huh? Mimo still does like non-member stuff more, though.
~Dex Dude~ (CPG MOD)
i can't wait tell the party.i dress up like lepercaun so good
oisin1001 said...
i wish i was a member!
there wont be a new item though! i know it!
Hey Oisin1001, you'll be a member one day hopefully. I am pretty sure there will be a new item. :D
~Millywily CPG Mod
Yo Im Frozen said...
cool! i bet if you find the end of the rainbow and your a member you might get something like 1000 bonus coins or something.
I love that theory! That would be very cool!
~Millywily CPG Mod
Sparkforever said...
I haven't left any comments lately, that's cause I got the flu. :( But I think I'm gonna go to school on Wednesday.
Spark! Hey! I haven't seen you on CP latley. Well anyway, I hope your better! Coincedence, I just got sick!
~Millywily CPG Mod
Anonymous said...
I think we might get a umbrella that looks like a clover because the penguins holding one in the picture. :/
That would also be cool because the non members would have a fly hand item!
~Millywily CPG Mod
Anonymous said...
have fun nonmembers we r gonna have our own nonmember party someday. nonmebers unite!
cpg guy(nonmember
Non-Members need to have their own little party. I agree, us members get alot.
~Millywily CPG Mod
Lucylu212 said...
Awesome im glad im a member . whats the leprecaun house ? yay i cant wait for it or your party !
Lucylu, the Leprecaun house is in the forest. It is a little room where penguins come to walk in and out! It will be HUGE when the party comes!
~Millywily CPG Mod
I wish i am a member..
mimo are you a member. PLs tell me that you a non member.
Anonymous said...
Charlie bit me.
Dear Anonymous,
Charlie bit me too!!! meanie Charlie!! :(
Anonymous said.....
Do you think there will be any free items?
Yes I do but i dont know if they will be new or not.
Tormend CPG mod in training
Lucylu212 said...
Awesome im glad im a member . whats the leprecaun house ? yay i cant wait for it or your party !
Hey, im pretty sure that it will be like the dj party. And if you go to the forest on cp, there is a half finished house. So it will probably be there.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Sparkforever said...
I haven't left any comments lately, that's cause I got the flu. :( But I think I'm gonna go to school on Wednesday.
:-( I'm sorry to hear that! I'm sure your friends will be glad to see you!
Hey everyone i got a 1 month membership on sunday so ill be there :)!
hiya sparkforever! you said
I haven't left any comments lately, that's cause I got the flu. :( But I think I'm gonna go to school on Wednesday.
im so sorry! feel better.aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh i have a social studies unit test on Wednesday
you're freaking out friend goofy73
marquizi said:
congradulations to our newest
MIMO cast mods!
I say:
hiya anonymous! you said
i'm a member,YAY! but...i feel bad for u,Mimo
actually mimo is a member, he wears non-member clothes because thats his style, hehe.
you're friend goofy73
hiya anonyomus! you said
I think we might get a umbrella that looks like a clover because the penguins holding one in the picture. :/
thats so awesome, Mary Poppins Penguins!
last comment i forgot to put you're friend goofy73
ahhh forgot you're friend goofy73 again
hiya flamesaw penguin! you said
Hey everyone i got a 1 month membership on sunday so ill be there :)!
you're friend goofy73
(yes! i didnt forget it this time)
hiya anonymous! you said
Charlie bit me.
hehe. Ouch Charlie that really hurt
you're friend goofy73
i'm a member,YAY! but...i feel bad for u,Mimo
Mimo does have a membership if you are wondering! He accidently got one!
*Stickers303* - CPG Mod!
March 9, 2009 2:17 PM
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mimo does have a member ship yea stickers is right he accidentaly go it because he put to mimo777 not from mimo777.
(CPG MOD)3jel97
I had a membership card from toys r us.
Kitty Cat 04 said...
Yea I'm gonna get my green to the max!
Everything from nail polish to good luck charms - It will be ALLLLL green!
Keep it cool!
- Kitty Cat04 -
I say...
Wow! That's cool! I think I'm gonna do it too... If I have any green nail polish. ;-D
-Krystal 2000
Anonymous said...
Mimo are you a member. PLs tell me that you a non member.
Sorry, but Mimo is a member. He was giving someone the prize of a membership, when he accidently gave it to himself!!!!
(Have a good day)
-Alaney3 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
mimo are you a member. PLs tell me that you a non member.
Well uh, Mimo is a member. Souh, sorry...
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
i'm a member,YAY! but...i feel bad for u,Mimo
Um, well u dont have to be sorry for Mimo. He is a member! He accidentally made himselfa member. So uh,yeah...
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Mimo are you a member. PLs tell me that you are a non member.
One day Mimo was sending a membership to a contest winner. And he accidently sent it to himself! Sweet and hilarious at the same time.
Let It Rock!!!
im gonna be a member now because i really want to know whats inside the house
dude, that is so lame that they
start to do all this stuff for
members only, they just want money
non-members roc!
ppl dont put cpg mod in traing saavy told me that u should just say cpg mod sorry and congrats to all the new mimo chat mods
wii wii wii1(cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
i'm a member,YAY! but...i feel bad for u,Mimo
mimo is a member by accident he sent one to himself lol
wii wii wii1(cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
have fun nonmembers we r gonna have our own nonmember party someday. nonmebers unite!
cpg guy(nonmember
non members will probably never have a party cause then lots off ppl would want to be a non member and cp would lose all their money and cp would not exist again
wii wii wii1(cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
mimo are you a member. PLs tell me that you a non member.
mimo is a meberber sorry i am to sorry
wii wii wii1(cpg mod)
everyone whos Charlie?
grr more member stuff! cp is being a lil unfair now dont ya think? so many member stuff and nothing for the non-members! grrr.
Dear Saavy,
I think Club Penguin is being a bit too unfair now. I am a member myself and feel very sorry for all the non-members out there. I hope that they still enjoy the party and I'm sure Mimo will help non-members enjoy the fun too!
CPG Mod hopeful,
:( My membership runs out on March 22nd. :( Maybe I will stop Club Penguin! :(
Cutie0311 xxx
i cant wait fo the party
100th comment!
i bet the new free items will be a grenn hat or a clover
googd thing mine doesn't expire until may when it expires i will get another lolz
Lol, a leprechaun house... Pretty random lol.
AWESOME! i just became a mem lasr week and friday is tormorrow! YAY ME!
club penguin wave said
i thought it was not verry good because they didnt do a lot i mean like they didnt put lots of decorations up did they.
i said yeah i think that as well wonder why.
Alipmal (cp mod top level)
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