April Fool's Day is this Wednesday and Club Penguin has a special party planned for all penguins. We will get to be silly with our friends and search for special boxes that hopefully include time warp. There is also some special things only for members. Sorry!

It looks like they are going to have the paint balloons again, saweet! And, there so better be a free item for ALL penguins!
Do you think the Iceberg will be a big bucket again or something new?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

thats so cool :)
this is my first april's fool party so im excited :D
And being a member makes it better :D
i dont think the iceburg will be new
But it better be something new!!!
Sweet! Thanks mimo77! You rock! I hope everyone gets the new free pins there!
Matt james (Training to be a mod)
Sweet mimo! Thanks for the info!
i really loved the iceberg last year! i hope that this year it will be cool too. Also there will hopefully be a free item for Everyone. Peace everyone.
-someone anonymous lol
I commented about that right before you updated! I wonder who saw it first. Your really fast! You must spend all day on the computer like i do. Your so cool! I wish i could meet you. Waddle On Mimo777
~Jess31299(CPG MOD)~
I hope they change the iceberg is changed to look like a REAL iceberg from Antarctica or something! :P
-cool guy7414
That's awsome I can't wait till the party. Tkz Mimo!
i think the iceburg is going to be the same!
i acctually checked the blog like five min ago so i checked agin so i could see mimos chobot pic to draw it
I'm very sry I keep forgeting to put (CPG MOD)
The party is gonna rock mimo!!
cool i missed the last one i wont miss it this time woo hoo cpand cpg rock and my penguins name is gizzimo8003 im normaly on sherbet so if you see me throw a snowball at me and say hi please.
Sweet! i can't wait! thanks Mimo you ROCK!
cool i missed the last one but i sure wont miss this one and my penguins name is gizzimo8003 so look for me on sherbet and if you soo me throw a snowball and say hi to me please.
i think the ice burg will be different this year well i hope its different anyways... MIMO ROCKS MY SOCKS!!!
Cool that looks awesome this is well ill say my first one .
hi mimo777 i love your cool website i want to tell you that you cant meet billybob or the sensei. Is it true that nonmembers can i find the penguin and cadence or only penguin band reply back
awnsome mimo ur the best
COOL. I hope the party is as cool as it was last year. I want the iceberg to be decorated differently, because i like it when they decorate differently for parties that they have done in the past.
i dont know but the bucket of ice was so funny lol
boo hoo for me and nonmembers though waa oh well see yazzzz laterzzzzz
~~~~~~chrismas joy~~~~~
this will be my first april fools day party! :D
Sweet it is my first aprils fools party ever! I'm soooooooooooooo excited
the bucket was funny lolz i didnt know it was a bucket of ice
I cant wait...
I want free item for my penguin.
Sweet! Thanks for the info mimo! I hope the boxes don' trap me lol.
wow mimo cool tell us all where to get the items too ok just a reminder
ps:non members too
Hey Mimo777 or a mod. I have a question about the mods. Can there olny be one Mimo mod? If so can you stay there forever if you try hard? Or do you only get to be there for a couple days and then get removed for other penguins to try? Please reply any mod or mimo. Thanks.
i am especially excited for this party. Last year's April Fools party was my first party ever. I was so confused. ;)
mike said...
hi mimo777 i love your cool website i want to tell you that you cant meet billybob or the sensei. Is it true that nonmembers can i find the penguin and cadence or only penguin band reply back
You can meet Billybob it is true ive seen him. Also yes you can meet cadence and PB! Only at the stage though!
*Stickers303* - CPG Mod
Letrz off to school!
Cool, hopefully non-members can get some cool stuff!
Hey where is the penguin play award background??? waiting for you CPG mods. - Hearts3846
the bucket was cool but its time to move on to bigger and better things
hiya Hearts3846! you said
Hey where is the penguin play award background??? waiting for you CPG mods. - Hearts3846
the penguin play award background is hidden in the costume trunk catalog, it is on the second page inside the catalog it is on the stomach of the penguin on the trophy
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
my favorite thing to do is smell tomatoes
!tontos de abril!
li pensate avete la foresta del upsidedown?
siete amico goofy73
now in english
do you think they will have the upsidedown forest?
you're friend goofy73
Im just gonna type in random languages
Esse olha como o QG ou o estágio
você é o amigo goofy73
now english
That looks like either the HQ or the stage
you're friend goofy73
Soundsss fun!
Sophi Jr
Hey Mimo! I noticed in the HQ there is another TV! Perhaps the backstage will be a permanent addition to CP?
Blooqorama :-)
Lumneion said...
I'm very sry I keep forgeting to put (CPG MOD)
Hey, actually you shouldn't put "(CPG MOD)" when you aren't answering questions, but should when you are (;
Sophi Jr
Da Gamer said...
Hey Mimo777 or a mod. I have a question about the mods. Can there olny be one Mimo mod? If so can you stay there forever if you try hard? Or do you only get to be there for a couple days and then get removed for other penguins to try? Please reply any mod or mimo. Thanks.
I bet there can be more than one 1 Mimo mod, like there is for all other mod statuses. :]
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Hey Mimo! I noticed in the HQ there is another TV! Perhaps the backstage will be a permanent addition to CP?
Blooqorama :-)
That would be awesome!
Sophi Jr
knowing cp, it will be 100% same ):
I think for every party there will be a member thing! I am glad im a member but SORRY to all the non-members!
hey to let you know I was the only person to leave a comment that said that it can warp you around to another place on the island and get it right!!!!!!!
Hey mimo, when your membership expires, will you help me make Club Penguin stop making member areas? It is so UNFAIR. If any of you think this is unfair, go to the newest post on the Club Penguin blog about something member.
I also hope that the iceberg will be a bucket. Or maybe icecream! Good thing I'm a member but i won't be a member for the whole april fools party. My membership ends this friday, since it was only one month. I got for a special occasion
hey mimo, can you have another caption contest soon? Those are my favorites, even though i was never a finalist.
mike said...
hi mimo777 i love your cool website i want to tell you that you cant meet billybob or the sensei. Is it true that nonmembers can i find the penguin and cadence or only penguin band reply back
Well, yes it is true that nonmembers can find some of the famouse penguins. And no, all of the famouse penguins reply back to what you say, not just Penguin band.
remember the name
Confupenguen(CPG Mod)
billybeef said...
wow mimo cool tell us all where to get the items too ok just a reminder
ps:non members too
Lol, don't worry we can count on mimo on getting all the updates the fastest, besides, mimo never misses an update!
remember the name
Confupenguen(CPG Mod)
cass.510 said...
Hey where is the penguin play award background??? waiting for you CPG mods. - Hearts3846
Hey, unlike usuall, clubpenguin decided to hide the background in the catalog. It is on first page after you click on the front page. All you have to do is click on the pengiun awards trophy on the right page and you found the background!
remember the name
Confupenguen(CPG Mod)
goofy73 said...
li pensate avete la foresta del upsidedown?
siete amico goofy73
now in english
do you think they will have the upsidedown forest?
you're friend goofy73
Im just gonna type in random languages
Hey, I don't think that they'll will have the forest upside down because I think they know that they are allready bring back too many things, but they might make a different room upside down, i hope so because this will be my first April fools party!
remember the name
Confupenguen(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Hey Mimo! I noticed in the HQ there is another TV! Perhaps the backstage will be a permanent addition to CP?
Blooqorama :-)
Hey, i hope that they keep it because then nonmembers will be able to come in, and we will just have a cool place to P A R T Y party for parties like maybe for a mimo quike? lol
remember the name
Confupenguen(CPG Mod)
Da Gamer said...
Hey Mimo777 or a mod. I have a question about the mods. Can there olny be one Mimo mod? If so can you stay there forever if you try hard? Or do you only get to be there for a couple days and then get removed for other penguins to try? Please reply any mod or mimo. Thanks.
This is an awesome question, one that i once wondered to myself. Yes, there can be more than one mimo mod, other wise im sure many of these upcoming mods wouldn't be as interested because they wouldn't get the grand prize, adding mimo. Secondly, i am pretty sure that you will not stay there forever, if you stop commenting for over a long period of time, or quit clubpenguin, i think that he will demote you, but i am not sure if he would delete you from his buddy list(i sure hope not! =D) lol
remember the name
Confupenguen(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Hey mimo, when your membership expires, will you help me make Club Penguin stop making member areas? It is so UNFAIR. If any of you think this is unfair, go to the newest post on the Club Penguin blog about something member.
Hey, I'm sorry but i don't think mimo will help you out. First of all because he probably knows that it will never work, because that would meen that less people would become members because they wouldn't need it for special parties or things. Not saying i don't want you non members to be able to come to the member areas, but club penguin has to make a living some how, otherwise there would be NO clubpenguin site and we would all be DEVESTATED lol.
remember the name
Confupenguen(CPG Mod)
I wonder what the Dojo would look like
Anonymous said...
hey mimo, can you have another caption contest soon? Those are my favorites, even though i was never a finalist.
Hey, im sure mimo will have another one, but im not sure if it will be soon, who knows, maybe you gave him an idea to have one about a funny April Fools Party thing. :D
remember the name
Confupenguen(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
hey mimo, can you have another caption contest soon? Those are my favorites, even though i was never a finalist.
Mimo will have another one soon, maybe a few weeks.
Sand Flipper
Anonymous said...
Hey mimo, when your membership expires, will you help me make Club Penguin stop making member areas? It is so UNFAIR. If any of you think this is unfair, go to the newest post on the Club Penguin blog about something member.
I know how you feel, but without members club penguin couldn't afford anything, there wouldnt be club penguin with out members. They have member rooms and member stuff to get people to buy memberships. More members, more money. If you have any other questions just ask
Sand Flipper
billybeef said...
wow mimo cool tell us all where to get the items too ok just a reminder
ps: non members too
I have a feeling mimo won't forget, because he is amazing at finding all the free items! Keep a look out Wednesday for the party!
Anonymous said...
hey mimo, can you have another caption contest soon? Those are my favorites, even though i was never a finalist.
Oh those are fun! And I am sure Mimo has something planned very soon!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Ajf77 said...
I also hope that the iceberg will be a bucket. Or maybe icecream! Good thing I'm a member but i won't be a member for the whole april fools party. My membership ends this friday, since it was only one month. I got for a special occasion
Wow great idea about the ice cream! And I am sorry about your membership expiring I have never been a member.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
This is gonna be sooo cool! It's gonna be my first April Fool's Party!!!! And I'm a member so it makes it better!
(Twilightfan5678 on
Anonymous said...
the bucket was cool but its time to move on to bigger and better things
LOL. Like what? A pail?
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Hi I'm Katherine729 and there is another blank screen in the HQ. I think that means there will be a new room soon. Just dropping a tip.
cass.510 said...
Hey where is the penguin play award background??? waiting for you CPG mods. - Hearts3846
It is hidden in the catalog. I think it is on the first page (try the award that he is holding). It is there don't worry!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
I have a funny story! Ok so the April Fools party of 2008 was my very first CP party. I actually got my penguin during that party. So I thought that CP was always like that and really weird. When the party ended I was like "Oh this must be what CP usually looks like. It is weird!" LOL so that is my story I hoped you liked it guys!
Katherine729 said...
Hi I'm Katherine729 and there is another blank screen in the HQ. I think that means there will be a new room soon. Just dropping a tip.
YEP that is usually what that means.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
the iceberge bettter be saweet
Anonymous said...
hey mimo, can you have another caption contest soon? Those are my favorites, even though i was never a finalist.
Mimo tries to have fun contests for us whenever he can. There's an April Fool's Party coming up, so maybe he will do one for the party.
Don't worry though, I am sure you're creative and will someday win! :)
billybeef said...
wow mimo cool tell us all where to get the items too ok just a reminder
ps: non members too
Don't worry! Mimo never forgets about us and he will remember to show us the free items. BTW if anyone is sad that they aren't a member, there are good reasons about being non member too! Look for my next post that I put.
Reasons why nonmembers are GREAT!
10. They have lots of coins since they can't buy much.
9. They are good sports about not being members.
8. They don't have to waste real money on membership (it's not that cool)
7. They can have a non member army (LET US BACKSTAGE!)
6. Even though they don't have catolauge stuff, they have free items.
5. They have the right to think zebras smell funny.
4. They can look like mimo!
3. They rule... just saying.
2. They aren't smelly zebras.
1. They are mimo's friends.
Hope this makes nonmembers feel better. :)
MIMO the small screen icon is back!
MAN! my first party as a member!
so excited! especially since there is something for us members only!!!!!!
Drummerch14 (CPG Mod) said...
MIMO the small screen icon is back!
Yes it came back the same day it left.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Katherine729 said...
Hi I'm Katherine729 and there is another blank screen in the HQ. I think that means there will be a new room soon. Just dropping a tip.
actually this screen has been here since the dojo courtyard was added to clubpenguin. Hopefully it will be used for something soon though.
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
Royalfluffy said...
Reasons why nonmembers are GREAT!
10. They have lots of coins since they can't buy much.
9. They are good sports about not being members.
8. They don't have to waste real money on membership (it's not that cool)
7. They can have a non member army (LET US BACKSTAGE!)
6. Even though they don't have catolauge stuff, they have free items.
5. They have the right to think zebras smell funny.
4. They can look like mimo!
3. They rule... just saying.
2. They aren't smelly zebras.
1. They are mimo's friends.
Hope this makes nonmembers feel better. :)
Thanks! That makes me feel better and I hope it makes all of you feel good too!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
hey Mimo I am getting my braces off on April fools DAY! I can hardly waiit! I mean almost 3 years with them and FINALLY THEY ARE OFF! did you ever have braces? or have them?
hey thats awesome only almost 1 day till the party and u know i think the white puffle is a ninja puffle cause if u put it to sleep if u dont have a puffle bed they look like the big statues of the puffles at the dojo!!!
lol I actually joined Club Penguin last year's April Fool's party, so I thought all that stuff was really how CP was. So when it all went back to normal I went to the iceberg and talked to all these penguins: "hey the iceberg changed!" "why did they change it?"
And all the penguins either didn't respond or were like "okaaay"
Sweet but my membership just ran out :( Oh well
I was member for 2 months over christmas party and puffle party and they didn't have any special member events for it! >:( ..
It is annoying that they get so many events now...
Hopefully the free item is a new item not a repeated one :)
reasons why members are great!
they can buy clothes
they can go in all paces
they can get aunt arctics and cadences background
Cool Awesome I hope I meet someone like Santa there.
Zyton cpg mod in Training
Anonymous said:
Hey mimo, when your membership expires, will you help me make Club Penguin stop making member areas? It is so UNFAIR. If any of you think this is unfair, go to the newest post on the Club Penguin blog about something member.
The reason why they have made member areas is because the members of CP have paid or contributed money to CP so they can have full access (except Admin access) in the game. And the ones who made CP, worked very hard to make,design and edit the game. So they must have something in return for all their hardwork. Money is what they need. So they put up a Membership Option in CP.
God Speed,
da gamer said...
Hey Mimo777 or a mod. I have a question about the mods. Can there olny be one Mimo mod? If so can you stay there forever if you try hard? Or do you only get to be there for a couple days and then get removed for other penguins to try? Please reply any mod or mimo. Thanks.
im a mod nobody really knows that and yes there can be more than 1 mimo mod beacuse it would be unfair for those who should be a mimo mod as well
wii wii wii1(cpg mod)
mike said...
hi mimo777 i love your cool website i want to tell you that you cant meet billybob or the sensei. Is it true that nonmembers can i find the penguin and cadence or only penguin band reply back
well one you can meet billybob anywhere any time he goes on some of his tests to and sensei we cant meet cause nobodys said they have met him and non members can now find cadence and pb but not aa shes gone
wii wii wii1(cpg mod)
Wow mimo at least you can go into the member place ^_^ I hope I see you there. This is my first april fools in cp.
Look mimo and other mods doesn,t the blue thing in the most upper right looks like the bottom left of the map
Cool Mimo! Can't wait for this party to start!
In response to Billybeef, who said:
wow mimo cool tell us all where to get the items too ok just a reminder
Yo! Don't worry, Mimo will be 100% sure to post the April Fools Day Party cheats!
-Survivor91-(Legendary Mod)
In response to Anonymous, who said:
Hey mimo, when your membership expires, will you help me make Club Penguin stop making member areas? It is so UNFAIR. If any of you think this is unfair, go to the newest post on the Club Penguin blog about something member.
Yo! Do understand that Mimo is not a worker or anything on Club Penguin, so he really cannot stop the decisions which Club Penguin itself makes. I know this is unfair to non-members, I know how you guys feel, but I guess this is just how it is for now. :(
-Survivor91-(Legendary Mod)
Just 1 more day! 1 more day till the awesomely funny and weird party! This is the party where we can just laugh out loud, have fun, and more fun!
Jason Nessej said...
MAN! My first party as a member! so excited! especially since there is stuff for us members only!!!!!!
Congratulations on getting a membership! I hope you use it wisely and have fun at the April Fools Party!
Nice!! I hope there will be many free items to take!! HAHA!!
Anonymous said...
Hey Mimo! I noticed in the HQ there is another TV! Perhaps the backstage will be a permanent addition to CP?
Blooqorama :-)
Mimo already knows this. Sometimes if you find something out that Mimo doesn't know yet, he will give you credit if he posts it!!
Be Clever,
CleverAqua64 aka Ca
Da Gamer said...
Hey Mimo777 or a mod. I have a question about the mods. Can there olny be one Mimo mod? If so can you stay there forever if you try hard? Or do you only get to be there for a couple days and then get removed for other penguins to try? Please reply any mod or mimo. Thanks.
Hey Da Gamer, its me Clever! Good Question! There would probably be more than one Mimo Mod since there are multiples of the other Mods.
Be Clever,
CleverAqua64 aka Ca
mike said...
hi mimo777 i love your cool website i want to tell you that you cant meet billybob or the sensei. Is it true that nonmembers can i find the penguin and cadence or only penguin band reply back
Yes, non members can go into the Stage and hopefully find either Cadence or the Band. Cadence and the Band are not the only famous penguins that reply to you, all of them do!
Hey mimo, im not sure if you are going to post this, but i found a glitch. I tried to send some people some postcards and the-yes-button didn't work, only the no, so i don't know if it was only my cp or what, but just wanted to tell you.
remember the name
What would be kewl, is A "Tree Berg" it looks like a tree, and its like, 5 stories tall, remember the Medieval party?...
Mimo!! I was walking my puffle and when i clicked on my penguin to change my outfit... i wasnty walking my puffle on my player card... WHATS UP WITH THIS>???? PLZ POST ABOUT THIS ON THE MAIN PAGE!!!
Wait..i have a quetion... i know if you want to be a CPG MOD you have to answer quetions but i never can becuase for example:
anonymous asked "How Do I Become A CPG MOD?" How can i answer them with no name if there fist comment HOW?!?!? LOL but u still ROCK!!!
Rockerb said...
What would be kewl, is A "Tree Berg" it looks like a tree, and its like, 5 stories tall, remember the Medieval party?...
Ah yes that one was fun! I liked it but what if they did a NICEberg and you had to be nice to people? LOL
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
tala said...
Wait..i have a quetion... i know if you want to be a CPG MOD you have to answer quetions but i never can becuase for example:
anonymous asked "How Do I Become A CPG MOD?" How can i answer them with no name if there fist comment HOW?!?!? LOL but u still ROCK!!!
That is a good questions but, it doesn't matter who asked it the CPG MODs job is to answer it. So if you see an anonymous comment just answer it but you don't have to say the penguin's name because they didn't give you one.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Mimo!! I was walking my puffle and when i clicked on my penguin to change my outfit... i wasnty walking my puffle on my player card... WHATS UP WITH THIS>???? PLZ POST ABOUT THIS ON THE MAIN PAGE!!!
Well, if you changed your hand item then your puffle went back to your igloo because the puffle takes up your hand item space but when you put on a new one the old one gets taken off. Same thing with the puffles.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Nice!! I hope there will be many free items to take!! HAHA!!
Yeah, last year there were 2 I hope to get 2 this year too.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
rap artist1 said...
reasons why members are great!
they can buy clothes
they can go in all paces
they can get aunt arctics and cadences background
Don't forget the penguin band and soon Gary! LOL I not a member... :(
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
lol I actually joined Club Penguin last year's April Fool's party, so I thought all that stuff was really how CP was. So when it all went back to normal I went to the iceberg and talked to all these penguins: "hey the iceberg changed!" "why did they change it?"
And all the penguins either didn't respond or were like "okaaay"
Me too!!! LOL that is a weird coincidence!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
hey Mimo I am getting my braces off on April fools DAY! I can hardly waiit! I mean almost 3 years with them and FINALLY THEY ARE OFF! did you ever have braces? or have them?
That is a good question that I think only Mimo can answer but I know many of the CPG MODs would love to answer that one and say "I had Braces" A lot of us did I bet.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
AAARGH!!! Stupid member only stuff!! Why don't they cut non members some slack!?!?!? I'm almost cracking (like about to buy one of them) and eyeing those membership gift cards.... But $29.95 or so for 6 months!?!? and 6 months is all I can find!? I mean, COME ON! Grrrrrrrr.... >:E (jk!)
Mimo777 rulz
(color blue, not like depressed or anything)
there is a new book to unlock hurrrrrrrrrey!
woo hoo thanks for the info mimo
iceberg last year waz funny
MAN! my first party as a member!
so excited! especially since there is something for us members only!!!!!!
My first member party was the Penguin Play awards..
Wasn't that yours?
I hope you have a good time
~Jgirlx4x(CPG MOD)
Mimo, did you know that the Snow and Sports catalog has changed? There are some cheats in it.
Jess31299 said...
I commented about that right before you updated! I wonder who saw it first. Your really fast! You must spend all day on the computer like i do. Your so cool! I wish i could meet you. Waddle On Mimo777
~Jess31299(CPG MOD)~
hi jess31299
lol yep mimo has super spooky speeding powers lol!, na mimo dont spend all day on the computer lol its cuz hes home skooled so wen its like lunch break he can go on the pc to see if there any updates lol, and u can meet mimo at hes quickee parties or his normal parties :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Da Gamer said...
Hey Mimo777 or a mod. I have a question about the mods. Can there olny be one Mimo mod? If so can you stay there forever if you try hard? Or do you only get to be there for a couple days and then get removed for other penguins to try? Please reply any mod or mimo. Thanks.
dear da gamer
hi!, well they can be many mimo mods so they can all get a chance, and i gess u might be removed later if ur a mimo mod or mimo could keep u there for memories :) but were not sure about the last question. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
peace out rock on and bye
dude rocker on club penguin
Anonymous said...
hey Mimo I am getting my braces off on April fools DAY! I can hardly waiit! I mean almost 3 years with them and FINALLY THEY ARE OFF! did you ever have braces? or have them?
Zxz192 said...
I have had braces! lol! I dont know if mimo has though. Maybe he will answer that question in his next Q&A.
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
tala said...
Wait..i have a quetion... i know if you want to be a CPG MOD you have to answer quetions but i never can becuase for example:
anonymous asked "How Do I Become A CPG MOD?" How can i answer them with no name if there fist comment HOW?!?!? LOL but u still ROCK!!!
Zxz192 said...
If they dont leave a name just leave it as anonymous
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Hi Mimo,
Have you seen in the newspaper it says that the new pin is in the shape of a four leaf clother?
And i hope theres not a NOTHER propeller cap!
From Doate123 ROCK
in the snowforts there will be a box for MEMBERS ONLY!its anothere member party!
thats great i am called pingu63870 by the way
-flamesaw pwn
hey mimo you are right they should give new free items, but all non members need to remember that mambers pay real money to be members! so don't think its unfair, because it is fair. i'm not a member, and I'm bummed. but i'm new so i don't have a propeller hat!
Da Gamer said...
Hey Mimo777 or a mod. I have a question about the mods. Can there olny be one Mimo mod? If so can you stay there forever if you try hard? Or do you only get to be there for a couple days and then get removed for other penguins to try? Please reply any mod or mimo. Thanks.
lol how weird, im a gamer, and ur 'da gamer' lol. Anyways, there can be tons of mimo mods, maybe a maxiumum of 100, most likely less.
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
cass.510 said...
Hey where is the penguin play award background??? waiting for you CPG mods. - Hearts3846
Well, if u click on the golden penguin on the second page, near the PENGUIN PLAY AWARDS thingie, it pops up, saying u can buy it!
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
u have to buy a portal box to get in the dimension and nonmembers can get in if they go into the portal box in a members iggy
the coolest part is that non members can go to someones house that has the box, and go in there!!! i've tried!!!!!
The ice berg is new this year. It is the ice berg of April Fools Day. It didnt change! :(
PS I am the same Stephanie who has been making multiple comments on this site.
meet me at shiver 7;00 penguin standard time on slushly
My membership just ended :(
ripsticker98 said...
meet me at shiver 7;00 penguin standard time on slushly
Sorry, but MIMO can't meet people except for at parties or they become a CPG MOD. Sometimes if you're lucky you'll see him late in the middle of the night looking for cheats.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
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