This Sunday, March 1, check out the Planet Cazmo Arena and watch your favorite artist perform again for all their loyal Planet Cazmo fans!
Have you been to one of these concerts yet? I haven't. This will be our first one! SWEEEEET!
Concert starts at 2:00 PM EST or (2 PM Planet Cazmo TimeZone)
1:00 PM CST
11:00 AM PST
Performing will be:
Yung Berg
Clique Girlz
Natasha Bedingfield
Soulja Boy
I really like that Soulja Boy Song "Crank That!" I hope he plays it! WOOT!
It's supposed to be the best Cazmo concert yet! SEE YOU THERE! ;-)
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

cool plant cazmo i really would like to hear solja boy play!
sounds fawesome!!!
Sounds like fun! I probably wont be there and just forget HEHE
Sand Flipper
go solja boy
That party is going to sweet!! All the people are comming but I HAD to delete my account because Planet Cazmo ACCIDENTLY banned me. I know it sounds crazy right?!
Let It Rock!!!
Awesome! I'm sooooooo going! Cya there Mimo!
Mimo are u gonna be there? Whats ur name on there? Mine is AquaAngel. Will you be my friend on there? Pls
I love the clique girls! <3
Thanks for the tip!
I would definatly go if there were the Jonas Brothers! Playing! Oh well, maybe another time...
I just signed up for a Planet Cazmo account hopefully ill be there my guy is name Spikeie
cool! i can't wait!
That party is going to sweet!! All the people are comming but I HAD to delete my account because Planet Cazmo ACCIDENTLY banned me. I know it sounds crazy right?!
Let It Rock!!!
Marquizi98~ Have you sent an email to Planet Cazmo yet? Then, if you contact them, and say that you'd like to have your account back, they'll probably accept that and unban you.
~Rocko183 CPG Mod
Anonymous said...
Mimo are u gonna be there? Whats ur name on there? Mine is AquaAngel. Will you be my friend on there? Pls
Hey AquaAngel,
If you read the whole post, Mimo said "See you there" so my guess is yep. His planet cazmo nickname is Mimo WITHOUT 777. And you just have to wait and see if mimo adds you there or not :)
Hope this helps :)
-Sparkforever(CPG Mod)
I wish clubpenguin had rad clothing for celebrities (like those clothes for planet cazmo) and we could here them sing. kinda like the clubpenguin band but actual famous superstars. Ehh
Mimo are u gonna be there? Whats ur name on there? Mine is AquaAngel. Will you be my friend on there? Pls
Hi! I'm guessing that Mimo will be there, his name on it is just plane "Mimo" and he might add you.
Sand Flipper
me too souja boy rocks
Bb Polo745
Anonymous said...
Mimo are u gonna be there? Whats ur name on there? Mine is AquaAngel. Will you be my friend on there? Pls
If you read his post he says "See You There". His Cazmo name is Mimo without the 777. Well I garaunteed he's going to add SOME people. I hope you're one of them! I'm glad I could help you and God bless you!
Let It Rock!!!
lolz looks cool, some sweet music, they should get FOTC to play that'll be wicked lolz
the glitch where you get member clothes still works!
Clique Girlz...Solja Boy...NATASHA BEDINGFIELD?!
Ahhhhhhh!!! I'll be there!
What time would it be in Australia?
yeah me too
Mimo, have you been on chobots lately? There is a cool game at Live Star where you can get some cool goggles, and then do a secret mission for this one guy in the park. You have to find some ninchos, but I can't catch any!!! Please check it out. [PLeASE POST!!!]
crank that was a good song like 6 months ago
Anonymous said...
Mimo are u gonna be there? Whats ur name on there? Mine is AquaAngel. Will you be my friend on there? Pls
Mimo name is still Mimo but without 777 !
Hmm..maybe mimo can accept our request ! but idk ! PEACE :)>-
Lynnzie5103 / Sydney1445 said...
Clique Girlz...Solja Boy...NATASHA BEDINGFIELD?!
Ahhhhhhh!!! I'll be there!
I WANT TOO ! but im confused right now ! what indonesian time is it ?
Indonesia is at asia !
Anonymous said...
Mimo are u gonna be there? Whats ur name on there? Mine is AquaAngel. Will you be my friend on there? Pls
Zxz192 (me) said...
Mimo will probably be there because it will be his first one. His name on Planet Cazmo is "Mimo". I don't think he will add you but you never know ;)
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Wait, isn't Saturday the 28? That's what my calendar says. And March 1st is Sunday.
Awesome but what server?
hi mimo!!! I'm your biggest fan!!!
Marquizi98 said...
That party is going to sweet!! All the people are comming but I HAD to delete my account because Planet Cazmo ACCIDENTLY banned me. I know it sounds crazy right?!
Let It Rock!!!
Little help for cpg mods.
Planet cazmo dosen't just accidently ban your account you must of done something bad while playing on the planet.
Stay safe
Planet cazmo Ambassador Mikeafc
i will try to be there. thanks for the info mimo!
Mimo is my friend on Plantet Cozmo! No joke!! so is U fride Zoe11, even Me santa!! i not kidding!!
my user name is Slyer522 on planet cazmo but on clubpenguin it's Slyer521
Yung Berg and soulja boy rock.
Mimo can you plese tell me what time it is in Italy because i live in Italy thank you
Everyone said you were there but i wanted to be your buddy and couldnt find you
sweet cant wait but i have a question ive done the mayor's and pirate quest and i want to do the mimo quest and the symbol is still there but bouncin bill wont let me why? is it because the party's over?? someone help plz!
cool thanks mimo
2 mins
i went on saturday....
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