Saweet! Have you seen the new member badge? It is really cool because it shows you how long a penguin has been a member! Check it out:

Also, on Thursday, the font in the chat bubbles will change to make it easier for everyone to read. I sure hope it will also solve the problem with how the name MIM O appears. ;-) (Thanks, Kraftred!)
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Cool! But yet confusing! Whatever.
This is awesome! But the only Thing is, why would someone to know how long you have been a member? kinda pointless but cool
james 1
kewl mimo!
Which one are you mimo? Just out of curiosity. I am the last one because I joined in the First ever summer party of '06. I'm quite old I know (1005 to this day!!!).
Bring on the trumpets!
Cool. I guess i am the first badge.
Awesome i haev the last one!!
Awsome Mimo I wish i could see how long you were a member I know your still a member lol. U ROCK ,FlaminRose
im the lasst one nice!
you're friend goofy73
I have been on club penguin for ovr one thousand days and still havent gotten any badges! :(
im 835 days old!
you're friend goofy73
i like it in a couple weeks ill get the badge with the blue strip!! i really think its cool
kiki(CPG mod. in training)
why do we have to do the (CPG mod. in training)sign, if we want to be a CPG mod cant we do it i secret?
Burpy678 said...
Which one are you mimo? Just out of curiosity. I am the last one because I joined in the First ever summer party of '06. I'm quite old I know (1005 to this day!!!).
Bring on the trumpets!
hiya burpy678! you said
Which one are you mimo? Just out of curiosity. I am the last one because I joined in the First ever summer party of '06. I'm quite old I know (1005 to this day!!!).
Bring on the trumpets!
wow that very old! i think mimo would be in the placement of the 1st or 2nd category because he got his membership not so long ago
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
hiya anonymous! you said
This is awesome! But the only Thing is, why would someone to know how long you have been a member? kinda pointless but cool
james 1
i dont know maybe they might wanna see how many cool old member things you have
whoops forgot you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
you're friend goofy73
i luv mimo!!lol please makke me a meber or at least answer this: can non members meet the famous ppl?
Cool mimo, now all i have to do is re-new my membership so we'll see if i can even re-new it see ya mimo!
How come I dont have any badges? I am 1066 days old! Can you please help me?
That's Awesome! I must be at 1 bcz I became a member 1 month ago, lol
Thx Mimo!
Keep't up;-)
Burpy678 said...
Which one are you mimo? Just out of curiosity. I am the last one because I joined in the First ever summer party of '06. I'm quite old I know (1005 to this day!!!).
Bring on the trumpets!
Mimo must be the first one, since he became a member accidentally in january.
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
OMG! i found a glitch in clubpenguin. you see, i have a white puffle, but when i clicked on it, it showed up yellow!! :-0
So that's why in your parties everyone says "mim o"! lol, I never knew!
claudia15 said...
i luv mimo!!lol please makke me a meber or at least answer this: can non members meet the famous ppl?
First, if u wanna be a member by Mimo, u gotta win his contest. And yes, if u r very lucky, they might come out before they leave, but it's not likely. Sry:(
Keep't up! ;-)
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
has anyone seen the new thing in the bottom left corner? its says TRUSTe
kids privacy!(its bright green)
i was just wondering....
claudia15 said...
i luv mimo!!lol please makke me a meber or at least answer this: can non members meet the famous ppl?
No u cant, since they r going to be backstage/the stage, which is only open to members.
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
Stephanie said...
How come I dont have any badges? I am 1066 days old! Can you please help me?
Wow! The reon is bcz ur NOT a member. That badge shows how long u were a MEMBER. :)
Hope this helped;-)
Keep't up!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
this is off subject but you should check out the white puffles! when they get clicked, THEY ARE YELLOW!!!!!
crasylqmt said...
i like it in a couple weeks ill get the badge with the blue strip!! i really think its cool
kiki(CPG mod. in training)
why do we have to do the (CPG mod. in training)sign, if we want to be a CPG mod cant we do it i secret?
U put (CPG MOD) in the end, so Mimo knows ur training to become a CPG MOD. If u try to do it secretly, Mimo will just think ur answering questions for fun.
Hope this helped :-)
Keep't up!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Stephanie said...
How come I dont have any badges? I am 1066 days old! Can you please help me?
Maybe that whole time u werent a member for more than six months! U get a member badge when u r a member, and u gain a stripe if u r a member longer than that.
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
Hey mimo I knew about these already. I saw the new member badges around CP!
Anonymous said...
This is awesome! But the only Thing is, why would someone to know how long you have been a member? kinda pointless but cool
james 1
(I'm guessing here) U knwo they are putting lots of old items. Well maybe they want to see if more penguins r old and if they are, maybe they will start putting new items! :D
Keep't up!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
oh im actually the second to last one? im really old though, well i skipped clubpenguin for 2007, but i started in 2006 this makes no sense, i was a member for some of 2006 and -07 then i didnt play for like 10 months, then i was a member from 08 till now! ???
you're friend goofy73
i got the 24+ month badge! swoot!
cool these member badges are getting better but its not that much i wish there was something better like ur cp name changes to glittery or something xD
ps:im trying to becoe a cp mod
Thats funny? Im meant to have 3 stripes but I have 2?!
Go Mimo! A go go go Mimo!
Uh, Mimo? I see sometimes people do mean stuff to me on this site like once in a comment someone put there name was Vasa12345 and I didn't post it! How do we stop this?
Ok now I get it...I thought it was how LONG you have been a member,not how long u have been playing CP!
Mimo! There is a new glitch! If you have a white puffle and click it, it will be a yellow puffle on the card!
Just thought I would let you know...
claudia15 said...
i luv mimo!!lol please makke me a meber or at least answer this: can non members meet the famous ppl?
I'm sorry but unfortunatley, non-members cannot access the stage right now. Members are available right now to the stage.
Let It Rock!!!
Marquizi98(CPG MOD)
katy817 said...
has anyone seen the new thing in the bottom left corner? its says TRUSTe
kids privacy!(its bright green)
i was just wondering....
Yer I have to! The screen looks bigger to!
There is new igloo music. Check it out!
Anonymous said...
This is awesome! But the only thing is, why would someone to know how long you have been a member? kinda pointless but cool
Good question! I wouldn't think anyone would ask it! But I think some parents might wanna keep track of how much they've paid.
-Vasa12345 (CPG Mod)
goofy73 said...
oh im actually the second to last one? im really old though, well i skipped clubpenguin for 2007, but i started in 2006 this makes no sense, i was a member for some of 2006 and -07 then i didnt play for like 10 months, then i was a member from 08 till now! ???
you're friend goofy73
I think i get it! Maybe it's not how long u were a member in a row! Maybe it's how long u were a member in all! (Example: 12 months/06/07 , NO MEMBERSHIP , 12 months/08/now)
Hope this helped;-) (if u still don't get it, then i'll try to explain it another way)
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Stephanie said...
How come I dont have any badges? I am 1066 days old! Can you please help me?
I suggest that you were probably not a member for six months. Either that I can tell you or you might not might've been a member before.
Let It Rock!!!
Marquizi98(CPG MOD)
When i clicked on my white puffle to feed it the picture on the player card wasyellow. It wuz weird.
Cadence - Rainbow!
hiya vasa! you said
Uh, Mimo? I see sometimes people do mean stuff to me on this site like once in a comment someone put there name was Vasa12345 and I didn't post it! How do we stop this?
i know this stinks, it has happened to me before. what yuo do is ingrore it and tell people what you did write and didnt right, when people take your side the imposter will stop
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
cool! I have the 2nd one!
Burpy678 said...
Which one are you mimo? Just out of curiosity. I am the last one because I joined in the First ever summer party of '06. I'm quite old I know (1005 to this day!!!).
Bring on the trumpets!
I'd say that Mimo probably got the first stripe which is a six month membership. :-)
Let It Rock!!!
Marquizi98(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Uh, Mimo? I see sometimes people do mean stuff to me on this site like once in a comment someone put there name was Vasa12345 and I didn't post it! How do we stop this?
Hmm, that is mean... Maybe u should do this. Make a google account called Vasa12345 (like i made a google account called Matthew722) so that way they know its u:)
Don't worry ;-)
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Cadence on rainbow backstage
you're friend goofy73
Mimo, found a glitch in my igloo!
Click ur white puffle and it turns yellow!
Kewl!!!! I have no "sripes" I think.
*Krystal 2000*
she left
you're friend goofy73
Those Badges Look So Cool. Ive been a member for 22 Days! -sharkey67804
Anonymous said...
Uh, Mimo? I see sometimes people do mean stuff to me on this site like once in a comment someone put there name was Vasa12345 and I didn't post it! How do we stop this?
Very strange. I know exactly what's wrong. If you look under the "Leave your comment" box onto "Choose an identity" You'll see choices on the bottom of that sign. If you click Name/URL, this person has used your name by putting your username in the box. E-mail Mimo and tell what is wrong mmkay?
Let It Rock!!!
Marquizi98(CPG MOD)
Burpy678 said...
Which one are you mimo? Just out of curiosity. I am the last one because I joined in the First ever summer party of '06. I'm quite old I know (1005 to this day!!!).
Hi! Mimo would be the first one because Mimo became a member not to long ago.
Sand Flipper
Bakery115 said...
Awesome that you located her! But don't put to many exclamation marks when you comment about a famous penguin because Mimo would think you were probably...swearing. Just a reminder.
Let It Rock!!!
Marquizi98(CPG MOD)
I have the one that is before the one with the star on it. Hehe
Sand Flipper
anonymous said...
this is awesome! but the only thing is, why would someone to know how long you have been a member? kinda pointless but cool
james 1
someone would want to know how long you have been a member because its just fun to know!LOL!
Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)
Cool i have the last one
randomness with goofy73!!!
and the random thing for right now is
snow cone
there ya have it!
you're friend goofy73
My penguin is 909 days old, and i am also the 3rd badge, which is the white, orange, and blue one.
Tycoon101 :)
Burpy678 said...
Which one are you mimo? Just out of curiosity. I am the last one because I joined in the First ever summer party of '06. I'm quite old I know (1005 to this day!!!).
Bring on the trumpets!
Mimo would be the first one like me because the accident happen 2 months ago
Spike Heaton (CPG MOD)
got.milk. said...
My penguin is 909 days old, and i am also the 3rd badge, which is the white, orange, and blue one.
Tycoon101 :)
If you were 909 days old won't you be the last with a star? and the white, blue and orange one is the fourth
Spike Heaton CPG MOD
Sand Flipper said...
I have the one that is before the one with the star on it. Hehe
Sand Flipper
That awesome! i have a question how long will it take for you to be a the with a star
Spike Heaton CPG MOD
lol. The day it came out i already have the 24+. yes, It's been that long... I SHOULD BE MORE FAMOUS!
crasylqmt said...
i like it in a couple weeks ill get the badge with the blue strip!! i really think its cool
kiki(CPG mod. in training)
why do we have to do the (CPG mod. in training)sign, if we want to be a CPG mod cant we do it i secret?
Well you don't put CPG MOD in training you just put CPG MOD and you can't keep it a secret because Mimo and others won't notice
Spike Heaton CPG MOD
Club Penguin Wave said...
Thats funny? Im meant to have 3 stripes but I have 2?!
Hey Stickers, it might have been you weren't a member for that long like you ran out of days or something buy another one
Spike Heaton CPG MOD
WOOT! I have the second one! LOL
I think CP did this to get more penguins to be members but oh well.
Waddl3 0n!
David8690 said...
WOOT! I have the second one! LOL
I think CP did this to get more penguins to be members but oh well.
Waddl3 0n!
I think club penguin did it to have party and quiz and contest for those certain badges
Spike Heaton CPG MOD
Burpy678 said...
Which one are you mimo? Just out of curiosity. I am the last one because I joined in the First ever summer party of '06. I'm quite old I know (1005 to this day!!!).
Bring on the trumpets!
Hey, mimo is the first rank, because i became one not that long ago and then mimo became one after me and im a 1 st rank too.'
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Stephanie said...
I have been on club penguin for ovr one thousand days and still havent gotten any badges! :(
this is because you haven't been a member yet, just ask your parents if you could try it for 6 months and say you'll do some extra work or something, worked for me. lol
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
crasylqmt said...
i like it in a couple weeks ill get the badge with the blue strip!! i really think its cool
kiki(CPG mod. in training)
why do we have to do the (CPG mod. in training)sign, if we want to be a CPG mod cant we do it i secret?
If you don't put (CPG Mod) then mimo wont know if your aswering a question, so it makes it easier on mimo to tell who is trying to become a mod.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
claudia15 said...
i luv mimo!!lol please makke me a meber or at least answer this: can non members meet the famous ppl?
No, unfortunetly nonmembers can't meet them because they only go in the stage andn back stage(everywhere the nonmebers can't go)
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Stephanie said...
How come I dont have any badges? I am 1066 days old! Can you please help me?
Hey, if you are not a member, then that explains it, you have to be a member for that long, and if you are a member, it could just be a glitch.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
this is off subject but you should check out the white puffles! when they get clicked, THEY ARE YELLOW!!!!!
Ya, mimo posted that after this post, he probably would have gave you credit, but you didn't put your name.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Uh, Mimo? I see sometimes people do mean stuff to me on this site like once in a comment someone put there name was Vasa12345 and I didn't post it! How do we stop this?
O, i feel bad for you, this happened to LEGGO once and he got really mad. i guess all you can do is just comment saying that if your name is on a bad or mean comment, it's not you, and some of them that aren't mean might not be you and just ask them to plz stop.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
This is awesome! But the only Thing is, why would someone to know how long you have been a member? kinda pointless but cool
james 1
I think that cp might think that it might promote some people to become a member, because they want a cool badge lol
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Yah,at your parties for some reason people say MIM O.
I thought they just wanna say it like that.
How come i don't have any badges and im 1066 days old. Please help me?
You have to be a member. Im not a member and i dont have the badge.
~viper4548% (cpg mod in training)
i have the second badge on there i noticed to day!
Anonymous said...
This is awesome! But the only Thing is, why would someone to know how long you have been a member? kinda pointless but cool
james 1
Club Penguin is just trying something new. At least they aren't bringing back something old lol.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Stephanie said...
I have been on club penguin for ovr one thousand days and still havent gotten any badges! :(
This is because Only Members get badges:l
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
i'm matter36 and i'm 511 days old WOOO!!
crasylqmt said...
i like it in a couple weeks ill get the badge with the blue strip!! i really think its cool
kiki(CPG mod. in training)
why do we have to do the (CPG mod. in training)sign, if we want to be a CPG mod cant we do it i secret?
You have to put the CPG MOD becuase mimo wont know if you are trying to become a mod or not!
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
claudia15 said...
i luv mimo!!lol please makke me a meber or at least answer this: can non members meet the famous ppl?
Nope, only members can meet famous penguins.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Stephanie said...
How come I dont have any badges? I am 1066 days old! Can you please help me?
The only way you can earn a badge is if your a member.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Uh, Mimo? I see sometimes people do mean stuff to me on this site like once in a comment someone put there name was Vasa12345 and I didn't post it! How do we stop this?
Just say in a post "please stop impursentating me!" This happened to me once too.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
i got the 13-18 months one.i'll probably get the 18-24 in a few months =)
Club Penguin Wave said...
Ok now I get it...I thought it was how LONG you have been a member,not how long u have been playing CP!
Lolzzz, you have got it mixed up.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
I'm gonna have the 24 month + cuz i was created June 22, 2007! Woop woop!...WAIT....nvm dat....
I am going to turn 24 months(two years)in 42 days( May 5!) and i have been a member the entire time. I remember when the cove and forest werent real, no stage, no yellow(golden at the time) or white puffles, no treasure hunt, no migrator hold or birds nest or captain hed quarters and no sensei no ninjas no mission 4-10, no treasure hunt, no dj cadence, no djk3, no catchin waves, no aqua grabber, and onlly about 5 percent of the penguins that there r today lol. by the way, what mim o glitch? i thought they did mim o on purpose
Cool! I'm the 2nd Badge! =D
- Slushies368
umm... I don't know if this is right.
My friend became a member in December and already has the blue strip!
I have the 3 stripes with the star badge! it looks so cool!
Famous people have 24+ memberships!! Like Cadence, Aunt Arctic and Rockhopper!!!
Which one are you mimo? Just out of curiosity. I am the last one because I joined in the First ever summer party of '06. I'm quite old I know (1005 to this day!!!).
Wow your old(In cp)!! Well mimo will probaly be the first one because he just started to be a member!! I'm 830!
Glad I could help! I am the second one. I became a member on May 4th, 2008. It is kinda cool being a member! I wanna be a non-member though! I think non-member's are wayyyy cool! WOOT! So I usually dress as one.
Club Penguin Wave said...
Thats funny? Im meant to have 3 stripes but I have 2?!
Maybe it is because you were not a member for a while inbetween? Just guessing. Hope I helped!
Kraftred (CPG MOD)
Question: Does it count your total amount of months you have been a member or how many months in a row you have been a member?
oh mimo i dont no wut 2 do! im a member, but wen i logged in, it said,
my name is Fran 40 i dont no wut 2 doooooooo!
Anonymous said...
same maybe someday
i have been a member for 3 years almost
huh? i still dont get it. why dopeople call u mim o ?
mimo aunt artic and penguin band are on big foot at night club
right now pb is on white house
oh my gosh!
no joke,
i suggested to club penguin something about loyalty awards for how long people have been like penguins or something,
grrr now its only for members.
Hey Mimo does this consist of TOTAL months or just that one time you bought it? in other word does it change or restart everytime you bye new membership?
PS: i want to know cause i bought membership over 3 times one 1 month and the other 2 were 6 month each... so i dont know can you or someone help me?
-PegiRed or C I-I /-\ Z Z
I have a 7-12 badge.
Your cuddly teddy bear,
crasylqmt said...
i like it in a couple weeks ill get the badge with the blue strip!! i really think its cool
kiki(CPG mod. in training)
why do we have to do the (CPG mod. in training)sign, if we want to be a CPG mod cant we do it i secret?
dont do cpg mod in traing just cpg mod
wii wii wii1(cpg mod)
Burpy678 said...
Which one are you mimo? Just out of curiosity. I am the last one because I joined in the First ever summer party of '06. I'm quite old I know (1005 to this day!!!).
Bring on the trumpets!
mimo got his membership by accident in jan durning the create mimo contest so 1 stripe like me also bring on the trumpets is cool
wii wii wii1(cpg mod)
peace out wiis rock hippies rule
stephine said...
How come I dont have any badges? I am 1066 days old! Can you please help me?
well are you sure your a member cuz only members have them
Hey this is cool Mimo! I am in Level #4!
I logged in and found out that I have the badge with the star!!! I've been playing CP since RSnail, and RS is cool too! Its so sad that they replaced it with CP, but CP's fun too. And oh ya, I said 'mimo rocks' in block leters but it appeared okay.
Waddle and Play!
Stephanie said...
How come I dont have any badges? I am 1066 days old! Can you please help me?
Well, you must be a member to get the badge, so ya.
Waddle and Play
Alawc the CPG Moddy!!
In response to Stephanie, who said:
I have been on club penguin for ovr one thousand days and still havent gotten any badges! :(
Yo! Well, you must not be just old to have these badges, but you must be a member! If you have been a member for very long, and you still do not have a badge, you should contact Club Penguin.
-Survivor91-(Legendary Mod)
In response to Claudia15, who said:
i luv mimo!!lol please makke me a meber or at least answer this: can non members meet the famous ppl?
Yo! I am sorry, but non-members cannot meet the famous people, as the famous people mostly appear backstage.
-Survivor91-(Legendary Mod)
In response to Spike Heaton, who said:
That awesome! i have a question how long will it take for you to be a the with a star
Yo! Lol, apparently it takes 2 years and above, which is equivalent to 24 months. That is alot of membership money!
-Survivor91-(Legendary Mod)
In response to Dolucks, who said:
I am going to turn 24 months(two years)in 42 days( May 5!) and i have been a member the entire time. I remember when the cove and forest werent real, no stage, no yellow(golden at the time) or white puffles, no treasure hunt, no migrator hold or birds nest or captain hed quarters and no sensei no ninjas no mission 4-10, no treasure hunt, no dj cadence, no djk3, no catchin waves, no aqua grabber, and onlly about 5 percent of the penguins that there r today lol. by the way, what mim o glitch? i thought they did mim o on purpose
Yo! Lol cool trackback! The people said Mim O because of the Club Penguin filters which block the word 'Mimo'. Hopefully, this glitch will no longer be up from this Thursday, with the updating of the chat bubble!
-Survivor91-(Legendary Mod)
In response to David8690, who said:
Question: Does it count your total amount of months you have been a member or how many months in a row you have been a member?
Hey there! I think it is the amount of months you have been a member, because I skipped a few months in between without being a member, and i still have the 4th level badge. I am not sure yet, so keep checking back here as Mimo reveals more!
-Survivor91-(Legendary Mod)
oh thats what i saw last night lol
I have the highest rank
Cool I've got the second one.
loool o well i dont thing there was any point of doin that lol
Stephanie said...
I have been on club penguin for ovr one thousand days and still havent gotten any badges! :(
dear stephanie
welll u havent got any badges becuz ur not a member! lol :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
OMG! i found a glitch in clubpenguin. you see, i have a white puffle, but when i clicked on it, it showed up yellow!! :-0
dear anonymous
yeaaa... well we kinda know that cuz look at the latest post.. mimo posted that :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
What if you don't have automatic renewal on your membership? Does it start counting all over again when you manually renew it or continue from when the last one ended?
I have the last one with the star!!!
Hey new glitch!!!!
If you sign up for a yearly membership, you get the badge for when the yearly membership expirers~
its confusing!!1
*sigh* i want the last BADGE!!!!
its so cool looking but im the FIRST one!!!!!!
Yay! I'm a level 5!
I am going to turn 24 months(two years)in 42 days( May 5!) and i have been a member the entire time. I remember when the cove and forest werent real, no stage, no yellow(golden at the time) or white puffles, no treasure hunt, no migrator hold or birds nest or captain hed quarters and no sensei no ninjas no mission 4-10, no treasure hunt, no dj cadence, no djk3, no catchin waves, no aqua grabber, and onlly about 5 percent of the penguins that there r today lol. by the way, what mim o glitch? i thought they did mim o on purpose
Cool! I have seen all of those and the opening of the lighthouse and red puffles!
this worked for me my mebership ran out so i renewed came back on and five stripes! im only 38 it looks great
this is class if u see me on club penguin i will have the oldest one awesome! (my name is bubbles 1124)
Anonymous said...
well, no offense to members or anything, but u really don't want to be a member. becaus ewhen u become a nonmember, all the member stuff u had is there, glazed over slightly, u have to look at in whenever u go on. when u try to wear it, it says u cant cause ur not a member. and if u stay a meber, u become obsesed, mean to nonmembers, or both. usually.
i'm the one with three stripes, but i've been on cp for 1082 days... its probably because i have been a member on and off.
C I-I /-\ ZZ said...
Hey Mimo does this consist of TOTAL months or just that one time you bought it? in other word does it change or restart everytime you bye new membership?
PS: i want to know cause i bought membership over 3 times one 1 month and the other 2 were 6 month each... so i dont know can you or someone help me?
It is overall times you have been a member. Like if you have been a member for six months then you stop for a month and you do a one year, the that would be 18 months.
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
zizzy45678 said...
i'm the one with three stripes, but i've been on cp for 1082 days... its probably because i have been a member on and off.
Maybe you were not a member for the whole time? Kraftred (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
well, no offense to members or anything, but u really don't want to be a member. becaus ewhen u become a nonmember, all the member stuff u had is there, glazed over slightly, u have to look at in whenever u go on. when u try to wear it, it says u cant cause ur not a member. and if u stay a meber, u become obsesed, mean to nonmembers, or both. usually.
You don't be mean to non-member's! That is mean. I've seen so many members only maybe 1 or 2 are mean to non-member's!
So don't say that! Mimo is a member but he is NOT mean to non-member's! I'm a member! I'm not mean! (If I am I will regret it)
beagle79 said...
Hey new glitch!!!!
If you sign up for a yearly membership, you get the badge for when the yearly membership expirers~
its confusing!!1
That is not really a glitch, but COOL! Kraftred (CPG MOD)
Fran40 said...
oh mimo i dont no wut 2 do! im a member, but wen i logged in, it said,
my name is Fran 40 i dont no wut 2 dooooooo
2 things. 1: Someone gave you a bot and CP banned you for cheating. (72 hours)
2: Someone went on your penguin and did a really bad thing. You can't really do anything about it. If you get banned forever for this, tell CP.
Kraftred (CPG MOD)
hehe....i'm 1112 days old <3
Hi Mimo777,
I'm the one with three stripes but nearly the one with three and a star cause I only need six more months!
From Doate123
In response to Anonymous, who said:
What if you don't have automatic renewal on your membership? Does it start counting all over again when you manually renew it or continue from when the last one ended?
Yo! It does not count all over again. It just depends on how many months you have been a member in total, not how many months you have been a member consecutively.
-Survivor91-(Legendary Mod)
I have been a two year member!
(i wish there wuz a prize 4 that!)
This is so cool also IM LEVEL FIVE!
I am the 3rd one
I was wondering why this was happening on other penguins...
im the 3 baege sorry dont know how to spell bage
stret rocks(cpgmod)
wen u get the star does that mean u cant renew ur member ship?
I am badge 2 my penguin is bfssa
o_O Im Only the Second badge... If I had my other penguin I would probably been on the last one but noo...Got Banned:'(
I've been a member for.... 729 days today... How many months is that? And about how much longer until i get the amazing star!? I only have 3 stripes.... :(
Dude! These are awesome. Im only the second badge! almost the third.
Guy .. Excellent .. Superb .. I will bookmark your site and take the feeds additionallyI am satisfied to find so many helpful information right here within the publish, we'd like develop more strategies in this regard, thank you for sharing. . . . . .
how do u know exactly how many days you have been on club penguin?????
Thanks, Mimo777 thanks man
I started in Club Penguin July 2011 so I will be the first badge. I cant wait to be the star badge cause that would be Awesome!
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