Finally, after like 1 million years of searching, Rockhopper found me...

Ok, I found him. Teehee. Here's how it happened. I was feeling it so I logged on to a Canadian Server to go Rockhopping. I went to a server I don't go to very much. It was Glacier. I decided to check out the Migrator. I went into his Quarters and he was there. It was awesome. He was singing, "row, row, row your boat." I told Rockhopper to make sure he hooks up with all the CPG peeps, yo.
SOOOOO.... I will be having a "Mimo Found Rockhopper Party"! Look for clues soon.
Do you have a good finding Rockhopper story?
(I'll be posting more stuff today)
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
1 – 200 of 235 Newer› Newest»That's awesome mimo. I wish I have found him. Some of my church friends have seen him. Congrats!
You're friend,
Awesome Pen7
thats cool i wish i was there ...sigh... mimo are you online
i was walking in the snow on snow cone at the beach and then all of a sudden rockhopper said Me harties well stuff like that and i was like YES I FOUND HIM!!!!!
my rh story is when i was in the server north pole(canadian server) when i was playing treasure hunt, he walked into the room and said, "aaarrrrggg me mateys!" i quickly logged out of treasure hunt game, and i asked rh to play treasure hunt with me,AND HE DID! WE FOUND EMERALD! IT WAS THE BEST DAY EVER!
-337 NOEL
I found him about a year ago and I got the same background as that!
yah i do! like a couple months ago when rockhopper was here i saw rockhopper and we were dancing with him. and then he left and went to the dance club. and for a couple minutes i was talking to him and there was no one else around him. but soon after that they all flooded in. it was so cool!!
one day i i luv swans told my friend princeznavy on the fone that rh was here i was kidding!i told her hes at the cove at the dock at the icerink!then she goes (my name here) hes at the snowforts come! and i was like no hes not hes not i was kidding! and she was like yes come!i went to the snowforts and he was there!!how freaky right!?
sincerly,i luv swans and princeznavy
Yay Mimo found Rockhopper!! Cant wait til ur party!
my rockhopper finding story is this: I logged onto a server (I don't remember what one it was) and I had another tab open on my computer. so I went to the pizza parlor and just sat there. I was on my other tab for awhile, when I went back to club penguin. when I went on, there were lots of penguins, and in the center of the crowd, why, it was none other than Captain Rockhopper! I think that that made my fifth time finiding him:) I've found him THREE TIMES on this current visit! club penguin gang rules!!
Hi mimo. That is soo cool. My rh story is when i was on a server(forgot server) and i was at someones house and they yelled rh is at his ship! So i went to the ship and he wasnt there. So i went back to her house then she said rh is at the beach!So I went there and he was dancing and saying dance or wave! THen he said lets go to snow forts me mateys! So i went and i asked him what is his fav animal. He said puffles are me favorite animals! Isnt that sweet he loves yarr!
CONGRATS, Supergace
my rockhopper story is awesome.
i went 2 tuxcedo and thought i'd go dancing so i went 2 the night club it was empty and i started dancing and then suddenly RH appeared! it was sooo cool!:) 2 minutes after some 1 came in and left then a huge crowed appeared so i left and then i found RH at the snow forts ,AMAZING
Yay Mimo777! I am glad you found Rockhopper! I found him the last time he was here. I met him at the Dance Club, Ice Burg, and Dock. It was on Big Surf! I am glad I found him! Good Luck to all of you!
~Ocean 2nd
cool i wish i seen him!!!!!!!!!!!!
I found Rockhopper on a Canadian server 2. I found him on Mukluk!
Hey Mimo!
Thats so awesome- wait so SMOOVE that you found him! :-)
OMG! Awesome, Mimo! Ok, I was at the forest one day playing tag with a couple of buddies, then all these people showed up saying Rockhopper was in the Cove! I got soooo excited, so I went tried going to the Cove. Unfortunately the room was full of Penguins trying to find Rockhopper. Maybe next time!
My story is when i went Rockhopping in Blizzard(USA), i was looking for hours, i was gonna give up,then i went to the dock, and he was there. And i got the background too.
-Sprouse 97
thats great! And lucky. lol.
I just went to my usual server (Artic) and I met him at the beach, it was off the hook!!!
Rockhopper's so cool!!!
I am so happy for you mimmo you totaly diserve it I hope you had a blast with him because I usualy do!
Hey Mimo~
Kimberrlley1 here, and im back and ready to roll, yo :]! Thats awesome, and awersome job finding rockhopper, well....him finding you? haha! Well great work!
Thanks mimo!
Hey Mimo it's Princeznavy! I guess u heard of my story with I Luv Swans!
I'm soooo glad u finally met Rockhopper!! I guess all of your hardwork had payed off
Love your fellow penguin, Princeznavy
ur friend jason988
I have met rockhopper to!I went to the beach and one penguin said come with me for rockhopper!I did like I had anything more to do so i did and when i went on his boat there he was!!!!! It was so cool it was the best!!!!
Hey, Mimo!
Well, once I was walking in the town of the austrailan server Brumby, looking for stickers303, I saw him! We followed him to the cove and he started singing, but he wasn't there too long. I got the background! But I already had it. That's awesome Mimo that you found him! I wish I was smart enough to figure out ALL your clues so I could finally meet you. Sigh.
HEY MIMO please post this I met rockhopper today too! He was on glacier and ont migrator it was awesome! Thanx for helping me out! U Rock! Priya26,peace 4 life
Well I very much love my story of how I found him the first time he was giving out the backrounds. I went to Parka first and was on the Migrator when I heard a penguin call "Rockhopper at Beanie!" I went there even know I knew I wasn't going to find Rockhopper there. When I got to the Hold of the Migrator I saw a bunch of penguin saying "Rockhopper was just here" and stuff like that and they had the backround. Very disgusted with myself, I went on the server after beanie on my spare account and on my way to the Migrator... I saw Rockhopper saying he was hungry for pizza! I went on my main account and found him sitting down in a chair with a crowd of penguins around him. That was my best story of how I found Rockhopper.
Hey, Kim!
I'm so glad your back!=D I found Rockhopper like a billion times- he's so easy to find! He's usually in the unpopulated servers. Just go on random unfull servers and if its full, maybe RH is on!
sup Mimo777
when i was giving up on finding rockhopper i went to a very unpopulated server (vinilla). one person said party at ______'s igloo and so because there wernt many ppl everyone that heard went i went to the igloo and rockhopper was there i loged off the logged back on and vinilla was full.
your trully
where are you in the picture?
i was very pleased that u found rockhopper when is ure rockhopper party can u make rockhopper see me i have been lokking for him for like 20 years or months.
ure friend skt90anglefish 2
ya i found him 7 times befo9re p.s. im gonna go look for him right now your friend cooley010203
Mimo, this time i didn't find Rockhopper....(I've seen him 4 times before).....LOL....but I wish I would've seen him this time.
Oh yeah I hope I could go to this party this time!I've been to a Mimo party before!=[
Hey mimo, if you want to find rockhopper much more go on frozen. I found him every time he visted frozen and i am 475. Well my cousin was on Mammoth and i tried to go on Mammoth, but then he went to frozen. After that i went back to frozen i saw Rockhopper and he didn't. LOL
i found rh twice (but it was in the same day, lol. i cheated) but congrats, mimo!!
no story :/
im Linkhunter6 and i saw rockhopper once
mint, oh rocky, how you torture me... i have a question mimo; heard of final fantasy?
cograts! thats so cool. i wish i could meet rockhopper.
I wish I could meet him.
Is Rockhooper going arround in cp?
one time I was in a server that was empty (9 penguins or so) and i went to the migrator and I was talking with another penguin (we where the only ones in the room) when rockhopper appeared we danced for a bit and then he said he was hungry so me and the other penguin found him again about 2 mins later at the pizza parlor so we had dinner with rockhopper
hey thats great man i saw Rockhopper while i was on my sisters file and that was my time.You rock mimo777
One day i was in Blizzard and i went to my buddies igloo, she said he was at the forest so i went there and the room was almost empty then i went back to her igloo and danced for a bout 5 mins then went bk to the forest and he was there! freaky huh?
hey i went to the migrator today and he was singing row row row your boat too :o
Hey Mimo, I was there too!
'gratz mimo <3
Ok for me it was the first time I saw rockhopper (I've seen him 5 times) I was bored so I thought I'd pop by club and dance for a bit and man was I shocked when I walked in and saw a small crowd of people around him! Then I dance with them and we all went on a pirate parade! It was one of the best times I ever had on cp.
Your bud,
Hey guys!
It's Pearlwhite27!
My rockhopper is this: I was playing hide and seek on Club Penguin with my friend Bff224.(there are more hiding places on cp than you think ;) She was going to hide in the pizza parlor. We were also on the phone too, so on the phone she's like,"OMG (my name) Rockhopper is in the Pizza Parlor!!" Then I was like, "Are you sure that's the real Rh?" She said yes, so i went to the pizza parlor and bam! there he was!! =)
Hey Kimberrlley1!
It's Pearlwhite27!
Welcome back! We all missed you! Look on the right side bar, you are an official CPG Moderator! =)
i have more coins than you . and ever few times Rh comes he brings a new free item 4 when you fined him
this is my story i found him when i saw that mammoth server was almost full. so i got in then i went to the stage. there a penguin said he was at the snow forts and then i went there and i got the background
(note the background is not on my page!)
You Never Met Rockhopper...
I have all this week
at grizzly,mammoth,white out,and ice berg all random i just ranodmly went to places and he was there!he said Hi Cheekybunnyz WHICH IS MY USERNAME I Screamed.
WOOT, WOOT! That is way awesomely exciting. Congrats Mimo! Rockhopping is fun, but long haha. I've never met Rockhopper..still working on that ;]
cool Congrads Mimo!
i have a good story. this is when rockhopper was giving out the eye patch. me and my cousin were playing CP, when we saw rockhopper in the hold! it was awesome.
Ummm mines was kinda silly..... lol ok me and my friends were jokin around and we put on wings and we started flying lol... and then this guy wanted to capture us but we scared him and we chased him and on our way chasin him we found rh at the Plaza!its kinda silly lol.
Same with me. I just went into Cold Front and I went into the migrator and BANG! There was a small croud but it was cool
Mimo, i was there!i met him two times. accually, the day before that, he went on north pole and the next day he went on glacier!
my main server is north pole!
i was walking on snow cone, not even trying to find him and there he was! there were only like 10 ppl there it was awesome!
My R.H. is:
I was with my friend Princess003 and we were at the dock, talking, and all of a sudden, a penguin yelled out, " ROCKHOPPER IS AT HIS SHIP!" So me and Princess003 went to his ship. Unfortunately Rockhopper wasn't there!=| So we went back to the dock and then Rockhopper showed up!! And he said "Arrg, I be here me mateys! I got the background! It was SMOOVE!
-19sparkle98 (CP NAME)
i found him too he's mega awsum
mimo777 plz add me as a buddy
My rockhopper story is that when I was a new peguin to club penguin I met him in the plaza on sherbet. I didn't know who he was at the time so I just kept walking to beach. Two days later I read the newspaper and see a picture of him. I was so sad ;(
Anyway way around three month later I meet him again on sherbet, in the plaza. How lucky was that.
Congratulations in meeting him now MIMO.
Alright,one day i was bored and walked to the dock and told ppl that rh was at the cove,then i went to the cove and told ppl to the dock.this kept going on for like 10 mins.some ppl gove tired and left,some ppl just got on it was funny!then the last time i did it the ws at the the dock!!i thought i was crazy.i was right next to him.
I found him a long time ago! :)CONGRATZ
Awesome! Hi its polo and im just saying when i met rockhopper he was saying all these pirate chants it was so weird! Let's enjoy mimos party then! Congrats to mimo!
thats awsome mimo heres my story i was on the server mammoth and i went to the beach and at frist it was full but i keep trying and i finely got in and i saw rockhopper! i was soooooooo happy
i saw rockhopper today it was so cooli got realy excited
by the way i justed joined
mimo and rockhopper? in the same room? WOW! i wish i was there its like penguin celebrity central! :)
Awesome! Good job!
Here's my story. It was awesome too:
As I was randomly doing things with a different penguin, I went on a random server, and started going for Rockhopper’s Ship. Then on the beach, I saw people crowding around someone. I wondered who he is. Then i saw he was ROCKHOPPER! I logged off and with my hands shaking i logged into Rofegme. I went into Husky. Rockhopper wasn’t there. Then I went on Tundra. I went to the beach. No one was there. Then I saw penguins rushing into the docks and i went with them. Then I saw Rockhopper! I couldn’t stay long because I had to eat, so I took a screenshot, got the background and logged off. This happened 2:30 PM PST July 2, 2008.
I never knew going random places would allow me to find Rockhopper...
hi i justed joined
i saw rockhopper
Congrates to the new mods (jessicamary, kimberrlly1, blackpearl8 and floobersnoot) Good luck with being a mod! (check the side toolbar)
You said: is rockhopper going around cp?
yes he is he goes on lots of different servers its just luck if you find him! happy rockhopping!
sprkling ic (cpg moderator)
well done awesome, congrats mimo
Bonjour mimo!
I'm glad u saw Rockhopper for the first time! and guess what? I got my first ninja sighting!! I saw it in the lighthouse! i was sooo awesome!!!
peace <3 :D
um... you do know that if you wanted to be a member you could just go to target and get a membership card, right? you just buy them at the store and then you enter a code online, and viola your a member!!!!!
TIME:4:00 CPTZ -4:55 CPTZ
I have a story, one morning i went on to get the pin, before i had to go to school. And rochopper was walking all around town, it was also the first time i saw him.
It was really wierd!
I found rh two times a week ago and he gave me the same backround
i fouhbnd him alot of times but i wont make the party i never get the clues :( :( :(
~Purple 5547~
youre so lucky every kid at my church has met him and all my friends but i still havent its soooo annoying.
yea i think i found him twice. it was the rockhopper party and i was at the plaza and then someone shouted "ROCKHOPPER IS AT THE SNOW FORTS!" and im like "really?" i thought he was lying cause a lot of them do but i just went there anyways and there he was! it was so awesome. and then another time same story except i was at the beach and it was CROWDED! a lot of people were saying rockhopper is on the ship! i kept trying and trying to get in (it said the room was full) and FINNALLY! i got in and he was there. lol. (idk what server for both of them)
your friend, yodee
Cool mimo I still need to find him!
Can you do the thing when people leave comments saying where they last saw him?
My RH Story
I made a new penguin named 1noname1
and on on my first day I went to Marshmallow. I went to the cove to get the rocket pin and hewas there.
That was on July 4.
oh forgot my story... ok here it is...Well I didn't meet him THIS trip but i did meet him 3 times his last trip! i always found him at the beach in blizzard. sooo thats my story! ya biggest fan -Ye11
You found Rockhopper! Coolio! I can't wait for the party clues!
ON Glaclar,
I went to the ice berg and I found rockhopper.I was like ROCKHOPPER IS HERE and I danced.
So you know Rockhopper? That would be cool.
Kool i found him like when he just got here but i didnt see him again on cp im moneydude98 i mostly go on snow cone and im a member i go on cp at moslty all day.
ur friend,
wahoo! good job mimo! =]
rockhopper is in the canada great white server
-happyfooty- there
kim! glad you're back!! how was your vacation? =]
psst... check the super duper awesome cool sidebar (i renamed it =])... you're an official mod! woot!
so here's a reminder of my 1st birthday on cp party (although it was like 4 days ago)
today, sunday
2:00 pm cptz
server fjord
please be there!
Thats so kewl mimo! I MET HIM TWICE ON TWO DIFFERENT SERVERS!! Well, actually, three times, and he was really kewl. He went to the pizza parlor, and asked for a "Slice of ye best pizza please", and a "Bottle of yer best cream soda". His favorite color is red (big surprise), his best memory was when we fixed his ship (he accidently put shape, lol!), and when i asked about Yarr he said "Yarr be as right as rain". I had the best day ever!!!!! And then, a day later I MET U MIMO! IT WAS AWESOME!
i was on frozen and i found him at the migrator there was hardly anyone around
thats awsonme mimo im so glad u found him ive found him quite alot of times but still well done to you!
rockhopper just left :(
So I was wishing that i would see Rock Hopper so I went into the town when i saw Rock Hopper!!! It was so cool. It was my second time every seeing him with my very own eyes!!!
Happyfooty's RH (Rockhopper) story
I Read that mimo had found rockhopper on Glacier so I logged on but Glacier was full so I went to great white and someone shouted RH is here follow me. I thought it was a hoax but i still followed. I was in the cove and rockhopper said lets go to the ice burg.
We danced and even aswnserd qustions. Then someone said RH You stink :0!!! The he said "well i think i acctully smell nice." I was like "LOL". He said "Thank you Thank You."
Then he said"hey get that purple puffle dancing" so the puffle danced." He RULEZ.
your #1 fan
i saw a big crowd around him and went to get pizza and then he came and sat next to me!
Congratz Mimo! I hope i can make it to ur (pirate) party. i saw rockhopper to at the cove yestreday.
i wasnt bothered to sighn in....
anyway i met him 2 times!!
1st time i was on a server and someone went ROCKHOPPERS ON THE SHIP so i went on and he wasnt there so i went out of the shp and i saw..... MILLIONS OF RED PENGUINS
and there was speach that said ARR me mateys i was like "..." YAY!
then he went arr i be going now!
im like no! i clicked on him and got the backround.
the 2nd time was last week i was dancing on the beach and he suddenly appeared im like "rockhopper do ya renember me?" nut he didnt answer..... Oh well mimo you ROCK! by the way the 1st caption should be the weiner
its so funny
hey mimo i have a story about when i found rockhopper
here it is
I was going on fjord looking for mimo when i found rockhopper at the beach i was the only1 there but i asked him to be my buddie and he give me a free background
when i met rockhopper, i was at the beach then all of a sudden, i see rockhopper running off of his ship being chased by like 50 penguins. I clicked his player cars right before he left the beach
Floob, you weren't at the party! Mimo12300 was there, Voykroy12, Rofegme (me), and more...
mimo once when I was at a friends house her sister was on cp and saw rockhoper so I loged on got the background then so did my friend but my little sisiter dident tog on in time to get the background! se ya l8tr mimo
i was on there!! he was on his ship this morning! PLZ VISIT CANADAIN SERVERS MORE OFTEN! great job mimo! i found him last year in the fall.
hey guys, im sorry i couldnt be at my party, my internet wasnt working for a long time! im at the fjord server still if anyone wants to meet up
This is my Rockhopper story
Cool Mimo!
Last Year Rockhopper found me! I have given up hope of finding him. I was on the iceberg chatting to some friends and there he was. We visited the Cove,Town,plaza and the Beach. We were all having so much fun but...
It was 9:37pm and my bedtime was usually 8:30pm. My mum made me go to bed.:(. Except after that day I saw him heaps more times! I have seen him on the server South Pole and Down Under. ( Australian Servers)
Rockhopper Is So Cool.
I have met Rockhopper like 5 TIMES!
yo mimo!
I found Rockhopper in Canada Icepond.I was like,eager to find him and I just picked that one..
"OMG I FOUND ROCKHOPPER!!!"was the thought.Here is a cheat..please put it on your page and say it was by pipylongstoc.
If you see Rockhopper,get the background and then ignore him so that he will always be on your list!LOL
Awesome Mimo!!!!!!! Isn't Rockhopper soo kool. He said he was going an a canadian sever yesterday when i found him on Mammoth he was going to be on a canadian sever today! he didnt tell which one though i wold of told you if I knew.Why did you say "Rockhopper found me"? Isn't it "I found Rockhopper"?NOT TO BE MEAN im just saying. whell anyway Congrats Mimo
Your Friend,
Mr Picklo :)
you are sooo lucky i have never found him
Whoa, congads! I missed so much! U posted whoa a lot!
do you get a prize or something if you find him?
email me @
My sister found him two times when we aren't even trying to look for!
I found Rockhopper to. He was in the down under at about 10pm. It was so funny cuz i al ways look for him and when i wasen't looking i found him. He said 'untill next time me mateys!!'
From your friend
Rockhopper story:
I was hopping to find rockhopper for the first time. I got on the server flurry and I walked on to the migrator. There was rockhopper standing at the back of his ship with no one around him. There where like 5 other people around the ship. So I ran up to him and talked to him before a whole bunch of people came on. I saw him a few times other than that, but that was the best!
I saw rockhopper today too!
Hey Floob!
Kimberrlley1 here! Thanks, im so excited to be a permanent mod...and my vacation rocked!
Yea, Ive seen him twice,
by accident...
first was,
"I wonder if I could ever find Rockhopper..." and I found him it was cool...
Mimo, I was searching for him today because i havent ever met him before. So i searched for about 2 to 3 hrs. and i was just about ready to give up... then i decided to go into Husky just for the simple fact i had not been in there yet and it was not full yet.I was walking around and went into the beach then i walked on the ship and THERE HE WAS i danced for a bit then took a pictureof it and then got the background with rockhopper and me in it and then he left and i never saw him again that day. I was soo... excited after i had met him for the first time i will never forget it!
oh my gosh.... one time i was at a super random server that was COMPLETELY empty. so i wasnt really in the rockhopper finding mood, so i went to the beach and sat there for like 4 seconds. then out of NOWHERE, rockhopper appears. and itz just me and him on the beach and im like hi? and he says AHOY MATEY! and i was like omg!!! so i told him WAIT HERE, and i got all my friends the background, and when i went back to my regular penguin, and we had a pirate parade! there were only about 15 penguins in it because it was such an empty server. it was so awesome!
well i usually don't go on a american server but i went on alpine and i went ot the beach. and all of the penguin were red and i so him in the middle of the huge bunched up crowd
So, I was walking to the light house on mammoth to rock out on the stage, until i see a red penguin standing at the beach. It was rockhopper! I was shocked. It was so random to see him, i didn't expect it at all. lol. He talked with me. No one else was really around, no one knew where he was lol.
i found rh in a parde i was on clubpenguin and a bunch of penguins gathered in a group so i waddeld over and there was rockhopper so now i have the same backround
when is the party
congrats mimo on finding rockhopper i remember my first time finding him i was going to the dock like i normally do and i couldnt get in so i went to the forest insted and there he was (u.k. server frozen)
p.s. he sang some pretty bad songs lol :p
story was,
i was on brumby,
i went to the beach to see if he was there,
but he wasnt!
so i went to chck the migrator,
and when i got out,
then i logged on to blizzard,
went to the snowforts,
so if someone says rockhoppers somewere,
go to the server below you that is on the list,
ten search his favourite places,
you'll probaly find him!!!!
ur so lucky!!!but u deserve to be his friend !
Floob, I couldn't go to your party or meet up with you. Can you name a time and place? Thanks!
I FOUND HIM LIKE 2 TIMES ALREADY. i think dat its harder on the american servers cuz there r more servers to go on
goofy73(CPG story teller)
i was on clubpenguin rockhopping! i checked everywhere where people said he goes to. then i stepped into the pizza parlor. and was surprised to see many penguins standing near the piano and dancing. i looked into the large crowd and saw a red penguin with a big pirates hat dancing and saying cool stuff! i walked over and i was so excited to see rockhopper! he the3n later said "Aye, let us go to the beach in honor of the "Migrator!"so i quickly pressed the map and clicked on the beach! then a lot of red penguins appeared on the bottom of the sand. rockhopper was dancing along with everyone gathering around him. he moved a couple of times and said different things! i had an awesome time with rockhopper! i wish yarr was with him
you're friend goofy73(CPG story teller)
I finnaly found him! But my brother didnt find him and he cried and cried!
Cool ! I found him last time he was at Club penguin ! Some penguins were saying that he was there ... most of the time peguins lie .. but i never lost hope in them !!!
kimberlly1 i was wondering if u would like to meet up with me some time
To pennyrox101
do you get a prize or something if you find him?
email me @
A:You get to have a background from Rockhopper autographed by him.Hope this answers your question.;)
Aqua131131(cpg moderator);)
Hey Mr. Picklo,
Here was your question:
Why did you say "Rockhopper found me"? Isn't it "I found Rockhopper"?
Mimo was just joking when he said that. He likes to be funny like that. Sorta like "Zebras smell funny" and "the weiners" Lol! Happy Rockhopping and I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
One time, I went on CP during school, and I found him TWICE! In one hour!
Amazingly great job mimo. Also Grats on your new book.
My story's sorta lame but whatever: Okay i was trying to go back sleep one time(When rockhopper gave out eyepatches), and my phone rang. just as i picked it up, i heard, "Dude go on the club penguin USA server, Christmas" in my sleepy voice, "Why are you calling me right now. Okay"
I went on like he asked. Then i saw rockhopper. i got his item but i nearly fell asleep.
Odd story eh
Chaos link(CPG mod)
PS. Good luck Rockhopping guys and remember to never give up on anything.
OMG! I was hoping that got to see rockhopper! You are soo lucky!
ya! I was waltzing around CP, minding my own business, and I decided to go on his ship. And there he was, near the bow, dancing! I tried to add him, but I just got his player cards. I kept on shouting, "I LOVE YOU RH!!" but he had to go. :( But I'm glad I got to see him! :D
i have a funny story ok:
so i was with my friend who was new with cp and i was showing her around. so we went to the pizza parlor and we sat down by the piano.there wasnt a lot of people at the pizza parlor so i was talking to my friend and all of a sudden a huge crowd was around us so i was like wow. then i was looking and there was rockhopper i wasnt even looking for him. and my friend didnt even know who he was but she met him. that was the best moment of my penguin
Wow! Rockhopper said to me "Thank ye Blossum Blue" To me once! It was really cool! My friend made him say "Something Random!"
I met Rockhopper too! I got that background too! But I don't see you in the picture, where are you?
the F.I.S.H for secret agents has some added pages! ;D
I already met Rockhopper:)
my story is i looked and looked but never found him lol! congratz mimo for finding rockhopper
Congrats ^^
I don't really know why everybody makes such a big deal out of it, though....He's a red penguin with a beard and a hat. The wallpaper doesn't even look that nice (no offense...) But yeah, I get all the Rockhopperfrenzyness. I got sooo frustrated looking for him myself. Bah, I gave up after about 5 minutes. I was too lazy to persevere it. o_O
rockhopper said tha to me lol:)
Hey Mimo
How do you get that awesum rockhopper backgorund???
i like lamp
Hi mimo!
I saw rockhopper in the Australian server south pole and I got a background and he was asking people to do a pizza emote.. lol
what time you came on because i want to look for him and i heard from someone that rockhopper comes to the server near it
i have a story to tell one day rockhopper was on the server i was on so i went looking for him found him and then chased him to 3 different servers and found him all each one
I saw rockhopper yesterday!
I see him like everyday...
rockhopper will be on each server al least once a day
cool,one mimo with one rockhopper,just wonder how many penguins will go...... :D
Hey! That's so awesome!!!
When I found I wasn't even looking for him. I was going surfing. And when I got to the cove he was there!
My Rockhopper finding story is this:
I logged onto a Canadian server called Mukluk. When I logged on I was at the Beach, and everyone was screaming and shouting. I saw my friend and asked her what was going on. She said that Rockhopper was at the Dock. So I went to the dock, but I was lucky to get in because the room was full. And I saw Rockhopper, and he came over to me. He said "Where do you want to go me hartie?". And I said : The Beach.
But in the end, me and my friend was happy. You know why? I asked Rockhopper to come to my igloo. So I went to my igloo. I stayed there for 5 minutes, and then he came. I invited the rest of my friends to my igloo. We had a party, for Rockhopper.
Hey Mimo u r soooooo cool im ur #1 fan in the whole world!!! Could u meet me on CP at 1:00 (pst) on Fjord server!?!?!? U could Make my dream!!! my penguin name is Maltbys dude!
P.S. meet me at the top of the Ski Hill!!! ;)
One time, I was going on a pretty full server, Rockhopping. When I then went to the iceburg, Rockhopper waz there and it was only like 9 people until the usual crowd popped up. I actually followed his server trail so I saw him 3 times that night. LOL
Hey Guyz! Sorry I haven't posted in a while! Anyway,Great Mimo!Congrats!I will be looking out for your party clues !Thanx!
Hey Mimo! Thats awesome. When I found rockhopper in January I was sitting in the beach for about 2 hours! And he finally came! I also found him for my sister! So I found him 2 times. It was like a mini birthday present. (My b-day is in january.)
- Natho Dude (CP Name)
hiya pennyrox101! you said:
do you get a prize or something if you find him?
email me @
well kind of. when you find rockhopper, and ask to be his buddy he gives you a cool backround of you and him on the migrator!
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
Hey Maltbys Dude,
Here was your question:
Hey Mimo u r soooooo cool im ur #1 fan in the whole world!!! Could u meet me on CP at 1:00 (pst) on Fjord server!?!?!? U could Make my dream!!! my penguin name is Maltbys dude!
P.S. meet me at the top of the Ski Hill!!! ;)
Sorry, but Mimo can't meet up with anyone individually. There are just too many penguins, and only one Mimo. ;-) But there are always his parties! He is having a Mimo found Rockhopper party really soon, so watch out for clues. I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
Hey Anonymous,
Here was your question:
How do you get that awesum rockhopper backgorund???
When you see Rockhopper and ask to be his buddy, he will give you the free backround. Pretty cool, huh? Happy Rockhopping and I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
Well done Mimo! It took me ages of searching before I found him at the lighthouse a few months ago. Then I logged on the next day and met him again by chance!
hey mimo
my rockhopper story is soooo weird but it is really really realy reallly true!!!i ait lying!!!!
I was on the iceberg on mi own when suddenly a penguin called S3cer3t W1sh came along and asked me what I wanted most to happen to mi penguin>I said that I most wanted to met Rockhopper and they said it will happen.I didnt belive them but then all of a sudden ROCKHOPPER APPEARED!!!!It was sooo cool.I tlked to him and he gave me the free background!THIS IS ALL TRUE!!!!
from Saspphire (cp name)
Hey thats kool wen i saw him for the second out of like twenty seiriously lol, he did that too.I hope i go to the party.
From soccer8kid
RH has left right? But his ship isn't in the Telescope!!!!!!!!!
Hey this was funny but one time I saw rockhopper at his ship and he said "last one to the beach be" um I forget but we went to the beach and we danced then he said to the dock mateys and it was full but i didnt give up and wat I knew if u go to ur igloo hit the map and it doesnt go away if the room is full i got in right and he wasnt there i came out room full i gave up and wat was bad but good was i gave up and i went to the ice burg and...
HE WAS THERE he said the room was full too and said sorry mateys and turned out it was good i gave up. BEST DAY EVER ON CP!
From soccer8kid
I did find him!!!
i wanted to go and find rockhopper... so i went to mammoth
and went to the migrator and found
him in a crowd!!!hardly anyone was there so he told us''har har har!!! lets go to the mighty iceburg!!!!so i got his backround but not a eyepatch:(
oh...can i plz be a cpg mod??!!
Hi Mimo!
I know how you feel!
I spent aes looking for Rockhopper and finally last year I found him! LOL!
i found rockhopper 2 times
Congrats Mimo! I never saw him! :(
Wish me luck!
I was just walking and I was on the server Grizzly.Somone said hes comin to the town and im like ya right and I went to the beach and he was there.It was so kool!Then I started dancing with him
awsome. congrats mimo. the same thing happened to me when i found rockhopper.just like your story
haha finally
Banned Tommyo3000 said...
Answer: Sometimes CP can be a bit crazy even if you make a small mistake! sigh.. LOL!
How do you get that awesum rockhopper backgorund???
Answer: You get it when you ask Rockhopper to be your buddy :)!! It's pretty cool, hope you meet him someday!!
Hey Mimo just after i read that comment i wnet to the next server down from Glasier Went into the town and he wos right there!!! Isnt it so cool just seeing him!!
To elijahc369
I did find him!!!
i wanted to go and find rockhopper... so i went to mammoth
and went to the migrator and found
him in a crowd!!!hardly anyone was there so he told us''har har har!!! lets go to the mighty iceburg!!!!so i got his backround but not a eyepatch:(
oh...can i plz be a cpg mod??!!
A:Sure!All u have 2 do is answer other people questions,like I'm doing right now.Then sign your name like this:
YourName(cpg moderator)
That's it.Have fun answering questions.;)
Aqua131131(cpg moderator);)
To ginja jedi
RH has left right? But his ship isn't in the Telescope!!!!!!!!!
A:It was probably a glitch earlier.He's in the telescope now.;)
Aqua131131(cpg moderator);)
Oh my penguin,Daisydarr, is turning 1 yr old on cp. I'm going to have a little party on cp. Here is what you need to know to come.
When: July 8 2:00 PM
Where: Fjord at the Cove
I hope everyone can make it!
i saw rockhopper a few days ago.
i was so excited i almost forgot to get the backround!
Congratulations, MIMO!!!
I can't wait until the partay!
- JR
hey daisydarr is that 2 o'clock Club Penguin time. I might be there. MAYBE! If I don't make then Happy Birthday.
I'll try to make it,
Awesome Pen7
My Rockhopper story is kinda funny!
One day i was at Mammoth and everybody tried to get in rockhopper's ship.(It was full and Rockhopper wasent there.
So i tried to joke some people!:D
So i said: Rockhopper at forts!
So after i went there to see of anybody belived on me.
When i went there,guess who was there????
(But i was very lucky!)
I at least got his player card.
I went behind him and i thought he went to the forest.When i go there he wasent there!
He was at the plaza!
My story was funny!
Bye mimo and everybody!
yesh, if you meet rockhopper and ask him to be your buddy, you'll get a free background! thats where mimo got his =]
Hey Elijahc,
Here was your question:
oh...can i plz be a cpg mod??!!
You sure can! All you have to do is look for questions in the comments, then answer them. Pretty simple, huh? But you have to sign your name like this:
Your Penguin Name (CPG Moderator)
Have fun being a mod and I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
i have met him,but it was on my friends account since he is a member and he lets me buy him stuff, i was on and i didnt even realize that i might be able to see him, then someone just told me that he was on!!it was awesome!!
your #1 fan sktls12
p.s are you a member?
mimo i saw him on mammoth twice. we danced and stuff. yeah he's cool. btw whens your party? give some hints soon!
My Rockhopper Story is:
I was sitting at the beach with my friend and was about to type wazzup when Rockhopper came. I ended up up writing wazzuOMGROCKHOPPER! Me and my friend followed him into the dock where he "walked the plank". He said the water was cold. Then we went into the snow forts and Rockhopper made up this insane story about a green monster and then he told us to follow him to hide from us. I followed him to the forrest. There, somebody said that Rockhopper was at his ship. Then she left. I think Rockhopper banned her for lying. Then we went to cove and sung that "A Sailor Went to Sea Sea Sea song."Then he left. Nobody beleives me but it's true. The end.
hey guys got back from my grandmas!im so glad u found him mimo777!what else did i miss?
Thanks mimo...i went to the server you said and i saw rockhooper and he gave me a background. It wa☼ so are the best
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