Friday, July 11, 2008
New Club Penguin Music Game Coming!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats
I wonder how long it will take for them to release it.
Hey maybe they should make a game where you fix Club Penguin Bugs!
What would be a good name for a bug fixing name?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
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1 – 200 of 283 Newer› Newest»i think a good name for a bug game could be "find it and exterminate it"
bug-a-bye =] plz post! first comment! =]
-kool kat 212
Bug Squasher!!
Cool! Mimo how do you know this? It wasn't on CPIP. Or the Club Penguin Blog. But AWESOME!!!
Hey Mimo!
Cool! I can't wait! How about the Bug Spray 3000? Lol! :-)
The Extermanator 3000!
Stop it and expell
Mimo new cp game coming also u rock love the blog cant get clues
Bug Squisher: Stomped! I Would Play It. :)
DigiFlyswat 3000! Lol!
-- Chillpill96
The Exterminator!
-Sprouse 97
umm i think Bug-Baby-Bye-Bye
a good name??? let me see........BUG BUSTER!
bug penguin. has a nice ring to it, sounds good, and says its club penguin and about bugs too!
lolol =] it'd be kinda like the test servers... where you test the stuff inside the server
bug reliver
Bye-Bye Bugs
Hasta la Vista Buggy!
Destroy ALL Bugs
could this be a hint?
yes I hate bugs that much
Say Hello to my little Exterminator
I really hate bugs...
a bug smushing game! haha
Cool, Mimo. This is my first time on your website. I think "bug madness" would be cool. ;-)
your so awesome mimo and you have a wonderful imagination! you are one amazing kid
your awesome mimo!
Sand Flipper
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Nice one Mimo! :D
I think the Squishomatic 215!
Hey mimo.
Billybob said it will be here by the end of Month.
thats awesome!!! lol if they had a bug game it would be cool! they could get extra help! :D
Cool! Sounds Cool!
zap zap bug wow that wack
Hiya Mimo, you are awesome!
I reckon it should be called the bug-o-matic.
-Mick Jr 11
Lol I'm bad at making up good names for a game they should have a vote like the aqua grabber.
i THINK this is a party clue. But if it isnt, a good name would be annhialator.
Mimo Rocks
Cool It looks like a DJ game or something its problably gonna be like remeber the beat or something like that
The Bug-Be-Gone 1000!
~~~~~~~~~~~~Mr Larry 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dear anonymous.
You said...'Coul'd this be a hint'.
Well it isn't! Go to the community page on Club Penguin and then click on 'What's New'.
It's only a new game coming to Club Pennguin. Hope this helps
I got one! The Bug-Be-Gone 3001!
~~~~~~~~~~Mr Larry 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Squish Computer Bugz!
Not Real Bugz! :)
I got a Name!
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash21 here!
Guess what?!
A while ago, I sent an e-mail to Club Penguin suggesting a new Mission, and the answerer said that he would consider it!!
This is what the e-mail said:
Hello and Greetings to the Club Penguiners!
Hehe! I am MishMash215 and I have an idea for a new mission!
Ok, it involves the Pizzatron, here is the story line:
It is Club Penguin's annual Best Room competition, and almost every single penguin is rooting for the Pizza Parlour! All the penguins are helping clean up, and your job is to help them, which involves mini games and puzzles ect. But, the day before inspection, our old friend Herbert is back and bent on revenge, ands when he see's the hope ineveryone, he decides to ruin it by trashing the Pizza Parlour! He turns off the pizzatron using the "ON OFF" switch and he gets Klutzy to cut the knob off, but Klumzily, he cuts the wire and the Pizzatron explodes so the Pizza Parlour is covered in Cheese, Fish, Seaweed etc. Then you have to make a new switch, using maybe random tools in the pizza parlour and deliver 20 pizzas across the island in G's Test Sled. Then you have to put the Pizzatron back together using the Ice Gear from last time. Then the inspector comes and you win! Then, as extra credit G will call you on the cell phone and say "If you are up to it Agent, Herbet is on the loose" so you have the option to catch him or not. You try to interrogate Klumzy, but he is asleep and you only find a sheet of paper which has Secret Agent code which says "Klumzy, meet me at the Ski Lodge" so you go there, catch herbet but he gets away by jumping through the hole in the ice. You return to G, and he gives you a Medal which is the "Golden Pizza" Medal and the special award is an award for working out the code...maybe a "Tic Tac Toe game" That is as far as I got but it would be REALLY cool if you did it! Please reply if you do decide to use my idea, but I request that you somehow give me credit for it!
Thank You!
And I think you should bring back the first ever free item, that would be so cool!
And Club Penguin replied:
This is such a great idea, I know I would take part and help get the cheese off of the Pizza Parlor!!
I will be sure to bring this idea up at my next ideas meeting today.
Waddle on!
Josh S
Club Penguin Fan Mail
How Awesome is that?!?!
Maybe they will do it!!!
Well i saw lots of ideas on the i thought i can combine everyones idea how about "Bug BE Exterminate 3001" im not sure if you would like it and all...
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Whoa! As most of you know, I am in Hong Kong for my Vacation, and there were MASSIVE storms last night!
It was Typhoon 3 (highest!) and massive lighting that hit the water in the harbour! My hotel was litterally shaking...
IT WAS SO COOL! I satyed up all night so I am sort of well...hmm...whats the word...
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Hey Mimo!
I think it should be called
"Bye-Bye Buggy!"
Or "Buggy-go-Bye-Bye!"
Lol, how random?!
Call it Buggutz!
That doesnt make sense...
Hey Guys!! It's Sharpay300!
Anonymous said...
could this be a hint?
Q: Maybe, if you see anything like a clue, then your right, but I would say no.
wow this is awesome! and ur right they should have a game where u fix the bugs on cp but then again the ppl that really kno how to use a comp can make cp have more bugs........ but it would be fun to have one of those games :D thanks for the update! i cant wait!
How about bugamator
I think a good name might be Bugger Bash
Fixatron bug and it should have a little robot for extra help and you are only aloud to use it 3 times on each level!
i agree with the first one because it is really good and a great idea i think a good one is find it exterimnate it
wow mish!!! that is such a cool idea! man, they'd better make a mission like that! wow, you're so creative =]
but wait
who's klumzy?
lol you mean klutzy? =]
That'd be a great idea!
Mishmash215: WOW you are one of the smartest penguins ever! thats an awesome idea and thats amazing club penguin might do it? it makes me feel special just being your friend! wow if they put that on for a mission that would be like so cool. good job mishmash you rule!
i hope mimo has another contest soon or something where u can make vid poem or pic because i jsut found out how to make awesome pics! you guys all rule and mishmash i am happy for you! ya know a while ago i was so mad cause my family hated me on cp and my brother made fun of me cause i play club penguin and they just didnt want me on the computer i thought i would quit club penguin. i was going to that was thursday or wednesday
i want to send club penguin a fan art put i bet mine will never be posted! im a good drawer and i could make a really good thing if only club penguin would post mine
that'll be awsome. I've been wanting a new game on it
hey mimo i remember a long time ago or sorta i said you were cool and then you said something like thanks sand your cool to
when i read that i almost fainted i was so happy and exited and and i was like blowing up and going out of my mind lol or when i met you on cp and you talked to me i was gona go run all over the house screaming ITS MIMO HAHAHAHAHAHA!! then at your buddy list party i told my brother i might have a chance to be mimos buddy yay and i was so exited but you didnt add me. i dont care as long as i got to see you! and you sent me a card that was so awesome
music game? o.O
Yeah, I bet we'd do a better job than those crazy people (er, excuse me. *penguins*) are doing -__-
Maybe Bee-be-gone would do! ^/^
bugs brawl! you wrestle 'em and strangle them and punch them and show all your anger! =]
sounds fun doesn't it mimo? =)
The Bug Exterminator!!
the mysteries of bug killing
bug busters
a good name can be the day i bought a cat to catch the bug.
I know it will come when the music
festival starts on July 21st
How bout de-bug?
Bye-Bug or
Internet Penguin Bugs (hehe)
Clubpenguin's Kill-a-bug
BugZzzz Zzzleeper (Bug Sleeper)
Bug Zapper
Bubuzz ( I dont know why it popped in my head :) )
"Fix those Bugs!"
Dont let those internet bugs bite!
You think dinosaurs ruled the earth? Actually it were bugs well, basically Beetles,yup, hard to believe it right? they lived long much more than dinosaurs.
more names!Actually last i can think of
Zap-a-bug and ZappillaBug and (hehe) Zap the Bugzilla!
Thanks Mimo!
P.S. That's my penguin name if you don't remember and im always at brumby,Australia! (or if that's the right spelling!)
Love Ya mimo and ur web! you Rock! \m/^0^\m/ Mimo Addict (and Clubpenguingang and Cubpenguin Addcit!)
the exterminator
The game could be called the vermanitors :-)
Your friend,
Mr Picklo
Is this a clue?If it is how do you decode it?P.S I saw your comment on the cp blogP.S.S PLEASE POST!!
CP name Matias 888
bug squasher
ferrari206, you said, "i THINK this is a party clue. But if it isnt, a good name would be annhialator.
Mimo Rocks" Well, ferrari206, it's very good to question even the posts that seem very, hmm... what's the word? ummm... innocent? I guess innocent. But, no. This is not a clue. This is a true CPG post about CP. But, you would be a great policeman or an FBI agent with those amazing questioning skills! Keep it up Ferrari206!
B.B. (CPG mod)
LOL, very funny post!
Hey Anomynous! Your idea to name the bug game was, "squash-a-bug3000". I really like your creative thinking. I like that name a lot!
Keep up the good work!
Hey CPG! I know you probably saw my comment about anonymous' bug game idea. Even though I liked that one a lot, you guys have made fabulous names! If there was an award for who can make up the most names, lion tamer 1 would take home the gold! And the first comment, another anonymous person said, "i think a good name for a bug game could be "find it and exterminate it". THAT is also a great idea, and, and, DOOMDUDE1000! Exterminator! Amazing! All of you are creative and bright in your own little way! Mimo, there should be a contest for the best name!
B.B. (CPG mod)
bug buster
Hi iluv2shop! You asked Mimo, "Cool! Mimo how do you know this? It wasn't on CPIP. Or the Club Penguin Blog. But AWESOME!!!
-19sparkle98" If you mean the bug squashing game, then that was just a funny idea Mimo made. And yes, BUT AWESOME!!!
B.B. (CPG mod)
Yeah I seriously hate those lousy little bugs! They mess up everything!
I think it should be called ' Bug-Scratcher 3000'.
penguin extermanator vs bugs
Hey all and mimooo~
Kimberrlley1 here, with a really cool bug fixing name that they could call a "bug fixing game" :]!
The name is: Buggin!
Haha, i love that word and use it all the time!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
How do you like the name?
lets see how about Buglar 3000
if you dont like that one Bug squisher 300
if you dont like it how about Bug-Bye-Bye
if u dont like it Buuuugggy Girl/Guy
how about The Big Flyswat
bug hunt.
Cool! All my Bug Ideas got posted! Thanks Mimo!!!
i got one its me Bn28 Bug sqacshing
Bang-Bang-Kill-A-Bug! lol...hey MishMash215, thats really cool how they might do your idea for a mission! -Turffguy
Hey Mimo! Ive never been posted before! I think your really cool. I like the way you dress!
"Bug Squash" will be a good name.
"No More Bugs"
It was on Club Penguin Blog wasn't it??? I met Rockhopper too - got the background which is AMAZING! Also I think I know your Rockhopping Party Clues. See ya there - hopefully!
Hi people!!
That really is an awesome idea for a mission! I have a feeling that they will actually make it,or at least something similar.
Someone asked if this could be a party hint... I think Mimo is just telling us current events, I could be wrong, keep checking his page to find out!
Iceeslushy79(CPG MOderator)
buggy go bye bye!!!
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
sand flipper said...
Mishmash215: WOW you are one of the smartest penguins ever! thats an awesome idea and thats amazing club penguin might do it? it makes me feel special just being your friend! wow if they put that on for a mission that would be like so cool. good job mishmash you rule!
Hey Sand Flipper!
Aww, thanks so much! :D
You are cool too! :)
I really hope they choose it, coz how cool will that be?!
The funny thing is, I just made it up on the spot! :D
I was on Club penguin, doing G's Secret MIssion for the millionth time, and then I got an idea for making a new mission!
I thought about while I was playing Pizzatron and thats when it came!
Kool, huh?
Thx again!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
GASP! MishMash, that's awesome! Your idea was so awesome that it might actually be used AS the new mission!! Alright, that's it. If you get famous and have lots of money, remember your good ol' buddy, Checkeroo2. ;) jk
I sent in a question asking if they could use my book that I'm writing about Club Penguin missions. They said they would consider it, but not as inthusiastically as Josh (the person who replied to you) was. I think I will just send them the book if I can.
Good luck! I bet you're in! :D
bug squasher
the squishy squashy bug game!also,i think mishmash215's idea for a mission is AWESOME!!!!
Hey Anonymous,
Here was your question:
Is this a clue?If it is how do you decode it?P.S I saw your comment on the cp blogP.S.S PLEASE POST!!
CP name Matias 888
Nope, this isn't a clue. Mimo is just telling us about the new things happening on CP, like he always does. :-) I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
bug busters!!!
-sparkling ic
It should be called...
a) "Exterminator-Penguins"
b) "Bug Squisher"
c) "Bug Killer King"
d) "Bug-Birds"
e) "Buggy"
f) "Club Penguin Squishin' Team"
while in press letter 't' from keyboard and click a place to shot a snowball. Do it again and again and quicklier.
You will shot a lot of snowballs.
Hey Mimo I have a question I just got an iMac and I don't now how to take pictures of club penguin with it! can you help me?
super squasher
a good name would be
[sqush the bugs]
how about Bug Squisher and u play as a penguin and destroy all the bugs(ants bee's wasps red ants spiders and 1 thing that isnt a bug a frog XD)lol i have alot of ideas how about Exterminate-Bug-Stomp lol or Exterminate-These-Bugs or Bug-A-Bye or Squash-Those-Buggies! or Stomp-Stomp-Those-Wasps or Reel-In-All-Red-Ants or Bug-Squisher or Bug-Me lol or Exterminate-Some-Bye-Bye-Bugs or Catch-Those-Bugs or Wasp-Washer or Red-Ridger lolz i got only 3 more ideas Bye-Bye-Bugs Club-Buguin Digital-Bugs
catch the bug!
minikyu( cp name) aka alisa
and i got 10 more ideas Squash-Squash-Squish-Squish-Spider-Spider Bug-Island Bugga-Bugga-Bugga-Bugga Shake Your Bug Bug Bug-yourself i hate bugs lion tamer (i dont know what lion tamer has to do with a bug game i just made it up..) bug bug u lion bug exterminator buggy bugga
"Squash that Bug" hehe :] it would be fun to help out CP.
(squish alot) i say that would be a good name for bug game. I agree that they should make one then the new features would of came on Thursday. I'm a big fan CPG! Keep up on updating.
PS:plz post i've never been posted
Dear 19sparkle98,
It was on Club Penguin Blog, it was updated yesterday.
Check it out! The stage where there are two puffles! There's a fish as well!
~~~~~~~~~~~Uphill Boy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
maybe, " cp bug-o finders" thats the one
i think a good name would be squash the bugs!
or Club Penguin squash the bugs
awesome and for the last clue i get it but is it 3 different places?
fix the bug u roc mimo
Wow,great story mishmash! the story (future mission) was creative & exciting! I hope it becomes a mission
Ps klumzy kluzty LOL
Where do you find out this stuff?
found out a cheat!
u put on all the clothes that can do stuff, except 1, then u exit your player card
then, u open ur player card, take off all your clothes and put on that one thing left
click on some1 else
exit it out
then dance!
if u are doing this in ur house(cp) u do all the steps, except u don't have 2 click on a person, just KEEP UR PLAYER CARD OPEN!
that should do the trick!
P.S. mimo, u probably know this
i think a good name would be fixibug
i think a good name would be fixibug360
I think...
Squashing bugs maybe. i actually made a comment earlier saying maybe they could make bug squashing a game! so weird that you thought of that too.
what's the games name? where is it gonna be put?
wat do they mean by bugs?
How can you be in Hong Kong, MishMash? You just got out of the hospital, didn't you??
Omg you guys are violent! lol O.O
Violent: Bugkill, burn buggy burn, bug bomber, bug destruction.
Violent!!!! Lol
-Kool Kat 212
wow mishmash! thats an awesome idea for a mission! i would like to do that! thanks for the update mimo u rock! oh and i have a question.... ok once i was on clubpenguin and they were having a member party! it was awesome! but it was like a year ago.. do u guys think they would bring it back????
EXTERMINTER 3000 sounds cool, and what is the music game called?
The Big Bad Bug Basher.
Or... TBBBB lol!
Mimo guess what!! when I went to the "What's New?" thing, I found a comment from you!!!!! :O
Hey amb7940!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: wat do they mean by bugs?
A: That's a great question! It's not bugs like ants and cocroaches, ew! They are talking about bugs like glitches. Something is a little off with the mail and server system and player cards. Don't worry, they will be here by early next week! Hope this helps!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Hey mimofan!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: Where do you find out this stuff?
A: Mimo gets most of his information from the What's New blog on the Club Penguin homepage. If it's not there, he gets it from the CPIP Blog. You can check out the CPIP Blog by going here:
In this case, the information was posted on both blogs! This must be pretty big! Hope this helps!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Hey mimo fan 1!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: awesome and for the last clue i get it but is it 3 different places?
A: You're right! You are one smart penguin! I can't really help you that much though, because it is kinda hard to explain without saying the clue answer.....sorry :( Hope this helps!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
bug banner! man mimo u r fast at getting the information!
Hey Guys! i just wanted to say no problem for putting mimos party answers on my site im glad to help!
Mimo! There is a HUGE mimo fan club at server Fjord at the dock! there is about 25 penguins all screaming "MIMO MIMO MIMO!"! its so cool. i just wanted to let you know!
BUG EXTERMINATOR!! (loud music)
a good name for big fixing is:extermination destination
mimofan said...
Where do you find out this stuff?
Dear Mimofan,
Mimo finds all of the new stuff either on the What's New in CP community or on CPIP blog.
-Sparkforever(CPG mod)
Music game!
-Ploomypool post this
ur 'Mimo Glance' is sooooo cool! with the spinning mimo logo and everything.
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
checkeroo2 said...
GASP! MishMash, that's awesome! Your idea was so awesome that it might actually be used AS the new mission!! Alright, that's it. If you get famous and have lots of money, remember your good ol' buddy, Checkeroo2. ;) jk
I sent in a question asking if they could use my book that I'm writing about Club Penguin missions. They said they would consider it, but not as inthusiastically as Josh (the person who replied to you) was. I think I will just send them the book if I can.
Good luck! I bet you're in! :D
Hey Checkeroo!
Aww! Hahaha, thanks so much! :D
You are such a great pal, I dont think I could EVER forget you! ;)
Anyways, good luck with your book, and I am sure that Club Penguin LOVE it! :D
I really hope they use it too!
But we will just have to wait and see!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Floob (CPG Moderator) said...
wow mish!!! that is such a cool idea! man, they'd better make a mission like that! wow, you're so creative =]
but wait
who's klumzy?
lol you mean klutzy? =]
Hey Floob! :)
Thanks so much! :D
Man, how awesome would it be if they DID use it!
Right... thats kinda embarrising... I thought the crab was called Klumzy, lol!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Anonymous said...
How can you be in Hong Kong, MishMash? You just got out of the hospital, didn't you??
Hey Anonymous!
Yep, I got out of Hospital about a week and a half ago, and I came here about 5 days ago!
I am still on croutches, but the doctor told me that I would make a full recovery extremely soon, so we didnt cancel our vacation! :)
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Anonymous said...
wow mishmash! thats an awesome idea for a mission! i would like to do that! thanks for the update mimo u rock! oh and i have a question.... ok once i was on clubpenguin and they were having a member party! it was awesome! but it was like a year ago.. do u guys think they would bring it back????
Hey Pupenguin!
Thanks again! You are so awesome to think so! :)
Well I guess you are like the guys from CP, because they said that they would do it!
Hmm... I cant reallly remember a member party!
And its not in the yearbook!
Hmm... do you think it was maybe a few members saying that it was a party??
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Guess what?
I am picking up some Chinese over here!
Kool! Ppl call me Kong Hui Gao!!
That means Brilliant and Tall! :D
Anyways, look at this!
Wo de di di se sui le, ta you si ke ya chi!
I just said random gibberish about a brother!
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Aiondalia said...
Wow,great story mishmash! the story (future mission) was creative & exciting! I hope it becomes a mission
Ps klumzy kluzty LOL
Hey Aiondalia!
Thanks so much! :D
I know, it would be AWESOME if they used that! :D
Oops! I guess I am kinda Klutzy!
Thanks again and again! :D
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
I know "Cp Bug exterminater"
Zac man 72
I saw the sneek peek of the new game and it looks like a penguin is scratching a record on the DJ thing! Do you think that could be it?
Your bud,
the bug squasher lol
- Kogagirl (cp name)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Well, its 8:44am here is Hong Kong, and I am going to go out for breakfast with my family, so I wont be back for about 3 hours!
I leave it 2 days for china!
we are posting names but what is
gonna be the game about?
Hey Anonymous! You said:
I know it will come when the music
festival starts on July 21st
Yep the whole thing is gonna be awesome! But do take note that the musical festival starts on the 25th of July,not the 21st!
Survivor91 (CPG Mod)
Hey Ray! You said:
Please understand that Club Penguin does not lie. I am really sure that all the updates would arrive by next week. Its just that those bugs give them a hard time.Give the CP crew abit of time ok?
Survivor91 (CPG Mod)
Hey Priscilla! You said:
EXTERMINTER 3000 sounds cool, and what is the music game called?
We are not too sure about that yet,but do take note that it will be released around the end of July,when the Music Festival is going on!
Survivor91 (CPG Mod)
Hey Everyone! Wow you guyz are really smart! Coming up with all sorts of crazy ideas! Keep up the great work!
Especially you Mishmash!You have a great imagination! And I am sure your idea will make it! Its great!!
And good luck with picking up Chinese! Are you going to Hong Kong Disneyland?Coz I heard there was a talking turtle over there!
Thanks MishMash215! That's nice of you :)
Hey everyone! Checkeroo2 here! I love all the cool names! I think, if it has a bug-squashing-machine in it, we should call it "The Squashinator." ;)
MishMash, sorry to bug you about this so much, but can I join your band? If so, when's practice? If not that's ok i understand ;)
Sorry again for badgering you! (<- did i spell that right??)
Have you stopped adding people to the official list of CPG Moderators?
Name: Big Bug Bustin
Something like that..
How About The "Bug Fixer"?
i think perfect name would be bug finders
Anonymous said...
could this be a hint?
Hee hee, good thinking,but i dont think it is. 95% sure.
aiondalia(CPG moderator)
Anonymous said...
Is this a clue?If it is how do you decode it?P.S I saw your comment on the cp blogP.S.S PLEASE POST!!
CP name Matias 888
Its most likely not a clue....
Aiondali cpg moderator
mimofan said...
Where do you find out this stuff?
he usually finds it in the wahts new section
AMB7940 said...
wat do they mean by bugs?
problems, mistakes, glitches etc
Aiondali(cpg moderator0
hey mish, you said "Wo de di di se sui le, ta you si ke ya chi!"
haha good job! (i hope you know that it's not gibberish)
do you really have a 4 year old brother with 4 teeth?? uh thats kinda scary ^_^ well translate this:
wo jin nian gai shang jiu nian ji. ni ne??
lol have fun! =]
lol this isnt a clue or an actual game, mimo just thought it would be kinda cool.
great ideas everyone!
I think the new game is going to be in the Night Club, where the original DJ mixer is, because on the picture, it show a DJ DJ-ing. Just an idea though! If you see me send a shout out!
skylion(the girl)
hey penguins just wanting to say you have really good names my name is bug be gone
skylion(cpg mod)
a bug game i dont like that idea it might be boring
Spybot-Search & Destroy!
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