I finally met Rockhopper last time he was in Club Penguin. So I had a Mimo Party! I gave out clues to my party. Here are the picks.
It was a rockin good time. I met some new friends.
Oh, I have a new rule. I will NOT add someone as a buddy if they ask me. I'm looking for fun, cool penguins buddies that like to hang out, do the Mimo Dance, and rock. K?
Everyone thought that the party was in the Town. But it was actually the Ice Rink. Teehee.

I got some really cool stuff planned soon!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Aww im not in there oh well
Thats kool! I still dont no were the penguin band is! Can u guys come up wwith a tracker of some sort?!?!?!?!
Cool the party was fun!
Awesome Pen7 here,
I am so bored. My dad is hogging the Wii, my mom is to busy, and my brother always cheats. I guess I'll just keep an eye on the blog. If you have any suggestions post them.
See ya later
Awesome Pen7(bored penguin)
waaaaaaaaaaa i always miss!!
mimo i really want to go to your partys but im not good with clues
Oh i wish i was there!
Awesome Pen7 here,
My dad FINALLY let me play the Wii. I din't play for long just like 5 minutes. I'm still bored and hungry.
see ya later,
Awesome Pen7(bored and hungry penguin)
That was awesome!
I loved that party so much!
I had to wake up at 4:30am for it but Who Cares?!
It was awesome hangin and rocking with MImo!
Cant wait for the next one! :D
You had me fooled Mimo, I had NO idea about the Ice Rink! :D
im in the pic on the bpttom blue gutair orange hair a rock shirt YAY! THE LAST PIC
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Sigh...bored bored bored!
Just gonna make a picture or something!
Hmm....what to do...
I know!
I can watch Grass Grow!!
Backyard; here I come! :D
some one plz tell me where the pb? Wat server r they in?
hey great website great job keeping it updated my penguin names is Ricky Rudd 5
hmmm where am i hehe that was sure a fun party! but i had to go in the middle of it waaa and i waited for a long time too
Sand Flipper
mimo i wonder what else you got planned! i so hope that somtime i can get you on my buddy list! i met the whole gang except purlyn but oh well i hope i get to see you soon mimo!
Sand Flipper
grr me santa and ea12345 wont add me i met them 100 times already on cp! hehe. oh and my brother went to camp for a little bit so woohoo! party! hehe i should throw a party for my brother being gone haha lol
Sand Flipper
Cool! I thought your party was awesome!
best time ever!
kool parties! im even in one of the pictures!!! GO CPG
Hey windows888!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You said:
mimo i really want to go to your partys but im not good with clues
A: When I'm really stuck on a clue, I ask my parents to help me. Ususally they will help me and it will just click! For most of Mimo's party clues, I use google. Seriously, and I'm not joking, almost every single party clue I use google! It really helps me! Try it! Hope this helps!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
I can't see myself but oh well! I enjoyed the party! That was the first Mimo party I actually been too!!
that was the first of your parties that i had been to it was realy fun i had a great time mimo.Im in the third picture on the top right.
hey penguins its skylion(the girl)
penguins dont feel diapointed that you missed this party, keep trying! never give up
if you need to get help:
1. google it
2. ask your parents
3.just think about all day and keep watching it(something might flash)
hope this help(and keep trying)
skylion(cpg mod)
Oh and where are the clues? when did he put them out where does he put them i really really want to know someone plz plz plz reply
i had so much fun at that party!
I was on at the rite time, the rite server and the rite places! Mimo ur so mean! i COULD have gone to ur party but NO u just had to change the place. :P
i was there it was a cool party!!! i love ur parties and u rock my socks off
Cool. They look fun, I've never been to one I am SO not good with clues. Ooh well maybe one day I'll just run into Mimo! (I highly doubt that......) Lol.
Positive14/Sky 14
Mimo have a pary soon! I forgot your party.:( I wish I was there to hang out with you.
yeah i wish i was there too anyway wat server do u hang out mimo??!!??
Im 45milespeedy on those pictures.
I like your blog mimo
cool! who were the new friends oh and sorry i couldnt make it, verizon shut down my computer netwok but its all good i go next time!
you're friend goofy73
Hehe I see my name in one of the pix. :D
The First Picture Is Really Funny To Me! lol :)
what clues do you send out i never understand what your clues are. But anyway are you ever on becuase im on a lot but ur like never on which server do you go on the most and how often????
Moneydude98 said...
Q.Oh and where are the clues? when did he put them out where does he put them i really really want to know someone plz plz plz reply
A. mimo puts his clues up in the posts sometimes theres two in one so watch out for his clues!
happyhead12[cpg mod]
Yeah I'm there!
Yay! I am in he 2nd one in the lower left hand corner!
mimo another knew theme for the stage at the dock
Sand Flipper
Mimo the dock changed again!! I wonder how many times theyre gonna change it!
Anyone1000 (CPG Moderator)
The BAnd Is At The ICeburg Again
So there is a new stage. Its the orca straw from the ski village.
Hey mimo check out the pool and the mine! Its really cool the piano and the icecals! MIMO ROX!
Anyone1000 (CPG Moderator)
hehe i guess i begged once or twice =D, that was super fun though mimo i cant wait tell another party! and i thought it was the town tehe. sorry for beggin you mimo =( sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry. so can you add me mimo? lol jk! lol
MIMO ROCKS! by the way once i had to right an 100 word s a and school and i just wrote im very very very ver...... very sorry hehe
Sand Flipper
you know what mimo thats funny cause at your buddy adding party thing i went to mycatcartmens house and she said mimo might add you if you dont beg hehe
Sand Flipper
its hard to find you in the big pile of people mimo lol everyone turns orange and puts on your hat and parrot and glasses and braclet...... Do you like waffles yeah we like waffles! Do you like pancakes... teehee i put a music thing of that song on youtube
Sand Flipper
hey mimo i hope i see you on tonight! its so fun hanging out with you cause your so funny! but i cant find you everone types in words and that covers you and the fact that everyones crouding you.
Sand Flipper
the stage changed again
mimo do you have a wii? i have one we begged to get one and we got one but its so hard to find them. well here any how, after awhile it gets so boring for me that is i never play it but when my friend comes over which she doesnt have a wii we always gotta play it
wii play do you?
tehe, Sand Flipper
i think i had to much sugar im going crazy sept i dont wanna capitalize all the letters and put down to many "!" or else this comment might be posted.... i think i had enough chocolate
Sand Flipper
MIMO ROCKS MY SOCKS! oh wait i dont have any socks.....jk hehe
im bored.... mimo do you go on random servers like just click on anyone? or do you go to like fjord and stuff like that cause i wait here all night to see you, hey how did you come up with that look? i got mine from the rockhopper boat fixing party i was in the night club on the wall tehe.
Sand Flipper
hmm when you gona be online mimo im waiting for atleast one comment to get posted la lalal la la... yay my brother is at camp no brother for a while ya no brother for a while ya!
Sand Flipper
my name is wierd it sounds like i flip sand.... i wanted to do black pearl but long ago they would let you do names and pearl was a name so that wouldnt work so then i thought of flipper then my dad had this one account name called sandquest so i thought of sand then came sand flipper! hehe such a wierd way to get a name
Sand Flipper
i like to be goofy and goof of all the time! i also like to make people laugh and be funny. thats a way how i can cheer people up.....hehe
Sand Flipper
That Was One Smooooove Party
looks like an awesome party.
MIMO! i got big knews very very very big knews!! hi
Sand Flipper
hehe lol
the stage changed...
ok mimo well i think im gona go lay down and watch some tv cause it looks like your not online =( oh well my parents always make me get off around this time but there both asleep hehe
Sand Flipper
Also the penguin band is back to the iceberg.
mimo i cant wiat tell you ever have another caption contest i am sorta funny but im sure i can do it this time!.......... lalalala "sheep go baaah" tehe
Sand Flipper
ok for really now im gona go.... my brother wanted to make a bet with me that i would have to stay off the computer for 3 weeks and he would give me 20 dollars... i said no way lol its hard going a day without being on here for me! but when i was in disney world i didnt care to much
Sand Flipper
Mimo i always have this question can someone please please answer it! please.... mimo are you the oldest or like in the middle or same age as someone.... that always has me wondering oh and whats your favorit ice cream? is it just vanilla? cookies n cream? mmm but i like plain chocolate the best
Sand Flipper
what clues do you send out i never understand what your clues are. But anyway are you ever on becuase im on a lot but ur like never on which server do you go on the most and how often????
Dear Andrew,
like pearlwhite said in one of her comments get someone to help you with mimos clues! and if you want to find mimo well he really goes on differant servers but you should check around on fjord oh and he usually goes on at night ;-) if you want to meet the gang i would suggest you go to ice box i always see them there
Sand Flipper(cpg moderator)
i didnt make it :(. hey mimo the stage thingy changed into a classical music thing. like the orcastraw.PS:i luv u mimo!;D
Kjdpenguin (penguin name on cp)
Heyy mimo,
LOL I am in the second pic...Look under the red guitar...You can see my Blue cape and a bit of my name
mimo777 there is another stage update at the dock its the theme of the orca straw -clank 5 tell everyone!!!!!!!!!
Sand Flipper
the band is back at the ice berg
hey mimo the stage changed again!
give me credit!
Moneydude98 said...
Q.Oh and where are the clues? when did he put them out where does he put them i really really want to know someone plz plz plz reply
A. Mimo posts his clues on his page!But watch out sometimes he can make them tricky!
I hope this helped,
Celticflower (CPG Mod)
the dock scene changed again.
i wish i could go there big foot full
Cool party mimo It looks so fun!
L125 Here,
Hi! I'm here to answer anonymous's
Can u guys come up wwith a tracker of some sort?!?!?!?!
I'll say you can check the Club Penguin Blog and they might say
where the Penguin Band is.
RATS 1996
I AM TURNING 12!!!!!!!!!
Cool Party Pix Mimo! Wow I was waitin for these to come! Hmm...
I can't see anyone that much coz everyone is crowding around. Does anyone see me in the pictures? LOL.
The pictures rock! Ok cool rule Mimo! I understand what you're trying to say. Its not that cool when you add people to your list just because they think you're famous or cool. They should really be people who actually have an impression of you as a friend,not how famous you are. I do wanna chill out with you on CP, maybe have some pizza and drinks,play some games of Find Four and Sledding,and just hang loose,and do the Mimo dance everywhere we go!!!I honestly think you are a great dude to hang out with Mimo.
I just hope soo much that I get to meet you again. I am never gonna beg and annoy anyone to be my buddy.Its all up to them actually. I am sure that some penguins were quite annoying at the party Mimo, begging you again and again to add them. I too did that at one point,but I promise to never do that again.I have realized how annoying and dumb that is.
So anyways, hope we can chill out on CP one day Mimo.That would be the most awesome day of my whole entire life. Hope to see ya dude! And the rest of the CPG!
And I wonder what the cool stuff would be. I wonder if its another awesome contest!! That would be great! WOOT! I really should not jump to conclusions. LOL. But whatever it is, I am sure its gonna be great!
Looks soo fun! You make up the best parties ever!!! I just really want to come to your next party, to meet you! Shame I missed it, I was getting excited. Anyway Thanks again! You know, for the cheats and stuff.
Agent Lc
sigh..this was the frist time i figured out all the clues, but i couldnt go because im in a different time zone :( o well theres always nxt time ;]
Just a question:
When u have a Party do u sumtimes have afew, for different time zones?
-Caity12 (AUS CPG MOD
i missed the party :(
hi mimo i really wunna meet u can u go on down under on the 3 of august at 3:39 cpst pls come on mimo i have wanted to meet u for ever if i meet u i will be so happy pls pls pls
Mimo, the dock has changed!
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Moneydude98 said...
Oh and where are the clues? when did he put them out where does he put them i really really want to know someone plz plz plz reply
Hey Moneydude!
Mimo usually posts the first clue maybe 2 weeks before the party, so that by the time all of the clues are read and solved its Party Time! :D
So maybe next party, be sure that you chjeck it out ASAP! :D
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
The main stage's theme changed to orca-straw and the penguin band is back at the ice berg
Hi Mimo777,
My name is Wombat 99, i love getting cheats off your sites and they all work! The stage has changed to Orchestra, and Mimo i am having a party on Blizzard on the 30th July all day and my igloo will be on the map. Please come to my party because: there will be rocking, dancing and chating and then will travel around club penguin. My CP name is Wombat 99 and i really hope you can make it to my party. :)
Hey the stage has changed 2 the classical music stage.
hey mimo u don't have to post this but uh would u like to meet some time? U don't have to add me as a budy though i just want to hang out with u.Well I U want to hang out just come to the server Fjord. I'll be in the icerink. and if not plz get someone to tell me so i dont just stand there. Thanks.
i see myself in the picture!! yay me!
Hey Mimo, did you notice that in the Coffee Shop, the sign is Rock & Roll!
Mimo the new stage is probably an all out music party
Hey they changed the stage to a different theme its really cool you should check it out!
You Rock Like a Rock Band Mimo777!
the dock theme chaged again its now the orcastraw theme!
also the penguin band is back at the stage at the ice berg!
Awesome Pen7 here,
Mimo the Orca-straw is at the dock go check it out and please give me credit.
see ya later,
Awesome Pen7
Awesome Pen7 here,
Mishmash215 you need to empty your mailbox. I keep trying to send postcards to you but it wont let me because its full. Please!
Your friend,
Awesome Pen7
hey mimo the dock changed into the musical t-shirt
thats all
(im raptor 35)
i was wondering if you could have a party makeup party??
I MISSED IT AGAIN! mimo i hope ill be at ur next party
The party was really fun!
Mimo i don't know if you remember me but i saw you at the mine and you said that that was your fave place in all cp then you went to the dock and was doing the mimo dance and i followed along i kept asking to be friends but orlando said you were full.i asked you what your fave food is and you said pizza then drink but i don't remember what you said to that but then you went to the iceberg you said cool party!then i click on you then i tok a picture with me right next to it.now i have a great memory.then you singed off and orlando said to be friend and i said yes.i only saw you once in my whole time in cp i hope to see you again soon.the sever i saw you on was Fjord,i saw you at the Mine,Dock,and Ice Berg,And my penguin name is Pippinfat i hope you remember me if you don't then all me hope will be in the trash.mimo777 you rock!!!!!!!!!!!!i love you!-pippinfat
Anonymous said...
yeah i wish i was there too anyway wat server do u hang out mimo??!!??
hey anonymous!
Mimo usually hangs out in fjord and big foot, unless theres a special event or somthing, like a party
Aiondalia(cpg moderator)
That was so much fun mimo! Now I have 3 ppl from the cpg on my buddy list, and they are U Fride,
9china9 and Zoezoe11. Zoe added me on ur party. That was so much fun, thanx mimo!
Hey mimo! How ya doin? I hope you throw another party soon, cuz that was really fun! And plus, I would get a chance to have EA12345 and Purplyn and Me Santa and possibly you added to my buddy list! That would be awesome to have the whole CPG on your buddy list! I met Ea12345 and Me Santa once, you alot, and I have never seen Purplyn on CP.
C ya later Mim o!!
hiya moneydude98! you said:
Oh and where are the clues? when did he put them out where does he put them i really really want to know someone plz plz plz reply
well mimo posted the clues at differnt times ending about last week. the titles of the clue posts were: " Decode the Code, Hmmm Pretty Strange For a Club Penguin Cheat Site, htam, and This is so Weird." the party already passed though. so go get em next time.
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
You sed "Hey Lucky" To me!
Hey I see myself in the 3rd picture! Im behind the girl that said YEAH U ARE. he he! anyway great party!
i missed your party. instead i went to the mall watching my mom look for clothes. it was so boring
I don't believe in "famous" penguins anymore, i just think you are really nice. i like to imitate ppl who are really begging to be ur buddy mimo lol, i dont crowed you like everyone else neigther, have u noticed that? probably not. I love your site and you are really cool mimo! i wish i could become friends with you! =]
did u find the penguin band yet mimo plz reply
Hi Mimo!
I''m 18947alvin, (on Club Penguin). I'm a HUGE fan of your site! How'd you do it? You don't have to tell me I just wanna know. I'm really cool and I like to hang out a lot! I've been to quite a few of your famous Mimo Parties. They are really awesome. I can score ya some GIRLS if ya want me too! I'm an EXPERT at that! What servers do you chill out in? I've heard you're a really awesome guy! I'm looking forward to meeting you officially sometime!
i wasent there waaaaaaaaa cooley010203
ryu10 said...
some one plz tell me where the pb? Wat server r they in?
hey Ryu10!!
They are in random servers, they may be in any server in the list
Aiondalia (cpg moderator)
Sweet im in two pictures! YAY!
hey guys is u were in LA there was an earthquake it was scary!!!!!!!!
I didnt know any of the clues but whats the mimo dance?
When are youre mimo partys!
Im a cool friend to hang round with
See ya later
mimo post some of the answers!!! i want to know them!!! come on, pleeeeaaaase!!!!
o man i was on vacation on parta-day
lol i see myself...
wow that is soo funny lolz
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