Thursday, July 24, 2008
Music Jam '08 Schedule And Backstage Pass!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, Music Jam '08
Here is the schedule for the party that starts tomorrow:
Boulder: Because regular 'rock' is just not big enough. Get down at the Ice Rink!
Bubble-Pop: As sweet and fun as bubble gum! Bust a move at The Beach!
The Orca-straw: Have a whale of a time at the symphony! Conducted at the Ski Village!
Sparkle-Rock: More glitter than you can handle! Grooving at the Lighthouse!
Best of the West: The best country music in the country! Line dancing at the Forest!
Easy Island Music: Smooth as sand, but feels nicer in your ears. We'll be jamming at the Cove!
The Penguin Band: 'Rock' the iceberg with Club Penguin's favorite super stars!
Of course, there are rules for the party:
If you see an empty stage - Grab your band mates and rock it!
If you hear an amazing song - Get down and bust a move on the dance floor!
If you see the Penguin Band - Cheer like crazy and show your love!
Grab a backstage pass for an extra special surprise.
WARNING: Backstage passes are in limited supply!
It looks like we will have to get there early to get a backstage pass and a free gift? Pretty smoove, huh?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
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that is so cool thnx mimo for post my comments and cheats my cp name is 14odd14
coolio i am soooooo happy
If there's really limited passes and backstage has gifts, there are going to be alot of angry kids tomorrow.
Awesome Pen7 here,
I can't wait for tommorrow. I will groove out for sure.
If you find the backstage pass will you be posting where it is Mimo???
cool and awsome. gurmie
i hope i m the first one.....
I deffinetly wqant to get a backstage pass and I'll probebly be at the iceberg the whole time too. =D (please post)
Whats the matter with you and "Smoove?" Thanks for the tips, Mimo! :)
hey mimo777 were is the backstage pass i have been looking forever!!
hi waddles681
i am having a party
when July 24th
Where cove
Server Frosty
Time 2:00 (cpst)
hope you can come everyone is invited
Really Smoove Mimo!
sounds great mimo! i am ready to rock!
cp name-sportyjr23!
how do u get the backstage pass????
i want a backstage pass so badly!!!!! luv ya Mimo!!!!
Thanks, Mimo! That's AWESOME!
Where do we get a backstage pass? This party sounds like its gonna be awesweome Mimo!
What does that mean? like what is it for?
How do you grab a backstage pass? Where can i get on!?
im going to get on clubpenguin tomorrow supper early
i really want the backstage passes
hey paerlwhite when will r band meet up?this would be the perfect time!
if u find a back stage pass plz tell me where it is
- Denali567(cpg moderator)
Hey Mimo!
Wow thats awesome! I want a backstage pass! YAY! I am going to stay up till midnight tonight so I can get it!
cool i cant belive it because i just started club penguin and your blog helps me so much and trust me ill be up early.u rock and you to u fride.
Oh I can't wait!
I've already set my alarm to get me up at midnight Cp standard time!
-Pacopeng(cp name)
Yes! But I hope i get a back stage pass!
thats so cool mimo im klaj 1301 and all ways use ur help for the stuff
omg! i cant believe it. this is going to be awesum
cool! just one more day away
I can't wait
cool i cant wait for tomarrow
-love the cheats mimo,ur fan coolio too
Were will it be? The pass?
im gonna dance like crazy tommaro ill be early for the pass maybe 7:00
Are they really limited because I can't use the the computer till noon. (please post)
Very smoove indeed, Mimo. I wonder where you can get the backstage passes...
Ill meet ya there mimo. I am your BIGGEST FAN! I always on this site. Its the best!
Thanks mimo your the best!
sooo cool
p.s my club penguin name is Hkpvxprs. if u see me add me.
i cant wait im gonna finnally meet the penguin band :D best day ever
Yea amazingly smoooove! I like the way they've organized it this time! I wonder where or what the backtage will be? Can't wait!
How do we get the backstage pass??
Sweet! I really want a back stage pass. And a free gift! I can't believe it! I really want to know what it is! Thanks for the heads up mimo.
P.S. Mimo, i really wonder how you get this information.
Sweet but were are the backstage passes
Hey Mimo,
How do you get a back stage pass??? plz tell me!!!
Heya Mimo I just found out that even on a Thursday and you haven't been on, it never says NEW newsapaer now.
i am going to get one but will they come out tommorow??????
horsefun1 (on club penguin)
where do u get the backstage passes and the free gift please im dying to know!!!
Hey Mimo!
Sweet! I can't wiat for the party! I really want the backstage pass. Sounds like i'm staying up late tonight...
I wonder where they r goin to put the backstage passes
Where are the passes gonna be mimo? Please tell me or give me a clue. By the way Your blog is great Your the best penguin.
I am gonna be awake like at 3:00 AM
hey everyone made a mistake my party is actually going to be on the 24th so today mimo plz post this. Everyone is invited.
I don't think it's fair if the Backstage Passes are limited in supply. We all should get one.
hi mimo thanks for posting the comment that said my party was on the 24 and if you could maybe come for a little bit that would be great i know it is a lot to ask but if you could come it would be great.
im gonna go on tonight to get it!
That is so cool! I'm gonna stay up late to get it!
King Pops said:If there's really limited passes and backstage has gifts, there are going to be alot of angry kids tomorrow.
coolio too:you can say that again and if i miss it i'll be one of the angry and sad ones
anonmouys said:hey mimo777 were is the backstage pass i have been looking forever!!
coolio too:I dont think they are out yet or mimo would have posted it.Hope this helps!
-coolio too (cpg mod)
um i know im kinda off on the date but what day is it? is it wednesday or thursday? im confused
wha? someone help! does the penguin band go to differant servers or are they on all servers how am i suppose to get there early i always get up at 11! in the afternoon
Sand Flipper
That is so cool! I have to wake up at 4:00 AM CPTZ (7:00 AM my time) to go to band camp, that will be totally cool! I may get a backstage pass! :D King pops is very right... if they have limited passes, there are gonna be some angry penguins tomorrow...:S
hey anonymous im skylion(the girl
you asked if mimo will be posting where the backstage passes are.
probably or he might just give you hints to it,
hope this helped
skylion (cpg mod)
Dear all penguins wondering where the backstage pass is,
I cant tell you because its going to be hidden sometime tomorrow.:( but there arent many of them so wake up early and search!!! Good luck! :)
~Maltbys dude (cpg mod)
Hey guys dont worry usally club penguin does this they always or sometimes put the events that are going to happen tomorrow happen the day before it at 9:00 cptz so if you are worried just wanna help club penguin be very happy and get a backstage pass!!1
i cant wait for the party tommorow i am well gettin a pass
Cool! :)
hey anonymous im skylion(the girl)
you asked how we get a back stage pass. we are not sure we are guessing either its a free item or they hide it around clubpenguin
hope this helped
skylion(cpg mod)
hey penguins im skylion(the girl)
you penguins have been asking these questions
1,where is the music pass
2, and what it the schedule for?
3.and also, are the backstage passes really limited time?
1, mimo is not sure he is guessign it is hidden around the island or just sitting out
2.the schedule it for the party music jam 08' PARTY!
3, mimo is not sure if they are really limited time,but since it says that, lol, he is guessing.
hope this helped
skylion(cpg mod)
On The Newspaper it dosent say NEW! anymore it's just plain.
Iccle87 Penguin Name
ok i will be on cp all day today untill the party!
thnx mimo
i hope i get 1
i cant wait
I'm not gonna' even sleep tonight!I'm gonna be on cp refreshing every 10 mins to get the bs pass!wish me luck!
Hey Mimo! Guess what, my brother's birthday is today. Could you make a happy birthday post for him? He doesnt go on your site (I do.) But he will probably like it. His name is Nick and he is turning 13. He likes Club Penguin a little but not much.
- Natho Dude (CP Name)
I just hope Mimo will tell us where to find those backstage passes - I actually NEED one!!
can't wait for the party, it's gonna be smooove!
hey everyone its 00cooper i am having a party
Server Ice Cube
Where iceberg
Time 12:00 cpst
when July 25
skylion i have a question whyd o always say the girl after your name??
does anyone know hwere the back stage passes will be ??
thanks mimo
your friend
sure i will invite alot of penguin to the dojo and we will dance cooley010203 p.s. mimo ur so smooooove itl be right now or sometime tonight
OMG! I want a backstage pass so much! But NZ time is different to CPTZ so I hope I can still get one...
Anonymous said...
does anyone know hwere the back stage passes will be ??
thanks mimo
your friend
Hey missally14,
No one knows where the backstage passes will be. Mimo will find them later today when they are out which will be about 10pm CPTZ. So look out for the new post with the backstage passes location!=D
-Sparkforever(CPG mod)
Celebrate with me my 1 year party!!!
It will start 4:00 CPTZ
When: Saturday 26 of July
Where: Mukluk server
Why: Because Im going to be 1 year old
Because Im a member my igloo will appear in the map
Im waiting everyone to appear
Ice rink all the way
are backstage passes REALLY limited?
Mimo if you are playing mancalla prees another board and youll go over to that board
woa mimo how did you find that out? i searched in the cp blog but it didn't show up anyway by the way i live in england and we are 4 hours in front of the yankies and i will be waking up at 1:00am tomorrow morning so i will have a good chance of getting the free gift so mimo i wish you all my luck why dont we meet up on cp some time coz your the best penguin ive ever seen! no really i mean it!!
Oh cool!
New glitch!! If you have only one item in your furiture and you take it out and go back to the inventory
and click on the space while it is loading,you get the item WITH OUT BUYING another one!!! But it only works if you had ONE item.I'm afraid to do it again,in fear being banned.
cool, mimo right now i cant stop laughing because some girl reported me for not leting her be pizza shop magnaer! lol
dallas28428 aka the aka peng.
That is so cool Mimo777 do you think you can go on iceboung and meet me on clubpenguin at the coffee shop and like um get me some backstage passes?
Also im Fishiboy98 on ClubPenguin
what happened to kimberrlley1??
Missally14 Said...
does anyone know hwere the backstage passes will be ??
Answer: Sadly No, you just going to have to wait tomorrow.
Ye11 CPG Mod
a lot of people said...
how do u get the backstage pass????
the backstage pass is out tomarrow not today!
Aiondalia Cpgmod
ooo thats so cool! but i hav summer school and have to wake up early and go, =[ i was trying to wake up early to get a backstage pass before it runs out but guess i wont be able to, or maybe i will. i dont really know... it sounds like fun!
maybe they are just saying backstage passes are in limited supply but its not
I just noticed something. Passes are "Limited" we dont know to what amount. That means there might be enough to last thousands of penguins hopefully most of us!
Hey guys,
Awesome Pen7,
I'm sorry I'm late. I was gonna answer 7 questions at around 3 oclock central but I can answer now at 4:30 central. Ask away!
i cant wait!
hey mimo i was just reading all ur twitter posts, u are wierd! but in a good way. lol =]
what is club penguin how dose it work if i had one my name would be marvin 212 wink wink JK i all ready have a name ha ha ha ha ha h aha i got u
Awesome Pen7 here,
Anonymous said ",hey mimo777 were is the backstage pass i have been looking forever!!"
It's not hidden yet. If it is you will here it from mimo. I want to find it too.
See ya later,
Awesome Pen7(CPG Moderater)
Awesome Pen7 here,
Technomode ", Whatsthe matter with you and 'Smoove'"
Your right he hasn't been saying smoove lately. He does say it sometimes but not as often.
See ya later,
Awesome Pen7(CPG Moderater)
Awesome Pen7 here,
Anonymous asked ",If you find the backstage pass will you be posting where it is Mimo???"
He probably will but we won't know till he finds it. I hope he'll tell but if he doesn't I'm resourceful.
See ya later,
Awesome Pen7(CPG Moderater)
Awesome Pen7 here,
Anonymous asked ",how do u get the backstage pass????"
It's not out yet. It'll be out late tonight and tomorrow. I CANNOT wait but I will.
See ya later,
Awesome Pen7(CPG Moderater)
Awesome Pen7 here,
Anonymous asked ",i am going to get one but will they come out tommorow??????"
Yes they will. I want one too. I wonder where they will be. I AM going to find them.
See ya later,
Awesome Pen7(CPG Moderater)
Lillian128 Said...
are backstage passes REALLY limited?
Answer: I guess so. If the newspaper says so then yes it has to be limited!
Ye11 CPG Mod
Awesome Pen7 here
Anonymous asked ",skylion i have a question whyd o always say the girl after your name"
Because she has a brother or relative that is a boy that uses the same name. That's why she says the girl so people aren't confused.
See ya later,
Awesome Pen7(CPG Moderater)
PS I think my fingers might fall off from typing all 7 of these questions.
Mimo! Tomorrow is my B-Day! I'm sooo excited! They are going to play on my B-Day!! I hope I get a backstage pass. That would be an AWESOME birthday present... *sticks head in clouds and day dreams*
Oh, by the way, I think the new level will probably be for Aqua Grabber because in the newspaper, they talked about changing the levels.
A VERY excited Lianna154!
Hey Everybody!
For all of you who are wondering these questions:
1. Where is the backstage pass?
2. Is the backstage pass really limited?
3. How do I get a backstage pass?
4. How many backstage passes will there be?
My answers:
1. Unfortunatley, the backstage pass won't be hidden until tomorrow.
2. I'm not sure if the backstage is really limited or not.
3. I'm sure the backstage pass is a free item and you just have to walk over it like any other free item.
4. Hmm.. good question. There's so many penguins playing Club Penguin so I would assume(random guess NOT SURE) there would at least be like 500 backstage passes or more.
Good Luck searching!!
~ Surfrpengin (CPG Moderator~
i hope i can get a back stage pass but my school doesn't get out till 3:30
i dont think its really fair if people dont get the backstage passes. do u think that clubpenguin will let everyone get the item eventually
Hey Anonymous,
Here was your question:
what happened to kimberrlley1??
Kimberrlley is really busy right now moving to Beverly Hills, so she can't moderate much. Don't worry, she will be back real soon! I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Awesome! I cant wait!! :)
Thanks Mimo!
P.S Get Well Ix3soccer102! :D
ok, if you get another new CPG Mod on the list any time soon Mimo, you should DEFINITELY put on Awesome pen7. He/she is always answering questions to their BEST ability and apologize if they have to leave the blog for a little bit.
My vote? Awesome pen7.
Im assuming that backstage passes arent limited, but they only go for one day, otherwise too many ppl will get mad
Hey Mimo, I think its awsome about the passes its probley a fake about the "Limid Time"
Hey Guys!
This is MIshMash215? here!
Anonymous said...
If you find the backstage pass will you be posting where it is Mimo???
Hey Anonymous!
Yep, of course Mimo will!
As soon as the Backstage pass is out, he will report ASAP onCPG!
Thats why his site is the best EVER! :D
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
TechnoMode said...
Whats the matter with you and "Smoove?" Thanks for the tips, Mimo! :)
Hey Technomode!
Well "smoove" is a Mimo word, that he made up!
Definition: Cool, awesome, smooth.
Type: Adjective.
Origin: Mimo's Wacky Mind!
I hope that helps!
We are aloud to use smoove too, says Mimo, because he thinks we are smoove! :D
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Just a quick question, does anyone speak Russian or maybe German here?
Because I need them to tell me if I'm right!
We were at a restaurant last night and these people next o us were speaking Russian (or German!) and when they said "Cheers!" (when you make a toast) instead they said "MishMash!!"
I swear, thats what it sounded like!!
Am I crazy, or is this real?
i am starting a band
anyone wanna be in it with me
i am the lead singer cause i
am not a member to buy a guitar
i will pick the best dressed to be
in my band
to try out
go to
Server:white out
Date:thurs and fri
Time:3:30 Club pen. time zone
PS-my username is webkinslova
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Ok, a while ago, Mega Dude 1 and I announced that we were creating a band!
Now, this has taken a REALLY long time to choose, but we have finally got our band!
So here they are:
Singer:MishMash215Drummer:Mega Dude 1
Lead GuitarSurvivor91
Maracas:I Luv Swans
Violin:Ruth Neo
Tuba:Sand Flipper
Back-Up Singers Jessicamary and Lady Maryann!
Ok, thats is!
If you werent chosen, we are so sorry, but thats how it turned out!
If those members could just comment to tell me that they can do it, that would be great!
Just make a comment like this:
mimo can u post where the backstage pass is?
Im staying up till midnight to get a back stage pass! (Even tho i Know there wont be a limited amount , it give me an excuse to tell my mom lol) - santausa
mimo the third person who wrote to you is totally right. i mean im a teenager but there are lots of little kids that play and they are gonna be sad.
plz post never been posted.
mimo. u are totally wicked. like awsome. if u fined one im sure u will tell us were i love this site. im staying up till midnight. to find it.
backstage pass for what?? ps: can some cpg moderators answer this question??
what do u ppl mean by backstage passes? for what? do u hav to pay?do u find them in clubpenguin?? what do u do if u have it? i dont have any clue of what this means!!! plz help me!!!
Can't wait for the party tomorrow! Hopefully I can get a backstage pass.
P.S. I think you should have a mimo quickee party sometime soon. That would be smoove!
this is gonna be so cool
Hey mimo,do you have xbox live?.Because i do,my gamertag is fad42
well i dont want to bust ure bunnle ppl but they MIGHT not give the back stage passes, hes just geussing. im srry, but they MIGHT hide the back stage passes, we will have to see.
p.s.= i like ur blog so much
im so confused! wha? are they in every server or is it like a find mimo thing. well ne way can someone help me please please
Your neighborhoodly friend, Sand Flipper
i love you mimo. lol jk your cool and funny
Man this party is going ROCK!!!!!!!!! I cant wait! I mean I might not even sleep tonight!!!! or even eat tonight!!!
Thanks mimo you're the best!!!!
Hey MishMash! I asked someone who knows some Russian, and they hadn't heard of it before.
Hope this helps!
P.S. sorry again that I wasn't there before! Can we try to meet up again?
yo mimo, nice cheats u rock
if u choose another mod ake it mishy coz that dude answers my stuff constantly...
plus he added me today
MishMash215 said...
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Just a quick question, does anyone speak Russian or maybe German here?
Because I need them to tell me if I'm right!
We were at a restaurant last night and these people next o us were speaking Russian (or German!) and when they said "Cheers!" (when you make a toast) instead they said "MishMash!!"
I swear, thats what it sounded like!!
Am I crazy, or is this real?
Hey mishmash,
That sounds like German actually its not that I speak German but my grandma teached me a little bit russian so I'm pretty sure its not in russian, by the way I speak polish as one of my main languages.
-Sparkforever(not sure if CPG mod or not)
choose awesome pen 7 as a cpg moderator
does the party start at 12 cp time?
Awesome Pen7 here,
C2 thanks for that suggesting me for the ulimate moderater list. You are an awesome friend.
See ya later,
Awesome Pen7
Hey almira12!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: backstage pass for what??
A: The backstage passes are for the music festival! You know in concerts, if someone has a backstage pass they get to meet the person who is performing? Well it is the same thing! You get to go backstage and meet the Penguin Band! Cool, right?? Hope this helps!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Hey lillian128!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: Are backstage passes REALLY limited?
A: I don't think so! That would be just unfair! I think they were just joking and trying to make it feel like a real concert, where backstage passes ARE limited. So I think they will be a free item. Hope this helps!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Hey CPG can u tell me were the backstage pass is?
love it
do you think we have to be a member to get backstage passes?
Hey Guys! It's Sharpay300!
Anonymous said...
If you find the backstage pass will you be posting where it is Mimo???
A: I think he will. I mean Of course! He will try to find verything for us.
Sharpay300 (CPG Moderaror)
will you post where the backround passes
pretty smoove? i think thats a typo, Mimo
Still not out yet....x.X
Right now everyone is getting really hyper...exept me...=P
Mimo its 12:08 am july 25 and thers no music jam, im sad =0( i want to be one of the first to get a pass
oh hey mimo. i think i fond another bug from the new features. it doesnt tell you wen the newspaper is new anymore. hmm? weird. o well.
PS I am Beebah258
at the snowforts, you can buy t-shirts and the backstage passes, but you have to be a member. :[
you are a member?
:( For members only. Mimo HOW'D YOU GET IN THE VIP ROOM?! YOU'RE NOT A MEMBER... ARE YOU? If anyone knows how Mimo got in... TELL ME PLEASE!
Hey, Mimo, on the DJ3K, if you look at tyhe sterio on the left with the main track buttons it goes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6
If you go to the dojo youll be albl to make music
I bet your secretly a member
I saw you with the vip pass on
Never mind about my other comment I know how you did it your not a memeber
Mine:Musical Icecles
mimo please mete me at matter horn at the ice rink at 8 30
just right now everyone right now saw a guy name lamp chat dancing weirdly in top of the nightclub
I saw the penguin band today. I'm so
hey mimo can u tip the iceberg? alot of people say u can and sense the club penguin band is there isnt there a better chance of tipping it with the stage?
hi anonymous
your question was
hey mimo777 were is the backstage pass i have been looking forever!!
Go to the snow forts and the t shirt shack has them
Hope this helps
Waddles681 (CPG Moderator)
hi anonymous
your question was
If you find the backstage pass will you be posting where it is Mimo???
mimo did post it. It is at the t shirt shack in the snow forts.
Hope this helps
Waddles681 (CPG Moderator)
Hey it peakflip here.
Mimo theres somthin about the orca straw.When noones onit the music goes of and then goes dark!!sweet!
when do the next mission come out
where are the backstage passes
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