Here are the new hidden cheats in the new Better Igloo's furniture catalog. Check it out.

To find the first hidden item in the new Better Igloos Catalog do this.
Step 1. Click on your "Home icon in the lower right of the chat bar.
Step 2. Click on the "Edit Room" icon in the lower right.
Step 3. Click on the "Buy Items" icon.
Step 4. Click to page 2 in the catalog.
Step 5. Click on the Upright Piano.

Now you have found the Guitar Stand!
To find the next item do this.
Step 6. Go to the 7th page.
Step 7. Click on the Coffee Shop Tree.

Now you have found the Vegetable Garden!
To find the next item do this.
Step 6. Click to the 8th page.
Step 7. Click on the Palm Tree.

Now you have found the Flower Planter!
To find the next item do this.
Step 6. Click to the 9th page.
Step 7. Click on the Sea Weed.

Now you have found the Clam!
Don't forget to check out the new music!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Hey mimo ;)
Not many secrets this month ;(
Don't forget that the new Music is, Aqua Grabber,Fiesta and Medievil Town
Also the Migrator can no longer be seen at the Beacon Telescope =(
rock on dude!
rock on mimo!
you are the best
Nice. The Music party looks good!
go mimo!
thx bro!
Hey mimo, I was wondering if you knew how to turn on the plazmas/tvs and it would be great if you know how to reply to my comment thanks. From frustrated and eager to turn on my tvs in my igloo.
when is the new website going to be open
Sweet. I haven't logged on to CP yet, but just another update on the party!
Server: Snow Cone (changed)
Time: 12:00 PST
Where: Dojo (changed. Yes, we will be moving to my igloo)
When: July 18
I hope to see you there!
P.S. Can i have all the CPG moderators there! Thanks!
I need instruments for
Asdfghjkl888's party! I need the following instruments.
Wooden Guitar
Sunset guitar
Who ever says " i will be the (put the name of your instrument here) player!" first, will get to be that player. I will anounce the people soon.
Thank you
Mimo! You HAVE to post this!
Drummer need too! A dancer with it!
Hey, Mimo
In the catalog theres few secrets this month.
You are cool!!
-juano 360
you r smoove mimo!
ATTENTION!! Now one spot has been taken in Asdfghjkl888's band. Congratulations to Makaylie who will be playing the wooden guitar! Other spots are open for taking.
Sunset Guitar
Wooden Guitar (TAKEN)
Electric Guitar (TAKEN)
Ok, there are our results so far. I need more people to be on my band!
P.S. All the party information is posted. Look for them.
I need all the CPG moderators there. You will be needed. I have somthing special planned for them... Hope you can come!
Awesome Pen7 here,
anonymous can I be a drummer. I am awesome! Tell me if that's ok.
Olivia said...
Hey mimo, I was wondering if you knew how to turn on the plazmas/tvs and it would be great if you know how to reply to my comment thanks. From frustrated and eager to turn on my tvs in my igloo.
Dear Olivia,
To turn on the TVs and a few other stuff all you have to do is press the up arrow to turn it on and down arrow to turn it off. Try it with some other items it changes them.
-Sparkforever(CPG mod)
Hey olivia!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: I was wondering if you knew how to turn on the plazmas/tvs?
A: All you have to do is click on it like you are going to move it, and click the up or down arrow keys. It's not just with the tvs though, try it with some other furniture and see what happens! =)
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
ah! looks like the cpip blog is closing down next week!
omg i did not post that comment.i never say bro unless ppl r my bros.something is going on here.
talk about SCARY
thanks i didn't see this b4 so srry about other coment
dear multipul input multipul output,do u know mumble1297?
Hey thanks Pearlwhite27 and to sparkforever for answering my question i really appreciate it. Isn't all the new furniture wicked!!!!!! I love the cheats to find other stuff in there. Thank you sooooo much MIMO777, I would not know where i would be without you cheat site. Thanks so much MIMO777!!!!! From one of your biggest fans, i check you site every day to see if theres any new cheats.=)
MIMO777 why is the cpip blog closing down? Boo hooo from a hugeee fan.
hey olivia, the cpip blog is closing up cuz they dont need it anymore =] all these updates from the past few months were the club penguin improvement project! now its over, so they dont need to use the blog anymore ^_^
Hi Mimo,
I found a secret igloo in the July igloo upgrades. Go to the Deluxe snow igloo and click on it's door. The result is a Deluxe secret stone igloo. Rock on Club Penguin Gang!
Olivia said...
Q.Hey mimo, I was wondering if you knew how to turn on the plazmas/tvs and it would be great if you know how to reply to my comment thanks. From frustrated and eager to turn on my tvs in my igloo.
A.First you have to get a tv out of your inventory but dont put it anywhere.Next press the up or down arrows and the screen changes.This helps change many other items too, so experiment!I hope this helped you:)
***bluefirefly(cpg mod)***
cani plz be a cpg mod i am trying really hard i am answering so many questions just they are not being posted plz mimo plz
mimo have you seen the New glitch? say you were in the town and then you walk over to the snow forts BUT click your mailbox before you stop on the spot you have clicked wait for about 5 seconds and you will be standing where you clicked while it should be loading to go to the snow forts!
can i play violin? i have one. when is the band?
by the way, the person who said they would play violin is me!
my name is twinkle55554
i will play sunset guitar!
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