Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Ask Mimo about "Decoding Mimo"!

Decoding Mimo is doing great and everyone really seems to like the ebook and the music! Thanks to you all!

You have all had a lot of questions about it so I thought I would answer some questions about Decoding Mimo. So ask away and I'll answer 20 or 30 or so. And after that, I'm moving all the Mimo projects to another new site I'm working on so Club Penguin Gang can stay about Club Penguin Cheats. Ok?

Thanks again for all your support. This has been so much fun!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


A Mimo fan said...

Mimo you rock!

A Mimo fan said...

Lets go mimo!

Anonymous said...

So did you write this yourself? Where did you get your music from and how is it actually published?

Anonymous said...

Mimo, can we buy decoding mimo so it gets delivered to our doorsteps?

Anonymous said...

How or what program did you make the music in? ;)

Anonymous said...

How long did it take you to make each of them?

Anonymous said...

can we hear the song free?

Anonymous said...

How did you get the things on iTunes?


Mimo had help from his family doing the book.

MishMash215 said...

Hey Mimo!
I can't buy the book, but I wanna know, where is it set?

Anonymous said...

go mimo! thanx for adding me on the ultimate links!mimo rocks mimo rocks..

~Vapnoar777~ said...

Hey Mimo! Glad you brooght the Q&A back! I'll ask the question in my next comment!

Anonymous said...

is it in stores? ya biggest fan -Ye11

Anonymous said...

hey, i went to and i heard the song!

A Mimo fan said...

Did you make decoding mimo yourself?

~Vapnoar777~ said...

If you had to call your book one genre what would it be? And also, would you please consider giving "Decoding Mimo" away in an easier way? (If that makes any sense)I know many penguins are dying to read it, but might not be able to buy it! Appreciate you bringing back Ask Mimo!

Anny Ning said...

hey mimo, here's my question: can us mods help you answer some of the questions? ^_^ my fingers are itching to type away.....

Anonymous said...

do you play chess?

Anonymous said...

Will this book be in stores ever? Please say it will be! Mimo U ROX
PS: how did your family and friends help? What did they do to help you out?

Anonymous said...

my question is:

is decoding mimo the name of the cd, and is it out in stores?



Anonymous said...

Hey, Mimo!

Did you write Decoding Mimo? And Mimo is Mimo your real name? Your book sounds good. I might read it. Can I help answer some of the questions for the Q&A? THanks, Mimo, you have done great things to help us penguins!


Anonymous said...

What is the new website called you rock

A Mimo fan said...

Can you rock more?!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, penguins!

I'm wondering if Kimberlley1 is away cause she hasn't been posting for a while... ^_^


john said...

Yay!!! Another "Ask Mimo" Here's my Q:

From selling your ebook and album, what will you do with the money, will it be to make another membership contest?

Anny Ning said...

Jewel45615, yeah kim is away on vacation, but she should be back soon =]

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo! So, how long is your book? By that I mean, how many pages? And, are there any other CPG members in the book? I looked at the song names' and one of them was Zoe's dance.

Anonymous said...

wow everyone invalved in cpg has a creative mind keep coming up with great ideas CPG ROCKS EVERYONES SOCKS!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What is decoding mimo

Outtacntrll said...

I want to buy it sooo bad. I can't though

max said...

What Gave You The Idea To Make A Book And An Album?


Anonymous said...

we havent had a party in a while, so plz make one soon!

Anonymous said...

Why did you decide to sell it?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Floob!

You said the awsomest CP site was clubpenguingang!(in your profile i read it =D) =D It sounds like you have a very cool family. Cya,


Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo I made a song about you so I hope you enjoy it.
Go mimo Go mimo Go mimo Its your birthday Its your birthday!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't really understand what it is. Can you clairify?!

Thanks mimo!

penguin name
~Victor 12 ( you should know that by now)

Anonymous said...

What is the other website called? Rock on Mimo! :)

Anonymous said...

I wanted to ask how did you get it published and how did you make the music and what program did you use?

Sincerly, Charmerry

Anonymous said...

do you listen 2 it or read it

Anonymous said...

Mimo I am so very sorry im asking something again but i was just curious... what inspired you to make 'Decoding Mimo'?


~ Charmerry

Anonymous said...

love the decoding mimo.mimo how did you publish decoding mimo?

Anny Ning said...

lol thats right, jewel =]

charmerry, you dont need to apologize for having multiple questions! asking questions is a good thing ^_^

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo!
Here are some questions I have.
1) Who wrote the stories?
2) Are the books published by a publisher?
3) If so, what publisher?
4) Who is your favorite author?
5) Why is your nickname Mimo?

goofy73 said...

hiya mimo! so i have a question. how did you get your soundtrack on itunes?

you're friend gooy73

Anonymous said...

All right Mimo!! That sounds great!!

Anonymous said...


Rogermore said...

hey mimo about dcoding memo what is the book about anyway oh by the way i always go and try to find you on big foot and fjord i wont quit you rock mimo whooooo!

megrina10 said...

Is this cd going to be available from stores like borders or barnes and nobles?

megrina10 said...

What kind of instruments or programs did you use to make this cd?

Unknown said...

Hey Mimo!,
y cant non-members buy members things?


Ray Toolbear said...

Why Can't You Accept Cash? My Family Doesn't Have Credit Cards!

Anonymous said...

Awsome Mimo i listned to short demos on Itunes It rocked.I will buy this sometime.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo!

I think you should give away WAY more of your Ebooks and songs! That would probably not be expensive for you to do at all!

Anonymous said...

my Q is money u makin with this and what ya doing with this money>?>??

Anonymous said...

i just met rockhopper, gurmie

in ice lend

Anonymous said...

Is there going to be a sequel?
CHOO CHOO TRAIN!!!!/name on cp. \

Anonymous said...

;what is an ebook? :? :?

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,

Fluffstuf here :)

Happy 4th Of July!

Musikstar95 said:
Hey Mimo!
Here are some questions I have.
1) Who wrote the stories?
2) Are the books published by a publisher?
3) If so, what publisher?
4) Who is your favorite author?
5) Why is your nickname Mimo?

I just wanted to say, great questions!!

Anonymous said...

but mimo, i like how you mix both things up! like, there is an update almost everyday, and most other sites dont have that!! they just have cheats for club penguin, and not about themselves, too! what you do is really cool!!

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo one question- how do u make an e-book!?

Anonymous said...

my question is what is it and how do you get it because i'm very confused. :S

Anonymous said...

Is the music techno or actually instruments? What kind of music is it?
-Elmos Buddy

Anny Ning said...

hey tanushree, thats why cp has members! you need to pay to get all that cool stuff, otherwise no one would pay to be a member.

Anonymous said...

o you think that you want to get it published like a real book? Also, how did you make the music??

Anonymous said...

Tanushree, you asked why non members can't buy stuff. Well, do you think it's fair for non members to not have to pay for things, when members pay? If you want to buy things, go to, click membership, and beg your parents to pay for one fo them.

Hope this helps!
Wwjd197 (MIMOS TWIN)

Anonymous said...

ok since i heard multiple questions are ok i have a few...

1. when did you start Decoding Mimo and when did you finsih it?
2. Did you read any books that inspired you or gave you any ideas for Decoding Mimo?
3. What type of books do you like?

those are all of them! well thanks!

~ Charmerry

Anonymous said...

how do you do secret level ten on astro berrior?

Anonymous said...

How many people do you have in your family?

- sunoco

Anonymous said...


It totally stinks that nonmembers of CP can't buy things. Members have to pay money to actually be members. CP needs a way of making money, and this is one of the ways. But, I'm a nonmember, and still have a blast playing CP :]


Anonymous said...

Where does the money you collect go to ? How come it is not free ?

Anonymous said...

my q is (drum roll)... how inthe world did u make Decoding mimo and r u really the mimo strring there?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Uhm, how about *what is it*?!

Anonymous said...

whats decodeing mimo mimo also io think your AWSOME

Twinkle said...

To Sunoco

Q:How many people do you have in your family?

- sunoco

A:Well,let's see.He has 5 siblings and himself.He has a mom and a dad.That would be 8 people in his family.Hope this answers your question.;)

Aqua131131(cpg moderator);)

ridesh95 said...

it's cool !!

but i wanna ask u something out of this subject !!

ok the questino is : will the mimo city in chobots ?

ridesh95 said...

coooooooooooool !!

ok mimo i wanted to ask u something out of this subject..\

the question is : will the city MIMO return on chobots ?

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