"Decoding Mimo" The interactive ebook Adventure!
Here is a sample of the story:
...Mimo was caught by the collar before he could get inside. "We have a little score to settle, kid." Shades shoved him around beside the building. He leaned Mimo over the rail. "Feel like swimming with sharks?" "There aren't any sharks this close in!" Mimo grunted. Shades laughed, "Of course there are. What are they teaching you in those American Schools?" He pushed Mimo over the rail until he was off his toes. Mimo thought fast. He wasn't worried about the sharks, and he was a good swimmer, but he didn't want GLANCE to get wet. "Let me go and you can have it..."
Buy it right here now.
The Decoding Mimo ebook is PDF file. It requires Adobe Reader to view. Download Adobe Reader free. Questions: clubpenguingang@yahoo.com
...Mimo was caught by the collar before he could get inside. "We have a little score to settle, kid." Shades shoved him around beside the building. He leaned Mimo over the rail. "Feel like swimming with sharks?" "There aren't any sharks this close in!" Mimo grunted. Shades laughed, "Of course there are. What are they teaching you in those American Schools?" He pushed Mimo over the rail until he was off his toes. Mimo thought fast. He wasn't worried about the sharks, and he was a good swimmer, but he didn't want GLANCE to get wet. "Let me go and you can have it..."
Buy it right here now.
The Decoding Mimo ebook is PDF file. It requires Adobe Reader to view. Download Adobe Reader free. Questions: clubpenguingang@yahoo.com
Also, check out Decoding Mimo the music album!

"Decoding Mimo" The Music Soundtrack!
To go along with Mimo's high-tech adventure is the Decoding Mimo Soundtrack Music album. Huh? You didn't know a book could have a soundtrack. This one does. This 13 song techno album delivers the kinetic tone for this episode in this super kid spy thriller series!
Listen to it now at:
iTunes U.S.
Also available at:
iTunes Australia/N.Z.
iTunes Canada
iTunes UK/European Union
iTunes Japan
I will announce the Caption Contest weiner tomorrow! Thanks for checking out Decoding Mimo! I hope you like it!
- Mimo777 Club Penguin Gang President
iTunes U.S.
Also available at:
iTunes Australia/N.Z.
iTunes Canada
iTunes UK/European Union
iTunes Japan
I will announce the Caption Contest weiner tomorrow! Thanks for checking out Decoding Mimo! I hope you like it!
- Mimo777 Club Penguin Gang President
thats asome!
u rock mimo!
wow mimo that sounds awesome good work! my mom wouldn't let me buy it or i would i have the money. wow sounds like alot of work it was kinda confusing on the first part i read. you rock mimo!
Mimo that is the coolest thing ever!! Are you like a super genius or something??
You rock!!!
crazy awesome cool- how much is it?
sunnie fairy
hey mimo your such a smart kid your only 12 and you do so much! im 11 i right stories too! i make mine funny ones about my stuffed animal kitty bowers a black stupid cat. its really fun! you rock mimo keep up the good work!
mimo do all your real school friends and stuff know that you are mimo or do you not tell them? and when is your birthday? are you gonna turn 13 soon? r u in the 7th grade then? srry about all the questions i was just wondering.
that first sample story i read that was awesome oh wow! i wish i could read the whole thing but i have to pay and well i cant.... that doesnt matter though oh well! your one smart kid mimo keep up the good work
i dont get it
mimo r u on right now?
AWESOME! i have to get this.
coolio mimo! im starting to say coolio alot lol my teacher would always say cool beans lol i would say hey teacher look at this she goes cool beans haha.
sand flipper, i know you said this in the other post, but don't stop being a mod. dont let what other people think interfere with your own life. meet up with me and jessicamary july 2nd at the Big Foot server on the iceberg at 1:30 PST.
sorry for commenting so much mimo, i dont mean to make you do alot of work posting all the comments and stuff..... IT HAS MUSIC! thats awesome now i really really really have to read it! thats a great idea im going to do that on my stories add some music, mimo you are the best and the smartest in my story i should make it club penguin staring you! your the best mimo =)
I LOVE the name Shades its sooooooooo funny i can just picture a big mean secret agent looking guy with big black "shades" on! B)
Thanx for all the help!
That's so awesome Mimo! That's one of the two things that you were going to announce, right?
...or is that both?
Hey maggie4553!
Kaitlynsc Here!
you asked:
Q:Mimo that is the coolest thing ever!Are you like a super genius or something??
A:YES HE is very Smart!well at least from what i heard!He is a cool dood i mean penguin hehemm...But Look out for more! Then you can figure out yourself!
mayj123 aaaawwwww your right! your very kind and nice ill try hard to be there, thanks for bringing my hopes up! im still thinking about being a mod cause im gona lot of the times or busy doing something
hmmm im thinking of a story of what i should write about its gona take alot of work. im gona make one with music too. mimo thanks for the idea thats awesome music for a story cool! hmmmmm, YOU ROCK MIMO
Sand Flipper
Who made decoding mimo? I find the story cool! You rock mimo! P.S. pls post, its my firsy post
ummmmmmmmmmm cool lol anyways ya biggest fan -Ye11
Hey checkeroo2!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: That's one of the two things that you were going to announce, right? Or is it both?
A: This is the first thing! Wow isn't it cool? I'm going to try to talk my mom into buying it ;) I hope you like it!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
oh mimo i was gona ask i hope you can answer this i really wanna know! is mycatcartmen like one of your real life friends or cousin or something do you know her? just wondering and are you the oldest?
Very nice job Mimo, I am going to look into this project and if you need any promotional stuff I can put it on my Club Penguin site or my company site if you like.
Contact me,
Hey sand flipper!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: is mycatcartmen like one of your real life friends or cousin or something do you know her?
A: Awhile back, Mycatcartmen's sister posted a comment on how Mycatcartmen was very sick with lukemia. Mimo had a private party for her. That made her feel much better! Mimo added her to his buddy list. Now Mycatcartmen is getting better, which is very good to hear! Hope this helps!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
oh man I REALLY wish that I could read the whole thing but mimo I can easily tell that who ever made the story made up a new name for your father
I think Omar07 should win whos with me?!
Plz post
Hey Pearlwhite27! It's Checkeroo2! Just wanted to thank u for answering my question so fast lol! :)
huh i dont really get it?
totally awesome mimo
mxmonster1 (CPG Moderator)
Hey mimo I could be in your next story I've already writen my part it is:
while chasing the evil feinds Mimo meets up with an old freind named Rockhoper849 no one knows why he added 849 but he just did rockhoper849 told him where the thugs went and added " if it's not too much trouble I could follow you so I can make sure your not going the wrong way." and Mimo said at lightning speed " No offense but that's a little too much trouble and also when the cops come tell them where I am"
PLEASE post this
This is so cool!
I love your story, mimo! Did you make it? Wow! you have become so popular!
You rock Mimo!
You're the best
Mimo can you see my mimo ultimate fan poster?
Please see my glitches i emailed you by the way my penguin name is ynjw. Your site is still the best cheat site ever! Please add me to your ultimate links. I don't know why but I can't add you to my blogroll
yup, this is both of the awesome secrets! =]
"mimo do all your real school friends and stuff know that you are mimo or do you not tell them? and when is your birthday? are you gonna turn 13 soon? r u in the 7th grade then? srry about all the questions i was just wondering."
well mimo's homeschooled, so the whole school friends thing would prob be his family, aka the rest of the gang =]
you spelled winner wrong
Mimo, im like talking to you! (you rock mimo!)
I think he ment to spell winner wrong!
Hey Sand Flipper!
Here was your question:
oh mimo i was gona ask i hope you can answer this i really wanna know! is mycatcartmen like one of your real life friends or cousin or something do you know her? just wondering
Actaully, Mycatcartmen was sick with Luekemia, so Mimo and the gang threw a party for her and added her to his buddy list. That was pretty nice of them, huh? Well Mycatcartmen is better now, so thats good! :-) I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
is it a book cuz i like 2 read
Sunnie Fairy,
Its $.8.95
Hey 0000aflchamp!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: you spelled winner wrong
A: On a post a long time ago, he accidentally spelled winner wrong. Now it's a joke! He never spells winner right anymore ;)
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Hey 000aflchamp,
Here was your question:
you spelled winner wrong
Mimo actually meant to spell it like that. Its just one of his little jokes like "Zebras Smell Funny" lol! I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
Bonjour Mimo!
Congrats Mimo777! I will have to ask my parents to buy it for me! =D Gosh, Mimo, you are really amazing!
peace love happiness
he did not spell it wrongly. he was just spelling it thr pro way
Wow, Mimo777, wow. That's all I can say. I most likely won't be able to buy it, but from the sample and the fact that it has a soundtrack, plus it was written/recorded by u and your family, adds up to AWESOME!!!!!
Best Regards,
hello again!
I just wanted to say I'm very surprised you could come up with something at such a young age! i mean i write many stories, but this one sounds very, how should I say it, cool? Well I'm hoping to read the rest of it!
peace love happiness
Hey Mayj123!
Its Jessicamary! I am really sorry but I am busy at 1:30. Could we change it to 6:30 p.m.? Please let me know!
thats cool im 12 too
Ello! (once again!)
I have been wanting to ask u this but have u ever heard of Fruits Basket series? Or D.N. Angel series? just wondering? please answer Mimo! I'm very curious!
peace love happiness
p.s. PLEASE PLEASE answer
Awesome what was ur idea?
yes, mimo meant to say "wiener."
its kind of a joke now.
wow mimo! it sounds like you went through alot of work!
you're friend goofy73
hiya 0000aflchamp! you said:
you spelled winner wrong
well actually, mimo ment to spell wieners! its one of his awesome inside jokes. like zebras smell funny!
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
yes i agree mayj! sand flipper, you dont have to stop saying (CPG moderator) after you're posts because someone yelled at you. you were just showing your true moderator spirit!
you're friend goofy73
hiya sand flipper! you said:
oh mimo i was gona ask i hope you can answer this i really wanna know! is mycatcartmen like one of your real life friends or cousin or something do you know her? just wondering and are you the oldest?
well actually. no. i don't think that mycatcartmen and mimo know eachother. the only way they met is because mycatcartmen's sister had commented that mycatcartmen was sick with cancer. so mimo threw a secret party and they met! oh and is mimo the oldest, hmmm i don't know. here i will guess. is me santa the youngest , zoezoe 2nd youngest,mimo third youngest and then ea he oldest. i might be terribly wrong though
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
good job CPG
you're friend goofy73
Hey Mimo! My name is Kyle. I LOVE CPG! it is so cool! I love the Ablum!!!! I just bought it on iTunes!
My favorite is File Transfer Comple!
I am just one year yonger than you. i am 11. i am on twitter, @bigmanwoogi.
and on youtube utahblaze227.
but why did you want to charge for the album??
but anyway I LOVE CPG!
Wow! I am really amazed you are only 12 and you can do so much1!!! GO MIMO!! I turn eleven in three weeks. I hope you can reply and wish me a happy birthday. I write stories too! Mines are about dogs.
yea I bought it.
wow asome i wish i can do anything in this world :'(
Mimo is this like an official MIMO CLUB PENGUIN GANG song?? This is totally awesome!
Is your dad's name is really DR.James Martin?
Hi Anonymous this was your question:
Who made decoding mimo? I find the story cool! You rock mimo! P.S. pls post, its my firsy post.
Mimo said in Twitter that his whole family made it. He didn't do it by himself.
Hope I helped :)
Crislin672 ( CPG moderator )
Hi 000aflchamp,
Here was your question:
you spelled winner wrong
Well, Mimo did it once before and he considered as a joke... but now, he liked it, so he uses it everytime!
Crislin672 ( CPG moderator )
Hi Checkeroo2 this is ur question:
That's so awesome Mimo! That's one of the two things that you were going to announce, right?
...or is that both?
Actually, it's the first thing!! I don't know the second thing but im sure its so COOL and EXCITING too...
Hope I helped :)
Crislin672 (CPG moderator)
Hi sunnie fairy, this was ur question:
crazy awesome cool- how much is it?
It's $8.95
Crislin672 (CPG moderator)
Anonymous said...
Who made decoding mimo? I find the story cool! You rock mimo! P.S. pls post, its my firsy post
Answer: I think mimo did! It has his logo on it =], i think mimos famous!
-megrina10 (cpg moderator)
A Mimo fan said...
I love your story, mimo! Did you make it? Wow! you have become so popular!
Answer: Yep he made it, mimo's creative huh?
-megrina10 (cpg moderator) ;-)
the ebook is $8.95, and the songs are 99 cents each, or $9.99 for the whole album =]
I have only one word to say now. YOU ROCK MIMO!!!
Hey Everyone!
Anonymous you said:
crazy awesome cool- how much is it?
Decoding Mimo is currently at a price of $8.95. Hope that helps!
A reply to...
Ello! (once again!)
I have been wanting to ask u this but have u ever heard of Fruits Basket series? Or D.N. Angel series? just wondering? please answer Mimo! I'm very curious!
peace love happiness
p.s. PLEASE PLEASE answer...
mimo is very busy
he can't answer to any questions.
So if you need an answer call on us...
The CPG Mods and we will try to find the best answer possible to any question...
Xtrao CPG Moderator
Hey Pearl!
a while ago on my blog there was some weird post and it said mish did it!
but i asked mish if it was him and he said no!
I mean hOW could they know my pass?
its like impossible!
i type it in front of my pals all the time and they STILL dont know it!
We r in trouble=[
Lucky<33(not an imposter lol)
Hey mimo!
Everyone has a lot of Q`s aboutyou!
maybe its time to do another 30 Q`s and A`s!
i cant stop reading! i have to no wat happens next!!!!!
thanks for the cool comments. ur all aswesome.
CPG has been working on the ebook and music for 6 months! i didn't do it alone. We even had help from some other friends. sweet huh?
Hola 000aflchamp
This is new moderater,
Awesome Pen7
You said "you spelled winner wrong"
Mimo probably did that to be the cool and funny penguin he is.
It was like a play on words or something.
See Ya,
Awesome Pen7
P.S. I am trying to become a new moderater. Wish me luck.
Hey Mimo!
Wow,it took six months??
Hey Guyz!
Oops sorry for using the CPG Moderator in my previous post,i forgot to edit my profile. Anyway,wow! It took your six months!! Thats a great deal of work put in there! I am sure all that effort paid off in the end Mimo! Good job!
(P.S. I may sound like a parent, but no I am congratulating you!)
thats cool i gotta tell somethin to ya all rockhoppers HQ key is in the book room last page of book the Journal of captain rockhopper
Thats kewl.
-Sprouse 97
Cool Mimo! I bought the book--the links are AWESOME--especially the spider. Did u mean "He" wasn't worried about the sharks on the CPG site?
AWESOME! What happens next?
woah mimo you must be a very lucky kid you have your own soundtrack and website you rock!
sorry jessicamary, but i wont be on at 6:30! maybe we can do this another time? post where you want to hang out and what time.
thank you Goofy! your so kind! =)
Mimo do your cousins all know your mimo and do they ask for you to add them or something? just wondering.
sand flipper
woh!!that is a cool story...or is it real?
Hey all you canadians!!!!!!!
Just wanted to tell you that i am going to be in canada at the end of this month!!!!!! IDK why im telling you all this but i just wanted to say that i think canada is cool too!!!!!!
shounds good. I don't have the money to buy it right now.
P.s. Im skilled at reading and wrighting just have a hard time to start wrighting a book.
Maybe ill buy it some day
mimo i know that your gonna say no but can you meet me on clubpenguin at this time
3:00 cpst
if i ask to be your buddy i dont care if you say no or not
thank you!
thats totally awesome mimo! CPG is an awesome team, and you are really awesome! great job CPG and friends!
you're friend goofy73
hiya anonymous! you said:
woh!!that is a cool story...or is it real?
yup its a very cool story! but i'm pretty sure it isn't true story because that would be scary.
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
i miss kim. (sigh)
you're friend goofy73
Hi everyone,
Fluffstuf here :)
I guess I will be a CPG Mod, even though nobody is voting for me.
Sierra, your question was:
mimo i know that your gonna say no but can you meet me on clubpenguin at this time
3:00 cpst
if i ask to be your buddy i dont care if you say no or not
thank you!
The answer is:
Sorry, but MiMo can't meet anyone because other penguins would be jealous, and MiMo woudn't have time to go to everyone's requests and parties!
Glad I could help,
Fluffstuf :)
Thats sounds cool. Maybe ill listen to it on itunes. You make the best things mimo! :)
where does the story take place? Australlia?
whoops mimo, i forgot about 9china9. im guessing that 9china9 is the youngest.
you're friend goofy73
Nice ebook, cool.
imm gonna ask my mom and dad if i can buy it with meh own money.. I HOPE! Mimo how do you do all this!?
Cool!! How did you get it on itunes!!! You really are special Mimo!!!
- Lion :D
with fluffstuf in dojo in bunny hill
you're friend goofy73
Heyy Mimo!
Thats the first time youve commented sice about.. The Super easy MiMo PartY!<3:-P
Think about making another 30 Q`s and a`s will ya?:)
Ur #1 Hugest biggest fan eva!
Mimo im 12 years old too!!
Hey mimo
zoezoe has a gr8 voice!
tell her i sed that!
Hey Anonymous,
Here was your question:
is it a book cuz i like 2 read
Yep, its a book! Well, actaully an ebook. Pretty cool, huh? Happy reading and I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
wow mimo thats awesome! ur a great writer!
Whoa! Thats cool! I am gonna listen to the soundtrack!
Whats an ebook?
Hey Crislin672! Thanks for answering my question! :)
Sierra said...
mimo i know that your gonna say no but can you meet me on clubpenguin at this time...
You're right, Mimo can't see
you because he's so busy with the website :( sorry! But if it's alright with you, i will try to meet you on CP. :)
Hope this helps!
-Checkeroo2 (CPG Moderator)
ZoeZoe11's voice is so sweet!
um, i think it might take place in australia, based on the song names =]
i don't think this happened in real life ^_^
or did it...? o.0 (dun dun dunnn)
the ebook is $8.95 and the album i $9.99 =]
Hey Everyone!
I am sorry I cannot post for a little while. I have to go on vacation! I hope everyone has fun. I will still be checking my email but thats all I can do with my phone so..Have fun with the ebook, Caption contest winner post, and the CPG moderator stuff! Talk to you all later!
Hey anonymouszs1!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: What's an ebook?
A: An ebook is just like a regular book, but it's on the computer! Cool, right? It's interactive too, which makes it even cooler! You can listen to an ebook or read it yourself. Try asking your mom or dad to buy it and then you'll see how cool an ebook is! =)
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
zoezoe11 voice is sweat i heard? do mimo and them really talk it! oooooh now i really want that but my mom or dad wont let me get it i want it so bad! waaaaaa what do i do! cry cry cry ill never get it now =( mimo why cant it be free i know its a good way to make money for ya but why waaaaaaaa ill never ever ever get to read it i really want to though im so sad.
Sand Flipper
i wanna read it sooooooooooo bad
but i cant buy it
im a year younger than u
and i write stories
i made (a childrens) book about a magical genie penguin and a girl named persilla.all i need is an illurstraitor and a company to take it.
Dear Anonymous your question was:....
What is an ebook?
Well an ebook is like a normal book only on the computer!
Hope this helps!
Stacy99 (CPG Moderator)
hiya anonymouszs1! you said:
What's an ebook?
well and ebook is a virtual book online.
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
p.s. mimo i think you should really make pearl white a moderator
hiya sunnie fairy! you said:
crazy awesome cool- how much is it?
well the ebook is 9.00, and the music album is 10.00!
you're friend goofy73
good luck awesome pen7!
you're friend goofy73
cool mimo you are a cool writer I already heard the songs and they are so cool.
Mimo how did you do that?
Is it going to be in stores?
Hi PearlWhite! Thanks for answering my question. But I still don't get what an ebook is. Is it emailed to you? How does it work?
Hey Charmerry!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: How did you do this?
A: Well, Mimo didn't do it ALL by himself! He had help from his family and some friends =) Mimo has been working on the ebook and soundtrack for 6 months! Wow! Hope you like it ;)
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Mimo! Rockhopper was on Tundra just before! But he logged off. Sorry I didn't have time to tell you. I had to eat.
Hey anonymous!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You aked:
Q: thats so cool....or is it real?
A: I'm pretty sure it's not real! It's a fiction story, made out of the imagination ;)
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Hey anonymous!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: Is your dad's name is really DR.James Martin?
A: No, that is not Mimo's dad's real name. He didn't want to use his father's real name, because in fiction stories usually you make up people's names. Hope this helps!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Hey anonymouszs1!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: Is it emailed to you? How does it work?
A: Before you buy it, make sure that you have "Adobe Reader" on your computer. Then buy the story. (It is not emailed to you) It will be downloaded onto your computer and you can click on it, and your adventure begins! I hope I answered your question! =)
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
WOW! i might buy it because i have an iTunes Card thingy!
Mimo, please choose pearlwhite! Just look at the poor penguin! Shes working her guts out!
That is so kewl!
I started a book just like that. Well samebegining.
Checkeroo2,thank you! sure! I would love to meet you!But at that same time.<3
Siesie45 here!
Anonymous said...
where does it take place...austraila?
reply:well it sounds like it but im thinking it took place near a ocean somewhere.(giggles) with sharks (dun dun dunnnnn)
Hey the questioning pinkshorie!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: Mimo how did you do that? Is it going to be in stores?
A: "Decoding Mimo" is not going to be available in stores. You can buy it right here! Mimo did all that with the help of his family and friends and worked on it for 6 months! Cool, eh? I hope you like it!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
OMG!!!! Thats cool, but I dont get it! Mn, I havent been con cpg in like a week, and i missed all the good stuff!!! Thanks MIMO!!!
Penguin name
~Victor 12 (but Girl! Not BOY!!!!)
Heyy Mimo!
your site helps me on ClubPenguin ALOT! i put your website on mine=] well i mean i put a link of your website on mine. so thanks for all your help! and can you PLEASE help me with my website? thanks=]
Mahal KOs {CP name}
Sunnie Fairy said
how much is it?
Well I just checked and its $8.95 pretty good price if you ask me=]
-Mahal KOs{CP name} CPG Moderator
[i hope im allowed to be one]
Hey xtrao!
Thanks for responding back, but I kinda figured that! I was just going to see if he had an answer! O and no need to answer, I was kinda hoping Mimo would answer it! =D
peace love happiness
p.s. o and mimo I really think that pearlwhite27 should be one of the cpg mods! Just thinking!
what is this all about i dont get it
hey Anonymouszs1, the ebook isnt emailed to you =] its a file that you can open... like a virtual book! you read it on your computer =]
bguy7, mimo and the gang wrote a story and published it as an ebook! you can buy it here, along with the soundtrack that they made =]
Hey Anonymoussz1!
You asked:
Whats an ebook?
Well,An e-book is sort of a digital storybook,which Mimo used to write his story.Be sure to check it out!
Hey Sand Flipper!
You said:
zoezoe11 voice is sweat i heard? do mimo and them really talk it! oooooh now i really want that but my mom or dad wont let me get it i want it so bad! waaaaaa what do i do! cry cry cry ill never get it now =( mimo why cant it be free i know its a good way to make money for ya but why waaaaaaaa ill never ever ever get to read it i really want to though im so sad.
Dude,don't let yourself down! You could try saving up on some money,or try harder to persuade your parents by getting good grades or something! I know its not that easy! I have had those tough times too!But keep trying.Think of ways to persuade them.(P.S. I am not teaching you how to be evil, just consoling you a little bit! :))
Wow Mimo! You can be famous BIG TIME..
THe decoding things so cool.I wish i could get it...
O yea..anyone who need help with Club penguin just ask me. I willbe glad to help!
Rock On Mimo! :)
To Mahal Kos
Q:Sunnie Fairy said
how much is it?
Well I just checked and its $8.95 pretty good price if you ask me=]
-Mahal KOs{CP name} CPG Moderator
[i hope im allowed to be one]
A:Of course!U r anytime welcomed 2 be 1 of the CPG moderators.Ur doing a good job.Keep up the good work.;)
Aqua131131 (cpg moderator);)
To Anonymous
Q:mimo do all your real school friends and stuff know that you are mimo or do you not tell them? and when is your birthday? are you gonna turn 13 soon? r u in the 7th grade then? srry about all the questions i was just wondering.
A:I'm not sure if this question has been answered yet,but I just want to say that Mimo is actually home-schooled.I'm not sure when his bday is,and I'm not sure what grade he's in.Hope I answered some of ur questions.;)
Aqua131131(cpg modreator);)
lol he said weiner!
mimo thats your best yet but im sorry i cant buy it.
Hey Oh12yo,
Here was your question:
lol he said weiner!
Lol, Mimo meant to do that. Its just one of his jokes like "Zebras Smell Funny." Pretty funny, huh? I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
omg. i just got Decoding Mimo and finished reading it. it is AMAZING! the storyline is captivating and i couldn't stop reading it; mimo and the gang made it adventurous and funny at the same time! this would make an awesome movie =] its chock full of secrets and surprises, and had me wanting more with each scroll-down of the page (well, i cant really say "flip of the page", can i??)! it's worth every single penny, and i encourage you all to buy it =] now if you'll excuse me, i'm going to go buy the music album =]
keep up the AMAZING work, cpg!!!
umm... how much is it??? and does it get delivered by mail? or like cd? or email??? or download??? so... how much is it on iStore???
Hey Floob. I just heard you bought the Decoding Mimo. Was it good? I hope it was :) Even the starting was nice. What about the ending. Was it nice? :)
Rock On Mimo And Floob!
Did you mean to say weiner
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