Check it out. On Club Penguin's blog, they changed the picture. The penguin used to be blue, now it's green. Wonder why?
The other thing it has a little logo at the bottom that says "DJ 3K"! Which means Disc Jockey 3000. Could this be the name of the game or just the name of the DJ machine, kinda like the Switchbox 3000 or the Pizzatron 3000? Probably just the name of the machine. So that would mean G made the DJ machine! Sweet.


- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Ye11 CPG Mod
oh and another thing ive been a mimo fan all the way through please lemme be a moderator
phsyced for the game you rule mimo waddle on!
Hey Guys! I'm having a party tomorrow!
Server: Mukluk
Time: 3:00 CPTZ
Room: Cove
Why: I'm turning one year old!
Hope you can come!
Everyones invited including the Moderators! Maybe you can come too CPG!
Ye11 CPG Mod
anonymous said
oh and another thing ive been a mimo fan all the way through please lemme be a moderator
anwser: to be a moderator you just have to anwser peoples questions and sign your name with [cpg moderator in the comments.
happyhead12 [cpg moderator]
maybe they thought baby blue wasn't tough enough to be a DJ. lol.
p.s. mimo you haven't told me what you would write in my yearbook yet. lol again
Donbot34 Said...
oh and another thing ive been a mimo fan all the way through please lemme be a moderator
Answer: Donbot34 you can't just ask to be a moderator! You have to answer questions to be one. Just like what I'm doing.
Ye11 CPG Mod
Hey pearlwhite27 I saw you on CP and I'm now your buddy! Do you remember me?
CP Name: Bozobam
WoW increible!
Hey Mimo,
The Penguin is a different color cause the penguin was a different color. Like in the other games, the color of the penguin is the color you are. At least I think that.
Can't wait!
I bet its because that shade of blues isn't a clubpenguin color
oh and another thing ive been a mimo fan all the way through please lemme be a moderator
To be a mod all you have to do is put Cpg mod next to your name. But Only if you answer questions. Hope I helped.
i like the old one
to donbot,
to be a moderator you have to work very hard to answer questions. mimo doesn't just pick any fans.
-Tutso CPG Moderator
Cool! Sorry I missed your party Pearl. I was kinda busy. Can we meet at 10:00am PST at the server Wool Socks at the Dock? Thanks!
mimo there is also a design on the dj mixer
cool looks better!good job G
Hey donbot34!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: oh and another thing ive been a mimo fan all the way through please lemme be a moderator
A: Mimo doesn't make you a moderator, you just become one! In order to become one, look for questions in the comments, answer them, and sign your name like this:
donbot34(CPG Moderator)
Hope this helps!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
mkay... thats werid but cool! cant wait for tha partay mimo!
dallas28428 aka the penguin
Wow nice. I think you can change the color of the penguin.
hey mimo,
its me frosten63.
i have have always been a fan of you.
i think i know why they changed the color of the penguin.i think the blue could be a new color.
anyways i would love to be a moderator.
i will give you time to think.anyways bye!!!!!!
I think the original picture had a new color.
Your not supposed to sign CPG mod unless u answer a question, but I know how much u want to answer questions! Good Luck!
Big Goonie
the long green thing changed too.
Donbot35 (anonymous) said: oh and another thing ive been a mimo fan all the way through please lemme be a moderator
Well I Think All You Have To Do To Be A Moderator Is Answer Questions!And Sign Your Name Like donbot34Cpg Moderator.
*Winter Snowz*
Coolio! Wonder why they changed it? I wonder if other people noticed lol.
Anonymous said...
oh and another thing ive been a mimo fan all the way through please lemme be a moderator
Hey Donbot34,
To be a CPG moderator go thru comments and find questions. When you find a question answer it.
-Sparkforever(CPG mod)
Hey Mr Picklo here
anonymous said:I want to be a cpg Moderator
Mr Picklo: All u got to do is answer questions and write (CPG) Moderator after your name! :-)
Those pictures look pretty much the same, but the colors and the stickers at the bottom of the turns tables!Maybe theres more, i don't know.
remember my party.
server: frosty
date: July 23
place: ice berg
time: 2:00 (cptz)
see you there. gurmie.
ps. please come.
hi donbot24
your question was oh and another thing ive been a mimo fan all the way through please lemme be a moderator
u can be one. its really easy just look threw the comments for a question then jsut answer it. and sign your name your penguin name (CPG Moderator) thats all!
watersnow01 (CPG Moderator)
Donbot, you don't ask Mimo to be a Mod! You SHOW him! Like answering people's questions in the comments that Mimo does not have the time to answer. If you work realy hard for a while maybe you WILL get to be a mod! And put this at the bottom: Example(CPG Mod)
Jewel45615(CPG Mod)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Hooyah!! Im back baby! :D
Yep, its good to be back!
I juts got back from like the best tropical island EVER! :D
Its called Sanya, and guess what??
I stayed in my first EVER 5 Star hotel! :D
Hehe! When I got home this morning I was complaining to my mom:
"Where's my Breakfast Buffet?!"
Lol, I misss it so much!
But Im good and brown, and ready to roll!
I could get onto CP on my holiday, as most of you know, but I couldnt get on CPG!
So Congrats for PearlWhite27, you rock!
Ill post a recount of my vaca l8a!
thats weird
Maybe cause the green puffle?
Wonder why G puts 3000 at the end of every machine he builds
i also notice when you scroll over the image it changes the name it dont say MixMaster02.jpg anymore
mimo u rock. finding all them cheats for club penguin must be a lot of work. but i guess its worth it. Rock on dude!
whoa mimo you are so cool and smart! i couldn't even spot that! :)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
anonymous said: oh and another thing ive been a mimo fan all the way through please lemme be a moderator
Hey Donbot!
Thats so great that you wanna be a Mod, and of COURSE i can help you!
Just answer questions (like I am now!) and then sign your name like so:
Donbot34 (CPG Moderator!)
Yup, its that easy! :D
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
theres like a snail in the conner of the pic mimo
there is another picto on the dj set its small though
i made a new acount named mimorocks1, plz become my friend if u c me!
mimo, i also noticed some other little differences too! Its too hard to describe... so you will never know!!! dun Dun DUN!!!
penguin name
~Victor 12 (im a member now!!!)
k Goonie thanks for the advice.
Remember my party!
Server: Mukluk
Time: 3:00 CPTZ
Room: Cove
Why: I'm turning one year old!
can i become a cpg moderator?
hey kyroid im skylion(the girl)
you said there was a snail on the corner of the dj table,
lol,that would be cool though, it accually says dj3, maybe disc jocky?cant wait can you?
4 ever
skylion(cpg mod)
hey mimo and other penguins its skylion(the girl)
i have also spotted on the green screen ont he left side,
the small white blocks changed pattern to.
4 ever
skylion(cpg mod)
probably they didnt want us to think a new color penguin was coming out.
you're friend goofy73
hmm. Maybe to add more color?
i think they changed the pic because the blue dat the penguin is wareing isnt a colour u can get on cp.-234pingu
Mimo they changed another thing too.
You now the middle bottom there is a thing outlined with white, yuo will see the the top on it isn't outlined!
maybe because green is so awesome.duh!
also dont put cpg mod unless ur answering a question.
and i wont be posting much now school went back.sigh.AND i might even miss mimos party!plz plz make it on a weekend!
Hey everyone!
It seems like some people are still confused about the CPG Moderator thing.
Anyone can be a moderator! All you have to do is look for questions, and answer them! And sign your answer with your name then (CPG Moderator).
If you want to be on the list of CPG Moderators on the side bar, you have to work extra hard and answer good-quality questions.
But remember, answering questions should be for helping others, not about whether you're on the list or not!
Musikstar95 (CPG Moderator)
hmmmmm...mimo the middle looks like a pin look closely
Ye11 CPG Mod
Hey Guys,
If You Ever Have Problems
I Am Here To Help!!!
Any Questions You Want To Ask
Kimmess1 (CPG)Moderator
hey mimo,there is a glow coming of the little stick in picture #2.i think that when the game comres out youll be able to click on this and move it left or right!
(mimo fan forever) tragles
i dunno mybe its cuz they were board
Maybe they thought green simply looked better? That's what I think =)
-Oceanarlisa ♥
I think they're making a new colour but they don't want us to see it so they changed it to a normal green colour!?!
Hey,Mimo! I've just found out that if you stand behind the Switchbox 3000 in the Stage then absolutely no-one can see you(unless you have got an item of clothing on)!
hey ye11 is the time 3:00am or
Green does look cooler!!
Hey Mimo! I know ALL the clues to your party! Hope you have room for one more penguin on your buddy list ;) Oh and...ZEBRAS SMELL FUNNY!
Sincerely, Blooqorama :)
weird it has some logo on the bottom and all the clolors look darker in the new one
weird it has some logo on the bottom and all the clolors look darker in the new one
Why is there 2 snails in the pix?
frosten63, You cant be a moderator without answering some peoples questions in posts! If you do, sign your name like this. Lavadiamond (CPG Moderator). Yer Welcome.
Hi everyone,
Fluffstuf here :(
I cant post comments anymore, sorry.
cool thats gonna be great and G's a great inventor i would not be surprised if he made it
i like the old picture better than the new one :)
anonymous said:Wonder why G puts 3000 at the end of every machine he builds
well you never no.i think he does it to make it sound cool!lol
hey guyz anybody wanna add me now? its the only chance cuz now im in my mood! hehe im jk, anyone can add me at anytime if he/she wants to!!
Jemry Belqua CPG Mod
there is also some type of logo in the bottom left and right. the switch is now highlighted. its in the new picture. the old picture is normal though.
I Think they changed the color to green because the green puffle was in there befor
well at the moment mish mash is fine and well and he's just come back from holiday.thanx for thinking about him im sure he will apreciate it.
~ruth neo CPG mod
Anonymous said...
can i become a cpg moderator?
Yo anonymous!
of course you can! just answer qusetions and sign you name as(NAME HERE)(Cpg moderator)
AIondalia CPG mod
I know why they changed it! Because there isnt a penguin color that type of light blue. Maybe they are making new colors....
Hey Anonymous!
You said:
can i become a cpg moderator?
Of course you can! All you have to do is read through the comments on this blog and when there is a question you can answer, answer it.
Then sign your name like this:
Surfrpengin (CPG Moderator)
nice! I can't wait till your party, Mimo. And the colour is much better, much more solid then the old baby blue.
Hey Pearl!
It was SO fun meeting you! I actually got to be on your buddy list! I'm soooo happy! She stayed on for twenty minutes! We almost came on at the same time! And a special thank you to Surfrpenguin for telling me she was on and in the Plaza waiting for me! I'm still at the dock in Wool Socks so if anyone wants to meet go there!
THey probably changed it cuz that blue penguin isnt a real penguin color. that green is ;) just guessing!
hi dombot34
your question was
oh and another thing ive been a mimo fan all the way through please lemme be a moderator
of course you can be a moderator just answer questions and sign
donbot34 (CPG Moderator)and you will be a moderator in no time hope this helps
Waddles681 (CPG Moderator)
I just saw Sparkforever on Club Penguin cause not to long ago Pearl added me and then left and went on fjord where Sparkforever was!
Oh and I also saw Gurmie to. And a nerdy ghost LOl!
hi anomymous
your question was
hey mimo,
its me frosten63.
i have have always been a fan of you.
i think i know why they changed the color of the penguin.i think the blue could be a new color.
anyways i would love to be a moderator.
i will give you time to think.anyways bye!!!!!!
mimo does not just pick random people to be a CPG mod you have to go through the comments and look for questions then answer them and sign frosten63 (CPG moderator)
hope this helps.
Waddles681 (CPG Moderator)
it's probly cause they
are playin and workin on that game
with two different penguins who are different colors!
kinda like in cart surfing!
hey penguins its skylion(the girl)
people have been asking and sayin these questiosn and comments,
1.askin to be a mod
2. blue is the new color\
3. there is a snail on the corner of the dj table.
4. why does it say dj 3000, and why does he put 3000 at the end of each invention
1. you can of course be mods just awser commments and questions, and sighn you name like this,penguin(cpg mod)
2.there might be a new blue color highly unlikely though(im guessign it ws the glare of the light that made it that blue)
3. lol i doubt there is a snail it says dj3k
4. dj3k stands for disc jocky 3000(we are guessing)
and lol know one knows why g always outs 3000
hope this helped
4 ever
skylion(cpg mod)
u should make a spot the difference game with those two pictures!!!!
also if u want to try out for mintintin's and Ffrraa's (me) band plz meet Ffrraa at the ligthhouse on Thursday 24th July at 2:30pm ish (cp time) Mintintin will probably not be able to come...anyone is welcome!!!
-Ffrraa (cp name)
p.s Mimo77 plz come!!!! plz post this.....u dont have to come though if u dnt want to but if u like u could help me pick only picking up to two or three penguins!!! when u come ill be orange
inthe second picture the bars are lower on the scale
Anonymous Anonymous said...
oh and another thing ive been a mimo fan all the way through please lemme be a moderator
I'm sorry but mimo777 can't just make you a moderator by asking you have to prove that your willing to do it!
Best wishes to you!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
can i become a cpg moderator
Mimo777 can't automatically make you a moderator you have to prove that your worthy to!Best wishes!
my party started plz penguins come plzz. gurmie
jewel said...
I just saw Sparkforever on Club Penguin cause not to long ago Pearl added me and then left and went on fjord where Sparkforever was!
Hey Jewel,
It was fun meeting you! =D
I just met SOOOOOO many penguins! Some asked me to add them. I saw Sand Flipper but she didnt add me. :( It was great meeting you to Spark! I'll be on your chat box on your blog every so often.
Hey Jewel!
I'm glad I could help, and you could finally meet Pearl like you wanted to!
Surfrpengin =D
whats up with all of the 3000's in club penguin mimo no what i mean there are to many of them
hey anonymous here was your question
can i become a cpg moderator?
u sure can be one just come to and answer some questions in the comments then put your penguins name (cpg moderator)
hope this helps!!!!!!
watersnow01(cpg moderator)
hi ye11
i will be at your party
Anonymous Said...
hmmmmm...mimo the middle looks like a pin look closely.
Answer (not really): Ok first of all. Why are you impersonating me?
Ye11 a penguin just a penguin
i think it means what ever color your penguin is at the time is what the color of the DJ might be
i have a question on clubpenguin i got a camera from the costume catalog at the stage how do you use the camera?
there is difference in the picture i'm not speaking about the colors
the colout probobly depends on your penguin colour
theres a snail on the green picture...
i think green has more style and is less boring!
bye jessicamary and waddles681
i will be back in a couple days please hang out for me anyway i will see u saturday
what color
is the
penguin in
the first picture?
it doesnt
look like a cp color
hi anonymous
your question was
can i become a cpg moderator?
of course you can be acpg mod just answer questions like me and sign your penguin name (cpg Moderator)
Hope this Helps!!!!
Waddles681 (CPG Moderator)
i no y they changed it....cuz u cant be that color u can be green tho...but not light blue
Hey Mimo777!
I have been a big fan!
All your tips I have used and they are so Cool!
I've been using your website for one year now (at least I think it was). I looked at comments and people are asking to become a CPG Moderator and the reply to them is answer some questions and you might become one
My question is: What Questions? Where are they?
Oh and I definetly think that whatever color your penguin wears is what color the dj is.
I can't wait for the next party!
Can I become a Moderator!!! Please!!!!
Anyway my penguin name is Pickapicko
Bye Mimo777
i forgot to plan a party! heres the party's name,where it is and time. name:rock and roll! where:dance club time: right after school.see you at the rock and roll party! oh... i forgot, bring mimo777,too. if u all do... ul get a backstage pass! thx!
oh ya... with that... a what:im gona break your eardrums! what song: its about time! it about time!. and... event:1077 the end party! WOOT! see you there today! what sever:rockey road or something road... FORGET IT! JUST ROCKEY ROAD! see you there right after my last day of school! TThx!
and i thought g had no taste in good music. he told me he likes the coffee shop and pizza parlor music the best. :P
Umm, mimo? sorry to burst your bubble but the penguin isn't always green! I think it changes to whatever color your penguin is! 'cause when I played the penguin was pink!! ^_^
That color is not blue thats silver serious.
~Tyminty glitch expert~
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