Club Penguin Cheats

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Decode the Coded Code!

this is a pretty sweet way to coDe. And it is someThing you should bE able to solve without any help. Cause yOu shoulD know this if you try. ok? so, don't gEt all JUmpy and wiLd. I know And i woN't help you very much. good luck.


- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Its a party code!
-Sprouse 97(CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

decodejua is in it

cooltom199 said...

I dont get it

Anyway when u having your next party!

Anonymous said...

ok mimo i have no idea


Anonymous said...

i got it


Anonymous said...

cant you ever just say what it is!?!?!

basshunter said...

Ive got it

ruth neo said...

cool i got it

nice one mimo

Glynnannsbff said...

SO EASY!! I'll Be there! Add me?!?!?


Anonymous said...


jewel said...

I got a bit of it- whats with the numbers?

Anonymous said...


Pinkiwinki9 said...

got it! ill be there mimo!

Ray Toolbear said...


Anonymous said...

Hey guys!

It's Pearlwhite27!

Ok, I THINK I got the number part! But I don't get the letters....Help!


Anonymous said...

aauuuugh! impossible!

Trainz Railz said...

I dont get it

Anyway when u having your next party!
hey cooltom199!
This is a clue to the next party! It's 4 when mimo met rockhopper, which is a big occasion, so the party will be soon! Hope this helps!

Anonymous said...

mmmm party code.awesome mimo.

ps. have you seen the dark knight?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wheres the party???

rockoina said...

this is kinda hard mimo! nice one! :D


mimorulez said...

i think i got it... but i havent figured it out. hint: number = letter

mimorulez said...

ooh its the place isnt it?

Anonymous said...

one of the words spell date... the the other letters add up to seven and thats how many numbers there are at the bottom but i still dont get it!

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo! I found another feature, they changed the safe-chat words, in Hell0-Silly. They changed it!

Anonymous said...

Hey glynnann!
Will you tell me the answer? ;) wink, wink, nudge, nudge,cough, cough

Anonymous said...

I have most of the letters but not the numbers... HELP!

Alvin said...

Anonymous said...

cant you ever just say what it is!?!?!
hello anonymous, mimo cant tell anyone clues cuz he has about a bazillion fans. If he tells his fans all the answers it'll be crowded!

Aiondalia CPGmod

xXx JaDe xXx said...

i didnt get it at all

Alvin said...

Anonymous said...

hey anonymous!
it is a party clue! you have to decode it

Aiondalia Cpgmod

Alvin said...

hey Pearlwhite27! thanx for being my buddy! anyways heres a hint:its the date


Anonymous said...

floob plz help me HELP MEEEEEE

Anonymous said...

omg i just dont get this mimo!!!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

pearlwhite27! help please what is the number code?!

Anonymous said...

what are the numbers
plz tell me i would hate it if i missed your party again if it is one

Anonymous said...

I got it!yay.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said: cant you ever just say what it is!?!?!
No, Mimo can't say what the clue is because he doesn't want his clues to be too easy to solve. Good luck!! Hope this helps!!

- Surfrpengin(CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys! It's Sharpay300

Anonymous said...
cant you ever just say what it is!?!?!

Answer: It wouldn't be fun if we just spilled out the surprise! He's making them hard, so he can get it in the rooms.

--Sharpay300 (CPG Moderator)

Christine said...

wow that is hard!

Anonymous said...

yay! i got it! yay im so happy! im gona be there mimo i cant wait to see you and mabye the gang. this will be the second party i went to cause the one on mothers day i figured out all the clues but i couldnt go cause we were at our great great grandmas house for mothers day =( which was an 8 hour drive from where i am


Sand Flipper

john said...

Got it!!!

Anonymous said...

OK. I thought i would be able to find out your party clues this time. Looks like i was wrong.

Anonymous said...

awsome ill b there dude...

john said...

See you there!

Anonymous said...

SO EASY!! but CONFUSING! I thought it was on --------- but now it says it is on --------? What? And two hints were useless?

Anonymous said...

awsome ill b there dude...

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
.Joy Joy. said...

ok finally but i dont get wat it is

Anonymous said...

I'll give a tip. Look at the letters carefully. Mimo777 uses this kind of hint a lot of times. You should probably know it. Then convert the numbers to the Answer Of The Hint.

Anonymous said...

im gonna go this time ya!!

dallas28428 aka the cool penguin

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ok here are some tips:
Look at the letters very carefully
Keep trying, don't give up.

Convert the numbers to ANSWER TO HINT.

Anonymous said...

i Do not hAve any clue of whaT you mEan my the numbers. hmmmm. what do the numbers mean... maybe its a Code! it has tO be! I just can not think of Du datE!! it's just the numbers!rrrrg! help me with the numbers!


Thanks Mimo!

Anonymous said...

i dont get anything!! plz can u help a little more???

Agent Lc(CPG Mod) said...

I have another glitch if you hold w on clubpenguin you wave then you are at a slant!

Anonymous said...

I think I got it.

Ye11 (a penguin just a penguin) said...

wha? ya biggest fan -Ye11

Ye11 (a penguin just a penguin) said...

Anonymous said...

wheres the party???

Answer: Thats what you have to figure out! just think about it. Hope this helps!

Ye11 CPG Mod

Anonymous said...

Mimo777 I got it!!! But now I am confused..

Anonymous said...

whats with julian and the numbers?

Unknown said...

HUH I think I got it!!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys!

It's Pearlwhite27!

Yay, I got it! If you need help, just ask me ;)


Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous!

It's Pearlwhite27!

You asked:
Q: cant you ever just say what it is?!?!?!

A: If Mimo just told us the answers, everyone would come and Mimo wouldn't be able to get into his own party! And all of us would be disappointed! So he has to make them hard, so that the room won't be full! Hope this helps!

Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)

ruth neo said...

asdfghjkl888 said:
i Do not hAve any clue of whaT you mEan my the numbers. hmmmm. what do the numbers mean... maybe its a Code! it has tO be! I just can not think of Du datE!! it's just the numbers!rrrrg! help me with the numbers!


well i thought it was tricky too, but remember to convert the letters in to numbers.i cant help anymore or it might give it away .

hope it helped

Thanks Mimo!

Anonymous said...


whats with julian and the numbers?


Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous!

It's Pearlwhite27!

You asked:
Q: wheres the party???

A: That was on an earlier clue. Look back on the posts, and you will find it! Good luck and I hope this helps!

Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)

ruth neo said...

anonymous said:

well you have to convert the letters in to numbers.i cant tell you anymore but you go for it.

Anonymous said...

Hey mimorulez!

It's Pearlwhite27!

You asked:
Q: ooh its the place isnt it?

A: Hmmm, not quite! Mimo already posted the place(es)! This is the date. Keep working at it and you will get it! Hope this helps!

Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)

ruth neo said...

henrie4d said :I have most of the letters but not the numbers... HELP!

remember to convert the letters in to numbers but i cant tell you anymmore ok? dont want to give it away now do we.

ruth neo said...

anonymous said:floob plz help me HELP MEEEEEE

remember to convert the letters in to numbers and heres a hint(date)
dont give it away once you get it.good luck

Anonymous said...

pearlwhite27 i soo need help i have the rest of the clues but i hav never been to mimos party b4 so i really really wanna go i get the first code word but i dont get the second word and i dont get the numbers either so if you could pls give me a hint i would LOVE YOU lol!!!

sparkling ic

Anonymous said...

Mimo I almost got it!
I love your site too!
I've been on for almost two months now!
Keep going!
A visitor - Ty7290

coolio too said...

um im pretty good in academics but i have no idea wats the answer

Alvin said...

Anonymous said...

wheres the party???
hiya ananymous! the party is at ....... look at the 2nd clue and youll have to figure it out!

Aiondalia, cpg moderator

coolio too said...

anonymous said:cant you ever just say what it is!?!?!

coolio too:mimo cant say the answer out loud because if he does the server wont fit everyone so it would be bad for alot of penguins out there.Hope this helps!

coolio too (cpg mod)trying my best to be a moderator ;)

Alvin said...

mimorulez said...

ooh its the place isnt it?
hello mimorulez
no it isnt the place, its the date

Aiondalia (Cpg mod)

Pinkiwinki9 said...

Hey guys,

anonymous said...
wheres the party???

Sorry anonymous, but no one can tell you where it is, you'll just have to figure the clue out yourself! I know alot of people wish that Mimo could just tell everyone where and when it is, but if he did that, he probably wouldnt be able to get into the room because there would be too many penguins there! If you don't know the place, then I would suggest looking at the comments for the clue, because the cpg mods usually give out some clues. Good luck on figuring it out!
Pinkiwinki9 (CPG moderator)

Anonymous said...

i dont get it.HELP ME!!pleaze?

Juan said...

Cool Mimo

No. said...

Anonymous said...

cant you ever just say what it is!?!?!
If mimo told you the answer then it wouldn't be as fun. Just try again you'll probably will get it

-Sparkforever(CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

i dont care im just not going

Anonymous said...

wha? cooley010203 is it a phone number?

Anonymous said...

yay i got it!

Anonymous said...

hey its monticella. i found a glitch!!!!! if u live in a ice castle igloo, click on the doors, u go left instead out of the igloo! i no its lame but i felt i just HAD to tell u!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo, there is a screenshot of the new DJ game on the CP blog!

Anonymous said...

It looks like the game might be called Mix Master.

Lui Magg said...

Dear Pearl White,
I understand the letter part,
but I don't know how to convert the numbers into letters and I just need help overall!

Anonymous said...

I GOT IT. :) well i hope i did...


PS.Mimo,im your biggest fan!!

Anonymous said...

i get it im gonna be there!

Anonymous said...

I think its a code for a party or something. Mimo what is it? Please tell.

Anonymous said...

ok i think i got the letters but the numbers i dont get at all!

Moneydude98 said...

got it

Ye11 (a penguin just a penguin) said...

Anonymous said...

cant you ever just say what it is!?!?!

Answer: Sorry your gonna have to figure it out! But Mimo will tell the answers after the party. Hope this helps!

Ye11 CPG Mod

Ye11 (a penguin just a penguin) said...

Jewel Said...

whats with the numbers?

Answer: Lol me too I have no idea but I'm still trying to figure it out!

Ye11 CPG Mod

Ye11 (a penguin just a penguin) said...

Koolgrl123 Said...

have you seen the dark knight?

Answer: .... I'm asking myself why am I answering this? Lol

Ye11 CPG Mod

Anonymous said...

Pearlwhite27!! I saw you in Fjord! i am rofegme! I am your buddy!

Anonymous said...

i dont get this! i do u make your clues soo hard!!!!!

No. said...

cooley010203 said...

wha? cooley010203 is it a phone number?
Hey cooley010203,
It is not a phone number. It is a decoded clue. Good luck on solving it!=)

-Sparkforever(CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

Hey lui magg!

It's Pearlwhite27!

You will need to figure out the top part in order to figure out the bottom part. Once you figure out the top part, you will know what code it is. Look that code up, and there you have it! Hope this helps!

Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo a lot of ppl say any boys or any girls but it is just gross. cp said not to do it but ppl wont listen even when i tell them (EHH EMMM MONTICELLA!)

Anny Ning said...

lol its not a phone number

Winter Snowz said...

I Think I've Got It! :)

Ye11 (a penguin just a penguin) said...

Cooley010203 Said...

is it a phone number?

Answer: Heres a hint: Its the date! Hope this helps!

Ye11 CPG Mod

Anny Ning said...

you guys! no one hacked my google/ blogger account! the person that said that someone did hack my account was an impersonator! why do you think that he never uses the google/ blogger account to post?? cuz he doesnt know the password!

Anonymous said...

i dont get it.....

Munchy3004 said...

I got it!Cant wait to be there its my firstmimo party!!!


PLZ post!

Anonymous said...

I need the help of a moderator a clue anything! i dont get the numbers!

Anonymous said...

is it a day? [example] tuesday or like ../../..?
hope u no wat i mean!

Anonymous said...

I have it mimo! Thanx! I'll see you at the party!
Oh if other penguins want a hint well here it is: Think about the number of capital letters there are in the paragraph then they have something to do with the numbers down the bottom (I think).
Well if i am right, wouldn't that be a bit earlly for u? Well it is alright for me because i live in australia.
Plz post mimo

CP name: Bozobam


P.S Congrats to Pearlwhite27 for becoming an offical mod.

Anonymous said...

help meeeeee plz

Ally♥ said...

Hey mimo!
It took me a LITTLE while but i figured it out! then i asked sparkforever if i was right and i was!
=D =D =D


Anonymous said...

i don't get it. someone please help me... i think this could be important so, i would really like some help. i think i'm stupid. please help!

Anny Ning said...

no one is stupid. think about it... look at the captial letters carefully =]

starjonas249 said...

iii can't get it but i will
try so i can go to your party
i never went before i hope its
not too soon it hurts my head!!!!

Anonymous said...

when are u having the next party

metalicmeg(CPG Moderator)

Luckylarry(Survivor91) said...

Yay Mimo I found out the clue! I got all the clues now!! I am soo comin to your party!

Anonymous said...

thanks sparkforever i hope i make it

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

UMM, How can i solve your codes mimo? please tell me how, Give any code that can form any words? PRETTY PLEASE?

Anonymous said...

I give up!
I can never get the clues, so i will just wait until an easier party.

Anonymous said...

i think i got it...... hopefully i will try to be there mimo!!!!

Anonymous said...

You say its easy but it really isn't!

Anonymous said...

You say its easy but it really isn't!

Anonymous said...

hi im ur biggest fan but dont get it! i so faor no it a date but wats up with julian and the numbers n wat do u mean by convert?
help pleaseee

saavy (cp name)

xXx JaDe xXx said...

i think im getting it

Anonymous said...

See u at the party AFTER this one. I hope. Awesome clue though.

coolyoung10 said...

oh no i live in ireland so i cant go to your party because of the time but i am not sure if i have the time right how many hours do you have to add to have the right time here in ieland??? oh and if you see me in club penguin add me your fan number 1 coolyoung10

Pinkiwinki9 said...

I got all the clues, and i'm pretty sure i'll be able to go, but I might be gone that day..
But I might be gone another day, so I still have a chance!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys!

It's Pearlwhite27!

I am having a party today in honor of me making the mods list! Here are the details:

DAY: JULY 22nd

I hope I will see you there! I will be adding everyone who comes!


megrina10 said...

Got it thx!! yay im going to mimos party woot woooooot!

Anonymous said...

well, i only got this clue, and the second clue. i wont be there :(

Riuchan said...

wow pretty simple o:

hpusa said...

its Sprouse 97

Anonymous said...

yay got all the codes! ill so be there!!!!
unless i cant get in again

Anonymous said...

Mimo or a CPG MOD,
I need help. i dont get any of this. all i need is a tiny hint to the puzzles, PLEASE!!!!!
thanx, you rock!
penguin name:swee tea

Anonymous said...

I don't get it. Can someone please tell me how to figure this out?


Anonymous said...

o man... im not gonna be there, i only need the skinny picture in 'this is weird' and the numbers *sad face* i can't beleive i can't go to my first partay....

Anonymous said...

hey pearlwhite, i need help with the numbers, can u help me?

Anonymous said...

HAHA!!!! Yes! got it mimo thanks

big goonie

Anonymous said...

Q:cant you ever just say what it is!?!?!

A:Well, no because then too many people would come then mimo would not be able to get in the room!

Big Goonie (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

I know the date,server,rooms but i can't figure out the time clue. lol I guess I will be on ....all day that day.

Anonymous said...

pearl white can u plz help me?
i no its a date but what is Julian and the numbers ?
i do like a = 1 n so on but that doesn't help
please help me

savvy (cp name)

Anonymous said...

pearlwhite can u plz help spme of us that dont no??? i tried for 5 hours and i still didnt get it!!! plz help us!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey pearlwhite27, I couldnt go to your party because I had piano practice.I am throwing a party.I was wondering if you can come.

time:8:00 pst
room:ice burg
Hope you can make it.

-red jays

Anonymous said...

uh? hey mimo u r the best u posted alot of my coments i owe u a big THANK YOU

Anonymous said...

you should have your own mimo tipping the ice berg party

brit said...

i have no idea, i cant think that hard during summer

Anonymous said...

mimo777 and all other penguins, i am throughing a huge welcome back party on october 11 for a penguin who was hacked. her old penguin name was cheychey60 and im not to sure yet what the new one will be, but i am in fact buying her a new one for her birthday on october 10. i promise everyone that it will be an unforgetable event.mimo77 i am hoping for you to come because u are very popular and i was hoping it would attract a very large crowd. thank u very much


Anonymous said...

Ok i have nooo idea how to decode the nubers to letters. All i get it AECEODE.That doesnt spell out anything. So could somone plz at least give me a hint?Like the first letter or somthing?I really want to go to this party and i got every clue but this one. T_T

Peyton said...

waaaaaa! me sad! i figured out all the clues but im gonna be away all day that day. why did you make it that day mimo. y? i really wanted to go to ur party. ive never been to one. waaa! =0 (

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

i just don't get it!!i've never solved any of your clues mimo so that means i will never ever go to one of ur parties!!!!

Anonymous said...

:( :( i cant do it soo hard its hurting my head so much i have been on this for 3 days and still cant figure it out i keep on thinking about julian and the numbers some mod or some 1 plz help me plz im soooo desparate never been to 1 of ur partys b4

saavy (cp name)

Anonymous said...

hey im making a party celebrating mimo adn here are the details:
date:july 23
time:4:00 american eastern standard time.
server: snow fall
room: iceburg

hope u can make it!
- almira12
im hoping mimo and pearl white can come!!!

Anonymous said...

I think i got it...

Anonymous said...

what server is the party on?

Anonymous said...

i dont get it!! i've tried everything!! pearlwhite27, help me plz!!

Anonymous said...

I Know The Answer!

Anonymous said...

i have looked at everyone of your clues and i cant figure out any of them please help me!!

Anonymous said...

mimo please please give us the clue and the cheats please you are my only hope

Anonymous said...

this makes no sence

Anonymous said...

Ill tell u all when and where!!!

Alexari (cp name) said...

nvm i got it

7pantherpal7 (cpg moderator) said...

Mimorulez said:
ooh its the place isnt it?


Actually, Mimo already had the clue for the place, the server, and the time, so it must be a clue for something else. Hope this helps!

Anonymous said...

good one
thanks for the little hint :]

when is the next party?

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