New Penguin Mail might be out next week! It should be pretty cool. You do not have to be a member to have a mailbox. You will be able send mail to your buddies even when they're not online, save postcards, ignore postcards and delete them too. The coolest part to me is that whenever I'm in Club Penguin and receive a postcard, Penguin Mail will let me know! That way I won't miss any cool cards from other penguins!
No matter where you are in Club Penguin, you'll always be able to check your mail by clicking on the grey envelope at the top left of your screen.
Yeah, yeah, let's just have it already. I'm kinda tired of waiting! Should be cool though.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Thanx this is going to be awesome!
thats smoove!
that will just be fab!
thanx for tellin me
cnt wait!!
Would you be able to write your own message??
Wow cool tech!
This is gonna be awesome!
Wow mimo! I CANT WAIT!
cool this will be good i can send my buddys mail
~$~Hammerz boy~$~
OMG, I just came to tell you this and guess what? You put it up. What a coincidence!
Penguin mail sounds cool!
penguin name popple456456
party at my igloo
July 4
2:00 cp time
Thanx Mimo!
Btw...whats an ebook?
hey mimo happy indapendance day!
from your canaidian friend,
That'll be cool! I'm tired of waiting, too, but they still have bugs to squash. ;)
i wish we could send messages that we write
ya that is kelw
To pinkgirlhsm
Q:i wish we could send messages that we write
A:Yeah,that would be kool!
Aqua131131(cpg moderator)
im tired of waiting too!
you're friend goofy73
one word: SMOOVE!
dallas28428 aka just a penguin
that should be soo awesome i cant wait!
this is so awsome THANKS
It's me again,
Aweome Pen7
sharpay300 asked ",would you be able to write your own messages."
The answer is probably NO. But Club Penguin is full of surprises.
See ya later,
Awesome Pen7(CPG Moderater)
THATS AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!
omgosh! that looks soo cool!
ima_G :]
Hey Mimo I think there are new jokes
do the rest of cpg have blogs
Unfortunately I do not think they will allow us to type our own messages since they are afraid that people will start sending mean messages to eachother. They really want us to be safe on Club Penguin.
I also think that being able to type our own messages would be really cool...
An eBook is a book that you read online. :)
-Musikstar95 (CPG Moderator)
Wonderful, my daughter loves this website. I think you are very intelligent Mimo777.
To Anonymous
Q:do the rest of cpg have blogs
A:They all work 2gether 2 write this blog,so maybe not.Hope this answers your question.;)
Aqua131131(cpg moderator);)
you got that from http://www.clubpenguin.com/cpip/!!!!
Hi guys! this is going to be awesome i cant wait! but u guys r probably righ.... i dont think we would write our own messages because of the things ppl can say to eachother :( oh well Im still Excited!
Woa... HUGE change.. i wasn't expecting something like that! Yay!
will we still have the same postcards or will we be able to write our own?
HI anonymous, you said: do the rest of cpg have blogs
The answer is no. They work on this one blog together.
Hope this helps!!!
I am not copying Aqua131313
Anonymouszs1 said...
Thanx Mimo!
Btw...whats an ebook?
Well, an ebook is like a book, but on a computer, or electronic. Thats where the "E" comes from. Hope that answers your question!
And one more thing, happy 4th of July Mimo!
Yes that is Awesome
yeah mimo!I can't wait! This is too smoove!
I know Mimo! Hand it over CP!
Hey Mimo and CPG viewers! On your twitter I've heard that you've been Rockhopping all day and can't find him! Here's a tip on finding him:
Okay, when you login, press "login in another account". Then type in "Rockhopper" for the username. Got it? Now type in at least 5 random numbers for the password. Press "Login". If it says you have been banned, Rockhopper isn't online, if it says "password incorrect" then Rockhopper is online. Next go and find a server that is unusually full or hugely occupied. The places Rockhopper likes a lot are: the dock, the iceberg and anywhere on his ship. I think these tips might help you. Good luck Rockhopping!
B.B. (CPG moderator)
Hey Tommyo3000! You asked, "will we still have the same postcards or will we be able to write our own?" That's a great question! I think we will have the same postcards but, Club Penguin is full of surprises! And if we aren't able to write our own postcards I'm sure later on Club Penguin will make that possible. I mean, they can make one message coming from a computer maybe, half way around the world reach another computer instantly. I think even THAT'S amazing. But still, imagine if we are able to WRITE our own postcards!!!
B.B. (CPG monitor)
Hey, Mimo!
Sharpy300 said... Would you be able to write your own message?
Answer: I'm sorry but you are not able to write own message. I think we will have to send the normal post cards.
Jewel45615(CPG Mod)
P.S. That's smoove! Thanks Mimo!
Hey! To Sharpay300
Q: Would you be able to write your own message?
A: Maybe not. But, hey, you never know what CP has in store for you!
Hope this helps!
19sparkle98 (CPG MODERATOR)
oohh!! that is totally awsome!!
Hey! To Anonymous,
Q: do the rest of cpg have blogs
A: No, the rest of CPG do not have their own blogs. They all HELP Mimo777 update his own blog.
Hope this helps!
19sparkle98 (CPG MODERATOR)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Anonymouszs1 said...
Thanx Mimo!
Btw...whats an ebook?
Hey Anonymousz1!
Well, an "ebook" is just a book (Not hard to guess!) but the "e" in front of it means Electronic, so instead of a paper book, an electronic book in interactive and fun!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
sharpay300 said...
Would you be able to write your own message??
Hey Sharpay!
"I want Fab-u-lous that is my simple request..." Hahaha! Ok, now back to the real world... :P
Well, I really want to be able to write my own message, like maybe "Thanks!" or "Blah Blah Blah" because it would be like a Club Penguin e-mail!
But as far as we know, this is just about postcards and saving them!
But who knows? Maybe Club Penguin will let out a feature like that!
I hope I helped!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
man, I can't wait
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Tommyo3000 said...
will we still have the same postcards or will we be able to write our own?
Hey Tommy!
1st, let me tell you that it was SOOOOOOO hard to answer your question because I kept deleting it!
Anyways, maybe Club penguin will let out some new & SMOOVE postcards along with Penguin Mail, but I dont think that you will be able to write your own...
But who know?
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
My hands hurt from answering Tommy's question 50 times and each time it got deleted!
How annoying!!!
- MishMash215
whose your daughter dr.smucher
Wow thats really really smoove! I just can;t wait for it to come!
Yo mimo! What's up!
It's me Awesome Pen7,
On the last blog anonymous said ",the 4th of July is my birthday!:)"
The answer is ...well there is no answer except happy birthday! I hope you enjoy it. Also enjoy the fireworks:o)
See ya later,
Awesome Pen7(CPG Moderater)
how do u become a cpg moderator???
i want to be one! PLZ PLZ PLZ ANSWER ME!
tommyo3000 said:
will we still have the same postcards or will we be able to write our own?
I say:
No, we will not. It will only be postcards that clubpenguin gives us. Sorry. That would be so cool though!
Sharpay300 said...
Would you be able to write your own message??
Sorry but no. I guess CP wants to keep it safe because some people aren't very nice. But, that's not fair and I think that if someone isn't nice they should just get banned. Club Penguin should fix that in the future.
Hey, Mimo!
Sharpay said... Would you be able to write your own messages?
The simple answer is no. Why? Because some penguins might say mean things in the messages you never know what some penguins might do! I hope this helps!
Jewel45615(CPG Mod)
P.S. Mimo please post this!
cool but you no the player card how it was black now its blue whathappened?
that was soo fun when we had that small & quick party!to bad it was TO quick!but it was fun!i wish we could do that more often!thanx a gain!Bye!
Hey Sktrprincess,
Here was your question:
how do u become a cpg moderator???
Becoming a CPG Moderator is really easy. All you have to do is look for a question in the comments, then answer it! Pretty simple huh? But you have to sign your name like this:
Your Penguin Name (CPG Moderator)
That would be awesome mimo!!
If you were my buddy, I would send you mail ALL THE TIME!
Penguin name
~Victor 12 ( I am a GIRL!)
GUYZ!! GUYZ!! Rockhopper is in Down Under right now!! Pizza Parlour!!
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Happy Independence day America!
I don't know much about it because I have never been to the USA before but Have fun!
Oh, say! can you see by the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming;
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there:
Oh, say! does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In fully glory reflected now shines in the stream:
'Tis the star-spangled banner! Oh, long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution!
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Oh, thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust":
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Phew! O think thats right!
Did I make a mistake??
o i forgot to tell ya this!
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY MIMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yea i forgot to tell ya!!!
awesome, but i wish they let us write our own messages,oh well still cool
thats so cool! i cant wait, either!
but guess what mimo! i found this secret room on rockhopper's ship. you go to the main deck and there is an arrow pointing up. when you hover your curser over it, a ladder falls down! you click on the arrow, and you can go up to the crows nest and see the flag and fire the cannon! its awesome!
cool i cant wait its really annoying when you know your gonna get somthing but you have to wait for it lol!!
happy rockhopping!
-Sparkling ic
where did u get da green glasses from mimo777???
cus you say your not a member n i cant find them anywhere:(
sparkling ic
Hey Mimo!! It's Princeznavy! One of your biggest fans ever! I am soooo excited for the new penguin mail. Btw when are you going to have a new party? The last one was around April or May. And I would like to thank you and the whole gang for all of the cheats and stuff i really apreciate it!
Love your fellow Penguin, Princeznavy
P.S the soundtrack of Decoding Mimo is awesome!! Thanks again
this is going to be awesome!! Mimo I need you for my buddy!! Could I meet you on Christmas at about 3:00PM.
cool mimo! thanks for telling us!
hey kim and floob lets meet at the coffee shop at the sever big foot time now see ya
p.s the web site rocks!
hey mimo i dont know if this is gonna be a prize but on my coke rewards they have a pole to suggest a prize and club penguin 1 month membership was one of them
i have a question- where do you find out all this information? You are AWESOME!!!!
this is gonna be soooooo awsome!!!!!! i cant wait
Can we write our own message? or will it just be those postards again?
Hey Mimo!
Is there anyway to get your Ebook for free? Just wondering...
hey anonymous you said
i wish that we would be able to wright our own messages,still cool
they wont let us because other penguins may sya mean things
but your right it will still be cool
4 ever
skylion(the girl)(cpg mod)
Hey everyone!
It's Pearlwhite27!
I haven't been posting for the last two days because I was at a friend's house. We had alot of fun! I will try to catch up on the questions today. Happy Fourth of July Everyone! (a day late ;)
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
i have a question about the penguin mail can we get mail if we are in a different server than the sender?
-purlpe moon
Hey, Mimo! Here's the song O Canada!
Oh Canada, our home and native land, true patrit love in all thy son's command,with glowing hearts we see thee rise the true north strong and free, from far and wide oh Canada, we stand on guard for thee, god keep land glorious and free, Oh Canada, we stand on guard for thee, Oh Canada we stand on guard for thee.
Jewel45615(Oh and that was Canada's national anthem)=D
P.S. Please post Mimo! I worked really hard on this...
Anonymouszs1 you asked what's an ebook?
Well, I went to the online dictionary, for a GOOD definition, and it said:
An eBook is an electronic version of a traditional print book that can be downloaded over the Internet and read....
There was more but it got complicated. I hope that this helps this answer your question!!!
Hi again!!
Tommyo3000 asked: will we still have the same postcards or will we be able to write our own?
Well, we most likely CAN'T write our own letters, because people might write things that are against club penguin rules. Also, we'll probably still have the same postcards, but thats something to ask club penguin.
Waddle On!!
Wwjd197 MIMOS TWIN (CPG Moderator)
Hey Mayj123!
I'm sorry, but could we move it up to 2:00 today? My family and I made some last minute plans to go to a Twins baseball game. Let me know if that works out for you!
Sktrprincess, you asked how you become a CPG Moderator.
The answer is SO simple!! Ya see, all you have to do is go through these comments, and answer any questions people ask. Then, you get the honor of putting (CPG Moderator) after your name!!
Hope that answers your great question!
Wwjd197 (CPG Moderator)
mimo i know this is non related but rockhopper was just on big foot!
dallas28428 aka the nothing pengunin
i have a question. What is a CPG moderator? Could some one tell me in a comment? It would be very helpful.
hiya mishmash215! you said:
Oh, say! can you see by the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming;
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there:
Oh, say! does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In fully glory reflected now shines in the stream:
'Tis the star-spangled banner! Oh, long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution!
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Oh, thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust":
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Phew! O think thats right!
Did I make a mistake??
wow mish you hit it right on spot! good job. i had to check it up online. its cool you could memorize "The Star Spangled Banner."
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
wow i cant wait what day next week???
Dear angelgirtl541,
Mimo said that a long time ago the player cards used to be black, but Club Penguin changed it. I wasn't here at that time, but that is all that mimo said. Sorry.
Thats great!!!
Wow MishMash! You're really in the Independence Day spirit! ;)
Glad you're better!
mimmo rockhopper on bunnyhill now beach
Hello everyone,
It's me Awesome Pen7,
sktrprincess asked ",how do u become a cpg moderater?"
All you have to do is answer a question and instead of using a real Club Penguin name do this:
Your Penguin Name(CPG Moderater).
I hope that helped
Your friend Awesome Pen7(CPG Moderater)
hey its skylion(the girl)
i just cant wait till it comes out it will be so SO cool!
skylion(cpg mod)
awesome i cant wait!
i have a couple quiestions.
1.Can you show us all of the items in your inventory? I'm really curios what you have.
2.If you were a member, would you still dress the same?Or would you use some of the member items for a new look?
3.Do you watch the show Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends? If u do, whos ur fav character?
Thanks mimo!
Hey sparkling ic!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: where did u get da green glasses from mimo777???
A: That was a free item a LONG time ago. I'm sure it will come back soon, so keep your eyes peeled!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Can you meet me on club penguin 3:00 PST (Penguin Standard Time)
On July 8th at the cave
Hey anonymous!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: wow i cant wait what day next week???
A We don't know the exact day next week, because we're not even sure it WILL be out next week! Keep your hopes up, and keep on the lookout for the new mail! =)
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Hey 14soccergrl14!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: What is a CPG moderator?
A: A CPG Moderator is someone who answers questions in the comments. You can become one too, it's really easy! Just look for q's in the comments answer them and sign your name like this:
14soccergrl14(CPG Moderator)
Hope this helps and have fun being a CPG Moderator! =)
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Hey Sparklingic,
You said:
cus you say your not a member n i cant find them anywhere:(
sparkling ic
Well,the green glasses were available last year,and isn't available now,so keep your fingers crossed as it may return!
-Survivor91- (CPG Mod)
Awsome i cant wait but i have to well im so exciting about it
Hey Kickit4!
You said:
this is going to be awesome!! Mimo I need you for my buddy!! Could I meet you on Christmas at about 3:00PM.
Well,Unfortunately I don't think Mimo would be able to meet anyone privately,because of his really really busy schedule,but remember to check for his quickiee parties,you can meet him in those parties!
-Survivor91- (CPG Mod)
Awesome!!! If we get to write our own messages then i would be doing that 24/7 lol.
OMG SKTRPRINCESS!!! REMEMBER ME?!? ITS ME KOOL KAT 212!!! FRIENDS OF X5OG8! REMEMBER ME? you go here? i did not know that. Well hi sktr!! plz post this mimo!
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Hey Goofy and Checkeroo!
Thanks for that!
But actually Checkeroo, I could recite it up to the "O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?" part but I have No iodea what coes next! But remember, I have NO American blood in me, I'm all australian!
Mimo! Do you play sports or instruments? I really need to know! Please answer
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Hmm... I'm thinking of making up my own word, which if you knew is my FAVORITE thing to do! :D
Erm... here we go!
Word: Clampie
Say: Kl-am-pee
Definition: Random
Origin: MishMash215's Random Mind!
Let me know what you think!
From a very Clampie,
Let me know what you think!
Yay!! XD
Looks awesome ^^
Hey Kickit4!
You said:
have a question. What is a CPG moderator? Could some one tell me in a comment? It would be very helpful.
Its really simple to become a CPG Moderator. Just look through the comments section of each post Mimo posts,and if anyone has a question,answer them if you know the answer.Its that simple! Also when you are signing off,remember to sign off with the words 'CPG Moderator' beside your name! Hope that helped!
-Survivor91- (CPG Mod)
hey mish mash thanks you know lets meet up some time ;)
signed gvs5yg
Yo Mishmash! Wow! You have a one of a kind brain! Making up your own words is really really cool!
hey its skylion
mish mash lol love the word,
my word is coaly
how to sya it : the word coal than e
meaning : cool or awesome!
orgin : me and me best friend got bored
skylion (cpg mod)
That is sooo cool(=
cool! i think its gonna be great!!
wow! im gonna love this!
Hey it's me,
Awesome Pen7
That is a clampie word. Glad to hear you're feeling better. Also skylion your word is very very coaly. If I was in your dictionary my penguin name would be Coaly Pen7:o) That's clampie:o)
See you later,
Awesome Pen7(CPG Moderater)
everyone, im SO sorry i havent been answering questions lately, my internet has been down and i couldnt answer questions OR make it to my own party! ahh! so im gonna have another one tomorrow, same deets
sunday 6th
2:00 pm cptz
server fjord
for floobersnoot's 1st birthday! =]
thanx for the tip
and to repay u for all of this a new glitch that i think u dont know
:first put on something that has a special move when u dance
:then put ur player card up and switch that with another thing that has a move
:dont cancel ur card and then dance
it will look like ur doing something with something that is invisible
mail me i Dylan2k
thats totally awsome!! i cant wait!
a cpg mod is a penguin who goes through all the comments looking for questions that anyone might have, and answers them =]
no, i dont think you can personalize it or write your own messages, its probably gonna be the same postcards we have now =]
the green glasses that mimo has was a free item from the past, so its not available now. they might bring it back, though!
an ebook is like a regular book, except you read it on your computer on adobe acrobat reader! =]
you cant get it for free, cuz mimo and the gang deserve to get paid for their hard work, and they're gonna use the money for some pretty exciting updates! ^_^
Hey! To Sparkling Ic
Q:where did u get da green glasses from mimo777???
A: Well the green glasses were a free item from about a year ago. But you never know if CP will bring them back.
19sparkle98 (CPG MODERATOR)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Hehehe! Im loving all the feedback for my new word! :D
You guys are so funny!
Yeah...I guess my brain is pretty clampie, but hey, thats just the way I am! :)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Me and Mega Dude1, one of my best buds, were sitting in my igloo!
Then I had a crazy and clappie idea!
Lets start a band!
We called it.....
We are the first penguin band to hit it BIG TIME!
We are hosting auditions for the following parts and each part has a cool name that we chose:
Heartthrob Lead Singer: TAKEN by MishMash215
Awesome Drummer: TAKEN by Mega Dude1
Fully Sick Guitarist: TAKEN by Survivor
Chilled Bass Player: Availible! Comment for Audition
Coolio Tube Player: Availible! Comment for Audition
Retro Violinist: Availible! Comment for Audition
Reggae maraca Player: Availible! Comment for Audition
We are having out 1st Audition at the following date:
July 6th, 5:00pm CPTZ!
Anyone is aloud to come, and we need to fill those 4 spaces up!
ok thats gonna be great thanks mimo
Mimo, do u play Runescape???
plz answer!!!!!
I am trying to search for Rockhopper for the fourth time coz I have nothin to do.
Still browsin through servers for the sea-lubber.
Hey all!
Kimberrlley1 here! I am back from my vacation :]. I was in florida! I had a grea time with all my friends, and im so happy im back now too! I bet many of you were wondring where i was lol ;]
Thanks guys &+ thanks mimo~
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderatro)"
wait so can you say anything you want or just send postcards?
hiya anonymous! you asked:
i have a question about the penguin mail can we get mail if we are in a different server than the sender?
yup! you could even send it to the person even if the are logged on! it is like an email adress!
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
Hi Everyone!
It's Kookywild here!
It's my birthday today! =D
Congrats to the CPG Moderators so far!
Keep up the good work!
hiya guys!
i think i'm gonna make my word since mishmash made up such randomly clampie word. =D and skylion has an awesomely coaly word. ;D
ok how about
say: ja lee p
means: joyful, gleeful, happy
place of origin: goofy73's brain in goofy73's house.
date of origin: July 6th 2008
you're friend goofy73
I know its late yet, HAPPY 4th OF JULY! Cannot wait for penguin mail!I want it now. :)
ps= i added you in my blogroll =)
Hey Kookywild!
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great one! :-)
Hey Kimberrlley!
YOUR BACK! Everyone missed you! Check the sidebar!!
yo mish! sounds like an AWESOME idea! well im not a member, so i can only tryout for the maraca part =] so can i try?
skylion(the girl) here
ive got another word
meaning : wierd odd doesnt get things
how to say it: fa lak e
orgin again... me and m friend
skylion(cpg mod)
Hey Jessssss!
Kimberrlley1 here! OMG yea im back, and more excited then ever! Im an OFFICIAL cpg moderator, and im so excited! Thanks so much everyone, and did mimo or other penguins pick us to be moderators?
Thanks jess &+ thanks mimo tooooo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG moderator)"
Hey Koolywild!
Kimberrlley1 here! You said it was your birthday!
Well happy birthday, an i hope its a good one! We should def meet on cp sometime :] What do you say?
Thanks all &+ thanks mimo also!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG moderator)"
Hey Mish!
Kimberrlley1 here! since i have been gone for two full weeks, i was wondering how you are doing? I hope your doing awesome, because you rock and everyone on cpg loves ya, haha :]
Thanks mish & + thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG moderator)"
Hey Goof!
Kimberrlley1 here! You said you made up a cool new word: Jaleep!
Awesome word goof, and keep thinking :] I LOVE the word haha!
Jaleep to you mishmsh!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG moderator)"
Hey there anonymous!
Kimberrlley1 here! You asked if you can send the penguin mail to a penguin in another server?
You sure can! You can even send it when they are logged off! :] How buggin' is that?!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo a bunchhhh!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG moderator)"
Hello everyone!
My name is catlova12 on cp. I was wondering if on the yellow sidebar to the right, if those CPG Moderators are permanent(cant be removed)
Hahaha cool! i like making up words. I'm like the most wierdest person in my family. I wanna make up a word!
Word: loowho
Definition: Random,wierd,funny,silly
Sentence:You a loowho. You know that?
Plz post! p.s i like hot dogs! lol
kim! hey, supp?
well anyway... lotsa penguins commented to mimo telling him who they though should be mods, but mimo and the gang made the final decision
To koolkat 212
Q:Hahaha cool! i like making up words. I'm like the most wierdest person in my family. I wanna make up a word!
Word: loowho
Definition: Random,wierd,funny,silly
Sentence:You a loowho. You know that?
Plz post! p.s i like hot dogs! lol
A:I know this isn't a question,but ha ha lol on ur defination.U should consider showing it to whoever publish words and stuff like that.lol!
Aqua131131(cpg moderator);)
Cool I cant wait for new mail to come! It will be awsumn!
Smoove Mimo!!! Yes! I have a RH story that I personally think it kinda cool and kinda creepy! Sooo I was in the Town and I decided to hide under the chat bar and say, "This is a Club Penguin Instant Alert! Rockhopper will now be entering the server, BLIZZARD (i was on blizzard) Thank you for listening to this Club Penguin Instant Alert!" Then I went to the snow forts to advertise, and he was actually there! See what I mean by cool/creepy?!? Again, CONGRATZ!!!!
Happy Rockhunting to other penguins to!~
Also do you read Twilight? DOES ANYBODY READ TWILIGHT!!!! If you do, Team Edward (that's me! I'm in luv with Edward!) or Team Jacob (:-P)Just post if you read Twilight! Can't wait for Breaking Dawn and then Edward's series Midnight Sun!!!!
My heart belomgs to Edward, tough luck Bella! lol!
Hey Kimberrlley!
Well, people voted by posting the moderator that they thought was the best in one of the comment pages. But Mimo and CPG were the ones who got to decide.
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
yah right
Hi Mimo. I want a ask u a question.
Well the mission 8 is easy accept for the puzzle part. So I can't finish it. Do u have any tip on completeing it? i really want to finish the rest of the mission.
thanks mimo
-ur #1 FAN-
To Anonymous
Q:Hi Mimo. I want a ask u a question.
Well the mission 8 is easy accept for the puzzle part. So I can't finish it. Do u have any tip on completeing it? i really want to finish the rest of the mission.
thanks mimo
-ur #1 FAN-
A:Sure!I'll help u.All u have 2 do is get the pipes together.Just click on two pieces for them to swap.Hope I helped u a bit.;)
Aqua131131(cpg moderator);)
Awesome Pen7 here
anonymous said ",Well the mission 8is easy accept for the puzzle part."
My answer is just keep trying. A tip is start from the end so you know where it ends. Get as far as you can from the end then go to the beginning and connect them.
Hope it helped,
Awesome Pen7(CPG Moderater)
hey anonymous, you asked "Well the mission 8 is easy accept for the puzzle part. So I can't finish it. Do u have any tip on completeing it? i really want to finish the rest of the mission."
well see the pipe on the top left and bottom right? you wanna connect em with the pipes in the middle, yeah? so click 2 pipes to swap them and try to make a path between the 2 pipes. the cool thing is that you can keep swappin over and over so much that if you have a needed piece on one side, you can swap it over the the opposite side. keep on trying, you'll get the hang of it! =]
good luck!
I can't wait!!!!
wow that is so cool
i cant wait!!
when is penguin mail going to come out?
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